The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 16, 1905, Image 1

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Q Professional Cards
AttnsT aad Craau!cMt>Law
La.'wy er
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Xeb.
•II. II. •lliwilt
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
(July set of Abstract books in county
Physician and Sursreon
Office at Telephone
Residence Connection
Office, Over New Bank
OFFIf 'E: East Side Public Square.
Si. Eih Bin
A. L. GILBERT. Prop.
M Fiti Bit)
, Fine Livery Turnouts
Having recently purchased this
weli known sta le and added to it
in many ways, I am bet'er prepared
th n ever to serve vou ri^ht.
| Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noit*>western Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful driveis.
Headquarters ior farmers’ teaiuo Com
mercial meu's trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicitei.
^Fhrs® Daily Vraiqs to
No. 38 leave* daily except Sunday (pass
So. " leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, imixedi 12:20p. in
So. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Sat unlay, (mixed • 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday tmixed)
12:05 p m.
So. 37 arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger ) 7:50 p, m.
No- 39 (passenger* Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:56 p :n.
First classservic.. and close connections
east, west aod south. Tickets sold to at
points and baggage checked through to
destination. 1: formation will be enter
fully furnished->n application to
Frank Hisek. Agent
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha Helena,
Chicago, Bntte.
St Joseph. Salt Lake City,
Kansas Oily, Portland, •
St. Loots, San Francl»co.
and ail points and ail points
ast. and sooth. West.
No 52 Passenger.,..10JMan;
No 60 Freight.10.53 a n
No. 51 Passenger.6:15 p. >a.
No. 59 Freight.6:15 p. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair care
(«eats freei on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point ir
the Coiled stales or Canada
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to R. L. abthu*
Agent. Or J. Francis. Gen*l Passenger
Agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
International Epworth League Con
vention at Denver, Col., July 5-9.1905.
One fare round tr»p to Denver,«Urlora
de Springs and Pueblo. Colo. Tickets
on sale June 30 to Julv 4, inclusive.
Union Pacific low rates to the Pacipc
Coast points March i to AJay 15, and
April lito Oct. 81, H0>.
- spr.- ££;• • •'
4 . " > >• - *
:'•> ." ■- - -v - ■- -$«b?.• ;4k»v-.T Mur Sac*3?
Entered at the Loup Citv Postoffice for tranr
mission through the mails as second
class matter:
Office’Phone. - - - Rll
Residence ’Phone, * - H22
J. \V. BURL HIGH. Ed. ami Pub.
Displat Space-Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices —Five cents per line for
each insertion. Notices set in black face type
double the above rate All noticet will be run
until ordered out when time is not specified
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is
j charged, or a momentary interest involved
five cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thanks, 50 cents.
Resolutions of respect aad condolence. $1 00
In memoriam poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge,
society and club meetings and all public
gatherings where not conducted for revenue,
will be published free.
There is a bill in the legislature pro
viding for biennial elections. If it be
I comes a law all present county officers
will hold over another year. It is
estimated the saving to counties the
-ize of Sherman will be §500.
Representative Smelser had the pleas
ure of seeing his pet road bill pass its
last gauntlet, the governor’s signature
attacned and become a state law.
Townships cm not vote a levy for
road purposes of 10 mills, which will
give an opportunity to build roads. Mr,
Smelser has worked hard to have tin?
law passed and deserves considerable
credit for the effort.
A tew w teks since Tiie North w est
ern called attention to a legislative gratt
of §3 per day given the speaker ot the
house and president pro tem of the
senate, as presiding officers of those
houses. Claiming it to be uuconstitu
tional. Marked copies of the pafer
were sent to ^speaker Rouse. President
Pro Tem Jennings, various senators,
representatives, and to numerous em
ploy e-* of both houses. Toe matter wa
brought to the attention of .Mate Aud
itor Searle. who a-ked Attorney Gen ;
eral Brown for a decision. The attor-1
ney general promptly decided it to lie j
unconstitutional ;«nd Auditor Searle j
thereupon d dined to pay the warrants,
and a saving t** the state each s-s-ion
oi the legislature of an itt-m approxi
mating §40o is thereby assured. Upon
nearing of the attorney general's deci
sion. W . H Harrison of Grand 1st tr d.
who two years ago was president pro)
tem of the senate, w rote the attorney
general enclosing a draft for §2i9 re j
ceived by him as presiding officer of the j
senate at that time, thus making a sav
ing to the ^ate of §oo0 But the funny
side to Harrison’s letter is his expres
sion of mortification that he wno h*s
been such a strenuous opposer of
all sorts of legislative gratis should
himself be guilty. The humorous p -rt j
lies in the fact that the w riter of this,
at that time an employe of the senate,
went to S ate Auditor Weston in per
son and interposed objections to Harri
son receiving hi» last twenty days’ pay
as presiding officer pro tem over the
sen t- as clearly unconstitutional.
* hereat Mr. Harrison was very wrothy
at such unbecoming conduct from one
of the hireling employes and his lan
guage was exceedingly vigorous. But I
it is really nice of him to pay it back, j
even at this late day. Now if ex-Spe k ,
er Willie G. Sears, and the other eleven
ex-speakers and ex-presidents of the
legislatures for the past twelve years
c*n be persuaded to follow the excellent
example of ex-President Pro Tem Ha -
rison the d*>xologv may be sung, the
subject dismissed and the state l>e rich
er bv some §2400 additional to ihe con
science fund.
Married, at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs C. D. Hill, in
west Loup City, at high noon on Sun
day, March 12, the Rev II. S. Wold of
Hc ating. Mr. Dariei Tinsman and Miss
Anna Hill The bride is a native ot
Sherman county, one of her fairest
•laughters and has a host of w*rm
friends who wish her well. The groom
*ssaid to be a w orthy youug man. They
left Monday morning* for Kearney to
visit a few days with the groom's* s;s
t jr. Mrs Thus. Inks.
Married, at the Methodist parsonage,
Sunday morning, March 12. Mr. James
R. W rrick to Miss Irene Gibson, loth
ot Webster tow nship, this countv, Rev.
W. I. Cowell officiating. The is
« daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. II Gil»
soii' and one of Sherman countv’s
brightest and most attractive girls, a
graduate last year of the Loup City
schools and a . opular teacher of thi>
ounty. The bride and groom are well
Known and highly respected young pe»e
pie and have the l<est wishes of all in
this most import* nt event in their lives
A pretty * edding too* place Thur*
da\, March 9th, at the home of Mr. a»d
Mrs. W. II. Hughes, of Wiggle Creek*,
abeti th-ir daughter. Miss Emma C
Hughes, was united in marriage to Mr.
iraC Daddow, son of Mr. and Mrs.
loseph Daddow. At »:40, Miss Myrtle
Daddow beg n nlaying the wedding
march, during which the bridal party
enleiel the parlor. The ceremony w; s
theu pe formed by bev. W. 1. Cowell,
after which all sat down to a verv en
joyable sus per. This occasion was also
i reception to Mr. and Mrs Homer
Hughes, who were married at the
orid-’s home in Clay county. March 2d.
A large number * f v 1 liable pre-ents
weie presented the bridal parties The
following invited gue-ts were present:
Messrs and Mesdames Jo1 Daddow and
family. Clarence Burt and family, Bert
Gunn Hugh McFadden. Rav Emery,
Benson Parkhurst, Lonnie Daddow,
Mrs. Petri Baltman, Frank and Edna
Daddo*, D-lpbme and Berth* Daddow,
L slie and Frances Sweetland. Ro>and
and Winnie Goodwin. Tom and Lulu
McFadden, Bessie and Oliver Bro*lock,
Gus Lorentz Luther Goo I win, Earnest
Connor, James Emery, Wii ie l’hornas,
Gordon Snyder and Arthur Brown. On
Friday evening a rece*, ti n was given
to the bridal p rties at tneh >me of Mr.
and Mrs Joseph Daddow an i all pr s
ent spent an enjoyable evening.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice l,s hereby given that by virtue of ai
order of sale to me directed from the Distric
Court of Sherman County. Nebraska, upon i
decree of foreclosure rendered in said cour
on the 20th day of December. 1901. whereii
Ida D. Bock was plaintiff, and J. W. Pickett
first real name unknown: Susan M. Pickett
Albert Henley. Mrs. Henlty. wife of Alber
Henley. John U Halter. Kugenie Hale. John
son T. Hale. Horatio Smelser. and the Wes
Half of the Northwest Quarter of iSectios
Three in Township Sixteen. Range Fifteen, it
Sherman county. Nebraska, were defendants
I have levied upon the following describee
real estate, to-wit: The West Half of th«
Northwest Quarter of Section Three in Town
ship Sixteen north of Range Fifteen, west o:
the *>th principal meridian, situated in saic
Sherman connty and State of Nebraska, and 1
will, on the '>th day of March. 1905. at one
o'clock p. m.. of said day. at the south door ol
the court house, in Loup City. Sherman conn
ty, Nebraska, offer for sale and sell said abov«
described real estate at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy the amouni
of $sv BO due the plaintifl. Ida D. Bock, wit!
interest at seven per cent from the 20th day oi
December. 1901, and the amount of $130.00 due
the intervenor. William C. Newman, and costs
of the above action, taxed at $22.i0. and ac
cruing costs, which amount was adjudged tc
be due to the plaintiff above named, and to said
intervenor. from the defendants above named
and to he a lien upon the above described
Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this 17th
day. of February. 1906.
Sheriff of Sherman County, Nebraska.
R. J Nightingale Attorney for Plaintiff.
Last pub Mar. 23.
Notice To Non-Resident Defendants.
In the District Court in and for Sherman Coun
ty. Nebraska:
Horatio Smelser.
Leander Y. Ketehum i
and-Ketehum. j
wife of Leander Y |
Ketehum. whose first
and Christian name
is unknown. i
The above named defendants will take notice
that on the 23d day of February. 1905. Horauo
Smelser. the above named plaintiff, filed his
petition in the District Court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, against the above named
defendants, the object and prayer of said peti
tion are to require the said defendant. Leander
Y. Ketehum. to make specific performance of
hia certain contract in writing made and en
tered into by the said Leander Y Ketehum. by
hi> attorney. T. S. Nightingale, and the said
Horatio Smelser. the plaintiff herein, on the
19ih day of October 19ol. wherein and whereby
the said Leander Y Ketehum covenanted and
agreed to sell and convey by deed of general
warranty unto the said Horatio Smelser the
following described real estate, to-wit: The
east half of the northwest quarter and the east
half of the southwest quarter (e1* of nw-'-* and
*4 of swi*) of section fourteen (14 in town
ship fifteen [J5i north range fourteen (14) west
of the tkh P M.. subject to right of way of L.
A B. H. R. R and prairie dog town, and where
in the said Horatio Smelser covenamed and
agreed to pay for said premises the sum of
? 14’0.00 in cash, said contract and said sum of
11400 00 to be placed in escrow in the First Na
tional Bank of Loup City until abstract of title
was approved and accepted. The plaintiff has
accepted said abstract, has directed and au
thorized said back to .pay said defendant the
said sum and has done and performed all
things, agreements and covenants, on his part
to be performed, made and done. Plaintiff
prays that Leander Y. Ketehum be required
to receive and accept the sum of 11400.00 so ten
dered by the plaintiff and to execute and de
liver to plaintiff conveyance of said premises,
with covenants of general warranty, and if de
fendant fails so to do. the Honorable Court
may order and decree that the decree entered
herein shall operate with like force and effect,
and for such other relief as justice and equity
may require.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before April 3rd. 1906.
Dated this 23rd day of February, 1906.
Hcbatio Sjiilskr. Plaintiff.
By Robt. P. Starr, his attorney.
Last pub Mar. 16.
Notice of Sheriff"s Sale.
By virtue of two executions issued out of the
District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska,
by Geo. H Gibson. Clerk of said Court, upon
judgments rendered in county court of said
county, one in favor of the S. Howes Company,
against James H. Parshail. and one In favor of
the Great Western Mfg. Co. against James H.
Parshail. which judgments were on Dec. 16th.
1904. transcripted to said District Gourt. I have
levied upon the following real estate, as the
property of the said James H Parshail. to-wit:
The undivided one-half interest of the defend
ant. James H. Parshail. in the following de
scribed real estate, situated in Sherman coun
ty, Nebraska, to-wit: A piece or parcel of kind
situated in the southwest quarter of section
eighteen. • 1*) in Township fifteen, (15) north of
Range fourteen. (14) west of the 6th P. M..
more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Commencing on the west line of said southwest
quarter, at a point six hundred and seventy
one feet. >67ift). south of the quarter corner
stake, at the northwest corner of said south
west qua: ter. thence running in a direction
sixty-three degrees and forty-nine miautes.
(63” 49') east of south to the center of Dead
Hor»e crerk. thence down the center or thread
of ‘aid creek to the southeast corner of the
property known as the Loup City Roller Mill
property, at a point five hundred and ninety
tour feet. <594ft> north of the south line of said
southwest quarter, thence directly west to a
point five hundred and ninety-four feet. > 594ft)
north of the southwest corner of said south
west quarter.thence north to place of beginning
containing 174 acres, more or less, together
with the fiourieg mill, dwelling house and all
; other buildings, and structures thereon and
together with the water power and raceway
appurtenant to said mill property, said race
way being the whole of Lot one, in section
eleven, ill - and a strip of land, sixty feet (09)
wide lying in Lots two and three, <2 3i in
‘ection eleven, ill) and in the southwest
quarter of section twelve. (12) and a strip of
land one hundred feet ticcft) wide, lying in
section thirteen. 13>, all in Township fifteen
(15 north of range fifteen (15 s west of the 6th
P M. in shermaa county. Nebraska. And 1
will, on the 10th day of April. 1«U>. at 10 o'clock
a m. of said day. at the front door of the court
house o! said county, in Loup City. Nebraska,
sell said real estate at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execu
tions. the amount due thereon, in the aggre
gate, being the sum of 6634.60, with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum
from the 16th day of December. 1904. and §9 OC
costs and accruing costs.
Dated at Loup City. Nebraska. March 8. 1905
Sheriff of Sherman County. Nebraska.
H M. Mathew,
Atty. f jr Great Western Mfg. Co
R. J. NightisgAl.K,
Atty. for o Howes Co.
i Last pub. April 6th.
| Every Day
! 1
Good Goods at Bight Prices
Jf vou /K\e Goipg
To fJeed a JHafpess
You should call and examine our stock os Custom-Made Harness that we
are manufacturing. We are usmg nothing but toe Celebrated Thomas
Devlin Bure California Oak Leather None better made. This leather
is tanned by the old process, with pure oak bark. That is why we can
guarantee every set of harness we make. We have also a Dipping Tarik
for Oiling Harness, and by our method of heating the oil, we will guar,
ontee to get more oil in your harness than you can rub in them in a week.
We have the largest line of Saddles and Collars, as well as Harness, ever
carried in your city. We also have a car of Buggies and Wagons that
we expect to have ready ror your inspection bv March 1st. We handle a
tine line of Hardware, including Staves and Ranges, Barb Wire, Poultry
Netting Wire from t*o to Gx feet h gh We also have a line o‘t Furni*
ture that *e are making extremely low i.rices in order to make room
b r our Buggies and Wagons that are coming. We do all kinds of re
pairing Harm ss. as well as oiling. Give us a call, when you need any
thing in our line, and we will try to please you.
Yours for Business,
A. P. CELLEY. President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
FIRST lllAl '
of Loup city
General Banking Business Transacted.
_ -
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Rea! Estate I^oans.
We l>uv, Rent an ! Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Leiral Notice.
In the District Court cf Sherman County, and
State of Nebraska:
Lizzie E Scott and Herbert W. Scott, plaintiffs
Moses Hotuierick and Dora Ilonderick. Moses
Hondrick and Dora Hondrick. Orley Frymire
and’—-Frymire. his wife. N. H. Hand. E.
S. Merrill. Edwin S. Merrill and Nathan 11
Hand, and Janie-. N. Clarke. Receiver, de
j To Moses Ilonderick and Dora II ri .crick. Mo
res Hondrick and Dora Hondrick. Orley Fry
mire and-Frymire. his wife. N. II Hand.
E. S. Merrill. Edwin S. Merrill and Nathaa
H Hand:
You will take notice that on the dlst day cf
February. 1906. Lizzie E Scott and Herbert W.
Scott, plaintiffs herein, tiled their petition in
the District Court of Sherman eounty. Nebras
ka, again-l the said defendants and on. James
X. Clarke, receiver, the object and prayer of
which are to quiet the title and possession of
the said plaintiffs in and to the following de
scribed real estate in Sheraun county and
State of Nebraska, to-wit: The north half of
the northeast quarter of section four in town
ship thirteen north of range sixteen, and the
south half of the southeast quarter of .section
tiitity-three in township fourteen north of
range sixteen, and that the same may be con
firmed in the said plaintiffs, and that said de
fendants and each of them and all persons
claiming by through or under them may be
perpetually enjoined from claiming any inter
est in said premises adverse to that of the said
plaintiffs or from interrupting their use and
enjoyment thereof , and for such other and fur
ther relief as justice and equity may require.
You are required to answer said petitiou on
or before the 3rd day of April. 1906.
Dated this 21st day of February. 1906.
Lizzie E. Scott and
Herbert W. Scott.
Bj T. S. Nightingale, their attorney.
Attest: Geo. H. Gibso*.
[seal.] Clerk of the District Court.
Last pub. March IS.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
State of Nebraska. /
Sherman County. I
To Ida M. Brewer. Russell J. Straight and Jes
sie N. Straight, non-resident-defendants:
Yon will take notice that on the 3rd day of j
February. 1906. Marvin H. Mead, plaintiff. Bled
his petition in the District Court of Sherman j
County.Nebraska, against you and each of you.
iaplea i**d with Frank F.. Brewer, the object
and pravt r of wbieh are to foreclose a tax lien
up=n the following described land situate in
Sherman County. Nebraska. to-wi*: A piece
or parcel of land lying in the northwest quarter
of th«* northeast quarter of sectian 18 in town
ship 13 north of range U west of the 6th p m ,
and more particularly described as follows,
to-wit: Commencing at a point 100 feet north
and 100 feet east of the northwest corner of the
court house square, in Loup City. Nebraska
running thence north 140 feet, thence east 150
f et. thence south 140 feet and thence west 150
f ; et to the place of beginning, and which is
privately platted, commonly known, and
assessed and taxeik under the following
description, to-wit: Lots 21. 22. 3. 24.25 and 36.
in block 13. in Lalk and Kriechbaum's Addi
t n to Loup City. Nebraska. Said tax lien is
bused upon the sale of said land by the county
treasurer of said county to Pettibone and Nix
on on March 6th. 1839. for the taxes of the
years 1895, 1896 and 1897, in the sum of 6133 50.
and for which said treasurer issued tax salt
certificate No. 277, and which said tax sale cer
tificate was thereafter sold, assigned, endorsed
and delivered to said plaintiff, and there is
now due the plaintiff thereon the sum of; 133.50
with interest at ten per cent per annum from
March 6th. 1899, and plaintiff prays for a de
cree that defendants be required to pay the
amount due on said tax lien, or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due by the coart. and the costs of suit, includ
i ing an attorney's fee of ten per cent of the
amount of said tax lien.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the third day of April. 1906.
Dated this 23d day of February, 1905.
Makvih H. Mead. Plaintiff.
By K. J. Nightihgaue, his attorney.
Last pub. March 16.
Edgar Draper,
|* i
The Artist,
Moved his Photo Car
fo Arcadia, JVIafch J3.
A section of Sherman county wild land, all
good soil, three miles from a shipping station.
Price, $5,500. Ask
& M. Elevators
Coal for Sale at Loop City and Ashton, wilt Boy
Cull und see our coal and get prices on grain.
John Solmes
Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves,
Tinware, Screen Doors,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers
Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guar;B|Q§l
Paints, Linseed and Machine Qils.
Loup City, - Nebraska
Call on tli©
Loup City, flebfaska,
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Storm Saab.
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker!
My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Ulver
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma
chiuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and
tarn oat a Job with neatness and dispatch.