The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 31, 1905, Supplement, Image 9
THE FAIR AND CARNIVAL. The Custer County Fair is the best County Fair in Nebraska. It’s past record of Enormous Crowds, Splendid Racing, Fine Amusements, Strong Attractions and Grand Exhibits have established for it a state-wide repu tation. This year the business men of Broken Bow have volunteered to add an extra Thousand Dollar attraction in the way of a Night Carnival or Street Fair; and through their assistance a contract has been closed with A mammoth organization carrying many Shows, Free Attractions, Bands, etc. The F air All Day. The Carnival All N ight Will be on in all its splendor, and no Greater County Fair and Carnival will be seen in all Nebraska this year. All former events will be put in the shade, and one gigantic effort will be made to entertain the people as never before. Prof. Thompson will leap from a 90-foot Ladder into a tank containing 4 feet of water. This in one of the grandest and most daring acts before the American people. It will be given in front of the amphitheatre each day. 11 -~ ntv4C palace, 1 ,ium The ®eCLepiauta The Stadium, Rohhery, Th The ^ SuSerllMOS otheI 1 tt°n ^pictures and ux_ ■fdoviug f . there. —-Tl'T c£§iti§ \ Of MUSIC, ana street fair an _ wiU »>e "JjJr witnessedbef as you °evl-— JJUBILEE Will H ,c°Oside Jf) T spared at U jE^mZ^0 "*i %°0^ -- e Me4e-o„TLa ce2eA«/^T*«r~?p~ l?eSanyVer’ Ptece7%?n/ Vejete* I ■—d. / GRAND ELECTRIC ILLUHINATION The Dixie Carnival Company carries its own Electric Light ing plant, and the streets will be ablaze with Electric light. THE RACES. I 20 Speed Events for GOOD PURSES. Before Leaving Home Get plenty of sleep, for you won’t have time for anything but fun after reaching Broken Bow. a*~PENNY SHOWER FOR THE CHILDREN.-** THIS IS THE OHhY FAIR ! That admits your teams free. That furnishes you tents. That gives you such a big program of continuous entertainment and amusement. A dollar and a half buys a Family Ticket. Come and see the whole show. $5,000 will be spent in showing you a good time. THE SCHOOL! EXHIBIT. The Schools of Custer County will have a grand exhibit of School Work. The Dixie Carnival Band will be there. SMALL AMUSEMENTS. Including Foot Races and sports of various kinds will entertain you MTSHAM BATTLE BY THE SOLDIER BOYS. “Ml A Shooting Tournament. Bring your shot guns. There will be plenty of Blue Rocks. BASE - BAIili. Splendid games by the strongest teams in Central Nebraska each forenoon; vou can see them from amphitheatre. ATTRACTIONS—^ Are being added every day. THE PIE noNTTOVT — Will be lots of fan. B-fcr"IS-^-TIEIS ZE3Z,A.T7"IB SEGTT'RTrn cajgg|| I. JEWETT, E. R. PURCELL, PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. ,