The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 24, 1905, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
TERMS:—11.00 PEH TE^ ir paid IN ADYANC1
Entered at the Loup City Postoflice for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - * Rll
Residence ’Phone, - - G15
J. W. BURLEIGH, Ed. and Pnb.
Display Space—Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices —Five cents per line for
each insertion. Notices set in biack face type
double the above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out when time is not spec ified.
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is
charged, or a momentary interest involved,
five cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thunks. 50 cents,
Resolutions of respect and condolence gl .00,
In memoriam poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge,
society and club meetings and all public
gatherings where not conducted for revenue,
will be published free.
Professional Cards
R. J. nightingaTe
Attorney and ConaselcMt'law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Xeb.
•iim ii.
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Physician and Surgeon
< mice at Telephone
Residence. Connection
Office, Over New Bank.
w- _
OFFICE: East Side Public Square.
Oftioc up stairs in the new State
Hank building.
And the Public!
Tie St, Elmo Livery Bam
Is under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
tiling good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, hut I can and will. Respt.,
T. E. Gilbert, Prop.
Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noittiwescern Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers
Headquarters ior farmers’ team.-. Com
mercial men's trade given especial at
^ teution. Your patronage solicited.
Poland China Swine
Bred and Owned by
Telephone LOOP * I PN .
Connection NEBUASKA..
FOR SALE:—&> Cho ce Spring Boars
— and one yeailiiu Iw), r, siied by M»mo
Butler, -Hi 8 3.
Republican County Convention.
Loup Citt. Nebr. July 17. 1905.
The Republican electors of Sherman county.
Nebraska, are hereby requested to rsend
delegates from their respective townships to
meet in convention at Loop City, Nebraska.
Monday, Aug. 2Sth. 1905, at 11 o'clock a m. for
the purpose of electing delegates to the
Republican State convention for the year 1905.
to elect a county central committee anti the
chairman thereof, and to place in nomination a
candidate for county treasurer, county clerk,
sheriff, judge. Superintendent, surveyor and
coroner. Also to transact such ocher business
as may properly come before said convention.
The several townships are entitled to
representation as follows: the apportionment
being based upon the vote cast at the last
general election for President Roosevelt, giv
ing each township one delegate for every ten
votes or major fraction thereof and* one
delegate at large:
Oak Creek. 3 Logan. 6
Washington. 7 Elm. 4
Webster.6 Loup City.23
Ashton.s Rockville.6
Clay.6 Harrison .10
Scott. 4 Hazard.6
Bristol . 5 —
It is recommended that no proxies he
allowed, and that the delegates present from
each of the respective townships be authorized
to cast the full vote of their delegation and
that the primaries be held at the usual voting
place in each township on Saturday. August
26th. 1905.
By order of the Republican Central Com
mittee. W. R. Mellor, Chairman.
R. P. Stark, Secretary.
Republican county convention next
Monday, Let there be full delegations
from every township.
And now we know John Wallis a
candidate for governor, if we never
knew it liefore. The Champion, his
home paper, speaks of him as "Farmer
Wall ”
A. Sutton is a candidate for sheriff of
Valley county, and it looks as if Mr.
Sutton had a cinch on the Republican
nomination, which would land him
safely in the office.
Our populist triends held their coun
ty convention on Tuesday of tins week,
and placed the f blowing ticket in the
ri.dd: Clerk. C. F. Beuschatisen; treas
urer, It. M. Iliddleson; judge, J. A
Angier; superintendent, J. F. Nicoson:
sheriff, John Tlirailkill; surveyor. E. B
Corning, and coroner, Dr. J. W. Jones.
The following were elected as delegates
to the pop state convention: II. G.
Patton, S. S. Polski. I. II. Winchell.
L. P Squires. E. B. Hickman, Edward
Snyder,C. H. Winteerand E. A. Brown.
To the judicial convention will go E. 11.
Kittell, H. G. Patton, John Minshuil.
John Boecking. Albert Dickinson, H.
M. Mathew, Edward Snyder and F.
Badura. H.M. Mathew was selected
as state committeeman. T. S. Nightin
gale w-as chairman and S. S. Polski
secretary of the convention. We under
stand resolutions tearing the Repub
liean party into shreds were adopted
We have not the time nor space to
comment on the convention's work this
week, but will pay our respects later.
After this week, the political pot,
which lias been simmering for some
time, will rapidly get to the boiling
point. On Tuesdav of this week the
populists met in their county convention
and as will lie seen in another column,
placed candidates in nomination ter
the various offices within the gift of the
voters of Sherman county. The demo
crats, so far, have not called a county
convention, and we doubt they will,
preferring to act as a free lance, voting
independently and as they choose for
the nominees placed before the people
by the other parties. The Republicans
will hold their couoty convention next
Monday and place a list of winners in
the field for the various county offices
The republican party is now in pos
session of a fair majority in Sherman
county, and with good nominations and
full party vote, cannot fail to win every
office named. However, party lines sit
lightly upon the average voter, and it
behooves the Republicans of Sherman
county to make the choicest selections
possible and to avoid the least friction
They should meet in convention with
out discord and select nominees for the
various places of trust upon whom all
may heartily unite No man should be
uominated upon whom any feasible
tight may be made, but rather those
upon whom all can unite in hearty sup
port. Among the list of those already
spoken of for the various offices, are
strong, good men, win can and will
make a successful fight, these be
chosen. Let the good of the partv and
success be the watchword and we cau
win hands down.
Don't Die Now.
While rooting around in the new ses
ion laws one day this week, Judge
Howard Thompson ran across a law
passed by the late lamented legislature,
providing for a more thorough system
of gathering statistics in the state con
cerning births and deaths and other
happenings in which the health depart
ments are interested. Under the terms
of the law the state board of health is
authorized to appoint a local statistical!
in each incorporated town and side
statisticnns for unincorporated com
munities. These officials are expected
to keep track of all deaths and births
and they are also required to issue a
burial certificate to the undertaker in
the case of every dea’h. No officer<
have vet been appointed in this county,
at least nobody appears u> know it if
they have. So if you are planning on
dying in the near future you had better
put it off until the state board makes
these app >intme.nts. Your demise
might be illegal.—Central City Non
Special Meeting County Board
Loup City. Neb., Aug. 21, 1905.
County Board of Supervisors met
in special session as per call of
county clerk, for the purpose of tak
ing what action seemed necessary as
to the written request of J. S. Pedler.
that lie be authorized to accept service
of the motion of W. R. Mellor in the
supreme court, asking for a writ of
peremptory mandamus to compel the
county board to reconsider their ac
tion of June 14th. 1905, and to rein
state the levies as made in 1904. upon
the real estate in Oak Creek, Ashton.
Bristol and Scott townships: Present
L) C Grow, chairman, W O Brown,
Geo. Brammer, R. M. Iliddleson,
Henning Clawson. Ferdinand Scliroll
and llarve Chapman, supervisors. J S
Pedler county attorney, and Geo. II.
Gibson clerk, and after due and pro
longed consideration of the matter it
was. by motion, ordered that the
names of the supervisors that had
been placed upon said request be can
celled and the paper authorizing Mr.
Pedler to accept said service be re
turned to J. S. Pedler.
A petition was then tiled before
said board, signed by ten freeholders
requesting the county board to em
ploy II. M. Mathew as associate coun
sel with the county attorney, and by
motion the same was complied with
and Mr. Mathew was employed. Fees
tiked not to exceed $100.00.
Geo. H. Gibson, Clerk.
A ball game the front end of the
week, between Loup City and Scbaupp
Siding, on the grounds of the latter,
resulted in a score of 27 to 10 in favor
of the former.
Burlington Bulletin
Of Round Trip Rates.
Chicago and return, on sale dailv,
St. Louis and return. 821.15. daily.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and re
turn. 846.45, on tale daily.
Portland. Tacoma and Seattle and re
turn, one way via California. 857.45. on
sale August 17, 29, 30, 31.
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return. $57,45,on sale Aug. 17,29,30,31
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo
aud return, on tale daily, 815 30. on sale
August 30 to Sept. 4.
Salt Lake. Provo. Price and Ogden,
Utah and return, 831.35, on sale daily
Hot Springs, S. I)., and return, 810.00
on sale August 25.
Yellowstone Park, through and in
cluding hotels and stage, and return,
$77.32, on sale daily.
Omaha and return, 86.15, on saie
August 21.
Chattanooga, Ya., and return, 830 65,
on sale September 8 to 11.
Road Notice.
(Wheeler Road.)
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to view aod re
port upon a road commencing at a point on the
north line of Section sixteen (16), Township
fifteen (15) north. Range fifteen (15), on road
No. 216, about 90 rods east of the northwest
corner of said Section sixteen (16). and running
thence in a southwesterly direction along the
present route of travel along the east side of
a barbed wire fence, and following said route
of travel along the divide in a southwesterly
and westerly direction through Sections six
teen (IG), seventeen <IT> and eighteen (18),
keeping on the divide and as nearly as practic
able along the present route of travel, on th*1
divide and terminating at a point about 25 mi®
south of the northwest corner of said Section
eighteen (1«). where said line of travel connects
with the travelled road going west all in
Sherman county. Nebraska, has reported in
favor thereof and all claims for damage or
objections thereto must be filed in the office of
the County clerk on or before noon of the 26th
day of October. 1905. or said road will l>e
allowed without reference thereto.
Dated this 21st day of August, 1905.
Geo. H. Gibson.
County Clerk
(Last pub. Aug. 14.)
Notice To Bidders
Sealed bids for leasing poor farm of Sherman
County. Nebraska, for three years commencing
March 1st. 15406. will be received at the County
Clerk's office at Loup City, Nebraska, on or
before September 11th, 19U5. at 12 o'clock noon
Said farm contains 320 acres, less railroad
right-of-way. right-of-way of irrigation com
pany and public highways. Rent to be paid in
cash, semi annually, one half on the first of
March and the other half on the first of
October of each year. Lessee shall furnish a
bond with approved security.
County Board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
Dated at Loup City, August 22. 1905.
Geo. H. Gibson.
County Clerk
(Last pub. Sept. 7).
- —- ■ 1 » |
Notice To Non-Resident..
To Edward E. Teeter, non-resident defendant:
You will take notice that on the 14th day of
August. 15405, the plaintiff herein, Ellen E.
Teeter, tiled a* petition against you in the
District Court of Sherman County. Nebraska,
tbi object and prayer of which are to obtain a
divorce and alimony from you on the grounds
of extreme cruelty, failure to provide and
desertion for more than two years.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before October. 2nd, 1905
Ellen E. Teeter
By Aaron Wall and H. M . Mathew,
Her Attorneys.
(Last pub. Sept. 14.)
For Sale by T. H. Eisner
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
op loop sit-t.
General Banking Business Transacted,
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans.
We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.'
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
High Grade Orgap
Manufactured by the
Kimiiii On dim
At Factory Prices
Delivered in your town.
You pay $5 Gash
apd $] Pef Week
50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue ami Prices of the Factory Distributors,
Omalia, IsTetx
The Big Piano and Organ House.
is all right, but it must have nice Furniture inside to be
complete.* Decorate the walls with attractive
pictures. Place a good art rug in the
dining room. Add *0.75 and
get a heavy French plate mirror 18x40
inches, it will help to entertain guests. An extra
good, warranted, Farrand orgon at.*48.00
Loup City, FURKITURS. Nebraska j
Notice to Non-Itcsiilent Defendants.
State of Nebraska, 1
Sherman County. 1
The Kansas National Loan Company, the
International Loan and Trust Company, and
D S. Fletcher, first real name unknown,
defendants, will take notice that, on the 27th
day of July, 14*05. Arminius P Culley. plaintiff,
filed his petition in the District Court of Sher
man county. Nebraska, against said defendants
impleaded with Oliver S. Mason, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax lien
upon the southwest quarter of section fourteen,
in township sixteen, north of range fifteen,
west of sixth principal meridian, situate in
Sherman county. Nebraska: said tax lien being
based upon the sale of said land to Pettibone
and Nixon by the county treasurer of said
county for the delinquent and unpaid taxes
levied on said land for the years 1891. 1895. 189C
and 1887. for the sum of $78.75, and on which
tax sale certificate No. 308 was Issued, dated
May 8th. 1*99. That said Pettibone and Nixon
thereafter paid the taxes on said land for the
years 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903. and on
Nov. 23rd. 1904. sold and assigned said certifi
cate and subsequent taxes to said plaintiff.
That plaintiff thereafter paid the taxes on said
land for the year 19bl. and that there is now
due the plaintiff on his said tax lien the sum of
fi98.78 with interest at twenty per cent per
annum for two years, and thereafter at ten per
cent, which will amount to the sum of *298.81
on the first day of the next term of said court.
Plaintiff prays that an accounting may be had
of the amount due on his said tax lien, that
each and all of said defendants be required to
set up their lien or interest in said premises or
be cut off, that plaintiff s lien be decreed to be
the first and best lien, and that said premises
be sold to satisfy said tax lien and the Costs of
suit, including attorney’s fee of ten per cent of
the amount found due by the court and for
general relief.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the eleventh day of September. 1905.
Dated this 27th day of July. 1905.
AK.viNius P. cdlley. Plaintiff.
By R. J. Nightingale, his attorney.
(Last pub. Aug. 24.)
Vhrss Daily Wains to
No. MS leaves daily except Sunday (pass
euger). 7:25a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed > l: 15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed)
11:50 a.m.
No. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri
day at 7:35 p. m.
No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south. Tickets sold to al!
points aud baggage checked throngh to
destination. Information will be cheer
fully furnished on application to
Frank Hiskk, Agent
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte.
8t. Joseph, Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis. San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast and south. West.
No 52 Passenger. 10158 a. m
No. 60 Freight.10.58 a. m.
No. 51 Passenger. 5:)0 p. m.
No. 59 Freight. 6:15 p. in.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United States on Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
UcketB call on or write to K L, Arthur
Agent. Or J. Francis, Gen’l Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
Sept. 4til to Qtll
And also buy a farm from
W. R. Mellor
B. & M. Elevators
Coal for Sale at Loup City and Asia. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
John Solmes
^dealer: in*
Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves,
Tinware, Screen Doors,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers
Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed.
Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils.
LoupiCity, - Nebraska
Call on T. M. REED for Buggies, Wagons,
and Agricultural Implements of all kinds.
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Makerl
My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma
chlnery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and
torn out a Job with neatness and dispatch.
_ . .
nent Teachers. Thorough Collegiate and Academie Courses. Graduates
from our Normal Courses receive STATE CERTIFICATES. Superior
Commercial, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy Departments. Best
Advantages in Music, Expression »nd Art. TEXT BOOKS FREE.
Tuition Low. Board at rates that will surprise you. Delighted Patrons.
Growing Attendance. Students Hold Good Positions. Catalogue Free.
Correspondence Invited. Fall Term opens Sept. 18, 1905.
Address: WM.E. SCHELL, Pres., York, Neb,