The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 31, 1905, Image 8

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    Hunting Coats and Hats, Dog Collars and Chains, Guns and a complete stock of
Ammunition, at F. O. IRIS IE ID’S
• t
THURSDAY, AUG. 31, 1905. "
Iioaal Dsws.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.82.00® $3.30
Ilogs, per 100 lbs. 5.35
Corn, ber bu. .36® 38
Wheat, per bu.40 @ .62
Oats, per bu. .15® .19
live, per bu.36® .40
Eggs, per doz. 12
Butter, per lb:. 14
Gastevor’s for Heinz’s vinegar.
Fine meal at Model Restaurant.
Buggies, Buggies, at T. M. Reed's.
White Wine Vinegar at Gasteyer’s.
Buy a manure spreader of T. M. Reed.
Gasoline Engines. T. M. Reed sells
« „
Don’t forget the discount sales on at
W 20, Ashley Conger, the drayman.
Get him. j
Free hack to the park dances every
Saturday night.
Heinze sweet and sour pickles at
Madeline Glencoe will more than
please you.
Model Restaurant under new man sgc
ment. Try it.
Frank Dennis was a|Carnival visitor
from St. Paul.
Phone A. T. Conger. W 20, when in
need of a drayman.
Miss Ella Foster spent Sunday with
friends in St. Paul.
T. M. Reed can sell you a good rake
and mowing machine.
Alle Beon will entertain you in
singing and dancing.
A few summer goods left at Gas
teyer’s at a great discount.
J. F. Nicoson has resigned lus po
sition in the public schools.
Page Woven Wire fencing. Best on
earth. L. N. Smith, agent.
Oliver Mason returned last Friday
from his Portland trip.
B. M. Gastever took a business trip to
Columbus, this morning.
Don’t forget the Northern Milling
Co for fiour and feed atutfs.
A son was born to Mrs- and Mrs.
Howard Betts, this morning.
Don’t fail to see Frank Rehberg in
his specialties at the opera house.
Tiv a meal at the Model Restaurant
under the new management.
P. O. Reed moves his hardware into
the T. S. Nightingale building..
Another assortment of ribbon just
received by Johnson & Lorentz.
See W. P. Real for real estate and
collections at reasonable prices. 37
Phone N22, the Loup City Flour and
Feed Store. Wes McCombes has charge
Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
Get ahead of the flies by ordering
our screen doors and window screens
f LEiNincER Lumber Co.
Sherriff Williams this week sends
The Northwestern to his sister, Mrs,
Hester Thomas, at Platteville, Wis.
% Try the Loup City Flour and Feed
Store, R. W. McCombs, Manager, for
best flour and feed. Phone N22.
Mias Clara Reynard, who has been
the guest ot her cousin, Mrs. Marcy, for
several weeks, returned to her home in
Ottawa. Kas., Monday.
For rent—We have for rent two new
eight room cottages, pleasantly located,
east front. For further information,
call at First National Bank, Loup Uitv.
Mrs. M. C. Mulick, Mr. and Mis. A.
B. Outhouse and Miss Belle Mulick
attended the Polski-Kettel wedding at
Ashton, Wednesdey.
Lost—During the Carnival, on the
Fair grounds, an Eastern Star lodge
pin, with crescent of pearls. Finder
will please leave same at Odendahl’s
Bros.’ drug store.
Jenner’s Park is the finest place in
this section of the country for picnic
parties and entertainments of a like
character, Mr. Jenner will make satis
factory arrangements with those desir
ing the use of the park for such purposes
Dre. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois.
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery .the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
Senator Fries of Arcadia was doing
bnsinese in Loup Cby yesterday, and
favored us with a pleasant call. The
senator is one of the most prominent
ot the many gentlemen spoken of as
good gubernatorial timber, and if
fortune shoo'd favor him in that
regard the state wou'd lie honored in
1 is selection*
Miss Maude Gilbert left Monday for
a visit with relatives at Utica, this
Joe Haller of Grand Island, was the
guest of Frank Foster during the Car
Mi.«s Edna D iddow returned la-t
Wednesday from a six weeks’ visit to
St. Paul.
Mr. an I Mrs Abe Conklin of St. Paul
visile 1 at the home of E. G. Taylor,
Carnival days.
Misses Bess and Fannie Ford re
turned to their home at Cheyenne, Wvo ,
last Saturday.
Miss Frankie Inks arrived from
Kearney last Thursday, on a visit to
her many friends.
Miss Vera Schaupp arrived from
Lincoln last Wednesday fora visit with
her many friends.
Mrs Win. Neville was over from
Greely during the Carnival, visiting her
many friends in this city.
Jesse . Hall in his specialties will
make you laugh and grow fat. At the
opera house Sept. 4,5 and (5.
J. B. Haynes, private secretary to
Senator Millard, was here last Friday
looking after the senator’s political
fences. •
Miss Hazel Starr, who has been visit
ing her uncle, It, P. Starr, and family
for several weeks, returned to her home
in Lincoln today.
Don’t fad to attend the Princess
Comedy Co. at the opera house next
Monday night and see the beautiful
“Caprice. ” Reserved seat* 35c on sale
at Conhiser’s.
S. C. Thompson, a prominent mer
chant of Litchfield, was a Loup City
visitor Tuesday. He went home a
reader of The Northwestern, and of
course happier.
J. Pleasanee of Litchfield, James G.
Taylor of Grand Island and li. M. i
lliddleson of Rockville, are among the !
new readers of The Northwestern* J
this week. Thanks
Opera IIous\ three nights only. Sent
4. 5 and 6. The Princess Comedy Co.
presenting on Monday night the beauti
ful comedy. “Caprice.’’ Reserved seats
35e, tickets on sale at Conhiser’s
Miss Bertha Mead left Monday for a
visit to her uncle at Yankton, S. 1).
M. II. Mead accompanied his daughter
as far as Grand Island, where he mtt
his brother, who took his niece 'home
with him.
Mr. Chas. Ltininger and sister, Miss
Lizzie Leininger, left Monday morning
of this week for Crete, this state, where
Mr. Leininger was to be married th s
Wednesday morning to Miss Katherine
Price of that city. ^
Truelsen & Mellor lost one of th<ur
team of horses. Tuesday noon. T! e
animal, while perambulating around
the home lot, falling head first into an
old cess-pool and smothering lief ore he
could be taken out,
Messrs E Munn, J. F. Reynolds, G
H. Whitman. Julius Beuschausen, Th^o
Ojendyk and Jske Friedman are among
the good friends who renewed allegiance
to The Northwestern the past few
days. We doff our tile to these gentle
We received a pleasant call on Mon
day from Elmer Babcock, who informed
us that the Valley Center Sunday
School in Clay township heljj their first
annual picuic at Martin Cook’s grove,
a few days’ since, with choice refresh
ments and a splendid good time.
Last week we mentioned the intend
ed departure of Judge Paige for Colo
rado, but the coming of the Repub
lican county convention decided the
judge to put off his departure a week in
order to enjoy a season of refreshing,
hence he did not leave till yesterday.
We understand John O’Bryan has
accepted the position of manager of the
Omaha Elevator Company here and
took charge of the elevator yesterday
morning We have not learned what
.vir. c.u ivngier, wno resigned irom tne
position of manager, will engage in.
Pnotographer Draper and family re
turned to Loup City Tuesday, and we
understand Mr. Draper will remain
and take pictures during September and
October, at least. He will build a
gallery the first thing, but lias not
decided on the location of the building
as yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Lorentz left Tues
day morning for a week’s sightseeing
in Colorado. Mr. Lorentz’s brother and
wife and Mother Lorentz of Aurora,
joined the party at that place, Mr. D.
A. Johnson of Aurora, the senior mem
ber of ihe firm of lohnson & Lorentz,
is looking after the business during
Gns’s absence.
E. Munn of Hazard, was in the city
the first part of the week. Mr. Munn
has be n at the sanitarium at Lincoln
for the past few weeks trying to get
rid of severe rheumatic troubles. He
is much better, but will return for
further treatment in a few days. We
trust he mav speedily get rid of his
dis* greeable enemy.
Walter McNulty returned last Satur
day evening from a trip to Wyoming
after a bunch of horses. While at Green
River, that state, en route for home
with horses, and while at the yards
looking after them, he was struck by a
switch engine, sustaining severe injuries
At first it was thought the injuries
would prove faial. However, under the
care of the company physican. he
improved rapidly and came on home as
stated. Walter, however, was pretty
badly hurt about the head and bruised
generally, but thanks his lucky stars
for the escai e.
After the Carnival.
Last Friday closed the third Car
nival which Loup City has celebrated
the past few years, and to say it was
successful in point of numbers, in
interest, in sociability. In amusement
and in first class jollity, is simply to
repeat what was attested by general
comment by our home people and by
the thousands who were in attendance
one or more days of the Carnival. The
city was beautifully decorated with
thgs and bunting and the people were
^ in the best of spirits and all contributed
their quota to make it a grand success.
Wednesday, the first day, was of much
interest, with horse racing, a good
game of ball between Ashton arid
Wiggle Creek, to the success of the
latter club, fine trap shooting, and a
fair crowd to witness it all. But
Thursday was the day of all. On that
day at noon arrived a delegation of
several hundred from Grand Island and
intermediate points, crowding an ex
cursion train of six passenger coaches
to the guards, accompanied by the
sp'endid Grand Island band, which was
met at the U. P. depot by a delegation
ot several hundreds of our best citizens
accompanied by the Arcadia band,
which placed enthusiasm at a boiling
po nt. From this time on, Loup City
turned itself loose and until 11 o’clock
that night, at which time the Grand
Island train left for home, the Carnival
was all that heart could wish. The
streets were lined with a multitude of
happy hearts, all intent on getting as
much out of the occasion as possible.
In the afternoon the crowd melted
away to the fair grounds, where the |
horse racing, trap shooting and one of
the finest games of ball, between Central
City and Loud City, occupied the boards
that has ever been witnessed in this
section of the country, the score being ;
v to i in iavor oi me noine ream. vapi. i
Hardy, the champion shot of ilie world,
was also here on Wednesday and Thurs
day, and on the latter day gave the
finest exhibition of fancy shooting ever
witnessed in the west. At about 8
o’clock in the evening occurred the pro
cession of the Carnival Queen, Miss
Cora Leininger, and her attendants
The procession formed at Jenner’s Park
and proceeded to the city, headed by
the Grand Is’and hand, marching
through the principal streets, past
surging masses of humanity, amidst
volleys of cheers on all sides. Thei
evening followed with w ild good
natured origv, ever body contributing :
to the scene of jubilee, with not a thing 1
to mar the pleasure of the occasion. ;
save ore or two little tin pleasantries :n j
the evening, which could hardly be i
av< i led w ith the great mass of people
t> he handnd, but which might have
bien lessened materially by concessions
on the part of the ones inter* sted j
Besides the great crowd from Grand
Island and south points, Arcadia. Ash-!
ton and the country surrounding Loup J
City sent immense delegations to swell j
the big day, even greater than the first
named contingent until the streets
were simply impassable by reason of the
swaying masses of happy humanity.
Friday followed with a much smaller
crowd, but not less happy, nor less
interesting. The afternoon on the fair
grounds was inspiring, the races the
best of the three days, to our notion,
the ball games between the same clubs
that played on Thursday, being the
principal attraction and holding the
greatest crowd, with the result in favor
of Loup City by a score of 8 to 2. in
the evening, another scene of merri
ment was witnessed, our home people
taking this last eveoing as the one of
most interest to them, celebrating the
close of the Carnival with the best of
free will and jollity. The people of
Loup City are to he congratulated on
giying a three days’ festival of pleasure
to the people of the surrounding towns
and country, and from our visitors we
heard nothing but words of praise and
commendation, lo the committee,
Messrs Starr, Mulick and Reed, upon
whose shoulders rested the burden of
the whole affair, much commendation
is due as also to the members of the
various sub-committees whose assist
ance was given with right royal willing,
ness and energy that greatly aided the
principal committee. One of the most
commendabte features of the Carnival
was the entire absence of the gambling
fraternity, the committee turning down
every proposition of the kind which
came to them, and they were many.
The concessions -secured, while not
many, were well patronized, harmless,
and commendable in character. We
should not at this time fail to remem
ber with thanks the action of the B. &
M. railroad people who held their west
going passeneer trains each evening
till 10 o’clock, to accommodate their
patrons along the line wrho desired to
avail themselves of the best of the
Carnival festivities. All in all, Loup
City may be well satisfied over their
Carnival this year, and feel satisfied
that the people who attehded were
pleased over their visit and welcome
accorded them.
As Grand Island Saw It.
In the neighborhood of two hundred people
of this city boarded the excursion train yester
day morning at nine o'clock for Loup City all
wearing badges inscribed "Grand Island greets
You.” It was one of the finest trips of the
kind ever taken and the ovation received by
the residents of Loup City was the best ever.
From the time of the arrival, until the train
pulled out last evening, nothing was spared to
show the people from Grand Islrnd the best
kind of a time. There was not a hitch to the
whole affair and everything went off as per
Engineer Joe Morris and fireman Van Pelt
furnished the mottve power for the trip and
with them In the cab all were assured of a
speedy and sura trip. Only one mishap marred
the trip, thas being at Dublin Hill where a
grate came down, leaving the heated coal into
the ash pan.
Both engineer and tireman set about to
remedy the trouble at once and after a few
minutes' stop the ••all aboard” of Conductor
Hansen rushed the crowd into the coaches. On
arrival at St. Paul all followed the band to the
main business corner of that town and a short
concert of several pieces was given and the
business men hurried around to renew acquain
tances and have a neighborly chat. After
several hurrahs for St. Paul, led by Mayor
Schull, he and John Sink, who paeh were pro
vided with a sample stalk of fine Howard coun
ty corn, led the procession back to the depot.
At Dannebrog. Boelus and Rockville stops
were also made and the fcand was called out at
each place to liven things up. Very few people
outside of this city took in the trip.
On arrival at Loup City, the Lonp Valley
band with a large delegation of residents and
business men of the city were present to greet
the excursionists and escort theiA to the city
Judge Wall made the address of welcome in
whieh he heartily welcomed the visitors and
in particular those from Grand Island. The
keys of the town were turned over and all set
about for the best kind of a time. Mayor
Schull responded and in his remarks briefly
referred to the relation of the two cities and of
the welcome they would always receive as
guests of the city of Grand Island. At the
same time Mr. Schull accounted for a litlle
misunderstanding when Loup City made the
trip to Grand Island during the carnival.
Dinner followed.
In the afternooh the crowd scattered through
all parts of the town and enjoyed the fair and
carnival. The greater part were taken out to
the race tracks where some exciting races were
witnessed, a ball game between Central City
and Loup City in which the latter won by a
score of 1 to 2, was played, and an exhibiti tion
of fine shooting by Captain Hardy was given.
In the evening, the crowning of the carnival
queen, Miss Cora Leininger, who was elected
by competitive vote, was a feature. Harrison's
band led the evening parade in which several
attractive floats were in evidence.
Loup City has a beautiful park on the out
skirts of the city which was an attractive
place during the evening for quite a few. while
large numbers took in the different concessions
along the streets.
Robert P. Starr, who was one of the maga
gars of the carnival, did everything in his
power, as well as did all others, to make every
moment of the Grand Islanders’ time in Loup
City a pleasing one. and when they boarded
the train at 10:30 for home, they were unani
mous in giving Loup City a vote of thinks for
their hospitable entertainment. Loup City is
evidently on the boom, and a number of busi
ness blocks are being erecrad as well as resi
dences.—Grand Island Daily Independent.
Batavia Leader, L. C. Smith, Stevens
Ithaca, Winchester, Martin and Union
shotguns for sale at P. O. Reed's.
For Sale bj T.H.Eisner
You want to try
Jifn Copgef,
T*he Dfaypiap.
Phone, NI5.
— —— - _JL . .II,
The price of Aztec egg coal will be
reduced to ST per ion at the 13. & M.
elevator, after June 1st. This is a good
summer coal for cook stoves
Legal Notice of the Incorpo
ration of the Ashton Lum
ber Company.
State of Nebraska )
> SS.
Sherman County. 1
Notice is hereby given that the Ashton
Lumber Company has adopted articles of in
corporation. and tiled said articles for record
in the otlice of the County Clerk of Sherman
County, Nebraska, and in the oftlee of the
Secretary of State of Nebraska, and that such
articles provide as follows:
Article 1. The name of said corporation
is The Ashton Lumber Company.
Article 2. The principal place of transact
ing the business of said corporation shall be at
Ashton, in Sherman County, Nebraska.
Article 3. The general nature of the busi
ness to be transacted by said corporation shall
lie, to buy and sell lumber and all kinds of
building material, including stone, brick, lime,
hair, cement and glass and other material
connected with such business, and to own and
operate a retail lumberyard and lumber busi
ness: also to buy and sell coal, and to own and
operate a retail coalyard and coal business;
to buy and sell hardware, and to own and
operate a retail hardware store and business;
also to buy and sell agricultural implements
of all kinds, and to own and operate a retail
implement business. Said corporation shall
have power to buy, sell, hold, own and lease
such real estate as may be necessary or
convenient for the transaction of said lumber,
coal, hardware and implement business.
Article 4. The amount of the authorized
capital stock of said corporation shall be Fifty
Thousand Dollars, divided into shares of one
hundred dollars each; of which amount Five
Thousand dollars shall be subscribed and paid
in at or before the commencement of business.
The remaining portion of said capital stock
shall be subscribed and issued at such times
and in such amounts as the Board of Directors
shall determine. All of said stock shall be
fully paid up, when issued and non-assessable.
Article 5. Said corporation shall begin to
exist on the first day of August, 1905, and shall
continue to exist until the first day of August,
Amu i,t o. me nignest amount or indebted
ness or liability to which said corporation
shall snbjeet itself at any one time, shall be
two-thirds only of the actual paid in capital
Article 7. The affairs of said corporation
shall be conducted by a Board of Directors,
who shall consist of three members, and who
shall have the general management and
control of its business and property. The
other officers of said corporation shall be a
President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall
exercise such powers and perform such duties
as usually devolve upon such officers, and such
additional powers and duties as may be pro
vided by the by-laws of said corporation. All
of said officers shall be elected by the stock
Given nnder our hands and the seal of said
corporation this 3rd day of August. iw>5.
Isaac W. Sandberg,
(seal.) Emelin Sanobekg,
Directors of the Asuton Lumber Company.
Last pub. Aug. 31.
A. P. DeLyster
i. I
Loup City, • Nebraska
Call ’Phone R23.'
I ■_I
Good Goods at Right Prices
Dry Goods.
We have added a
small line of Dry
Goods to our line
of Clothing which
will be of much
value to you at the
prices we sell at.
Will have a com
plete line as soon
as we get more room.
Look it over and see.
Prices Tlia/t Talk:
JOHNSON & lopentz
Loup City, Nebraska,
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Have just received a complete line of
Which will be ready for inspection by
A cordial invitation is extended to every interested person to
call at any time, when the most courteous attention will be ac
corded them, and good values assured.
Particulars Next Week