The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 14, 1905, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
• ' ’MB *. .
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Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - R54
Residence ’Phone, - - G15
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub.
Displat Space-Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices—Five cents per line for
each insertion. Notices set in black face type
double tbe above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out when time is not specified.
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee Is
charged, or a 'momentary interest involved,
five cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thanks. SO cents.
Resolutions of respect and condolence §1.00,
In memoriam poetry, five cents a line,
Announcements of church services, lodge,
society and club meetings and all public
gatherings where not conducted for revenue,
will be published free.
Professional Cards
R. J. nightingaQ;
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
•ii. n..!/ i:.i it
Bonded Abstracter
m Lour City, - Nebraska.
(July set of Abstract booksiu county
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection.
Office, Over New Bank
OFFICE: East Side Public Square.
Office up stairs in the new State
Bank building.
A-nd the Public!
Tie St. Elmo Livery Bara
Js under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to sav, sav it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt,
T. E. Gilbert, Prop.
Cri^e Us a Trial
Round f ront Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noit> western Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers
Headquarters ior farmers’ teams Litn
mereia! men’s trade given especial at*
tH >tion. Your patronage solicited.
Poland China Swine
Bred and Owned by
Telephone LOUP CITY,
Connection NEBR ASK A.
FOR SALE:—2J Choice Spring Boars
and one yearling boar, sired by Memo
Butler, M885.
The Japanese battle ship Mikasa, the
pride of the Jap navy, was destroyed
by fire Tuesday and nearly six hundred
lives are supposed to have been lost.
The democrats and populists of
Hamilton county met at Aurora last
Saturday and put up a county ticket
which was practically all democratic.
Thus one by oue the populists are being
swallowed by the democrats.
An Indiana editor printed the fol
lowing: “The fellow who is courting
a certain married woman had better
leave town, as the husband is onto him/'
The paper had not been out very long
before every man in town had left ex
cept three old cripp’es and a man who
had not read the paper.
The state fair of last week, with the
Republican state convention following
so closely on its heels, and both claim
ing the attention of the editor, causes
us to let the political situation take
care of itself this week, so far as we are
concerned. However, the political pot
is rapidly reaching the boiling point
and we shall take pleasure after this
week in keeping our readers posted as
the battle progresses.
In spite of the most unfavorable
weather during State Fair week, the
attendance was nearly up to that of
last year, and the receipts, taking in
the concessions, which was nearly a
thousand dollars more than the preced
ing year, will swell the total so that in
all the receipts will not fall much
below those of last year. The attend
ance on Thursday, the big day of this
year, was some two thousand in excess
of thu best day of last year, Tuesday.
The greatest attraction tbe Fair has
ever had was the pacing mare, **Cute,,‘
that«made a mile on th^ track without
driver or sulky in 8:15$£. She was
simply a wonder. All in all, the Fair
this year was a proud success and
President Mellor wears one of bis most
expansive smiles over it all.
A most exciting runaway occured on
our streets last Saturday evening about
8 o'clock It seems that Steve Fran
chowiski, a Polander living a few miles
east of town, had started home with a
four horse team and load of lumber,
when the wagon broke in two, leaving
the man and lumber on the street while
the horses with the front wheels made
a run up main street At the south
west corner of the square, the animals
ran plump into Jim Conger’s dray team
which was waiting for passengers for
tne park, the six horses piling into one
mixed up mass of kicking, scrambling
equines. Bystanders finally succeeded
in separating the horses, when it was
found no harm had been done save to
one of the Polander s horses, which had
it’s right side punctured by the wagon
tongue and was thought to be hurt
fatally. Dr. Long had the injured
animal taken to Miner's livery’ stable,
despite the protests of the boozy owner,
who insisted on taking the horse home,;
and -T. S. Casada bandaged the horse1
and made it as comfortable as possible, j
though little hope was held that the
animal would live, which it did, how- i
ever, and was taken home by the owner j
on Monday Although the excitement
ran pretty high for a time, and the
Polander was arrested for being too
breezy, he was let go by the marshal on
the protestations of his friends, whi
promised to answer for his behavior,
and the dove of pe;»ce again hovered
over the village.
Ashton News.
Mrs. Theo. Ojendyk is on the sick
list this wreek.
Our genial binker. I. M. Pol ski, left
for Duluth, Minn., Monday, where he
| will visit relatives for aoout six wreeki.
Another big car loul of machinery
arrived for Tlios. Jamrog, this week.
Mr. Jamrog says he cannot get goods
fast enough to supply the demand.
Emil Ojen Irk spent Sunday w ith hi*
parents. He is attending the St. Paul
business college
.John wascneiewsKi. lornieriy of
Ashton, died at Omaha, Tuesday, Sept.
12th. of typnoid fever.
The Kalkowski-Pa wo'owski wedding j
toot place at St. Francis Catholic!
church Monday ;;t 10 o'clock a. in j
After the ceremony the guests as-1
seiiib ed at the home of the bride's j
parents, where a fine dinner was served
t he bride and groom aie well and
fivoiaV.y known in this <ommuiity i
and we join with their many I r en's \
in wishing them health happiness and
ui o« perity.
What is the matter with our raid !
* |
ov rse<rs? It is disputing lo s e t te i
; m -er.ib'.e eo.iditio i of o«ir ro ds am! i
J somethin; should be done at once or
the county may have a nir*- law suit on
its hands should anyone gjt hurt.
Tlieo. Ojendyk went to Lincoln last
Wednesday to attend the Republican
state c myenlion.
The Ashton Pharmacy received a
large supply of school supplies and
druggist’s sundries, which makes a nice
display in their windows.
Mr. Bloomer, Sr., is on the sick list
this week.
Ashton needs a good harness maker.
One who is a Ihusican, preferred.
Cal Schaupp is erecting a large ice
bouse, which he will fill with ice to
supply the town trade next summer.
/ 1
Public Auction
As I have decided to sell my farm
and moye away, I will offer the follow
ing described property for sale at my
farm, two miles north and west of
Loup City on the Arcadia road. Tues
day Sert. 19th, 1905; if dav is stormy,
sale to be postponed till following day.
Commencing at 10 o’clock a. m., the
following property to-wit; ninety-three
head of cattle, three head of horses,
farm machinery, 150 tons of alfalfa
hay in stack and other articles too
numerous to mention. Free lunch at
Terms of Sale: On all sums over $10
a credit of eight months will be given
by purchaser giving bankable note
bearing 10 per cent interest from date
of sale. A discount of 2 j>er cent for
cash. Ed. Wakenigiit, Owner
J. T IIale, Auctioneer.
C. \V. Fletcher. Clerk
I will sell at public auction on my
old farm six miles south of Loup City
on Tuesday. Sept. 2d, 1905 commenc
ing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following
property to-wit: Eighty head of
cattle, as follows: Id heifer calves.
13 steer calves. 11 yearling steers,
14 3'earling heifers, one 2-year-old
Shorthorn bull, and 25 head of milch
cows. Eighty head of shoats, three
dozen chickens, five head of horses
and colts, one mare with foal. 7 3-ears
old: one mare with foal 10 years old:
one horse and two 3-earling colts.
Farm machinery, etc, consisting of
one feed grinder, one lister, one go
devil. one mower, one hay sweep, one
wagon, one hay rack, one cultivator,
one pulverizer, three sets work
harness, one set of single harness, one
walking plow, and other articles too
numerous to mention. Free lunch at
noon. Terms of sale: On all sums of
$10 and over, a credit of twelve
months will be given by purchaser
giving note with approved security,
drawing 10 per cent interest. Five
per cent off for cash. All sums under
$10 cash. Samuel Paddow, Owner.
J. S. Pedlek, Clerk.
J. T. Hale. Auctioneer.
Burlington Bulletin
Of Round Trip Rates.
Chicago and return, on sale daily,
St. Louis and return, $21.15, daily.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and re
turn, $40 45, on sale daily.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and re
turn, one way yia California, $57.45, on
sale Sept. 14, 20, 27, 28.
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return, $27.45, on sale Sept. 20,27, 28*
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return. $-57.45, on sale Oct. 17 to 21.
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return, one nay via Portland. #63.05
on sale Oct. 17 to 21.
Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah, and re
turn, $31.35, on sale daily.
R. L. Arthur, Agent.
Road Notice.
I Wheeler Road, i
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to view and re
port upon a road commencing at a point on the
north line of Section sixteen (16), Township
fifteen (15) north. Range fifteen (15), on road
No. 216. about 90 rods east of the northwest
corner of said Section sixteen (16t. and running
thence in a southwesterly direction along the
present route of travel along the east side of
a barbed wire fence, and following said route
of travel along the divide in a southwesterly
and westerly direction through Sections six
teen (16), seventeen (17) and eighteen (18).
keeping on the divide and as nearly as practic
able along the present route of travel, on the
divide and terminating at a point about 25 rod
south of the northwest corner of said Section
eighteen (18). where said line of travel connects
with the travelled road going west, all in
Sherman county. Nebraska, has reported in
favor thereof and all claims for damage or
objections thereto must be filed In the office of
the County clerk on or before noon of the 26th
day of October. 1905. or said road will be
allowed without reference thereto.
Hated this 21st day of August. 1905.
Geo. H. Gibson.
County Clerk
(Last pub. Sept. 14.)
Notice To Non-Resident.
To Edward E. Teeter, non-resident defendant:
You will t»"ke notice that on the 14th day of
August. liC.j, the plaintiff herein, Ellen E.
Teeter, tiled a petition against you in the
District Court of Sherman County. Nebraska,
tht object and prayer of wbicli are to obtain a
divorce and alimony from you on the grounds
of extreme cruelty, failure to provide and
desertion for more than two years.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before October, t’nd, iy«Y
Ellen e. Teeter
By Aaron Wall and H. M Mathew,
Her Attorneys
i Last pub. Sept. 14.)
For Sale by T.H. Eisner
A. P. DeLyster
Lonp City, - Nebraska
Call ’Phone R23.
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
n? h e
of Loup city.
General Banking Business Transacted.
\Ve Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans.
We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
High Grade Orgap
Manufactured by the
At Factory Prices
Delivered in your town.
•You Pay $5 Cash
apd $] Per Week
50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors,
The Big Piano and Organ House.
Buy a Farm of
W. R. Mellor
Call on T. M. REED for Buggies, Wagons,
and Agricultural Implements of all kinds.
Baking Demonstration
Ope Week-Sept. 25th to Sept. 30th, 1905
Handsome Set of Ware-Free:
We heartily invite our friends to call any day during the
above mentioned week and we will demonstrate
the superior qualities of the
Now Majestic- Malleable and
Charcoal Iron Ranges
The MAJESTIC MALLEABLE :and steel range as
formerly turned out by the Mojestic people has been considered
throughout the entire country par-excellence, and far ahead of any
o her range made. But with the NEW CHARCOAL IRON BODY
in place of Steel, making it double its value, and the fact that it is
the only range in existence made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron,
you can readily see that if quality is considered, the Majestic leads
by a big margin, WE WANT YOU TO CALL at our store during
this week, and let us explain this new feature—CHARCOAL IRON
BODY; lei us explain why it is the best material for range bodies,
and iucidently, why it is not used on other ranges. We want you
to call if you intend to buy or not, as the information grined will
serve you in the future,
As long as they last, we propose to give each prospective
purchaser a neat souvenir, something that has not been offered
before. If you buy call early and get one of these souvenirs.
Come any day during this week and have buttered hot
biscuits and hot coffee. Biscuits baked on a Majestic in three
minutes while you wait.
With every range sold during this Demonstration
we will give absolutely FREE one set of Majestic ware worth every cent of $7.50. This ware will be on exhibition at
our store. Everything useful, ornamental and durable. Come in and see it; and you will agree with us that it
cannot be bought for a cent less than $7.50, and it is cheap at that
| EL S. HAYHURBT, Uotip City, Nebr,