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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1905)
Women Obtain Mrs. Pinkham’s Advice and Help. She Hu Guided Thousands to Health.— How Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com* pound Cured Sirs. Fred Seydel. It is a great satisfaction for a woman to feel that she can write to another telling her the most private and confidential details about her illness, and know that her letter will be seen by a wo man only, a wo man full of sym pathy for her j sick sisters, and above all, a woman who has had more experience in treating female ilia than any living person. Over one hundred thousand cases of female diseases come before Mrs. Pink ham every year, some personally, others by mail, and this has been go ing on for twenty years, day after day. Surely **?»men are wise in seeking advice from a woman of such experi ence, especially when it is absolutely free. Mrs. Pinkham never violates the con fidence of women, and every testimo nial letter published is done so with the written consent or request of the ! writer, in order that other sick women may be benefited as they have been. Mrs. Fred Seydel. of 412 North 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— • * Over a year ago I wrote you a letter asking advice, as I had female ills and could not carry a child to maturity. I received vour kind' letter of instructions and followed your advice. I am not onlv a well woman in con sequence, but have a beautiful batty girl. I wish every suffering woman in the kina would ■write you for advice, as you have done so much for me.” Just as surely as Mrs: Seydel was cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cure every woman suffering from any form of i female ills. No other medicine in all the world has such a record of cures of female troubles as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Therefore no j prudent woman will accept any substi tute which a druggist may offer. If you are sick, write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass . for special advice. It is free and always helpful. For Preserving, Punning I and Beautifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands. Cuticurs Soap combine, delicate medicinal and emol lient properties derieed from Cuticurs. ibe great skin Cure, with the pureet of cleansing ingredients and the moat refreshing of flower odors. Two Soaps in one at on# Brice — name.7, a Medicinal and Toilet Soap for 2tc. Totter Drug A Chem. C orp.. Boie Props., Boston. 33T" UaLodi'ree, “All About the Skin, Scalp, and Bab.* ‘F*llow thr FlaoV Trips South and Southeast, one fare plus Hot Springs. Ark., daily.*23.00 St. Louis, Mo. daily.*18.50 Chautauqua N y., July 28... 34.00 Detroit. Mich, August 13th and 14th . 21.50 Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17th and 18th . 25.25 Richmond. Va„ Sept. 8th to 11th inclusive . 33.75 Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. 14th to 16th, inclusive. 32.75 Long limits, stopovers and other features offered in connection with the above rates. All Agents can sell you through tickets and route you Wabash. All tickets reading over the Wa bash from Chicago east are op tional with passenger via Lake or Rail either or both directions. Call at Wabash City office. 1601 Farnam St., or write and let me give you all information, maps, de scriptive matter, folders, etc. HARRY E MOORES. G. A. P. D. Wabash R. R., Omaha. Neb. 1^1 -OUR FAMILY ** SHOES WU> ** fTBTy *B yoor family, and the price trill please you as well. They are made of I bast lertber for long wear; have style and snap. Ask your dealer to show you the “Family” I The Patriot. A resident of Ava, N. Y., was talk ing about the late Hiram cronk, the last survivor of the war of 1812. “At the age of 100,” said the Ava man, “Mr. Cronk still had an alert mind. Above all things he was a pa triot. He believed firmly in the su premacy of our republic. “An English traveler, out of cu~ios ity, came to Ava to see Mr. Cronk one day. The old patriot praised America extravagantly and condemned Eng land as an outworn and dying nation. “The Englishman stocf! this talk as long as he could. Then ne said, hotly: “ 'Suppose our superb fleet were to land 25.000 British marines in New York—what would you Yanks do then?’ “ 'Do?' said Mr. Cronk. 'Why, dern it, our police would arrest Hem.’"— New Orleans States. Ill-Natured London Journal. “Americans.” says a London journal “are coming over in greater swarms than ever and soon the streets will be full of curiously quiet-looking men in wierd coats with padded shoulders ending on the hips, long boots blobby at the tips and straw hats wit no roofs, and women with brown faces and eyes with v*ery white whites, green veils floating in the breeze and accents that sets one’s teeth on edge.” A Great Family Newspaper. The American Homestead. An ideal family newspaper. Serial and short stories. All the important news. Home, farm, and agricultural depart ments conducted by editors of na tional reputation. Regular price $1. Special rate of 10 cents per year for 30 days. Address AMERICAN HOMESTEAD. Omaha, Neb. If the pockets are deep enough a boy’s first pair of trousers always fit. More Flexible and Lasting, won’t shake out or blow out; by using Dttiance Starch you obtain better re sults than possible with any other brand, and one-third more for same money. _ Few husbands care whether or not they are tied to apron strings—unless the apron strings show. "T>r. Tlavld Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy, Bondout. V Ycured mv serloue kidney trouble. I gained *1 pounds. ’ S. Wurdeil, Burnsville, N. J. bottle* (I.IM If canes were to go out of fashion some young men would have no vis ible means of support. WANTED! Millions to know the great merits of A’abastine, the Sanitary W ail Coating—Not a hot or cold water disease-breeding kalsomine, bearing a fanciful name. LET US HELP YOU. Write for our artists’ free color plans—different effects for different rooms—in white, delicate grays, greens, pinks, bines, and yellows, using A Rock Cement EMmS min; does not rub or scale. No washing of walls after onee applied. You can brush it on—mix with cold water. Other finish es, mixed with either hot or cold water, do not have the cementing proper ty of Alabastine. They are stuck on with glue, or other animal matter which rots, feeding disease germs, rubbing, scaling, and spoiling walls, clothing, etc. Such finishes must be washed off every year—costly, filthy work. Buy Alabastine only in 3 lb. p'k'gi, prop erly labeled. Pretty wall and celling design. "Hints on Hecorating” and tint card, free. ALABASTINE CO.. Grand Rapids, Mich., or 105 Water 8t., N. V, :22 Cream Separator i I FOR $25.00 w • a * 11 the celebrated DUNDEE CREAM SEPARATOR, capacity, *0( pounds per hour ; S60 pounds ca pacity per hour for $29.00: 600 pounds capacity per nour foi $34.00. Guaranteed the equal c* Separators that RE TAIL EVERYWHERE at from $76.00 to $125.00. OUR OFFER.« ratoron our $0 days’ tree trial plan, with the binding under standing and agreement If you do not nnd by comparison, ’ teat and use that It will skim closer, skim colder milk, skim easier, run lighter and skim one naif more milk than any other Cream Sepa rator made, you can return the Separator to uo at our expense and we will Imme diately return any money you may havepald for freight charges or otherwise. Cut this ad. out at once and mall to us, and you will receive bv return mall, free, postpaid, our LATEST SPECIAL CREAM SEPARATOR CATALOGUE. You will gret our biit offer and our free triad proposition and you will re ceive the MOST ASTONISHINGLY LIBERAL CREAM SEPARATOR OFFER EVER HEARD OF. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO. their sex, used as a douche is marvelously sue* cessiul. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease germs, stops discharges, heals inflammation ana local soreness, cures leucorrhcea and nasal catarrh. Paxtme is in powder lorm to be dissolved in pure anter, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics for all TOILET AND WOMEN’S SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists, GO cents a box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free. Thk 8. Paxton Company Boston, Mass* THE DAISY FLY KILLER affords comfort to ewcry home—In dlnlnit-room. sleeping room and place* where tiles are trouble some. Clean.neat, wlllnot-soll or ln Jnre anyth Inff. Try them once, you will newer be without them. If not kept by deal er*. sent prepaid for 2 0c. Harold Somers. 148 IS-kalb Ate., brouklj □. N. I. IFttflS’SINGLE BINDER STEAI6Hi5cC'»SAR always reliable lour jobber or direct irom Factory, Feorla, IU CANTINIERE IS DONE NO MORE FRENCH “DAUGHTERS OF THE REGIMENT." Picturesque and One-Time Useful Battle Accessory Numbered With the Past—Will Be Remembered for Tender, Womanly Devotion. Child of the great revolution, reared in the reek of battles which set Eu rope ablaze; bespangled protege of the second empire, decorated by its chief on the field of Solferino; pensioner of the, third republic, whose bloody in ception she witnessed; heroine on many a stricken field; by turn of in strument of pleasure and angel of mercy, the cantiniere, her turn of duty done, has disappeared from the roll of the French army. The cantiniere sprang into existence in the person of Felicia Loguet, the wife of a cuirassier of the revolution. At 57 she strapped a barrel of brandy on her hip and followed her husband to the frontier. At Toulon she loaded and fired with her own hands a cannon at which all the detachment had been killed; at Hohenlinden a ball tore away a finger while she gave drink to two wounded hussars. “I still have nine left for my country,” she said, and continued her work. At 77 she followed the grand army in its retreat from Mos cow; wounded at Baautzen. she turned up again smiling during the campaign in France in 1814, sitting on the shaft of her cart, clothed in rags, her feet stuffed into cavalry boots, an officer s cap cocked over one eye and wiping her glasses with a Russian flag. She died at last, after Waterloo, rather of rage than old age. The second empire was another bril nani page in tne history or me “daughters of the regiment.” Mme. Cros. of the Foot Chasseurs of the Guard, was decorated on the field of Solferino by the emperor's own hand, and the cantinieres of the First Zou aves, the Thirty-fourth regiment and the Empress’ Dragoons all received the medal for the campaigns of 1861 and 1862. in the “Terrible Year” Mme. Saurin, of the Third Zouaves, made herself famous by killing with her own hand a German officer who attempted her cap ture. But the cantinieres of ’70 will live in history rather for the tender, ■womanly devotion with which they tended the wounded under fire. And now the hook of that history is closed. The 1.073 women, soberly uniformed in scarlet-piped blue have been numbered out of the service.— Paris Letter to Pall Mall Gazette. - ^ World’s Greatest Doctor. There is a great physician who long age fcegan To clear away the troubles that come to pester man: ’Tis true he is old-fashioned, but many a grievous ill That puzzles other doctors would yield tc this one's skill; He makes no heavy charges, and he is always near To serve you if you want him; his full name is Good Cheer. His practice should be world-wide, and daily it should grow; He serves in summer weather and when the wild winds blow; His night bell is in order, he answers every call. He gives no bitter doses and tortures not at all; And they have few diseases and stand in little fear "Who always are serenely attended bj Good Cheer. He does not deem the wealthy more wor thy of his care Than are the poor who seek him. Where walls and floors are bare He ministers as freelj as where the rich abide. And all he asks in payment are hope and honest pride. The hope and pride that follow where duty’s call is clear— ’Tls time to aid in spreading the practice of Good Cheer. Woman an Apple Grower. Considering the affiliation that has existed between women and apples from the first, it is not as surprising as her friends seem to think that Mrs. Thomas Shaw Safe should have se lected apple growing as a pastime, says the New York F’ress. The Safes’ new country place upstate affords fine opportunity for arbor culture, and be sides her apples she is planning to grow other fruits. As Mr. Safe is in terested in squab and cattle raising, there is likely to be much good natured rivalry between them. What products they are unable to consume or bestow upon their friends they will send to market. It seems to be “the correct thing” to sell since England aristocrats have gone into it. But many of these persons needed the money; the Safes are in no such plight as that. _ ■ ... ■ ■ —. , Japanese Celebrate Victory. When the news of the great Japa nese naval victory reached Pittsburg, a company of ^erobats from the island empire was appearing afternoon and evening in a circus. On being assured of the Russian overthrow they prompt ly went on strike for a day, positively refusing to work. Instead they pro ceeded to decorate the city a vivid red, carefully refraining from any breach of the law. Chinese to Build Railroad. The viceroy of the province of Szechuen, western China, has notified the government at Pekin that he is raising a capital of $6,000,000 for the construction of a railway from Sze chuen to Hankow, and therefore ad vises the government to refuse all foreign applications for the conces sion. Perplexes Custom Officers. San Francisco has an interesting revenue case in the courts. The issue issue is whether sake, Japan's favor ite tipple, which has been popularized to a certain extent on this side of the ocean since the war began, shall be classed as wine or beer, which means a difference of thirty cents a gallon in customs duty. Shaw Is Churchman. Secretary Leslie M. Shaw, for more than twenty years prior to going to Washington, was superintendent of one and at times two Sunday schools, and represented the Des Moines Con ference three times at the General Conference of his church. THE MONTHLY TRIAL HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, BEAEING DOWN PAINS. A Woman Tells How She Has Become Well and Strong'after Years of Misery Hue to Irregular Functions. The fact that one woman is bright eyed, rosy-cheeked, strong and cheerful, while another is pale, weak and de pressed, is due more often than other wise to the regularity in the one case and the irregularity in the other of the functions that are peculiar to the sex. When these are disturbed everything goes wrong; pain and discomfort are felt all over the body;*the sensations are often terrifying. “ For €our years.” Baid Mrs. Davis re cently, “I suffered indescribable misery from 6ick headache every mouth, ac companied by fainting spells, shortness of breath and severe pain in niv left side. There were also bearing-down paius, at times so acute that I could not stand up, tjud my head was full of ringing sonnds. It seemed as if everything was going to hit me in the eyes. I was compiled to lie down with closed eyes for hours to get a little relief. When I attempted to arise every tiling would whirl around and it would grow so dark that I could scarcely see any object.” “Couldn’t your doctor help you?” “ Five doctors in all treated me, but 1 got no lasting benefit. Besides I used a lot of advertised remedies. The only medicine, however, that had the de sired effect was Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and they are truly a godsend to women. I did not have much faith in them when I began to take them. I found myself, however, so much better after using two boxes that I began to believe iu them. They checked right away the decline into which I was going. My troubles kept lessening and finally disappeared altogether.” “ How long did it take for a cure ?” “After I had used several boxes my health was all right. I had takeu on flesh and was strong and hearty. I feel today in spirits more like a girl of six teen than a woman of niv years.” Mrs. C. H. Davis’ address is Carmel, Maine, II. F. D., No. 2. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are confidently offered to women for the cure of anaemia, chloro sis, painful and irregular periods, and all forms of weakness. They are sold by every druggist . Mother Nature is the only woman who never changes styles. Her ap ple blossoms are of the same old shade and pattern. r|Tf permanently cured. Ho fit* or nerrcusnee* aft®* ill w Orst day’* uae of Dr. Klin. '* Great Nerre Krstoi* er. Send for FREE 92.00 trial bottle and treatise* Lit- a. U. Kukc, Ltd., 631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa Too many women look upon a mar riage certificate as a license to oper ate a hold-up game. Mr*. Wiuaiow's Soothing syrup. For children teething, soften* the gum*, reduces ts> flammatlon, allay* pain, cares wind colic. 25c a bottle. Many a heartache is plain indiges tion. Decrease on Selling Fish. Fish, because of its tendency rapid ly to decompose, holds a peculiar posi tion among foods. In England it is the subject of a special act of parlia ment. So long ago as 1698 men knew the evil consequences resulting from eating mackerel of uncertain post mortem age. So they passed an act , providing that except during the hours of divine service this fish could not be sold on Sunday. That act has never j been repealed. Every housekeeper should know j that if they will buy Defiance Cold ! Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.—one full pound—while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in %-pound pack ages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He know's that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures “16 ozs.” Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. A woman may not be able to sharp en a lead pencil, but just watch her sharpen a man's wits. IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE. Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by a new process, in a few weeks, with out loss of time or inconvenience. Rectal diseases cured without the i knife. Send for circular. O. S. Wood, M. D., 521 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. If you have a horseshoe nailed over your door and it doesn't fall on your j head you are very lucky. Insist on Getting It. Pome grocers say they don’t keep Defiance Starch because they have a stock in hand of 12 oz. brands, which they know cannot be sold to a cus tomer who has once used the 16 oz pkg. Defiance Starch for same money. Man is an open book—only some women never learn their letters. No chromos or cheap premiums, but a better quality and one-third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of other starches. One way to be clever is not to think you are too all-fired clever. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my l'fe three years apo.—Mbs. ThoS. Robbins. Map e Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17,1900. One kind word a day is some men’s limit. _ $100 Weekly Easily Made writing health and accident insurance .experience un neceasarx. Write Bankert Accident Co..lie* UoinecJa. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 27—1905. WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOTGUNS No matter how big the bird, no matter how heavy it* plumage or swift Its night, you can bring it to bag with a long, strong, straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are what count. They always give the best results in field, fowl or trap shooting, and are sold within reach of everybody’s pocketbook. FREE. Send name and address on a postal card for oar large illustrated catalogue. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN. CONN. Conviction FoDows Trial ■When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens to have in his bin, how do you know what you are getting ? Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk, could be told, if the people who handle it (grocers), cared to speak out. Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of housekeepers to use Lion Coffee, the leader of all package coffees for over a quarter of a century, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity ? This popular success ol LION COFFEE win be due only to Inherenl merit. There is no stronger proof of merit than con tinued and increasing popularity. II the verdict ol MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince you ol the merits ol LION COFFEE* it costs you hut a trille to buy a package. It is the easiest way to convince yourself, and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER. LION COFFEE is sold only in I lb. sealed packages, and reaches you as pure and clean as when it ieft our factory. ' Lion-head on every package. i have these Lion-heads for valuable premiums. V SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE r ------ Dainty — Delicious — Attractive to the Eye and satisfying to the appetite Libby’s F avor)1 Food Products 1 Ox Tongue, Potted Chicken, Deviled Ham. Dried Beef, Brisket Beef, Lunch Tongues, Soups, Corned Beef Hash — all as good as they are wholesome. Easy to serve The Booklet, "Bov to Make Good Things to Eat" sent free. Address Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago -- -- PIANOS II I Mueller Pianos Are Sent Free to responsible people on trial. If you don't say they are $100.00 better than any piano you have seen, box it up. send it back at our expense. Our Prices Are Way Down because we have no agents or travelers Our terms are cash, or $20 00 down and $5.00 monthly. Write today for cata log and prices. Address the makers. SCtIMOLLER & MLELLER Established, 18B». OMtII A. \ F.B. ..SEND TEN CENTS.. 15he Americam Homestead Nebraska's oldest and best Family. Farm and Story Paper. All the new* of the world. Current events illustrated by noted Artists. Serial and Short Stories of the highest class. Farm, Garden, Agricultural, Horticul tural, Dairy and Home departments. AN IDEAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER Regular price, $1.00. Special price for 30 days, 10 real* per year. Ad dress AMERICAN HOMESTEAD, Omaha Neb. MOLES and WARTS REMOVED Without pain and without leavinsr mark or scar: Guaranteed Permanent. *1.00 per bottle by mail.—Miller Manufacturing Co.. Lincoln.Neb. PIT & PITLESS SCALES. For Steel and Wood Frames, $-5 and up. Write us before you buy. We save you _ money. Also Pumps and Wind Mills. BECKMAN BROS.. Des Moines, lows. When answering advertisements kind ly mention this paper. A i T ! tu SIZES FOR SALE OR REMT ^ Bend for Catalogue No. 105 H Omaha Tent & Awning Co. 2 Omaha. Nebraska. —- ^ {Constipated All His Life ■ Wilbert Thompson never knew a well day—he had been constipated all his life —many doctors treated him, but all failed to even help him — M hfs health failed rapidly and on January 21, 1903, Mrs. Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment for her husband. We thought the case too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted —but he also failed to help the patient—NOW HE IS WELL. m \ ' 'T f'f MR. and MRS. WILBERT THOMPSON, 801 Main St.( Peoria, III. MULL’S GRAPE TONIC CURED HIM. Muffs Grape Tonic Cured Him Mrs. Thompson first wrote us as follows : “My husband, aged 23, suffers from sharp pains in his stomach and sometimes thinks it is his heart. Let me know by return mail what causes the paiu, if you can. Mr. Thompson has been treated by several doctors, but they have given him up." We promptly advised that a first-class specialist fee consulted. We quote : “ We want to sell Mull’s Grape Tonic, because wektiow it will cure constipation, but 50c. a bottle is no object to us when a human life is at stake, and if your husband's case is as serious as you state, we suggest vou consult a reliable specialist, not the adver tising kind, promptly.” At the same time, knowing that Mull’s Grape Tonic could do no harm, we advised its use until a phvsician could be consulted. January 25th, Mrs. Thompson wrote that a physician had been con sulted. He diagnosed the case as being chronic constipation and dyspepsia. His treatment was followed faitbfullv, but there was no perceptible improvement in Mr. Thompson's health. Then he begin taking Mull's Grape Tonic and on September 3,1903, we received the following letter from Mra. Thompson : “You will remember that I wrote to you last January In regard to my husband’s health. It is four months since he quit taking Mull's Grape Tonic for constipation, which he suffered from since birth. He took just 24 bottles of it and is perfectly cured. He is much stronger and has gained considerably In flesh. I cannot thank you enough for Mull’s Grape Tonic. *lt is worth its weight In gold.’ Just $12 cured him and he has spent hundreds of dollars with doctors who did him no good. It did all you claimed it would.” Very respectfully yours, MRS. W. H. THOMPSON, 801 Main St., Pooria, III. Mr. Thompson stopped taking Mull's Grape Tonic in June, 1903. He has been completely cured and has taken no other medicine since that date. Almost two years and no return of the disease, should prove a permanent cure. LET US GIVE YOU A BOTTLE I For Hot Weather Ills i CONSTIPATION 8tomach Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Sores, Sudden Bowel Trouble, Diarrhea, Cholera, Etc, No one whose bow els are healthy and ac tive contracts these complaints. Invari ably they are the re sult of Constipation which means decayed, poisoned and dying bowels or intestines. Check diarrhea and you are liable to fatal blood poison—a physic makes you worse. There is only one right course and that is to treat the cause. Re vive and strengthen the bowels and intes tines. We will prove to yon that Mull’s Grape Tonic cures Constipation and all these terrible Stomach and Bowel troubles because it cleanses the Blood and makes the intestines practically new. It feeds the r starved condition and brings them back to life—nothing else will. WRITE FOR THIS FREE BOTTLE TODAY I Good for ailing children and nursing mothers. Sl-OO bottle contains nearly three times at each as tbe 50 cent sice. 1 FREE COUPON Send this coupon to Mull’s Grape Tonic Co., 143 3rd Ave., Rock Island, 111., and receive an order I on your druggist for a free bottle of Mull’s Grape Tonic, Blood. Tonic and Constipation Cure. My Name___,_ Address_ City-State _ Write yours and your druggist's name and address plainly on a j separate piece of paper and mail at once with this coupon. ' CAUTIOWs unless it has « date end number stamped with indelible ink on the label