The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 14, 1905, Image 2

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    Imp City Northwestern
J. W. IURLIMH, PvfcNtft**.
Science Is slowly getting a strangle
bold on the New Orleans mosquito.
Some people are so afraid of a boss
that they won’t enjoy a particle of lib
Mrs. Harry Lehr says she is "very
proud of her pet poodle.” But Harry
has her affections.
Genius does not live on glory. It
has an account at the corner grocery
just like the rest of us.
Another racing motorist has gone
through the fence, but there is no sigt
of stopping the foolishness.
Castro announces that he is “going
to fight the Yankees.” “Yankees”
must be a new kind of booze.
Jupiter will be surprised to learn
that several new moons have been dis
covered hanging around him lately.
Will the men who are to be expelled
from the Daughters of Liberty get
revenge by starting a rival organiza
A Boston spinster has written a
novel which she calls “Paradise.” It
contains many more male than female
A Philadelphia cow is giving pink
milk. She ought to be able to dis
pose of her entire output for Philadel
phia’s pink teas.
Venezuela is preparing for war, but
up to the hour of going to press has
not come to a decision as to the iden
tity of the enemy.
Sailors say the Gulf stream has nev
er before been as strong as it is at
present. Perhaps it has merely caught
the fever for fast going.
As soon as this cruel war is over
the work of rebuilding navies and
otherwise preparing for the next big
struggle will be commenced.
President Roosevelt occasionally
wears a suit of $4 clothes. And the
dudes doubtless think that he always
wears a shape of collar to match.
With prophetic insight the author
of the hymn beginning, "I would not
live alway; I ask not to stay,” must
have written it for the automobilists.
One would Judge by the headlines of
the papers that it is nearly as danger
ous to run an automobile as It is to
keep an empty shotgun about the
The empress dowager of China has
expressed a wish to see Secretary
Taft. And there is no doubt the sec
retary would measure up to her ex
American welcomes Russia’s new
parliament but it is hardly probr.ble
that Gosudarstvendad Douma will
ever become a household name ir the
United States.
An English burglar says thieves
who are always very superstitious,
will never rob a house in which a
cross-eyed servant is employed. Save
your cross-eyed servants.
A Philadelphia girl saved her fath
er’s life by catching a hot foul from
a baseball player’s bat. Thus we
see that there was at least one person
in Philadlephia who wasn’t asleep.
A Cleveland woman has been held
on a charge of manslaughter because
she ran over and killed a man with
her automobile. She, too, will be like
ly to decide that the age of chivalry
is past.
It is claimed by one of our modern
philosophers that no man can be hap
py while destroying his conscience.
Some people can do the destroying so
quickly that their unhappiness is of
silght duration.
Sultan Klran’s proposal to Miss
Roosevelt, it appears, was only a mat
ter of form. When an oriental poten
tate wishes to be especially polite to
a lady he throws in a proposal Just
as a delicate courtesy.
A Cincinnati judge has decided that
bowleggedness is too common to be
depended upon as a mark of identifica
tion. Its prevalence in Cincinnati is
caused, probably, by the constant
strain of walking up and down the
steep hills.
A contemporary prints the astound
ing information that “infernal ma
chines of a deadly character” were
sent to New York millionaires.
Strange that the would-be assassins
did not send infernal machines of a
harmless character.
Down in Arizona a judge is accused
of presiding over the court with his
feet on the desk. This compels attor
neys to address themselves to the
soles of two shoes, and also further
deprives them of a full-sized target in
the event of any disagreement with
the court.
Photographs of Baron Komura, the
principal Japanese envoy, show that
he wears a “pot hat” with a frock
coat. This debars him from the
circles of high diplomacy and reduces
him to the ranks of mere rustlers.
The London Spectator says it is “im
possible for the cleverest American
novelist to draw a recognizable Eng
lishman.” In this respect the cleverest
American novelist seems to labor un
der the same difficulty that weighs
upon the cleverest English novelist
when he endeavors to draw an Amer
A woman who was worth $100,000
died alone and friendless the other day
in a New York hovel. Happy woman.
The fear of ending her days in the
poorhouse will never assail her again.
Two Quaint inzr-vrtiona That Gave
Strong Testimony.
I was a visitor to the West cemetery
In Litchfield a few days ago (where
my bones will ultimately rest, unless
I am uafortunately drowned at sea),
and after inspecting the tombstones
of ancestors I was interested in read
ing the inscriptions on some others,
to-wit: Here lies the body of Mary,
wife of Dr. John Buel, Esq. She died
Nov. 4th, 1768, aet. 94, having had 13
children, 101 grandchildren, 274 great
grandchildren, 22 great-great-grand
children—total 410; 336 survive her.”
Another: “Sacred to the memory of
Inestimable worth of Unrivalled Ex
cellence & Virtue. Mrs. Rachel, wife
of Jerome B. Woodruff, daughter of
Norman & Lois Barber, whose etherial
parts became a seraph May 24, 1835,
in the 22 y’r of her age.”—Correspond
ence Hartford Courant.
' 1 --~4T- ~
Hindu Customs.
It is in order that sons may perform
the father’s funeral ceremonies each
year that it is ordained that the son
shall inherit the father’s property. It
is a rule of our faith that by the son’s
performance of such acts the father
obtains heaven. For this reason, if
he has no male child, the father will
adopt a boy in order that, after his
own death, his funeral ceremonies
may be performed by the adopted son.
—Mysore Standard, Bangalore.
A Cure for Stomach Trouble—A New
Method by Absorption—No Drugs.
DO YOU BELCH? It means a dis
eased stomach. Are you afflicted witl
short breath, gas, sour eructations,
heart pains, indigestion, dyspepsia,
burning pains and lead weight in pit of
stomach, acid stomach, distended abdo
men, dizziness, BAD BREATH, or any
other stomach torture? Let us send
you a box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers
free to convince you that it cures.
Nothing else like it known. It's sure
and very pleasant. Cures by absorption.
Uarmless. No drugs. Stomach trouble
jau't be cured otherwise—so says med
ical science. Drugs won't do—they eat
«p the stomach and make you worse.
We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers
jure and we want you to know it, hence
this offer.
SPECIAL OFFER. — The regular
price of Mull’s Anti-Belch Wafers is 50c.
a box. but to introduce it to thousands
of sufferers we will send two (2) boxes
upon receipt of 75c. and this advertise
ment, or we will send yoa a sample free
for this coupon.
Send this coupon with your name
and address and druggist's name who
does NOT sell it, for a free box of
Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers to Mull's
Grape Tonic Co., 148 Third Ave.,
Rock Island, 111. Give full address
and write plainly.
Sold at all druggists, 50c. per box.
Dying, Thought of Reputation.
Sergeant Weir of the Scats Grays,
as paymaster of his troop, was exempt
from active service at the battle of
Waterloo, in which he nevertheless
fought and fell. When the field was
searched for the dead and wounded,
Corporal Scot of the same regiment
found the body of Sergeant Weir with
his name written in blood with his
dying hand upon his forehead. Thl3,
explained the corporal, was obviously
done in order that the sergeant's body
might be found and identified, and
that thereby all suspicion of his hav
ing absconded with the money of his
troop might be averted.
College Don’s Mistake.
Jewet enjoyed the company of the
pretty women whom he invited to
Balliol, but I never heard of his be
ing in love. One day a young lady
told him it would make her so happy
if he would marry her. Upon which
he assured her that he was much
touched by her proposal, but that he
could not entertain it, as he had long
given up all thoughts of matrimony.
She hastened to explain that she was
engaged to some one else, and that
she had only ventured to ask him to
perform the ceremony.—Levenson
Gower’s “Bygone Years.’’
Sure Cure at Last
Monticello, Miss., Sept. 4 (Special)
—Lawrence County is almost daily In
receipt of fresh evidence that a sure
cure for all Kidney Troubles has at
last been found, and that cure is
Dodd’s Kidney Pills.
Among those who have reason to
bless the Great American Kidney Rem
edy is Mrs. L. E. Baggett of this place.
Mrs. Baggett had dropsy. Dodd’s Kid
ney Pills cured her.
“I was troubled with my kidneys,’’
Mrs. Baggett says In recommending
Dodd’s Kidney Pills to her friends,
“my urine would hardly pass. The
Doctors said I had Dropsy. I have
taken Dodd’s Kidney Pills as directed
and am now a well woman.”
Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure the kid
neys. Cured Kidneys strain all the
Impurities out of the blood. That
means pure blood and a sound, ener
getic body. Dodd’s Kidney pills are
the greatest tonic the world has ever
Rural Postman in France.
Inhabitants of the rural districts of
France may now obtain from the post
men on their rounds postal orders,
etc., and may hand them money for
deposit in the savings banks, thus
avoiding the trouble of going to the
nearest postofflce for these purposes.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, dis
covered a pleasant herb remedy for women’s
ills, called AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is the
only certain monthly regulator. Cures
female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and
Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by
mail 60 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Address,
The Mother Gray Co., LeKoy, N. Y.
Typhoid Hard to Control.
PripceJy fortunes have been spent
in an effort to check the ravages of
typhoid without satisfactory results:
science has labored unceasingly, but
In vain, to discover a serum which
would alleviate the conditions which
have depopulated communities and
swept thousands to untimely graves.
A gentleman cf Yorkshire, England,
is ready to make affidavit that whi’e
he was sitting by the river Leven a
pike jumped from the water, bit him
severly on the foot and jumped hack
Open Air Exercise and Companionship
Will Do It.
The habit of blushing is almost in
variably a cause cf great annoyance to
its possessors. Very frequently it se
riously hampers them in the ordinary
affairs of life, for blushing is accom
panied by confusion of mind, nervous
ness and hesitancy. The two main
points in the treatment of shyness,
which is the great cause of blushing,
are, first, open-air exercise, and, sec
ond, the society of others. Open-air
exercise is good for all morbi ddisor
jers, such as excessive shyness, hhile
the social life makes for self-control
and that savoir faire we all seek to
attain; for the latter enables us to go
through life without betraying awk
wardness and timidity. Abnormally
sensitive people may find the cure a
lengthy one, but if they nreserv^re the
very mental effort which is put forth
to accomplish the remedy will aid
them in acquiring control over their
tell-tale blushes.—New Orleans Times
Found in Smoke Wat^p.
A scientist finds in smoke water in
a vaporous state, soot or free carbon,
carbonic acid, carbonic oxide and oily
nicotine in which are found acetic,
formic, butyric, valeric and propionic
acids, prussic acid, creosote and car
bolic acid, ammonia, sulphuretted hyd
rogen, pyridine, viridine, picoline, luti
dine, collodine, parvoline, coridine and
rubedene. ‘
Would Crack Open and Scab Causing
Terrible Itching—Cured by
“Our baby had a yellow crust on his
head which I could not keep away.
When I thought I had succeeded in
getting his head clear, It would start
again by the crown of his head, crack
and scale, and cause terrible itching.
I then got Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment, washing the scalp with the soap
and then applying the Ointment. A
few treatments made a complete cure.
I have advised a number of mothers
to use Cuticura, when I have been
asked about the same ailment of their
babies. Mrs. John Boyce, Pine Bush,
N. Y." _
Banker’s Hunt for Chickens Met with
Much Success.
A banker in a western city bought
some chickens of a ranchman and
told the man to deliver them at his
house. When be went home at noon
his wife met him at the door and told
him with great consternation that tho
man brought the chickens, he had
promised, but instead of putting them
in the henhouse, had left them on the
lawn, and they had all disappeared.
Forgetting his dinner, he started
off in no very amiable frame of mind
in pursuit of the missing fowls. After
scouring the neighboring alleys for
some time, he came back triumphant
ly driving the lost chicks.
When in a few days he met the of
fending ranchman, he demanded, se
verely: “What did you mean by leav
ing those chickens on my lawn the
other day? I hunted the neighbor
hood over for them and then could find
only eleven!”
“You did mighty well,” was the mild
reply. “I only left six.”—Grace M.
Crawford in Harper’s.
Benjamin Franklin’s Illustration of
Sound Business Policy.
The good policy of letting riches fly
to bring more back is quaintly illus
trated by Benjamin Franklm, while
postmaster general,1 in telling of the
American postofflce as it was before
the revolution. In his inimitable way
he says:
“The American office never had
hitherto paid anything to that of
Great Britain. We were to have
$3,000 a year if we could make that
sum out of the profits of the office. To
do this a variety of improvements
were necessary. Some of these were
Inevitably at first expensive, so that
in the first four years the office be
came about $4,500 in debt to us. But
It soon began to repay us and before
I was displaced by a freak of the min
isters we had brought it to yield three
times as much clear revenue to the
crown as the postofflce of Ireland.”
A Tussle with Coffee.
There is something fairly demoni
acal in the way coffee sometimes
wreaks its fiendish malice on those
who use it.
A lady writing from Calif, says: —
“My husband and I, both lovers of
eoffee, suffered for some time from a
very annoying form of nervousness,
accompanied by most frightful head
aches. In my own case there was
eventually developed some sort of af
fection of the nerves leading from the
spine to the head, f
”1 was unable to nokl my ncaa up
straight, the tension of the nerves
drew it to one side, causing me the
most intense pain. We got no relief
from medicine, and were puzzled as
to what caused the trouble, until a
friend suggested that possibly the cof
fee we drank had something to do
with it, and advised that we quit it
and try Postum Coffee.
“We followed his advice, and from
the day that we began to use Postum
we both began to improve, and in
a very short time both of us were
entirely relieved. The nerves became
steady once more, the headaches
ceased, the muscles in the back of my
neck relaxed, my head straightened
up and the dreadful pain that had so
punished me while I used the old kind
of coffee vanished.
“We have never resumed the use of
the old coffee, bnt relish our Postum
every day as well as we did the
former beverage. And we are de
lighted to find that we can give it
freely to our children also, something
we never dared to do with the old
kind of coffee.’’ Name given by Pos
tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Postum Coffee contains absolutely
no drugs of any kind, but relieves the
coffew drinker from the old drug
1 There's a reason.
Vermont’s one state holiday, Ben
nington battle day, which falls on Aug.
16, was this year marked by the gath
ering in Burlington of more distin
guished men than have for some years
been assembled in the Green Moun
tain state. On that day there was ded
icated on the farm at one time owned
by Gen. Ethan Allen of revolutionary
fame a tower in memory of the hero
of Ticonderoga.
Ethan Allen Hitchcock, secretary of
the interior and a lineal descendant of
Ethan Allen was present as the official
representative of President Roosevelt,
and other prominent men in attend
ance were Vice President Fairbanks,
Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, As
sistant Secretary of the Navy Darling,
United States Senator Redfield Proc
tor, formerly United States Senator G.
F. Edmunds, Govs. Bell of Vermont
and "McLane of New Hampshire, and
James D. Hancock, president general
of the National Society, Sons of the
American Revolution.
Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, wife of
the Vice President, represented the
National Society, Daughters of the
American Revolution, of which she is
a past president, and prominent Ver
monters from all parts of the state
swelled the attendance.
The rarm on which the tower has
been erected contains about 300 acres
and is located within the limits of the
city of Burlington, about three miles
from the City Hall. Before the time
of the revolution it was owned by a
stanch Tory, who on account of his
disloyalty to the then embryo state of
Vermont was forced to leave the coun
try. His estate was subsequently con
fiscated by the state of Vermont and
the property turned over to the land
commissioner of the state. By him it
was sold to Gen. Ethan Allen, and he
was living upon it at the time of his
death in February, 1789. The farm
then became the property of Gov. Van
Ness and was known as the Van Ness
farm for half a century.
In 1902 the farm was purchased by
Mayor W. J. Van Patten of Burlington,
who tendered to the Vermont Society,
Sons of the American Revolution, a
rocky ridge known as "Indian rock,”
rising some 300 feet above the rest of
the farm, with about 15 acres of ad
joining land, upon condition that an
observation tow'er of stone should be
erected on the rock, as a memorial to
the Vermont hero and patriot.
The society accepted the offer and
raised the needed funds among its
members. It is a massive structure,
24 feet square at the base and 40 feet
in height, and will remind traveled
visitors of the monument to Sir Wil
liam Wallace, the Scottish patriot, on
Abbey Craig, at Sterling. Scotland.
The tower commands a wide pano
rama, comprising the full sweep of the
Adirondacks; I^ike Champlain from
Cumberland Head on the north to the
Four Brothers and Juniper islands and
Split Rock mountain on the south; the
valley of the Winooski, winding
through fertile intervales, and the
Green mountain range on the east,
presenting views of unsurpassed
beauty toward every point of the com
pass. (The tower will be a conspicuous
object from the lake and all the sur
rounding region.
The name Indian Rock has been giv
en to the spot by reason of the legend,
which is said to be well established,
that it was the point of outlook for the
Indians for long ages before the white
man came to this country. The nat
ural picturesqueness of the location is
enhanced by the rugged rocks which
comprise the bluff, and which give a
wildness to the whole scene which one
would hafdly expect to find so near
the city.
The date selected for the dedication
of the tower was the 128th anniversary
of the battle of Bennington. The cere
monies comprised an imposing mili
tary parade, consisting of a larger
body of regular cavalry, artillery and
infantry than has been seen in Ver
mont by any one now living, and the
National Guard of Vermont, composed
of 12 companies; an oration by Vice
President Fairbanks; a poem written
for the occasion by Vermont's gifted
poet, Mrs. Julia C. R. Dorr, an histor
ical address by the Hon. Robert D.
Benedict of New York, presentation of
the land by W. J. Van Patten, presen
tation of the tower by former Gov. U.
A. Woodbury, chairman of the build
ing committee; presentation of flags
by Miss Mary Roberts, regent of the
Society of the Daughters of the Revo
lution; acceptance by Dr. H. D. Hol
ton, president of the Vermont Society,
Sons of the Revolution; salute by a
United States battery; congratulations
by Secretary Hitchcock, representing
President Roosevelt; by Gov. Bell,
representing Vermont; by Congress
man D. J. Foster, representing Bur
lington; by President-General James
D. Hancock, representing the national
Society, Sons of the Revolution, and
by Gov. McLane, representing New
Hampshire; music by several bands
and vocal selections.
The state of Vermont has many
times paid tribute to the memory of
Ethan Allen, one of the most marked
official acts being the erection of a
monument over his grave in Green
Mountain cemetery in this city. The
Legislature of 1855 appropriated
money for the purpose.
The base of the pedestal is eight
feet square on the ground, and con
sists of two steps of granite, on which
rests a die of solid granite six feet
square, in the four faces of which are
set panels of white marble bearing
several inscriptions which pay tribute
to Allen's valor. Above the pedestal
rises a tuscan shaft of granite 4 feet
in diameter and 12 feet in height.
Upon its capital, on a base bearing
the word Ticonderoga, stands a heroic
statue of Allen, 8 feet 4 inches high,
modeled by Peter Stephenson, a Bos
ton sculptor, now deceased, and cut
in Italy. The monument is protected
by a fence of original design, the cor
ner posts of which are iron cannon
and the pales muskets, with bayonets,
resting on a base of cut granite.
The statue was paid for by private
subscription, and was unveiled July 4,
1873. The hero is represented as de
manding the surrender of Fort Ticon
deroga on the morning of May 1«
Another marble statue of Allet
stands at the entrance to the state
capitol in Montpelier. Ten years age
Green Mountain chapter, Daughters ol
the American Revolution, placed a me
morial tablet of bronze on a bowlder
at the base of Indian rock, on which
is located the tower which is to be ded
icated next Wednesday. The tablet
bears this inscription:
"This farm became the home of Gen
Ethan Allen, A. D. 1787, and near this
spot he died Feb. 12, 1789. Erected bj
Green Mountain chapter, Daughters ol
American Revolution, A. D. 1895.”
Chance for Inventors.
If you have a little device, all your
own and effective, for protecting your
eyes from rain while automobiling
there is in France a man who will
look it over and sent you in October,
if he finds it the best of its kind, a
medal, or rather, a considerable sum
of money. From dust and dirt and
flies and sun there are now available
fairly satisfactory protectors, but the
rain that beats into your eyes when
you have nothing over them makes
seeing when driving a pretty difficult
matter. And glasses become regular
water spouts in a good downpour,
through which it is impossible to see
what is going on, and when it is rain
ing hard there is likely to be very
much going on. So, if in your own
ingenious way, you have solved the
problem let the Due de Valencay into
the secret and leave it to him to see
that automobilists everywhere are put
in possession of it.—Boston Trans
How Col. Morrison Kept Cool.#.
Col. William Morrison and his wife
were once staying at a hotel, when in
the night they were aroused from
their slumbers by the cry that the
hotel was afire..
“Now, my dear,” said the colonel,
“I will put into practice what I have
always preached. Put on all your in
dispensable apparel, and keep cool.
Then he slipped his watch into his
vest pocket and walked with his wife
out of the hotel.
When all the danger wa« past he
said: "Now, you see how necessary
it is to keep cool.”
Mrs. Morrison for the first time
glanced at her husband.
“Yes, William,” she said, “it is a
grand thing, but if I were you I
would have put on my trousers.”
Much Benefit in Reform Spelling
Millions of Dollars and an Im
mense Amount of Time Could
Bs Saved by Common Sense
Method of Writing.
Reform spelling would save the
English speaking world more than
$100,000,000 annually, say the scien
tific orthographers, if it were to be
substituted for the traditional way of
putting letters together. More than
four billion written communications
pass through the mails in a single
year, and one-sixth of all this work
is superfluous, because reform spell
ing would do away with it. A child
in the public school has to spend two
years before it can get the hang of
our present irregular spelling, and, not
counting the time lost, this is an ex
pense of several million dollars in
teachers’ salaries, and it is an obstacle
for the immigrants who settle here
to learn the language.
The average time allotted to spell
_ __ - - _ ____—
ing, reading and dictating in the
school is 32.2 per cent of the time de
voted to general instruction. A child
attending school for eight years ex
pends 2,320 school hours in these ex
ercises. At least 720 hours devoted
exclusively to spelling could be done
away with entirely in the school life
of a child if reform spelling were in
troduced. 'The saving would be enor
mous. The current spelling of Eng
lish contains too many superfluous
and misleading letters, which greatly
increase the cost of reading and writ
ing and printing. The removal of the
silent “e’s” would save 4 per cent ol
all the letters on a common printed
page, and the removal of one conson
ant of each pair of duplicated con
sonants would save 1.6 per cent. In
the New Testament, printed in reiorm
orthography, one hundred letters and
spaces are represented by eighty
three. As far as printing and paper
goes, a $6 book could sell for $5.
■ —- —-■ — ^ ^_I
Secrets of the Indian Trail.
The Indian trail has immense value
In the wilderness. It may be the
thread on which a man’s life hangs
—throughout vast stretches of the
North It was the only line of com
munication. No one man laid out
these primitive paths. They are the
result of the joint judgment of genera
tions of men. They are a product of
centuries of travel by the red men,
who camped in the trackless wilder
ness many days in order that the
trail should go right. These trails
crossed the range at just the proper
point. The white hunter sees this; the
engineer follows the hunter, and the
palace car rolls after. The white
man’s trail is laid by the compass.
The Indian laid his trail by the con
junction of the stars and the moun
tain peaks. It approaches a hillside
with caution and follows a lakeside
with leisure. There is no mark of the
ax on such a trail. It is never direct,
but always indirect. It alarms noth
ing—it woos every wild thing. It
seems to love grass and water—it
lingers by the side of sunlit streams
and keeps close to the ripple of
waves on the beeches of woodland
lakes. All that nature has she shows
to him who follows the Indian trail.
She hides her choicest things from
the railroad, the turnpike and the
lane; to tread the trail is to be made
reterend of nature.—From the Na
tional Magazine.
Sketch of Baron Komura.
Baron Komura is a diplomat of the
purely Oriental type, suave and un
readable. In appearance he is small,
black-eyed and slender. His counte
nance is wrinkled like old parchment,
his jaw pointed and firmly set, and his
moustache black, scanty and stiff. His
bristly hair is streaked with gray. He
is well versed in diplomatic usages
and especially with the effective round
about diplomacy characteristic of the
Russians.—New York World.
Japanese Honor Slain Soldiers.
At the Shokonsha festival, which is
held in Japan every May, the names
of all soldiers who fell in battle *be
previously year are officially printed.
The soldiers who succumb to disease
are not thus honored.
Street Gamin Understood.
There are many touches of nature
which make “the whole world kin.”
That the little street gamin is con
scious of the same weakness that in
fluence some presumably wiser people
is shown by an anecdote told by a
contributor to The Atlantic.
It was early autumn, and I wajs go
ing through a city street, carrying a
large and beautifully colored branch
of leaves. A small, dirty street boy
stopped me with:
“Oh, give me one!” The look on
the little chap’s face was unmistak
ably appreciative.
I picked out the very smallest leaf,
feeling exceedingly shabby all the
time, and gave it to the boy.
“I know I’m terribly stingy,” I said
“Never mind,” replied the little fel
low in a big, masculine sort of a way
“I know just how you feel.”
Aid to Stamp Collectors.
Stamp collectors will profit by the
separation of Norway from Sweden
All the stamps that Bear the portrait
of King Oscar ceased to be valid on
July 30
Did Not Disappear Until the Blood
Was Renewed by Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills.
Typhoid fever is sometimes called ner
♦oas fever. Daring the course of the
fever the nerves are always profoundly
disturbed, and wheu it is over they are
left so sensitive that the patient has to
be guarded against all excitement. In the
tonic treatment then demanded, regard
must be paid not only to building up flesh
but also to strengthening the nerves. A
remedy that will do both, make sound
flesh to repair waste and give new vigor
to feeble nerves, is the most convenient
and economical. Such a remedy is Dr.
Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People.
One proof of this is the experience of
Mr. Charles Worth, of East Vassal boro,
Maine. He says: “ I had a severe at
tack of typhoid fever late in the fall
which left me very weak aud debilitated.
My heart palpitated, my breathing be
came difficult after the least exertion and
there was numbness in both hands. I
Buffered in that way for fully six months.
As I did not grow out of it, did uot in
fact see the slightest improvement as
time passed, I decided to use Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills as I knew of some cure*
they had effected in cases like mine.
‘‘Almost as soon as I began taking
them I could see decided improvement
and after keeping ou with them for
several weeks I was completely well. I
consider Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a most
valuable remedy, and I am in the habit
of recommending them toothers afflicted
as I was.”
When the nerves ache and trem
ble it means that they are starving. The
only way to feed them is through the
blood, and the best food is Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills. They are absolutely guaran
teed to be free from opiates or other harm
ful drugs. They are sold by all drug
gists. or may be obtained directly from
the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Scheueo
lody, N. Y.
First English Guineas.
The guinea was first coined in
Charles IPs reign, together with the
five-guinea, two-guinea, and half
guinea pieces, and came to be so call
ed because many of the new coins
were minted from gold brought from
Guinea by the company of Royal Ad
venturers of England trading into
Africa. The royal order to the mint
added that these pieces were to be
marked “with a little elephant in such
convenient place as you shall judge
fitting, which we intend as a marke of
distinction and an encouragement
unto the said company in the import
ing of gold and silver to be coined.”
A large Minneapolis manufacturing
concern, The Pillsbury Co., are em
ploying a unique method in advertis
ing their product, “Pillsbury’s Vitos.
The Meat of the Wheat,” in appealing
to the “Common Sense” of the Amer
ican public.
Their assertions are modest as com
pared to most of the cereal food ad
vertisements of the last few years,
but they carry a ring of truth. Their
reasoning is certainly rational; here
is some of it;
"We all believe that Wheat is the
best cereal the Creator has given
Pillsbury’s Vitos is nothing more
nor less than the white heart of this
wheat kernel, cut out by steel ma
chinery, and sterilized—nothing add
ed—nothing taken away—no adultera
tion—no flavoring—no coloring—no
This product comes to your table
in its pure, white, granular form, an
appetizing dish for young and old.
Easily digested because it retains
its granular form when cooked, never
lumpy or pasty.
A two-pound package makes twelve
pounds of pure white cooked food,
and Pillsbury quality too. Two gen
erous dishes for one cent. ,
We have no competitors because
we are the largest millers in the
world and get the best wheat. Your
grocer will gladly fill your order for
Pillsbury’s Vitos because he knows
he sells you satisfaction. Vitos is put
up only in two pound packages—air
tight. Price 15c. Don’t be without
Cheese and cottage complicate life
if your digestion is weak and your de
sire urban. So poverty is a less sim
ple state than the possession of an in
come, because you are forced, if not
into envy—the chief deficiency from
simplicity—into a struggle with unes
sential details, with the effort to get
hold of something which is of no mat
ter.—London Outlook.
The poet Dryden is said to have in
vented the word "witticism.”
It Cures Colds. Coughs. Sore Throat, Croup.
Influenza, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis and
Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first
stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use
at once. You will see the excellent effect aftet
taking the first dose. Sold by dealers every
where. Large bottle* 25 cents and 50 cents.
If you have cream to separate a good
Cream Separator is the most profitable in
vestment you can possibly make. Delay
means daily waste of
time, labor and product.
$10.- per cow per year
e every year of use over all
f gravity setting systems
and $5.- per cow over
all imitating separators.
They received the Grand
Prize or Highest Award
at St. Louis.
% m m m
oujru-ig uaany uasn-m-auvance Bepa
rators is penny wise, dollar foolish.
Such machines quickly lose their cost
instead of saving it.
If you haven’t the ready
DE LAVAL machines may be bought
on suoh liberal terms that they actually
pay for themselves.
Send today for new catalogue and
name of nearest local agent.
The De Laval Separator Co.
■ssSolph 4 Casst su. , 74 Cartlaadt Str*«t
Chicago I new York