The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 17, 1905, Image 4

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In the Peace Conference
Japan Sets forth
her Demands
PORTSMOUTH, N. H—Reimburse
ment for the expenses sustained in the
prosecution of the war and the ces
sion of the island of Sakhalin consti
tute the main features of the peace
conditions handed by Baron Komura
to M. Witte at the conclusion of the
morning session of the plenipotentia
ries in the general stores building of
the Portsmouth navy yard. The word
“indemnity” is carefully avoided, the
term employed being “reimbursement
for the cost of the war.” No sum is
fixed, the amount being distinctly ad
journed for mutual adjustment be
tween the two countries after the
Japanese expenditure has been ascer
These are the two all important
conditions and those which the Rus
sian plenipotentiaries find absolutely
wnacceptable. Inacceptable as they
are, however, it can be stated that
these two principal conditions did not
come as a surprise to the Russian
plenipotentiaries. The friendly fash
ion in which Baron Komura explained
the conditions before handing them to
*M. Witte and the avoidance of the use
of the word “indemnity” in the pre
sentation of Japan’s bill for the cost
of the war leaves the way open for
negotiations and constitutes the main
hope that a final agreement is possi
ble. Certainly the danger of a sudden
rupture, no matter what the ultimate
result may be, is precluded by today’s
The other terms are substantially
what the world expected, and with
one or perhaps two exceptions could
probably be entertained as a basis of
negotiation. They include the follow
The cession or the Russian leases
to the Liao Tung peninsula compris
ing Port Arthur and Dalny. The evac
uation of the entire province of Man
churia. the retrocession to China of
any privileges Russia may have in the
province and the recognition by Rus
sia of the principle of the ‘open door.’
The cession to Japan of the Chinese
Eastern railroad below Harbin, the
main line through northern Manchv*
ria to Vladivostok to remain Russian
property. The recognition of the
Japanese protectorate over Korea.
The grant of fishing rights to Japan
in the waters of the Russian litoral
northward from Vladivostok to the
Behring sea.
“The relinquishment to Japan, of the
Russian warships interned in neutral
ports. Finally a limitation upon the
naval strength in far eastern waters.”
As a whole the terms are regarded
as exceedingly hard by the Russians.
In addition to the two principal con
ditions which cannot be accepted
under M. Witte‘s instructions, those
relating to the limiting of Russian
naval power in the far east and the
granting of fishing rights upon the
Russian littoral are considered par
ticularly offensive to the amour propre
of their country and of such a humili
ating character as to be inadmissible.
Russia's statement will be given
Saturday or Monday.
Court Rules* That the So-Called Ham
ilton Concession is Void.
OYSTER BAY. N. Y.—President
Roosevelt has been informed through
the Department of State that the fed
eral court of Venezuela has rendered
a decision against the Bermudez As
phalt company in the case involving
the so-called Hamilton concessions,
annulling the concession.
What action may be taken by this
government regarding the matter can
not be announced at this time, in fact,
so far as can be ascertained here, no
determination of the question has
been reached. It is quite probable
that will not be done until Secretary
Root, who is now on a vacation in
Labrador, shall have returned and
considered the subject with the presi
Fe art Entertained for Safety of Four
Who Strayed Away from Camp.
MISSOULA, Mont. — Mrs. Harry
Thompson, wife of SherifT Thompson;
Mrs. William Wallace of New York,
Mrs. Samuel Walters of Missoula, a
girl cook and a little boy are lost in
the Lolo mountains, forty-live miles
south of Missoula, and posses are now
searching the hills in an endeavor to
locate them.
The party left Lolo Springs Thurs
day morning, to pick huckleberries
and enjoy an outing. They had not
returned to camp late in the after
noon, and searchers were sent out
after them.
Entitled to Further Pay.
WASHINGTON—The firm of Cal
houn £ Sizer, attorneys-at-law of this
city, received notice from the auditor
for the War department that the offi
cers and men of the First and Second
Nebraska regiments, which served in
the Spanish-American war, have been
allowed the sum of $8,012.85, being the
amount due them under a recent test
case. Governor Mickey believed the
troops were entitled to additional pay.
and asked the firm of Calhoun £
Sizer to look into the matter.
Texas Fever in Kansas.
TOPEKA, Kan.—Texas fever has
appeared in a herd of 400 cattle at
Grand Summit, Kan., near the Okla
homa line, and J. B. Baker, state live
stock inspector, has quarantined the
animals. Thirty-three of the cattle
have the fever. A few have died with
the disorder. "This is the first ap
pearance of the Texas fever in the
state this year,” said Mr. Baker, "and
I do not think there is any danger
of its spreading. The federal authori
ties also are watching the cattle."
Many Persons Buried In the Falling
ALBANY, N. Y.—The middle sec
tion of the big department store of
the John G. Myers company in North
Pearl street collapsed early Tuesday
carrying down with it over 100 per
Caught in a chaos of brick, plaster
and wooden beams, between twenty
and thirty men, women and children
met death. Twelve hours of frantic
work on the part of an army of res
cuers disentangled fifty people, six of
them dead and many of the rest badly
injured. Three more bodies were in
sight at a late hour, but many hours’
work will be required to get them out.
Anything like a complete list of the
killed and injured will be unobtain
able until the workers have made
their way to the very bottom of the
mass of wreckage.
With few exceptions, those caught
in the ruins were employes, a major
ity of them girls. The collapse oc
curred shortly after the opening hour,
when barely a score of shoppers were
in the store. A clock found in the de
bris had stopped at 8:48, showing
when the crash came. The best ac
count of what probably caused the
ruin is given by the head of the crock
ery, glass and drug department, which
occupied the basement. He said:
“Workmen were sawing at a wood
en flour beam w’hich runs under the
northern end of the central pillars in
the middle of the store. Excavation
for a cellar was going on about the
base of this pillar, and I believe
that the jarring of the beam
beneath the pillar displaced the
foundation of the pillar. The
first thing I know two of the
counters near the place where the men
were working began to sag and sev
eral pieces of glassware slid off onto
the floor writh a crash. I yelled to my
clerks to run for the front of the
store. The words were not out of my
mouth when there came a creaking
and everything around us began to
fall. The wreck came slowly, how
ever, and I think everyone in my de
partment escaped, as well as the
ALBANY. N. Y.—The collapse of
the John G. Myers company depart
ment store which resulted in the
death of thirteen persons, and prob
ably the fatal injury of two others,
will be investigated by a special com
To avoid the possibility of a pre
judiced inquiry. Mayor Gaus decided
that all the investigators shall be out
of-town men.
The discovery that the thirteen
bodies already taken out will account
probably for all the victims of the ac
cident is a surprise to Albanians, who
until yesterday expected that at least
a dozen more mangled forms were
buried beneath the ruins. So sure are
the wreckers that no more bodies are
there that they have suspended their
Postmaster General Promulgates
Rules to Govern.
WASHINGTON — The postmaster
general promulgated regulations gov
erning the installation, custody and
maintenance of mail chutes in busi
ness or office buildings, apartment
houses, railroad stations, hotels and
other places. Although such chutes
have been in operation for twenty
years, no regulations heretofore have
been prepared pertaining to them.
The regulations in the main provide
as follows:
Mailing chutes, subject to the ap
proval of the postmaster, may be
placed in public buildings, railroad
stations, hotels of not less than five
stories in height, business or office
buildings of not less than four stories
in height, and apartment houses com
prising not less than fifty residential
apartments. It is expressly provided
that no receiving boxes with which
a mail chute is connected shall be
placed more than fifty feet from the
main entrance of the building in which
located, nor elsewhere than on the
ground floor. It also is specifically re
quired that mailing chutes shall not
run through any part of a building
to which the public is denied access.
The balance of the regulations re
late to authority to install mail chutes,
details of construction, collections,
It Proposes to Build West Acro»3 the
Big Sioux Reservation.
SIOUX CITY, Isu;— Confirmation
was obtained of the report that the
Northwestern railroad had purchased
the right-of-way of the Rapid City,
Missouri River & St. Paul railroad.
When the Dakota & Wyoming* rail
way excitement was at its height
eighteen miles of grade was construc
ted, from Rapid City to Spring Creek.
The Rapid City citizens who held
stock in this road supposed their
money had been sunk beyond redemp
tion. Unexpectedly they received an
offer of $40,000 for the grade and right
of-way to Cheyenne river last week
from the Northwestern and the deal
was concluded.
Typhoid Fever In Washington.
WASHINGTON — There were 25
cases of typhoid fever reported to the
health office Thursday, the greatest
number for any one day during the
present outbreak of typhoid in this
city. The District of Columbia com
missioners have directed the police of
the city to Join the health officials in
making a house to house canvass to
see that all premises are kept in a
sanitary condition. As an extra pre
caution for the protection of the
health of numerous employes of the
War department.
Jerome for Mayor.
NEW YORK—In behalf of the Citi
zens’ union a statement was issued to
Fredrich W. Hinrichs, calling for the
nomination of District Attorney Je
rome for mayor by the Citizens’
Steps Down in September.
MADISON, Wis.—It is announced
unofficially, but from an authoritative
source, that Gov. LaFollette will re
linquish the office of governor early
in September and go to Washington
as United States senator in October.
The Outlook for Coming to
on Agreement Does INot
Look Encouraging
gress has been made with the peace
negotiations over Sunday. They
stand exactly where they did Satur
day night. The session of the pleni
potentiaries which was to have been
held Sunday afternoon was postponed
by mutual agreement out of reverence
to the fact that it was the holy Sab
bath, which is universally observed
in Russia as a day of rest. The Rus
sians had not been anxious for a ses
sion and in the morning the Japanese
took the initiative and through the in
termediary of Mr. Peirce it was de
cided to postpone the sitting until
Monday morning.
The situation therefore remains the
same. It would perhaps not be too
much to say that the general feeling
is more hopeful in spite of open pre
dictions made by personages connect
ed with both sides of the negotiations
that before next Sunday the plenipo
tentiaries will reach an impasse pessi
mistic view is based upon the fact
that so far as known the two big
barriers to an agreement—indemnity
and Sakhalin—remain as high and in
surmountable as ever.
The real struggle is only postponed.
The main problems are no nearer so
lution than when the plenipotentiaries
met. The principal reason for optim
ism lies in the fact that confronted
with absolute refusal of the Russian
reply to admit the discussion of either
indemnity or the cession of . Sakhalin
the Japanese proposed to take up the
consideration of the conditions seri
atum. It is assumed that the Japan
est are prepared to yield, or have rea
son to believe a way will be found to
overcome the objections of their ad
versaries when the crucial test comes.
An intimation comes from a high
source that very strong outside influ
ences are at work on both sides and
that for the moment the effort is to
gain time. The plan of having Rus
sia practically satisfy Japan’s claim of
reimbursement for the cost of the war
by the purchase of the Japanese mili
tary evacuation of Sakhalin continues
to be advanced. Such a solution
would permit Russia to say that it had
neither*indemnity nor ceded a foot of
The debate in yesterday’s confer
ence over the first condition, the
recognition of Japan’s preponderating
influence over Corea, involving its
right to control the administration of
the Hermit kingdom, use the littoral
for strategic purposes, etc., was of a
remarkable character. Indeed, the
position taken by M. Witte was sen
sational in the extreme. His attitude
reveals plainly the Russian tactics.
They propose to raise before the
world the specter of the “yellow
peril.” Russia claims that Japan’s
present purpose is to get a foothold
on the Asiatic continent from which
to extend its influence and dominion.
Passenger Train on Nickel Plate
Crashes Into Freight.
CLEVELAND, O.—A fast east
bound passenger train on the Nickel
Plate road collided with a w’estbound
freight train early Sunday morning at
Kishman, O., near Vermillion, result
ing in the death of twelve persons,
while at least twenty-five others were
Injured, eight of whom will proabably
die. The wreck, according to the offi
cials of the company, was caused by a
misunderstanding of orders or neglect
to obey them on the part of the crew
Df the freight train.
Feeding in Transit Rules.
WASHINGTON—Secretary Wilson
md Dr. D. E. Salmon, chief of the
bureau of animal industry of the de
partment of agriculture, left on Sun
lay for Chicago to attend a conference
with the traffic managers of rail
roads entering Chicago and represent
itives of the National Live Stock as
sociation next Tuesday. The confer
ence relates to rules recently made
ay Dr. Salmon as to “stable cars” in
connection with recent legislation to
protect cattle in transit
MANILA—The Rough Riders now
residing here, headed by Colonel Alex
ander Brodie, ex-governor of Arizona
and now attached to the military sec
retary’s department, and Governor
General Curry of the Island of Samar,
called upon Miss Roosevelt and dis
cussed the time served under her dis
tinguished father. They presented
her with a photograph of Manila’s po
lice launch, named the Bucky O’Neal.
Rear Admiral Train and Represen
tative Foss, chairman of the house
committee on naval affairs, who is nat
urally interested in naval matters,
paid a visit to the Olongapo, and the
university club held a reception.
New Treaty with Germany.
WASHINGTON — The Post on
Thursday says, on the authority of a
high government official, that in view
of the prospect of heavy losses from
the Chinese boycott and the decision
of the German government to end the
tariff arrangement under which this
government and Germany now oper
ate, President Roosevelt has partially
decided to negotiate an entirely new
treaty of amity and commerce with
Germany and to submit it to the sen
ate at the next session In December
for ratification.
King Edward Visits Yacht
COWES, Isle of Wight—King Ed
ward visited the American auxiliary
schooner yacht Atlantic, winner of the
Trans-Atlantic race for Emperor Wil
nam’s cup, and the race for auxiliary
yachts from Dover to Heliogoland, fpr
which the emperor presented another
cup. He was welcomed by Wilson
Marshall, her owner, and spent some
time in looking over her. At lunch
eon the king proposed a toast to the
health of President Roosevelt mak
ing most cordial references to the
United States.
All Are Opposed to Accepting Japah’s
ST. PETERSBURG—The news of
the speedy completion of M. Witte's
reply came as a surprise to the Rus
sian public, as a delay at least until
Monday was anticipated to permit a
consultation at Peterhof.
Though M. Witte had ample power
to draft a reply at Portsmouth, the
foreign office shared the view that the
response would be withheld until Mon
M. Witte’s initiative and decision
have evoked the admiration of the
Russians, accustomed as they are to
delays in matters of a similar nature.
Japan’s demands, as predicted, have
served to array the Russian govern
ment and the people under the same
banner for the first time since the
beginning of the war, and it is evi
dent that M. Witte will find almost
solid support at his back in whatever
answer he may make to Baron Ko
mura’s communication. The govern
ment permitted and encouraged the
publication of the full Associated
Press dispatches containing the Ja
panese conditions, which, like a fiery
cross, rallied Russia’s disunited clans
—reactionary, conservative, liberal
and radical. With scarcely an excep
tion, every voice is raised in urging
the government to hold out against
Japan’s principal demands.
The Associated Press talked with
leading men of various classes, law
yers, doctors, merchants and journal
ists, and all declared that a continu
ance of the war would be better than
the acceptance of such terms. The
same spirit is manifested in almost
every newspaper office, the radical or
gans ranging alongside the Novoe
Vremya, while the Russ today de
“If these are Japan’s conditions, all
hope of peace has vanished.”
Steamship Owners Make Appeal to
Chairman Shonts.
COLON — Before sailing for the
United States on the steamship Mex
ico, Theodore P. Shonts, chairman of
the Panama Canal commission, gave a
hearing to the steamship agents, who
urged him to use his best efforts to
secure better docking facilities here.
Superintendent H. G. Prescott, repre
senting the Panama railroad, and Mr.
Garland, of the Pacific Mail Steamship
company, also were present at the
conference. After listening to the
statement of the agent relative to the
detention of steamers, Mr. Shonts ex
pressed his regrets at the present in
adequate dock accommodations, which
he confessed was primarily due to the
filling of large orders for canal pur
poses. He said that an adequate
number of derricks would not only be
built, but proper housing of the canal
employes together with modern sani
tary arrangements would all be at
tended to.
A Very Serious Condition of Affairs
MADRID—The situation in the prov
inces arising from the semi-starving
condition of many farming communi
ties is becoming alarming.
Dispatches from Malaga report that
3,000 laborers are overrunning that
district and threatening property. In
the communes of Junguera, Aloizana
and Pizara the authorities are power
less to cope with the rioters.
The agricultural population around
Cadiz is increasingly turbulent and.
begging is the only means of liveli
hood in the province of Seville.
Reports have been received of seri
ous outbreaks to Osuna and Carmona,
where 4,000 laborers attacked the
farms, carried off cattle and supplied
themselves with food.
Believed at Rome Russia Will Eventu
ally Accept
ROME—Much surprise was felt
here today at the Japanese peace
terms becoming known and high com
pliments were paid to the Associated
Press for its exclusive dispatches on
the subject. The opinion Is expressed
in Rome that the terms are rather
severe on Russia, but that if the
Japanese are sufficiently firm Russia
will end by accepting, as there is
nothing in them, it is thought, deroga
tory to Russian pride .although both
“reimbursement” and territory are de
The view in military circles is that
Russia intends to do the best possible
for herself, but will accept in the end.
In general, the Japanese terms are
less exorbitant than expected here
and the hope is expressed that an
agreement will be reached.
Russians Retiring.
TOKIO—It is reported that the Rus
sians are retiring across the Tumen
river and that they will avoid a battle
in Northern Korea. Confirmation of
the rumor is not obtainable.
No More Banana Trains.
CAIRO, 111.—Secretary Egan of the
Illinois State Board of Health an
nounced that Surgeon General Wy
man of the United States navy had
ordered the discontinuance of banana
shipments from New Orleans.
Sugar Rate War Still On.
ference of traffic officials representing
western trunk and gulf railroad lines,
was held here today to settle the
sugar rate war. The gulf lines de
clined to make any- concessions.
To Distribute Postal Cards.
WASHINGTON—The postofflce de
partment announced the establish
ment of sub-agents at St. Louis, Mo.,
Troy, N. Y., and Washington, VD. C.,
for the distribution of postal cards
to postmasters in their respective sec
tions of the country. x
Iowa Tennis Champion.
ROCK VALLEY, la.—By defeating
Baker of Sioux City Walter T. Hayes
of Toledo won the title of tennis
champion erf Iowa.
An Outline of the Policy of
the Government To
ward the Filipinos
MANILA—A banquet given by na
tives to the Taft party attracted great
interest as it was expected that Sec
retary Taft would outline the policy
of the present administration. For
some time past the feeling among the
natives has been that the administra
tion was deviating from the McKinley
policy, and as a result there has been
a noticeable disaffection among poli
ticians with the insular government
and also much unrest.
This attitude was met fearlessly by
Secretary Taft, who upheld the ad
ministration policy. When he finished
his address he was loudly cheered.
He said in part, in response to the
toast, “The Present Administration In
the Philippines:”
“On my part it is due you that if I
do nothing else tonight, I should make
clear the views of the administration
upon the present and future of the isl
“The American people are divided
upon the question I am to discuss, into
three parties.
“There is a considerable number
who have the real imperialist idea of
extending the influence of America, by
purchase and conquest into the Orient,
enlarging the power of the American
government for the purpose of con
trolling the Pacific and securing the
largest share possible of the Oriental
trade, yet undeveloped, during the
next 100 years.
mere is a second party, and this
is much the largest, who regard our
taking over the islands from Spain
after the war with the gravest reluc
tance, and who would have been grati
fied in the extreme if the assumption
of the burden could have been avoid
ed. The issue has been under consid
eration by this party, and, indeed, by
the whole American people, and the
attitude of mind they now hold re
specting the Philippines may be stat
ed with some accuracy.
“They have come to the conclusion
that, however reluctant they were to
accept the fate thrown upon them, it
is their duty to meet the responsibil
ities imposed upon them with prompt
ness, courage and hope. They believe
that *hey have become the trustees
and protectors of the whole Philippine
people and must prepare that people
to maintain the stable government
now .there.
“There is a third party which fa
vors giving the islands immediate in
dependence. This party may be di
vided into two classes, having differ
ent motives. The first class is anx
ious to rid the United States of the
burden of governing the Filipinos for
the benefit of the United States. The
second class is anxious to rid the
Philippines of the government of the
United States, on the ground that the
Filipinos can make their own govern
ment. This third party has been
twice defeated in an election on that
“The second party has for its chief
exponent President Roosevelt. He
believes that it is the duty of the
United States to prepare the Filipinos
for self-government. This will require
a generation and probably longer and
the form of self-government will be
left to the individuals who will con
trol the two nations at that time. It
follows that the president, and he.
himself, desires me to say this to the
Filipinos, feels charged with the duty
of proceeding on this policy and main
taining here the sovereignty of the
United States as an instrument for
the gradual education and elevation
of the whole of the Filipino people to
a self-governing community.”
May Follow New York in Insurance
NEW YORK—Insurance Com mi s
missioner R. E. Folk of Tennessee,
who with the insurance commission
ers of five other states is in this city,
said that investigations of the insur
ance business similar to the one about
to begin in New York may also be
commenced in the states represented
by the visiting commissioners. Be
sides the insurance commissioners of
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kentucky and
Tennessee, there were also present to
day Commissioners Pierce of Ne
braska and McGibney of Louisiana.
Bonaparte Will Help.
WASHINGTON — Secretary Bona
parte has authorized the use of his
name as a member of the advisory
board of the Bennington Memorial as
sociation of San Diego, Cal-, which
proposes to erect a modern sailors’
club house at San Diego as a memo
rial to those who lost their lives as a
result of the explosion on the Ben
Bureau of Animal Industry.
Cabe, solicitor of the Department of
Agriculture, has been placed at the
head of the investigation of the bu
reau of animal industry by Secretary
Wilson, with full authority to probe
matters there to the bottom. Inquiry
into the affairs of that bureau not
only involves the charges concerning
the tags attached to the meat inspect
ed by the government, but also it is
charged that meat inspection as now
administered redounds to the benefit
of the so-called Beef trust
Reyes Declines Appointment.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex.—A special
from the City, of Mexico says:
General Bernardo Reyes will not go
to Germany as minister for Mexico to
that country in accordance with plans
made some time ago. He has posi
tively declined to accept the post. As
far as is known he will continue as
governor of the state of Neuvo Leon.
General Reyes is the first Mexican in
many years to decline a post selected
ior him by. President Diaz.
J. Pierpont Morgan Make* a Call on
OYSTER BAY, N. Y.—J. Pierpont
Morgan had a conference with Pres
ident Roosevelt lasting an hour and a
half. The president himself is au
thority for the statement that it re
lated practically entirely to the case
of the Hankow railroad of China, a
controlling Interest in which is owned
by J. P. Morgan & Co. Incidentally,
and as relating in a measure to the
railroad interests held by Americans
in China, the pending peace negotia
tions formed a topic of conversation
by the president and Mr. Morgan.
Mr. Morgan came to Oyster Bay un
heralded. While his visit was by ap
pointment, nothing concerning it was
permitted to leak through official
sources unti lafter he had gone. Short
ly after noon Mr. Morgan's big steam
yacht, Corsair, anchored in the lower
bay about three-quarters of a mile
from the dock of the * Seawankha
Corinthian yacht club. When observ
ed from the shore she was flying the
absent flag, indicating ordinarily that
her owner was not aboard. Never
theless he was there, and in a few
minutes entered a steam launch and
was taken ashore. One of the presi
dent’s carriages was in waiting for
him. He was driven directly to Saga
more Hill, reaching there about 1
He remained for luncheon with
President and Mrs. Roosevelt and for
some time after. The suggestion was
made that Mr. Morgan’s visit and that
of Secretary Shaw a little earlier
might be more than a coincidence, but i
it can be said authoritatively that
they had no relations with each other.
Secretary Shaw and Mr. Morgan did
not meet and the purposes of their
visits were entirely different.
Consul General at Washington De
clares He Is Powerless.
WASHINGTON — Consul General
Rodgers at Shankhai has cabled the
Department of State that the Chinese
Chamber of Commerce is powerless to
stop the boycott against American
products, and that the Chinese stu
dents really control the situation.
Chinese o'fficials are inactive in the
matter. Mr. Rodgers adds that other
nationalities at Shanghai are becom
ing apprehensive lest the boycott
movement extend to them.
The American charge at Bangkok
cabled the State department today
that 3,000 Chinese in that city have
communicated by telegraph to their
agents at Singapore and Hong Kong
orders to ship no more American
goods to Siam.
Archbishop of New Orleans Succumbs
to Attack of Yellow Fever.
NEW ORLEANS, La.—A sudden
change in his condition Thursday
speedily culminated in the death of
Archbishop P. L. Chappelle of the
diocese of Louisiana. The end came
at 12:50 in the afternoon. The news
of the archbishop’s death created a
profound shock.
Monsignor Chappelle was taken ill
with yellow’ fever last week. He had
returned to the city three days before,
having just completed a tour of
Louisiana and announced on his ar
rival his intention of co-operating in
the efforts then in full swing to stamp
out the fever. The archbishop, how
ever, left his house only on one occa
sion before he was taken sick. That
was to take a drive with his niece. On
Friday he complained of the symp
toms w’hich are the forerunner of yel
low fever. Dr. Larue, the arch
bishop’s physician, was immediately
called. Oh Friday he diagnosed the
case as a genuine attack of yellow
Secretary Root Severing His Connec
tion with Corporations.
NEW YORK—Secretary of State
Elihu Root, who recently entered
President Roosevelt’s cabinet, has sev
ered, says the Times today, all con
nections with a number of financial
institutions of which he has been a
director. Mr. Root recently resigned,
it became known yesterday, from the
boards of the Morton Trust company,
the National Bank of Commerce, the
Continental Fire Insurance company,
the Title Guaranty & Trust company,
and several other corporations.
Rough Riders Pay Reepect to Presi
dent’s Daughter.
MANILA—Thousands of people at
tended the reception given to Secre
tary Taft, Miss Alice Roosevelt, and
the members of their party by
the army and navy club. Rear Admi
ral Enquist, of the Russian navy, and
his staff, were present. The reception
was the most brilliant in the history
of Manila. During the morning the
party, in automobiles, inspected new
Fort McKinley, and reviewed the
From Santa Fe to Galveston.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.—Announce
ment is made that the route for a
new trunk line of the Santa Fe to
Galveston has been definitely decided
on. Surveys have been completed and
the right-of-way is being obtained. The
gap to be closed is 250 miles long
over a prairie section almost as flat
as a table. Active construction will
begin in a short time. At present the
Santa Fe has a line from Weather
ford to Galveston. From Mexico the
trunk line, it is stated, will follow the
Belen cut-off to Belen.
Extending the Boycott.
WASHINGTON — The American
charge at Bangkok cabled the State
department that 3,000 Chinese in that
city have communicated by telegraph
to their agents in Singapore and Hong
.tong orders to ship no more Ameri
can goods to Siam.
Was Rightfully Removed.
HAVANA—The supreme court de
nied the claim of Juan O’Farrill that
Governor Nunez acted illegally in re
moving him from the mayoralty of
- 4
In Tw*nty-Five Years America Will
Have No More Hard Woods.
"Where the American people will
draw their supply of hard wood from
in 1925 or 1950 is a perplexing ques
tion." said William J. Tisdale of Bay
City. •‘Walnut has practically disap
peared from the face of the earth,
commercially speaking, and oak, ash
and cherry will go the same way in
another quarter or half century.
They are fast being cut down and
nothing is done to renew the supply.
"The day is not far distant when
the world will look to the vast forests
of Siberia, South America and Africa
for hard wood, and even this appar
ently limitless supply must some day
be exhausted. There is a big quan
tity there yet, as the manufacturing in
those regions is quite limited, but
when the sawmills of America get to
work on them they can’t survive long.
There are many mills in Michigan
and in other states that use up fifty
acres of timber in one day and get
away with twenty-five square miles of
it in a year.
“That is fast work and the forests
, of this planet are limited. It is esti
mated that in a few years, say four
or five, that the supply of oak, ash,
cherry and mahogany will be as com
pletely exhausted as is that of walnut
at the present time. Unsettled coun
tries must then contribute their hard
wood freely to the furniture factories
of America, and oak or ash kitchen
cabinets will be unknown in the
homes of people of moderate means.”
—Milwaukee Free Press.
* ...
Good Excuse for Putting Chair From
Under Would-Be Sitter.
“That,” said Thomas F. Ryan, reor
ganizer of the Equitable Life, “was
a poor excuse.”
Mr. Ryan was discussing a Wall
Street deal wherein a financier had
roughly handled a railroad maa The
financier had come forth with an
excuse for his conduct, and it was
this excuse that Mr. Ryan was con
“A poor excuse,” he repeated. “By
no means a sufficient excuse in the
eyes of the railroad man.
“That railroad man feels, I suppose,
like another misused man whom I
once saw in a restaurant.
“The man I refer to was about to
seat himself and order luncheon,
when the chair was pulled from un
der him, and down he flopped to the
floor, shaking the very building.
“He rose and rushed at the fellow
who had so misused him. This per
son, though, was not at all alarmed.
He said, with a calm, self-righteous
“ ‘You were going to sit down on my
hat.’ ”
Life’s Years Restored.
Look forward, then, through each new
day’s bright portal
To blessings new. outpoured
Bv Him. the high, invisible, immortal.
By whom are years restored.
This year of grace! What blessings in
Its vistas now may hide.
What joy and peace may come to full
If we hi him abide.
O Lord and Master, merciful and gra
Thy peace and power afford.
And bring us to the place, so fair and
Of vanished years restored.
The years of pain and loss, the over
Do thou. O Lord, make good.
The disappointing, fruitless years, all
We bring thee, as we should.
The bitterness, the canker, and the
We bear but for a day.
And Love divine, our smitten fields and
Will surely overpay.
Help us to wait thy day, O Friend and
Although it lie far hence,
Assured that naught can bring to us
Beyond thy recompense.
When all the days are old, and time
gives warning
That it shall be no more,
Wake us in peace, where, in the golden
Life's years thou wilt restore*.
—Julia H. Johnston.
Herbert McFadden, at the funeral
directors’ annual convention in Phila
delphia, declared consistency to be an
overrated virtue.
“Because,” he said, "we held the
French method of embalming to be the
best ten years ago, must we. for con
sistency’s sake, stick to the French
method now, when we know that the
American method in every way sur
passes it?
“These upholders of consistency
would go as far as the widow who
wanted to have her husband cre
“She took the corpse to the ere
matory, and the manager of the place
said to her:
“ ‘We cremate here, madam, in both,
“ ‘Both ways,’ she repeated, con
“‘Yes,’ he explained. ‘The French
way and the Italian way. Which do
you prefer?’
“ ‘Oh,’ the widow answered, bright
ening, ‘the French. The French, by
all means. Poor John never could
bear Italian cooking.’ ”—Buffalo En
Monument to Oglethorpe.
There will be presented before the
Georgia Legislature a memorial urg
ing co-operation on the part of the
State with the movement undertaken
by the Colonial Dames for the erec
tion of a monument to Gen. Ogel
thorpe, at Savannah. The Dames have
collected so far $3,000.
Justice In Victoria.
Sir John Madifcn, chief justice of
Victoria, has discovered a new plan
of punishing old offenders. He adds
up all their previous terms and makes
the total their sentence. He sentenced
one offender to nine years and one
month—his aggregate record.
Fly Plague Blocks Traffic.
In consequence of a plague of flies
traffic in the principal thoroughfares
leading to Cardiff docks had to be di
verted recently.
Kipling Built Toy Ships.
Rudyard Kipling used to be an ex
pert at carpentering and has success
fully constructed many miniature