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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
9 Loup City Northwestern volume XXII LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. APRIL 6, 1905. NUMBER 21 Professions Cards R. J. NIGHTINGA0fc Attcrnsj and CouMelcMt-liw ___ LOUP 6ITY, NEB AARON WALL Lei-wyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBIN P. S FAllR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. mil. Ml. •?# i:.M IP Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county A. S. MAIN, Physician and Surgeon Oftiee at Telephone Residence. Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. d. H. LONG Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION W. L. MAKCV. DE>TI8T, LOUPJoITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Square. Si Eli Barn A. L. GILBERT, Prop Fine Livery Turnouts Having receutlv purchased this well kn^wn stable and added 'o it in many ways, I am bet»er prepared than ever to serve you right. Give Us a Trial Round Front Barn, J. H. MINER- Props. Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite X01O1 western Office) Finest Livery Hit's, careful drivers' Headquarters ior farmers’ team** (1nra mercial men's trade jfiven especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. Oity IDra,:v AND Transfer —;o:— Give me a trial rn your draying ami transfer business, and I will guarantee satisfaction. S. N. CRISS, Propr. U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE I Vnrss Daily Vraiys to Caliioi ilia* TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS POLLOWS:— No. 3* iwmdally except Sunday (pass, enger). 7:—ia m. Sn. ** leaves Monday. Wednesday and Fridav. (must' 1:2:36 p. at. No. 9>» leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, unlxed) 1:|R p. in. No. «7 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed) 1J#> p n». No. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri day at 7:S0 p m. Mo-3tf otassenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat unlays, arrives at 5:35 p in. First class service and close connections west and south. Tickets sold to al! isdnt* aud baggage checked through to destination. Information will be chter fully furnished on application to Frank Hisek, Agent Builingtofl i Route TIME TABLE. LOUP CITY NtiBR. Lincoln. Omaha. Chicago. St Joseph. Kaunas City, St. Louis, and all points aat and month. Denver, Helena. Butte, Salt Lake City. Portland, San Francisco, and all points West TKAlNN LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No W Passenger.10(53 a. o. No 60 Freight.10.53 a m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 6:15 p. ». No. W Freight.6:15 p. m. sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets •old anJ baggage checked to any point In the Culled States or Canada For information, maps, time tables and t'ckets call on or write to K L. ARTHC* a gen*. Or J. Francis. Gen’l Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. THE NORTHWESTERN r ARMS:—11.00 PER TEAR. IF PAID IN ADVANC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. Office’Phone, - - - Rll Residence ’Phone, - - H22 J. W. BURLEIGH, Ed. and Pub. ADVERTISING RATES Displat Space-Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices —Five cents per line for each insertion. Notices set in black face type double the above rate. All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures, suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved, five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thunks. 50 cents. Resolutions of respect and condolence. §1.00, In memoriam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gatherings where not couaueted for revenue, will be published free. The|eovernor vetoed the anti-Chris tian Science bill, and the doctors are “bumping” him hard for his act Gov. Mickey has signed the biennial elections bill and the law will be passed up to the supreme court to test its con stitutionality. Mrs. Chadwick, the noted woman swindler, will have a nice little time of ten je irs in the pen to think over her past escapades. Judge Willie G. Sears, ex-speaker of the house, and who took some two hundred dollars of the state’s money for presiding over that body, which the attorney general has decided as un constitutional, is in no hurry to “put it back,” in fact, guess he won't. Willie made a good thing when he was speak er. He got his $5 per day as member. S3 per day for presiding over the house, and put Ids little son in as Page to the speaker at S3 per day, giving him 811 per day during the session The last two named amounts for speaker’s salary =>nd page to the speaker were unadulterated grafts. And vet this man is a presiding judge of the courts at present. Additional Locals. A basket social will be given at the school house in Dist. No. 57. Friday evening. April 15th, Everybody cordial ly invited to come and bring their basket-. Chas. Guilford, a former resident of ibis countv but now of Loup City, was in the city Tuesday on his way to tie* southwest part of the state. lie ex ists to be back in a few days to visit « short time among old friends and relatives.—Aurora Sun. Word has been received here that! Mrs Juergen Jens, who was injured in a runaway, some weeks since, on the eve of her departure for her new home ! at Grand Junction. Colo, bur. who j made the journey nevertheless, di**d at j her new home on Tuesday of this week, from the injuries receeved as above ; We have heard no particulars. The County Convention of the Modern Woodmen of America met in Loup City on Wednesday of this week, and by reason of the District Court being in session the convention was held over to 8 o’clock in the evening, at which time Geo. H. Gibson was elected to represent Sherman eounty at the state meeting which occurs at Colum bus, Nebr., on May 3d, 1905, and Henry Tangerman of Rockville, was elected alternate. The coming of Mr. Sanford Dodge and his talented company of dramatic artists in Macbeth, Tuesday. April 11th. will be greeted with delight by all lovers of the drama. The name of Sanford Dodge is a synonym of dra matic excellence, as it lias ever been connected with the highest class oi dra ruatic work and this season his pro ductions are superior to anv he has ever before attempted. No other at traction touring the Northwest can afford to carry the high class artists en gaged by Mr. Dodge, as no other actor lias the confidence of the play going public in this territory to such an extent that they will give sufficient financia j support to pay the immense salaries commanded hv the artists who support Mr. Dodge this season. Balsora Items We were sorry to learn that Miss Lva Cullen was th** victim of an accident on tli** w*y liom« from the graduating exercises last Wednesday evening. In going over a sidling road the buggy wheel brok** and Miss Cullen was hurt ; but not seriously. The class reception at Mr. Landon’s was a very pleasant affair. Everyone 1 s**emed bent on having and giving a good time. Such remarks as “That! i baccalaureate sermon ivas the liest 1 j I ever heard,” and “Wasn't Mr. Starr's | address line?” or “Mr. Hendrickson *ave us an excellent talk, didn’t he?’’ 1 seemed to lie the order of the evening. ' Win. Nordstrom’s team got into a : barbed wire feuce Thursday evening on i the wav to the reception at Mr. Lan don’s and his buggy was badly broken The Balson class and teacher went j to Mr Draper’* photo car at Arcadia ; and had their pictures taken, Thurs day. We heard some complimentary remarks on the appearance of the elsas. Miss Gilbert visited Mrs. Fagen, Mrs DeWitt and Mrs. Landon and families last week. Death of Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey. On the 28th day ot March occured the death of Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey, at her home in Ashton, Sherman county, Ne braska, aged 08 years, 2 months and 20 davs. The funeral occured from the Presbyterian church at t arwell, where she wa« buried by the side of her mother in the cemetery at that place. Mrs. Jeffrey, whose maiden name was Mary Gordon, was born iir Faruiana county, Ireland, Jan. Sth, 1847. She immigrited to this country and to Ne braska m October,1879. She was married to Wm. Jeffrey in February, 1880. She leaves a sorrowing husband, but has no children, to survive her She has one sister. Mrs. John Irvin, living near Farwell; a si-ter in Ireland, whose name we did not learn, and a brother living in Sacramento,Calif., Mr. John Gordon. We have not been informed of the circnmstances of her fatal illness and subsequent death. The lady was most highly esteemed by those who knew her for her sterling qualities, and the bereaved husband and rela tives have the deepest symyathy of all in this th. ir hour of sorrow. Mr. Jeff rey desires us to express Ins heartfelt thanks to the kind friends who adminis tered consolation and performed those acts of fri*imshii* and aid during the illness and subsequent death of his be loved companion. A later account received gives the further information that Mrs. Jeff rev's death was caused by a complication of dise s*s. culminating in dropsy. She was married t<> Mr Jeffrey at Grand Island, Feb.l^so, and lias since lived on a farm two miles east of Ashton She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and greatly es teemed by her vvideclrcle of friends. Costs To Open Wrong Letters. The authi rities at Washington have fixed the penalty of £200 tine on any person taking out of the postofflce mail other than their own. All postmasters are liable to m ike mistakes and get the j mail in the wrong boxes, and the law 1 says that people must examine their: mail before leaving the office, and should they rereive a piece not address ed to must be returned at once. That it is the fault of the postmaster makes no difference. This law includes newspapers as well as first class mail. There is a class of curious people every- j where, and they are, as a rule, contem- i tibly curious about letters and other* mail matter which they chance to get hold of. They will open all letters coming into their possession. and often 1 when knowing full well they don't belong to them They will, after read ing the letters, write on the envelope, “opened by mistake.’’ without signing their name, drop it back in the post office box at night or during the day when not observed. This class of curious individuals is warned to Le careful in the future. If they open mail hereafter which does not belong to them, they must sign their name and state nuy they opened the same whether bv accident or design.—Gales burg, 111 , Register. F- E. Brewer Sells School Supplies, Trees, Plants and Shruds, and Writes Insurance of all kinds. Insure your crops in the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insur ance Co. of St. Paul, Minn. NO. 35933 BASCO B. will stand the season of 1905 In Loop City. Nebr., at the St. Elmo barn, on Thursday. Friday and Saturday of each week; balance of the week at my farm 8 milua south and 1(4 miies west of Loup City. Inscription and Pedigree; BASCO B. No. 3593:5. Registored Standard Vol. xvl Trotting Race Becord. 2:22‘4- Pull brother to Lobasco 2:10^, ex-king of trotting stallions, son of Egmont sire of Lobasco 2:10^, Biil Sample p 2:14*4. Northwest p2:15. 42 in 2:30. BASCO B. 2:22*4, bay stallion, small star in forehead, black points. 153£ hands high, weighs 1100 pounds. Bred by Nat Bruen. Forrest Park Stock farm. Burlington, Iowa. He has been a consistent race horse, making his present record in a field of nine starters, seven heats, he getting his record in the second heat. His opportunities in the Stud have been very limited, but he is demonstrating his ability to sire spead of a high order. BASCO B. was sired by Egmont 1828, he by Belmont 64. hgmont's dam was Minerva by Pilot. Jr., 12. ! Fiasco B s dam Fleta Maid by Gen. Hatch 139, second dam Lady by Champion Morgan. Terms: $ 15 to insure mare with foal :$20 to in. sure colt to stand and suck. A lien on colt will be retained to secure payment of service. If mare is traded, sold or removed out of the county, the season of same will become due and I will expect immediate settlement. Care will be taken to avoid accidents, but I will not j be responsible should any occur. ZEIDID'Sf .A.. EDDY A. will stand the -season of 1905 in i Loup City. Nebr . at the St. Elmo barn on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of each week; balance of the week at my farm 8 miles south and 1(4 miles west of Loup City. Description and Pedigree: EDDY A. ts a brown stallion, 16 hands high, a tine individual with good disposition and is a good breeder. He was si-ed by Basco B. as above. His dam was by Membrino Bov. and Membrino Boy was the sire of the dam of Axel and Allerton. His second dam was by Spectator 2:17*4: third dam by Voltaire; fourth dam by Young Colum bus 95; fifth dam a thoroughbred. Terms: 110 to insure mare with foal: f 15 to insure colt to stand and suck. A lien on colt will be retained to secure payment of service. If mare is traded, sold or removed out of the county, the season of same will become due and I will expect immediate settlement. Care will be taken to avoid accidents, but I will not be responsible should any ooeur. G. A. CURRY. Owner. Perhaps it’s Worth Trying. Death to cattle from eating corn stalks tiny be prevented by giving one pint of s>lt containing three table spoonfuls of turpentine dissolved in three pints of warm water and given m a drenching hott'e. Even alter the animal is down, and unable to walk, it can be relieved in thirty minutes and in the end permanently cured. After giv ii g the drench, rub half a pint of tur-! pentme on the animal just behind the shoulders on both sides, and then along the neck veins from the jaw to the nrisket. Ihis will promptly relax the nervous system. The salt will pene tra»e the dry husks in the stomach, while the turpentine entering the blood will counteract the nerve trouble pro duced hv husks.—Exchange. LOW RATES Yia UNION PACIFIC. Woman’s Christian Temperance Union Convention. Los Angeles, Cal., low round trip rates, dates of sale October IT to 21, inclusive. National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic., Denver Colo. Follow ing round trip ra'es have been made dates of sale, August 30th to Sept. 4th Denver. Colo., 99 60 Colorado springs, Colo., 911:10. Pueblo, Colo., 911:95 l.ewis and Clark Centennial Ex position. Portlnd, Oregon Dates of s de. rate* and e*e., call on or address F. If. Riser, agent This rate covers other meetings at Albany and Portland. St. Louis. Mo., and return, Mav 15 to 22nd inclusive. A. O. U. W. meeting. South Omaha, Xebr.. May 7 9 inclusive. One way rates! very low) to all west- ; ern points, May 15th and Sept. 15th to; October 15th Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Colo., and return. June 30th to July 4th inclusive, at one fare for round trip. San Francisco, Los Angeles. San Diego and return (very low rate) with stop-overs on both going and seturn-: ing, at or wesr of Colorado and W\ om-; ing common points. Dates of tickets 1 on eale. on application to agent. I f you are contemplating a trip any, i where, call on or write me. may be able i to assist you F. H. Riser. Agent, E L. Lomax. G. P. T. A.. Omaha. Try It At Our Expense. This offer may not appear again. There is no catch about it. If Mull’s Grape Tonic does not positively cure Constipation you are out nothing, as you may have the first bottle free. If it cures, which it will, tell others, that is al i we ask. No remedy has ever before been known to cure Constipation permanently. Mull's Grape Tonic is not a physic. It is un like anything you have ever Vsed. It cures Constipation. If it did not. this offer would ruin us. The process is gradual but sure. You know from your own experience that physics, like Pills. Salts. Castor oil, Mineral waters, injections, etc., make you worse. Where can Mull's Grape Tonic be had? Your druggist sells it. The $1.00 bottle con tains nearly three times the 50c size, but if you w ill write today to Mull's Grape Tonic Co . 3d Ave.. Rook Island, III., and give druggist's name, you will receive the first bottle free with full instructions. This gives us a chance to prove to you at our expense that it is a woader ful remedy and places vou under no obligation to invest a penny. Only tell your friends about it. (No. 313.) marl6-05 At present wiiting W. H. Harri on is the only foimer legi -l-tti\ e <>fti a to put back into 'best leti*-n urv mor ey which the attorney ‘>e end holds was mistakenly drawn tne efr<m . < n it he possible that ttiere is onK < ne honest man ia the bunch?—St. Paul Repub lican._ Unclaimed Letters remaining in the post < dice at r oup Oitv. Mebr., month ending Marcli ?»l, Oo. Mrs. M rtin Jolkowski. Mary I?oss, Miss M. Provard, Mrs. Belle IVerson. Miss Agnes Miller Miss Luella Robin son, Messrs. James F. Kitth, Frank Lee, O. S Foss. Clarence Camp. Dan Vliet. Palmqulst Shellberg t o., C W. Walace, C. T. Soderstrom and Clarence Newton Persons claiming above will please say“Advertised” and give date of this list. W. T. Owens, P. M. Notice of Sheriff*s Sale. By virtue of two execut ons Issued out of the District Court of Shermaa county, Nebraska, by Geo. H. Gibson. Clerk of said Court, upon judgments rendered in county court of said county, one in favor of the S. Howes Company, against James H. Parshall, and one in favor of the Great Western Mfg. Co. against James H. Parshall. which judgments were on Dec. 16th. 1904, transcripted to said District Court. 1 have levied upon the following real estate, as the property of the said James H Parshall. to-wit: The undivided one-half interest of the defend ant. James H. Parshall. in the following de scribed real estate, situated in Sherman coun ty, Nebraska, to-wit: A piece or parcel of land situated in the southwest quarter of section eighteen, (18) in Township tifteen. (15) north of Rang# fourteen. (14) west of the 6th P. M , more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing on the west line of said southwest quarter, at a point six hundred and seventy one feet, (67lft). south of the quarter corner stake, at the northwest corner of said south west qua. ter thence running in a direction sixty-three degrees and forty-nine minutes. (63" 49 ) east of south to the center of Dead Horse creek, thence down the center or thread of said creek to the southeast corner of the property known as the Loup City Roller Mill property, at a point five hundred and ninety four feet, (594ft) north of the south line of said southwest quarter, thence directly west to a point five hundred and ninety-four feet, (594ft) north of the southwest corner of said south west quarter.thence north to place of beginning containing 17*4 acres, more or less, together with the flouring mill, dwelling bouse and all other buildings, and structures thereon and together with the water power and raceway appurtenant to said mill property, said race way being the whole of Lot one, in section eleven, (ID and a strip of land, sixty feet (60) wide lying in Lots two and three, (2 3) in section eleven, (ID and in the southwest quarter of section twelve. (12) and a atrip of land one hundred feet (100ft) wide, lying in section thirteen, (13). all in Township tifteen (15) north of range tifteen (151 west of the 6th P. M. in Sherman county, Nebraska, And I will, on the 10th day of April. 1U05. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the frontdoor of the iourt house of said county, in Loup City, Nebraska, sell said real estate at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execu tions, the amount due thereon, in the aggre- I gate, being the sum of *634 60, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 16th day of December, 1904. and $9 00 | costs and accruing costs. Dated at Loup City. Nebraska. March 8. 1905. , L. A. WILLIAMS. Sheriff of Sherman County, Nebraska. H. M. Mathew, Atty. for Great Western Mfg. Co. R. J. Nightingale, Atty. for S Howes Co. Last pub. April 6th. Good Goods at Right Prices A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. FIRST mm BANK OF Loup eiTY General Banking Business Transacted. We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent. We Negotiate Real Estate Loans. We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents. correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. Edarar Draper, The Artist, Moved his Photo Car Jo /Vrcadia, JVIafch ]3. Wouldn’t you like a nice five-acre tract ad joing town, for your home? If so, ask W. R. MELLOR for prices and terms of tracts shown on this map. B. & M. Elevators MCA I,PINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale al Loud City aid Asia, fill Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Cull and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR. Solmes ^DEALER IN* HARDWARE FTJRlsriTXrKEJ Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed. Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. Loup City, ■ Nebraska Loup City, Nebraska, —for— L U(M B E R Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Storm Sash. ■*$J. I. DEPEW«~ Blacksmith 9 Wagon MakerJ My shod is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Kiver I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma chtuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and turn ont a job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CDSTOMERS.