The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 29, 1905, Image 1

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Professional Cards
AttonsT and Counsslcr>a.t<Law
Xj a -w yer
Practices in all Courts
Loup City. Neb.
, •?/.//. .»£.//>
Bended Abstracter
Lon* City, - Nebraska.
^ Only set of Abstract Hooks in county
Physician ?nd Surcreon
< MU(*e ;:t Telephone
l»e sulen ce Con nection
Office, Over New Bank
OFFK’E: East Side Public Square.
S.~A. ALLEN. ’
Lore < ity, - - xeb.
Oiiioe up stair.- in the new State
Bank building.
And the Public!
iiiU Dl. Li
D!mo Lifer? Barn
Is umlcr a iww mauagement. Give
me a trial and if v«m have any
thing i;o«*d to say, say it to
others: if you have
an\ complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right niv
mistakes, hut I can and will. Respt.,
T.H. Gilbert, Prop.
piione, wo.
Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Xoithwestern Ofiiee)
Finest Livery Kiss, careful drivers
Headquarters ior farmers’ teams Fom
merciai m -n's trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
Vhrss Daily Vraiys to
No. 38 leaves dally except Sunday (pass
eager). 7:25 a m.
No. 88 leaves Monday. W'ednesdav and
Friday. (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday < mixed)
11:50 a m.
No. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri
day at ; :35 P- m.
No. 30 (naaaenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays anil
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south. Tickets sold to ai!
points and baegage checked through to
destination. Information will be cbter
fully furnished on application to
Frank Hiseb, Agent
Burlington Bulletih
Of Bound Trjp Rates.
Portland, Tacoma and battle , and
return, 84(5 45, on sale daily.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and
return, one way via California. 1857.46
on sale .T une 28, 24. HO.
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return. #57.45. on sale June 28, 24,20,30
Heaver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo
and return, #15.30, on sale daily, on
sale June 30 to July 4, #14.80, on sale
August 12, 13,15, #14.80. on sale Aug.
30 to Sept. 4. #0.(50.
Salt Lake and Ogden and return,
83(5.35, on sale dailv.
• Yellowstone Park, through and in
cluding hotels and stage, and return,
877.35, on sale daily.
1?. L. Arthur.
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - Rll
Residence ’Phone, - - G15
—— —-— . r ....
•L \V. BURLEIGH. E«l. and Pnb.
Display Space —Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices —Five cents per line for
each insertion. Notices set in black face type
double the above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out when time is not specified
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is
charged, or a momentary interest involved,
five cents per line each insertion.
Card of Tbnnks. 50 cents.
Resolutions or respect and condolence. >1.00,
In memorlam poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge,
stfciety and club meetings and all public
gatherings where not conducted for revenue,
will be published free.
( all ior Central Committee.
The members of the Republican Coun
j tv Central Committee will take notice
I that the Republican County Committee
j will meet at 1.30 p. m. in the oRice of
W. R. Mellor in Loup City, Monday,
•1 uly 3rd, 190). W. R. Mellor, Chin.
R P. Starr, Secy.
Biennial Election Law Void.
The supreme court holds th“ biennial
| election law unconstitutional because
it seeks to extend the term of consti
tutional officers. Only one bill is held
unconstitutional. This bill included
many county officers. Th<* court holds
that the inducement for the passage of
| the law was the insertion of the clauses
regarding county officers, and for this
reason the whole bill fails.
As a result there will be an election
j this fall for one judge of the supreme
! court, two regents of the university,
and-for the following county officers:
Clerk,.treasurer, sheriff, county judge,
superintendent, coroner and surveyor
As h furthea result of the decision the
terms of the county assessor, the regis
ter of deeds, county commissioners and
county supervisors have been ‘ex
tended. The exception is made because
j these terms are extended in separate
: bills which were not in question in the
: court It is not believed that any suits
j will be instituted to question these
^separate laws. There is nothing in the
1 decision of the court showing that they
i are unconstitutional. the decision deal
ing only with constitutional officer*.
The Anti-Cigarette Law.
Below is rbe new aHti-cigarette law
.passed by the recent legislature and
which goes into effect .Tuly 1:
Section 1. lhat it shall he unlawful
on and after the date this act shall go '
into effect to manufacture, sell, give
j away or willingly allow to lie taken
anv cigarettes or the material for then
composition, known as the cigarett
J paper, in the state of Nebraska
Section 2. That any person, firm,
association or corporation in this state
| violating the provisions of this act, he
or they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
: and shall upon conviction thereof be
j fined for each and every offense a sum
| not less than 850, nor more than 8100.
at the discretion of the court, together
with costs of prosecution.
Section 3 Any officer, director or
manager having in charge or control
separately or jointly with others the
business of any corporation, which
corporation violates the provisions of
this act if he have knowledge of the
same, shall be guilty and subject to the
penalty herein provided,
Last Thursday night one of the
heaviest storms ever in this section
| visited Loup City. The government
rain gauge showed three and one-half
inches had fallen. The bottom lands
west and south of the city were over
flowed badly, and the road from the
mill to the bridge south of town was
j overflowed to a depth of three and four
feet. No damage is reporter..
The school board met last Saturday
evening and elected M;ss Nellie House,
a graduate of the State University, as
assistant principal of the Loup City
schools for the coming year We have
read several letters rec 'ivvd by the
secretary of the school board in regard
to the newly elected assistant, and they
*re unqualifiedly clear in their warm
endorsement of Miss House for the
position named, and coming from well
known educators, some of th *rn teachers
in the State University, we eongratulat *
the iioard on tlie selection of the lady
m question as wise and judicious.
A terrible railway accident on the
! Lake Shore road at Mentor Ohio. la;T
: Thursday caused the death of some
! twenty-one souls. Among them was
'.John A Bradley, of Akron, Ohio, a
i prominent member of a noted law firm.
; of that city. On receipt of the news
here, we learned that Mr. Bradley was
a resident of Loup City some twelve
I or fifteen years since, and studied law
with Senator Wall. He was married to
a ladv at Litchfield Later he left here
and went into the collection business
with the law firm of which he was
afterward made a member and so re
mained up to the time of his death.
He wj*s here a few years since on a
visit, and is well and favoiably remem- i
l«ered by many of our citiz ns.
Minutes Co.f Board Meeting.
11. P. Starr came before the board
and requested that the amount of
damages allowed John G. Becker and
John G. Byrnes, in the locating of
Kuhn road No. 2, be reconsidered and
a greater amount allowed to said
parties, and the same was, by motion
continued for further consideration.
Tangerman road was taken up and
it was ordered and agreed by and be
tween the county board of supervis
ors and Henry Tangerman, sr. that
he. Tangerman. would set his fence
over far enough to allow the estab
lished road to pass around a certain
water hole without building a bridge
and when that is done and the road
made passable that the diagonal road
should then be vacated.
Report of bridge and road commit
tee was made and accepted.
By motion it was ordered that here
after all parties desiring roads located
by the surveyor must pay -the ex
pense of the survey.
A delegation from Austin then
came before the l>oard and requested
that a bridge lie built across tie*
Middle Loup River at Austin and t' e
board took the same under advise
By motion bridge committee was
instructed to visit the site of request
for bridge over Bloody Run and make
report at next meeting.
Committee on claims disallowed
the claim of Dr. Wanek of Ashton,
until the same was looked up as to
legal responsibility.
By motion I). C. Grow was instruct
ed to receive bids for laying cement
sidewalks from the Court House,
south, east and west through square.
Claims committee report the
following claims were allowed, after
the proper deductions for taxes.
Board adjourned sine die.
Geo. II. Gibson, Clerk.
Hammond & Stephens.$ 10.82
E G Taylor ..13.20
State Journal.32.50
James I> Bowman.5.00
i Geo Bowman.5.00
Will Bowman.5.oo
A Erazim .3 25
Geo Leininger.8.10
John John. 10.70
PTed Kornrumff.10.10
John Lofhohn. all for
Wm Couton .10. on
W A Hayes...10.10
Joe Karel .•.ll.K)
Geo Newberg.11.80
J N Black.9.80
C P' Krehmke . .11.40
James Burnett
Henry A Wilson, all for tax-.8.10
Joseph Kolkowski. 9.80
Chris Nielsen.9.30
C’ II Leininger.11.40
Boh Swanek.9.2o
Wm Snyder .11.4o
DC Doner . ..11.50
Henry Glinsman.
E A Slote.
Sami Blumer .
Thos Jamrog.
El Ogle. .
•Jacob Winkleman. -
E B Hickman.
•J M Taylor....
W H Rettenmayer.
W E Smith.
E A Draper.
Geo Truelsen.
Elmer Perkins.
W W McCullock.
O O Howard.
Ed Angier.
Geo II Gibson, Clerk....
State Journal Co. ......
Hainmon & Stephen_
Jens Christensen .
Geo H Gibson, Clerk_
Ilammon & Stephens ..
J W Jones.
James Iluryta.
H S Conger 43.75 tax —
Henry Doon .
Wenzel Rewolinski.
A I >ickerson.
J Q Pray.
Nicholas Daddow.
Frank Polsti .. .
II W Haller..
C /.wink.
C J Peters .
. .9.20
. .5.80
. .9 20
.10. HO
. 4.10 I
. .2.10
. .2.10
. i i.t>0
86.: 0
. 2.15
. .8.00
.65.80 !
Lewis Bechthold...151.00 j
Keystone L Co.11.15
James W Conger.38.00
L A Williams.103.65
E A Brown .45.80
J A Angier. 2.90
Bichel Heapy & Kuhl. 14.05
J. S. l’edler .360.00
R D Hendrickson.299.00 !
Keystone L Co Rockville.9.35
Geo H Gibson Clerk.... 306.05
J I’ Leininger L Co.12.10
G W Brammer .16.50
Henning Claussen. 16.40
Ferdinand Schroll .... . 16.60
W O Brown.15.20
R M Hiddleson.. 16.30'
1) C G row.18.00 i
W G McNulty . 8.50
Simpson Criss.75
W H Chapman . 16.80
S N Svveetland.14.60
Peter Rowe..$ 8.10
E B Corning. 51.50
J Dembowski. 16.00
Geo Dininger . 8.00
W Peterson . 5.00
Geo Peterson . 3.00
.T W Burleigh. 17 50
Geo Brammer. 11.50
W O Brown.. 10.0 >
W II Chapman. 14.80
I) C Grow..$ o.5o
W O Brown . 51.50
Ferdinand Schroll. 35.10
W II Chapman. 22.oi),
W 1' Gibson. 15S1.0 *
Additional Locals.
l'enus Bieni >nd brought a c»r of tine
mares from Grand Island this week.
M B. hiimh of St Louis arrived here
last we k Wednesday on a visit to his
brother in-law. Bird Draper, returning
bom- yesterday.
We return thanks to a number of
our good rt aders who have remembered
u> the past lew days, namely: Fivj1
Thode, John Fisher, John Czaplewski.
J. I Depew. II Conhiser. M. II.
Mead. C C Coop T, D S It I).
Ih-nd: ici son.
A heavy rain, you might almost call
it a cloud burst, occured Tuesday aftei
noon between A-eadia and Comstock,
whie1’ proved some trouble to the B & i
M folk*. The track for some tiftv bet
alwiit • mile east of Comstock was!
W i-hcd out. but not t II the pass-n^er
had passed the spot and before lire
freight re tched there, which caused the
transfer of mil 1 and passeageis to the
freight Wednesday morning, which
hacked down 1o Loup City and t ok
them e >t. leavi-g the passenger train
up at the end of the road till Wednes
day evening when the necessary repairs
were made and trains run as usual this
morning. Even Mt McAlpiue Wednes
day noon water covered the ties anil the
bottom lands resembled a lake from
Loup ( itv Tuesday afternoon could be
set n the sheets if water pouring from
th« cloud* in the count ry to the north
At Comstock, the rain was so plenteous
that foundrtions were taken from under
buildings and much damage resulted.
Divorce Notice
In the District Court of Sherman County Ne
Charles H. Dobson, Plaintiff,
Emma A. Dobson. Defendant.
To Emma A. Dobson: You are hereby noti
fied that on the 31st day of May. 1905. Charles
H. Dobson, plaintiff, tiled his petition in the
District Court of said county, praying that he
be divorced from you,
You are hereby notified that unless you an
swer said petition od or before the 10th day of
July. l'.KIb, the prayer of said petition w ill lie
taken as true and a decree of divorce rendered
against you. CHARLES H. DOBSON.
junel-5w Plaintiff
Estray Notice.
Taken np as an estray on the old
Andre v linker place in Logan town
s' n>. Sherman county. Nebraska, o
the 4tli dav of June, 1005. the following
described stock: Two, dehorned Ileie
ford cows, one with horse-shoe brand
on right hip; one red and white spotted
calf, and one red calf.
Owner will piove property, pay all
costs and take same away, or stock will
be soltl according to law.
31 o\v George Klatka.
A '1 ; r‘ i kin> •. iid t e elv s ir
tle >t d <> • )!:!:-' !!. I,< 7. \ Co, are
rtqm-1 >1 t ■ tl. i outi* before
July is-, either b\ c h ■ r lan a t
pap t, as th- i! ui ■ - now li t ge
bands and all ammnfs nt :st be ett ed
John son Lohext:* & Co
He it remember* d that oa this stU day of
April, l'.nifj, that we. P. Jensen. Geo \V. Woten
J A. Woten ami N. Jen*en do form an in
corporation under and by virtue of the laws
of the State of Nebraska.
I This Incorporation shall be known a
the K> iCKVILLK STATE HANK of Rockvi^e
II. The principal place >i transacting busi
ness shall be at the town of Rockville, Sher
man county. Nebraska
III. This Inc< ■•.•]>. iv.ition sh:! cornmenei
business n the Is day ot June. ;m and shall
terminate on the Ni day of June, ly^tj. unles
sooner dissolved by holders of a majority of
the capital stock thereof
IV. The general nature of the business to
be transacted shall be that of buying and sell
ing Foreign and Domestic exchange receiving
money and credits on deposits, loaning money
on personal collateral or other security, buy
ing notes warrants and other securities and
the transacting of all proper and legitimate
commercial banking business.
V. The authorized capital of this bank shall
be Ten Thousand Dollars 50 pet cent of which
shall be paid in before commencing buxines
and the balance to i>e paid in upon call of
the Hoard of Directors.
VI. The highest indebtedness to which ibis
Incorporation shall at anv time subject itself
shall not exceed a sum eijual to two third of
its paid up capital stock, not however includ
ing liability for deposits.
vll The affairs of this Corporation shall
be conducted by a* Board of Dire. tors, to
consist of thrt ■■ members who shall have
power to elect the officers of said corporation
during the time for which they shall them
selves be elected, to pass a suitable code of
by-laws for the government of said officers
and the affairs of the bank not in conflict with
these articles of incorporation or the laws of
the State. Such Board of Directors shall be
elected annually at a meeting of the share
holders of said bank to be held at the bank
ing house of said corporation, in Rockville.
Nebr on the. first Tuesday of each year and
sfiall Jioid their office until their successors
ar® eleC/Cd. Untfl the first annual election,
to be held in the year IMS, the following
named share holder* shall hold the office as
Directors of this bank P. Jensen, Geo.
W. Woten and J. a. Woten.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set
our hands this stb dayjof April. jyU5.
P. Jensen,
Geo. W Wotik
J A woten
in. J Essen.
(Last pub. June the i
for Gentlemen
who cherish
For Sale by T.H. Eisner
(Successor to W. D. Hover k Co. dealers in)
Updeftakipg apd Ar* Goods
Jt has kept us hustlipg
to get the goods in as fast as we disposed of them
the past piopth
The Iron Bed stoc^c is larger
than ever hefore. Come and
look them over. If you wish to fix up your din
ing room catchy, put up a piece
or two of Plate Moulding.
A. P. CULLEY, President.
W. F. MASON, Cashier.
of Loup euy.
General Banking Business Transacted.
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans.
We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.
Seaboard National Bank, New Y’ork City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
l' ou; ’n’t you like a nice five-acre tract ad
',vn for your home? If so, ask W.
H. >i I'AA OH for prices and terms of tracts
shown on 'in’s map
m mu
B. & M. Elevators
Goal for Sale al Loup City aii Asia. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
John Solmes
^dealer: in**
Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves,
Tinware, Screen Doors,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers
Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed.
•Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils.
Loup City, ■ Nebraska
Loup City, Nebraska,«
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lipue and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Storm Sash.
Blacksmith $ Wagon Makerjl
My shoo la tbe largest and best equipped norm ol the Platte Elver ■
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma I
chinery, also a force or experienced men who know how to operate It and ■
tarn out a job with neatness and dispatch.
The No[th western, $1 Pr- yr«