The flies are coming. Keep them out of the house by purchasing screen doors and screen windows of | THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905. lioaal Daws. A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs.$2.00@$5.00 Hogs, per 100 lbs. 4.60@4,70 Corn, ber bu. .31 @ .35 Wheat, per bu. 60.@ .77 Oats, per bu.2\%(& .23% live, per bu.50@ .52 Eggs, per doz. 12 Butter, per lb. 15 A Personal Request to our patrons who have been running open accounts under D. C. Grow’s management We are*opening anew set of books and if vou will kitkdly call and settle all accounts now outstand ing, it will confer a great favor on us and will be greatly appreciated at this time Respectfully, Northern Milling Co Frank Dennis, Mgr. Lawn mowers at P. O. Reed's. Poultry netting at P. O. Reed’s. See Dr. Allen’s new dental card in this issue. Balduff’s ice cream, pint or quart, at Odendahl Bros. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Roberts on May 22, a daughter. If you want a rose bush, go to F. E. Brewer at once. Judge Wall returued from court at Broken Bow Monday. All kinds of fresh lobsters at Gas teyer’s (canned). Born to Mr. aud Mrs. John Kominski, on the 21st inst., a daughter. Bsdduff’s ice cream, pint or quart, at Odendahl Bros. Brnk has been hauled for the foun dation of the Charleton cottages. Phone A.T. Conger. W 20, when in need of a drayman. Biemond & Co. shipped two cars of stock to South Omaha last Friday. Car with Buggies and Spring wagons just arrived at T. M. Reed’s. Mayor Depew has just finished a pa trol and “hurry’’ wagon for Marshal Benschoter. Call and see my new stock of buggies and spring wagons. T. M. Reed. Mrs. Wharton and Miss Sophronia went to Old Tuesday morning for a few days’ visit. Aztec lump, Nigger Head lump, also nut coal always on hand at the Taylor Elevator. The Coffee Club gave a suprise party on Mrs. J B. O’Bryan on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mrs. Chris Hauck offers her 8-room residence proterty for sale. See her for particulars. Prank Foster. Joe Thompson and Banks Hale Sundayed in Grand Island returning home the same day. Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb. specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. A Mr. Iyanschajik arrived from Holland last Saturday and will work lor Lawrence Smith this summer. Get ahead of the flies by ordering your screen doors and window screens of LEiNtnoER Lumber Co. Truelsen & Mellor have oto exhibition a neat little model of a windmill which should be seen to be appreciated. Union Pacific low rates. Annual meeting Imperial Council Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Dates of sale June 17,18.19. One fare plus $2 for round trip. The village board last Thursday even ing elected O. Benschoter as marshal, street commissioner, night watchman and poundmaster for the ensuing year, and re-elected Harry Jenner as water commissioner. Swanson & Smith having moved their shoe store to the first door east of Conhiser’s store, wish to thank the public for their patronage in the past and invite all to visit them in their new location. 25 O. S. Hile, who came here a few weeks since from Cairo, and is working for Ohlsen Bros., was joined by bis family about a week ago and is living in north west Loup City. Me commences life here right by becoming a reader of The N ORTHWESTERN. Our Catholic friends met last Sunday as we understand, and completed their arrangements for building their hand some new church and residence for their priest, the whole to cost $11,000, work to commence on the buildings on Monday, the 5th of June. We have heard no further particulars. We received a pleasant call last Saturday from Wm. Jeffries of Ashton. Mr. Jeffries will visit a couple of weeks in Custer county and later take a trip down in Texas and Oklahoma, and still later will take a month's trip to Port land and various points on the Pacific Coast. He expects however, to finally settle down ia Sherman county to stay. BREAKS HIS ARM Tom Daddow Meets With Seri ous Accident. This morning while moving a load of household goods into his new dwelling, the te in of Thos. Daddow became frightened at some loose clothing, and in preventing them from running away Mr. Daddow was thrown to the ground resulting in the breaking of botli bones ot his left arm at the wrist. He will be laid up for some time. Diesterhauf Back to Pen This morning Judge Wall took Carl Diesterhauf back to the penitentiary, the judge being unable to do anything with him. Diesterhauf was the man sent to the pen eome tw o years ago for wife murder. A few months since, Jui'ge Wad recured his parole and gave him work, but his sullen disposition and otherwise ill behavior caused the judge to put him back in the pen Balduff’s ice cream, pint or quart, at Odendahl Bros. Cement walk* are being placed all around the W. G. Odendahld residence property. Miss Libbie Adamson has apprenticed hetself to the photographic wTork under Artist Boone Mr. and Mrs. John Lofholni visited Sunday at the home of Andrew' Pearson in Washington township G. A. Curry and son drove over to Albion last Friday on bnsiness. They were to be absent some ten days. For Sale—One thoroughbred Jersey bull and heifer. John Lofholm, Loup City, Nebr. Mrs. II. P. Starr and son Howard re turued last Thursday evening from their visit to Odeboldt, Iowa, and Lin coin and Aurora, this state. Billy Oltman has tendered his resig natien as a regular attendant at church because, as he affirms, the girls insist on using him for a cloak rack. John Solms is reflooring ancf putting a new foundation under his building formerly occupied by Hover’s furniture store preparatory to moving therein. W. F. Mason was down to Grand Island Tuesday to attend a banker*’ convention, group No. 6. The bankers were given a fine banquet that evening Married, at the county clerk’s office in the court house, Tuesday of this week, by the Rev. II S Wold, Mr. John H. Bryan and Miss Eva A. Correy.both of Custer county. r rank urow returned home from Crand Island Saturday,having resigned his position in the shops there and is engaged m painting, Frank is well satisfied to be home again to stay We received pleasant calls from Christ Hansen of Rockville township and Wm. Aufrecht of Washington township. Both are good substantial farmers of Sherman county. The editor's wrfe returns thanks to Miss Libbie Adamson for a choice bouquet of beautiful pansies yesterday. Miss Adamson says they have had pansies in bloom since the first of April. The case of Scott Haddix. charged with the murder of Melvin Butler, over on Clear Creek, hrs been continued till the September term of court, and Judge Hostetler remanded him to jail till that time, without bonds. Sam Daddow is putting a new cement in front of his residence on Cedar street We understand cement pavements will be put down from Louie Bechthold’s corner of West and Cedar streets to the east end of the lstter street. Our public school children held two picnics last Friday, one from the rooms presided over by J.F. Nicoson and Miss Hickman at the Creary woods south ol town and the other, the high school pupils, up the river near the Mussei ranch. A splendid time was reported Rev. Cowell went to Gothenburg, Iasi Saturday, where he was to deliver the baccalaureate address Sunday evening and also preach for his old parishioners at the M. E. church Sunday morning. In his absence, Rev Ilenrv Frencli preached here in the morning and Rev Ed Brown conducted the services in the evening. Mrs. Judge Angier went down tc Aurora a couple of weeks since and las! Saturday Judge Angier and Miss Edith also went to Aurora, where Sunday the judge and his good wife celebrated thf their 42nd wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Mercer returning home Tuesday, while Miss Edith remained to visit a few weeks longer. ^r. A. S. Allen, our popular dentist who has been attending school m Chicago for the past several months and graduated with high honors, re turned to Loup City last Friday whert he will resume the practice of his profession, and will have an office up stairs in the new bank building. Dr. Allen made a splendid reputation as a dentist when here before and of course now is much better equipped than eyer to do work in his line The program of the coramencemenl exercises of the Lincoln high school has been received by numerous friends ol Miss Vera B. Schaupp, a former Loup City girl, who is one of the 164 members of the graduating class and who has the honor of being the valedictorian of the class. Considering the great number of graduates, the honor to Miss Schaupp Is a matter of warm congratulation from the host of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Schaupp and their talented daughter. Three Days’ Carnival Loup City will hold a three days’ Carnival some time this fall. This was decided upon at a meeting held on Mon day evening of this week. For some time, the local papers have been advocating the holding of another Carnival this fall and the response has been most flattering from all with whom the editors talked. On Monday, Bro Brown and The Northwestern quill pusher canvassed the business portion of town and called a meeting for that evening in the old Times build ing. At the appointed time the build ing and street adjacent was packed with an enthusiastic throng of pro Carnival enthusiasts, and no dissenting advocates. The meeting was organized by selecting Judge Wall as chairman and Bert Chase as secretary. A motion to hoid a three days’ Carnival met with unanimous approval and Messrs. II M. Mathew, K. P. Starr and M. C. Mulick were chosen as an executive committee, with full power to select sub-commit tees, arrange for and attend to all matters pertaining to the Carnival, selecting the dates, and in fact being the “Head Push” and de facto organizers and commanding officers of the Carnival that is to outdo all preceding events of the kind ever held in Sherman or ad joining counties. As it will be necessary for the county fair association to hold a fair this fnil satisfactory arrange ments will be entered into with the fair folks to join hands with the Carnival association to make every thing harmonious and the biggest time in Sherman county history Now let everybody lend a helping hand and aid in every way the executive commit tee in the untiring efforts they will put forth Steel ranges at 1\ O. Reed’s. Balduff’s ice cream, pint or quart, at Odendahl Bros. Here is a tough one on Bro. Brown. We got it prettv straight. It seems that he received a fowl, which he supposed had been sent by an appreci ative friend, and he had it dressed and cooked. After having dined off the bird, lie went to the postoffice and re ceived a letter stating that the writer had sent him a chicken to settle a dis pute, and asked him if he could tell what disease it had died of. In the future none but live poultry will be accepted at th at office on subscription. Balduff’s ice cream, pint or quart, at Odendahl Bros. On Friday. May 19th. Miss Suzie Terry closed a nine months’ term of school at Hazard. A large number of the patrons assembled at the school house just before noon, bringing with them all kindsiof go.*d things to eat, and after all bad partaken of the splendid dinner, the pupils rendered an excellent program which was enjoyed by all. At the close of tbe program, Rev. H. S. Wold of Loup City gave a short but interesting talk which was well received. Supt. Hendrickson was present and gave a short talk to the patrons and graduating class and also presenting diplomas to LuellaS. Terry, Thora Jacobson and Fred Anderson, who finished the work of the 8th grade. Balduft’s ice cream, pint or quart, at Odendahl Bros. On Friday evening, May 19th, Mies Sarah Lofholm closed a successful eight months’ term of school in district No. 57. Three pupils, Miss Minnie Knight, Earl Pray and Nelson Fisher finished the 8th grade work at the close of this term, and this being tne first class to graduate in this district, the teacher and pupils made an extra effort to do good wrork and make the closing exercises a success That they succeed ed is beyond question. Tbe splendid record made by the class and excellent manner in which the program was rendered, speaking for themselves. Rev. II. S. Wold gave a short talk to the school and Supt. Hendrickson also gave a short talk to tne patrons and graduates. This district always con ducts a successful term of school, be cause every person in the district tikes i an active interest in the school work. The patrons were all present at this entertainment and at the close on the motion of the School-Board, bv a rising i vote, extended thanks to Miss Lofholm for her splendid work in the school room, thjs showing their appreciation of her earnest and honest work. Balduff’s Ice cream, pint or quart, at Odendahl Bros, Road Notice. (Floyd Road.) To whom it may concern: Tbe Commissioner appointed to view and report upon the vacation of that part of Road No. 68 commencing where it intersects with Road No. 241, about 40 rods west of tbe south east eorner of Section nineteen (19), Township fifteen (15)', Range thirteen (13), and running thence in a meandering direction across Section nineteen (19), Township fifteen (15). Range thirteen (13) and Sections twenty four (24), twenty-five (25) and about sixty (00) rods on Section twenty-six, in Township fifteen (15), Range fourteen (14) and comprising all that part of meandering Road No. 68, laying west, north west and southwest of where said Road No. 68, interseots the point above mentioned of Road No. 241, be vacated, has reported in favor thereof and all claims for damage or objections thereto must be filed in the offloe of the Coun ty Clerk of Sherman County, Nebraska, on or before tbe 19th day of July, 1906, or said road wiU be vacated without reference thereto. Dated this 16th day of May, 1906. Gsobqe H. Gibson, County Clerk. (Last pub. June 8.) NEBRASKA GIRL IN OREGON Continuation of Series of In teresting Letters. Neiiama, Ore.,—I mu*t continue my oFten Interrupted story of our delight ful visit to the mountains. I must hasten over the story of our second fishing excursion, and will only say that while the guide and the Baby Schoolmaara were catching fourty-four speckled beauties, the Nebraska Girl succeeded In landing two small trout. And I must not omit telling you about the salmon which we saw in the deep pool, renting after their long journey from the ocean. We watched them for a long time, but even the ferti'e brain of the guide could not devise any plan by which one of them could be induced to come ashore. But the crowning event of our moun tain trip came when on Wednesday the Baby and the guide, both experi enced campers, packed up for a three days outing and we started for House Mt. Rock. We had a pack horse and two saddle horses, which the ladies took turns in riding. We had to ford the river, the guide riding ahead on the pack hor-e and then taking a horse back for the Little Moth-r. Our trail followed the river a little wav, up across Canon creek, then away from the woods and up a very long steep hill covered with tall ferns. The heat was intense and there was no shade except an occasional tree and no water. When wTe finally reached the timber agtin, we knew howto appreciate its cool shade, after our two hours or more of hard climbing in the sun. The guide went in search of water, and finding none, returned with some delicious ealmon berries and after eat ing them we no longer felt the need of h drink. Our trail led us up over a rocky ledge where the ascent was steep and the summit not more than three feet wide sloping down into canons on either side. From the highest point the view was extensive and beautiful, the descent being very abrupt, and at the base we found a tiny spring, though the water was not very cold it was very grateful to our thirsty palates. Only a few more hills and we' dis covered a little creek where we stopped for lunch After luncheon we pulled leaves and mosses for pilolws and lay down for a half hour’s rest. But time was flying and we were still a long way from the Rock, so we re sumed our journey, travelling all the way through a dense forest of the grandest trees, up hill and down, with the trail growing dimmer and still more dim. 1 h) underbrush obstructed our path and the long slender, graceful branches F- E. Brewer Sells School Supplies, Trees, Plants and Shruds, and Writes Insurance of all kinds. Insure your crops in the St. Paul Fire and Marme Insur ance Co. of St. Paul, Minn. the vine maple drooped across our path, without a thought to onr con venience. There were holes at regular intervals in the trail, made by a little animal called the mountain boomer; and used as our horses were to watching for them, they would sometimes stumble into one At last we caught a glimpse of the Rock quite close at hand. I can not describe to you the feeling of wondering, admiring awe with which [ beheld this stupendous mouument to the Creator’s power and glory. “The firraanent declares the glorv of God, and the earth showeth his handi work.” Soon we came out upon the shore of beautiful Mirror Lake, and dismounted in the loveliest place for a camp. For a time we could do nothing but stand spell bound and gaze upon the maesive masonry of House Rock and the beauty of the lake, in whose clear depths the Rock and surrounding trees were reflected. But soon the guide led the way to a spring of ice-cold water and the Happy Four proceeded to quench their thirst, and carry som? back with them to uee in preparing supper. The guide built a fire and prepared to pitch our tent, while the Baby being the only one of the ladies who under stood the mysteries of “sog,” was soon engaged in getting supper. x\fter tea we pulled ferns for beds and then sat down to enjoy a quiet talk by the camp fire, until weariness began to assert its sway over us and kneeling we thanked God for all we were enjoy ing and retired. The Little Mother had the morning meal all ready when the Baby and the Nebraska girl got up the next morning and had to wait while they went to the s;ring and made their toilet, but as the guide helped her while away the time, their effusive welcome did seem rather overdone to be sure. That forenoon we w'ent away off through the woods to look for elk moss and came back with an armful of it, also large bouquets of rhododendrons and other flowers. We left them in camp and went to explore the lower storv of the rocky castle. Ihere was an ascent of about six or seven hundred feet, which was m tde rather hard climbing by being so cover ed with loose shifting stones Then from that point the solid rocky w all rose perpendicular to the top of the mountain The guide and the Baby spent two or more hours in exploring all the attractions of the ledge, and finallv re turned to the Nebraska Girl and the Little Mother, bringing with them a great block of snow. We ate all we wanted and played snowball with the rest on the last day of June. We returned to camp, ate our lunch and prepared to ascend the mountain. The Nebraska Girl. (Continued next week.) GENERAL Good Goods at Right Prices Stop! top! Think! You can get the best suit for $15.00 That can't be beat Si Bull Bill Sill none better made. We carry the Papapia Rat ip 3 Grades JOHNSOR-LORERTZ CO. ——w——■ iw——iii—i ■ —ii i ■ i I—..■■i n I—— w■—ri iii ii .—I miwi • i ir. m Buggies, Wagons, FARM IMPLEMENTS, WIND MILLS AND WELL WORK, Loup City, - Nebraska. Bradley and Metcalf’s Shoes. / *» < The Bradley shoes for all classes are fine results of highly skilled workmanship and first-class materials. The foot-fitting lasts and patterns, without being extreme, are strictly up-to-date. Throughout, they show that careful attention to details which distinguishes well made shoes from the medium grade. flulipe Shoes. They hold their shape, look well and wear well. Made with solid leather heel counters, sole leather boxing in the toes and fast color eyelets. - - Pl'ic©, 8B2.75 Slack Eagle Shoes. These shoes will wear. We know it, because they are made with durable double soles and firm, plump upper leather, which will stand hard usage. They are good shoes for you. - - - - PRICE# $2-50 The Zenith Shoes: For the boys and girls who romp run and play. They are bound to wear out shoes. For them we have the Zenith School Shoes, durable and strong, the kind that will wear. Comfortable, too, be« because they are made on lasts and patterns adapted for growing feet. - - PRICES, $1.40 TO $1-75 Jupo Shoes. These are an inexpensive shoe for ladies; but they are made with a good, substantial sole, and a nice quality of upper leather. There are none better for the price,which is $2.00 i Cofopet. \ Full evening dress shoe, dull kid uppers, with patent t leather boxing. A stylish up-to-date shoe. Price, $3.50 \ 4 I I i t