The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 16, 1905, Image 1
Loup City Northwestern volume XXII. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1(5, 1905. NUMBER 14 Professional Cards AARON WALL Xja,"wyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-law LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS. •ff. H. MEAD Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Oulj set of Abstract books in count? A. S. MAIN, Physician and Surgeon Office at Telephone Residence Connection LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. d. H. LONG PHYSICIiN art SURGEON Office, Over New Bank TELEPHONE CONNECTION W. L. MARCY. DENTIST, LOUP (3ITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Square. A. L. GILBERT, Prop. IX CONNECTION'. Fine Livery Turnouts Having recently purchased this well known stable and added fo it m many ways, I am bet'er prepared th -n ever to *erve you right Give Us a Trial Kound t ront iJarn, J. H MINER- Props Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Noit*» western Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters ior farmers’teamo Com mercial men’s trade giveo especial at • tention. Your patronage solicited. U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhrss Daily Vraiys to Califoi nia. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOW9:— No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pass anger) 7:25 a. m No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and Fridav. (mixed» 12:20 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tnesday. Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m. No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed) 12:05 p. m. No. 37 arrives dally except Sunday (pass* enger) 7:50 p, m. No. 39 iDassenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 5:55 p m. First class service and close connections east, west and south. Tickets sold to all points aud baggage checked tbrongh to destination. Information will be cheer fully furnished < n application to , Frahk Miser, Agent TIME TABLE. LOUP CITY NEBR. Liu coin, Omaha Chicago, St Joseph. Kansas City, St. Louis, ard ail points ast and south Denver, Helena. Butte, Salt Lake City, Portland, San Francisco, and all points West. TK*0* LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST So 52 Phtwenver.a. m No 6T Ft eight.(53I.1D. GOING WEST So. 51 Passenger.6:15 p. m. So 59 Freight. 615 p. rn sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars f*eat» freei on through ’rains Tickets sold ami baggage checked to any point In the United -tales or Canada. For information msp Mine tables and V’ckets > ali on or w>lte *n R L \BTHra Agent Or J raARCis icn’l Passenger Agent. On»»ha. Nebraska. Clear CreekChat Tuesday, Feb 7th. Cold weaher is the order of the day. 8now six inches on *he level. Two d* d«hs last week *t. Litrhfie d, Mre. Henry Ki- line and Mr Work I’od ty. Mr. Cun-' is bnryin? bis son Floyd, at Lone Elm (}.-o (?rav lost n row. if haring s’ip p»*d o». tne ice breaking it- leg. G. Gr J and f?. Moyrerv ft re ont west loolrinv u a Ion »tion for i ranch. A s> i hie at. Dis. 4T •» good tim is import THE NORTHWESTERN TEEMS:—11.00 PIR TEAR. IP PAID I* ADVAHC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trant mission through the mails as second class matter. Office’Phone, - - - Rll Residence ’Phone, - - H22 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. Has S(*aker Rouse refused to accept that little S3 per day over and above his regular constitutional salarv as a member of the lower house? If not, does he as an employe report to a com mittee room when on duty and dock himself so much per when not warm ing the padded cushion of the official chair ? A bill has been introduced in the Se braska lower house abolishing the hco che cooche dance. It took four brave members combined to introduce the measure “by request” of various woman clubs. The first thing you know, a bill will be forthcoming preventing by stat ute the horrid male from kissing other m^n's wives. Are the social fuuctiuns of men to be wholly abridged? Judge Wall was home from Lincoln over last Sunday. The judge is still one of the leading members of the up per house, its is always the case, aud he may be depended upon to look out m the very best manner for the interests of his constituents and the people at large. The only kick we have coming is the fact that the reports accredit him to Buffalo instead of Sherman county, and we are going down to Lincoln in a short time to kill or cure the reporters of the bad habit. WS.. =3 Some special interest was caused in the lower house of the legislature last week over a bill by Representative A. V. Cunningham of Hamilton prohibit 'ng the playing of foot ball in Nebras ka. Ridicule was the chief weapon used against it, but the bill came near passing, being defeated by only a verv ew votes. The result was hailed by a how! of delight from a gallery filled with long-haired State University students, who use more muscle than brains in their university course. Tallv one for A. V. Cunningham in his effort to d • away with the brutal, dangerous ame. The severest weather of the present winter occmred last Saturday night, •hib* the coldest was on Sunday night. Saturday a blinding snow storm came from the south, the wind later changing to the north, blowing a fierce gale al! night, the government, thermometer registering 20 below. Sunday and Sun day night was still and intensely cold, [the government bulb going to 32 be [ low, registering three degrees below the preceding coldest period which was 29 degrees to the bud. The B. & M. aban doned its trains wholly on this branch Saturday and Monday, while the U. P. managed to flounder through Saturday after a fashion but gave up Monday un able to find truckage below the drifted snow, and raorever managing M^nd.-y morning to knock the trucks from ud der one car and wreck the platform of a passenger coach while bucking snow. It was not until yesterday that trains began running with any regularity The divorce problem innoeulated the Htate senate this session, but when it reached the proper committ'-e it struck an obstruction it could not overcome, and faded aw»y. When men and wo men become angels of perfection, when love is the great heart and center of all connuoial relationship, when men and women cherish each other and are faith ful to their vows, when brutality and churlishness and hellishne«s in man, and wantonness. extravagance and evil traits in woman are swallowed up in the purity and sanctity of home mak ing, there will be no need of divorce laws; but so long as the contr - ry *,xists, no matter how stringent the laws, how hedged in the marriage con tracts, unmated people will escape their hideous, sickening environments and get into freedom desired no mat ter what the cost. Marriage without love, to woman particularly, is legal restitution, the worst form of penal servitude, a slavish condition from which every fibre of her being revolts. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. In the District Court in aid tor Sherman Coun» ty, Nebraska: Jonas Hedges, Plaintiff. vs. Mary C. Taylor. — — Taylor, her husband. | first and true name I unknown. | Defendants. | The above named defendants will take notice that on the 3rd day of February. 1905, Jonas Hedges, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the District Court of Sherman county, Ne braska. against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are, to repose, qniet and confirm the title to the Northwest Quarter <nw*) of Section Four (4) in Township Four teen (14) North, Range Fourteen (14) West of the fith P. M. in the plaint iff against the claims of the said defendants and against the claims or any person or persons hereafter to elalm any right, title or interest, either legal or equi table, by. through or under said defendants, which may now be vested In said defendants by virtue of the apparent failure of the sa;d Mary C. Tavlor to acknowledge before an offi cer duly authorized thereto, her certain deed to Elisha Taylor, dated January 13th. U<s4. andjwhich is recorded in book No. 3. at page 332. of tbe deed records of Sherman connty. Nebraska, or by virtue of the failure of the safd deed records of said county to show that said deed recorded in said book at said page was not acknowledged by the grantor before a Notary Public in accordance with the laws of this state and that said defendants and all persons hereafter to claim by. through or under them any interest in said premises ad verse to thin plaintiff be forever barred, cut off and estopped from ever having or claiming too have any right, title, interest or estate, legal or equitable, in said premises by virtue of said defective record of said deed In the office of the County Clerk, tod for nuch other, further and different relief as this honorable court may deem just and equitable. You are requlreq to answer said petition on •r before tbe 27th day of March. 1905. Dated thin ISth day of February, 1905 Jonas Lcdgm. Plaintiff. By Ron P. Starr and H. M. Math aw, Attorneys for Plaintiff, last pub. Mar. 9. LOW RATES Via UNION PACIFIC. Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition Portland. Ore., lune 1 to Oct. 15.1906, For this the following rates have been made, going and returning direct to Portland, Taeorna. Seattle. Bellingham Victoria and Vancouver and return— 5*46.45. Dates of sale: Mav 23-25: June 13-15,27-29; July 6-6, 11-14,25-27; Aug 15-17, 29-31; Sent. 12-ls, 26-28. Final return limit 90 days from date of sale; but not later than Nov 30. This date is made to cover various meetings on the J coast Tickets will admit of stopovers west of Denver and Chevenne, both go ing and returning._ Burlington February Bulletin. Cheap one way rates to California, Puget Sound and Northwest country,; Mnr 1 to May 15. Very cheap round trip rates to south and Southwest, Feb. 21, Mar 7,21; also cheap one way rates to same country on same dates. Also low horaeseekers* i excursion rates, same dates, to eastern Colorado, Big Horn Basin and Nonh Platte valley, where there is an excel lent chance of getting in on the ground door ahead of the crowd and pick up a ! bargain in irrigated lands. Cheap rates east to Washington D. C. for the inauguration. Send for print ed matter and write for information. Describe your trip and let me advis vou the least cost L. W. V>akeley. G P. A.. Omaha. Neb. mar2 BRIDGE NOTICE. Sealed bids, with plans and specifica tions will be received at the office of the county clerk of Sherman County. Nebraska, at Loup City, in said county, on or before no<»n ot the s- venth day of March 1905, for the building of* all the bridges tliar may be required to be con-1 structed by paid county during the term if one vear from the letting of the con- j tract; for the construction of said bridges, such bids to be by the lineal foot and contract to be let for tbe build ing of such bridges as may be required j at a specified sura per lineal foot: plans specifications and bids to be in -de on wood bridges, on low water bridges and , on high water bridge*- Plans for low water bridges to be prepared to suit j quick and heavy currents, to be 16 to 24 feet long, and the high water bridges to be spans 24 to 40 feet long, • ith suit able approaches. All bridges to be set on good long oak piling and span Cip hers to t>e full length of span Bids also to be filed for replacing spans in Loup river bridges in said county, that mav require replacing during tbe term or oney**ar Th** county loard reserves he right to reject any or all bids. Dale i at Loup City. Nebraska, Jan-! uary 31st. 1905. Geo. H. Gibson. fsEAL.J County Clerk. _Lastjiuh. Feb. 23. ijfirai police. In the District Court in and for Gher man County. Nebraska To Non-Resident Defendants: To Carrie P. Brownlee,' flowed N. Brownlee, Charles M. Brownlee, Junior, Phillip P. BrownleejSchuvler P. Brownlee, Charles M Brownlee as guard ian of said Howell N. Brownlee,Charles M. Brownlee, Junior, Phillip P. Brownlee, Schuyler P. Brownlee, minors under the age of 21 years andCharles M. Brownlee. 1 ou wui take notice that on the 3lst day of Jannary, A. I). 1905, Carrie P. j Brownlee, as administratrix, with the will annexed, of the estate of Thomas j J. Howell, deceased, filed her petition in the District Court of Sherman coun ty. Nebraska, against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to confirm the follow ing stated sales of real estate situated in Sherman county, Nebraska, upon which the said last will and testament of the said Thomas J. Howell, deceased, operates, which were made and entered into in writing by Matilda C. Howell, the duly qualified, appointed and acting executrix of said estate, who has since departed this life, and the plaintiff here in is her dulv appointed, qualified and acting successor, as the administratrix of the estate of Thomas J. Howell, de ceased, with the win annexed: First: The sale of the undivided one half (H) interest in section thirty one (31) in township fourteen (14) north, range fourteen (14) west of the 6th F. M.. to L.inu* V. Graves *nd Charles W. Kibler, for the sum of Three Thous One Hundred Dodars (£3100.00.) Second: The sale of the undivided one half (%) interest m the northeast quarter (ne^) of section thirty-three (33) in township fourteen (14) north, ranae fourteen (14) west of the 6th P. M to Samuel C. Fletcher, for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (£500.00.) Third: The »ale of the northwest quarter ‘(nw^) of section thirty-two (32) in township fourteen (14) north, range fourteen (14) w est of the 6th P. M to H-nrv A. Wilkinson, for the *um : of Seven Hundred Dollars (£700.00 ) Fourih: Tee sale of the southeast quarter (sejf) of s-ction thirty-two (32) in township fourteen (14) north, range fourteen (14) west of the 6th P. M. to Samuel C Fletcher, for the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars (£90000 ) Fifth: The sale of th- southwest quarter (swt£) of se-i<*n thirry-two (32) >n township fourteen (14) north, range fourteen (14) west of tne 6th P. O. to Samuel C. FI tcher, for the sum of One Thousand Dollars (£1000.00.) Plaintiff prays for a confirmation o' fhe several sales of the above described real e-tate, and that «he pi intiff, as ad ministratrix, «ith the will annexed, of the esta’e of Thomas J Howell, de ceased. Is* empowered and directed to execute and deliver to the respective purchasers «*f said respective parcels of land deeds of conveyance thereto in pnrsugnee of the terms of said written contracts, and in the fulfillment Of the same, so made by her predecessor, and for such other, fnrther different and general relief as may be awarded at the discretion of said court You are required to appear and an swer said petition on or liefore the 13th day of March. A D 1905, or the allega tions of said petition will be taken as true and judgment entered accord ingly. Dated tbis 31st day of Jannarv, 1905. Robert P Stavb. Attorney for the Plaintiff. Last Dub. Feb. S3 Regular Price. Cut Price. Duck Coats.*2.50 #2.00 Duck Coats. 2.00 1.65 Duck Coats. 1.75 1 40 Duck 'Coats. 1.50 Work Shirts.. ..7o Work Shirts.60 Dress Sbirts.75 Dress Shirts.60 Fasciuators.85 Fascinators.60 1.15 .55 .45 .55 .45 .60 .45 -:0: •Watch this adv. for Bafgaips. -;o: Good Goods at Right Prices •Whoever fleajd of Jdafdware ip a flafpess Shop? , o-o-o It is nothing uncommon to see harness in a hardware store but to see hardware in a harness shop is something new. However, we wish to say to the people of Loup City and vi cinity that we have added a full and complete line of Shelf Hardware, including Tinware. Graniteware, also a new line of Turquois ware and Cutlery, which we would be glad to have you call and examine, when in need of anything in that line. We are also increasing our Harness st *ck, so we can accom modate the public in anything in the Harness line. We are also putting in the finest line of Saddles ever shown in Loup City. Our line of Blankets and Robes are complete, which we are offering at a 10 per cent discount in order to close them' out. We will also give some very low prices on what Bug gies we have left, in order to close them out before getting in our spring shipment. Call and examine our stock, whether in need of anything or not, then when you do want-to buy you will know where you can get the best goods for the least money. Soliciting a share of your patronge, we are Yours for Business, DRAPER BROS. A. P. CCLLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. FIRST .Mill BANK of Loup GjT-y. » General Banking Busies Transacted. PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000.00. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, Mew York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. Gall on ttLe Loup City, Nebraska, Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Storm Sash. AND Give me a trial on your draying and transfer business, and I will guarantee satisfaction. S. N. CRISS, Propr. P. Hoogenboezem : Painter nil Faperhanger CONTRACTOR. Loup City, - Neb. Sign Work and Graining a 9pe | cialty. Wall Paper and .Mouldings. Edarar Draper, Specializing in Portraiture. -s Loup City, Nebraska. A section of Sherman county wild land, ail good soil, three miles from a shipping station. Price, $5,500. Ask W. R. MELLOR. im\\ 8 DM MID mu BOUGHT AT THE B. & M. Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale al Loud City ait Asttoi. Will Boy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING A„\D FARWELL -all aDd see our coal and get prices on gram. E. G- TAYLOR. John Solmes ^DEALER F*V HARDWARE Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. Loup City, Nebfaska W .T. CHASE -THE— Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Drugs, Paipts, Oils, . CIGARS, TOBACCOS, ETC. jB LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA^Ii •*^J. I. DEPEYVS?3* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker;; t k.J!?y •bo° largest and best equipped north of the Plntte River ® a four hor§« engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma I'jr.;? s"p."T ■ ^ “°w »“■»™“ •• — MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS