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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1905)
If you are going to do any fencing this spring, remember I handle the Grand Island Field Fencing with barbed wire at top and bottom, which keeps your stock from creeping under or crawling over. Respectfully, yours, P. O. REED. THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY, FEBY. 16, 1905. Iioaal Daws. Phone. Phone the news. Phone the news to us. A. P. D Lyster’s babv is ill. See D. C. Grow for Best Flour. Jerry Shrove is among grip sufferers. Will Draper was another grip victim last week Choice Buckwheat Flour for sale by D. S. Grow. Miss Birdie Lofholm is suffering from la grippe. See T M. Heed for alfalfa seed for spring sowing. Mrs. James Wilson is numbered among the sick. Sheridan lump and nut coal for sale at Taylor’s El* vator. Flovd Gibson has been quite sick with the la grippe. If in need of a steel range or cook . stove, see P. O. Reed T S Nighting»le who has been sick is better at this writing. Northern Milling Co.’s mill stuffs on sale by D. C. Grow. Try them. Oliver Dubry was confined to his home with la grippe last week. A new invoice of guns and ammuni tion just received at P. (). Reed’s. An Abraham Lincoln was horn t® Rev. and Mrs. Cowell. Sunday morning Every housekeeper wants best flour in the market. D. C. Grow keeps it R, J. Nightingale is reported much better from a serious attack of la grippe For Sale—Te*m harness and vagon on time See J. W. or A. T Conger. W. D. Hover, Kmbalmer and Fu neral Director. Ready day or night. Aztec lump. Nigger Head lump, also nut coal always on hand at the Taylor Elevator. Walter Thornton returned last Fri day evening from his visit with rela tives in Ohio. W ill Draper is the happy father of a babv girl, whose arrival dttes from last Thursday night. Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb. specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. A. P. DeLvsterand C. C. Van A lest returned la«t Eridav evening from their extend d visit to Holland. Place your orders for st"rm sash early and avoid the dei*»v in th** busy sea son Leiningek Lumber Co. The furnaces at the school building are not equal to the emergencies of the severe we«th rof this winter and stoves have been placed to supplement them. For Sale.—Eight pedigreed Shorthorn boll ca'ves and one 4-year-cld iegis teied Shorthorn bull. Truelsen & Johansen, 47 Half mile east of Loup City. Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chmnic diseases such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois, Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases.etc. The doctors use besides medicine and surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tricity and massage. Rev. ‘’owell is on the sick list. Chris Johansen is a grip sufferer. Mrs. Tavlor Gibson is on the sick list. | C. C. Cooper was on the sick list last week, Alberta Outhouse is ill with lung feve»-. Arthur Brown was a grip victim last week. Miss Rose Mulick has quit school on account of ill health. T. H. Eisner has been having a ser ious tussle wuh the grip. J. S. Pedler. * ife and daughter are now at Phoenix, Arizona, for Miss Sadie's health. Editor Brown has sold his residence property to Miss Ella Long, and w 11 build early in the spring on his lots. O. P. Simpson and family have moved in from the country and taken possession of the Mrs. Gardner cottage County Clerk Gibson returned from a business trip to Lincoln last Thurs day. He brought the latest story home. Ask him for it. Wm. Rowe has not only been «n the sick list the past week. but every one of his family have likewise been victims of the grip. All better at present. Mrs. Chris Johnnsec suffered severely last week with an affection of the throat caused by a cold, culminating in a breaking of an ulcer in the throat, which for a time threatened her life seriously, but after the breakage her health rapidly improved. Dr. Starr, who is here visiting from Tulsa, I T; intended starting f r Land er, VVvf>., last Saturday, taking the cars at Litchtield, but the bad storms pre vented, and he stayed over Sunday He goe-* out into that new country with good prospects of finding a suitable lo cation Dr l ong returned from Omaha last Thn-sd >y, where he witnessed a suc cessful operation performed on Mrs < .'hristie, a sister of Mrs Edg r Draper, wnom he had taken to the hospital for that purpose Should no unfavorable complication-* arise the lady will mend rapidly Mr. B. P. McKinnie, wlmm we men tioned last week as suffering badly lac erated fingers from the bite of a cat. h d 'lie middle finger of his left band cut open and the bone scraped and then carefully dressed >y Dr. Long, last Friday, the bite having passed through the fleshy part of the finger and injured the b »ne. It is believed no serious re sults will follow the injury. Charlev Mellor, w’ho has been here visiting his brother. W. R. Mellor, has concluded to make this his home, and has rented a honse of VV. R. and expec's h s familv shout the first of March. He and ('arsten Trnelsen will engage in the well boring buisness and later will go into the plumbing business, Mr. Mellor being an expert in that work. It is expected they will have the Reynolds meat market building in the spring, which same will be moved across from the Northwestern office. John Bone, who had been quite ill for a number of days with an attack of la grippe, died list S ind y aftern on. Feb. 12th, 1905 The funeral occurr-d from the home of his parents, 7 miles w*-st of Loup City, on yesterday after noon, and his bodv laid to rest in Ever green c metry. H<* was a son of James Bone, and was about 24 years of age. He was a young man of exceptional good qualities, and was highly esteem ed by all who knew him His parents have' the deepest sympathy of all in their *ad affliction. John O. Douglas is a grip virgin. Miss Belle Mulick is ill with la grippe. Geo. Morgan and son are on the sick list. T. M. Heed was a grip sufferer last week. Ashley Conger’s little boy is among the sick. Frank Winkleman has accepted a! position in the U. P depot W. D. Hover & Co. contemplate put ting up a fine bri* k storeroom for their furniture business in the spring. No preaching at Wiggle Creek next Sunday, but services will be h*Jd the following Sunday. 2tith, instead. Mrs. Geo. Benschoter and two daugh ters will arrive from Falls City, tonight on a visit to Mrs. Benschoter’s sister, Mrs. Will Fisher. Mrs. B. M. Gwtever contemplates putting up a two-story rick building on the vacant lots west of her building, and occupy the same with a big stock ot goods in addition to her present bus iness. As soon as the weather will permit, S. F Reynolds, the popular meat man, expects to move into his building across from the Northwestern office, as A P Culley wants the corner to pu» up a brick building for the use of M C. M ulick for his saloon Bring in vour horses, cattle, hogs, m 'chinery, household goods, diamonds, gold or siiver I will sell them for you every Saturday at 2 p. m., as long as you bring in the articles to sell Jacob Albers, The oldest and most experienced auc tioneer in Sherman county. • S. Foss* who was called to Aurora 1 st week bv the serious illness of his mother, arrived only a few hours before she passed away. On returning home lie and his entire family hue been sick, a son seriously so and at present his condition is alarming. We trust Mr Foss mav have had all the trouble allot ted to him and tint his family will speedily recover their wonted health. The funeral of Joe DeLyster, who died on the oth inst., and whose bodv was kept until the arrival of his father, A. P DeLvsrer, who arrived home from his trip o Hnll md. last Friday, occured from the Methodist church on Monday forenoon of this week. Rev. Wold of the Baptist church conducting services for Rev Cowell, who is ill. and the bodv was 1 *id to rest in Verdurette cemetery, where two of Mr. DeLyster’s children are buried A most enjoyable affair occurred last week Wednesday evening at the resi dence of Mr and Mrs C. C Cooper, that worthy couple giving a surprise parry on the evening mentioned in hon or of the 24th birthday* anniversav of Mrs. Cooper’s brother, 'Mr. Burt Fan cher, at which were some twenty invit ed guests. An elegant supper in three courses was provided bv Mesdnmes Cooper and Fancher, after which the evening was passed in music and pro gressive flinch, till the wee tuna hours o’ morn admonished the delighted guests that all pleasure must have a close. It was a complete surprise to Burt who came from the store in no prescribed evening costume to find himself con fronted by a galaxy of beauty and mas culine be*px ideal. Guests present were Messrs and Mesdames Victor Johnson and Fickus. the Misses (’ora and Jessie Leininger, Tony and Libb’e Erazim, Effie Moon. Lucy Grow, Ernie Oden dahl and Nettie longer, and Messrs. Gus. Lorentz, Newton Pilger*. Neil Ho ver, Chas. Bennett and John Slater. Fred Hauck is home again. B T. Snyder is a grip sufierer. Mrs. Peter Ruwe is quite sick. Miss Edna Cole is a grip sufferer. Mrs. Rav Thrasher is reported sick. P Hoogenbozem is sick with la grippe. Dennis Mulick returned from Omaha Tuesday noon. Mrs Vic Johnson is seriously ill with la grippe. Chris Johansen has thrown up the draving business. Valentine dav was celebrated in all its glory, Monday. Mrs. Hauck is visiting at her daugh ter’s in Custer county. If we have not noted all those ill with la grippe this week, it’s because we have not been informed The thermometer registered 32 de grees below last Monday morning. How »s that for comfort? Mrs. Mike Kominski entertained a nnral»erof friends Tuesday afternoon, in honor of her 25th birthday. Col. Young has been dangerously ill the past fewdiys. Monday nignt his condition was critical. He is better at pr sent writing. Don’t forget Wes McComb’s sale, Tuesday, the Met instant. Last week we made a slight error in the day, but the date, 21st, was correct. See his sale notice in another place. Mrs. W R. Mellor left for Chicago, Wednesday morning, to undergo med ical care. W. R. *ent to Grand Island the same morning and from there will go to Lincoln to attend a meeting of the State Fair directors, and later will join Mrs. Mellor in Chicago Jim Depew was taken down with the grip Tuesday, and his good friends around town sent him a letter of con dolenee signed by the undertaker. When Jim gets up and around egain a new undertaker and the funeral of those sympathetic .friends may con fidently be expected. We see by th** Falls City Journal that Geo. and John Benschoter and families are moving up on their ranch near Schell, Nehr. The boys have traded their livery business at Falls City for a big sandhills ranch and will go into the cattle business on an extensive plan-. We wish them all sorts of good fortune. Adventist Church. Three stirring au dresses by Elder A. T. Robinson, of Lincoln. Friday evening, Feb. 17th, “Is the world growing better, or getting worse?” Saturday evening, Feb 18th, “The Millennium, or Armageddon, I Which”? Sunday evening, Feb. 19th, “The Eastern question: Must the Turk leave Europe? What will 120,00o, 000 Mohammedans do about it? What does the settlement of this question mean to the world?” Pubiic cordially invited The joke is on Dr Main, but he fails to appreciate as much as might be were the experience apother’s. I^ist Thurs day he attended a call some distance east of this city, and tbe roads being inac cessihle to teams, was obliged to make the trip on horseback. On his return, in making a short cut across the prairie, he mistook innocent looking snow cov ering a deep ditch for a safe road, and only found different when his horse plunged nose down into the drifr, land ing the doctor head over heels in sev eral feet of the beautiful. Ihls was not so b *d, but when the equine lit out for home without even a “Fare ye well, Bro. Watkins-ah.” leaving the doctor to flounder a couple of miles homeward, you can imagine tbe rest. It’s Groceries this week! Cut Prices the Rule « . Live and Let Live • f Lot flo. ): 2 Cans Advo Cherries, - $ .60 ' * 2 Cans Advo Peaches, - .60 2 Cans Advo Pears, * .60 2 Cans Advo Apricots, - .60 ( 2 Cans Advo Strawberries, .60 i 2 Cans Advo Raspberries, .60 ► Total, - - $360 1 Lot price, - - 3.00 > > Profit to You? Lot Np. 2: 2 Cans Asparagus, $ Ao 2 Cans Advo String Beans, .3o 2 Cans Advo Lima Beans, .3o 2 Cans Advo Peas, - .3o 2 Cans Gem Corn, - .3o 2 Cans J. M. Tomatoes, - .25 Total, - . $1.86 Lot Price, - - - 1.56 How much do you save? Lot [Jo. 3; 2 Cans Pumpkin, * $ .2o 2 Cans Sauer Kraut - .3o 2 Cans Van Camp’s Hominy, .26 2 Cans Baked Beans, - .4o 2 Cans Hasting’s Corn, .2o 2 Cans Worcester Tomatoes, ,2o Total ... $1.55 Lot price, ... l.oo What do you save on this also? Jk Jff«f 'Piat Jjtuist ©o I .A-t ttL© f’ollO'wirLR low -prices. Bo as to make room for our Spring Goods : Outings, formerly 30c now 29c, Outings, formerly 12 l-2c now 10c Outings, formerly 20c now 18c, Outings, formerly 8 l-2c now 6c M. Gasteyer > LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. A Few Market Quotations Cattl?, per 10o lbs.$3.00@84.00 Hogs, per 100 Jbs. 4.15 Corn.berbu. .32 Wheat, per bu.85@ .92 Oats, per bu.21 @ .23 Mrs. E. A. Brown is on the siek list. We’re late again this week. Blizzard! Grandma Starr is quite ill with stomach trouble. Jerry Shrove and John McDonald are now proprietors of th- restaurant, purchasing the same Wednesday from M. C Mulick Rev. OowTell will next Sunday morn ing deliver an address before the K. of P. order in this citv, in honor of the42d anniversary of Pvthianism. The Sir Knights will attend church in a body. ■ While clearing the B. & M. tracks near Farwell, Wednesday, with a sn*»w! plow, pushed hy a couple of engines, one of the engines and plow left the track, injuring the engineer so that »e di» d some ten minutes later. We have heard no further particulars. The following good subscribers have • seen” us since hist issue and gone one better, for which we return thanks: H Sandh, Adolph Rettenmeyer, G P1 Callahan bv Judge Moon, W H. Mor gan, O F. Peterson, J. B. OBrvan. Fred Thode and Hans Obermiller. Mrs. J. M. Taylor left this morning on an extended visit to her old home at Brooklyn. N., Y., the first time in 2fi years. Her little daughter will stav with a si»ier,Mrs. Dr. Lvman in Orrmh *, during her absence John M. will re main at home and do the bachelor act. Cards of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. James Bone and family desire us to express their sincere thanks to the manv kind friends who lent their sympathy and material assistance dur ing the illness and subsequent death of their loving son and brother. Mr and Mrs. A. P DeLvster wish to tender their heartfelt thanks to the kind friends whose timely sympathy and aid came to them in their recent sad b- reaveraent of a loved son. Auction Sale. The undersigned wil sellar public auc tion on what is known as theo'd Norm Thompson place. 5 miles southeast of Loup < itv. Nebr; on sec. 34-15-14, on Tuesday. Feb 21.1905, commencing at 10 a. m , the following properly, 20 head of horses. 45 h*-ad of cattK 45 head of hogs a cream separator, farm machinery, a cook stove, and some househo d goods Free lunc-h at noon. Having sold my farm, I assure the public this is a bona fide sale and things will be sold for what they will bring. Terms of Sale:—Ali sums over $10 a credit often months will tie given by purchaser giving bankable note draw ing 10 per cent interest from date of sale All sums under 810 cash without discount. Five per cent off for cash on all sums over $10. R W. McCombs, Owner. J. T Hale, C. W. Fletcher, Auctioneer. Clerk. Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auction on the farm 4 miles north and 2 miles east of Loup City, and 3% miles north and 3 miles west of Schaupp Sid int, on Thursday, Feb. 28,1905, (in case of big storm sale to be postponed to Feb. 27.) commencing at 10 a. m., nine head of horses, 49 head of cattle, 2 ; head of shoats. 6J-£ dozen chickens, farm machinery, ten tons of hav. household goods, etc. Free lunch at noon. Terms of Sale:- -All rums over 810 a credit of ten months will be given by purchaser giving bankable note draw ing 10 per cent interest from date «-f sale. All sums under 810 cash without discount. Five per cent off for cash on all sums over $10. Wm. Strakkman. Owner. Jake Albers. W. F. Mason, Auctioneer. Clerk Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on farm 7 miles northeast of Loup City, 4 miles north of Schaupp Siding, Neb., on Wednesday, March 1st, 1905, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. 14 head of horses, 1 pedigreed Hereford bull, four years old, 60 head of shoats, farm machinery, etc. Free lunch at noon. Terms of sale—All sums of $10 and under cash, on sums over $10 ten months time will be given, purchaser giving bankable note draw ing 10 per cent interest; 5 per cent off for cash on sums over $10. • JOHN BAKAR, Owner. Jacob Albers, Auctioneer I. M. Polski, Clerk. Auction Sale. We, the undersigned, will sell at public auction, 5 miles due west of Loup City, one mile east of Cleora church, on Thursday, February 23rd, 1905, (Sale will be had on this date storm or shine) commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. The following property, to-wit: 8 head of horses: 18 head of cattle; 40 shoats weighing about 751bs each, 5 good brood sows, in pig, farm machin ery, household goods and numerous other articles. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms of Sale:—All sums of $10.00 and under cash: on sums over $10 ten months time will be given purchaser giving bankable note drawing 10 per cent interest from date of sale; nve per cent off for casfl on sums over $10 O. D. WHITMORE, S. M. SPOHR, Owners. Win. Pursell, Auctioneer. W. F. Mason, Clerk. Notice. In District Court of Sherman Countv Nebraska: Sumner R. Clarke, 1 Plamtifl. | vs. ! Lucy It. Speed, et al, Defendants. J To the Public: On the 20th day of Decem»»er, 1904, the Hon. B. O. Hostet ler, Judae of the District <Jourt in and tor the county of Sherman and .state of Nebraska, did issue an order directing the undersigned refin es to sell the fol lowing described real estate to-wit: The east half of section twenty seven (27). township sixteen (16). range thir teen (13) west of the 6th P. M. in Sher man county, Nebraska, at public sale to the highest bidder for cash. Tou will therefore take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1905. at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m., we wiil offer the said lands for sale, at the south door of the court house in Loup City, in said county of Sherman. L A. Williams, E. G. Taylor, Referees H. M. Mathew, Attorney. Last pub. Feb. 23. CLOTHING Received a Complete Line of The Well Known Brand of Ilat is t IT BEATS THEM ALL. i for Men and Boys. LION BRAND TRADE MARK Height Above B’Hole 1% In FRONT 2% IN. BACK 1% IK SPEEDWAY Selz Boyal Blue $3.50 SHOE! Guaranteed. A Large Assortment of Medium Grade. Remember the Place, JOPMSO^-LOBEflTZ GO. SALE OF ART PYRDGRAPHY f We will sell our PICTURES, READY-MADE FRAMES, and WALL POCKETS, Also, Our Pyrography Goods, at 10 PER CENT OFF During the Month of March. We have several Beautiful Pictures in Genuine Pastel ALSO Crayons and Hand-Colored Photographs Ask to See Our Pyrograpbic Sets. SEE T. M. Reed FOR Buggies, Wagons, FARM IMPLEMENTS, WINDMILLS AND WELL WORK, Loup City, - Nebraska.