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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1905)
Loop City Northwestern J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher. 10UP CTTT, . . NEBRASKA. Togo’s salary is $3,000, but the magazines have their eye on him. Jim Jeffries doesn’t seem likely to retire with the faro championship, any way. Chicago is to have a $300,000 school for cooks. The pupils have not been secured. And now a French submarine boat has demonstrated that the name was well bestoPed. Dr. Clifford Mitchell of Chicago says that everybody needs two vaca tions a year. Only two? If character had a Paris label and if kindness cost money how eager we would be to possess them. A particularly bad man is described as one who knew all the laws of right living and didn’t obey one of them. A man in Bowling Green was fined $15 for kissing another man. It ought to have been $150.—Ohio State Jour nal. Wizard Burbank expects to produce a tomato that will taste like fruit. But fruit is abundant, and why spoil the tomato? Says Kate Barry “There are many American jokes at •which Englishmen do not laugh.” Still they do catch on occasionally. The Chinese invented gunpowder and now some people are worrying for fear that the Japanese will show them how to use it. We can live forever if we eat the right things. But who wants to spend eternity getting up in the morning and going to bed at night? A Chicago insurance man has fail ed, with liabilities of $357,645 and as sets of $260. There is no accounting for the turns that genius sometimes takes. It is alleged that the mutineers of the Kniaz Potemkine got $350,000 out of the war ship’s strong box. This may account for their eagerness to go ashore. A Memphis paper says that a “Mil waukee man is trying to brew foam less beer.” Well, there are spigot experts who can draw a glass of beer less foam. Miss Booze of Pennsylvania is suing a preacher for breach of promise. The head of the Booze family seldom has any trouble getting men to keep their promises of fidelity. The Newark (N. J.) young man who shot a girl because she had failed to invite him to a party must have been even more anxious than most ladies are to get into society. Automobile goggles are worn by a French jockey. We may yet see the riders equipped with goggles and a horn, to say nothing of having their colors perfumed with benzine. A scientist of Washington thinks that pet animals will go to heaven, and that a dog will accompany his master there. But suppose the master goes to the other H? Poor dog! A writer in the New York Globe Bays “Matter by its structure and ar rangement is the cause of thought.” Wonder what started the matter to turn out this profound thought The Toledo Blade thinks “the first airship line from the earth to Mars Is likely to have Toledo as a termi nal.” Seems probable. The airship will start for Mars and flop back to Toledo. i —— --- ■■ A Philadelphia girl killed a mad dog with a golf stick, one stroke being sufficient. Expert golfers will, how ever, be shocked when it is added that her stance was poor and her address rather awkward. Gov. Stokes of New Jersey partook of lemonade and green apple pie in a restaurant and then found he did not have the money to pay for them. A few lunches like that will bankrupt Mr. Stokes’ stomach. Mrs. Mary Huber of New York claims that her husband, whose salary is $4 a week, has been leading a dou ble life and supporting two families. There Is a financial expert who seems to have them all beaten. The Dodge-Morse divorce case has cost the city of New York $75,000, and the end is not yet. We can hardly blame the people of New York for entertaining the opinion that the scan dal was not worth the price. It seems a little Ironical in the doc tors to prescribe plenty of fresh air, sunshine, and outdoor exercise as the real cureall, when so many unfortun ates have to make their living largely by foregoing precisely those delight ful things. A princess has been barred from a Coney Island hotel because she kept snakes in her room. Princesses who come to this country must understand that we as a people insist upon a strict observation of the proprieties. “We wants our princesses neat.” Charles G. Abbott, or Ibbott, of Middletown, Conn., one of the sur vivors of the charge at Balaklava, didn’t outlive the danger of having his name spelled wrong. And yet he was a man with three medals for bravery. Don’t kick when there’s a mistake made in yours. Of course the age of chivalry has passed, though you might not think so when reading ,about the Boston aeronaut who dropped 1,000 feet from his balloon in order to save a lady from a too rapid descent. AIDS NATURE’S WORK EFFECT OF ACETYLENE RAYS ON GROWTH OF PLANTS. Grow to Twice Actual Weight of Those Exposed to Sunlight Only Latest Victory for This New and Peautiful llluminant The experiments recently made at Cornell University prove that the be*»rtiful rays from the gas, acetylene, are as effective as sunlight on the growth of plants, and this may soon become a subject for serious consider ation by all progressive cultivators of the soil. The results of the experiments are astonishing, inasmuch as they show conclusively the great increase of growth attained by supplementing “The Light of Nature” with “The Light of Acetylene” during the hours in which the plants would otherwise be in darkness. For instance, a certain number of radish plants subjected to acetylene light during the night, grew to twice the actual weight of the same number of radishes given daylight only, all other conditions being equal, and peas had blossomed and partially matured pods ■with the help of acety lene light, while without the added light not even buds were apparent. Acetylene is already taking its place as an llluminant for towns from a central plant, for lighting houses, churches, schools and isolated build ings of all kinds, and it is being used successfully for many other purposes. A striking and important feature of acetylene is the ease and small ex pense with which it can be made available compared with the great ad vantages derived from its use. The machine in which the gas is gener ated is easily installed. A Mistaken Diagnosis. Yes, doctor, I’ve stated my symptoms all right; My heart’s like a steam engine’s bumping, And pains never leave me by day or by night, But this way, and that way are jumping. You see I am ill, and you wisely don’t scoff, But you can’t diagnose worth a cop per! Angina pectoris? Oh, there now, come off! Her name is Lavinia Ann Hopper. Arabic Translation of “Iliad.” An Arabic translation of Homer's ‘Iliad” has been published at Cairo by Suleiman Vistani, a Mohammedan student at Khartum college. The classic has been enthusiastically re ceived in Moslem circles. -_ Close Quarters. “You’re in a pretty tight fix,” said che defendant’s lawyer. “One-half the |ury want to hang you, and the rest lon’t think you’re worth the rope.— Atlanta Constitution. Especially for Women. Champion, Mich., July 24th.—(Spe cial)—A case of especial interest to women is that of Mrs. A. 'Wellett, wife of a well known photographer here. It Is best given in her own words. "I could not sleep, my feet were oold and my limbs cramped,” Mrs. Wellett states. "I had an awful hard pain across my kidneys. I had to get up three or four times in the night. I was very nervous and fearfully de spondent "I had been troubled in this way for five years when I commenced to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and what they caused to come from my kidneys will hardly stand description. "By the time I had finished one box of Dodd’s Kidney Pills I was cured. Now I can sleep well, my limbs do not cramp, I do not get up in the night and I feel better than I have in years. I owe my health to Dodd’s Kidney Pills.” Women’s ills are caused by Dis eased Kidneys; that’s why Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure them. Landlord Gets One-Third. In the capital of New Zealand one third of a workman’s or a clerk’s in come goes to the landlord for renL Lewis’ "Stf'gle Binder.” The richest inality cigar on the market at straight 5c. Always reliable. You pay 10c for cigars not so good. Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, I1L ■ ■ —i ■ i. ■ ■ ■ " « ■ m s Many a man works his friends so that he may be in a position to play the races. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure.—J. W. O'Urihn, 322 Third Are. N-, Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6,1900. If you are looking for trouble and can’t afford an automobile, buy a mule. "Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy •ured mj wife of a terrlbl* dlaeaae. With pleaaure I taettf j tolto marvelous effloacy J. Sweet, Albany.N. Y. Any fool can write poetry, but it takes a wise guy to swap it for ready money. FRKE—52-page copyright book, “Advice to Victims Great White Plague (Tuberculosis.)” Drs. Van Hummell, 614 14th St., Denver, Colo. Speaking or sure things, there Is, In addition to death and taxes, the rent collector. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens the gums, reduces tP Summation, allays pain, cures wind colto. SScabottlp Satan agrees with the man who Is satisfied with himself. Don't you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely superior to any other, is put up 16 ounces in pack age and sells at same price as 12 ounce packages of other kinds? The Christian Sabbath is a legal rest day in Japan. Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch Is fast taking place of all other brands. Others say they can not sell any other starch. Borrowing trouble never strength ens a man’s credit. Dealers say that as soon as a cus tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im possible to sell them any other cold water starch. It can be used cold oi boiled. WATER BASEBALL IS THE LATEST AND FUNNIEST OF SPORTING GAMES Hear, O athletes! Have you tried water baseball? No; not water polo or water football, but the good old national game, played on a lake or bay or swimming pool, or a quiet bit of a river where there is not much current. If you haven’t tried it get in line and begin at once with the new game of the season. One need not be a great ball player nor a star swimmer to play the game. All it requires is a rudimentary knowledge of baseball and fair swimming ability. The outfit con sists of a tennis ball, a yard or less of broomstick and four rafts—one large and three small. The batsman and the catcher stand on the big raft. On a small raft ten yards away stands the pitcher. He may deliver the ball in any style he chooses so that it crosses the plate. In striking everything goes—bunt, bin gle, swat or foul tip. There are five men on a side. The moment bat and ball come in contact the batsman must start for first base. It doesn’t matter how the ball is hit, you count it as fair. Indeed, it is a triumph of skill to turn and swing with the ball and send it flying past the catcher. Suppose you have driven a good ball out near third base. You pile over board with a dive toward first. As you rise to the surface you see the third baseman and the pitcher furious ly swimming after the ball. To your excited eyes it seems as if first base were a mile away. As you near the base you see the pitcher seize the ball and turn in the water to throw it. But it is no easy matter to throw a ball while treading water, and the chances are that the throw is a bad one, and you are safe. You nowr turn your attention toward second. To steal it seems easy, and so, as soon as the pitcher delivers the ball, you start. But if all goes well with the other team, when you have gone about a third of the distance you notice that the second baseman has the ball. Giving up hope of gaining second, you turn to regain first, only to note that the first baseman has fol lowed you and waits for the ball about five feet to your rear. You again turn your efforts toward second, only to see the second base man swimming toward you. With much splashing you try to evade this latest comer, but you are put out and retired amid the 'yells of the onlook ers. The game is full of fun. Some times an ardent baseman will lean too far over to one side in his efforts to get the ball. This will cause the raft to tilt until the player loses his bal ance, and in his efforts to regain the center of the raft it will shoot from under him, and he will land smack on the surface of the wrater. The game is full of unexpected fan cy stunts. The spectators laugh even more than they do at the ludicrous happenings in indoor baseball, for the rolling and tumbling in the water makes the mishaps twice as funny. It is most important to have one keen-eyed watcher constantly looking out for all the players who are in the water, so that there shall be no dan ger of accident.—New York World. FOR MONUMENT TO ADAM. Pet Project of Mark Twain that Came to Naught. Mark Twain and the late Rev. Thomas K. Beecher of Elmira. New York, were great chums. For years Mark made his summer home at El mira, and when the two were together they were like a pair of boys just out of school. One day Mark said: “Tom. I’ve just been reading this interesting book Genesis, and I’m impressed with the thought that we moderns are not giv ing Adam, one of the greatest men in history, a square deal. Here we go erecting statues and monuments to generals and poets and statesmen, and actually forget all about our first an cestor. It’s not right. Why shouldn’t there be a statue of Adam somewhere, erected by his grateful descendants?” "There certainly ought to be, Mark,” replied Mr. Beecher, “but nobody knows what Adam looked like.” “Well,” drawled Mark, “he'd prob ably look as much like his statue as the average victim does. I vote we see to it that Adam gets his rights.” The two set to work raising a fund for a statue to Adam. A citizen of El mira still living subscribed five thou sand dollars; but that was as far as the project got, for other interests pushed it aside and it is now only an amusing recollection. — The Sunday Magazine. Not Exactly What Lawyers Wanted. Lawyers have some queer experi ences,” said the Judge. “One of them was telling of a case heard before me. A young man had been arrested for larceny and he sent for this lawyer. “The young fellow told the attorney that he was innocent, but that he had no friends in the city and no money. His mother, however, was in fair cir cumstances and he knew that she would help him. What he wanted the lawyer to do was to defend him and also send a telegram to his mother telling of his fix and asking aid. The lawyer agreed to this and made such a good defense that the young man was acquitted. “He and the attorney went direct to the telegraph office to which the mes sage had been ordered sent and found it. The young man was so grateful to the laywer that he handed him the unopened envelope, telling him that he must take all the money that his mother had telegraphed him. The law yer tore open the yellow cover and his eyes were greeted with these words: ‘Put your trust in God. I am praying for you. Mother.’ ’’New Orleans Times Democrat. Head of a Large Family. Mrs. Sarah Ann Woolf, of Utah, who has died at the age of ninety-one, left ten children, eighty-one grand children, 189 great grandchildren—in all 303 living descendants. Fifty-four of her descendants are dead. ^S^AAAAAAAAAAA^WVWVWWVJ Men Who Make Millions a Year “I made the thousands, the millions made themselves,” the late Jay Gould once declared; and, although the statement may perhaps savor of ex aggeration, it is probable that many another man of millions would in dorse J. D. Blair’s statement, “I made my second million easier than my first thousand.” At what an astounding rate a for tune may grow when once it has passed the million rubicon, which t so few of us may hope to reach, is proved by the following statement of J. D. Rockefeller’s wealth at different stages of his romantic career. In 1865 his capital, all told, was a bare $5,000; five years later it had grown to $50, 000; in five years more it touched $1,000,000; another ten years made it $50,000,000; five more years doubled it; in 1899 his fortune had reached the stupendous sum of $250,000,000; and to-day. Just forty years after the first thousand was saved, it is said to ex ceed $500,000,000. Thus, in fifteen years (1875 to 1890) Mr. Rockefeller increased his fortune a hundredfold; and in the next fifteen, though he has only multiplied it by five, he has added $400,000,000 to it, representing an average addition of five and a third millions every year. To illustrate how possible such an increase is, and how millions can make millions, let us take one year— that of 1890— In Mr. Rockefeller’s race for riches. At the beginning of that year he stated on oath that he was . _ — — — ~ — the owner of $31,000,000 in Standard Oil stock. Before December came that stock had appreciated 400 points, and thus, as any boy can calculate, his holding in the Standard Oil Com pany alone had added $124,000,000 to his riches without any effort whatever on his part. At the same time Mr. Rockefeller had been bperating heavily In stocks of half a dozen railways, and in co operation with J. Pierpont Morgan and James J. Hill had formed a colos sal railway combination, with the re sult that these transactions put $10, 500,000 more into his exchequer. From these sources alone the American Croesus added to his fortune nearly $150,000,000 in a single year, a larger sum than he had accumulated in the 30 years ending in 1895. That a man who, like Pierpont Mor gan, practically controls properties capitalized at over $6,500,000,000 or $1,000,000,000 more than the aggre gate revenue of the forty-three princi pal nations of the world—should be in a position to make money, goes without saying. It is interesting, how ever, to see how and at what rate he can add to his millions. Five years ago, when the great coal strike was on, and in the absence of any prospect of a settlement, Mark Hanna called on Mr. Morgan and told him the strike would have to be set tled at once.* Mr. Morgan accordingly called a meeting of the mine owners to receive Mr. Hanna’s proposals; and, confident that the deliberations would end in a settlement, he proceeded to buy every coal share he and his agents could secure. Mr. Morgan’s foresight was Justi fied; the strike was settled, prices took a big leap upward, and the great financier was able to sell at a profit variously estimated at from $10,000, 000 to $15,000,000. It is said that Mr. Morgan has clear ed from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 by each of his great reorganization schemes. Once he made a profit of $3,000,000 by the purchase of bonds from the Cleveland administration, and, as a sample of smaller pickings that have come so plentifully his way, when the New York Central railroad found it necessary, in 1895, to issue 45,000 shares of new stock, Mr. Mor gan sold the entire block in Europe and made a personal commission of $500,000. In 1890 W. K. Vanderbilt is said to have netted $25,000,000 by operations in railway stocks alone. In the same year it is stated on good authority that Russell Sage made a profit of $15,000,000; James Stillman, Thomas W. Lawson and James Hill netted over $10,000,000 each, and William C. Whitney and several others added over $5,000,000 each to their fortunes. During last year it is reported that a dozen American millionaires increas ed their already enormous capitals by over $300,000,000 in sums ranging from $5,000,000 to $75,000,000. Alarm Clocks on Gravestones. The Indians of Pala, in the foothills of the Coast Range in the southern part of the state of California were converted to the Catholic faith by the Jesuit Fathers, who founded a mission among them. Though some supersti tions prevail, their belief in the Resurrection is strong. Believing that the dead must re main for some time in the grave, they observe exactly the hour at which the spirit departs, and the rude wood en cross over each grave in the ceme tery states the exact hour, minute and day on which the person died. Sus pended from the arms of one of the crosses is an alarm clock, with the hands set at 6:57. The alarm at the back of the clock has been set at the same moment. The person who placed the clock there believes that at the proper moment the alarm will sound and will awaken the sleeping spirit Another alarm clock, that once hung from the cross above it has fallen down and now lies in a dam aged condition on the ground. Bot tles, lamps, pitchers and other pieces 1 of crockery and glassware are »1bo j seen on the graves. The cemetery Is at Agua Caliente, or Warm Spring.— American Inventor. Power of Social Boycott. Some time ago, when President Hadley of Yale suggested the social boycott as an effective means of bringing men to a sense of their duty, serious questions were raised as to whether the author of the suggestion knew what he was talking about. But in bringing Philadelphia councilmen to time In the fight against the gas steal the social boycott proved the most effective of measures. One coun cilman agreed to turn away from the machine only when his wife took to her bed from the effects of the avert ed faces of her neighbors and former friends. Another saw the light only when his children came crying from school with the story that none of the other children would play with them or even speak to them. Another gave in when, upon requesting that he be allowed to lead the Memorial day pro cession of his ward, he was told that an honest man would be given that honor—Nebraska State Journal. A Crafty Father. “I’ll have to run down town to-mor row afternoon to do some shopping,” sighed Mrs. Squiggins, “and I hate to leave Freddy out to play without keep ing an eye on him. I’m sure that he’s only waiting for a chance to run ofl and go swimming in the river.” "Don’t worry, my dear,” said Squiggins, looking up from his papei with a crafty smile. “Just call Willie in here and let me have a talk with him.” “Now, Willie,” said the father, when his scion appeared, “your mother is going to leave you to yourself to-mor row and you will have to go in swim ming.” The boy looked incredulous. “Don’t try to get out of it, now; you simply must! The doctor has or dered that you go swimming and take lots of hard work like that for youi health. He say’s it's just the same as medicine—” And as Freddy ran out of the room crying and protesting against this new medicine, Squiggins smiled exult? ^tly at his knowledge of a small bey s na ture. MUST HAVE CHARMED LIVES. A Brood of Larks Hatched Out in Nest on Racetrack. A nair of larks which built their nest on the racecourse at Keele park, Staffordshire, and are raising a little family, have been taken under the spe cial protection of the Grand Duke Mi chiel of Russia, who is now in resi dence at Keele park, says the London Express. When the steeplechase races were held at Keele park the larks’ nest was discovered on the racecourse near the winning post. Despite the races, the large number of carriages and the crowds of people who had passed over the course, the nest had escaped injury. Marks of horses’ hoofs and carriage wheels were found perilously close to the larks' little home, and in one case a wheel had evidently just grazed the outer edge. The Grand Duke Michael wras told of the strange discovery and went to inspect the nest. There was another day’s racing, but it was thought use less to have the nest removed, and so it was again left to the care of Provi dence. Again, on Thursday, great crowds thronged the racecourse. Race horses and carriages crossed and recrossed the spot selected by the birds, but again the nest escaped scathless. When the nest was examined re cently it was found that three young larks were hatched out and the par ent birds were busy feeding the youngsters. The grand duke wTas Informed of the birds’ preservation and he at once issued instructions to the men on the estate to carefully guard the larks and their home. MISHAPS TO GREAT PAINTER. Verestchagin Did Wonderful Work with Mutilated Hand. A group of war correspondents were talking about the unhappy Russian painter, Verestchagin. "Did you ever notice his right hand?" one raid. "Indeed, yes,” said another. “How deformed it was. It seemed incapable of creating those grim pictures.” “Verestchagin,” resumed the first correspondent, "once held up his right hand before me with a sad smile. The thumb was gone. ‘A leopard,’ he said, ‘bit my thumb to the bone—it had to be amputated.’ The middle finger stuck straight out, he could not bend it. ‘A bullet once passed through this finger, leaving it good for nothing,’ he said. Then he moved the hand about with an odd, stiff motion. ‘Several of the small bones,’ he explained, ‘were shattered in a fall from a pony on the steppes. The muscles have been stiff ever since.’ "Verestchagin's right hand endured much before in the end it sunk in the cold sea, but it never lost its cunning with the brush.” - Great Lama’s Wonderful Palace. “Without doubt one of the greater, buildings in the world is in the strange and remote part of the globe which ia often alluded to as the ‘Forbidden Land,’" said Thomas Dawson of Eng land to the Washington Post. This is the palace of the great lama, in Shosa, the capital of Tibet. This dig nitary’s castle Is 900 feet long and 437 feet in height. In stately grandeur and massiveness it is one of the most imposing structures reared by man. The building contains 3,000 rooms, many of them being of great size. It is painted white, except a central por tion near the top, which includes the apartments of the chief inmate. It is reported on good authority that the roofs are covered with plates of solid gold that present a dazzling effulgence under the rays of the sun. Except for its vastness, however, there is noth ing about the palace of any special in terest, except the private apartments of the grand lama.” Use Little Milk or Cream. The government investigators find that comparatively little milk is con sumed In most southern cities. The amount per capita in Richmond is not quite one-half a pint, which is about as high an average as in any other southern city, while at Pensacola it is as low as one-fifth pint, and in Mo bile less than one-tenth pint. What is true of the consumption of milk is even more true of the consumption ol cream. It can be said, according to these Investigators, that practically no cream is sold in the south for use, as it is used in other parts of the country. For Instance, they declare, that “to buy cream for use In coffee or with fruit is unheard of’—a state ment that appears somewhat exager ated. The making of ice cream is set down as the principal use of cream in Southern cities.—Louisville Cour ieKTournal. Danger in the Title. “M. A. P.” desires that Mrs. Mackay should be known as “the” Mrs. Mao kay. Her unusual social gifts, her unique social position and her great wealth having given her a place in the world of such importance that she should have a distinguishing title of her own, “the” Mrs. Mackay would suit her admirably. Well and good. We have no objections, only may the world be preserved from another fam ily feud like the Astors’. It was this “the” Mrs. Astor business that dis rupted New York society and drove a scion of that house into denying his nationality and becoming a natural ized British citizen. The title “the” is almost as dangerous as a tank of gasoline.—Boston Herald. The Heritage. He toiled and moiled To win the fight; He worked by day. He worked by night. Was loved by none— He was unkind. Ten million plunks He left behind. He worked and smiled, Light hearted, gay; Was friend to all Who passed his way. This heritage He left behind: "God bless ihe man! He was s* kind.” —New York Sun. No Storms. Yeast—And you are just homo from Europe? Did you have a stormy pas sage? Crimaonbeak—No; didn’t take my wife, you know. Hera is Relief for Womea. Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, dl* covered a pleasant herb remedy for women’* Ills, called AUSTRALLAN-LEA1’. It is the only certain monthly regulator. Cure* female weaknesses and Backache, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles, At ail Drug gists or by mail 50 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co.. LeRoy.N. Y. 3 * Laughing for a Living. Dover possesses a curious charac ter, known locally as “Comrade,” who laughs for a living. Armed with a cigar box for contributions, “Comrade” parades the principal streets and gives exhibitions of laughing.—London Tit Bits. Completing Sale by Auction. Sale by auction is complete when the auctioneer announces its comple tion by the fatl of the hammer, or in any other customary manner. Until such announcement is made any bid der may retract his bid. A City's Charm. I would rather be a clerk In th® midst of noise and bustle than lead an aimless country life. To study na ture is good, but to study human na ture in the city of London is best of all.—Mr. H. Hill. __• Hailstone Lore. Oregon modesty came to the front with hailstones the size of cherries. Now Algeria goes one better with hail stones the size of hens’ eggs, which devastated a territory Dili miles long by six wide. Potatoes for Diabetes. Dr. Mosse, a French physician, af firmed the good results of adminis tering potatoes in certain forms of diabetes. He states that he has ef fected cures by this means. Two Points of View. A young fellow says: “Oh, that was a long time ago; five or six years.” An old fellow says: “Oh, that was some time ago; forty or fifty years.”—Atchison, Kan., Globe. DEMAND FACTS About What You Eat When It comes to food, demand to know the facta about what goes into your stomach. Not only that It is pure, but that you are not deceived in the descrip tion of its contents and condition. Some flaked breakfast foods that havo thus far failed are now being adver tised In close imitation of the Grape Nuts advertising, thinking in that way to finally make a success of the fail ure. But false statements of the merits of human food will never on earth build up a business. These flaked foods are not pre-digested. They are not fully cooked and the starch in them is starch still, and has not been turned to 6ugar as claimed. Chemical analysis tells the truth and the analysis of the famous chem ists of the world show Grape-Nut6 the only prepared breakfast food In which the starch part of the wheat and barley has been transformed into sugar and therefore ready for immedi ate digestion. Why Is this true? All the thin rolled flake foods are made by soaking the grains of wheat or oats In water, then rolling, drying and packing. These operations do not cook or pre-digest the starch. Contrasted with this pretense, ob serve the care, method and skill in making Grape-Nuts. The barley is soaked about one hundred hours, then it is slowly warmed for some days and sprouted, the diastase being developed and part of the starch turned to sugar (and later on all of it), then the grains are baked and the sprouts stripped off. Then oomes grinding, sifting and mix ing with the creamy colored flour made from white and maccaroni wheat This mixture must be skill fully made in right proportions. This blended flour contains just the ingred ients demanded by nature to rebuild the soft gray substance in the nerve centers and brain, but how to make the food easy to digest, that was the question. It certainly would not do to mix in drugs, for there is a certain failure sure to come to the person depending on drugs to digest food. They may do for a temporary expedient, but pure food and digestible food is the only final resort and safe way. So to change the remaining starch part and prepare the other elements in this blended flour it is made up into mas sive loaves like bread, the inside Do ing dark cream color and quite sticky to the touch. These loaves are sliced and again go through long cooking at certain temperatures. Then the rock hard slices are each one carefully in spected and ground ready for packing and use. having gone through 10 or 12 hours in the different operations. When finished, each little granule will show a sparkling substance on its surface. A magnifying glass will bring it out clearer and develop little pieces of pure dextrose sugar, not put on “or poured over" (as the bead of a large Sanitarium once stated in his paper, thus exposing his appalling ignorance of food processes), but this sugar exudes from the interior of each as the starch Is slowly turned to sugar in the process of manufacture. This kind of sugar is exactly like what is found in the human intestines, provided the starch of the grains, po tatoes, bread, rice, cake, etc., etc., has been perfectly digested. But many are weak in that form of digestion, and yet need the starches, so Grape Nuts supplies them pre-digested and ready to go quickly into the blood. Visitors are shown freely through the works and can follow the steps of making Grape-Nuts from the grain to the finished product. The proportions of different kinds of flour, and the temperatures are not disclosed and it seems impossible for others to steal these secrets of the makers. But purfty, cleanliness and skill are shown in every corner of the immense pure food factories. People who care for results from choicely selected food, those who want the food to rebuild the soft gray substance In brain and nerves that give the go, the vigor, the life, will understand why the imita tors who try to copy the announce ments about Grape-Nuts have failed In the past. There’s a reason for Grape-Nut* and l profound one.