The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 22, 1905, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
am i n nMBrr-aBHM^.iMM«i«iin i .wanaMunk -•umini--. -^,1^ ;asTM>*armai»^_
. .. . -' 1 ■ ————————
. Professional Cards
R. j. xightlngTTf:
Aitoraev ud Counselcr<it>Lav
I-j a "w yer
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
.H. //.
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Ah«*rhct hooks in county
Physician end Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence Connection
Office, Over New Bank.
OFFICE: East Side Public Square. |
LOl'P CITY, - - XEB.
Office up stairs in the new State;
• Bank building.
" " ' i
-Ajtid the Public!
TM St. Elfflo Lifer? Barn
Js under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right u»y
mistakes, hut I can and will. Respt., |
T.E. Gilbert, Prop.!
piione, w9.
Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.'
(Opposite Northwestern Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers1
Headquarters iorfarmers’teaujo ‘-nra- |
mereial m<m"s trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited. |
*Phr®® Daily Vraiqs to
No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday ipass'
eager). 7:25 a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. ui.
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed)
11:90 u. m.
No. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri
day at 7:35 p. m.
No. 39 i passenger > Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south. Tickets sold to a)!
points aud baairage checked through to
destination. Information will be enter
Fully furnished < n application to
Frank Hisek, Agent
Burlington Bulletin
Of Round Trip Kates.
Portland, T*coma and Seattle an 1
ret urn, $46.45, on sale daily.
Po-tland, Tacoma and Seattle and
return, one way via California. $57.45
on sale June 23,24,30.
San Francisco and Los Angeltsard
return, $57.45. on sale June 23,24,29,30
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo
and return, $15.80, on sale daily, on
sale June 30 to July 4^ $14.80, on sale
August 12.13,15, $14.80, on sale Aug.
30 to Sept. 4, $9.00.
Salt Lake and Ogden and return,
$30.35, on s. le daily.
Yellowstone Park, through at d in
cluding hote’s and stage, and let’ira,
$77.35, on sale daily.
I?. L. Art dun.
- ---I
Entered at the Loup City PostofRce for trans ''
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office’Phone, - - - Rll
Residence ’Phone, - - G15
•I. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pul).
Display Space-Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices—Five cents per line for
each insertion. Notices set in black face type
double the above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out when time is not specified.
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures, suppers, etc., where an admission fee is ;
charged, or a momentary interest involved
live cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thanks. 50 cents.
Resolutions of respect and condolence, $1.00, ,
In memoriam poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge. I
society and club meetings and all public \
gatherings where not conducted for revenue
will be published free.
A Valuable Souvenir.
Last week we received a pleasant call
’from Hon E. II. Kittell of Rockville.1
While here Mr. Kittell showed us an
old Confederate hill of the denomina
tion of S-'.OO, issued at Richmond. Va..
Feb. 17, 18(>4. It was found a few '
days previously bv the family between
th»* leaves of a volume entitled ‘-Pol-!
lard's Lost Cause," a Southern history
of the vVar of the Rebellion, a hook
highly urized by Mr Kittell being left
him bv his father. Rev. G. W. Kittell. j
who was captain of Co. C, r>8th Ills
Vols., brought home with him at the
close of the war, and the bill was un- j
doubtedlv placed in the book by the
good father, as Mr. Kittell had not seen
e;iid Confederate note for over thirty
years On the back of the note were
printed the following verses, which tell
their own tale and speak eloquently of
b asted hopes:
(Respectfully dedicated to the ho’ders
of Confederate treasury notes.)
Rej.resenting nothing on God’s earth
And naught in the waters below it,
As a pledge of the nation tint’s dead
and gone,
Keep it, dear friend, and show' it
Show it to those who vvill lend an ear
To tlie tale that this paper can te I.
Of liberty born, of the patriot's dream
Of the storm-cnohed nation that fell
Too^ioor to possess the precious creq
And t *o much of a stranger to borrow
We issue today our pro n is-* to p tv.
And bopj to releem on ti e norro v.
1 he days r< 11 eel on and w« ks 1 e *;;m
y« ars,
Hut our coffers were empty stiff,
Coin was so rare the treasure quaked
If a dollar should drop in the till.
Hut the faith that was iu us w«e strong
And our poverty w ell discerned,
And these litMe checks represerred the
That our suffering volunteers earned
We knew it had hardly a value in gold.
Yet as gold her soldiers received it,
It gazed in our eyes with a promise to
And each patriot soldier believed it.
Hut our boys thought little of price or
Or the bills that were overdue, [pay.
We knew it brought us bread today,
Twas the best our poor country
could do.
Keep it, for it tells our history o’er,
From the birth of it’s dream to the last
Modest, and born of the Angel Hope,
Like the hope of success, it passed.
The law’ will have another try at
Tom Denison, the Omaha gambler,
accused of complicity in the Pollock
diamond robbery. He was found
not guilty at a former trial by a jury
of Iowa guessers, but public opinion
as to Denison’s guilt has undergone
no perceptible change in conse
The strenuous effort on the part
ot the Omaha Bee to create senti
ment in ' favor of Tom Denison,
should and undoubtedly does earn
his eternal gratitude for his bosom
friend Rosewater, however much or
little influence said strenuousness
exerts. The people of Nebraska
are, however, quite well acquainted
with Rosewatetism.
Deputy Attorney General Thomp
son has called attention to the fact
even if the biennial election law is
held to be unconstitutional, registers
of deeds and county supervisors will
be permitted to bold over until Jari
uarv. 1907, while county assessors
will have another year added. It
i9 pointed out that none ot these
are constitutional offices, so that the
defeat of the general bill will not
affect the law extening these terms.
When you go to Lincoln after
this, remember you musn’t spit—on
the sidewalk, at least. The city has
passed an ordinance against expecto
rating on the walks, and you will
have to make a lunge for the street
if you are not prepared to do the
boa constrictor act. Would it not
be well for the capital city to provide
great spitting vats at convenient
intervals for the public, with banners
warning the stranger to “Spit Here.”
Minutes Co., Board Meeting.
Loup City. Neb., June 12, 1905.
County Board of Supervisors of
Sherman county. Nebraska, met as
tier adjournment of March 8th, 1905,
present 1). C. Grow and all members
and Geo. H. Gibson clerk, and the
following business was had and done,
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
Erroneous taxation of Edward
Comraek for 1904. was ordered can
Snyder consent road petition was
By motion treasurer was ordered to
transfer superfluous amounts from
school district bond funds of differ
ent districts, to general funds of dis
Request of JohnCornford. guardian,
to have a double taxation of 1904 cor
rected. was granted.
By motion clerk was directed to
instruct road overseers concerned to
open up the road known as the Ros
chynialski road on township line be
tween Rockville and Loup City town
ship-,. and that if Loup City town
ship continues to refuse to pay said
damage that Sherman county do so.
Tiie following official-bonds were
Vincent Novy overseer road dist..
No. 31.
John II. Mead, justice of the peace.
Harrison township. .
M. B. Matliews. overseer road dist..
No. 11.
John Benson, overseer dist.. No. 27
W. .1. Jung. “ “• •• 5
John Weehler, •• “ *• 8
Louis Reasland. •• “ •• 22
The Fiala consent road was grant
ed as per request.
By motion hoard adjourned to June
It;. 1905. at 9 a. m.
Geo. H. Gibson, Clerk.
Loup City, Neb.. June 13. 9 a. m.
County board of supervisors met as
a board of equalization as per the
statutes provided, present l) C Grow,
chairman: 4V O Brown. W II Chap
man. Geo. Bramer, Ferdinand Schroll
Henning Claussen and R. M. Hiddei
son, supervisors and Geo. H. Gibson
clerk and the following business was
had and done, to-wit:
The forenoon was taken up in mat
ters of equalization.
Board adjourned for dinner.
Loup City, Neb.. June 13. 1 p. tr.
County Board met as per adjourn
ment for dinner, present D C Grow,
chairman, and all numbers and Geo.
H. Gibson clerk, and the following
business was had and done, to-wit:
Petition from Oak Creek. Ashton.
Bristol'and Scott twps.. individaul
petitions of citizens of said townships
were tiled, asking that reduction l>e
made in their respective valuations
of real estate as made for the year
and which would stand for sub
sequent years 1H05, loot; and 11407, for
the reason that a gross injustice in
over valuation as compared with the
other townships of Sherman county,
had been made in said year, and after
[The consideration of the matter, it
appearing that an injustice had been
done as said petitions set forth, it j
was by motion ordered that the re
spective petitioners be given relief as
follows: Those in township 10, range
13 be allowed a reduction of 25 per
cent. Those in township 15, range
13 a reduction of 15 per cent. Those
in township 13. range 13 and town
ship 13. range 14 a reduction of 15
per cent, and in tow nship 13 range 10
i reduction of 12 1-2 per cent, said
matter having been discussed with
delegations from the respective town- i
ships represented by T S Nightingale
tlieir attorney, and said considera
tion extending to and during June
14: Mr. Nightingale having presented j
in evidence the assessors books, sched
ules and the pages of the supervisors'
records and the schedules of equaliza
tion as presented by \V R Mellor and
adopted by said board for ID >4 and
subsequent years 1905, 1906 and 1907.
Request of Aug. Beushausen for a
reduction of his valuation on see. 19,
township 15. range 13. was. by motion
not considered further than the
regular 15 per cent reduction made to
petitioners in said township.
R J Nightingale requested that a :
reduction of $60 be made in the a*-;
sessment of the south half of the |
northeast quarter of section 12. twp. j
15, range 15, which reduction was i
Board adjourned to June 15, 9 a. m.
J une 15, 9 a. m.
Board met as a board of equaliza- '
tion as per adjournment, present 1). j
C. Grow chairman and all members
and Geo. II. Gibson clerk, and the|
matters of equalization were consid
ered during the day, and by motion ;
board adjourned as a board of equali- j
zation to June 16th, at 1 p. m.
June 16th. 1 p. m.
County board met as a board of
equalization and the same was ad
journed by the clerk to July 3. 1905, I
at 10 a. m. Geo. II. Gibson,
C lerk.
Loup City. Nebr., June 16, ’05, 9 a.m.
County board met as a board of
general business as per adjournment
of June 12, ’05. present I) C Grow
chairman and all members and Geo.
H. Gibson clerk, and the following
business was had and done, to-wit:
(Continued next week)
State Fair News.
At a meeting of 1 Le board of M n
a.ers mi dune 10th President M dlor
notili d the b air 1 t!mt he ha 1 ■ pj oint
ed S. C. Bassett ** cret r . to til! the
vacancy occasioned '.y the death of
Hon Robert W. Furnas, ;dso tli t W.
O. Ctlev of Creighton. Ku : county,
had been at pointed a Tuemh r . f !.e
^t itt‘ board to till v »ean y.
Contr cts hive ben sig : ! f r ex
it : irion races during the fair v*.,th ti***
owner o; he “Guideless Wonder. Cute."
a horse that without driver trots against
time and lias a record of 2:<4^ on a
in e ra k and 2:0:»on a half mile track:
a .so the uo'ting steer. “San Antonio
Prie.v This steer lias ;i half mile
ie -ord of 2:40
Tin1 fish exoih t by the St ite T i ll
commission will again he an m West
ing feature rC the State Fair, 5250.00
having h *n appropriated to p«y th**
expenses of making such exhibit
The secret ry's office of the state
Boat ;! of \ r culture has b-vn r-moved
from Biowuvill • to Lincoln and n >w
occnpi* s rooms on the first floor in the
dpi! )! PuiHi-g. where all interested,
and espe oal y ttiose in the st; t air
a d rnaMers p*oi uning to a.ui ulmre
wil, !>*■ must c r 1 ial I v w Ionic
T1 e i s> of * i e so <x; eii» need and
efficient as the late >erre'u*y, Hon.
Roltert W. Furnas, is irreparable noth
t »the st t*■ and Hoard of Agru id’iuv.
and a serious handicap in the making
of the * o-i.iiig State Fair, but the Pair
managemei i wil; mother time
nor effort to carry t h" plans a.rrang-d
hy the 1 te secr.-tarv, and to th s end
invite the action and hearty co-opera
tion of all we ! wishers of the fair
State fair dates are September 1st to
St h.
For premium lists or other informa
tion address S C. Bassett. Secretarv,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Divorce Notice
In the District Court of Sherman County. Ne- ■
Charles H, Dnbs< n Plaintiff.
Emma A. Dobson. Defendant.
To Emma A. Dobson: You are hereby noti
fied that on the 3ist day of May. 1905, Charles
II Dobson. plaintiff, filed his petition in the
District Court of said county, praying that he
be divorced from you.
You are hereby notified that unless you an
swef said petition on or before the 10th day of
July. 1905. the prayer of said petition will be
taken as true and a decree of divorce rendered
against you. CHARLES H. DOBSOJi.
junel-.5w ' Plaintiff
■ •
Road Notice.
iPeters Road.)
To all whom i: may concern:
Greeting: The Commissioner appointed to
view and report upon a road commencing at
the northwest corner of Section five. Townsuip
sixteen, Range fifteen, and connecting with
: lie Loup City and Arcadia road and running
thence west on County line between Sherman
and Valley counties one mile, has reported in
favor thereof and ai! claims for damage or
objections thereto must be filed in the office of
the County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebr .
nu or before noon of the 3id day of August. 1
1905, or said road will be allowed without ;
reference thereto.
Dated th.s _6th day of May. 1905.
Geo. h Gibson.
County Clerk
(Last pub. June -J2.)
(Successor to W. D. Hover & Co. dealers in)
Updeftaklpg and f\\t Goods
Wants the people to know that the stock of goods will be kept
up to the same standard that it was before, and that the pat
rons will receive the same courteous treatment.
and that new goods are b:-ing added. Also, that he
intends to keep this stock the best of any
in the countv.
mammammmmmmmmmm niriarm ■■ .wbsjsjt. am. i an i
A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans.
AVe Buy, Flent aud Sell Fteal Estate for Non-Residents.
Seaboard Rational Bank, Mew York City, N. Y.
/ Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Not co.
\ ]> rt i - 1 t o rig t o elv s
< e d ohn-oi:, Lor z . Co, are
r. q t <1 ■ s“:t! • t i-■ . ounr before
July s ei in r !■> < h or i an a t
pap ", ; th :: m ' now h get
hands and all ae-air, ■. m st be -etted
.1' i!\s(i,■ Lore «t; & Co.
Bt it remembered that on this *th day of
Aprr 1 •<:. tliat we P. Jensen. Geu W. Woten
J. A. Woten am; X. Jensen do form an in
corporation under and by virtue of the laws
of i'uo State of Nebraska.
I This Incorporation shall bo known a:
the 10 ' KYILLE STATE BANK . f Rockville
II. The p: inc'pal pi ice of transacting busi
ness shall be at the town of Rockville, Sher
man county. Nebraska
III This Incorporation sb ■'! co rnenci
business on the 1st day of June. :*.w>. and sh-tl
terminate on the 1st day of June, 19-J6. unles
sooner dissolved by holders of a majority o'
the capital stock thereof.
IV. The genera! nature of the business to
be transacted shall be that of buying and sell
ing Foreign and Domestic exchange, receiving
money and credit-- on deposits, loaning money
on personal, collateral or other security, buy
ing notes, warrants, and other securities and
the transacting of all proper and legitimatt
commercial banking busine-s.
V. The authorized capital of this bank shal
be Ten Thousand Dollars. 50 pet cent of which
shall be paid in before commencing busiues
uud the balance to be paid in upon call o!
the Board of Directors.
VI. The highest indebteanes- to which this
Incorporation shall at ant time subject itself
shall nut exceed a sum equal to two thirds of
its paid up capital stock, not however includ
ing liability for deposits. •
Til. The affairs of this Corporation shall
be conducted by a Board of Directors, to
consist of three members who shall have
power to elect the officers of said corporation
during the time for which they shall them
selves be elected, to pass a suitable code of
by-laws for the government of said officers
and the affairs of the bank not in conflict with
these articles of incorporation or the laws of
the State. Such Hoard of Directors shall be
elected annually at a meeting of the share
holders of said bank, to be held at the bank
ing house of said corporation, in Rockville.
Nebr. on the first Tuesday of each year and
shall hold their office until their successors
are elected. Until the tirst annual election,
to be held in the year 19*16, the following
named share holders shall hold the office as
Directors of this bank: P. Jensen. Geo.
W. Woten and J. a Woten.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set
our hands this Sth dayjof April. 1905.
P. Jensen,
Geo. W Woteh.
J A woten.
(Last pub. June :!9 *
U f fff t vt W *T i^k
For Sale by T. H. Eisner
’ ou!;!n’t you like a nice five-acre tract ad
town, for your home? If so, ask W.
-v. dKLI OR for prices and terms of tracts
show n on this map.
B. & M. Elevators
Goal for Sale at Load City and Asia. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
John Solmes
^dealer: in**
Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves,
Tinware, Screen Doors,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers
Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed.
Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils.
Loup City, ■ Nebraska
Oall on tlie
Loup Gity, Nebraska,^
U M n(E R
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Storm Sash.
^J. I. DEPEW&* 1
I Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker!
My shoo 1b the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Kiver
I have a fonr horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma
cbtuery, also a force or experienced men who know bow to operate it and
turn out a job with neatness and dispatch.
X*he Nofthwestefp, $1 pr. yf.