The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 20, 1905, Image 8

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    Big bargains on guns Saturday, July 29, at P. O. Reed’s. Come and get a good gun
* at a low price and fall in line for fall shooting.
THURSDAY. JULY 20, 1905.
Iioaal Daws.
A. P. DeLyster
Loup City, • Nebraska
Call ’Phone R23.
A Few Market (Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.#2.00^34.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 4.85
Corn.berbu. .37(a 41
Wheat, per bu.35 @ .62
Oats, per bu. .13<a .20
Rye, per bu.48(« .53
Eggs, per doz. 8
Butter, per lb. 13
Fine meal at Model Restaurant.
Phone A. T. Conger. W 20, when in
need of a drayman.
Two fresh cows for sale. See M. V.
Wharton for particulars.
T. M. Reed has just received a car
load of twine and buggies.
T. II. Eisner has bought another lot
west of his new residence.
Trv a meal at the Model Restaurant
under the new management.
The Northern Milling Co. handles
best grades of Hour and feed.
A nearly new Deering McCormick
Binder for sale at T. M. Reed’s.
Miss Nettie Conger had a phone
placed in her residence last Friday.
The Baptist Sunday School held a
picnic in Creary's grove, yesterday
Lowest rates,best advantages at York
College, York, Nebr. See our ad.
Troy Hale and wife left this morn
ing for a two weeks’ trip to Hot Springs,
I)r. Main is enjoying a visit from his
good mother, Mrs. S. .1. Knowlton, or
Dale, Ind.
For sale—One thoroughbred Jersey
bull and one heifer. John Lofholm
Loup City, Neb.
C. W. Fletcher went to Grand Island
Tuesday, to attend the big horse sale
in that city.
Get ahead of the dies by ordering
your screen doors and window screens
of Lei Nino eh Lumber Co.
S. S. Hover and son Neil left for
their future home in Arkansas, Tues
day morning.
Dar 1). Grow and Gene Hickman
left Tuesday for a trip to Arkansas and
Indian Territory.
A number of Loup City Masons and
their wives attended a Masonic banquet
at Arcadia, last Tliesday evening
Mrs. Judge Wall and her grandson,
Arthur Hansel, left this morning for a
few weeks’ trip to llot Springs, Wyo,
L. N. Smith has a three row Erway
cultivator and one Towm’s surface
cultivator to sell or exchange for stock.
Miss Emoroy May of Central City,
who has been visiting at the Gue home
west of town, left for her home last
Saturday morning.
No letter nor cheaper insurance an
be secured than that offered by the
Bankers’ Life of Des Moines. See A.
J. Johnson for particulars.
The 8t. Elmo Livery Barn has a
number of good buggies for sale If
you are in need of one, you will do we']
to call early and see them
Miss Grace Heglin, a former Loup
City girl, was married at Arcadia las!;
Thursday to a Mr. Isaacs of College
View, near Lincoln, this state.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cattle came up
irorn Grand Island to visit Mr. Cattle’s
parent’s, Mr. and Mrs. It J. Nightin
gale, and to attend the K. of P. picnic,
returning home Saturday morning.
Miss Marie Barr of Lincoln, arrived
Tuesday evening to visit at Riverside
Ranch, the comfortable home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Musser. We under
stand she is to start a class in basket
Herman Jung has secured the ser
vices of a first-class baker and will now
open an up-to-date bakery in all the
term means. Re will at all times keep
on hand the best bread, pies, cookies,
cake, etc., and solicits the patronage of
our people.
l)rt». Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matieiiK Stomach disorders, Tumors.
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
-The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
Mr. Dooley of Omaha, an expert on
telephone matters, is here assisting the
local telephone company in htirr/ing
the work iu that line.—Since the above
was put in print, Mr. Dooley has
called and insists he is Hennessey and
not Dooley, which same calls for our
apology to Mr. Dooley or Mr. Hennessy
end we will let them scrap it out as to
which 111; which belongs to.
Notice to Farmers
wanting seed wheat this fall. 1 will
have extra quality- wheat free from
rye. for sale. If wanted, leave orders
with Northwestern for same
34 John B. Geitzen.
W 20, Ashley Conger, the drayman
Get him.
Model Restaurant under new nwnt g'
ment. Tty it.
Mrs. Marcy and children returned
home the first of the week.
Don't forget the Northern Milling
Co for Dour and feed stuffs.
A second hand Aultman Taylor
Separator for sale at T. M. Reed’s.
Mrs. Parrott of Arcadia was the
guest of Mrs. A. Johnson, last Friday.
A. J. Johnson has the agency for the
Banker's Life of Des Moines. See him.
Loup City Fair and Carnival, Aug.
23,24 and 2">. Don’t forget the dates.
I now have my twine on hand.
T. M. Reed’.
Mrs. Albert Johnson is enjoying a
visit from her mother, Mrs. Boyce of
Ac dia.
Grandma Scott eave an afternoon tea
last Friday, to a number of the good
o d mother's in Israel.
Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Ex imination for glasses.
John O’Bryan came up from Grand
Island last Friday, returning to his!
la lrool duties Monday.
John M. Taylor and W. Re’tenmayer
did some work last week on E G.
Taylor's elevator at Ashton .
Con luctor Taylor is enjoying a visit
from his daughter-in law, Mrs. Fred
Taylor, of Belville, Kansas.
Will Taylor arrived from Omaha hist
Saturday on a visit to hig father,
brother and numerous friends.
Miss M;ie Brewer, who has been visit
ing relatives here, left for Portland last
week to attend the exposition.
E. J. Delaney writes from Los
Angeles, remembering The North
western in its financial status.
Late advices from the bedside of
Mrs. Ashley Conger’s brother at Walnut
Iowa, are very encouraging, with strong
hopes for his recovery.
The price of Aztec egg coal will be
reduced to ST per ton at the J3.&M.
elevator, after June 1st. This is a good
summer coal for cook stoves
A number of merry vourg people had
a hay-rack party last Friday evening,
tilling the air with music and good
cheer as they drove over the city.
Mrs. Ward Vervalin gave an after
noon tea, Tuesday, to a number of
friends in honor of her husband, who
that day rouuded out the 30th anniver
sary of the eventful vears of his life.
A few of the intimate friends of Miss
Cecil Angier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Ed. Angier, gave her a pleasant surprise
party last Friday evening, the occassion
being her 14th b rthday anniversary.
A surprise party was given at Pastor
Wold’s residence, last Thursday even
ing, in honor of Mrs. Wold’s sister. Miss
Etha Putnam. Some twenty of our
young people attended and a pleasant
time is reported.
Carsten Truelsen has been having a
warm time the past few days wrestling
with the fractious windmill at E G
residence. And through it all he wore
the s-une winsome smile that always
graces his frontispiece.
Get prices from the Keystone Lumber
Co. on Hock Springs, Canon City, Mail
land, Hanna and Monarch coal Also
eastern and western anthracite. The
Keystone Lumber Co. is making a cut
price on coal for June and July.
Jenner’s Park is the finest place in
this section of the country for picnic
parties and entertainments of a like
character. Mr. Jenner will make satis
factory airangements with those desir
ing the use of the park for such purposes
Marmion Lodge, k. of P. held a very
pleasant picnic at Jenner’s Park last
Friday afternoon, with sports of
various kinds, ending with a nice lunch
of sandwiches, cake and cream. Per
haps a hundred and fifty happy people
participated in the most enjoyable time.
An inquisitive reader of the North
western phoned us last Friday asking
if the recipe we gave for killing lice on
calves would act as weil on poultry.
We rfspectfull refer the questioner io
Bro. Brown, who is supposed to be
authority on poultry at all stages of the
game, since his experience of a few
weeks ago.
John Mathewson was over from
Litchfield, last Saturday, and reports
that the nail storm of the Hth instant
practically harvested all his crops of
small grain, as well as those of Fred
Bickell, Louts Reisland, Tom Haller.
F. D. Easterbrook and others in his
neighborhood, leaving them to hold the
empty sacks.
Saturday n’ghi, 12:05 a. m —“Hello,
where have you been?” “Why, r have
just come from the Park, and such a
good time; everybody with a smile on
their faces; perfect order; good music,
and the ice cream is just lovely, and
what is more, dancing is not allowed to
rue one minute after midnight. It is a
fine place to spend the evening. Don’t
miss these dances.”
Postmaster Owens made a great,
change in the looks of the postofiioe the
first of the week, re-arranging matters
in such a shape that it reminds one of
the experience of Paddy, who in a half
dazed condition from a night’s spree,
got his breeches on in the opposite
condition in which the tailor intended
and when his attention was called to
the fact, assured his friend that he was
all right, only slightly twisted.
A. 1*. Culley and family leave for a
visit at the Portland exposition in a
couple of weeks.
Found, near the German church, on
Tuesday of this week, a pair of gohl
! bowed spectacles.
Harvesting of small grain is begun in
earnest, and the music of the mowrers
is heard on all sides.
Will French and Chris Johansen have
put in a cement crossing between the
properties of Bert Chase and George
Grandma Hawley of Arcadia and her
daughter. Mrs. Taylor of Grand Island,
arrived this noon on a yisit to Mrs.
Wilbur Waite.
The person who found a hand-made
lady's handkerchief at the park last Fr>
| day will tind the owner’s name in one
i c irner of it.
A P. Culley on Monday of this week
purchased the wrest three lots of the
Wes McCombs property, and informs us
he intends building a home thereof this
Art Bennett and Walt McXulty left
for Grand Island, Tuesday morning, to
buy horses. If they do not find what
j they want there, t^ey will go further
Troy Hale is busy catting his crop|of
timothy, two and a half miles north of
town Troy says it is the finest for
many years, heavy and of excellent
J. S. Casada will have a lot of broke
and unbroke horses on sale in Loup
City this we^k Saturday. Don’t fail to
take advantage of this sale for it's all
good stuff.
A telegram from Washington under
date of July 17, says: “Chas. W. Gib
son has been appointed postmaster at!
Litchfield, vice A. H. Potter, deceased. ’ I
Charley has the warm congratulations ;
of his many friends over the county.
Twice, now, Miss Long's class in
physical culture has been postponed on
the evenings dated, on account of other
entertainments. However, it will meet
this week Friday evening, without fail.
Those interested will make a note of
The memliers of the Methodist choir
give Neil Hover a surprise party last
Monday evening, meeting at the home
of R. J. Nightingale, and proceeding
from there to NeiPs home in a body,
where a most delightful evening was
A party was given Master Frank
Adamson this week Tuesdav afternoon
at the residence of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. I). L. Adam»on, in honor of his
llth birthday, at which a number of
his young friends passed an enjoyable
Mrs. James Johansen left last Satur-1
day fora few weeks’ visit with h*»r|
parents at Oneida, Ills. Mr. Johansen j
also left the same dav with, a consign- j
ment of cattle for the Chicago market !
and will visit at Oneida later and re
turn with Mrs Johansen.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ileus hausen were
up from Ashton, yesterday, visiting
friends Mr. Heushausen has for some
time past been at the 8t. Joseph hos
pital in Omaha, taking treatment for a
severe case of hernia, but we are pleased
to note is rapidly regaining his usual
A pleasant afternoon party was given
to Clarence and Christian Peterson,
Monday afternoon of this week, by
their parents, Mr. and Mrs; Otto
Peterson. The boys are aged ten and
twelve years, with their anniversaries
twro days apart, and their parents gave
them the party on the day between.
II. M Gue and family left for Omaha
last Saturday, where they will consult
a specialist in regard to the eye of their
son who was injured some months ago
by the kick of a horse, the boy’s eye
sightbeing sadly impaired, They visit
fed over Sunday with friends at York
on the way. They will be absent ten
days or two weeks.
Since his experience of last week, the
editor sees snakes too often for his
nerves. On Monday evening of tins
week, he killed a viner On the cement
walk leading past his home. The fact
that this walk is the favorite play
ground of a large number of small
children of that neighborhood, does
not make the good mothers feel any
too comfortable.
E. E. Tracv received last Friday
from the St. Louis exposition manage
ment a fine diploma in reward of his
securing first prize at the exposition
for the best “90 Days Dent Corn ” He
is pro/nised later a bronze medal for the
same Mr. Tracy is the only farmer in
Sherman county to raise that kind of
corn and says he took the date of plant
ing and in exactly 90 days thereatter
the corn was fully dented and ready
for use, He says it makes excellent
fodder cut up and fed with old corn.
At 5 p. m. last Friday evening a boat
or the little friends of Winnie Gasteyer
gathered at Jenner’s Park to help the
voung lady celebrate her lltli birthday.
From that hour until 0 p. m., the park
echoed the sounds of happy laughter,
and it is the regret of the editor that lie
was unable to be present on the merry
occasion. When refreshments were
served at 7 p. m., just sixty-iwo little
folks sat down to partake thereof; but
it is difficult to determine who were
enjoying themselves the most, the chil
dren or the baker’s dozen of grown folks
who w'ere assisting Mrs. Gasteyer in
serving the luncheon. At all events, a
merry time is reported by all and it is
hoped that a repetition will be in order
before many days.
1 have for sale. 45 head of cattle,
consisting of 2-year-old steers, yearling
steers and heifers, cows and calves
Have some very good milch cows that
will be fresh early this winter. I also
have a good, Superior disc drill, nearly
new. that cost me 8*0; will sell for #50.
This is the finest drill made and you
need it for your fall wheat. This cattle
stuff is all good and if not sold within
ten days, will ship. Two and a half
miles west of Loup City, at Round
Hrove. H. 8. Conger.’
Loup City is taking on metropolitan
airs in an unusual wav to her. Last
Tuesday evening, somewhere before
10:.°»0, while the family were out enjoy
ing the evening with friends at our
metropolitan bathing park, some sneak
thief broke into the residence of C. C
Cooper, by prying open the rear screen
door and turned things topsy-turvy
The family wearing apparel was tossed
hither and thither, in attempt to find
some of the wealth or valuables sup
posed to belong to all wealthy merchant
men, but nothing was taken so far as
has been noticed. Now, if it had been
at the editor's mansion—but, pshawr!
who ever heard of an editor’s house
being invaded bv bold, bad burglars.
They know who to touch.
Road Notice.
(Newton Road.)
To all whom this may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to view
and report upon a road commencing at
the northeast corner of Section twenty
three (23), Township fifteen (15), Range
fourteen (14), west in Sherium county,
Nebrask, and intersecting with Road
No. 155 at said point, and running
thence directly east on Section line be
tween Sections 13 and 24, Township 15.
Range 14 and Sections 18 and 19, 17
and 20, 16 and 21, in Township 15,
Range 13, and intersecting with Road
No. 9i, and terminating at said Road
No. 92. at the northeast corner of Sec
tion Iwentv-one (21), 15 and 13, lias re
ported in favor thereof, and all claims
tor damage or objections thereto must
be filed in the office of the County Clerk
on or before the 15th day of September,
1905 or said read will be allowed with
out reference thereto.
Dated this 7th day of July, 1905
Geo. H. Gibson,
County Clerk.
(Last pub. Aug. 3.
Notice to Non-Resulent Defendant,
in the District Court in and for Sher
man County. Nebraska.
To Walter Cook:
You are hereby notified that on the
17th day of July, 1905, Lovie Cook
tiled her petition against you in the
District Court of Sherman bounty,
S ate of Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce
from you on the grounds of Habitual
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 4th day of
September, A. D. 1905.
Lovie Cook, Plaintiff
Rv her attorney, R P. Stakk.
(Last pub. Aug 17.)
..—■ r 1 ' -- “
You want to try
Jipi Copger,
The Drayjnan.
Phone, N15.
Legal Notice.
In District Court of Sherman County,
Lizzie Her, Adiuinis-'|
tratrix of the Ks- |
tate of Lorenzo Dow |
ller, deceased,
Lizzie Her, widow of
Lorenzo Dow Her, 1 VT„,
deceased; Leonard , ^ otK e *a p*
A. Her, Hazel D.ller
and Alberta May
ller. minor children
and sole heirs at law
of Lorenzo Dow
Her. deceased.
„ Defendants.
In the Matter of the Estate of Lorenzo
Dow Her, deceased
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable
Bruno O. Hostetler, .Judge of the Dis
trict Court of Sherman County, Ne
braska, made on the 21st day of .June,
1905. for the sale of the real estate here
inafter described, there will be sold at
the southwest door of the court house
at Loup City in said county on the 8th
day of August, 1905, at one o'clock p m.
at public vendue to the highest bidder
on the following terms, towit: $.2500.00
in cash; the balance on live years credit,
the same to bear interest at the rate of
six percent per annum, payable annual
ly. deferred payments to be secured by
a first mortgage on said premises, the
following described real estate, situate
in Sherman County. Nebraska, towit:
The northwest quarter of Section two
(2), in Township sixteen (16) north,
Range fifteen (15) west; and the north
east quarter and the east half ot the
northwest quarter of Section three (3),
in Township six-een (16) north. Range
fifteen (15) west, containing 596 39-100
acres, subject to a mortgage oi $1000 00
with interest thereon at ten per cent
per annum from November 1st, 1903;
also subject to a lease thereon terminat
ing March 1st, 1906. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Dated this 20th day of July, 1905.
Lizzie Iler,
Administratrix of the estate of J.orenz.0
Dow Her, deceased.
(Last pub. Aug. 3.)
We haieaRound Oak heating stove,
good as new, tor sale cheap at this
For Sale by T. H. Eisner
ft ?1
Good Goods at Right Prices
Closing: Out
Shirt Sale
At Cost
We have a lot of Shirts to close out
at Prices that will surprise you.. ..
All $1.00 and 75c Shirts at 50 cents
65c and 50c Shirts at 35 cents
50c and 35c Shirts at 25 cents
Now is the time to get wi at you w ant
in this line.. ...
Also Other Good Bargains at
SEE T. M. Reed
Buggies, Wagons,
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Oil on Troubled Waters
Did you ever try to fill a lamp and miss your guess and put
in just a little too much oil? Perhaps you got a little on your
clean dress, and naturally it made you feel rather out of patience.
We’ve found a remedy for this little mishap, in the most
convenient oil can on the market today. It is called the
“Never Fail,” is in the 5-gal. size and is painted red for Gas
oline and blue for Kerosene.
(And that reminds us that there has been a law pending re
cently making it unlawfuf for any merchant to put Gasolene in
any can that is not so labeled, either in words or in color.)
Our vocabulary isn’t large enough to give you an accurate de
scription of this can, so we will give you a cordial invitation
to call and see for yourself.
Take one home and use it for 30 days and if you don’t think its
the best oil can you ever saw or used, return it to us and we
will give you your money back. Now, isn’t that a fair proposition?
1 4