The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 31, 1905, Image 7

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    Pardoned by th» Governor.
When a dog has reached up on the
kUrhen table and absorbed the three
poimds of .sirloin steak that has Just
come in from the butcher, he mustn’t
expect people to pat him on the nead
and say fondly, “Dear old Bruno!"—
Somerville Journal.
Musicians Play Chess.
At a London theater, at which a
musical play is having a long run,
the members of the orchestra play
chess on miniature boards during the
waits between acts.
All Up-to-Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be
cause it is better, and 4 oz. more of it
for same money.
IjGas Light for
j: Country Homes, jlj
i \ Small country homes, as well as V
large ones, may be lighted by the !1 j
I best light known — ACETYLENE '! i
GAS—it is easier on the eyes than !'
any other illuminant, cheaper than 1j
kerosene, as convenient as city gas, ]i
brighter than electricity and' safer < |.
than any. \ ;
No ill-smelling lamps to clean, and
no chimneys or mantels to break. '! j
For light cooking it is convenient I1 ]
and cheap.
ACETY LENE is made in the base- ] >
ment and piped to all rooms and out- i [ i
buildings. Complete plant costs no J >
more tnan a hot air furnace. i ’
!;pT| Automatic j|
j| * V-/ 1 Generators !;
(' make the gas. They are perfect in
JI construction, reliable, safe and <[
!'simple. S
<[ Our booklet, “AfterSunset,” tells i*
]i more about ACETYLENE—sent free | >
< [ on request. !1
< | Dealers or others interested in the \1
'i sale of ACETYLENE apparatus write '!
!' us for selling plan on PILOT Oener- ]>
<| ators and supplies—it is a paying i[
J' proposition for reliable workers. j i
j; Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co., ;
157 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL ]!
*£?£?£[Thompson’s Eyi W«t«f
W. N. U. Omaha. No. 34—1905.
Rose Leaves in Favor.
Showers of rose leaves figured to &
recent English wedding instead of the
usual rice and confetti. The old Ro
mans made considerable use of rose
leaves both at feasts and dramatic
performances. They used th^m nleo
as perfumes to saturate and refresh
the air.
Generally Justified.
There always remains a suspicion In
the mind of the most devoted wif*
that perhaps she could have done bei
ter.'—Atchison Globe.
Trailing Dresses Barred.
The authorities of Nordhausen, Sa*
ony, have forbidden the use of the
streets to an;: person wearing an ar
ticle of dress that sweeps the pave
ment Offenders are to be fined 30
Lewis' “Single Binder" straight 5c cigar.
Made of ripe, mellow tobacco, so rich in
quality that many who formerly smoked
10c cigars now smoke Lewis' ‘‘Single
Binder.” Lewis' Factory, Peoria, I1L
Englishman’s Har&h Criticism.
An Eiglishman says that the people
of the United States are nerve-racked,
bald-headed, gray-headed, catarrhal
people, who do not know how to live
Piso's Cure is tbe best medicine we ever used
for all affections of tbe throat and lungs.—WM.
O. Ekdslst. Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10,1900.
Few Suicides in London.
London has fewer suicides than an?
other great capital. While Paris has
400 suicides per million per year, Lon
don has only ninety.
FREE—55-page copyright book. “Advice to
Victims Great White Plague ( Tuberculosis.V*
Drs. Van Hummed, 611 14th St., Denver, Colo.
The Really Strong Mind.
“The mind that is parallel with the
laws of nature will be in the current
of events, and strong with theii
Why It Is the Best
is because made by an entirely differ
ent process. Defiance Starch is un
like any other, better and one-third
more for 10 cents.
“You’re just a poem, Bess,” I said
And I was right, you see.
I knew the way she tdssed her head
She was a verse to me.
**T>Tipej»«ta Tormented Me for Tears. Dr
Ds»1a Kt-oneay * F»T,.nte Rtiufdy cured me.” Sire- G.
S. Douguariy , KlliriUe. N. J. feed o»er Su ye&rs. 41.00.
.Consider the Wasp.
“The wasp is a disputatious crea
ture, to be sure,” observed the profes
sor, “but it always carries its point.”
Two English Cities Keep Walls.
York and Chester are the last Eng
lish cities to preserve their surround- i
ing walls intact.
Defiance Starch
should be In every household, none so
good, besides 4 oz. more for 10 cents
than any other brand of cold water j
starch. _
Nothing except what flows from the
heart can render even external man
ners pleasing.—Blair.
_> . - -
Cabbages were introduced into Eng
land in the sixteenth century.
f KC
is the wonderful raising powder of the
Wave Circle. Thousands of women are
bringing greater health and better food
into their homes by using K C Baking
Powder. Don’t accept a substitute!
Use the safe, wholesome and reliable K C
Baking Powder. If you have never used
it you don’t know what you’ve missed.
25 ounces for 25 cents
The artistic *‘ Book of Present* "
free upon request.
Dainty, ©dtp, Dressy
are a delight to the refined woman every
where. In order to get this result see that
the material is good, that it is cut in the
latest fashion and nse
in the laundry. All three things are import
ant, but the last is absolutely necessary.
No matter how fine the material or bow
daintily made, bad starch and poor laundry
work will spoil the effect and ruin the
clothes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure,
will not rot the clothes nor cause them to
crack. It sells at 10c a sixteen ounce pack
age every7where. Other starches, much in
ferior, sell at 10c for twelve ounce pack
age. Insist on getting DEFIANCE
STARCH and be sure of results.
OofSanoo StareSn
Omaha, Nebraska.
In the postal service of every gov
ernment, the work performed by the
carriers is one of the mo6t important
features of the system. In the carrier
service of the world there are em
ployed many unique methods, and the
costumes worn, devices employed and
the practices relating to mail delivery
obtaining in the various countries are
of no little interest. If all the men
who are engaged in carrying the mails
for Uncle Sam alone were assembled
in one place it would be a multitude
distinctly notable for picturesqueness
and variety. Included in this vast
army of United States mail carriers
there would he the Indian and his dog
sledge, the pony rider of the far west,
the rural mail carrier, the native Por
to Rican and the native Filipino in
their quaint costumes, the gray-uni
formed carrier of the cities, the native
Hawaiian, and the list might be car
ried on still further. But the cos
tumes of carriers employed by some
other governments are even more pic
turesque and diversified.
Decidedly unique in comparison with
the carrier system obtaining in Cana
dian and United States cities is the
method of delivering letters in the
Congo district, Africa. The Congo
letter carrier is a negro of darkest
hue. His uniform, if such scanty at
tire could be so called, consists or only
a breech clout, with no shoes or hat,
not even a necktie to accompany this
single and singular article of wearing
apparel. The ehony-hued and meager
ly clad carrier fastens the letter he is
given to deliver to the end of a staff,
and holding this in one hand high
above his head, he starts on a run
for the plantation of the person to
whom the letter is addressed.
Over sands and wastes, through
small streams and jungles, for miles
and miles in some instances, the fleet
footed Congo postman speeds onward
to his destination, running full to the
door of the plantation house and
knocking with the butt of his spear,
unless previously intercepted. Having
delivered the letter, the carrier's day’s
work is finished in the event he has
made a long trip, and after resting
a while and partaking of food, he
starts leisurely on his return to the
postoffice, to repeat the performance
to some other part of the country.
A Veritable Santa Claus.
There is a vast difference between
the costume of the Congo carrier and
that of the postman who delivers mail
In the northern part of Russia in win
ter. The latter wears heavy felt boots,
and, over his heavy blue uniform, a
thick fur overcoat, with cap of the
same material. He loads his mail
sacks, together with snow shoes and
other equipment needed in traveling
in that cold clime, on a low sleigh
usually drawn by dogs. Occasionally,
however, the north Russian postman
is a veritable Santa Claus, for in
some instances he drives a team of
reindeers, and the frost on his long
beard and the snow on his overcoal
complete his resemblance to the be
nevolent old man that fills the minds
of the children at Yuletide. Through
the snow and ice the Russian carrier
drives his load of mail freight for days
and days, stopping at the small post
offices and at farm houses on the way
to deliver his cargo of missives.
Warlike in appearance and resem
bling more a cavalryman in the army
than a bearer of peaceful messages is
the Swedish mounted carrier. He
wears a dark blue uniform with long
frock coat ornamented with brass but
tons, while on his head is a peaked
cap, on the front of which is pinned a
small plated crown and bugle device
Over his shoulders he wears a heavy
leather cape. About his waist is
buckled a belt, from which a sword ;
is suspended, and in a holster on
one side of his saddle is a revolver j
of large caliber, while on the other
is a bugle with which to announce his
arrival at the farm houses. In addi
tion to a black leather mail bag, the
Swedish mounted carrier also takes
with him a postmarking outfit and
acts as a postmaster for the families
along his route. The Swedish city
carrier wears the same blue uniform,
with Prince Albert coat and white j
collar and tie. He also carries a black
leather bag.
The French System.
The French city postman's uniform
is of the severe military type, dark
blue in color. It consists of a short :
military jacket with red trimmings
around the collar and cuffs and brass
buttons down the front. The trousers
of the outfit are also of blue, with red
stripes down the side seams. Sus
pended at his waist from a strap about
the postman's neck is a wooden box
bound with leather resembling the out
fit of a jewelry peddler on the streets
of our American cities. In this box
the postman carries his letters and
telegrams, calling out the addresses
I on the missives as he nears the houses
whose numbers correspond with the
addresses on the letters. The box is
also supplied with an ink well and I
| pens, and the lid form a sort of porta- j
Die writing taoie on wnicn tne re
cipient signs for the telegrams which
are delivered along with the letter
I mail. Even in the streets of Paris
! these mail boxes are carried, and in
the residence section of that capital
; the custom still obtains of crying the
| address on the letter as the carrier
; nears the house.
In the lowlands and marshes of
France the postmen traverse the
country on stilts, carrying their mail
sacks over their shoulders.
The Egyptian letter carrier is an
odd-looking individual. He wears a
loose-fitting robe reaching almost to
the bottom of his wide, baggy trousers.
On his head is a turban of soft white
material. The. letters are concealed
in the folds of his robe. Celerity and
haste are not characteristics of the
Egyptian postman. He ambles leisure
ly along on his route in the discharge
[ of his duties, stopping frequently to
poke his head in the open window of
some house to chat with the inmate.
When he has finished his conversa
tion it probably occurs to him that lie
has a letter about his person for some
member of the household, and just be
fore he leaves he fishes out the mis
sive and delivers it with an air of
There is a camel post in Egypt for
the delivery of mail to the far inland
communities. The mounted postman
dresses the same as the footman and
carries his mail in a small canvas
Japanese Postman's Dual Office.
A novel contrivance is employed by
the Japanese rural carrier for trans
porting the mail. This consists of a
yoke about four feet long, suspended
from either end of which is a sort of
basket with wooden bottom and lid
and sides and ends of netting made
of heavy cord. The carrier places this
curious yoke across his shoulders and
delivers his mail on foot, usually run
ning the entire length of the route.
The uniform of the Japanese carrier
comprises loose coat and trousers of
light blue material, a light cape wholly
impervious to water, and a flat sun
shade for a hat. In conveying the mail
to communities far inland, the car
riers employ small hand cmts with
shafts, the carriers being obliged to
perform the double duty of a horse
and a postman. In the cities of Japan
the mail is carried in small canvas
The costume of the rural carrier in
parts of India is similar to that worn
by the Congo carrier, merely a cloth
about his loins. The Indian postman
■ CatHf 5
carries a long-handled spear across
his shoulder with the mail sack tied
to the staff. Near the point of the
spear are four or five bells which are
supposed to announce the approach of
the mail man.
When the streams are flooded the
rural postman in India floats down
the stream astride a log, steering it in
to the bank at various points, while
he disembarks to deliver mail to the
houses along the way. There is also :
a camel post in India, the carriers be- j
ing attired with a scantiness similar j
to the foot postmen.
The town postman in India is a dis- j
tinguished-looking in dividual and he i
struts about with a dignity sufficient l
for an office of much greater impor
tance. He wears a white linen suit,
the coat cut long, while on his head
rests a red turban. In most of the j
large cities of India the carriers wear
the usual English uniform.
Australian mail carriers are garbed
in pale green uniforms with a red gir
dle abotit the waist. The mounted car
riers wear long green coats, high rid
ing boots, and strapped to the saddle
is a brace of pistols for protection, and
a bugle with which to inform the pa
trons of the carrier s arrival. The
mounted carriers are usually accom
panied by several fierce-looking dogs
as a still further means of protecting
the postman and the mail he carries.
No regular uniform has been desig
nated by the Chinese government for
its carrier servic^T One of the inter
esting features of the mail delivery in
China is the packet boat service.
Along small streams in thickly popu
lated portions of that country a spe
cial mail boats plys back and forth
along the streams, the carriers leav
ing the boat to deliver the mail to
the houses on the route.—Montreal
Georgia Negress Abroad.
A Georgia negress, Miss Burroughes,
made an adress at Hyde Park, London,
recently, at one of the meetings of the
Baptist world’s congress. She at
tracted considerable attention by some
of her quaint expressions. Among her
oratorical gems were the following:
“I ts useless to telegraph to heaven
for cart loads of blessings, and then
not to be on the wharf to unload them
when they arrive.” ' •
“The church at my home where I
belong is so small that you have to
go out to turn around, but it makes
Baptists, all the same.”
“At a revival meeting down in
Georgia so much noise was made that
the neighbors were somewhat an
noyed. One man asked his cook,
Mary, who was present at the meeting,
to tell the pastor next time that so
much noise was quite unnecessary.
•Have you not heard,’ he said, ‘how
the beautiful temple of Solomon was
built without noise;’ ‘Yes, boss,’ re
plied Mary, ‘I know, but we ain’t near
ready to build our temple; we’re just
blasting the rock. That's the reason
of the noise.’’’—Philadelphia Record, j
Hew the Designer of the Hansom
Cab Lost a Fortune.
Charles Hansom, the famous Eng
lish architect, was a talented man in
many respects other than in the exer
cise of his professions, says Dono
hue’s. He was dining on a certain day
with a few friends when one of them
taunted him with being unable to in
vent a vehicle which would supersede
the old-fashioned hacks and cabs in
universal use in London. Mr. Han
som got a sheet of paper, and without
delay sketched out his idea of a safe
and convenient mode of passing
through the crowded streets of the
great metropolis. His friends watched
him w'hile he was at work and unan
imously applauded the sketch which
he had drawn. They dubbed it by the
name of its inventor, and it was then
and there called a “Hansom car.” One
of tlwse present advised him to take
out a patent for it, which he said he
would do on the morrow. However,
there was oue dishonest man in the
company, by whom he was forstaUed,
lor on reaching his own house that
evening and being like Mr. Hansom, a*
clever draftsman, as all great archi
tects are, he sketched out a car like
the drawing he had seen, and early
the following morning he took it to
the office and got out a patent for it
in his own name, thus robbing the tal
ented inventor of all the remunera
tion which he deserved to reap from
it. It brought an immerse but ill
gotten fortune to the one who had per
petrated the fraud, whereas Mr. Han
som was never one penny the richer.
Prince Gustavus Adolphus.
Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Swed
en. now the duke of Connaught’s son
in-law, is a great-grandson of the Ger
man Emperor William I, and his an
cestors include King Gustavus III of
Sweden, King George II of England,
grand dukes of Baden and highnesses
of Bavaria and Wurtemberg.
Mile-a-Minute Train.
An express train which makes no
stop between London and Liverpool
has bt?en introduced by the London &
Northwestern Railway company. The
201 miles are covered in 208 minutes.
How the Bishop Judged a Horse.
Bishop Warren of Denver, Col., men
tioned the other day a piece of advice
that was once given him by his broth
er Methodist, Bishop Walden of Cin
“At the time.” said Bishop Warren,
“I contemplated the purchase of a
horse. Walden was visiting in my
town, and, knowing that he had been
brought up in the country, and that
he ■» as a good judge of the equine
race, I persuaded him to go with me
and pass his judgment on the animal
I had selected.
“When the horse was brought out
Bishop Walden's eye lighted at once
upon its knees. ‘See here,’ he said
to me. ‘Look at those knees. Do you
see how worn they are? That is a
sign of stumbling.’ I nodded, much
impressed, and Bishop Walden added:
‘You don't want this horse, Bro. War
ren. Worn knees are a very good sign
in a minister, but a very bad sign in
a minister's horse.’"
English Divorces Increase.
The number of divorces is increas
ing in England.
Wren Builds Many Nests.
One of the most energetic nest
builders Is the marsh wren; in fact,
he has the habit to such a degree that
he cannot stop with one nest, but
goes on building four or five in rapid
Japan's Only Lake^
Lake Riwa is the only large sheet
of fresh water in Japan worthy of
mention. It is thirty-six miles long,
twelve miles wide, and its greatest
depth about 300 feet.
India’s Foreign Trade.
India has three and one-third times
as much foreign trade as Japan;
three times as much as China, easily
beating Italy and Austria, also Bel
gium, and surpassing the Rufcian em
pire by 25 per cent.
“Baker's Dozen.”
The phrase “baker’s dozep.” arose
from the custom of the trade to allow
I thirteen penny rolls to each dozen
sold. The same custom still holds
I good in the wholesale book trade.
A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many
Dread Diseases—Intelligent Women Prepare
for It. Two Relate their Experience. '
The “change of life” is
the most critical period
of a woman’s existence,
and the anxiety felt by
women as it draws near
is not without reason.
Every woman who
neglects the care of her
health at this time in
vites disease and pain.
When her system is in
a deranged condition,
or she is predisposed to
apoplexy, or congestion
of any orga~, the ten
dency is at this period
likely to become active
—and with a host of ner
vous irritations, make
life a burden. At this
time, also, cancers and
tumors are more liable
to form and begin their
destructive work.
Such warning symp
toms as sense of suffo
cation, hot flashes, head
aches backaches, dread
of impending evil, timid
ity. sounds in the ears,
palpitation of the heart,
sparks before the eves,
irregularities, constipa
tion, variable appetite,
weakness and inquie
tude, and dizziness are
promptly heeded by in
telligent women who are
approaching the period
* Mrs. AE(*.Nyland s
^•MOUQIfQ 0 ■•■□BI8 o am OI0 »oot^
in me wnen woman s great, cnamge
may be expected.
These symptoms are all just so many
calls from nature for help. The nerves
are crying out for assistance and the
cry should be heeded in time.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Oam
ponnd was prepared to meet the naads
of woman s system at this trying
period of her life. It invigorate* and
strengthens the female organism and
builds up the weakened nervous system.
It has carried thousands of women
safely through this crisis.
For special advice regarding this im
portant period women are invited to
write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass.,
and it will be furnished absolutely free
of charge.
Head what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Com
pound did for Mrs. Hyland and Mrs.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:—
“ I had been suffering with falling of the
womb for Years and was passing through the
Change of Life. My womb was badly swol
len ; my stomach was sore; I had dizzy spells,
sick headaches, and was very nervous*.
i. wrote you ror aance ann eommencea
treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound as von directed, and I am
happy to say that all those distressing symp
toms left me and I have jiassedsafelv through
the Change of Life, a well woman. I am
recommending your medicine to all my
friends ”—Mrs, Annie E. G. Hviand, Chester
town, Md.
Another Woman's Case.
“ During change of life words cannot ex
press what I suffered. My physician said I
had a cancerous condition of the womb. On*
day I read some of the testimonials of women
who had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound, and I decided to try it
and to write you for advice. Your medicine
made me a well woman, and all my bad symp
toms soon disappeared.
“ I advise every woman at this period of life
to take vour medicine and write you for ad
vice.'—Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle, Salem", Ind.
What Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs Hyland and
Mrs. Hinkle it will do for any woman
at this time of life.
It has conquered pain, restored
health, and prolonged life in cases that
utterly baffled physicians.
Ljoia c. pimuiams ^eseiawe compound succeeds Where Others hail.
Special Offer
The name and address of your
shoe dealer and 15c to cover
i cost of mailing, etc., will secure
I one of the handsome rolled
gold pins illustrated above.
Enameled in colors and will
j wear for years. These pins
were secured by thousands of
j World's Fair visitors.
Only a few hundred left.
Write Quick.
Roberts. Johnson $Rand
troubled with ills peculiar to R
ucu iu, tscu a» a vwucno is xaan tiousiy suc
cessful. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease mobs.
stops discharges, heals inflammation ana local
Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved ia pare
water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germkioal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists, SO cents a box.
Trial Bex and Book of Instructions Free.
Tmc a. Paxton Compart Boston, Mass,
westers Is vest Rest a«l Cserastr Cs.. Omaha, hr hr.
Tecumaeh. 27 nn. hotel, furnished, modern, $10.
000; livery barn,80head. 125 tone hnj-.83.M0. Hoop
er, barWrshop, bowling alley, lot. 03,000; pop
factory, lot. $3.0.0. half cash. Papillton. restau
rant and confectionery. $800. Craig, pool hall,
lunch, livingrobins. $700. South Omaha.bakery,
confectionery, rig. barn. $1,000. Osmond 160 A
impvd.. $laA. Plain view, half sec., lmpvmecta,
$18,700 Creighton, 240A, near town, water. $36 A
Council Bluffs, Ia, restaurant complete, $5$$.
Instantly Relieved and Speedily
Cured by Baths with
Soap to cleanse the skin,
gentle applications of Cuti
cura Ointment to soothe and
heal, and mild doses of Cuti
cura Pills to cool the blood.
A single Set, costing but One
Dollar often cures.
Sold throoghont the world. Potur Dm* and rw
Corp_ Bowen. Sol. Prope. ^
mr Stud tot “ Tiu Grea: Humor Curt.” nulled
In Elegant New College Building.
66x132 Feet, Four Stories Klgli
AM department, enlarged, twc- new one. added. An
ditorium aim! Gjinntsium Sp'e* ciki rovrnts in
BnssJn«*s, Short-hand, Type writing and T< 1
Anyone writing for a Catalogue, wi'ri be sent tree
some elegant specimen* of t‘ecraan.-h:p. Adores*
R0HR8010H BROS Omaha, Nefc,