The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 07, 1905, Image 1

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    , Loup City Northwestern
=. ..- ■ -
Entered at the Loup City Postofllce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - Rll
Residence ’Phone, - - G15
J. w. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub.
Displat Space—Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices —Five cents per line for
each insertion Notices set in black face type
double the above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out when time is not specified.
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is
charged, or a momentary interest involved,
five cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thanks. .V) cents.
Resolutions of respect and condolence {.1.00,
In memoriam poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge.
W society and club meetings and all public
T 'herings where not conducted for revenue.
» will be published free.
Professional Cards
Attoj aid CoKssbil'iis
Practices in all Courts
Loup Citv, Neb.
•w. //. *?r
Bondea Abslracter
Lorp City, - Nebraska.
Oul v set of Abstract books id county
Physician ?nd Snrsreon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection.
d. H. LONG
Office, Over New Bank.
OFFICE: East Side Public Square.
Office up stairs m the new State
Bank building.
A-nd the Public!
Tie St. Elmo Livery Bari
Is under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others: if von have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
T. E. Gi Ibert, Prop.
Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noit'iwestern Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers
Headquarters ior farmers’ teamo Com
mercial men's trade given especial at
tention. Vonr patronage solicited.
Poland China Swine
Bred and Owned by
Telephone LOL P CITY,
Connection NEBRASKA.
FOR SALE:—25 Choice Spring Boar*
and one yearling boar, sired by Memo
Butler, 36885.
r " — — - --
Ihe work of the county Republican
convention here last week commends
i itself in it's entirety to all fair minded
republicans. The ticket is made up of
good, well equipped men for the various
offices within the gift of the people,
and each one gained his nomination
honestly, fairly and impartially. To
say that the convention was packed in
the interest of any faction, man or set
of men, is a gratuitous insult to every
delegate to the convention. On the
hypothesis that a corpse nevev kicks,
the Republican convention was not
one of that kind, and the effort of the
populist organ to make a mountain out
of a molehill, in its spasmodic attack
of last week, is more amusing than
serious. To be sure, there appeared
before the convention two contesting
delegations from one of the townships,
but the chairman, in the fairest manner
appointed one delegate from each town
ship, other than the contesting one. on
the committee on credentials and they
settled the matter to the entire satis
action of the convention, save only
the unseated ones, and the convention
went ahead with its work and made a
wise selection of candidates whom tbe
convention by a rising vote pledged
themselves to stand by and work for,
without one dissenting vote. Does
that look as though the Republicans j
were torn by dissentions and interncine |
strife? Of course, it was expected our
worthy contemporary would, with the j
customary populist howl, attempt to I
decry the convention's work, but the
people, who are used to such pleasan- |
tries on the part of the party of
howls, will take it as a matter of faet
and let it pass as so much wind.
Bro. Brown, of the Times Independ
ent. who hits for lo! these many vears
| upheld the banner of populism and
worked hard for a party that is fast
passing into history a* a has-been, and
even now lias a hold on but few coun
ties in this, the only state, almost, that
has a populist party organization, re
ceived his reward for all these years of
uutiring party work at the late populist
county convention, when as a candidate
for county treasurer he only received a
paltrv tight votes oat of the dying
cause lor the party’s nomination for
that office. Bro. Brown should remem
ber that an editor should coniine him
self to the duties of a *‘hewer of wood
and cariyer of water” for bis party, and
uot aspire to any place of honor or
emoluments. Remember Bro. Brown,
that the offices in many instances go to
those who have done the least for party
w'eal, and that those who do the
drudgery, carry the heaviest burdens
and do the, most to keep the party at
its best, are the last to receive returns.
We are astonished and mystified that
an editor should take in earnest any
pledges looking to party reward.
The late populist party convention
for Sherman county, held in this city
some two weeks since, was a queer
affair. They seem to believe and work
with the end in view that it is perfect
ly right and proper to make fish of one
and fowl of anotner, to use a homely
phrase. They concluded that Supt.
Hendrickson should not succeed him
self in office, because he had held office
several terms, and then re-nominated
Judge Angier for his office, because he
had held the office aspired to a number
of years. To be sure, some of the
populist brethern assured us they pro
vided for Mr. Angier because they had
no other available timber, but others
acknowledged that they renominated
the judge as they were assured lie
would get a large number of republi
can votes necessary to his election,
which a new man could not get. How
is that for party principle? Then we
are to understand they simply nomi
nated the judge to hold the office inside
their party lines!
A correspondent from Ashton to the
Times last week, who - is generally
understood to be a socialist, and who i
a* tempted to break nit > the republican
county convention as a delegate from
Ashton township, hurls annthema* at
thetconvention's proceedings because,
forsooth, he was gently pi ched over
the transom, and not allowed to en er
the sacred portals. His insensate
mouthings are too well known even
among those who know him best to lie
of any value save to possibly a few
kindred spirits, and to answer his
screed would be to put a low value on
newspaper space, if. as it is claimed
by some, be has left socialism and
came over to republicanism, it would
take a powerful microscope to detect it
irom his talk and rant as show n by last
week's Times.
■.— — 1 *
Among the numerous candidates for
the supreme judgeship belore the com
ing state republican convention aie
•Judge Reese, Duffie, Davidson, Amts,
Calkins, Letton and a number of others
Take your pick.
The Republican party cannot afford
to elevate to the supreme bench one
who is in the least tainted with
Bartley ism Judge Ames’past record
renders his candidacy unwise to say
the least.
Let us make a prediction. The re
publican ticket select* d last week will
be elect“d to a man. Mark the re
Ashton News.
I)r. Wanek reports the arrival of <
imby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Andrew Grobowski
CaJ. Schaupp moved his family intc
the rear of his store building, which
has been fitted up into living rooms.
The Taylor elevator paid out 81,501
for grain last Saturday. How D that
for prosperity?
The society ot St. lsidor held a picnic
last Sunday in Mr. Jankowski’s grove,
All report a merry time. This society
is a Cataolic benevolent society and is
one of the strongest in Sherman county
Thos. Jamrog and daughter Clara are
attending the State Fair at Lincoln
this week.
Bob Szwanek is in Chicago making
the fall purchases for their store, some
of the goods having already arrived.
Mr. Jas. llartunek will move bis
family to St. Paul this week. We are
sorry to lose Jim as he is considered
one of our hustling merchants, but
we wish him success in his new home.
The Ashton public schools opened
with a full attendance. Monday. Prof.
Currier says he will keep the yonnsters
out ot mischief by giving them plenty
to do.
The new lumber company’s sheds
are nearly complet'd and are being
tilled with the choicest lumber Wt
bespeak successful* the new enterprise,
van ley Galaziuski will begin t lit
erecton of bis new residence at once
We understand this will be one of the
best residences in Ashton.
County Clerk Gibson was in our burg
l ist Sunday consulting with some of the
other “sore-heads” of the defunct social
ist party, who tried to control the ip
publican primaries, but had to “hike.’
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Kettle enter
tained at a dancing party in the M
Vv. A. hall, last Monday evening.
Cards are out announcing the
marriage of Miss Josefa Kalkoweki to
Michael Pawlowski. on Sept lith.
Freddie lakubowski is seriously ill
with peritonitis, which resulted from a
kick of a colt.
Several of our young people art
attending Business College at St. Paul
Hep resent at ive Smelser and wife art
taking a look at the pumkins at tilt
State Fair this week.
The marriage of Miss Katherine
Polski to Mr. Claire A. Kettle, waf
solemnized Tuesday morning, August
29th, at 10 o’clock, in the St Francis
church at Ashton, Father Kadka offici
ating The bride was attired in an
exquisite gown of white silk. Her veil
was held in place by sprays of lillies of
the valley and she carried a beautiful
shower of bride’s roses.
Misses Josie Bogaez, Clara and Helen
Jamrogand May Kettle acted as brides
maids, and all wore beautiful gowns ol
blue crepe de chine Miss Josie Polski,
sister of the bride, acted as maid-of
honor. She wore a gown of pink silk
and carried a bouquet of pink roses
The groom was attended by Mr. Stephen
After the ceremony all repaired tc
the home of the bride, where a bounti
ful dinner was served on the lawn
About 175 guests were in attendance
The presents were many and beautiful
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. I. M. Polski, of Ashton. Tht
groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs
Chester Kettle. We join their many
friends in wishing them a happy and
prosperous journey through life.
Mrs. Alice Fletcher died Sept. 3rd
190."). at her home near Arcadia. Sht
was horn Feb 27th, 1880, in Bradford
county, Penn. The davs of her youth
were spent at Verona. W is. At ttn
aae of fourteen she united with th€
Baptist church i»t that place and hei
life has been an exemplication of hei
belief. She came to Nebraska in 187*
with her parents, end was married tc
Milton J. Fletcher Dec. 24. 1870. Th
union was blessed with three children
two sons and a daughter, who died ir
infancy. She leaves a husband, twc
sons, mother, brother and two sisters
to mourn her loss. Her life was ex
emplified by any deed of kindness sht
could do to anyone in need of a cheering
word. During her entire illness, which
was prolonged through many month-,
she was patient, suffering great, pain
but She never complained, although
she clung to life for the sake of hei
loved 'one*, she was ready when the
Master called.
At last accounts, ex-Speaker Hender
son was lying at death’s door at his
home in Iowa. lie is one of the great
est. brainiest and most prominent re
publicans of the present day.
Some of the county superintendents
elected under the old order of tilings
were scarcely calculated to sustain Xe
brasfca’s low rate of illiteracy boast
and State Superintendent McBrier
announces that the iy>w law requiring
all such officials to hold first gradt
certificates will be strictly enforced.
Certificates issued to themselves by
superintendents elected two years age
will be held invalid and of no effect.
Every man who aspires to manage th«
public school system of his count?
must pass a bona-fide examination ir
the higher branches of education—
not an unreasonable requirement b?
any means —St. Paul Republican.
A. P. CULLEY. President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
rji ~ppt
General Banking Business Transacted.
W e Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans.
We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.
«%. " ' ' -. 1 1 » - ...- .— —
! Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
High Gfade Orgap
Manufactured by the
u op cm
At Factory Prices
Delivered in your town.
You pay $5 Gash
apd $1 Per Week
50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors,
The Big Piano and Organ House.
is all right, but it must have nice Furniture inside to be
complete. Decorate the walls with attractive
pictures Place a good art rug in the
dining room. Add £6 75 and
get a heavy French plate mirror 18x40
inches, it will help to entertain guests. An extra
good, warranted, Farrami orgon at.^48.00
Loup City FURNITUR©. Nebraska
Notice To Bidders
Sealed bids for leasing poor farm of Sherman ;
County. Nebraska, for three years commencing
March 1st. 190*5. will be received at the County
Clerk's office at Loup City. Nebraska, on or
before September Uth. 19*6 at 12 o'clock noon
Said farm contains 320 acres, less railroad
right-of-way. right-of-way of irrigation conn- ;
pany and public highways. Rent to be paid in
cash, semi annually, one half on the first of,
March and the other half on the first r»;
October of each year. Lessee shall furnish a
bond with approved security.
Count v Board reserve-- the right to reject any
- or alt bids
Dated at Loup City, August 22. 1905.
Geo. H. Gih«on.
County Clerk
(Last pub. Sept. 7).
Road Notice.
(Wheeler Hoad, i
To all whom U may concern:
The commissioner appointed to view aad re
port upon a road commencing at a point on the
north line of Section sixteen (16i, Township !
fifteen (15) north. Range fifteen (15). on road !
No. 216. about 90 rods east of the northwest!
corner of said Section sixteen (lfli. and running j
thence in a southwesterly direction along the '
present route of travel along the east side of
a barbed wire fence, and following said route
of travel along the divide In a southwesterly
and westerly direction through Sections six
teen (16), seventeen (17> and eighteen (ist.
keeping on the divide and as nearly as practic
able along the present route of travel, on the
divide and terminating at a point about 25 rod
south of the northwest corner of said Section
eighteen (18), where said line of travel connects
i with the travelled road going west, all in
Sherman county. Nebraska, has reported In
favor thereof and all claims for damage or
objections thereto must be filed in the office of
the County clerk on or before noon of the 26th
day of October. 1905. or said road will be
allowed without reference thereto.
Dated this 2lst day of August. 1905.
Gko. H. Gibson,
County Clerk
(Last pub. Sept. 14.)
Vhrss Daily drains to
Caliioi 11 in •
No. ;n i*- ivos daily ♦*x>*er>« <inv
ens.'i*' . 7in
No. 1 •» Vf*' MOBdMN and
Friday, (mixed > MrtOp ui
No. »i itsave- Tuioday, Tnursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed)
No. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri
day at 7:35 p. m.
No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p. m.
Lirst class service and close connections
west and south. Tickets sold to al!
points and baggage checked through to
destination. Information will be cheer
fully furnished on application to
Frank Hiser, Agent
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Bntte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast and south. West.
No. 52 Passenger.,..lOK3a.m
No. 60 Freight.10.53a. m!
No. 51 Passenger. 5:10 p. m.
No. 59 Freight.6:15 p. m.
sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
iseats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to &. L, Ah thus
Agent. Or J. Frakcis, Gen'l Passenger
Agent. Omaha, sebmska.
Buy a Farm of
W. R. Mellor
B. & M. Elevators
Coal far Sale al Loie City aid Asia, fill Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
John Solmes
Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves,
Tinware, Screen Doors,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers
Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed.
Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils.
Loup City, ■ Nebraska
Call on T. M. REED for Buggies, Wagons,
and Agricultural Implements of all kinds.
. _