The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 23, 1905, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
volume XXII.
Professional Cards
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
•n. h. •iiii.irt
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection
d. H. LONG
Office, Over New Bank.
OFFICE: East Side Public Squire.
SI. Elm Bud
A. L. GILBERT, Prop.
Fine Livery Turnouts
Having recently purchased this
well known stable and added to it
in many ways, I am bet er prepared
than ever to serve you right.
Give Us a Trial
JKouna r ront I5arn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noithwtscern Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers
Headquarters ior farmers’ tcaiua Com
mercial men's trade given especial at •
tention. Your patronage solicited.
Auction Sale.
Th? undersigned will sell at public
-auction on section 2, 6 miles s iutlu-ast
of Loup City, and Y% miles northerst
of Austin, joining the John Needham
farm on the north, commencing at lo
o'clock a m; on Monday, Mar, 6, 1005
the following property: Ten lie dot
hors**s. 12 head of cattle. 35 head of
shoats, farm machinery, household
goods and other articles too numerous
to mention. Fiei lunch at noon.
Terms of sa)e:-Ali sums of 810 ano
under, cash. On all sums over 810 a
credit often months will be given b
purchaser giving bankable note draw
ing 10 per cent iuterpst. Five per cent
off on all sums over S!o.
Ika Owen. Owner
Jacob albers, W. F. Mason,
Auctioneer. Clerk.
Auction Sale.
The undersigned will sell at Public
Auction on farm 7 miles northeast
of Loup City, 4 miles north of
Sch&upp Siding, Neb., on
Wednesday, March 1st. 1905,
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. 14
head of horses, 1 pedigreed Hereford
bull, four years old, 00 head of
shoats, farm machinery, etc. Free
lunch at noon.
Terms of sale—All sums of $10
and under cash, on sums over
$10 ten montlis time will he given,
purchaser giving bankable note draw
ing 10 per cent interest; 5 per cent
off for cash on sums over $10.
Ja^ob Albers, Auctioneer
I. M. Polski, Clerk.
Auction Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction, three and one-half miles east
of Loup City, 9 miles northwest of
Ashton, on
Thursday, March 9th, 1905,
commencing at 1 o’clock p. m., sharp:
3 work horses, 2 colts, 20 head of cat
tle, 9 milch cows coming fresh in
April, all others heifers ana steers; 20
head of shoats, 1 wagon used but 11
months, 1 standard buggy used about
live months, one Baby No. 1 DeDaval
cream separator and farm machinery.
Terms of sale:—All suras of $10
and under cash: on sums over $10 ten
months time will he given, purchaser
giving bankable note drawing 10 per
cent interest from date of sale; five
Der cent off for cash on sums over $10
Jacob Albers, Auctioneer.
W. F. Mason. Clerk.
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for tran&
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office’Phone, - - * Rll
Residence ’Phone, - - H22
J. W. BURLEIGH.Ed. and Pnb.
Death of Col. Yonng.
On Iasi Monday morning, Colonel
John M Young, a pioneer resident of
this community passed away into the
great beyond. Col. Young was probably
better known in this section ot the
country than any other of the old resi
dents, and his illness,which has been ot
several years’ duration, has made in
terest in him doubly intensilied, and his
passing away has caused regret in
many hearts as his was a nature that
made hosts of friends and a comrade
ship among his acquaintances lasting
and strong. The funeral oecured from
the Baptist church on Tuesday, Rev.
Wold delivering the address, the church
being crowded with friends and school
children, with whom he was a great
favorite, attending in a body, after
which the he was lam to rest in Ever
green cemetery. Mrs. Young and fam
ily request us to extend their heartfelt
thanks to those who so kindly helped to
make his last days more pleasant and
who gave their assistance and kindly
offices to the list.
John M. Young, was born in Chest
nut Mound. Jackson County, Tennessee,
Dec. 28th. 1834. fie was the eldest of
seven children, live bors and two girls,
one sister surviving him. Mrs. Betty
Thompson, of Gallarin, Tenn. He was
united in marriage Febr. 2*2. I8ti8 to
Miss S. B Ben;h and to this union was
born three children, Robert. James and
Henry, of whom, two, Robert and
Henry, with the wife and mother are
left to mourn his loss. In 1862 he en
listed as Lieutenant in Company K. of
t’oLS. S. San ton's regiment of Tennesee
volunteers, in the Confederate army
After the b'ttie of Corinth. Miss, lie
was promoted to tin* rank of Colonel
in the brigade of Col. Dibrel. and serv
ed in this rank till the close of the war.
In the spring of 187(5, he came to Ne
braska and s-ttled in Loup City, on the
loth of June of that year. He passed
from this life Febr. 20th. 1005. at 5 30.
in the morning, at the age of 70 years.
1 month and 23 days
Nearly Fatal Accident.
L ist Saturday afternoon, little Harriet
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dim
Gallo wav, got hold of a bottle of tur
pentine, in the abscence of her mother
from the room, and swallowed a quan
tity of thestuff. In a tnco, her screams
brought her mother, who could tell bv
tne smell what the babv had taken, and
antidotes were administered and in n
few hours she had tullv recovered,
though for a lime her life wras despair
ed of by thegrief-striken parents. The
baby bad secured the bottle by climb
ing on a chair and reaching up into
the cupboard where she had seen her
mother plrce medicine vials, and as
she had been taking medicine for a
cold, which had a pleasant rinvor, it is
thought she concluded to help herself
and had secured the wrong bottle.
We have been requested to warn
merchants and dealers against com
pilers of rural free delivery route di
rectories, who, after obtaining ad
vertisements from local merchants
to provide for the expense, sell cop
ies of the book to catalog houses,
mail order concerns and direct-sell
iug manufacturers of all classes
The scheme is being worked in va
rious parts of the state. If any of
our merchants bite at this bait, do
not blame us for not warning them
.Notice To Non-Resident Defendants.
In the District Court ia and for Sherman Coun
ty. Nebraska:
Horatio Smelser. I
Plaintiff. |
vs, |
Leander Y. Ketchum i
and - Ketchum.
wife of Leander Y.
Ketchum. whose first
and Christian name
is unknown. ;
Defendants. |
The above named defendants will take notice
that on the 23d day of February, 1905, Horatio
Smelser, the above named plaintiff, filed his
petition in the District Court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, against the above named
defendants, the object and prayer of said peti
tion are to require the said defendant. Leander
Y Ketchum. to make specific performance of
hie certain contract in writing made and en
tered info by the said Leander Y. Ketchum. by
his attorney. T. S. Nightingale, and the said
Horatio Smelser. the plaintiff herein, on the
19th day of October. 1904. wherein and whereby
'he said Leander Y Ketchum covenanted and
agreed to sell and convey by deed of general
warranty unto the said Horatio Smelser the
following described real estate, to-wit: The
east half of the northwest quarter and the east
half of the southwest quarter (e4 of nwl{ and
*4 ofsw><) of section fourteen (14) in town
ship fifteen [15» north range fourteen (14) west
jf the 6th P. M.. subject to right of way of L.
& B U. K. R. and prairie dog town, and where
in the said Horatio Smelser covenanted and
agreed to pay for said premises the sum of
fllOO.OO in cash, said contract and said sum of
11100 00 to be placed in escrow in the First Na
ional Bank of Loup City until abstract of title
was approved and accepted. The plaintiff has
accepted said abstract, has directed and au
'horized said bank to pay said defendant the
\aid sum and has done and performed all
things, agreements and covenants, on his part
to be performed, made and done. Plaintiff
prays that Leander Y. Ketchum be required
to receive and accept the sum of 81400.00 so ten
dered by the plaintiff and to execute and de
liver to plaintiff conveyance of said premises,
with covenants of general warranty, and if de
fendant fails so to do, the Honorable Court
nay order and decree that the decree entered
herein shall operate with like force and effect,
tnd for such other relief as justice and equity
may require.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before April 3rd. 19®.
Dated this 23rd day of February, 19®.
Horatio Skelsbr, Plaintiff.
By Robt. P. Starr, his attorney.
Last pub. Mar. 16.
Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
Portland. Ore., lune 1 to Oct. 15,llMXi
For this the following rates have bee ’
made, going and returning direct to
Portland, Tacoma. Seattle, Bellimrham.
Victoria and Vancouver and return—
$40.45. Dates of sale: Mav 23-25: June
13-15,27-29; July 0-8, 11-14,25-27; Aug.
1517, 29-31; Sent. 12-ls, 20-28. Final
return limit 90 days from date of sale
but not later than Nov 30. This date
is made to cover various meetings on the
coast Tickets will admit of stopovers
west of Denver and Ciievenne, both go
ing and retuuiing.
Burlington February Bulletin.
Cheap one way rates to California,
Pnget Sound and Northwest country.
Mnr 1 to May 15.
Verv cheap round trip rates to South
and South w’est, Feb. 21, Mar 7. 21; also
cheap one wav rates to same country
on same dates. Also low homeseekers'
excursion rates, same dates, to eastern
Colorado, Big Horn Basin and North
Platte valley, where there is an excel
lent chance of getting in on the ground
tioor ahead of the crowd and pick up a
bargain in irrigated lands.
Cheap rates east to Washington D. C
for the inauguration. Send for print
ed matter and write for information.
Describe your trip and let me advis
you the least cost L. W. Wakeley. <i
P. A.. Omaha. Neb. mar2
Sealed bids, with plans and specifica
tions will be received at the office of
the county clerk of Sherman County.
Xeinaska, at Loup City, in said county,
on or before nonn ot the seventh day of
March 1905, for the building of* all the
bridges that may be required to be con
structed bv said county during the term
)f one year from the letting of the con
tract; for the construction of said
bridges, such bids to be by the lineal
foot aud contract to be let for the build
ing of such bridges as may be required
at a specified sum p*-r lineal foot; plans
specitb-atio:»8 and bids to be in de on
wood bridges, on low water bridges and
on high water bridge.-.. Plans for low
water bridges to be prepared to suit
quick and heavy currents, to be Id to 24
feet long, and the high water bridges
to be spans 24 to 40 feet long, v. itb suit
aide approach* s. All bridges to lie set
• n good long oak piling and span tim
bers to be full length of span Bids
also to be tiled for replacing spans in
Loup river bridges in said county, that
ma\ r> quire replacing during the term
ot oney»-ar The county board reserves
• he right to reject any or all bids.
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, Jan
uary 31st. 190*5.
Geo. H. Gibson,
[seal.] County Clerk.
Last pub. Veb. 23._
Local Notice.
In the District Court in and for Gher
man County, Nebraska
To Non-Resident Defendants:
To Carrie P. Brownlee, j
Howell X. Brownlee,
Charles M. Brownlee,
Junior. Phillip P.
Brownlee.Schuyler P.
Brownlee, Charles M
Brownlee as guard
ian of said Howell X.
Brownlee, Charles M.
Brownlee, Junior,
Phillip P. Brownlee,
ischuyler P. Brownlee,
minors under the age
of 21 years andCharr^s
M. Brownlee.
l uw w ii lithe iiuuce 111*1 uh uic oisi ,
day of Jannary, A. D. 1905, Carrie P. |
Brownlee, as administratrix, with the
will annexed, of the estate of Thomas
J. Howell, deceased, filed her petition
in tne District Court of Sherman coun
ty, Nebraska, against the al>ove named
defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to confirm the follow
ing stated sales of real estate situated
in Sherman county, Nebraska, upon
which the said last will and testament
of the said Thomas J. Howell, deceased,
operates, which were made and entered
into in writing by Matilda C. Howell,
the duly qualified, appointed and acting
executrix of said estate, who has since
departed this life, and the plaintiff here
in is her duly appointed, qualified and
acting successor, as the administratrix
of the estate of Thomas J. Howell, de
ceased, with tne will annexed:
First: The sale of the undivided one
half [%) interest in section thirtv one
(31) in” township fourteen (14) north,
range fourteen (14) west of the 6th P.
M.. to Linus V. Graves and Charles
W. Kibler, for the sum of Three Thous
One Hundred Dollars ($3160.00.)
Second: The sale of the undivided
one half (t£) interest in the northeast
quarter (nej^) of section thirty-three
(33) in township fourteen (14) north,
ramie fourteen (14) west of the 6th P.
M to Samuel C. Fletcher, for the sum
of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00.)
Third: The .-ale of the northwest
quarter (nwij) of section thirty-two
(32) in township fourteen (14) north,
range fourteen (14) west of the 6th P.
M to II' tirv A. \Vbkinson, for the mm
of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00.)
Fourth: Tne sale of the southeast
quarter (se^j) of section thirty-two (32)
in township fourteen (14) north, range
fourteen (14) «est of the 6th P. M. to
Samuel C Fletcher, for the sum of
Nine Hundred Dollars ($90000 )
Fifth: The sale of th- southwest
quarter (sw*4) of se•'ion thirty-two
(32) in township fourteen (14) north,
range fourteen (14) west of the 6th P.
vi. to Samuel C. FI* teller, lor the sum
of Une Thousand Dollars (#1000.00.)
Plaintiff prays for a confirmation of
'he several sales ot the above describ- d
real estate, and that »he pi intiff, as ad
ministratrix, «ith the will unnexed.of
the estate of Thomas J. Howell, de
ceased, l»e empowered and directed to
execute and deliver to the respective
purchasers of said respective parcels of
land deeds of conveyance thereto in
pursuance of the terms of said written
contracts, and in the fulfillment of the
same, so made by her predecessor, and
for such other, further different and
general relief as may be awarded at the
discretion of said court
You are required to appear and an
swersaid petition on or before the 13th
day of March. A D 1905, or the allega
tions of said petition will be taken
as true and judgment entered accord
Dated this 3lst day of Jannary, 1905.
Robert P. Starr.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Last nub. Feb. 23
Good Goods at Right Prices
•Whoever Jdeajd of Hafdwaye
ip a flarpess Shop?
It is nothing uncommon to see harness in a hardware store
but to see hardware in a harness shop is something new.
However, we wish to say to the people of Loup City and vi
cinity that we have added a full and complete line of Shelf
Hardware, including Tinware. Granite ware, also a new line of
Turquois ware and Cutlery, which we would be glad to have
you call and examine, when in need of anything in that line.
YVe are also increasing our Harness stock, so we can accom
modate the public in anything in the Harness line. We are
also putting in the finest line of Saddles ever shown in Loup
City. Our line of Blankets and Robes are complete, which
we are offering at a 10 per cent discount in order to close them
out. We will also give some very low prices on what Bug
gies we have left, in order to ciose them out before getting in
our spring shipment. Call and examine our stock, whether in
need of anything qr not, then when you do want to buy you
will know where you can get the best goods for the least
money. Soliciting a share of vour patronge, we are
Yours for Business,
A. P. CULLEY, President.
W. F. MASON, Cashier.
of Loup GfTY
General Banking Business Transacted.
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent.
We Negotiate Real Estate Loans. %
We Bay, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Call on ttLe
a a
Loup City, Nebraska,
e e r
Of ali kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Storm Sash.
Give me a trial on your draying
and transfer business, and I will'
guarantee satisfaction.
S. N. CRISS, Propr. I
P. Hoogenboezem
Loup City, - Neb.
Sign Work and Graining a Spe
cialty. Wall Paper and Mpuldings.
Edgar Draper,
Loup City,
N ebraska
A section of Sherman county wild land, all
good soil, three miles from a shipping station.
Price, §5,500. Ash
\m m
B. & M. Elevators
Coal for Sale a! Loop Ciiy and Asia. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
John Solmes
Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves,
Tinware, Screen Doors,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers
Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed
Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils.
Loup Gity, - Nebraska
Popular Druggist
Drugs, Paipts, Oils,
■ Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker,
I i K —My ®not> 18 largest and beat equipped north of the Platte River
® •four hors* engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma
1 cniuery* also a force of experienced men who know bow to operate it and
| tarn out a job with neatness and dispatch.