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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXII. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1905. NUMBER 25 Professional Cards R. J. NIGHTINGAti: Attorney and Counsnlcr>at<Law LOUP 6ITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT. P. S TARR Attorney-at-Law, ' 10VP CITY, NEBRHSKS. •II. H. •1IE,ID Bonded Abstracter Lour City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county A. S. MAIN, Physician suid Surgeon * v_7 Office at Telephone Residence Connection LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. _ J. H. LONG PHYSICIAN ui SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION W. L. MAKCY. DENTIST, LOOPCITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Square. A. L. GILBERT. Prop. IN CONNECTION. Fine Livery Turnouts Having recently purchased this well known staf le and added *o it in many ways, I am better prepared than ever to serve you right. Give Us a Trial Round Front Barn, , J. H. MINER- Props. [ - L ^ (Opposite Xoithwestern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters iortanners’ teams < Com mercial men's trade given especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. Oity AND Transfer —;o:— Give roe a trial on your draying and transfer business, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. S. N. CRISS, Propr. U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhr@s Daily Vraiys to Califoi ilia* TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS:— No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday ipassj engen 7:25 a.m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Fridav, (mixed! 12:35 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m. So. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed) 12:05 p. m. No. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri dav at 8:20 p. m. No. 39 tuassenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m. First classservic- and close connections east, west and south. Tickets sold ta al! points aud baggage checked through to declination. Information will be ch» er fully furnished <»n application to Frank Hisf.r. Agent TIME TABLE; LOUP CITY NEBR. L ~tt» Lincoln, Denver, Omaha. Helena. Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph. Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TRAINS LKAVG AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No 68 Passenger.10|53 a. m. No. 60 Freight.10.53am. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.. 5:10 p. to. { No. 59 Freight.6:16 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to B. L. ARTHUR Agent. Or J. Francis. Uen’l Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—*1.00 PEB TEAR. IT PAID IK ADVANC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce tor traD s mission through the mails as second class matter. Office’Phone, - - - Rll Residence ’Phone, - - H22 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. ADVERTISING RATES Display Space—Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices.—Five cents per line for each insertion. Notices set in black face type double the above rate. All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thnnks. 50 cents, Resolutions of respect and condolence. $1.00, In memoriam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gatherings where not conducted for revenue, will be published free. About every so often, Dr Wm. B Ely of University Place inflicts the readers of the State Journal with a long winded ecreed on some abstract proposition, or mayhaps upon some subject that is running the gauntlet of public criticism. Whatever the subject matter, this inveterate boor is always on hand with his "piece.” When the Journal has received us much of chas tisment along the line of his proffered writings as lias the writer of th s. they will appreciate what we say in regard to the venerable ass. It is said the good die young, The doctor is getting well along in ye irs. The following formula is given for fumigating school building with for maldehyde: * Use live ounces of formal dehyde for every 1.000 cubic feet of space. Use the formaldehyde on a large piece of cloth like sheets strung across the joom. one sheet for everv five oun ces or 1.000 feet; shut doors and w in dows and leave for 24 hours. This can be followed on a y Saturdav. It is a good plan to fumigate all school build mgs occ tsionallv. Another pi n o* fumigating is to place one part of for maldehyde to ten of water and pi ce on the stove. This can be used while school is in session. If it becomes too strong, weaken with water. Governoi Mickey announced Monday that Attorney General Brown, with his sanction, would some time this week institute suit in the supreme court to test the constitutionality of the hiennnialelection law passed by the recent legislature. He stated that a candidate lor regent would otter a cer tificate of nomination for filing ir the office of Secretary of State Galusha, 'hen suit will be brought fora man damus compelling that official to re ceive the certificate. This will bring the case belore the supreme court with out delay and make it possible to se cure a decision before the close of th January term, thereby getting around the diplomacy of the framers of the bill which led them to omit the emergency clause in the hope of delaying action until it would be too late to m ke pro visions tor the election this fall, and thereby force the supreme court, a* a measure of expediency, to give its ap proval to the law. And now it is given out that Tommy Tibbies, De France, Edmundson and other of the high priests of the populist faith will soon inflict upon the people of Nebra-ka a straight-out populist organ. It was only a week or so ago that Tibbies' organ, the Indept ndent, was sold to the late fusion candidate for governor, Berge, who changed it into a strright democratic sheet, and we wpre informed Tommy was going to be the head of a banking firm in New York City. But now the scene shifts and we are informed that the redoubt able Thom »s will let up on being a bank president and give Nebraska populists a red-hot and still sizzling pop sheet whose lurid glow- will dazzle the eyes of its satelites and make the Berge eff usion look like the gleam of a tallow candle t»y the side of a lime light that will diffuse the columns of the new wild eyed proposition. Eet there b- no del .y. The people will l e in pent irp agony and suspense till the real thing com "9. In several Nebraska cities anil towns the lirst effective fight eyer inaugurated against the mail order houses of Chi cago is now in progress. Instead of scolding the big firms and demanding the abolition of the rural mail delivery and asking for restrictive legislation, a few local mer chants are bating lib eral spaces in their home papers for the purpose of showing the tanners and town people th t goods can be purchased at home more cheaply and j satisfactorily than in Chicago. The campaign is conducted along definite and convincing lines. The Chicago prices are quoted, with freight or ex press charges added. Then the mer chant tells what he can do on the same goods, with the privilege of examina tion before they are taken from the store. If all the country merchants would adopt this enlightened and ef ieetive policy they could reduce the Chicago mail order shipments intoNe-j hraska bv tiftv per cent in less than five ye :rs.—Stare Journal. Change in the Came Laws. State Game W . rden ('art r lias eom plied the following summary of the re vised g.ttne laws of the state of Ne braska. Sportsmen will dowel] to look them over as a c nisidurable number ot changes were made this winter bv the legislature: Prairie chicken, sage chicken and grouse—September 1 to November 30. Quail—Nov mber ](> to November 30 inclusive. Wild duck, gee e, br nt, swan crane and game water fowl—September 1 to April 15. Jack snip", Wilson snipe and yellow legs—September 1 to May 15. Wil 1 pigeons, doves and plover—July 1 to J uly 31. . Not more than tea wl d geese or brant and twenty-live game birds oi other varieties to be killed in one dav, and no person llowei to have in his possession more than tun wild geese or brant, fifty ducks and fiftv other birds at one time Provided that not more than ten prairie chickens may be had in possession during the month of i September I Trout (not less than eight inches in length)—April 1 to October 1 All oth"r fish—April 1 to November 15. Not more than twenty-five fish to be j caught in one day, and not more than fifty to lie in possession of one person .it one time. No g 'in- or fish to l*e had in po-ses sion more than five <Ja\s after the close (»f the s-asui. No hunting allowed in the night Oulv ordinary shoulder gains 10 he used. No fishing allowed ex opt with rod a-d line and not more than five hooks on out line. Hunters must li ihV license — fee $10 for n m-resid* ids. $i f> rnsidents Non-rcsidents not allowed to fake out of stat - more than fifty game birds or twenty-five fish (lame must be a rom oanied hv owner on s line train. Non-resident a t- permitted o fsh in j the stat upon payment of a fee of $2 j _m m m_ Trapping the Andean Condor. Anyone who has ever watched a heavy bird rise from the ground has 1 doubtless noticed that it runs along the ground for a few feet before it i rises; the bird must acquire some mo- | mentum before its wungs can lift its heavy body into the air. The natives in certain parts of the Andes under stand this fact very well and by means of it catc-li the great Andean vultures, the condors. A small space j is shut, in with a high fence and left open at the top. Then a lamb or a | piece of carrion is placed on the ground inside. Presently a vulture ; sees the bait and swoops down upon it, but when once he finds he has alighted on the ground inside he can not get out, for he has no running space in which to acquire the momen tum that is necessary before his wings can lilt him. Statutes Oddly Worded. Years ago the British parliament passed a bill for the rebuilding of a jail at Chelmsford. It was agreed that the prisoners should be confined to the old jail while the new one was building. The new one, however, was to be constructed from the materials of the old one. In the reign of King William IV. a statute wras passed fix ing the punishment of fourteen years’ transportation for a particular offense. It added: “Upon conviction, one-half thereof shall go to the king and one half to the informer.” Just why the king should be transported for half the term the person who drew the act found it impcfcslble to explain, since he had merely made a ludicrous blun der. Robert Watke. formerly a track grain buyer at Farwell. was in town the first of the week. He inform d all he met here that he h»d retired from’ business and intended to devote his entire time to prosecuting the Hurling tort Railroad company for alleged discriminations during the lime he was located at Far wed and Ashton.— St. Paul Republican. Public JSale. I will cflf* r at Public sale at my place in Washington township, known as the Henry Leinitiger farm, ten miles north west of Loup « itv and six miles south east of Arcadia, on Wednesda , May 10th, 1905, sale to commence at 10 a. m. three head of Ik rses, thirty vend of cat tle. eighteen bead of shouts and a lot of agri -ill ural mi bln n. Fne Inn di at noon. The terms of sale •will be: All sun s ov< r •$ 0 a cre< ol »iglit months will be given bv purchaser giving bankable note or iwing ten per c* lit interest. All u ns of *10 and un er cash, without discount. ( has. H. Leiningei;, P. W. Bound, Auctioneer. j. S. Pedler, Clerk. Notice for Sealed Bids. Notice is hereby given for the offices ot Water Commissioner, Street Com missioner, City Marshal and Pound Master (all to be held by one person and considered in one bid). All uids to be Hied with tli-* village clerk on or before 8 o’clock P. M., May 17th, 1905. Said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1905. W. J. Fisuek, Village Clerk. Haddix Fails to Get Bail. Set tt Haddix, under ten thousand dollars bonds tor billing Melvin But ler on April 16, was e-coiled bv the sh riff to Mason and vicinity last week, in ordtr to r.iis<- the necessary am >unt to release him until the district cmut convenes Several signatures represent ing various sums were given, but as they failed to come near the desired sum sripuaited bv Judgs Aimour, Had dix was again returned to the county j >il. LOW RATES Via UNION PACIFIC. Low rates via U. P. to Denver, Colo rado Springs and Pueblo, Colo., dates of sale May 7 9 inclusive; return good | until May 31st. Denver, C dorado Springs and Pueblo I Colo. Dates of sale August 12-13, re , turning good until August 25th. and ! can he extended till September 25th. Baltimore. Md . dates of sa’e Julv 1-3, i | inclusive, good returning July 15th, but can be extended until August 31st, rate one fare plus S2. Mxin thoroughfare to the Lewis and I Clark Exposition via the Union Pacific. Tills route traverses the heart « f toe i great Northwest with its boundless re sources, gives you 200 miles along the matchless Columbia River and a trip to Portland and Northwest without change and an opportunity to visit Yellowstone Park June 1st to Sept. 19th from Pocatello or Odgen. through Mon I :da. Through tnins d ilv. Tourist Cars Popular. The idea that an inferior class of peo ple patronize the t prist sleepers is an error On many trips only the best class of travelers are found. Tliev re i tner-ly men and v\ omen of good sense | who would r ther travel to California j in this mann r and -ave a snug sum of money to ho used • lsewbere. It is be ginning to b»* u inlet stood that it is b> | no means ne> essary for the traveler to spend a larg sum of money in order to | enjoy a ’lip to the Pacific Coast It you cross the continent in one of the | tourist sleepers of the Union Pacific you will enjoy your trip and save ! considerable money Inquire of F. H. Riser. Lesal Notice. In District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska In the matter of the application of the Lan caster Trust Company, guardian of the es tate of Vernon Ellis, a minor, for a license to sell real estate. Da reading the petitio: of the Lancaster Trust Company, guardian of the estate of Ver non Ellis, a minor duly verified aad filed in said court, for a license to sell the undivided one-half interest of said minor in the follow ing described real estate to wit: The northwest quarter of section four (4) in township fifteen (15 north of range fourteen il4) in Sherman county, Nebraska, for the purpose of convert ing the same into money and investing the proceeds in interest bearing securities or other productive stock for the benefit of said estate, and it appearing from Bald petition that said real estate consists of unimproved land from which no income is obtained, and that it would be for the benefit of said estate to sell the land and re-invest the proceeds; it is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said minor and all persons interested in said estate appear before me at the court house in Loup City. Sherman county. Nebraska on the 20th day of June, 1905, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day. to show cause, if any there be, why license should not be granted to said Lan caster Trust Company, guardian of the estate of Vernon Ellis, a minor, to sell said real estate for the purposes above set forth. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published each week for three suc cessive weeks in The Loup Cit • Northwest ern. a newspaper published and of general circulation in said county of Sherman. Dated at chamber*, at Kearney in the county of Buffalo. State of Nebraska, this 26th day of April. 1905. BRUNO O. Hos KTLER, Judge of the 12th Judical District in and for Sherman county, Nebraska K. J. Nightingale, Plaintiffs Attorney. Last pub. May 18th. Road Notice. (Clark Road.) To all to whom this may concern: The commissioner appointed to view and report upon a road commencing at the west end of Antelope street in the village of Loup j City. Nebraska, and running thence directly west about fourteen rods, and connecting with road No. 211, in Section 13. Township 15, Range 15. and terminating at said road No. 211, has reported in favor thereof and all claims for damage or objections thereto must be tiled In the office of the County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, on or before the 22nd day of June. 1905. or said road will be granted without reference thereto. Dated this 17th day of April. 1905. [seal ] Geo. H. Gibsos, County Clerk. [Last pub. May 11] A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. FIRST nItIIm . of uoup ejTY. General Banking Business Transacted. We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent. We Negotiate Real Estate Loans. We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, Mew York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. Lepil Notice. In District Court of Shermnn county, Nebraska Dora Wolf, Plaintiff. vs. Dora Hesse and August II -sse. Christian VVoif, Minuie Wolf. Jacob W >!f, Mary Wolf, Kath erine Hushausen. Charles Hushausen. J, tib Wolf. Caroline Haller. Thomas Haller. Sophie Wolf. Lucy Klinge and Geoue Klinge. De fendants. The above named defendants, Christiai Wolf, Minnie Wolf. Jacob Wolf. Mary Wolf Katherine Hushausen and Charles Bushauser will take notice that on the 30th day of April 1905. Dora Wolf, plaintiff herein, tiled hei petition in the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, agaiustsaid defendants, tht object and prayer of which are to quiet am. contirm the title in the said plaintiff in and t< the following described premises situate in Sherman county, and state of Nebraska to-wit: The southeast quarter of Section fourteen (14) in Township thirteen (13) north of Range fifteen (15) west of the6>h P M.. excepting a certain piece or parcel of land described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the aforesaid land, running thence east 446 feet: thence north 256 feet: thence northwest 462 feet; thence west 66 feet: thence south to the place of beginning 619 feet, and that all adverse claims of the said defendants and each of them may be determined and by the decree of said court the defendants and each of them may be adjudged to have no estate or interest whatsoever in said teal estate, and be forever enjoined from asserting any claim to said real estate adverse to plaintiff, and for such furthei relief as is just and equitable. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 29th day of May, 1905. Dated April 20. 1905. Duka Wolf. Plaintiff [seal,] By T. s. Nightingale. Her Attorney. Attest: Geo. H Gibson, Clerk. NO. 35933 BASCO B will stand the season of 1905 ir Loup City. Nebr.. at the St. Elmo barn, on Thursday. Friday and Saturday of each week: balance of the week at my farm 8 miles south and 114 miies west of Loup City. Description and Pedigree. BASCO B No 35935. Registered Standard Vol. xvl Trt t'ing Race Becord. 2:22*-*. Full brother to Lobaseo 2:103L ex-king of trotting stallions, sou of Egrnont sire of Lobaseo 2:;tH4, Biil Sample p 2:14*4. Northwest p 2:15. 42 in 2:30. BtsCOB. 2:22*,. bay stallion, small star in forehead, black points. 1534 hands high, weighs llOo pounds. B*ed by Nat Bruen, Forrest Park Slock farm. Burlington. Iowa He has been a consistent race horse, making his present record in a held of nine starters, seven heats, he getting his record in the second heat. His opportunities in the Stud have been very limited. but he is demonstrating his ability to sire spead of a high order. BASCO B. was sired by Egrnont 1828, he by Belmont 64. Egmont’s dam was Minerva by Pilot. Jr.. 12. Basco B’s dam Fleta Maid by Gen. Hatch 139. second dam Lady by Champion Morgan. Terms: #15 to insure mare with foal:S20to in sure -colt to stand and suck. Alien on colt will be retained to secure payment of service. If mare is traded, sold or removed out of the county, the season of sat >e will bei me due and I will expect immediate settlement. Care will be taken to avoid accidents, but I will not be responsible should any occur. EDDID'Sr JL. EDDY A. will stand the season of 1905 in Loup City. Nebr . at the St. Elmo barn on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of each week: balance of the week at my farm 8 miles south and 1V& miles west of Loup City. Description and Pedigree: EDDY A. is a brown stallion, 16 hands high, a tine individual with good disposition and is a good breeder. He was si'ed by Basco B. as above. His dam was by Membrino Bov. and Membrino Boy was the sire of the dam of Axel and Allerton His second dam was by Spectator 2:17l4: third dam by Voltaire: fourth dam by Young Colum bus 95; fifth dam a thoroughbred. Terms. #10 to insure mare with foal: 115 to insure colt to stand and suck. A lien on colt will be retained to secure payment of service. If mare is traded, sold or removed out of the county, the season of same will become due and I will expect immediate settlement, Care will be taken to avoid accidents, but I will not be responsible should any oocur. G, A. CURRY, Owner. Try It At Our Expense. This offer may not appear aeain. There is no catch about it. If Mull's Grape Tonic does not positively cure Constipation you are out nothing, as you may have the first bottle free. If it cures, which it will, tell others, that is al 1 we ask. No remedy has ever before been known to cure Constipation permanently. Mull's Grape Tonic is not a physic. It is un like anything you have ever used. It cures Constipation. If it did not. this offer would ruin us. The process is gradual but sure. You know from your own experience that physics, like Pills, Salts. Castor oil. Mineral waters, injections, etc., make you worse. Where can Mull's Grape Tonic be had? Your druggist sells it. The $1.00 bottle con tains nearly three times the 50c. size, but if you will write today to Mull’s Grape Tonic Co . (3131 3d Ave.. Kook Island, 111., and give druggist's name, you will receive the first bottle free with full instructions. This gives us a chance to prove to you at our expense that it is a wonder ful remedy and places vou under no obligation to invest a penny. Only tell your friends about it. mar 16-05 Edsrar Draper, The Artist. % Moved his Photo Car fo Arcadia, (March (3. Wouldn't you like a nice five-acre tract ad joing town, for your home? If so, ask W. K. MELLOR for prices and terms of tracts shown on this map. I K BOUGHT AT THE jB. & M. Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Goal for Sale al Loup City and Aslloi. Will Buy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Tail and see our coal and get prices on grain. __E. G- TAYLOR. John Solmes ^DEALER IN** HARDWARE FTTI?.3SrrX,TT:R.E! Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed. Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. Loup City, - Nebraska Loup City, Nebraska, —for L U M □ E R - Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, -Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Storm Sash. gj. I. DEPEWS Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker! My shop is tbe largest and best equipped north of the Platte River I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma cbiuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and turn out a Job with neatness anddispatoh. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS.