The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 27, 1905, Image 8

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    When winter is over, the flies are sure to come. I am now pre
pared to fit you out with Window Screens, Doors, Springs, Hinges,
etc., etc. Respt. Yours, P. O. REED.
Lioaal Dsws.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs
Ilogs, per 100 lbs.
Corn, ber bu.
Wheat, per bu—
Oats, per bu.
live, per bu.
Eggs, per doz—
Butter, per lb.
$2.00(2 $4.00
4.50(3 4,65
.4l@ .(55
.17@ .22
.50(3 .55
We have for rent one SO-aere pasture,
two 160-acre pastures and one 400-acre
pasture. For particulars call on
Gunn arson & Zimmerman.
See D. C. Grow for Best Flour.
Poultry netting at P. O. Reed's.
W 20, Ashley Conger, the drayman
Get him.
Choice Buckwheat Flour for sale by
D. S. Grow.
Base balls, masks, glove^ bats, etc.,
at P. O. Reed’s.
All kinds of fresh lobsters at Gas
teyer’s (canned).
Phone A. T. Conger. W 20, wheo in
need of a drayman.
John Slayter returned home from
Kearney Monday evening.
Car with Buggies and Spring wagons
just arrived at T. M. Reed's
Northern Milling Co.'s mill stuffs on
sale by D. C. Grow. Try them.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs W.
P. Reed last Thursday morning.
Every housekeeper wants best Hour
in the market. D. C. Grow keeps it
31rs. C T>. Hill who was visiting at
Lees Park, returned home last Friday.
W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu
neral Director. Ready day or night.
Julius Kuh of Sioux City. S D., is a
new reader of The Northwestern.
Call and see my new stock of buggies
and spring wagons. T. M. Reed.
Aztec lump, Nigger Head lump, also
nut coal always on hand at the Taylor
Mrs. Chris Ilauck offers her 8-room
residence protertv for sale. See her for
Miss Cora Leininger and Miss Edna
Minshull visited friends in Arcadia
over Sunday.
Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
Get ahead of the flies by ordering
your screen doors and window screens
of LEiNinoER Lumber Co.
All persons indebted for the service
of Beautiful Prince or Avener Wit,
may settle with either of the under
signed and be receipted for the same.
D. C. Leach, F. G. Pierce,
Near Huxley. St. Elmo barn.
The ladies of the G. A. R. will give a
chicken-pie dinner and supper at Society
Hall, Saturday, May 6th, 1905, for the
purpose of raising funds to defrav the
expenses of Decoration Day. Every
body come and eat chicken-pie. Price
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois,
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
sricity and massage.
The Woman’s Club will give an
afternoon musicale at the home of Mrs
A L Zimmerman. Saturday, April 29th,
from 2:30 to 5 o’clock. Program to
begin at 3 o’clock prompt. Admission
10c, to be applied on the fountain fund.
Ladies from the country especially
invited. Come and bring your friends.
Order of Committee.
E. F. .Tones, in the employ of Truel
sen & Mellor, well diggers, met with a
severe and painful accident on the
Harrington place, yesterday. In lower
ing afpipe into the well, his hand be
came entangled in the chain, tearing
off the top of a little linger and bruis
ing the third finger badly. He was
brought to town where Dr. Long
dressed his hand.
Frank Dennis arrived from Trenton,
last Monday, to take charge of the
Northern Milling Co’s interests tn this
city, vice D. C. Grow, who resigned to
take charge of the new milling com
pany’s interests Frank is a hustler
and we are glad to have him with us
again and trust he may become a
permanent fixture in our city. He will
not move his family here till later.
Frank Tkywart was over on Clear
Cfeek last Sunday, visiting his mother
and sisters. They will shortly come to
live with Frank, as they have disposed
of their farm there and most of their
stock. Mrs. Tykwrart may shortly buy
or build a home in Loup City. Frank
says much excitement exists over the
Haddix-Butler killing oyer on Clear
Creek, and threats are prevalent that
Iladdix were safer not to return to the
scene of their uble. >
Spades, shovels and post hole diggers
at P. O Reed's
If you want a rose bush, go to F. E.
Brewer at once.
Grand Island woven wire fencing
at P. O. Ibed's.
Mr. Will Marcy is recovering from
liis me it illness.
Mr w. H. Brown of David City,
arrived here last Thursday on a visit to
his daughter, Mrs. E G Taylor
Gasteyer's store furnished the thst
strawberries of the season last Thurs
day. The store is alwajs in the lead.
Will Zimmerman and Rol Hendrick
son went up to Arcadia last Thursday
evening and were put through the
Encampnment degrees.
The Easter program rendered by the
Sunday School children at the Baptist
church Sunday evening, was a real
success in spite of the inclement
We received a pleasant call from Mr. )
Wlil Albers of Litchiield last weeK
Mr. Albers advanced the subscription j
of our good friend Clias. Haller an- I
other year 'Thanks.
There will be preaching at the
German church next Sunday morning
at 10:30 o’clock by Rev. Benkenduefer
of Aurora All Germans and those
interested are invited to attend.
The M. E. fair and chicken-pie supper
last Friday evening at Society Hall
gave the ladies some$63 and a little over
for their trouble, and the event was
good as is always the case in whatever
the ladit s attempt.
B. M.Gasteyer hid a tinelv decorated
sho v window at the store last Satur
day with a hen and brood of young
chicks, the first of the season It formed
the nucleus of much interest among
the young people and older ones as well.
Mr. George Scott was called from his
home at Council Bluffs, Iowa, last
week by the serious illness of bis good
mother He returned home Saturday
to attend some business, returning to
his mother's bedside the tirst of the
E. M. Johnson of Rockville was
among the boys who were up Tuesday
to ride the Woodman goat. He escaped
without serious injury, all because he
became insured as a reader of The
North wertern before attempting
the difficult feat. Erick is all right
A E. Charlton informed us Monday
that he had just let the contract for
building two cottages on his lots north
of J. 13. O'Bryans residence, to Wm.
Rowe and work would begin at once.
They will be ot six rooms, storv and a
half, and there will be a 75 foot frontage
to each.
News h. s been received from I)r.
A S. Allen, of Chicago, that he has
lately undergone an operation for
appendicitis, and that he is rapidly
recovering He graduates in the dental
school at that city. May 4th, and will
be in Loup City to open his dental
office about May loth.
Kev. W. It. Moon of Litchfield, 111.,
arrived here last Friday evening to
visit his sister, Mrs. S. S. Hover, and
family. He is on his way to a new
field of labor at Weir, Idaho. He
preached for our Methodist friends last
Sunday evening. Rpv. Moon expected
to leave for Idaho yesterday morning.
Dr. Kearns is the first of the season
with a handsome fiower bed of hy
acinths and tulips in full bloom. Near
by is a bed of pansies just peeping
forth, the Whole bearing the sweet
incense of spring. Each year Dr.
Kearns’ garden is a bower of beauty,
and this sesson he will have several
new varieties, one a bed of Japanese
variety, said to be most bewitching
when in bloom.
Rev. Cowell’s usually docile horse
engaged in a yery undignified runaway
last Saturday, maksng kindling w'ood
of the preacher’s chaise While the
reverend was visiting at the bedside of1
Mrs. Scott, who w'as quite ill, the
animal became frightened at some
oau*e and took a spin tor his health.
When fojnd, he had divested himself
of all his paraphernalia and was quietly
browsing at though nothiug out of the
way bad happened.
We are indebted toSupt. Hendrick
son for a fine picture of the graduating
class and teacher, of the Balsora school,
whose commencement exercises we
attended some weeks since. The two
young lady graduates of No. 60. who
joined with the Balsora school, were
not taken with the group, owing to the
distressing accident sustained by one
of them in a runaway at the close of
the exercises, and the other young lady
refraining through courtesy to her
Ic seems to be the concensus of
opinion among the business peopie with
whom we have talked and with our
people generally, that Loup City should
have another Carnival this fall. Last
year, with tbe shortest of time for
preparation. Loop City had a Carnival
and Street Fair which was pronounced
by all tojiave been a success from start
to finish, even with most execrable
weather a portion of the time. Now,
what do our people say to having a
meeting at an early day and make
arrangements for a Carnival ? Let us
hear fiom those interested.
Double Wedding.
A very pleasant wedding took place
at the residence of H. S. Wold, Wednes
d<y afternoon, when Mr. Fred Sardh
was married to Miss Louise Winberg
and Mr. Carl Winberg was married to
Miss Signa Sandh, Rev. Wold officiat
ing. After the ceremony, dinner was
served and all had a very enjoyable
time. These young people will all settle
down on farms near Balsora. *
Big Woodman Time.
Last Tuesday night was a gala time
in Modern Woodman circles of our city.
On that evening some twenty or more
of the best young men of Rockville and
Loup City and vicinity of these two
towns were initiated into the mysteries
of woodcraft as taught by that good
order. Modern Woodmen of America
For some time past State Deputy J.
O. Burgess of Hastings and District
Deputy Geo. A. Ileikes of Central City
have been here working up interest in
Woodcraft, which culminated in the
taking in to the order some twenty
new members and the renewal of those
who had laps-d. On the evening in
question the hall was tilled to over
tlowiug with ‘'the boys” to see the new
comers do the act. Neighbor Burgess
had charge of the most impressive
part ot the work, assisted by Neighbor
ileikes and the otllcers of the home
order and everything passed oft in tine
shape and to the eminent satisfaction
of all present Those who took their first
b ssons in Woodcr «ft were: From Rock
ville—Erick and Frank Johnson, Chas.
and Clarence Wilson, Peter Peterson,
Jesse Gray, Ira Pugh, Chas. Reisland,
Chas. Rutler, Frank Hendrickson and
Fred Brammer. From Loup City—W
W. McCullough, Jay Carr. Jacob
Wmklemann, Llmer Burkner, Lee
Burnett. Art Ogle and Harley Hedge.
The “old hoys” who came up from
Rockville to see that the boys from
that section had fair treatment,
were: Neighbors Geo. Brammer, Sam
Carpenter, Henry Reisland, Lewis
Butler. Frank Otield, Peter Larsen,
Jacob Koch, El Ogle, Jos. and John
Heil and Clark Heil of Cairo.
Low rates via U. P. to Denver, Colo
rado Springs and Pueblo, Colo., dates
of sale May 7 9 inclusive; return good
until May 31st.
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo.
Colo. Dates of sale August 12-13. re
turning good until August 20th, and
can be extended till September 25th
Baltimore. Md . dates of sale July 1-3,
inclusive, good returning July 15th,
but can be extended until August 31st,
rate one fare plus $2.
Royal Highlanders.
The Royal H’ghlanders will have a
basket social at Society Hall, Monday
evening, May 8th. Bring vour basket
and a friend and have a g x>d time. By
order of committee.
G.A. Heikes, deputy M. W. A was
married yesterday to a Central City
la y.
Miss Elva Zimmerman went to York
last Friday to make her sister, Miss
Beth, a short visit.
Milo Gilbert on Tuesday, sold eight
hogs for which he received Si 11.15.
Who can b«mt that?
There will be preaching at the Wiggle
Creek church this coming Sunday after
noon, by Rev. Cowell.
T. M. Scott and wife of Aurora, are
here at the bedside of Mr. Scott’s
mother who is seriously ill.
Geo. H. Gibson leaves Monday to
attend the State Encampment of the
M. W. A. held at Columbus.
Harry Tavlor this week joins Tiie
Northwestern family of readers, and
will now be happier than ever.
Let’s see. It rained Easter Sunday,
which according to the old saw gives us
seven rainy Sundays to follow.
We are indebted to Mrs. J. A. Gilbert
for advance subscriptions for her pa
per and the copy sent to her daughter,
Mrs. V. W. Krise in Oregon.
Married, at the court house by coun
ty Judge Angier, Wednesday, April 2d,
1905, Mr. Win. E. .Johnson, of Custer
county, and Miss liosetta C. liennett,
of Valley county.
Will Wharton was severely injured
at the U. P. engine-house, last Thurs
day, and now indulges in a rather un
dignified limp to his walk. lie will be
all right shortly as you can’t keep a
good man down.
What is Loup City going to do on the
dog question? There are more measly
curs roaming about town and making
night hideous with their unearthly
howling and barking than is conducive
to the health of the average citizen.
We hereby call the attention of the
village trustees to the dog nuisance, and
ask them to take some action toward,
abating it. We have no objection to
valuable specimens of the canine
creation, if they are properly restrained,
hut to the thousand and one worthless
curs that infest the village, we mildly(?)
protest against their receiving the keys
of the city and making festal occasions
when humanity desires rest and sleep.
What action will the trnstees take, or
if any.
F* E Brewer
Sells School Supplies, Trees, Plants
and Shruds, and Writes Insurance
of all kinds. Insure your crops in
the St. Paul Fire and Marme Insur
ance Co of St. Paul, Minn.
for the -
The Macey Sectional Bookcase
is mechanically correct and artistically perfect. The very
best and latest structural features are combined with that
high standard of quality, artistic nicety of finish, design
and scrupulous attention to details, for which all Macey
goods are justly famed. Catalog for the asking.
Full line on exhibition at
W. D. Hover & Co.’s
Is upon you. Don’t forget
We Sell Carpets from Samples We Carry
A few Art Squares in Stock.
Our $2.75 Hugs Are Beauties.
25 apd 50 Cept Shades
We carry Wide Shades for Cottage Windows
If there are any pictures in the county that are not framed, we would like
to have you bring them in any time. We are making a special
effort to please you in this line.
Jf You /Vfe Goipg
fo ]Meed a planless
You should call and examine our stock os Custom-Made Harness that w •
are manufacturing. We are using nothing but tne Celebrated 11*0111 s
Devlin Pure California Oak Leather. None better made. This leaMn
is tanned bv the old process, witli pure oak bark That is why c*‘ 1
guarantee every set of harness we make. We have also a Dipping l»i *
for Oiling Harness, and by our method of heat'ng the oil, we will gua
nntee to get more oil in your harness than you can rub in them in a we* .
We have the largest line of Baddies and Collars, as well as Harness, ev
carried in your city. We also have a car of Buggies and Wagons th ■'
we expect to have ready ror your inspection hy March 1st. We handle a
tine line of Hardware, including Stoves and Ranges, Barb Wire, Poult iy
Netting Wire from iwo to six feet high. We also have a line ot Furni
ture that we are making extremely low prices on in older to make ro> 1
for our Buggies and Wagons that are coming. We do all kinds of re
pairing Harness, as well as oiling Give us a call, when you need an -
thing in our line, and we will try to please you.
Yours for Business,
The place you will find
Binis in H iMiiis
We can save you money
by dealing with us, and
The Suits for Stout JVlep
we CAN
SEE T. M. Reed
Buggies, Wagons,
Loup City, - Nebraska.
“Now, what are young ladies made of ? What are young ladies made ot ?
Ribbons and laces and sweet, pretty faces; that's what young ladies are made of!
the Loup City girls have the sweet, pretty faces, and we
have the ribbons and laces. Incidentally, we’ve a lot of
New Silks for Shirtwaists
in washable JAPS and Talfetas
TVip Washable Jap Silks are 24 inches wide and are cut in 4
yard patterns. They come in the plain shades of Brown Navy
(Seen Scarlet, White and black; also in fancy stripes and swell
checks, all of which we retail at 50c per yard.
In the Taffeta Silks, which have the soft finish, we ' have the
Blue and Green striped changeable, 27 in. wide.
Light Tan, with Turquoise blue dot, 27 in wide,
Red and Black changeable, with white broken stripe, 27 in. wide,
Green and Silver white changeable, 27 in. wide.
Dark Brown, with fine white stripe and blue dot, 27 in. wide.
Golden Brown and Black Changeable, 27 in. wide