The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 27, 1905, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
/ . . - . *• ■ - * *—■—
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Professional Cards
Attorney md CtmlcMtkw
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
*n. ii. *nE*io
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Oul v set of Abstract hooks in county
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. * Connection
Office, Over New Bank.
OFFICE: East Side Public Square.
Office up stairs in the new State
Bank building.
And the Public!
Tlfi St Elmo Lifer? Bare
Is under anew management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can't right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
T.E. Gilbert, Prop.
Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Xoithwescern Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers*
Headquarters iorfarmers’ teamo Com
mercial men's trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
Vhrss Daily drains to
No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 7:25 a m.
No. SS leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (niixedi 12:20 p. m.
No. WJ leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed)
11:») a. m.
’ 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri
day at 7:35 p. m.
No. 39 f uassengeri Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south. Tickets sold to al!
points aud baggage checked tbrongh to
destination. Information will be cbter
fully furnished on application to
Frank Hiskr, Agent
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Bntte.
St. Joseph. Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis. San Francisco.
and all points and all points
ast and south. West.
No. 52 Passenger.lflpsa. m.
NO. 60 Freight.10.53a.m.
No. 51 Passenger .... 5:10 p. M.
No. 59 Freight.6:15 p. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada.
ror information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to K. L. abthub
Agent. Or J. Francis. GenM Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for tran s
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office’Phone, - - - Rll
Residence ’Phone, - - G15
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub.
Displat Space—Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices.—Five cents per line for
each insertion. Notices set in black face type
double the above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out when time is not specified.
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is
charged, or a momentary interest involved,
five cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thanks. 50 cents.
Resolutions of respect and condolence, $1.00,
In memoriam poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge,
society and club meetings and all public
gatherings where not conducted for revenue,
will be published free.
Republican County Convention.
LoaP ClTT. Nebr. July 17. 1905
The Republican electors of Sherman county.
Nebraska, are hereby requested to send
delegates from their respective townships to
meet in convention at Loup City, Nebraska.
Monday. Aug. 28th. 1905, at 11 o'clock a m. for
the purpose of electing delegates to the
Republican State convention for the yeai; 1905.
to elect a county central committee and the
chairman thereof, and to place in nomination a
candidate for couat.v treasurer, county clerk,
sheriff, judge. Superintendent, surveyor and
coroner. Also to transact such ocher business
as may properly come before said convention .
The several townships are entitled to
representation as follows; the apportionment
being based upon the vote cast at the last
general election for President Roosevelt, giv
ing each township one delegate for every ten
votes or major fraction thereof and one
delegate at large:
Oak Creek. 3 Logan. 6
Washington. 7 Elm.4
Webster. 8 Loup City.23
Ashton.8 Rockville.6
Clay .*.8 Harrison.iO
Scott. 4 Hazard.6
Bristol . 5 —
It is recommended that no proxies be
allowed, and that the delegates present from
each of the respective townships be authorized
to cast the full vote of their delegation and
that the primaries be held at the usual voting
place In each township on Saturday August
26th. 1905.
By order of the Republican Central Com
R P. Stakk, , W. R. Mellor.
Secretary. Chairman.
August 23, 24, 25,
Carnival affairs are progressing at a
rapid aud favorable rate. The com
mittee is already deluged with letters
from parties wishing concessions, all
the w’ay from flyiDg machines to first
class divorce suits, and it is only a
question of selection the committee has
to deal with as there seems no end of
attractions wanting to come here
There is nothing of a definite character
to preseut our readers, but keep tab on
the newspapers, posters, programs, etc.,
and you will find the coming Loup City
Carnival will be the biggest thing ever
held or to be held here.
With dynamite bombs being hurled
promiscuously about in the old countrv,
wouldn’t you much rather be a plain
American citizen nowadays?
Official investigation of the big New
York insurance companies is now the
order of the day. The great Eqirable
insurance scandal may unearth a host
of others.
Daniel S. Lainont, who was Cleve
land's Secretary of War, died last Sun
day evening at his home near Pough
keepsie, N. Y. He was one of the
most prominent members of the demo
cratic household.
The state board of equalization has
ordered an increase of ten per cent on
the assesment of cattle in Sherman
countv. An increase of from 5 to 40
per cent is made mi about three-fourths
of the counties of the state.
Poor old Russia. Latest reports from
that devil-ridden country are to the
effect that bomb throwing continues «t
frequent intervals, only the other day
a number of different instances were
reported, with consequent death of
several of the czar’s confidential advis
ers -
At a secret meeting of Nihilists and
dynamitic scoundrels generally in Paris
a few days since, it is said extensive
arrangements wTere made to blow up
the various crowned heads of Europe.
If they succeed or not, undoubtedly
“uneasy rests the head that wears the
It keeps the potentates of Europe
busy these days dodging dynamite
bombs. Russia seems to have the most
expert bomb throwers. Other coun
tries, however, are having a sortie of
the kind One thrown at the Sultan of
Turkey a few duys since, missed th *
devoted.' sad of the ruler but did a sure
job on af .mt iliirty of his followers.
f •
Life of Grandma Moon.
I could nevej settle it in my mind
why Ohio was singled out among states
to be the birthplace of so many who
might be termed “the salt of the earth.’’
1 have space but to chronicle tjie fact
in passing, if you hail from Ohio, you
may be able to explaiu the phenomenon.
And by the way, the Almighty must
have meant the Smith family to b*
among the elect, for he made so many
of them.
This member of the world wide
family, Mary b. Smith, was born near
New irk, Ohm, April 18th, 18.'0 Liter
her parents removed to Marion county,
and the period of her youth was passed
on a larm 18 miles from Sandusky.
She has a vivid remembrance of the
quilting bees, apple cuttirgs, spelling
and singing schools, sleigh and horse
back rides, that helped to make the
round of country pleasures sixty ye <r*
ago. Weaving, spinning, making butter
and cheese were among the daily
becoming ambitious to earn some
money for herself, she taught the
neighborhood school, drawing a sal try
of S6 per month, th** maximum pri**e
paid nt time
In 1841 she was married to Gideon
Moon, who afterward' became an
ordained minister of the Freebaptisr
church, and was pastor of the Union
church in big Allen Township, Marion
countv, Ohio, for 30 years: sometimes
composing his sermons a.% he followed
the plow down the long furrows or
while engaged in the various avocations
of farm work Nine children were
horn iu this home and Mother Moon’s
strong face lights up as she descrilies
the positions of honor and trust her
sons have filled since becoming citizens
of the world. Home keeping beans
aie happiest, and she lives but in her
Mother Moon has been a wide reader,
and has a good singing voice even now
She does finished needlework and
exquisite darning and 1 fancy she in
clines to the motto ot the German
Empress, that the “kinder, kirehe and
kueche" are enough to absorb the time
and strength of the average woman.
However that may lie. I could but l*e
impressed with my aged friend’s out
look cm the world and things of the
Often with pessimistic inflection, we
inquire, “This life, what is it all when
all is done?"’ And answer it ourselves
with “grains of sombre or shining sand,
gliding into or out of the hand.” Hat
the subject of this little sketch would
consider it a gross physical sin to allow
her interest and physical tone to so fail
as to tamely admit “that life was not
worth the living.” I presume it must
be her abiding faith in the ultimate
hope, her belief that she is a part of the
“Great Plan,” which lifts her above the
weakness, and accounts in part for her
longevity. Yet her health has always
been good, above the ayerage anyway.
She has lived actively, takes an interest
in what makes for the world's better
ment. Its all a point of view, you
know. To grow old gracefully is habit,
not art.
She has made her home for the last
five years wi h her daughter, Mrs. S. S.
Hover, and enjoyed her stay with the
good people of Loup City very happily.
Eighty five years young. A good
enough record.
She will be sadly missed among the
coterie of aged mothers who gather at
the tea parties in the village, when she
goes with her children to the Southland,
but in their thought they will always
hail her‘‘friend.’’
Some lines from a stray poem keep
forcing themselves to mind, and I quote
them ks a finale to what has gone before:
The old- time places, faces, books,
Are an enchanted crowd'
They stand apart with loving looks.
With fairy grace endowed.
The memories of bygone years
We scarce can bear to tell,
Or think of them without swift tears—
We loved them all so well.
Clear Creek Chat
The weather is dry and hot.
Harvest is here.
Corn is smill but will make cio;»
with favorable weather. .
Mrs. M. Butler has bought the
Herbaugh land.
John Wibber lost a valuable hoise
last week by getting cut in the wire.
Harry Teeter, of Marion Junction,
S. 1)., is here visiting fri< nds and rela
tives. He is proprieter ot a barber shop
at Marion Junction.
Harry Shipleys’ crop w'as bully
damaged by hail, last week.
Notice. *
The public is hereby notified that the
open season for prairie chickens com
mences Sept. 1st and ends Nov. 3Cth,
and the open season for quail com
mencer Nov. 15th and ends Nov. 30lh
Special arrangements are being made
to arrest and prosecute tle-se who
shoot prairie chickens before Sept. 1st,
and I warn all such that they are in
danger of arrest and fine. /The season
now commences early enough and
every law-abiding citizen will wait till
Sept 1st. Wm. McCombs,
Game Commissioner.
Notice to .> on-Resident Defendant,
in the District Court in and for She:
man County. Nebraska.
To Walter Cook:
You are hereby notified that on the
17th day of duly. 1905, Lovie Cook
filed her petition against you in the
District Court of Sherman County,
State of Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain « divorce
from you on the grounds of Habitual
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 4th day of
September, A. D. 1905.
Lovie Cook, Plaintiff
By her attorney, H p. Starr.
(Last pub. Aug 17.)
Road Notice.
(Newton Road.)
To all whom this may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to view
and report upon a road commencing at
the northeast corner of Section twenty
three (23). Township fifteen (15), Range4
fourteen (I4ju west in Sherman county,
Nebrask. and intersecting with Road
No. 155 at said point, and running
thence directly east on Section line be
tween Sections 13 and 24, Township 15.
Range 14 and Sections 18 and 19, 17
and 20, Hi and 21, in Township 15,
Range 13, and intersecting with Road
No. 9:. and terminating at said Road
' No. 92. at the northeast corner of Sec
| tion twentv-one (21), 15 and 18, has re
| ported in favor thereof, and all claims
! for damage or objections thereto must
i lie tiled in the office of the County Cb rk
; on or before the 15th day of Septemle r,
1905 or said read will be allowed with
; out reference thereto.
Dated this 7th day of July, 1905
Geo. H Gibson,
County Clerk.
Last pub. Aug. 3.
Burlington Bulletin
Of Bound Trip Rates.
Chicago aiid e . , on s i e daily.
$2V>5. e
St. Louis and r« t irf, $23.! 5. < n sal
d ilv.
Portland, Tacoma ami J-ettlleaid
return, $46.45. on s le dailv.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and te
turn, one way via Calif imia, $57.45 o;
sale .July 13, 14, 2«'». 27 and 28.
San Francisco and Los Angeles ard
return, $57:45, on sale July 13, 14, £6.
27. 28, and August 7, 8,9. 10 and 11.
Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo
and return. $15 30, on sale daily; on
sale August 12.13, 15, $1L80<; on Salt
August 30 to Sej t. 5, $0 90.
Salt Lake* and Ogden and return.
$31.35, on sale daily.
Yellowstone Park, through and in
eluding hotels and stage, and return
$77. 30, on sale daily.
Cody. Wyo., Black Hills and Hot
Springs, S. D , approximately half rates
all summer.
Milwaukee and southern vVisconsit.
points, Michigan resorts on Lakes
Michigan and Huron, Canada, Maim
and Yew England, St Lawrence and
Lake Champlain regions, very low
tourist rates dailv
If you call or write, it will be a
pleasure to advise you about rates, train
service, to reserve you a berth, and to
try to make your trip a comfortable one
It. L Arthur
This is the season for Dining Tables. Don’t try to make
that old one do through another harvest time.
I have the most complete line of Iron Beds ever shown in
the city, and a Mattress that beats the wTorld at $7.25. Com
mon cotton tops, $2.65.
The Farrand Organ can’t be beat at any price. And we
are always ready to show you why.
I will have some new patterns of Couches in in a few
days. Come in and look over the stock before you buy.
(Successor to W. D. Hover & Co. dealers in )
Updeftakipg apd /\ft Goods
A. P. CtTLLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
m •pi
of Loup city.
General Banking Business Transacted.
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans.
We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.
Seaboard National Bank, ftew York City, N. Y.
• Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
High Grade Orgap
Man factured by the
At Factory Prices
' «
Delivered in your town.
You Pay $5 Cash
apd $1 Pef Week
50 Per Gent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the factory Distributors,
Omaha, 2STet>.
The Big Piano and Organ House.
Wouldn’t you ljke a nice five-acre tract ad*
joing town, for your home? If so, ask W.
R. MELLOR for prices and terms of tracts
shown on this map.
B. k M. Elevators
Goal for Sale at Loup City ami AsMon. Will Boy
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
John Solmes
Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves,
Tinware, Screen Doors,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers
Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed.
Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils.
Loup City, - Nebraska
- -:_
Loup City, Nebraska,
l u M nil
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Storm Sash.
^:j. l.iIejpew^ |
Blacksmith $ Wagon MakerJ
- My shop is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Elver 9
I have a four horse engine and a complete line 01 the latest improved, ma 9
chluery, also a force or experienced men who know how to operate it and 9
turn ont a job with neatness and dispatch.
/T\ 1 1« E* E* « Two Splendid Build
* ings. Sixteen Emi
nent Teachers. Thorough Collegiate and Academic Courses. Graduates
from our Normal Courses receive STATE CERTIFICATES. Superior
Commercial, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy Departments. Best
Advantages in Music, Expression aud Art. TEXT BOOKS FREE.
Tuition Low. Board at rates that will surprise you. Delighted Patrons.
Growing Attendance. Students Hold Good Positions. Catalogue Free.
Correspondence Invited. Fall Term opens Sept. 18, 1905.
Address: WM.E. SCHELL, Pres., York, Neb.