The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 01, 1905, Image 1
VOLUME XXII. • LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, JUNE 1. 1005. NUMBER 29 ** Profession/t Cards H. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney d CommIcmUiIw LOUR 6ITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. SFARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITK NEBRBSKS. 1 .?/. //. •llJEtJ IP Bon ded Abstracter Lour City. - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county A. S. MAIN, Physician end Surgeon Office :it Telephone Residence Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. j7h. long ~ Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION wTlmahcy. 1> E N TS ST, LOUPjlTY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Square. S. A. ALLEN. " niJJVTIST, LOUP CITY. - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. And the Public! Tie St Elmo Livery Ban Js under a new management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., T.B. Gilbert, Prop. PHONE, Wo. Give Us a Trial Round Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Noithwescern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters iorfarmers’ teams Oom mereial men’sXrade given especial at k tentioti. Your patronage solicited. [ UP RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhrss Daily Vraiqs to California* TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS:— No. 38 leaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). 7:25a.m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m. No. 87 arrives dally except Monday (mixed) 11:50 a. in. Xo. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri day at 7:35 p. m. No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p in. First class service and dose connections east, west and south. Tickets sold to al’ point* and bucgage checked throngh to destination. Ii.formation will he chi er fully furnished on application to Frank Hiskr, Agent BSPWjWSB TIME TABLE, mm LOUP CITY NEBIL Lincoln, Denver, Omaha. Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph. Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portlaud, St. Louis. San Francisco, and a!l points and all points ast and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger.....10*53a. in. No (C Freight..— f..10.53a.m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 5:10 p. >.i No. 59 Freight.6:15 p. m Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cart (seats free) on through trains. * Ticket! sold and baggage checked to any point it the United States or Canada. For information, maps, time tables ant tickets call on or write to R. L. Ahthui Agent. Or J. Fra whs. GenM Passengei Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—11.00 PER TEAR. IE PAID IN ADVANCl Entered at the Loup City Pcstofflce for tran s mission through the mails as second claws matter. Office’Phone, - - - Rll Residence ’Phone, - - H22 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. ADVERTISING RATES Displat Space-Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices.—Five cents per line for each insertion. Notices set in Mack face type double the above rate. All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thanks. 50 cents. Resolutions of respect and condolence. £1.00, In memoriam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of ehureh services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gatherings where not conducted for revenue, will be published free. Memorial Day Observed. Memorial Day was well observed in I onp City. Tuesday, and all w ent off smoothly as per program given in the local papers. The services were held at the opera house, the building being packed to its utmost capacity. The stage was finely decorated with Hags, flowers and bunting, and presented most pleasing appearance. The music was an especial feature, being given b\ the choirs of both churches and a number of othtr people, giving a strong chorus. The address bv Hon. Robt. I’. Starr w as one of the finest efforts of the kind we have listen d to in years, showing careful preparation, deep thought and couched in beautiful word painting our friend Starr is so capable of giving. Mr. Starr is a well-read student of history and it was a pleasure to listen to his well-timed remai'ks on Tuesday, so appropriate to the revered occasion. Had we the space at command, we would with pleasure re produce at least a synopsis of his best thoughts that graced the day. but that is denied. Suffice it to say they w ill be treasured up in memory's sacred chamber of the hetrt. At the close of the speaker's address, he, in behalf ol the ladies of Shiloh Circle, presented each old veteran with an elegant bouquet of flowers presented by the Indies of the Circle, in commemoration of the day. Following the closing hvmn, adjournment was taken to the cemetery, where the old soldiers took charge of the ceremonies and performed the last rites over the graves of their departed comrades, and ttie memorable day in the Nation's history w\-s aj l ropriatlv closed. ——— ’ -- 1 he daps blew’the last of Russia’s | tleet out of the water, last Sunday. At I the same time the earth gave way in front of the new State hank doors, leaving quite a hole. Through this Admiral Toga sent a « ireless, announc ing the result two days ahead of the daily papers. Thespreme court has informed ex Secretary of State Porter that he must put hack the $800 of marks and brands fees he appropriated while posing in that office as the great populist reform official. IIow much better Porter’s reform light would have appeared if be had out it back before he had to. Slow - ly but surely the grafters are being compelled to "put it back.’’ Now:. ex-Speaker-Judge( V) Sears, it‘s your turn Will you do it? Additional Locals. The Unity Club Will meet with Mrs. Ilale tomorrow afternoon. Theo. Wilson of Ashton gave us a pleasant call this morning. Lawrence Smith yesterdav bought | two tine hulls ot Ilen-y Kubl. Mr. and Mrs. Ge > Lee took a tiip to i Coloia lo yesterday. We understand Wes McComte has j traded a couple of his farms in this ' county for the Sweetw ater mill property " e have no particulars. Geo. Truelsen yesterday brought to town a mammoth catfish about thirty inches long, caught in the river near here, tiie largest caught around here in years. H. A. Jung gave us a pleasant cal yesterdav. Mr. Jnug is one of our hustling carpenters and is busy helping Billy Rowe turn off liis big jobs of borne building. Jim Johnson yesterday bought the Jonas Hedges farm south of town. Mr. Johnson also sold his land in Logan township, hut we have not learned the name of the purchaser, W. II. Msllor was callel to Lincoln today on receipt of news that ex-Gov. Kurnaas, secretary of the tstate Fair Association, was dangerously ill. lie had intended leaving today lor a trip to Wyoming, but the telegram above took him to Lincoln instead. R. II. Vinson came up from Grand Island last Saturday for a few days’ visit wiili his wife and sister, who are doing photographic work upstairs in the new bank. Mr. Vinson is a fire man on the U. P, and a very pleasant gentleman. The Memorial seivices were held at the opera house lust Sunday, the ad dress being given bv Pastor “Wold of the Baptist ehureh in his happiest vein. Owing to the inclemency of the weaehei tlie attendance was small, more the loss to those prevented from being present. The village truste* s have granted the putting in of cement walks from Louie Bechthold's corner to .Judge Angier's residence on Cedar street, and they are being rapidly put in The walk- go along the north side of tiie street to Will French’s residence and from there to Judge Anglers on the south side of fie* street. Thus. Burton was in from Webster town-hip yesterday and says while some in his neighborhood are obliged lo re-plant their corn, his is coming up nicely, not having plante 1 till about the loth i st Tom i- indulging in a broken toe on his right foot, one of his horses trying ifs heft on the member. It was the smallest, but hurts as much as if the animal had selected a bigg r one. Articles of Incorporation. Be it remembered that on this sth day of Apri>. 1905. that we. P. Jensen. Geo. W. Woten J. A. Woten and N. Jensen do form an in corporation under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska. I. This Incorporation shall be known as the ROCKVILLE STATE BANK of Rockville Nebraska. II. The principal place of transacting busi ness shall be at the town of Rockville. Sher man connty. Nebraska. Ill This Incorporation shall commence business on the 1st day of June. 1905. and shall : terminate on the 1st day of June, 1926. unles sooner dissolved by holders of a majority of the capital stock thereof. IV. The general nature of the business to j be transacted shall be that of buying and sell ing Foreign and Domestic exchange, receiving money and credits on deposits, loaning money j on personal, collateral or other security, buy j ing notes, warrants, and other securities and ! the transacting of all proper and legitimate commercial banking business. V. The authorized capital of this bank shall be Ten Thousand Dollars. 50 per cent of which shall be paid in before commencing business and the balance to be paid in upon call of the Board of Directors. VI. The highest indebtedness to which this Incorporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed a sum equal to two thirds of its paid up capital stock, not however includ ing liability for deposits. vll. The affairs of this Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, to consist of three members who shall have power to elect the officers of said corporation during the time for which they shall them- j selves be elected, to pass a suitable code of by-laws for the government of said officers j and the affairs of the bank not in conflict with these articles of incorporation or the laws of the State. Such Board of Directors shall be ' elected annually a meeting of the share [ holders of said bank, to be held at the bank ing house of said corporation, in Rockville. Nebr..onthe first Tuesday of each year and | shall hold their office until their successors are elected. Until the first annual election, to be held in the year J90G, the following named share holder* shail hold the office as Director- of this hank: P. Jensen, Geo. W. Woten and J. A Woten. In witness whereof we have hereunto set ourhands this 8th dayjof April. 1905. P. Jensen. Geo. W. Wotek. J A Woten. N JENSEN. tLast pub. June 29 i Divorce Notice. In the District Court of Sherman County. Ne braska. Charles H, Dobson, Plaintiff. vs. Emma A Dobson. Defendant. To Emma A. Dobson: You are hereby noti fied that on the 3!st day of May, 1905, Charles H. Dobson, plaintiff, filed his petition in the District Court of said county, praying that he be divorced from you. You are hereby notified that unless you an swer said petition on or before the 10th day of July. 1905, the prayeri of said petition will be taken as true and a decree of divorce rendered against you. CHARLES H. DOBSON. junel-5w Plaintiff Road Notice. (Peters Road ) To ail whom it may concern: Greeting: The Commissioner appointed to view and report upon a road commencing at the northwest corner of Section five. Township sixteen, Range fifteen, and connecting with the Loup City and Arcadia road and running thence west on County line between Sherman and Valley counties one mile, has reported in favor thereof and all claims for damage or objections thereto must be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Sherman county, Nebr.. on or before noon of the 3td day of August. 1905. or said road will be allowed without reference thereto. Dated this 26th day of May. 1905. Geo. H. Gibson. County Clerk (Last pub. June 22.) Road Notice. (Floyd Road.) To whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to view and report upon the vacation of that part of Road Xo. 6X commencing where it intersects with Road No. 241, about 40 rods west of the south east corner of Section nineteen (19). Township fifteen <15*. Range thirteen (13), and running thence in a meKndering direction across Section nineteen (19). Towo-bip fifteen (15). Range thirteen (13) and Sections twenty four (24 , twenty-five (25) and about sixty (00) rods on Section twenty-six, in Township fifteen (15), Range fourteen (11) and comprising all that part of meandering Road No. 08. laying west, north west and southwest of where said Road No. 68 intersects the point above mentioned of Road Xo. 241. be vacated, has reported in favor thereof and all claims for damage or objections thereto must be filed in the office of the Coun ty Clerk of Sherman County. Nebraska, on or before the 19th day of July, 1905. or said road will be vacated without reference thereto. Dated this 16th day of May, 1905. Giorge h. Gibson, County Clerk. (Last pub. June 8.) i j Give me a trial on your draying and transfer business, and I will guarantee satisfaction. S. N. CRISS, Propr. Legal Notice of the Incorpora tion of the Sherman County Telephone Company. State of Neiiraska > Sherman County, ( Notice is hereby given that the Sherman County Telephone Company has adopted arti cles of incorporation and tiled them in the offices of the County Clerk of Sherman Coun ty and of the Secretary of State of the Stale of Nebraska for the purpose of becoming incorporated under the laws of Nebraska, and that said articles of incorporation provide as follows: 1 The name of said corporation is the Sherman County Telephone Company. 2. The principal place of transacting its business is at Loup City in Sherman County, Nebraska. 3 The natu~e or the business to be trans acted by said corporation 9hall be the con structing. buying, holding. Renting and operat ing a public telephone system or systems in the cities, towns, villages and country districts of Sherman County and other counties in the State of Nebraska, with power to sell any portion or portions of such system or systems. Also to buy, sell and lease such real estate as may he necessary or convenient for the trans action of said business. Said corporation shall have authority to enter into contracts with other telephone companies or persons for the common use of telephone property aud to acquire and hold all such rights and franchises as may be beneficial or necessary to said busi ness. 4. The amount of capital stock authorized is limited to fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each of i which twenty-five per cent shall be subscribed j and paid for before the commencement of j business, and the remainder of said capital stock to be paid at the call of the Board of Directors. 5. Said corporation shall commence to exist on the llth day of May, 19U5. and shall termi nate its existence on the llth day of May. 1955. 6. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability lo which said corporation shall at any one time be subject, shall not exceed two thirds of the paid in capital stock. 7. The affairs of said corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, consisting of five members, from whom shall be elected a j President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasur- ' er and General Manager. All of said officers shall be elected by the stockholders at their annual meeting, which shall be held on the second Thursday in May in each year. Doue under our hands and the seal of said corporation this 15th day of May 1905. E G. TAylor. W. S. Waite JSEAL.] W. It. MELLOR. B H. Lorebz. • A. J. Kearns. Directors of the Sherman .County Telephone Company. Attest: A. J. Kearns, Secretary. (Last pub. June 15.) Order to Show Cause. In the District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District in and for ShermanCounty,Nebraska Lizzie Iler. administratrix of the estate of Lo renzo Daw Iler. deceased. Plaintiff, vs. Lizzie Iler. widow of Lorenzo Dow Iler. de ceased ; Leonard A. Iler. Hazel D. Iler and Alberta May Iler. minor children and sole heirs at luw of Lorenzo Dow Iler deceased, Defendants. In the Matter of the Estate of Lorenzo Dow Iler. deceased. On this 9th day of May, 1905. at Chambers at the Court House at Broken Bow. in Custer county, and State of Nebraska, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Liz zie Iler. administratrix of the estate of Loren zo Dow Her. deceased, praying for license to sell the following described real estate situate in Sherman county and State of Nebraska, to- ; wit: The northwest quarter of Section two (2) in Township sixteen i16) north of Range fifteen (15) west, and the northeast quarter and the j east half of the northwest quarter of Section three (3) in Township sixteen (16) north of range fifteen (15) west, containing 396 39-100 acres, subject to a mortgage of $1.(00.00. with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from Nov. 1st. 1903. or a sufficient amount of the same to bring the sum of $1,044.43. for the pay ment of debts allowed against said estate and ! the costs of administration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay the said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all persons in terestea in said estate appear before me at the Court House in Loup City, Sherman county. Nebraska, on the 20th day of June. 1906. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administratrix to sell so much of the above described real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. It is further ordered that this notice be published for four consecutive weeks, in The Loup Ciit Northwestern, a newspaper pub lished in said County of Sherman. Nebraska, i Dated this 9th day of May. 19(6. Bruno O. Hostetler. Judge of the District Court. T. S. Nichting ale. Attorney for l’laintiff. (Last pub. June 8.) Do You Want a Home Ynder Irrigation J The government is reclaiming 200,000 acres of excellent farm lands. leAel as a floor, in the western part of Nebraska. There is yet an opportunity to secure a homestead under the government canal. now building. Also improved farms. In a year the opportunity to get a home cheap, will be gone. For full particulars address T. F. Watkins. Bayard. Nebraska. j—an—a——Bwawr g-wwt • Articles of Incorporation. KNOW ALL MEN I5Y THESE PRESENTS: That we. Elmer E. Boynton, of Sycamore. Illinois. E. G. Barnum. II. A. Olerich and Jonas I. Parshail. of Butt-. Nebraska, do hereby associate ouiseivcs together for the purpose of forming and becoming a corporation under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska, and do adopt the following Articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE 1. Tne name of said corporation shall be LOUP CITY MILL & LIGHT COMPANY ARTICLE II. The principal place of transacting business shall be at Loup City, in the County of Sher man and State of Nebraska. Provided tha; the Board of Directors may hold meetings for the transaction of business at other places in the State of Nebraska, when notified by tht President or Secretary ftvedavs prior to such meeting, of the time and place thereof. ARTICLE III. The general nature of the business to be transacted and conducted by su.d corporation shall be the owning, maintaining and operating a mill, for the making and selling of flour, meal feed and other mill-stuffs. and doing a general exchange and merchant milling business; to acquire a franchise, and erect, equip, maintain, own and operate an electric lighting plant in Loup City. Nebr , or at other towns or cities in Sherman County, Nebraska: to sell or lease electric power for other purposes than electric lights, and generally to pr-mote by any law ful means the manufacture and sale of flour feed, and other mlil-stufL. and the erection maintainance and operation of an electric power plant, and in Hie e ur>e of said business to purchase and hold teal estate, to acquire franchises for lighting and power purposes, and to make contracts in the general course of the milling, lighting and power business. ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of said corpo ration shall be Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000), divided inti- shun- of One Hundred Dollars (F1U0) each, which shut - s. when paid up shall be non-assessable. Five Thousand Dol lars (#5.000) ol said capita! stock shall be held in the Treasury of said corporation, subject to the disposal ot the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V Said corporation shall begin to exist on April 15th. A. D. 1905. and its existence shall terminate April 15th. I9g5. ARTICLE \ I. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which said corporation shall at any time subject itself, shall be two-thirds of the capital stock. ARTICLE VII. The affairs of said corporation shall be con ducted by a Board of Directors, consisting of three members, who shall be stockholders in said corporation. ARTICLE VIII. The members of ilie Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the stock holders. or at any special meeting called for that purpose. ARTICLE IX. The officers of said corporation shall consist of a President. Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer, and said officers shall ibe elected by the Board of Directors. The uAAfe—oL Treasurer may be held by either the President, Vice-President or Secretary. Said Board of Directors may also elect, appoint or employ a busiuess manager for said corporation. ARTICLE X. Said corporation shall hare a corporate seal, and all instruments affecting the title to real estate and all certificates of stoek or bonds of said corporation shall be signed by the President or Vice-President and attested by tbe Secretary of the corporation, with the corporate seal affixed. WITNESS OCR HANDS this 15th day of April. A D. 1905. Signed in presence of * F F H.T_° ' Byron j Snow. (Elmer E. Boynton. M L. Honke. as to E. | E. G Barncm. G. Barnum. H. A. Oel -H. A ulerich. rich.Jonas 1. Parshall.f Jonas I. Parshall. (Last pub. June 15.) I)r«. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic disease s such as Rheu mati-rn. Stomach disorders, Tumois. Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine and surgery,the x-ray, Dot air baths, eiec srif itv and massage. Lawn mowers at P O. Heed’s. Mrs. Chris Hauek offers her 8-room residence proterty for sale. See her for particulars. W £0, Ashley Conger, the drayman Get him. For Sale by T. H.,Eisner A. P. CCLLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. of Loup city. General Banking Business Transacted. We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent. We Negotiate Real Estate Loans. We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. , Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. ^ oukin’t you like a nice five-acre tract ad juhig town, for your home? If so, ask W. R. MEL LOR for pi ices and terms of tracts shown on this map. B. & M. Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale al Loud City and Mon Will Buy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Cell and gee o'ur coal and get pncea on gram. _ E. G- TAYLOR. John Soimes ^dealer; in» HARDWARE IFTTIRXTITTTXilE Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed. Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. Loup City, ■ Nebraska i Loup City, Nebraska, —for l u tvi He R Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Storm Sash. -*®J. I. DEPEW^* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker! My shoo Is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Elver I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma cbluery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and torn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. The Nojthwestefp, $] pr. yp