I ► * ' » ' ^'_i:":'' ■'.' '.' . ''" . "; i'■'" Jpf t - VOLUME XXII- . * LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 30. 1905. NUMBER 20 Professional ' cards R. J. XIGHTIXGJCfe Atteney asi Cou^slcr-ai>Law LOUD CITY. NEB AARON WALL La'w^rer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. RG T. P. S FARIT A jrney-at-Law LOIiP CITY, NEBRSSKS.' •ii . h. .nii.in Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county A. S. MAIN, Physician end Surgeon Office ;it Telephone Residence Connection LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. d. H. LONG AC 7 3 ' ECS Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION W. L MARC Y. DENTIST, L0UP6ITY, NEB OFFL’E: East Side Public Square. 1 In Ban A. L. GILBERT. Prop. . Ell Fill IN CONNECTION. Fine Livery Turnouts Having recently purchased this well kn-'wn stable and added 1o it in many w ays. I am better prepared th m ever to serve you right. Give Us a Trial Round Front Barn, | J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr.i (Opposite Xoi tki western Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters ior farmers’ teams Com mercial men's trade given especial at tention, Your patronage solicited. Oity TDreiTT" AX4) —;o: — Give me a trial cn your draying aud transfer business, and I will guarantee satisfaction. S. N. CRISS, Propr. “U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE' Vhrs® Daily Vraiys to Caliloi ilia TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS.-— No. 3S leaves daily except Sunday (pass euger). 7:25a. m No. SS leaves Monday. Wednesday and Fndav. (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m. No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed) 12:05 p. in. No. 37 arrives daily except Sunday (pass ensre*) 7:50 p. m, No 39 i iwt-vseugert Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 5:55 p m. First class service and clo»e connections ea-t. west and south. Tickets sold to al! points aud haegage checked through to neatiMilOB. li>formation will be chter fully furnished <>n application to Frank Hiser. Agent TIME TABLE. LOUP CITY NEBR. | ‘ Lincoln, Denver, > Omaha. Helena, Ohicago, Butte, * St Joseph. Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis. San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No 52 Passenger.,.. 10J53 a. m. No. 60 Freight.10:53 a.m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.... 6:ft p. w. No. 59 Freight.6:15 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars e slow to heave dornicks. Among those wh » ha*e incurred the esuecia displeasure of the dear old Journal is our own Senator Wal , who in his usual vigorous manner, has been open in his denunciation of the Journal's warfare on the senate giving out what he thought with no uncerta’n diction That great paper seeks to distort the utterances of Judge '.Vail on the pass question, seeking to impress the idea on its readers that the Judge claims Us election because of this very thing. This is not true Judge Wall was elect ed over an anti pass opponent, who made that a supreme issue, but his const tuents did not take that question into consideration, electing the Judge for bis qualities as a lawmaker mid with a belief in his better ability to represent them in the Nebraska legis lature. and the idea that the Judge was elected on such an issue as pass or anti-pass is an insult to the good judgment and intelligence of the people of Sherman and Buffalo counties. The Journal is badly biased in its ir rational attack* on public men and measures. While we do not belieye that the ac ceptance of a pass isneops-arily a bribe, nor have we so little faith in the men who are sent to make our laws as to indulge in the tirade against the pass which seems to have become a mania among our brethern of the press, ye’ owing to the sentiment abroad in Ve ga’d lo the matter, we would think it wiser should lawmaker*, state officers, judges and public office holders general ly refuse to accept these hits of paste board This is merelv the personal opinion of the writer. But allow us to add. that if the truth were known manvof these loudest howlers against tiie pass, in the newspaper fraternity, would prove the worst grafters. Senator Mockett of Lancaster, who as speaker of the house last session accept 'd and still holds onto some two hundred dollars received as salary f r presiding over that assembly, and which has been decided as unconsti 'utional. last week introduced an amendment to the anti-pass bill pro hihiting newspapers from accepting mileage over railroads in lieu of money for adve< Using. Mr. Mockett i- a funny fallow, and some of his raw work would do credit to a tyro in legislative doing* In the meantime, if he would refund to the state the little sum of per day he took as speaker's salary, he would show much more honesty of purp-se than to try to kill an anti-pass measure by fool amendments. When Speaker Rouse launches hi* eanidacy for governor, hi* taking of £(>0 from the state as um onstiiioionai salary, and not “putting it back’* after he knew he had no right to it will he apt. to place more than S6h worth of obstruction in his path. 'Ihi legislature has set the time for • diournment for today, although of course the day will prove son-e for;y eight hours oog, and real adjournmei t may be looked for al*out Saturday, Commencement at Balsorn. In company with County Superintendent Hendrickson and Attorney R. P. Starr of this city, the writer last evening attended the com mencement exercises of the Balsora school in Washington township. The exercises were held in the beautiful Swedish church, and the chapel was packed with friends of the gradu ating class, all available standing room being t- ken. while it was estimated that upwards of fifty persons were unable to gain admittance, making the number present between 2ao and 300 And right here we pause to remark tiiat it was the most orderly and attentive assembly of people we have ever seen gathered on a like occasion.Over the pulpit platform from one side of the church to the other, was suspended an artistically decor.: eJ banner, with the class motto "Launched, but not Anchored." and the eolors white and blue. The class flower was the white rose, provided by Supt. Kendrick son. At about h:3e to the sweet strain-of a march, tne graduating class, composed of nine members, seven bright-eyed girls and two manly looking boys, tiled into the room and took seat on the platform. The graduates, properly, were from two schools, seven being from that taught by Mi-s Minnie Gilbert, un der whose direction the exercises were given, while the remaining two were from No. 60. taught by Miss Hess McDowell, namely the Misses Eva Cailen and Lydia Grammond. One of the very best features of the program, which we give herewith, was the shortness of each recitation, in direct contrast with the oftime tiresome orations on such occasions: PROGRAM. Commencement song.Class Recitation—Opening Address....Luella DeWitt liecitation—Keep a Goin’_Emma Dickerson Recitation—Never Give in.... Lydia Gramniond Recitation—Good Nature.Leona Evans Song—Never Say Eaii .Class Rt citation—Happy Pays.Rosa Sandb Recitation—The Lightning Rod Dispenser, .Leroy Landon Song—I Am a Soldier and Not Afaid to uie . Mr. and Miss Malm Recitation—Our Own Workmanship . . ...William Doner Recitation—Valedictory Talk.Eva Cailen Recitation—Valedictory ... .Mabel Dickerson Song—Beautiful Days.Class Address_Attorney Robl. P. Sturr. Loup City Presentation of Diploma-. County Superintendent It D. Hendrickson Space wnl not allow of comment on each in dividual number, nor would it be fair to speak of only a portion of the ela--. as each did partic ularly well, leaving especial notice of any one as excelling impo.--.ibie. The class wa- com posed of a galaxy of as bright. Intellectual and enthusiastic faces as we ever hooked upon, and it is tot difficult to predict that each will develop into manhood or womanhood that will redound to their credit, and be a pride and sat isfaction to their parents, teachers and friends. Especial commendation is due Miss Minnie Gilbert and Miss Bcs- McDowell, to who-e careful and painstaking work is due in large measure the success achieved by these young people. The pupil is in no small measure the reflex of the teacher. This, is an admitted fact And we are pleased to note that Supt. Hen drickson claims these teachers are au intellect ual mirror, refit-ding the earnestues. good work and intellectual force back of the effort. of nearly the entire corps of teachers ur.der his supervision. Adim ting this. Sherman county tanks high in -he educational circles of this state which has the smallest per cent of illit eracy of any of our si-ter states. Following the class work came the address of liobt. P. starr of this eitj Mr Starr had expressed himself to us as having been unable, owing to press of businesswto make careful prepara tion. but of that he showed no evidence, and for some twenty-five minutes, in his happiest manner, gave the cias- a hea't to heart talk from the school of experience, that was by far the best effort we have listened to from that gentleman in the past. His address covered a wide range of thought and was received by his auditors w ith the most absorbing approbation. Following came the presentation of class diplo mas. by County Superintendent Hendrick son accompanied by a taik to the graduates, closing with a clear enunciation of present advanced school method- for the benefit of par ents and patrons of the school. If Supt. Hen drickson ever talks to u- again disparagingly of bis oratorical gifts, we shall lose a portion of our belief in his veracity. He surprised us. as in his few minutes, talk he gave us ample evidence that he possesses no paucity of ideas nor lack of oratory to give them force and con viction. There was ample and good music by the class and others, with Miss Sandh as ac companist on the organ. But all good things have their closing moments, and so with bene diction by Rev. Sandh closed this evening which marked an important, epoch in the lives especially of nine promising young people just budding into manhood and womanhood, j May success attend them This evening the class wa- to hold a reception at the home of Mr. Wm. Landon Additional Local News. Miss Etta Lofliolm entertained a number of friends last evening, the occasion being her sixteenth birthday. Latest reports from Mrs. Bayne are not satisfactory, and it is thought an other operation will he necessitated at an early date Mrs. R. II. Gibson returned home from Dennison, Iowa, list .Saturday, where she ii s been visiting her daugh ter. Mrs Ered fiuesing. •T. W. Long and wife and W. R. Mellor went down to Lincoln last1 Saturday, where th ^ met Mrs. Mellor j Monday on tier way home from Chicago and all returned home Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Mellor is Poking well and shows little trace of her recent illness, j G A. Currv w.ts in to see us this morning and informed us that he will have twoot his fine stallions in l.nup City next Monday, and will stand them at the St. Elmo barn. They will be in charge of Frank Pierce. Mr. Curry will make a fuller announcement next week. The following members of the National Guards went to St. Paul. Wednesday toitteml a military ball: Fran* Pierce, Frank K ib 'ins. Dave Majors, Ollie and Bob Howard, Fred Kurnrumph, Ed. We ter. Ruv and Inn Pinery and Frank Winklemann. A munlter of our voting people also 'ent, but returned in the evening, the dance not coming tiff for some reason Balsora Items Miss Minnie Gilbert closed a seven months term of school here Saturday. Tlie baccalaureate sermon Pst Sun day evening, was a treat to everyone. It was full of great spiritual truths, expressed in the purest language and delivered in Mr. Wold’s earnest and impressive manner. The church was well filled by an attentive and appreci ative audience Mr. and Miss Malm and Miss Fagen were Loup City visitors, last week County Supt., R. D. Hendrickson brought Rev. Wold up Sunday, and 1 was entertained at Mr Landon’s. Mr. Hendrickson takes an absorbing in terest m our young graduates all over tin* county and is doing his best to make their pasaing of tins one mi'** stone on life's road, a pleasant memory to them all * \\ oman's Christian Temperance , Union Convention Los Angeles. Cal.. ! low round trip rates, dates of sale : October 17 to 21. inclusive. National Kneamnment, Grand Army of the Republic., Denver Colo. Follow ing round trip ra’es have been made ! dates of sale, August 30th to Sept, 4th Denver. Colo., #9 60 Colorado springs, Colo.. #11:10. Pueblo, Colo., #11:95 Lewis and (’lark Centennial Ex position. Portland. Oregon Dates of s*]e. rate-* and eu*.. call on or address F. II. I User, agent Tbis rate covers other meetings at Albany and Portland. W’tli dates of sale, for other infor mation call on or address F. H. lliser, local ticket agent, or E. L. Lomax. G. P. & T. A.. Omaha. Nebr. If you are contemplating a trip any, where, call on or write me. may l>e able to assist you St. Louis, Mo., and return. May la to 22nd inclusive. A. O. U. W. meeting. South Omaha, Nebr., May 7-9 inclusive. < >ne way rates very low) to all west ern poiirs, Mav 15th and Sept. 15th io October 15th Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colo., and return. June 80th to July 4th inclusive, at one fare tor round trip. Sri Francisco, Los Ang*les, San Diego and returmvery low rate) with stop-overs on both going and seturn ing, at or west of Cc.lorado and W\ one ing common points. Dates of tickets on sale, on application to agent. Corn Education Special, n It wa« a disappointment to the Union Paeitie in not hejng able to reach Loup City, but late in the afternoon the lecturers requested that we cancel the d»te. much to their regret, as they foil ml it would be impossible to make several other points if we took in Loup Citv. This i* the only reason the train did no arrive as scheduled. As Loup City was included in our orginal itinerary, it must be obvious to all that there was no intention of slighting this point Try it At Our Expense. This offer may not appear again. There is no eatch about it. If Mull’s Grape Tonic does not 1 positively cure Constipation you are out t nothing, as you may have the first bottle free i If it cures, which it will, tell others, that is al l! we a>k. No remedy has ever before been ’ known to cure Constipation permanently. M'.Ul s Grape Tonic is not a physic. It is un like anything you have ever used. It cures Constipation. If it did not. this offer would j ruin The process is gradual but sure. You know from your own experience that physics, like Lille. Saits. C astor oil. Mineral waters, injections, etc., make you worse. Where can Mull s Grape Tonic be had? Your druggist sells it. The SI .00 bottle con tains nearly three times the 50c size, but if you will write today to Mull’s Grape Tonic Co.. 3d Ave.. Sock Island. 111., and give druggist's name, you will receive the first bottle free with full instructions. This gives us a chance io prove to you at our expense that it is a wonder ful remedy and places you under no obligation to invest a penny. Only tell your friends about it. (No. 313.) marlfi-05 To Our Patrons. At tli of*mug of tbe new me-:: oti i I the ere:,men Iiimiio-s w>- ' <-i . iRfatiilaie t»ur patrols . t i - <• :n . able good prices ibai ba\e i».a.(.!c during tbe past winter and to expo-*: the hope that tbe coming >«■.»*..» mo prove both profitable and (.lea-an We are instituting some mr- it .. . s' stein which we hope will be j re< ia? ed by our patrons, as we believ* x ., \ " ill be 1 *rgelv to their ’dvantage. \V. intend in the immediate future t< arrange so that ^ie patron * ball know wlien he delivers his cieata what the price is and also that be shall r»cei\> ids pay at once, thus closing the deal with each transaction. Hoping thes* changes will meet with your -approval and thanking von for your patronage in the past, we confidently hope for a continuance of the same. Ravenna Creamery Co. Loup Citv. Nebr. March 22. 1905. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of two executions issued out of the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, by Geo. H. Gibson. Clerk of said Court, upon judgments rendered in county court of said county, one in favor of the S. Howes Company, against James H. Parshall. and one in favor of the Great Western Mfg. Co. against James H. Parshall. which judgments were on Dec 16th. 1904. transcripted to said District Court. I have levied upon the following real estate, as the property of the said James H Parshall. to-wit: The undivided one-half interest of the defend ant. James H. Parshall. In the following de scribed real estate, situated in Sherman coun ty. Nebraska, to-wit: A piece or parcel of land situated in the southwest quarter of section eighteen. (18) in Township fifteen. (15) north of Range fourteen, (14i west of the 6th P. M . more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing on the west lme of said southwest quarter, at a point six hundred and seventy one feet. (671ft). south of the quarter corner stake, at the northwest corner of said south west quarter thence running in a direction sixty-three degrees and forty-nine minutes, (63" 49') east of south to the center of Dead Hor*e creek, thence down the center or thread of said creek to the southeast corner of the property known as the Loup City Roller Mill property at a point five hundred and ninety four feet. (594ft) north of the south line of said southwest quarter, thence directly west to a point five hundred and ninety-four feet. 594ft) north of the southwest corner of said south west quarter.thence north to place of beginning containing 17H acres, more or less, together with the flouring mill, dwelling house and all other buildings, and structures thereon and together with the water power and raceway appurtenant to said mill property, said race way being the whole of Lot one, in section eleven. (11) and a strip of land, sixty feet <60* wide lying in Lots two and three. (2 Si in section eleven. ill> and in the southwest quarter of section twelve. (12> and a strip of land one hundred feet . -.0: Good Goods at Right Prices A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. FIHST mm BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Gent. We Negotiate Real Estate Loans. We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. « ——^11 - -— Edgar Draper, The Artist, Moved his Photo Car To /\rcadia, JVIafch ]3. A section of Sherman county wild land, all good soil, three miles from a shipping station. Price, $5,500. Ask W. R. MELLOR. mm, mm mid wm BOUGHT AT THE 3. & M. Elevators MCALI'INE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale a! Loup City ana Asfiton. fill Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELI Call aod see our coal and get prices on grain. __E. G- TAYLOR. John Solmes ^DEALER IN** HARDWARE FTIRNITURB Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed. * Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. Loup City, ■ Nebraska Ling; j Loup City, Nebraska, —for— L UMB E R w Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Harti and JSoft Coal Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Storm Sash. I . I. DEPEWfc* I Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker! My ahoD la the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River 1 have a four hors*' engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma cbtuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate ft and turnout a job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. ... ■■■■■■■■■MM—■■■■ ■■■