TREATY OF TRADE GERMAN TARIFF AGREEMENT ENDS IN 1906. FORMAL NOTICEJROM BERLIN New Treaties Negotiated with Other Countries Cause of the Action.— Contention Raised that the Benefits Are Not Now Reciprocal. BERLIN—The imperial government preparatory to excluding the United States from the privileges of the new reciprocity treaties signed recently with seven European states has for mally notified the American govern ment that the tariff agreement be tween Germany and the United States of July 10, 1900, will terminate March 1, 1906. the day the new treaties go Into effect, but that Germany stands ready to negotiate a reciprocity treaty with the United States. This notification, made by Foreign Secretary von Richthoff March 14, after the decision of the cabinet said that the treaties concluded with Rus sia, Italy, Belgium. Switzerland, Aus tria-Hungary, Roumania .and Servia “form a new basis,” so reads the text, “for the commercial relations of Ger many, and the imperial government holds itself prepared to enter into ne gotiations for the conclusion of a new commercial treaty with the United States.” The German view as held at the foreign office and at the ministerv of the interior is that the United States cannot reasonably expect to share in special benefits given by ■'Germany to certain European states in exchange for other specific tariff reductions. Should the United States have the same advantages without giving any thing in return the treaty countries could justly complain that they were in effect discriminated against because from them certain things were exact ed by bargain which were freely given to the United States But if the United j States desires to take up the general j tariff question and arrange a reripro- j cal against the German government j will be very glad to do so. Otherwise j Germany’s new general tariff, which j also goes into e.ffoct March 1. 1906. | will be applied to imports from the j United States. The government in terminating the present modus vivendi has done what agrarians have steadily asked for since i the new commercial treaties were con- | eluded. Public opinion in Germany has | also been fully prepared for the gov- j ernment’s act by publications of the I Commercial Treaty association and i the Central European Industrial league | and articles in the principal financial periodicals written by persons in affil- i iation with the ministry of the inter- > ior, although the news is not yet pub- j lished here. Washington has not yet replied to Germany’s proposal. WASHINGTON—It is admitted at the State department that pourparlers have been in progress for the last three months between the American embassy at Berlin and the German foreign office respecting the effect up on the existing reciprocity agreement America and Germany of the opera tion of the new trade treaties conclud ed between Germany on the one side and Belgium, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Roumania, Russia, Switzerland and Servia on the other, but so far Am bassador Tower has not notified the department that the German govern ment has decided to terminate the existing agreement. The effect of a formal declaration of that kind would be very serious it is feared. Trouble Alto at Medina. CONSTANTINOPLE — Advices re ceived here from Hodeida say the re volutionists have surrounded the town of Manakha, an important strategical position between Hodeida and Sanaa. Disturbances have broken out among the Turkish troops at Medina be cause the only food the men received consisted of biscuits. A caravan of Egyptian pilgrims returning from Mecca was attacked recently by nu merous bands of Arabs near Yambo. Araba. 125 miles from Medina. Seven teen Egyptian soldiers escorting the pilgrims were killed. Union Pacific Line Open. RAWLINS, Wvo.—After forty-eight hours of herculean work, the Union Pacific completed the construction of three bridges and a track around Ed son mountain, where the big rock slide occurred last Sunday, and two passenger trains which had been held at Rawdins and Laramie were sent on their way. Agreements Are Made. WASHINGTON—The Canadian gov ernment has practically concluded ne gotiations which have been pending for a time looking to a reciprocal ex emption of vessels for inspection by both the United States and the Can adian governments. A similar arrange ment has been made with Great Brit ain and the formal acceptance of the terms by the British board of trade is expected in a few days. President Kills Bin Game. GLENWOOD SPRINGS. Colo.— President Roosevelt’s hunting trip has been crowned with success, far be yond his expectations or those of the most sanguine of his guides. Three bears were killed by the party Tues day and two Monday, one by the pres ident and one by Dr. Lambert. P. B. Stewart of Colorado Springs, one of the president’s hunting companions, arrived here, accompanied by Courier Chapman. They brought the story of the hunt. The killing of the three bears was telephoned to them. Local Probe for Beef Trust. OMAHA—Subpoenas have been is sued for all the cattle and hog buyers of South Omaha to appear before the federal grand jury on May 8, in this eity, with a view to securing testi mony for the beef trust investigation. The number of subpoenas is approxi mately fifty. Both the United States district attorney’s and the United States marshal’s office are reticent as to the specific parties summoned, but ^either deny nor affirm the report. A BANK DEFAULTER. A President of the Institution Goes Wrong. MILWAUKEE—Frank G. Bigelow, until now president of the First Na tional bank of Milwaukee, was arrest ed charged with the embezzlement of over $100,000 of the bank’s funds. The arrest of Mr. Bigelaw followed his con fession to the board of directors of the bank that he was a dafaulter to the extent of $1,450,000. Following Mr. Bigelow’s confession he was removed from the presidency of the bank and the facts in the the case were laid be fore the federal authorities. The complaint was sworn to by United States District Attorney H. K. Butterfield. It charges that Bigelow, as president of the First National bank, embezzled a sum exceeding $100,000. A complaint anti warrant identical with those in Bigelow's case were made out to Henry G. Goll, assistant cashier of the bank, but Goll could not be found up to 7 o’clock last night. President Bigelow was taken before United States Commissioner Bloodgood. He waived hearing and was held to the federal grand jury under $-5,000 bond. Dr. Horace N. Brown and Arthur N. McGeoch certified as sureties and Mr. Bigelow was re leased. The next federal grand jury lias not yet been summoned, but it is expected it will meet some time next month. President Bigelow's confession was made at a special meeting of the hoard of directors, held Saturday even ing and continued Monday. In address ing his fellow directors President Bigelow said he had a painful state ment to make—a confession that he had misdirected the funds of the bank and that an examination of his books and a comparison of figures would show that he was indebted to the hank to the amount of over $1,450,000. This money, he said, had been lost in spec ulation in wheat and stocks. Not a dollar of it could be recovered and the only sum he could offer toward re compensing the bank were personal securities valued at approximately $300,000. The confession of President Bigelow astounded the directors of the bank. Mr. Bigelow had been recognized as one of the foremost financiers of the northwest. He has been associated with the bank in various capacities for more than fifteen years and his busi ness connections—trust companies, manufacturing concerns, real estate deals an dother .similar .ventures— number scores. He was honored a year ago by election to the presidency of the American Bankers’ association and by its members was looked upon as a leader in financial matters. In making his statement to the di rectors of the bank. Mr. Bigelow said ho had become involved in speculation several months ago. This was on Wall street. More recently he had been a persistent bull in the wheat market, and recent loss there had added to heavy reverses on Wall street. ROJESTVENSKY WILL WAIT. Evident That He Will Not Proceed Until Reinforced. TOKIO—The movements of the squadron commanded by Admiral Ro jestvensky and the intentions of the Russian commander continue to be the subject of general interest and spec ulation. The last Japanese reports are c®n flicting and confusing. They do not in dicate definitely the purposes of Ro jestvenskv. hut it is evidently the in tention of the Russian admiral to await a junction with the division commanded by Admiral Nebogatoff, which increases the probability of his intention of giving Admiral Togo a decisive battle. It is assumed that Kojestvensky will bring all the ships and guns pos sible into action if he intends to fight decisively, or that he will detach and abandon his slow, cumbersome and useless ships if he intends to run the gauntlet to Vladivostok. It is believed that the location and date of the en gagement will depend entirely on Ro jestvensky. JAPS WIN A BATTLE • Russian Force Attacks Advanced Cavalry Position Near Kaiyuan. TOKIO—Th° following announce ment was made today: On April 24, a Russian force con sisting of five battalions of infantry, sixteen squadrons of cavalry and one battery of artillery, in pressing our advanced cavalry attacked them in the vicinity of Kaiyuan. Our Kaiyuan force attacked the Russians in return, defeated and pursued them north to Meinhauchieh. Our casualties were 38. The enemy left about 200 dead on i the field. Two other Russian forces, one con sisting of six battalions of infantry and sixteen squadrons of cavalry, the other of twelve squadrons of cavalry and one battery of artillery attacked | Changtu and Siaotatzu. respectively, but retreated north when the other Russian force was defeated at Kai | yuan. Merger Bill Is Vetoed. DENVER—Governor McDonald on Friday vetoed the railroad merger ex pansion bill passed at the late session of the legislature, the purpose of which, as represented, was to enable the Colorado & Southern Railway company to extend its lines to tho Gulf of Mexico and in other directions. There has been a biter fight over this measure between two factions of the republican party and it was an im portant factor in the gubernatorial contest between Peabody and Adams last fall. General Daggett Quits Nebraska. WASHINGTON—Brigadier General Aaren S. Daggett, U. S. A., retired, at his own request, is relieved from fur ther duty wTith the organized militia of Nebraska. % Sign of Bad Weather. Distant sounds distinctly heard fore bode no good weatner. If the sun “draws up water” it will rain. The pitcher sweating and the teakettle boiling dry also indicate rain. Cob wrebs thickly spread upon the 'jras* are an indication of fair weather. TRAGEDY IN ARMY CAPTAIN RAIBOURN SHOOTS LIEUTENANT POINT. THEN TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Tragedy Occurs at Fort Douglas, Near Salt Lake City, Utah.—Raibourn Had Sent Resignation, But it Had Not Been Accepted. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah—Captain W. A. Raibourn, Twenty-ninth infan try, U. S. A., committed suicide at Fort Douglas early Sunday after mak ing a murderous assault on Lieutenant William H. Point, also of the Twenty ninth infantry. Point was shot twice by his superior officer, one bullet pene trating his left thigh anil another in flicting a deep flesh wound in his right leg. After Lieutenant Point had fall en, Captain Raibourn turned his re volver upon himself, sending a bullet into his head about three inches be hind his right ear. He died almost in stantly. Captain Raibourn had been drink ing heavily, and the tragedy was the outgrowth of his arrest on Tuesday last on a charge of drunkenness. On Tuesday of last week Captain Raibourn was appointed officer of the day at Fort Douglas, but failed to re port for duty and was absent in the city twenty hours without leave. He was arrested the following day, but was given the privileges of the fort under orders not to leave the grounds. On Saturday evening Captain Rai bourn broke the parole and came to the city. Lieutenant Point, who was sent after him with an ambulance, found him in a Main street saloon and he was returned to Fort Douglas un der arrest. He was ordered to remain in his quarters. Lieutenant Point’s quarters are about two doors from those which Captain Raibourn occupied. The lieu tenant had just stepped out of doors early Sunday, when Captain Raibourn appeared, carrying a heavy 45-calibre revolver. His manner was threatening and Point said: “Now. captain, don’t do anything foolish." Raibourn made no reply, but immediately began shoot ing. When other officers and soldiers ■ ran out after hearing the shots. Cap tain Raibourn lay dead and Lieutenant ! Point lay in front of his quarters. He is said to be resting well. Raiboum’s body was embalmed at the post hos pital and Monday it will he shipped to Oakland City, Ind., where his mother and two sisters reside. He has a brother in Chicago. Captain Raibourn had sought to avoid a court-martial and had for- i warded to Washington his resignation ; from the army. It had not been accepted and it was supposed that a trial by court-martial awaited him. Worry over the prob ability of a dishonorable discharge from the army and dissipation are be lieved to have unbalanced his mind. Captain Raibourn. who was 35 years J old and unmarried, enlisted in the j army as a private and had worked his way up from the ranks. Captain Rai bourn and Lieutenant Point had served together in the Philippines and were firm friends. WASHINGTON—Captain Raibourn was a native of Indiana, where he was Porn in 1869. He served more than three years in the ranks before being appointed to the army as second lieu tenant of the Fourth infantry on Octo ber 31, 1894. He has been with the Twentyninth infantry since May, 1901. Lieutenant Point, the officer wounded, was a native of New Jersey, where he was born in 1876 and was appointed to the army from Iowa. He also rose from the ranks, having enlisted in the First cavalry in August. 1893. He was an officer in the Fifty-first. Iowa regi ment in the Spanish-American war. READY FOR FIGHT. Plans Perfected For a Decisive Battle. SAIGON, Cochin-China— Advices just received'from Kamranh bay say that twenty Japanese warships passed the bay between 8 and 9 o’clock on the evening of April 23. Two ships, loaded with rice from Saigon and bound for Japan, have been captured by ships belonging to the Russian squadron. Russian officers are reported to have declared that Admiral Rojestvensky is determined to fight Admiral Togo and will endeavor to vanquish the Japa nese squadron or sink with it. Admiral Rojestvensky has given every detail of the coming conflict his particular at tention. Togo’s flagship will be his ob jective, according to a special. More firing at sea was heard at Kamranh bay Sunday morning. The reports were extremely faint. The statements that the crew of the Russian protected cruiser Diana joined Admiral Rojestvensky’s squadron are again pronounced absolutely unfound ed. On the contrary, while the Diana has been interned, the most minute precautions have been taken to pre vent the slightest breach of neutrality. With the exception of Dr. Storm, who was invalided to Russia, one non-com missioned officer who died and two sailors who were invalided, the crew remains the same. The commander of the Diana has been given his parole and reports daily to the French com mandant. All the essential parts of the Diana’s machinery are on board the French battleship Reboutable. President Gets Bob Cat. GLENWOOD SPRINGS. Colo.— Courrier Elmer Chapman arrived here Sunday from Camp Roosevelt. The president’s hunting party had an un successful day Saturday, bagging only one bob cat. The hunters are not fully decided on the question of mov ing the camp. The game is so plenti ful on West Divide creek that they may remain there for the balance of their stay in the mountains, though they had been planning to go to the head of Garfield creek, about fifteen miles from here, early in the week. CARNEGIE GIVES MILLIONS. The Sum of $10,000,000 to a Worthy Cause. NEW YORK—A gift of $10,000,000 by Andrew Carnegie, to provide an nuities for college professors who are not able to continue in active service, was announced by Frank A. Vander lip, vice president of the National City bank of New York. Professors in the United States, Canada and Newfound land will share in the distribution of the income of the fund. United States Steel corporation 5 per cent first mortgage bonds for $10,000,000 have been transferred to a board of trustees and steps will be taken at once to organize a corporation to re ceive the donation. Dr. Pritchett, president of the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology and Mr. Vanderlip have been selected by Mr. Carnegie to obtain data on the subject to be presented at the first meeting of the board of trustees which will take place on November 15. Mr. Carnegie’s letter to the trustees is dated April 10, and is as follows: “I have reached the conclusion that the least rewarded of all the profes sions is that of the teacher in our higher educational institutions. New York City, generally, and wisely, pro vides retiring pensions for teachers in her paiblic schools, and also for a po liceman. Few’, indeed, of our colleges are able to do so. The consequences are grievous. Able men hesitate to adopt teaching as a career, and many old professors whose places should be occupied by younger men cannot be retired. “I have, therefore, transferred to you and your successors as trustees, $10,000,000 5 per cent, first mortgage bonds of the United States Steel cor poration. the revenue from which is to provide retiring pensions for the teachers of universities, colleges and technical schools in our own country, Canada and Newfoundland, under such conditions as you may adopt from time to time. Expert calculations show that the revenue will be ample for the purpose.” ENJOINS UNION MEN. Federal Court Restrains Strikers From Interfering with Employers’ Teams. CHICAGO—For the first time since the strike of the American Railway union in 1894, the government of the United States has been made a party to the labor troubles in this city. The government was brought into the teamsters’ strike by the issuance of an injunction by Judge C. C. Kholsaat of the United States circuit court. The writ was asked on behalf of the Em ployers’ Teaming company on the grounds that the organization is in corporated under the laws of West Virginia, and is therefore under the protection of the federal court. The order commands that all defendants refrain from any interference with the business of the Employers’ Team ing company and commands the strik ers to refrain from picketing, massing on the streets, with intent to inter fere with the wagons of the complain ant and from interfering in any man ner with non-union men in its employ. As soon as issued copies of the in junction were printed in large cards, and two of these were attached to every wagon of the Employers’ Team ing company which went upon the streets. The injunction exerted a pa cifying influence and there was less rioting in the streets than Thursday. A thunderstorm, which continued dur ing the latter part of the afternoon and through the evening, also lent ma terial assistance in keeping the streets clear. TRANSPORTATION IS REDUCED E. S. Benson Appointed Auditor on the Isthmus. WASHINGTON — The executive committee of the Panama Railway company has decided to reduce the rate charged for the transportation of the employes of the isthmian canal oetween New York and Colon, from $25 to $20. Chairman Shonts has appointed E. S. Benson, general auditor of the isth mian eanal affairs and of the Panama Railroad company. Mr. Benson is a native of Massachusetts and com menced his railroad career on the Chi cago. Burlington & Quincy, in 1871. He was fo** ten years auditor of the Oregon Railway and Navigation com pany. but more recently has been sta tioned at Houston. Texas, as auditor in general charge of the accounts of the Southern Pacific lines in Texas. FUNERAL OF JOE JEFFERSON Body of Venerable Actor Laid to Rest After Imoressive Service. BUZZARDS BAY, Mass.—Following services that were impressive in their simplicity and suggestive of the char acter of the distinguished actor, the body of Joseph Jefferson was Sunday laid away at the Bay View cemetery in Sandwich, within walking distance of the cottages of many of his Cape Cod friends. Mr. Jefferson’s five sons, a score of intimate friends and 100 or more vil lagers gathered about the open grave while the commitment service was read, then all withdrew with the ex ception of Charles B. Jefferson, who watched the casket as it was lowered to its final resting place. At night a police officer remained at the grave and this guard will be con tinued for several days. Minister Gets Promotion. MEXICO CITY—It is reported that Senor Zenit, Mexican minister to Aus tria, will be promoted to the Mexi can ambassadorship at Washington. Union Pacific Motor Gar. CHICAGO, 111.—G. H. Groce, super intendent of telegraph of the Illinois Central railroad, returned to Chicago from Omaha, Neb., where he was sent by the executive officers of the com pany to investigate the new gasoline motor car of the Union Pacific rail road. Mr. Groce submitted his re port to General Manager Rawn, In which he says the car is the first prac tical gasoline motor to be assembled. It recommends that the Illinois Cen tral make an appropiatlon for a car on a similar line. FINAL ROLL GALL GEN. FITZHUGH LEE, U. S. A., DIES OF APOPLEXY. THE END COMES SUDDENLY Stricken on the Train When En Route from Boston, on Way to Washing ton.—He Passes Away Apparently Without Pain. WASHINGTON—General Fitzhugh Lee, U. S. A., retired, and one of Vir ginia’s foremost sons, died at the Providence hospital here Friday night from an attack of apoplexy, which he suffered early in the morning on a train while en route from Boston to Washington. After General Lee had been removed to the hospital it was evident to the physicians that his case was a very serious one, but they hoped that his vitality and will power would assist materially in a partial recovery at least from the attack. His condition remained fair considering the severity of the attack during the day, but shortly after 9 o’clock he be gan to grow weaker, his breathing be came more rapid and his pulse lower, terminating in less than two hours in death. The end was peaceful and with out pain, the general remaining con scious until within five minutes of the' end. Half an hour before death Gen eral Lee recognized his brother, Daniel Lee. who came into the room for a moment. In the room when he died were Dr. Montgomery, one of the physicians at the hospital; Mrs. Dorsey, a relative, and a nurse, two of the attending physicians. Drs. Edie and Kean, hav ing retired temporarily. A pathetic feature of the case is that although General Lee was blessed with a fam ily consisting of a wife and five chil dren, not one of them were with him at the time of his death. The general was fi8 years of age. General Lee was conscious through out the day and recognized those who were about the sick room. Necessar ily these were very few persons and included the atending physicians, the nurses and several relatives who came to visit him. While not suffering any pain the general was rather uncom fortable most of the time, his breath ing being difficult and his articula tion when he attempted to speak be ing heavy and thick. The orders of Lieutenant. George Lee. a son who was about to sail for the Philippines, has been changed and he will come V) Washington and it is expected will be accompanied by his .sister, the wife of Lieutenant Brown, who also is now on the Pacific coast and whose orders were issued directing him to sail with his regiment for the Philippines. The end of General Lee's illness was a shock to his numerous friends in Washington. This was evidenced by the numerous inquiries made dur ing the day and evening. His heart and soul has been in the work of the Jamestown exposition and he labored zealously to make it a success. COMMITTEE CALLS VINING. Former Omaha Man to Discuss Rail road Rate Regulation. WASHINGTON—E. P. Vining. who was for a number of years head of the traffic department of the Union Pacific, and looked upon as one of the strongest railroad men in the country, will appear before the sen ate committee on interstate commerce next week at the personal instance of Senator Millard. Mr. Vining is at present residing in Boston, having retired from the rail way service. Senator Millard, know ing of the ability of Mr. Vining as a traffic man, felt that the testimony such a man might give will be of in calculable benefit not only to the com mittee, but to the country at large the senator began a systematic in quiry as to Mr. Vining’s whereabouts and finally located him in Boston Chairman Elkins sent a request to the former traffic manager of the Unior Pacific to appear before the commit tee and the request was cordially ac cepted. Mr. Vining is out of the rail way business and it is thought that his testimony will have great weight with the committee. BIGELOW GIVES UP HIS HOME Receiver Takes Possession of Resi dence. MILWAUKEE—Bitterness was add ed to his already overflowing cup when Frank G. Bigelow, the default ing hanker, was obliged to leave his palatial home on Astor street, it hav ing been taken possession of bv the Wisconsin Trust and Security com pany as receiver for the Bigelow es tate. Mr. Bigelow, with his family, tak-' ing little save their personal effects, went to the home of his son, Gordon Bigelow, 490 Marshall street, where they will make their home for the time being. The supple mentarv schedule of lia bilities and assets to Mr. Bigelow’s petition in bankruptcy will probably not be filed before a week or ten days. Chinaman Commits Suicide. KANSAS CITY. Mo.—Joe Ott, a Chinese merchant of this city, com mitted suicide Sunday by chewing gum opium, having become despond ent over heavy losses as a result of betting on horse races. Ott became fascinated with race horse gambling during the meeting at Elm Ridge a year ago and since that time he had dissipated his entire fortune of $5,000. He lost $2,000. all he had left, last week. When found by a policeman, Ott was lying on a gaily colored blanket of fine texture. “City Department" Day. DETROIT, Mich.—“The City De partment” was the*subject of discus sion at the first session of the Ameri can committee federated with the World’s Young Women’s Christian as sociation. A number of recommenda tions made by the committee for im provement of city work were discuss ed and acted upon by delegates. Four group prayer circles preceded the business meetings, and at its cou'-’u sion an hour was devoted to a bible work discussion by Dr. Peardsley of th Hartford Theological seminary. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS NEBRASKA BRIEFS. Joseph Jones, vice president of the bank of Utica, died last week. Over 500 Lincoln people left last week for the beet fields of Colorado. A debate took place at Beatrice be tween representatives of the High schools of that city and Lincoln. The Soldiers’ Home at Grand Is land was inspected last week by the state board of public lands and build ings. Amos Burnett, an old veteran of Plattsmmith, is to be furnished a home in the National Soldiers’ Home at Leavenworth, Kan. George Westgate of York county has returned from Kentucky with a carload of driving horses which he will dispose of in this state. The o.ffering in the Methodist church at Osceola on Easter Sunday for the missionary cause was $451.33, about double that of last year. William Chatten pleaded guilty be fore Judge Taylor at York for the kill ing of four wild ducks. He was given the regular fine of $5 for each bird. Earl Terwillerger, a farmer, living one mile south of Bee. accidentally shot himself through the hand while handling a target rifle. The wound is not serious. Mrs. Mary Wagner of Gage county was adjudged insane and ordered taken to the asylum. The woman is but 34 years of age and the mother of four children. The date for the annual high school fete at the State university has been set for May 19. It is expected that representatives from high schools all over the state will be present. Games Warden Carter has received word from a special deputy in York county that William Chottin and Grover Denbo were arrested with four teen ducks in their possession. Chot tin, the elder of the two, was fined $20 and costs, while the younger, who ■was a mere boy, was given his free dom. A $90 deficiency item allowed the state banking board has been left out of one of the appropriation bills passed at the last session of the legislature and as a result the board will be kept out of the money for another two years. The error is due to the negli gence of the enrolling and engrossing clerks. The item cannot be paid for two years. Word reached Beatrice that A. N. Brenneman. a former printer of that city, but who is now living at Bartels ville, Mo., stating that he has been awarded a special prize of $6,000 in a guessing contest. The guessing was on .the total paid attendance at the World's fair. Brenneman’s guess was 12,804,635. just nine short of the actual paid number. During the recent heavy rains near l Mason City W. Z. Amsberry had two cows drowned. W. D. Amsberry had three calves, eleven pigs and seventy five chickens drowned. George M11I vaney last two horses, which floated away. The approaches to every bridge within five miles of Mason City are damaged and at least three bridges have been washed from their founda tions. Believing that Mrs. Lena Margaret Billie has been unjustly condemned to life imprisonent for the murder of her husband, her friends are planning a series of petitions which will be cir culated among the members of the women's clubs in all parts of the United States asking for her release. When these are signed they will be presented to Governor Mickey asking him for clemency. The building by the Great Northern of the Sioux City-Ashland cut off has stirred up considerable interest in Northwestern railroad circles. The Northwestern regards the proposed new line as an invasion of its terri tory and there is much talk of the construction of a road from Hooper to Oakland to connect with the Omaha road, thus making a short line for the system between Lincoln and Sioux City. Lester C. Winterton. who was a for mer Seward boy. met his death hv ac cident. in Egypt while employed as an expert prospective driller for a ma chinery company of Chicago. He is buried near the third cataract of the Nile river in Egypt. Of eight men sent to the gold coast of west Africa, he was the only one alive at the end of the year of their going. He was 36 years of age and was married last No vember. Department Commander Herman Bross in his Memorial day order, just promulgated, calls attention to the law enacted by the late legislature to prohibit baseball playing and house racing and such forms of amusement on Memorial day and fixing a penalty for violation thereof. As a matter of fact, that law will not apply this year and therefore there can be no viola tion of it. It was passed without the emergency clause and therefore does not. go into effect until July 1. Mrs. Pauline Anderson of York was found dead in her bed. She was living alone and the neighbors not seeing her during the day, thought something was wrong, broke into the house and found her. Death was supposed to have come from heart trouble. City Engineer Campen of Lincoln has made an examination of the gaso line engines recently built in Omaha and now at Grand Island. He has made a favorable rep,, t to the Citi zens’ Railway comnany, which con cern is investigating the gasoline mo tive power for a local street railway system. Because John Hergenroeder has been expelled from the Salem Congre gational church of Lincoln, the pas gational church of Lincoln, the pas tor, Rev. Andrew SufTa, fears that the church will be burned, according to a complaint filed in the police court. The member® of the Congregational church at ion gave an elaborate banquet the Woodmen hall in honor of t’’<» thirty-third anniversary of the r sanizatian of the church in Albion. About 200 people were served. Splen did toasts were given and responded to by several of the prominent people In the church. WILD ANIMAL BOUNTY LAW. Recent Legislative Enactment Will Go Into Effect July 1st. LINCOLN'—After July 1 a whole sale slaughter of coyotes, wild cats and wolves is likely to be carried on in Nebraska as a result of the new wild animal bounty law which was passed by the last session of the legis lature. An appropriation of $10,000 was made by the legislature to pay the state bounties on wolves, coyotes and wild cats. Western stockmen claim that wild animals have greatly I increased on the prairies since the re peal of the old law in 1903 and that the apitropriation will probably be ex hausted on gray wolves alone. They estimate that at least $30,000 worth of county claims will be made in the next two years. The bill was introduced by Repre sentative Douglas of Rook county, at the request of the sheep and cattle men of Western Nebraska. No emer gency clause' was attached, and so the bill will not go into effect until July 1. The measure provides that any person in the state who kills any wolves, wild cats or coyotes and who presents the scalps, with the two ears and the face down to the nose, to the county clerk of the county in which the animals were killed, making oath thereto, shall receive bounties as fol lows: Five dollars for every large gray* or buffalo wolf killed; $1.25 for every common prairie wolf or coyote and $1 for every wild cat. The county clerk must issue to the persons certificates of bounties, and when these certificates are filed with the auditor of public accounts the au ditor must draw his warrant on the state treasury against the general fund. The county clerk, after giving the person a certificate of the num ber and kind of scalps accepted by him for bounty, must deface the scalps by cutting them into two parts so as to separate the two ears and he must keep a record of the number and kind by him destroyed. If any person drives, baits, entices or brings any such animals into the state from outside for the purpose of procuring bounties on them he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and may be fined not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each such of fense. STATE EQUALIZATION BOARD Rumor Burlington Assessment Will Be Reduced. LINCOLN—Will the state board of equalization lower the assessed valu ation of the Burlington railroad 25 per cent? Rumors are in circulation that the figures will be reduced at the coming meeting of the state board. For more than a year the influences looking to ward a reduction of taxation have jbeen at work and the corporation ! lobbies at the capital expect to see some results. The Union Pacific and the North western fear a raise, but it has been stated that these apprehensions are ill founded. It has leaked out that the figures will not be increased and the valuation of the Northwestern may be reduced. A number of reports are still to he filed. The report of the Union Pacific is complete in every detail. Data is lacking in nearly all the other reports. Think Peach Crop a Failure. PLATTSMOUTH—Some of the fruit-growers of this county have re cently made an examination of peach buds and found a number that looked as if they were alive, but upon putting them to the test of a powerful miscro scope the fact developed that in al most every case the buds that had a thrifty appearance were really in the germ. This wrould indicate that the peach crop for the coming year is in all probability a failure. By-Laws Are Missing. LINCOLN—State Auditor Searle said that the by-laws of the Royal Highlanders, a fraternal order with headquarters at Aurora, Neb., were missing from his files and could not be found. The deputies are puzzled over the matter and much anxiety exists. White Collie for Mr. Bryan. STELLA—W. B. Williams, an ex tensive breeder and shipper of Scotch collie dogs, shipped a pure white one to William Jennings Bryan. This is the first pure white collie Mr. Wil liams has ever raised. Congressional Convention. The First district congressional convention will be held at Falls City June 1st. The basis of representation will be one delegate at large for each county and one delegate for each 100 votes cast for Burkett for congress. Firebugs have been operating at Broken Bow. BROKEN BOW—F. M. Currie, for mer state senator from this district, has purchased J. E. Adamson’s inter est in the Central Telephone com * which, outside of a few shares, includes the whole plant. This pur chase i3 subject to an option held by the Co-operative Telephone company, which expires June 1. of this year. The purchase price, as offered to the latter company, was $31,000. If they do not raise the necessary amount of funds by that time, Mr. Currie will immediately commence making im provements. Militia Equipment Missing. WEST POINT—Captain J. C. El liott. the commanding officer of the \\ est Point Rifles, just mustered out, is having considerable trouble in lo cating the missing equipments belong ing to the company, now in the pos session of delinquent members. He proposes to use the full power of the civil and military law to secure a re turn of the government property. It is believed that a large quantity of the clothing has been worn out or lost by the members and interesting develop ments are looked for.