The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 11, 1905, Image 1

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    , - . .-5 1 '
| Profession a i Cards
Attorney and Comolcr<it>Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
« «tf. II. .TI/i./G
Bonded Abstracter
m Loup City, - Nebraska.
v Only set of Abstract hooks in county
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection
d. H. LONG
Office, Over New Bank.
W. L. MAiU Y.
OFFP'E: East Side Public Square.
And the Public!
DTHe St Elmo^Livery Ban
Is under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
F.B. Gilbert, Prop.
Give Us a trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noi tit western Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers’
Headquarters ior farmers’ teams <>>m
mereial men’s trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
Oity IDray
Give rae a trial on your draying
and transfer business, and I will
guarantee satisfaction.
S. N. CRISS, Propr.
Vhr@s Daily Vraiqs to;
Caliloi nia*
No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pass i
enger). 7:25 a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:35 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
' Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed)
12;05 p. m.
No. :57 arrives Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 8:20 p in.
No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m.
First class servic-and clime connections
east, west and south. Tickets sold to all
points and baggage checked through to
destination. Ii formation will be ctner
fully furnished <*n application to
Frank Hirer, Agent
Dtimk table.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha,. Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast and sonth. West.
No. 52 Passenger.10|53 a. m.
A no 60 Freight.10.53 a.m.
No. 51 Passenger.5:10 p. >a.
No. 59 Freight.6:15 p. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
— (neats free) on through trains. Tickets
w sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada,
w For information, maps, time tables and
y' tickets call on or write to R. L. arthcr
Agent. Or J. Francis. Gen’l Passenger
Agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office’Phone, - - - Rll
Residence ’Phone, - - H22
J. W. BURLEIGH, Ed. ami Pub.
Display Space—Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices —Five cents per line for
each insertion. Notices set in black face type
double the above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out when time is not specified.
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures, suppers, etc., where an admission fee is
charged, or a momentary interest involved,
live cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thnnks. 50 cents.
Resolutions of respect and condolence, #1.00,
In memoriam poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge,
society and club meetings and all public
gatherings where not conducted for revenue,
will be published free.
What Nebraska Is and Has.
The following copied from “Re
sources of Nebraska,” is going the
rounds of eastern newspapers.
Nebraska has the largest creamery in
the world.
Nebraska has the largest broom
factory in the world.
Nebraska has the largest individual
cattle feeding station in the world.
Nebraska has the largest and only
beet sugar syrup and relining plant in
the world.
Nebraska has the third largest meat
caking inaustrv in the wo.Id.
Nebraska has the second largest
smelting works in the world.
Nebraska is thir<l state in the pro
duction of corn.
Nebraska is the fourth state in the
production of wheat.
Nebraska is the fourth state in the
production of oats.
Nebraska is the fifth state m the
production of beet sugar.
Nebraska is the first state in the pro
duction of rye
Nebraska is the fourth state in the
production of cattle.
Nebraska is the fourth t-tate in (he
production of hogs.
Nebraska is the seventh state in the
production of horses.
Nebraska is the tenth state in the
production of milch cows.
Nebraska is the first stale in the
production of vine seeds and sugar
cor n for seed purposes and produces
more than all the balance of the
United States combined.
Nebraska has the greatest number
of distinct varieties of native pasture
and hay grosses of any state in the
Nebraska has, in the east half of the
state, land of higher agricultural value
and producing prodncts than any equal
area in the United States
Over two dozen new residences are in
contemplation, to be begun in the course
of ti e next few weeks. Carry the news
to the Arcadia Coolie.
Clear Creek Chat.
Tiie infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Snod
grass died last Sunday night.
A barn belonging to Mr. Theisson
caught fire Sunday night but neighbors
got there in time to save it.
Andrew Shipley has just completed a
new house on his farm.
•Tames Gray last week sold a section
of land for #10,000.
S Hollister starts for Oregon this
Seven Wonders
of the American Continent: Yellow
stone National Park; Great Shoshone
Falls; The Columbia Kiver- Mount
Hood; The Big Trees ot California;
The Yosemite; and Lucin “Cut-Off*’
across Great Salt Lake, can all be seen
on a trip over the Union Pacific and
connections to the Lewis and Clark
Exoposition, Portland, Oregon, June l
to October 15, 1002. Inquire of F. H.
Burlington Bulletin.
Attractive Summer Tours, take your choice.
Join the increasing throng of Americans who
are commencing to realize the common sense
in getting some pleasure out of life.
To Denver, Colorado Springs, Rocky Moun
tains and Salt Lake—Very low excursion rates
daily from June 1st, still lower rates for the
great Epworth League Convention, Denver,
the first week in July: long return limits.
To California, Portland Exposition and Puget
Sound cities—Frequent low excursion rates
from May 1st, less than half rates, all summer
limits. Make that long deferred tour to Port
land. California and Puget Sonnd this summer
To Eastern Resorts—Commencing June 1st,
daily summer tourist rates toChlcago, Wiscon
sin, Minnesota, the Lake region, Canada and
the New England Coast, you will iind some
kind of a low summer rate available for your
visit back east. Watch for the additional
special rates for the big eastern conventions.
To Black Hills and Big Horn Basin country:
Commencing June 1st, daily excursion rates
to Hot Springs. Deadwood, Black Hills and
Cody, Wyo., in the Big Horn Basin country,
magnificent shooting and trout fishing,
comfortable inns and camping place* along the
new scenic route through the Park ttmbe;:
reserve west of Cody. Consult the nearest
Burlington ticket agent. L. W. Wakely. G P.
A., Omaha. Nebr., R. L. Arthur, Agent,
Estray Notice.
Taken up as an estray at my place on sec
tion 15, in Webster township, Sherman county.
Nebraska, on the 3rd of March, 1905. the
following described stock: One red 3 year-old
dehorned cow, with star in forehead and tip of
tail white.
Owner will prove property, pay all costs and
take same away, or cow will be sold according
to law. 26-5w R. f. B A BRICK
But Constable Called
the Turn.
Shooting Affray at Aslitou.
Monday afternoon of this week, Con
stable John (Joe of .Ashton shota tramp
named Fie> born, the one who made a
nuisance of himself here a week ago
Saturday and was phee in the cooler to
so er up. The wound was not serious,
the bullet plowing around one side of
his head from near the right eye over
the ear just under the skin and coming
out at the base of the brain. The l'el-;
low was given a preliminary hearing
Tuesday, bonds placed at $150 and Con- j
stable Goo brought the hobo to Loup
City that evening where lie was put in
the sheriff's care and placed in jaill to ;
await his trial at Ashion next Monday, j
The circumstances leading up to the
trouble as reiated to us by Constable
Goc and others, was as follows: Free
born, as the hobo gave bis name here,;
alter his leave *ent to Ashton where he
met congenial spirits and kept his tank
full of booze until the marshal of that
town placed him in the b.stdeov»i
nig l with instructions the next morn
ing to move on giving him thirty min
utes to say good-bye. i he marshal
then wer,t out in the country on a two
days’ trip, whereupon the tramp de
layed liis own departure, mixing up his
I bo ze with a duv or two’s work. In the
; meantime the bloodthirsty proclivities
! ot the Freeborn individual floated to
l the surface and tie express'd his inten
I tion of starting a private cemetery and
! till it with the banker, a hanlwareman.
some of the \ i lag- board, and the mar
i shal as an interesting starter. Fears I
of too early a departure for h— eaven
I caused complaint to be made to Mr
' Goe, a- con-table, who took a small
, bore cannon from the Freeborner, who
jli id acquired the pill box from some
j source in the furtherance cf his not very
laudable ambition. After the tramp
| had been unwillingly deprived of his
munitions of war lie got “gay’’ while on
parole and in the saloon of Stanislaus
Goc refused to elevate his “bunches nf I
lives.’' when so requested by the con
stable, but on the contrary made a bluff
as if to "Toga ’ the Polaoder fleet,when
lie was dropped by the officer with the J
captured arsenal as above stated and j
made unconditional surrender. He was i
then escorted to the guard house, his i
wounds dressed, hearing had, and be
ing troubled with the “shorts’’ to the
extent ot S 149.99 out of the $130 bonds
required to roam Free-born until trial.1
is playing checkers with his nasal pro
tuberance and feeding at county ex-1
pense till he is court-martialed.
fhe tramp whi'e here claimed that:
his home<\VdS at Ravenna seme four or
live years ago. Harry Miner,Gene Pat
ton and others remember his being there
abqut that time. He is undoubtedly a
first class specimen of the class of gen
try once so common, but now fast dis
Loup City Again Honored.
The state meet of the Modern Wood
men of America at Columbus last week
was undoubtedly the largest, most en
thusiastic and brilliant of any since
the first one in 1891. Every county in
the state was represented by at least
one delegate, and visiting members to
the number of about 700 also attended
the session. A class of 200 candidates
were adopted into the order on Tuesday
night prior to the opening of the state
camp on the following morning. A
special train from the west arrived at
Columbus about 3 p. m. on Tuesday
and another from Lincoln bearing the
head officers arrived at 3 p m. The
Second Regiment band of Osceola,Neb.,
was in attendance and furnished the
music. At the opening of the sessionv
A. .J. Williams of Magnet was elected
he.ul consul for the st-de and George
II. Gibs< n of ourcitv was chosen head
secret ry for the ensuing term of two
years. The order is in a flourishing
condition and is furnishing the cheap
est insurance known at this time, and
has nearly 800,000 members.
To California.
Ihrough Echo. Weber and Ogden
•anon-, bristling with marvelous
scenes of western grandeur, across
Great Salt Lake, dun the Ilumholt
Valley and over the wondrously
beautiful Sierra Nevada*, via Union
Pacific every day on ‘*The Overland
Limited,” electric lighted. The finest
tram across the American continent.
Inquire of F. II Riser.
imm m min Mini.. .mum- i n i ,
Notice for Sealed Bids.
Notice is hereby given for the offices
of Water Commissioner, Street Com
missioner, City Marshal and Pound
Master (all to be held by one person and
considered in one bid). All tdds to be
filed with the village cleik on or before
8 o’clock P. M., May 17tb, 1905. Said
Board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Dated this 3rd day of May, 1905.
W. J. Fisher, Village Clers.
Independent Telephone
Lines Gathered In.
Officers Elected, Rates Estab
lished and Articles of In
corporation Agreed Upon.
Last Thursday morning The Nohth
westers gave forth the news of the
' purchase by Messrs. Taylor, Kearns and
Waite of Loup City and Lorentz Bros
of Ashton of the Bell Telephone ex
change of this city. This week we
chronicle the further good news that
these gentlemen have also purchased
! of the owner, Mr II H. Mackintosh,
I the independent telephone exchange
at Arcadia and connecting lin»s
running out of there in all directions,
including the line running from Arca
dia through Loup City and to Rock
ville, in all numbering some 157 phones
and will join them all with the Loup
City exchange. Further, Ashton will
have a branch exchange and already
some thirty subscribers have been se
cured. with the probabilities of secur
ing more than double that numberr A
line or lines will In* run from RocksiHe
to Ashton to accommodate the large
number of subscribers in Rockville and
in the surrounding country, a large
number of whom have already signified
their intention of taking phones. The
new company express their plans as be
ing to encompas the entire county with
their 1'nes, giving subscribers free use
of all lines in their svstem. over and
above the regular annual rates to sub
scribers. ; s we understand, which will
give the best, mo>t extended and cheap
est service for the money of any on
earth, and «e have no doubt that every
representative farmer and business
man in the countv will soon beconnect
ed 1) y phone under this most complete
new svstem.
The stockholders ol the new compa
ny met last evening at the Central of
fice. W. R. Mellor was added to the list
of stockholders, the articles of incorpo
ration agreed upon and the following
otficers elected: President. E.G. Taylor;
vice president. B. H. Lorenz; secreta
ry, Dr. A. J. Kearns: treasurer, \V. R.
Mellor; general manager, W. S. Waite.
The company made the following sched
u’e of rates, to take effect Julyist, 1905:
Busines phones, entire county.82.50
Business -'hones, home exchange.. 2.00
Resident** phones, entire county... 1.50
Residence phones, home exchange. 1.00
Extra in count> to home ex., 3 min. .05
Arcadia, extra.15
Boy’s Corn Growing Contest.
The State Department of Public Instruction
co-operating with the Department of Agri
culture of the State University, has arranged
for a boys corn growing contest. The contest
Is open to any boy in the state who is under
eighteen years of age and has attended school
some time during the school year. Two coun
ties have already provided for county corn
growing contests. Boys who enter their home
county contest mav also enter the state contest.
The first three hundred boys writing for seed
corn will be entered for the contest and given
full information and directions when the com
is sent.
General provisions for the contest are as
follows: I. Five hundred kernels of Rieds
Yellow Dent seed corn will be sent to each of
the first three hundred boys who send their
names and addresses to Deputy E. C. Bishop,
Lincoln, Nebraska. 2, Each boy is to plant
the seed received, care for the plants and
gather the corn in proper season. 3, From the
crop raised the best ten ears are to be selected
and placed on exhibition during the meeting
of the Agricultural Association at Lincoln, in
January 1906. >4, Competent persons will judge
the exhibits, and prizes will be awarded
according to first, second, third, fourth and
fifth places. 5. Prizes—A large number of
prizes will be awarded so that many exhibitors
making creditable showing will be recognized.
Two prizes will be awarded for each exhibit
winning a place, one to the hoy making the
exhibit, another to the school represented by
the exhibitor. 6 Complete Jdirections will be
given each boy who writes for the five hundred
grains of seed corn. 7. During the day of the
contest, meetings will be held. Prominent
speakers will address the boys on “Corn Judg
ing.” ‘’Corn Culture,” ‘'Relative Value of
Corn Products” and other kindred subjects.
8, Reduced railway rates will be in force at
the lime of the contest. Boys will be given an
opportunity to visit the state farm aDd learn
of the working of all departments. Plans will
be made for the especial entertainment and
instruction of the exhibitors and friends.
Do Y ou Want a Homo
Under Irrigation?
The government is reclaim! 1/ 200,uo0 acres
of excellent farm lands, lc.vel hn u floor, in the
western part of Nebrask i. There is yet an
opportunity to secure a homestead under the
government canal. now building. Also
improved farms. In a year the opportunity to
get a home cheap, will be gone. For full
particulars address T. F. Watkins, liayaid,
Unclaimed Letters.
Letters remaining in the post office
at Loup City, Nebr., month ending
April 30th, 1905: Clara Anderson,
Sherman Iloudersliell, A. Ilase,
James E. Kettle, A. R. Landon,
Thamat Ochletraz, Geo. M. Palmer,
Jacob Smith and E. C. Steffen.
Persons claiming the above will
please say “advertised” and give date
of list. W. T. Owens, P. M.
Legal Notice.
In District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska
Dora Wolf, Plaintiff,
Dora Hesse and August Hesse. Christian Woif,
Minnie Wolf. Jacob Wolf. Mary Wolf. Kath
erine Bushausen, Charles Bushausen. Louis
Wolf, Caroline Haller, Thomas Haller, Sophie
Wolf. Lucy Klinge and George Klinge, De
The above named defendants, Christian
Wolf, Minnie Wolf, Jacob Wolf, Mary Wolf,
Katherine Bushausen and Charles Bushausen
will take notice that on the 20th day of April.
1905. Dora Wolf, plaintiff herein, filed her
petition in the District Court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, agaiust said defendants, the
object and prayer of which are to quiet and
confirm the title in the said plaintiff in and to
the following described premises situate in
Sherman county, and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
The southeast quarter of Section fourteen (14)
in Township thirteen (13) north of Range
fifteen (15) west of the 6th P. M.. excepting a
certain piece or parcel of land describe.! as
follows: Commencing at the southwest corner
of the aforesaid land, running thence east 446
feet; thence north 256 feet; thence northwest
462 feet: thence west 66 feet: thence south to
the place of beginning 619 feet, and that ali
adverse claims of the said defendants and each
of them may be determined and by the decree
of said court the defendants and each of them
may be adjudged to have no estate or interest
whatsoever in said real estate, and be forever
enjoined from asserting any claim to said real
estate adverse to plaintiff, and for such further
relief as is just and equitable.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 29th day of May, 1905.
Dated April 20, 1905 Dora Wolf. Plaintiff
[seal.] By T. S. Nightingale,
Her Attorney.
Attest: Geo. H. Gibson, Clerk.
Legal Notice.
In District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska
In the matter of the application of the Lan
caster Trust Company, guardian of the es
tate of Vernon Ellis, a minor. for a defense
to sell real estate.
On reading the petition of the Lancaster
Trust Company, guardian of the estate of Ver
non Ellis, a minor, duly verified and filed in
said court, for a license to sell the undivided
one-half Interest of said minor in the following
described real estate to wit: The northwest
quarter of section four (4) in township fifteen
(15) north of range fourteen (14) in Sherman
county. Nebraska, for the purpose of convert
ing the same into money and investing the
proceeds in interest bearing securities or other
productive stock for the benefit of said estate,
and it appearing from said petition that said
real estate nsists of unimproved land from
which no income is obtained, and that it would
be for the benefit of said estate to sell the
land and re-invest the proceeds; it is therefore
ordered that the next of kin of said minor and ,
all persons interested in said estate appear '
before me at the oourt house In Loup City,
Sherman county. Nebraska, on the 20th day of
June, 1905, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said
day. to show cause, if any there be. why
license should not be granted to said Lan
caster Trust Company, guardian of the estate
of Vernon Ellis, a minor, to sell said real
estate for the purposes above set forth.
And it is further ordered that a copy of this
order be published each week for three suc
cessive weeks in The Loup Crr.' Northwest
ern, a newspaper published and of general
circulation in said county of Sherman.
Dated at chambers at Kearney in the county
of Buffalo, State of Nebraska, this 26th day
of April, 1905. Bruno O. Hos etleh,
Judge of the 12th Judical District in and for
Sherman county, Nebraska
R. J. Nightingale, Plaintiffs Attorney.
Last pub. May 18th.
Road Notice.
(Clark Road.)
To all to whom this may concern:
The commissioner appointed to view and
report upon a road commencing at the west
end of Antelope street in the village of Loup
City, Nebraska, and running thence directly
west about fourteen rods, and connecting with
road No. 211, in Section 13, Township 15, Range
15. and terminating at said road No. 211. has
reported in favor thereof and all claims for
damage or objections thereto must be filed In
the office of the County Clerk of Sherman
county. Nebraska, on or before the 22nd day of
June. 1905. or said road will be granted without
reference thereto.
Dated this 17th day of April. 1905.
[seal.J Geo. H. Gibson.
County Clerk.
[Last pub. May 11.]
■- ■ _ - - . - . - -. 1
A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans.
We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.
Seaboard National Bank, Mew York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Edsrar Draper,
The Artist.
Moved his Photo Oar
fo Arcadia, IVIafch ]3.
Wouldn’t you like a nice five-acre tract ad
joing town, for your home? If so, ask W.
R. MEL LOR for prices and terms of tracts
shown on this map.
R. & M. Elevators
Coal for Sale at Loud City and Asm. Will Buy
Gall and see our coal and get prices on grain.
John Solmes
Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves,
Tinware, Screen Doors,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers
Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed.
Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils.
Loup City, ■ Nebraska
Oa.ll on tli.©
Loup City, Nebraska,
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Storm Sash.
I*^J. I. DEPEW®*
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker!
My shop is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma
chluery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and
turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch.