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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1905)
* '• 0 Hunting Coats and Hats, Dog Collars and Chains, Guns and a complete stock of Ammunition, at IE3. O. IRIEIHUD’S. *———■ ' f THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY. SEPT. 7, 1905. Iioaal Dsws. A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs.82.00@$3 00 Hogs, per 100 lbs. 4.70 Corn,berbu. ,35@ 38 Wheat, per bu.48 @ .62 Oats, per bu. .15@ .19 live, perbu.38@ .4;) Eggs, per doz. 12 Hotter, per lb. 14 Final Notice. Hereafter we will not undertake to change any ad, the copy for which reaches us later than Wednesday m< ra mg. Advertisers will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Buggies, Buggies, at T. M. Reed's. Buy a manure spreader of T. M. Reed. Oliver Dubry went to Burwell, Tues day. Gasoline Engines. T. M. Reed sells them. W 20, Ashley Conger, the drayman Get him. Burr Robbins went to the State Fair Monday. Free hack to the park dances every Saturday night. Walter McNulty is a State Fair attendant this week. Phone A. T. Conger. W 20, when in need of a draymau. Fred Odendalil is a policeman at the State Fair this week. T. M. Reed can sell you a good rake and mowing machine. Geo. Lee and family returned from their western trip last week. Page Woven Wire fencing. Best on earth. L. N. Smith, agent Charley MePor went down to Lincoln last Saturday to attend the fair. Don't forget the Northern Milling Co for hour and feed stuffs. The first story of Gulley’s new bank Is up and makes a good showing. Another assortment of ribbon just received by Johnson & Lorentz. Mrs. Frank Nightingale returned to her home in Lincoln last Monday. See W. P. Reed for real estate and collections at reasonable prices. 37 Jamet II. Bone has moved into his new home in the north part of town Phone N22, the Loup City Flour aud Feed Store. Wes McCombes has charge Mrs. W. R. Mellor went to Lincoln Thursday last to remain till after the Fair. Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb. specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. II. T. Johnson, w'ho has been occupy ing the James Lee cottage, has moved into one of the Charleton cottages. Get ahecd of the dies by ordering our screen doors and window screens f Leiniiiger Lumber Co. Miss Vera Schaupp, who lias been visiting her numerous friends here, re turnei toiler home in Lincoln, Tues day. Try the Loup City Flour and Feed Store, It. W. McCombs, Manager, for best Hour and feed. Phone N22. Bid Taylor, son of Conductor Taylor, who has been on the IT. S. warship. Wisconsin, is on lus way home, his time being out this month. The price of Aztec egg coal will be reduced to §7 per ton at the B. & M. elevator, after June 1st. This is a good summer coal for cook stoves. Mr. F. Long and family of Walnut, Iowa, who have been visiting Mr. Long’s sister, Mrs. Ashley Conger, and family, left for home last Friday. 1 have a good second-hand corn sheller with Woodbury power complete aud all in good condition, which I will sell right. See it at Ilayhurst’s hard wore stare. A. W. Wilson. A. Sutton of Ord, was here last Saturday, bringing over his daughter, Miss Jennie Sutton, who will have charge of Bert Chase’s millinery the coming season. Jenner’s Park is the finest place in this section of the country for picnic parties and entertainments of a like character, Mr. Jenner will make satis factory arrangements with those desir ' ing the use of the par k for such purposes A. M. Bennett and daughter, Miss Blanche Bennett, left Tuesday for a four weeks’ trip to Portland and othtr points on the Pacific Coast. They will visit Denver, Salt Lake City, Helena, Spokane and other points on the route g ring and returning. I)rs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic disease, such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumors. Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicineand surgery,the x-ray, *liot air baths, elec 1 rifity and massage. Editor Brown went down io the Stilts Fair, Tuesday, and the editor of The Northwestern aecompmiel him to look after his conduct. We »x pect t > have a veiy readat 1« •• r i j’e our next issue on “A Populist Editor Hitting the High l^ate-.'’ Jilanke's from 50c to 85 at John=on & Lorentz’. JL*M. Gasteyer is having her store building re-painted. Aujnst .Taeschke went down to the State Fair, Tuesday. JJuy vour shoes while the sale is on at Johnson & Lorentz’. A baby girl was reported at the home of John Cz tplewski, ji\, yesterday. Mrs W. T. Owens and children re t irned from their eastern trip Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Alex Jlaillie left for * Lincoln. Monday, to attend the State Fair. We understand Charley Gibson has , been transferred from the Wisconsin to the Ohio. Postmaster Owens left Tuesday for a short trip to Denver ’and Utah Hot Springs Do not forget that Johnson & Lorentz can save you money on clothing and gents’ furnishings. Messrs, and Mesdames S. X. Sweet laud and Sam Daddow went down to the State Fair Tuesday. Prof. Briggs, who has been elected principal of onr public schools, arrived ' I here from Portland, Tuesday evening Parties desiring excellent quality of tame plums will do well to see II. B. Musser in regard to same at an early date. Miss Esther Newman and sisters, re turned last week to Omaha from a four weeks’ visit with their unde, John Boftiolm, and family. Miss Josie Polski accompanied bv her cousins. Misses Josie Bogacz and Agnes Polski, visited at the home of A. B. Outhouse lsst week. Mrs. B. M. Gastever accompanied her two little daughters, Winnie and Ketta, to Columbus, Monday where they w ill attend the St. Francis Academy. Mrs, M. C. Mulick and daughter. Miss Hose, left Monday morning for Columbus, where the latter will attend school at tlie St. Francis Academy. The printers have just put out the new directory of the Sherman County Telephone company. The directory contains 157 names and more are being constantly added. When you want to get a photo Draper is the man to goto Same old place, hut better light and prices that are always right. Draper, the Loup City photographer, in Loup City till Oct 26. C. Van Aelst, living two miles west of town, is suffering with a lesion *ot ; the brain. lie was taken to Omaha last wreek, hut nothing could he done for him and he was brought hack home where he is attended by Dr. Long. Jim Conger is going to erect a new ice house near his reservoir just as soon as workmen can he secured. The dimensions will he 25x52 feet, and 16 fe it in height, the walls of brick to a height of several feet. C. J. Bolt of Buffalo county, a resi dent « f Loup City some ten years since, accompanied by his two sons, G. II. and O. W. Bolt, were in the city iast Friday. Mr. Bolt has several residence lots h< re he was looking after. Miss Minnie Hickman has been elected to the grammer department of our public schools, vice Prof., Nicoson who has resigned to enter into active canvass of his chances for superinten dent of schools on the populist ticket. A 15-year-old son of Mvrl Mathews living some three miles west of town, while driving a mower last Friday, fell as the mower was crossing a cat-step, dislocating an ankle. Dr. Long reduce d the fracture and the patient is doing well. Mrs. A 15. Outhouse and daughter Emma, left Tuesday for the Pacific Coast. While there they will visit at Corning, [Calif., the home of Mr. A. Watkinson, formerly of this city, and also Mr. and MrsJ II Brewer at gait Lake City, Utah. There was an exodus of hunters, last Friday morning, being the opening of the hunting season, and dogs and guns were at a premium. The town was practically deserted, save by us poor devils who had to wmrk But then we received our ip ward in a brace of f»t chickens from one hunting party, composed of Messrs. R. P. Starr, J. W. Long, W F Mason and Charley Min shull, and we are ready for some more. We return thanks for past and give advance thanks for those to he received later. The money recover*d from the general government for payment of extra time served by the members of the First and Second regiments, Ne braska volunteers, in the Spanish American war. is ready for distribution and will be paid out as rapidly ss possible to those entitled to participate. Distribution will be made from the office of Adjutint General J. II.Culver, at Lincoln. All members of said regi ment* having an interest in the funds are requested to call in person at the office of the adjutant general, if possible, and sft'ect settlement after the date above mentioned. They must bring with them the necessary proofs of i lentitv. A full line of school tablets at John son & Lorent/.'. Mrs. C. C Outhouse took a trip to ; Grand Island, Monday. Clarence Sweetland leturned to college at Grand Island, Tuesday. Miss Sea bold has accepted a position as milliner in A. E Chase’s store Ruby Chase is assisting in the post ottice in the absence of Mr. Owens. W. H. Hickman left Monday morning for New Mexico, on a business trip. L Ranks Hale leaves next Saturday for Omaha, where he will attend school Eugene Patton has bought the Joe Pedler residence adjoining the M. E. church. Miss Edith Henry commenced a term of school in District No. 01 l ist Monday. .1 Sicpmann of Tipton, la., is here visiiing his brother-in-law. Will French and family. Mrs. M. O. Slayter of this city, and daughter, Mrs. E. 'fatten of Cozad, this state left Monday for a visit to Indiana. Mrs. Ida Saunders, of Montezuma, la., arrived here last Wednesday, even ing for a visit with her brothers, tne Draper boys, and families. Mrs. Florence Smith, who has been visiting friends here for the past two weeks, left Monday morning for Port land and other Coast points. Lan Benschoter and Jim Johansen went down to the State f air, Monday, where we understand thev will assist in preserving the order, peace and dignity of tlie fair. C. J. Tracv, who is again chief of police at the state fair, left for Lincoln last Thursday. Iiobt. Mathew was chosen as his private secretary and went to Lincoln a day or so later. Not to he behind in the procession, the Woman’s Club gave what they called a gymkhana at Jenner’s Park, last Friday afternoon and evening. Thev report a tine time. We presume it was a new tangled picnic with an entire change of program. Those who went to Lincoln, Tuesday, via the Burlington other than those mentioned elsewhere, were, Thos. and Nick Daddow, J. W. Long, W. T. Chase and daughter Lola, Geo. Peterson, Mrs. 0. J. Tracy and son Milford, Thomas McFadden, Hans i’ruelsen, Mr and Mrs. Ward Vervalin, Ethel, Myrtle and Lew Knapp, Omar Ernest, Stella Henry, Mrs. II. B. Musserand Wes Pedler. An exchange states that a certain farmer named Jones came to the pastor of his congregation and requested his name taken off the church books. “What 1s the trouble, Brother Jones?” asked the surprised pastor, ‘ I supposed you were a faithful follower of the Lamb.” “Well, I sorter believed that myself, but there is just no use talkin’, a man can’t serve the Lord where he has to milk four cows in tly time. After the first heavy frost I’ll try this church or he a durned hypocrite.” REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Rockville State Bank OF ROCKVILLE, NEB. CHARTER No. 851, Incorporated in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business August 25th. 1905. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts.5.967 95 Banking house furniture and fixtures. 472 50 Current expenses and taxes paid. 249 23 Cash items. 98 25 Due from nat'l. state and pri vate banks and bankers.6,697 54 Checks and items of exchange. 223 56 Cash •> Currency. 1.230 00 l Silver and Go’d. 88 37 8,239 47 Total.$15,027 40 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in. .$ 5,000 00 Surplus fund.1,000 00 Undivided profits. 235 95 Individual deposits subject to check.7,316 45 Demand certificates of deposit. $05 00 Time certificates of deposit.... 870 00^8.791 45 Total.$15,027 40 State of Nebraska, ( County of Sherman, j ” ” I. Geo. W. Woten, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemuly swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Banking Board. Geo. W. Woten, Cashier. ATTEST: P. Jensen. Director. J. A. Woten. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of September, 1905. W. M. Smelseb. i seal) Notary Public. My commission expires March 21st, 1908. Notice of Guardian’s Sale. la District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska In the matter of the application of the Lan caster Trust Company, guardian of the per son and estate of Vernon Ellis, a minor, for leave to sell the real estate of said minor. Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable B. u. Hostetler, Judge of the District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska, made on the 20ih day of June, 1905, for the sale of the real estate hereafter described, there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the south door of the court house in Loup City in said county, on the 27th day of September, 1905, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, the following described real estate, situate in Sherman county. Nebraska, to-wit: The un divided half interest of the said minor, Vernon Ellis, in the northwest quarter of section four (4) in township fifteen (15) north of range fourteen (14) west of sixth principal meridian. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 6th day of September, 1905. The Lancaster Tbost Compart, Guardian of the-Person and Estate of Vernon Ellis, a minor. By R. J. Nightingale, its attorney. (Last pub. Sept. 21.) A fine line of pocketliooks for ladies just in at Johnson & Lorent/A A. P. Culley and family returned from their western trip Monday. Dar Grow has moved into the Me Laughlin residence in east Loup City. T. M. lteed went to Lincoln Monday to visit the State Fair and transact business. Hugh Sleetli went down to Lincoln last Thursday to do the State Fair properly. Capt. E. H. Jenkins; the ‘“Potato King”ot Columbus, is here on a visit to his nephews, the Mclvinnie hoys. He is as jolly and young as either of his aforesaid nephews. Mr. Fred Richmond and son arrived from St. Edwards l ist week and are hay harvesting on a large amount of land they own in the west part of the county near Litchffeld. Sam Daddow expects this week t> move into the property recently pur chased of Dar Grow, in the northwest part of town. Wm. McCombs, will move into his cottage on Cedar street. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF 1 s First National Bank OF LOUP CITY CHARTER NO. 7277, INCORPORATED At Loup City in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business. August 25, J905. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. S1I3.I4M 73 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 2.024 09 U. S. bonds to secure circulation. 7,000 00 Premiums on U. S. bonds.. 179 38 B mds, securities, etc. 1,339 55 Banking house, furniture, fixtures, 5,301 30 Due from approved reserve agents. 22,926 64 C uecks and other cash items. 2,627 34 Notes of other National banks. 255 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents. 56 95 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz:— Specie.*6,580 00 Legal tender notes. 1,000 00— 7,560 00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of ci rcuiation). :i5o 00 Tolal.*162,788 98 LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid in.. *25,000 00 Surplus fund.. 1.300 00 l ndtvlded profits, less expenses and taxes paid. 676 09 National Bank notes outstanding. 7,000 00 Due to State Banks and Bankers. 157 76 Individual deposits subject to check. 91 735 77 Demand certificates of depisit_, 33.919 36 Total.$162,788 98 State of Nebraska, 1 County of Sherman, j 8 8 1. VV. F. Mason. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. VV. F. Mason. Cashier. CORRECT--ATTEST : R J. Nightingale. Director. C. A. Mason. Director. A P. Collet. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of August, 1905. Robert P. Starr. (Seal.) Notary Public. My commission expires Sept. 28. 1909. You want to try w Jifn Gopgey, •Jhe Dfaypiap. ! Phone, N15. I_ Notice. All persons indebted to us is re quested to settle their accounts before Oct. 1st, as we must have money to pay our fall bills. Respectfully. Johnson & Louentz Ladies. My goods and trimmer have arrived, and I now have a full line of street hats and also children's and Misse's hats ready for your inspection. I give one and all a cordial invitation to call and see me in my new location opposite the St. Elmo hotel. Watch for inv announcement next week A. Anna Hunt. Notice. Those who are owing me accounts will please arrang * to settle during the month of September, as I need all the money due me to meet my obligations Resp. Yours, 1*. O. Reei>. -♦ ♦ -- Public Sale. I will offer for sale at my home in Loup City on Thursday, Sept 14,1905. commencing at 2 o.cloek p. m. sharp, the following property: Two young mares, one good milch cow. one double harness, with robes, etc., one unright piano, household furniture, library, I Century?Dictionary and Encyclopedia, sectional oak glass book cases, office furniture and fixtures, desks and cases, garden tools and implements, etc. For terras of sale see bills, T. s. Nightingale. Notice To Non-Resident. To Edward E. Teeter, non-resident defendant: You will take notice that on the lith day of August. 1906. the plaintiff herein, Ellen E Teeter, tiled a petition against you in the District Court of Sherman County. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce and alimony from you on the grounds of extreme cruelty, failure to provide and desertion for more than two years. You are required to answer said petition on or before October, 2nd, 1905. Ellen E. Teeter By Aaron Wall and H. M. Mathew, Her Attorneys. (Last pub. Sept. 14.) iA W ■ ^ B A ^ l^^p Hg; ^Upr For Sale by T.H. Elsnor A. P. DeLyster is SOLE AGENT for Loi City Flonr&Ffieil Mills; JOHN SOI.MS OLL) STORE Loup City, ■ Nebraska Call ’Phone R23. I E ! | Good Goods at Right Prices JOPNSOP & LOPEPTZ The Clothi ers Gall on tlie f i Loup City, flebfaska, L U MO3R Of all kinds. Also • Posts, Shingles, lame'and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. aVVVVVVVVVVVWVW ials { i Have in Stock? $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per i ) of and are suitable for rain- 5 id $1.25 per yard. Colors, | n, reseda and black. The J uitable for all dressy occa- i ird, black, navy blue, myrtle green, 5 yard, black and white; suitable for £ rard. These come in all the new Ja fall shirt waists. £ » th, Mohair, Henriettas and various J ouat any time. .Kindly | honor us S Sasteyer A j i