The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 21, 1905, Image 1

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    tUte Historical Society
Loup City Northwestern
-- ■ --- - - - - -
Entered at the Loup City Postoffice lor trans
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - * R54
Residence ’Phone, - - G15
W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pnb.
Displat Spa-ob—Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices —Five cents per line for
each insertion Notices set in black face type
double the above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out w hen time is not specified.
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures, suppers, etc., where an admission fee is
charged, or a momentary interest involved,
five cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thanks. 50 cents.
Resolutions of respect and condolence $1.00,
In memoriain poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge,
society and club meetings and all public
gatherings where not conducted for revenue,
will be published free.
Professional Cards
Attorasj ana ComltMl-liw
Practices in all Courts
Loup Citv, Neb.
6 fi . # *. c riT
Bonded Abstracter
boci* City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
a. sTmainT
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence Connection.
Office, Over New Bank.
OFFICE: East Side Public Square.
Office up stairs m the new State
Bank building.
TliB St Elio Lifer? Bari
Is unijer a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt,
T. I-.Gilbert.Prop
Give Us a Trial
Hound Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props
Loup (Jit)*, - Nebr.
{Opposite Nro«t western Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers
Ilea 1 ti-.artcrs’inr funner*’ teams Com
nier 'ial rn jn*s trade given especial at
ji t * lion. Your patronage solicited.
* ---
Poland China Swine
Bred and Owned by
Telephone LOCI’ CIT1.
Connection NEBRASKA.
FOR SALE:—25 Choice Spring Boars
and one yearling boar, sired by Memo
Butler, 86885.
Republican State Ticket.
For Supreme Judge—
chas. B. Lkttom. of Fairbury.
For State Regents—
Fred Abbott, of Columbus,
W. L. Lyford, of Falls City.
County Ticket.
For Clerk of Courts—
Johh Mathewson.
For Treasurer—
Carsten Trdblsen.
For Sheriff—
L. A. Williams.
For Judge—
G. W. Hcnteh.
For Superintendent—
M. H. Mead.
Wonder ^Wown will not return a
full fledged democrat? It's only a step.
you know._
On another page m this week's
Northwestern will be fuuud an ex
tended report of the republican state
convention. It will pay every eader
to peruse it carefully.
We understand a petition is in cir
culation looking toward the putting up
of an independent candidate for one of
the principal county offices. Wouldn't
anv one signing such petition appear
well in future, were he to aspire for
office on any straight party ticket?
The populist state convention- is
understood to be held at Lincoln this
week. Bro. Brown left Tuesday to
attend it. if such convention be held,
though no one seems to know of any
such party convention. If the dying
reformers( ?) do meet, in the name of
high jehovah. what is there for them to
The Republican party in Sherman
county has been especi illy fortunate
this fall in its selection ot candidates
for the various offices within the gift of
the people. Not one named can be said
to belong to any cliune or faction, or
any favorite thereof In a most pleas
ing manner is this true of our candidate
for county treasurer, Carsten Truelsen
His nomination came by generous re
sponse from all over the county and
was well received by the convention
which made it unanimous Mr. Truel
sen is well equipped both in education
and natural ability for this most stren
uous office and if elected. «s lie surely
will be and by a handsome majority, the
people will have no regrets over Ins se
lection. rarsten Truelsen is a native of
Nebraska, having been born in Wash
ington county on the 11th of April. 1869
lie came to Sherman county with his
parents in 1874, when but a boy of five
years, making him a resident of this
county over thirty years, llis nomina
tion is a compliment to the sturdy Ger
man citizenship of Sherman county.
Tlie Republicans of Nebraska in state
convention assembled last week, took
advanced steps on several of the burn
ing questions of the day. In a con
vention, one of the most dramatic and
exciting ever held in the state, thev put
themselves on record as against the
pass evil, in favor of the direct primary
and for strict railroad rate legislation
Our populist friends have alread'
whistled long, loud and deep that the
republicans have stolen their thunder
and that the steps taken are only so
much mouthings and that in fact
nothing looking toward the accomplish
ment of the steps taken by the conven
tion will be accomplished. In saying
this the ropulists are judging by their
own talk along these lines, which has
amounted to not one step being taken
in this regard, beyond resolving in
conventions, etc Hut the republicans
of Nebraska aie made in a different
mould. Thev resolve and they execute.
The first steps have now been taken,
and they will live up to and carry into
effect their promises. The next legis
lature, the republican contingent, at
least, will carry forward the work
pi nned by the late convention and
laws will be enacted and enforced along
the lines stated. Since the convention.
Gov. Mickey, State Superintendent
WcBrien and Attorney General Brown
have surrendered tin ir railroad tr -ns
portation and stated unequivocally that
the will of the convention is law unto
thenuelves Undoubtedly tlw otho
state officers will follow suit, and those
who do not will be dealt with accord
ingly hv the p .rly which has placed its
stamp of disapproval on the pass evil, |
and the acceptance of those question- j
a’de favors from the railroads. The j
republican par y, unlike the populist
rebwmerd(V), means what it says
■■ ■■ —•
Banquet to T. S. Nightingale
A bsunjuet and farewell was given
ast Saturday night ;.t the St. Kim >
, o:el to Mr. P S. Nightingale, whose
departure for his future borne at Los
Angeles took t late this week Monday
morning. The occasion was given by
the associates of Mr** of the
egal bard this city. Some thin* in
vit-d guests were in attendance and the
'Vi nl was one long to be remembered
>v those in attendance. Attorney It. I
P. Starr was tousfm iste. , und the toast'
were responded to in must approprlati
md befitting words by Messrs. Robert
! iiathew. Editor Bro/.n, Jmlge Augier.
1 "ounty Attorney Pedl r and Senatoi
Aaron Wall, in the order named, and
most feeling response wa« made by Mr
vtglrir.gale. Those present were:
dess s. and Mesdaines R p spirr, J
* . Long \V. ft. Mel for, ,J. W. Burleigh,
lodge .\aron Wall. 11. M. Mathew. T >
\ighMnga:e. .1 S Poller .1 A ‘ n ■
ni K. A Brown; Vltssn-. i;. .1 N g i
/ I -. R il. Miioa*w anil W. J Ft-, e ;
: od Misses Beth Zimmerman. Fluri i c •.
| Vivian anil Zoe Nightingale. daughter'
if Mr. and 'Vs T. S. NiebtingcF. T'o
■ bVs were loaded with *ehotee j r »v
; I vi mh. the sentiment of the oct-c io
me of sorrow for the depar u j of the
estimable family and the choicest ex
uiessiiint? of regret from tie- speakeis
iml gu* sts assembled, over their re
noval to a distant chine. Mr. Night
ingale nnd family left Mond ty morning
for their future home in sunny Cali
fornia, accompanied by the best wishes
of their legion of friends in Loup City
and Sherman county. Mr Nightingale
has l>een a resident of Sherman countv
for the past twenty-eight years, and his
only reason for removal is in the hope
that his health, which has been failing
for a number of years, may be benefited
thereby The Northwestern, with
the entire population of Sherman coun
ty, will wish Mr. Nightingale and his
estimable family a happv. profitable
and pleasant home on the Pacific coast,
and the complete restoration to health
of Mr. Nightingale.
A Fortunate Accident.
Olias. DeMaranville of Aurora is
visiting his daughters, Mrs. Grace
McLaughlin and Mrs. Jessie Squires,
west of town. His lather, who is near
ly 80 years old, accompanied him. The
old gentleman met with a fortunate
accident last Saturday. While out
hunting with his son and in passing
over a catstep, the single tree snapped
in two, causing the horse to jump,
throwing the old gentleman from the
buggy and between the wheels, one of
which ran over his lace just above the
eyes, but outside of a few bruises on
the head did no perceptible harm. It
was a most fortunate accident, especial
ly when one considers his advanced age
lnsaue and Taken to Norfolk.
On the 8th instant, Sheriff Williams
was called to tie; south part of the
county, some four miles below- Rock
ville, to take charge of a young man
named Ernest Selimalljohn.who had be
come violently insane. Accompanied
by Wes McCombs, the sheriff went
down and secured the patient, not.
however, without some difficulty, took
him before the board ot insanity, and
the following day took him to Norfolk
Schmalljofrn bad caused his mother and
sisters to ilee from home a few days
previous and the neighborhood was
thoroughly alarmed. He was some 27
years of age.
- ■■ - ♦ -
Opening Days.
1 invite the ladies of Loup City and
vicinity to attend my opening on Sept.
27, 28 and 30th, of street and dress hats
The display of dress hats will be
especially fine. Remember every lady
visiting my store from now until tbe
close of the opening, Sept. 30ih, at 8
o’clock, will get- a number on the hat.
Remember the location, opposite the
St Elmo hotel. A. Anna Hi nt,
H. M. Botts’ Sale.
On Friday, Sept. 29th, I will sell on
the W. T. Draper farm, 7 miles west of
l.oup City, 20 choice, selected milch
cows, i have been selecting and grad
ing up iny herd for seven .years and
now offer a bunch of the choicest
butter-producing cows in the county at
your price. Several to be fresh this
tab. Also g7 calves and yearlings, ami
3 high-grade, dark red shorthorn bulls.
4 hmses; one go al driving team and
one mare and eolr. One cream‘sepa
rator. wagons, harues-, implements,
li useliol ! goods, e-c Everything sells..
positively and bv bidding.
Wm. IVnsF.i.L W F. Mason,
A net looter. Clerk
--^ -m- -
Those who are o*ing me accounts
will please arrange to settle during the
month of September, as 1 need all the
tnon^y due me to meet my obligations
Reap Yours,
P. O. Keep.
All persons indebted to us is re- j
quested to settle their accounts lie fore
Oct. 1st, as we must have money to pay
our fall hills. Respectfully.
Johnson & Lorentz
For Sale.
245 good, heavy feeders. If interest
ed, write O. & J. VanHorn, North
Loup, Nebr. . 45
Burlington Bulletin
Of Bound Trip Rates.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and re- j
turn, one way via California, $57.45, on
sale Sept. 14. 26, 27, 28
San Francisco and I .os Angeles and I
return, $27.45, on sale Sept. 26, 27, 28.1
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return. $57.45, on sale Oct. 17 to 21.
San Franeisco and Los Angeles and
return, one way via Portland. $63.95
on sale Oct. 17 to 21.
The Burlington will sell round trip
tickets to Omaha at $5.65. On sale
Oct. 2nd to 6th inclusive. Return
limit Oct. 9th,
R L. Aktiivk, Agent.
Notice of Guardian’s Sale
In District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska j
In the matter of tbe application of the Lan
caster Trust Company, guardian of the per
son and estate of Vernon Ellis, a minor, for j
leave to sell the real estate of said minor.
Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of
an order of the Honorable B O. Hostetler
Judge of the District Court of Sherman county.
Nebra ka, made on tue 20th day of June. ID ■•>.
for the sale of tbe real estate hereafter
described, there will be sold at public vendue
to tbe highest bidder for cash, at tbe south 1
door of ,he court house in Loup City in said
county, on the 27th day of September, !5Kfi, at j
the hour of one o'clock in th afternoon, the ,
following described real citato, situate in j
Sherman county. Nebraska, to-a it: The un
divided half interest of the said minor. Vernon j
E lis, in tue northwest quarter of section four j
(41 in township (Ik) north ol range !
fourteen (ID we-t of sixih principal meridian.
Said sale will remain open oue hour.
Dated this . ta day of September, 1905
l’Hli j . A Ji' ASXKit 1 BUST ( OMPAN.T,
Guardian of the Person aud Estate of Vernon
Ellis, a m uor.
By K J. Niuhtisoai.e. its attorney.
(Last pub. Sept. 21 i
Mfck m A A ■ ML SI . 'Vj yM flRflf
w | ■ V V -m
m t^W V
For Sale by T. H. Eisner
A. P. DeLyster
is SOLE AGE ST for
Load City Flour & Feefl Mills
Loop City, - Nebraska
Call ’Phone R23.
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
OF Loup ejTY.
Genera! Banking Business Transacted,
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans.
We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents. !
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
well unless it is properly framed. I
have just received some I
.. m ... IHi" :,i m '... ....™ " ...... . 'I
and am prepared to frame pictures to suit you. I No have
in stocis:
CVuno and get prices of my goods, before buying elsewhere.
I will use you right.
Art Goods
Pianos !
and I
Buy ;< Farm of
W. R. Mel lor
(Jail on T. M. REED for Buggies, Wagons,
and Agricultural Implements of all kinds.
Baking Demonstration
Ope Week-Sept. 25th to Sept. 30th, J905
We heartily invite our friends to call any day during the
> above mentioned week and we will demonstrate
the superior qualities of the
New Majestic Malleable and
Charcoal Iron Ranges
The MAJESTIC MALLEABLE and steel range as
formerly turned otii by the Majestic people has been considered
11.rousrh-’ut the entire obtritrv par-excellence, and far ahead of any
0 her range made. Bu. w: me NEW CHARCOAL I ON BODY
1 . place of biccl. making u double its value, and the fact that it is
t ig ot*lv rang** i > * xisteuee made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron,
•you can readily se» that if quality is considered, the Majestic leads
by a big margin. WE WANT YOU TO CALL at our store during
lh is week, and let us explain this new feature—CHARCOAL IRON
BODY; let us ex plain why it is the best material for range bodies,
a, (i incideu iy, v.b» n is not used on other’ranges. We want you
i • rail if yon inmi.u lo oi.y or to’, as the information grined will
s-tvc you in the future.
As long as they last, we propose t * give each prospective
pun-1 user a mat souvenir, something timi has not been offered
before. If you buy call early and get cum >■;' these souvenirs.
Come any day during this week arid have buttered hot
biscuits aud hot coffee. Biscuits baked on a Majestic in three
minutes while you wait.
Handsome Set of Ware--Free: With every range sold during this Demonstration
we will give absolutely FREE one set of Majestic ware worth every cent of $7.50. This ware will be on exhibition at
our store. Everything useful, ornaihental and durable. Come in and see it; and you will agree with us that it
cannot be bought for a cent less than $7.50, and it is cheap at that
R. B. HAYHUR8T, Roup City, Nebr,