The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 29, 1905, Image 8

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    For bargains in hardware, see P. O. Reed.
THURSDAY. JUNE 29, 190:..
lioaal Dews.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs
Hogs, per 100 lbs.
Corn, her bu.
Wheat, per bu—
Oats, per bu.
Rye, per bu.
Eggs, per doz
Rutter, per lb.
$2.00(5 $5.00
50@ .76
,18(o! .23
.42(® .47
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
Loup City, Nebr., June 15, 1905.
The undersigned who heretofore
have been doing business under the
firm name of Johnson, Lorentz & Co.
have this day dissolved said linn of
Johnson, Lorentz & Company.
All accounts due said firm will be
payable to and collected by I). A. John
son and Gust Lorentz, who also assume
all debts of said firm, the undersigned,
I\ M. Green, retiring from the firm.
D. A. Johnson
Gus Lorentz.
P. M. Green.
Steel ranges at P. O. Reed’s.
The mains for the gas plant are
being laid.
Buggies, call, see and buy them of
T. M. Reed.
A line program of sports at Rockville
the Fourth. Don't miss them.
A. J. Johnson has the agency for the
Banker’s Life of Des Moines. See him
Don t forget to order your ice for
the Fourth now, as J. W. Conger will
make a special delivery that morning.
L. N. .Smith has a three row Erway
cultivator and one Town’s surface
cultivator to sell or exchange for stock.
T. It. Lay was up from Rockville last
Sunday. Tom says they propose to
have a glorious time there on the Fourth
Special sermon at MPthodist church
next Sunday morning. Subject, “An
Old Testament prophet’s message for
At the annual school election in Loup
City,Tuesday of this week, W.S. Waite
and J. S. Pedler were re-elected to
membership on the board.
No better nor cheaper insurance can
be secured than that offered by the
Rankers’ Life of Des Moines. See A.
J. Johnson for particulars.
The price of Aztec egg coal will be
reduced to SI per ton at the B. & M.
elevator, after June 1st. This is a good
summer coal for cook stovss.
Master Howard Starr was a very
sick boy last Sunday, also the preceding
two days, but you can’t keep a live boy
down, hence he is all right again
We understand our youmr men have
re-organized the band, holding their
first meeting on Monday evening of
this week, with Lawrence Smith as
You can go to Rockville on the morn
ing of the Fourth and have all day with
the good people there, be treated royal
ly and return early in the evening, and
never regret it.
Gasteyer’s have found their Coupon
plan so successful that they have decid
ed to extend the time one week longer,
making tne date ending July 8th. See
their new adv.
We are informed that there has been
formed a,company in Loup City to buy
up all the delinquent taxes on town
property. We have not learned of the
personnel of the company.
Low rates via the Union Pacific.
Detroit, Mich., and return, one tare
plus $2, tickets on sale Aug. 13 and 14,
return good leaving Detroit Aug. 19.
Kansas City, Mo , and return, one fare
plus S3, date of sale, Aug. 28 to 31, good
for return leaving Kansas Citv. Sept. 5.
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois.
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
Ranker Culley is out a fine plug hat
to Uncle Joe Pedler on the outcome of
the case of Dr. Main vs. the County of
Sherman, wherein the doctor sued the
county for expert fees in the Deister
hauf, case, the supreme court affirming
the decision of the district court, which
was in favor of the county.
We wish to make a few corrections in
regard to the souvenir Confederate note
article we printed last week. We
spoke of Mr. Kittell as “Rev/’ when it
should have been “Dr.” instead. Also
that the Confederate note was of the
denomination of $5, instead of $:»00 as
printed, and that the bill was the valued
souvenir, and not the book, sis some
The new Methodist parsonage is
rapidly nearing completion under the
guiding hands of Contractor lohn M.
Taylor and his fellow co-worker, Will
Rettenmayer, and will soon be ready
tor occupancy. Loup City carpenters
are noted for their efficient work, and
these gentlemen are *ell up with the
times, hence the parsonage is a good
expression of work well done.
Special Ribbon Sale.
100 styles of »ilk ribbon, all the way
from 25 to 50c per yard, will be sold at
Johnson & Lorentz's for 10c per yard
All colors, widths and styles. Call and
get your first selection. Yours for
business. Johnson & Lokentz.
Lawn mowers at I*. (). Reed’s.
J. T. Hale is up and around again
W 20, Ashley Conger, the drayman.
Get him.
Sweeps, stackers, mowers and rakes
at T. M. Reed’s.
M. C. Mulick went to Wyoming on a
pleasure trip Saturday.
Don’t forget Rockville in the selection
of a place to enjoy the Fourth.
Grandma Gilbert is visiting friends
at St. Paul and Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs Fred Thode gave us a
pleasant cal! one day last week.
A tine l>ov was born to Mr. and Mrs.
John O. Douglas on Sunday, the 17th.
Mrs. A. Boone and son Roy, returned
from their eastern visit last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clias. K ilka are rejoic
ing over a son born to them the 21st
Judge Wall was up to Sargent Mon
day on a law case, and Tuesday took a
run down to Lincoln.
D. hf. Gue of Webster township lost
a valuable colt last week, by having its
foit cut off in a mowtr.
Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Isla nd. Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
We understand John O’Bryan lias
bien transfered from the main line of
the U P to this branch.
The members of the I). D. Club held
a picnic at Inks* Lake last Sunday.
All report a very enjoyable time.
Frank Martin, a carpenter, has moved
his family into the Benschoter cottage,
formerly occupied by V?c Johnson.
The county dads meet again next
Monday to settle with the countv
treasurer and finish up the work of
W. T. Gibson contemplates the erec
tion at an early date of a two story
building, about 24x50 feet on his lots
southeast corner of court house square.
The editor's wife was the recipient
of a beautiful bouquet of pansies last I
Friday, presented by Miss Grace
Adamson, for which she leturns many j
In the selection of a place to spend
the Fourth, don’t forget Rockville.
The good people there are making
extensive preparations to give all a
good time.
We understand a tennis club of some
twenty members was organized here
this week. A tennis court will be made
on the vacant lots east of the court
house square.
Peter Rowe went down to Lincoln |
last week and Saturday brought his
wife home. Mrs. Rowe's throat trouble
has been greatly helped, but her heart
trouble seems no better.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gue on last gun
day entertained Mr. Lawrence Smith
and his sister, Miss Edith Smith, in
honor of Miss May, from Central City
who is visiting at the Gue residence.
A. i\ Cullev informed us yesterday
that the contract for the erection of the
First National Bank building had been !
let that morning to Ohlsen Bros., to be
fnfished by the first of November, and
to cost about $8,OOo.
Get prices from the Keystone Lumber
Co. on Itock Springs, Canon City, Mait
land, Hanna and Monarch coal. Also
eastern .and western anthracite. The
Keystone Lumber Co. is making a cut
price on coal for June and July.
I)r. Main has one the prettiest of the
residences recently built in Lonp City.
We took occasion the other day to in
spect the same, and with the above
conclusion, The house is one of eight
rooms, two above and six below, all
finished in Georgia pine, the rooms
nicely situated and opening one into
another with large double doors, a
finely finished broad staircase, which by
the wav furnishes a pretty piece of
furniture in self, and everything out
side ar.d in in keeping with each other.
Walter Smith had the contract for the
same and we congratulate him on the
taste displayed and the superior work
man ship exhibited in the building.
Walter is an artist in his line.
Alex Baillie wa3 in town Tuesday
morning. He had just finished his first
cntting of 25 acres of alfalfa, which he
estimates as making 3000 pounds to the
acre. Alex thinks alfalfa is just about
the finest feed ever grown. He curs up
his corn stalks and feeds with alfalfa,
the two making just the proper feed to
fatten and keep his cattle in the primest
condition. He recalls his experience of
his thirty ye»rs in this country, and
wonders how the farmers used to raise
any good cattle under the old regime,
when they had nothing but prairie hay
and corn stalks for winter feed, and
when such feed left stock so weak and
emaciated that in the spring they were
generally compared to a walking bone
yarJ, by the side of the slick stuff they
raise now. Mr. Baillie is one of our
most successful farmers, and his praise
of alfalfa as feed is unstinted.
A very p’easant wedding occurred
Wednesday evening, June 28, at the
home of Sheriff L. A. Williams, in
tliis city, when his daughter, Miss Edna
Williams, was united in marriage to
Mr. (). (). Howard, the Rev. Wold of
the Baptist church officiating. After
the ceremony the company, comoosed
only of the nearest friends and relatives
of the contracting parties, sat down to
a bounteous repast. Mr. Howard has
been connected with the Loup City
mills for the oast few years, and is well
and favorably known to our people.
Mrs Howard has been one of Sherman
countv’s valued teachers and is a young
lady highly esteemed in the community.
We tender the happy couple our best
Married, on Wednesday evening,
.Tune 28, 1005, at the home of Judge
Angier, Mr. (Jus. Lorentz and Miss
Libbie Erazim, both of this city. Mr.
Lorentz is the resident partner of the
clothing house of Johnson & Lorenz
and one of our most enterprising young
business men with a host of friends
| who congratulate him on his advent
j into the ranks ot benedicts Mrs.
Lorentz is the eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Anton Erazim of the St.
Elmo, and a charming and winsome
young lady. The wedding coming on
K. of 1\ night, the members of that
order, of whom the groom is an honored
member, proceeded in a body to the
St. Elmo, at the close of the lodge
session,and tendered their hearty con
gratulations to the happy couple, and
with Chancellor Commander R. J.
Nightingale, «s spokesman, surprised
the bride and groom with a token of
regard ot the local order for their
brother, the chancellor making one of
the neatest little speeches of his life.
Mr. Lorentz and his bride have the best
wishes of all our people. They will go
to housekeeping in their new home as
soon as possession can be given
Poultry netting at P. O Reed’s.
If you want a rose bush, go to F. E.
Brewer at < nee.
Two tine base ball sanies at Rock
ville the Fourth.
Phone A. T. Conger. W 20, when in
need of a drayman.
Dr. Jones reports the birth of a fine
baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Clm Rowe
early Tuesday morning.
For sale—One thoroughbred Jersey
bull and one heifer. John Lofholm
Loup City, Neb.
Frank Winkleman has thrown up his
job at the U. 1*. depot and Oscar Swan
son ha» taken the vacant place.
Union Pacific low rates. Fourth of;
July. Dates of sale and other*informa- i
tion call on agents of Union Pacific.
Get alier.d of the llies by ordering1
your screen doors and window screens
of LsiNtnoEK Lumber Co.
Mesdames Musser, Tracy anl Kay
entertain tho Unity Club at the borne
of the former, this afternoon at 3 o’clock
Will Simpson is employed as the
heavy man at Gasteyer’s. Ottis Iliser
having resigned and taken a position
at Conhiser’a.
A lot of Mens and Boys Douglas fine
shoes at the S. S. shoe store, also ladies
and Misses oxfords, and shoes that will
give good service and prices right
The glorious Fourth will be celebrat
ed all around ns this year: At Rock
ville, Wiggle Creek, Ashton, Arcadia,
Litchfield, Ravenna and numerous
other points
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Bryan went to
Columbus last Saturday to witness the
commercmient exercises of St. Francis
Academy at which their daughter,
Miss Gladys, graduates.
Mesdames \V. T. and A. E. Chase
and Miss Ella Taylor went to Crete
last Saturday to attend the commence
ment exercises of Doane college, from
which Miss Lei a Chase graduates this
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Nightingale, ac
companied by their daughters. Mis es
Florence and Zoe Nightingale, drove
over to Mason City. Sunday, bringing
home their daughter, Miss Vivian, and
their niece, Miss Edna West, who had
been visiting there for a week.
Walter Smith last week bought tlie
carpenter shop belonging to W. T. (Jib
son, the bridge contractor, situated on
the east side of the square and had it
moved south adjoining Dr. Alarcy’s
dental building. Walter has a line
workshop now.
John Fisher mourns the loss of a
finger on his left hand and a coujle of
bad cuts across the remaining Ungers.
Last Saturday while mowing grass in
his door yard, the sickle became choked
and in attempting to remove the
obstruction the machine moved, doing
the above damage.
Wes McCombs has charge of the
Northern Milling Co.’s interests in this
city, Frank Dennis having taken a
position with the company on the road.
We understand there has also been
a change in the ownership and officers
of the company and that Mr. Dennis
is now vice-president of the company.
We have no authority lor the state
ment, save what we have seen through
newspaper articles, which are undoubt
edly authentic, and we wish especially
to congratulate Frank on his elevation.
W. L. Baillie of Plymouth, England,
was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Will
Fisher, of this city the tirstof the week.
New phones have been placed in the
following residences this week: II.
Dolling, Henry Wilson and L Ilansen,
this city, and Dan Bushuisen, Henry
Bushausen. George Hrammer and Chas.
Wilson on the liockville line.
We received a pleasant call last
Saturday from Mr. Geo. Wagner of
Fazard township. Mr. Wagner reports
the winter wheat in his section looking
very fine and with spelndid prospects
of good crops. Corn is also coming on
in good shape. Mr. Wagner joined the
g owing list of Northwestern readers
desiring to keep posted on county
a’fairs. Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Musser on last
! I hursday entertained a number of their
j 1 iends at their pleasant home north of
t :is city. The ladies of the party were
i vited to spend the aftefnoon, and as a
11 atter of surprise their sjiouses were
i vited to come out later and join them.
The gentlemen therefore wended their
v iv to the Musser home later via the
Burlington road to McAlpine, and
appeared before the assembl'd wives in
picturesque garb. An elegant supper
v as served by the genial hostess and a
i jst pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
i iiose present were the Messrs, and
Mesdames II. P. Starr, W. H. Mel.’or.
J . M Mathew, J. W. Long, II. Sl eth,
1 . S. Nightingale, and C. J Tracv, Miss
1 *atrice Nightingale,.and Mrs. M. L.
1 ries and daughter and Mrs. I)t Barto
o Arcadia.
You want to try
Jijri Copgef,
The Dfayfriap.
Phone, Ni5.
I June nimle arrangements to handle
the Colorado ‘and stone for side and
crops walks and would like to figure
with you if you w*nt a walk.
This stone is used in Denver, Colo.,
on the main streets, for walks, and
some of the walks have been laid more
than twenty-five years and are still in
good shape.
I have samples of this stone at the
store and will be pleased to show you
same. Respectfully yours,
• P. O. Reed .
A good sized audience greeted Rev
Geo. W. Martin, president of the Ne
braska Prison Association, at the M.
E. church, in this city, last Friday
evening on the occasion of his lecture,
“The Roy, or Life in the Pen.” Rev
Martin gave a verr interesting lecture
ou his subject, insisting that the ooy of
today was allowed to drift with the
tide, with not enough of the home love
and home comforts and home instruc
tion and advice giyeii him. showing
th it while the daughter in the family
was given the tenderest care, the boy
was too often given free rein and loose
parental control. To the parents there
a great deal of wholesome truth was
i-poken, and no doubt will bear good
fruit. We are all more or less guilty In
this respect, to our own sorrow and
regret Quite a goodly number joined
the association with their money and.
influence and great good will necesssari
lv result from the subject matter
brought to us by the big hearted doctor
High Grade Ofgap
Manufactured by the
At Factory Prices
Delivered in your town.
You Pay $5 Gash
apd $] Per Week
50 Per Gent Off din Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prieos of the Factory Distributors,
Omaha, IsTet).
The Big Piano and Organ House.
Good Goods at Right Prices
Li- J
!Insistent Price Reductions.
Forcible Price Inducement.
Short Line Shortens Prices.
Small Prices do Great Work.
Prices Blown A wav, That’s All.
The Cut in Prices Is Still Deeper.
Not the Price you pay, but what you get
for the price that determines the value of
your bargain at
Buggies, Wagons,
Loup City, - Nebraska.
coupon and present it at Gasteyers'Sany time
between now and July 8th, with a cash purchase of $3.00
or more, and it will entitle vou to 50c more merchandise