The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 09, 1905, Image 8

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    - I
If you are going to do any lencing this spring, remember I handle
the Grand Island Field Fencing with barbed wire at top and bottom, j
which keeps your stock from creeping under or crawling over.
Respectfully, yours, P. O. REED.
. .. i
THURSDAY, FEBY. 9, 1905.
Iiooal Dews.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.$2.50@*4.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. . 4.25
Corn, berbu. *32
W hes»L per bu.85<® .92
Oats, per bu.21 @ .23
Phone the news.
Phone the news to us.
See D. C. Grow for Best Flour.
Dr. Long took a trip to Omaha, Mon
Sheridan lump and nut coal for sale
at Taylor’s Elevator.
Mrs. O. C Biemond is suffering from
an attack of erysipelas.
Northern Milling Co.’8 mill stuffs on
sale by D. C. Grow. Try them.
Lawyer R P Starr moved into his
new office in the bank block, Monday.
Acre lots for sale in Ashton and Loup
City. For particulars see Aug. Jaeschka
Mrs. T. M. Reed who has been quit*
ill for several weeks, is much better.
W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu
neral Director. Ready day or night.
Francis, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. P; Simpsou, was quite sick the
past week.
Aztec lump, Nigger Head lump, also
nut coal always on hand at the Taylor
W. R. Jacuson’s son who was hint by
a h rse falling upon hi.u, is able to be
around on crutches.
JohnO. Dougla* has rented the Ed
Angier farm for the coming year and
moved on the place last Moudav.
Place your orders for stnrua sash early
and avoid the deuy in the busy sea
son. Leininger Lumber Co.
E. S Iliyhurst and P. O. Reed were
U. P. paasengers tor Omaha Monday to
attend the hardware dealer*’convention
For Sale .—Eight pedigreed Shorthorn
ball calves and one 4-year-cld legis
tered Shorthorn bull.
Truelsen & Johansen,
47 Half mile east of Loup City.
Dr*. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois,
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
L. Zink shipped hogs to Omaha, Tues
Lawrence Lotholm is a new clerk in
Choice Buckwheat Flour for sale by
D. S. Grow.
L Banks Hale was a la grippe sufferer
thep«st week.
See T M. Heed for idf.dfi seed for
spring sowing.
Dr Norton’s baby was reported quite
sick last w eek
If in need of a stiel range or cook
stove, see P. O. Reed.
Ashley Conger had a phone placed in
his residence Monday.
Din Muliek went to Omaha,Tuesday,
to consult an oculist about hi* eyes
Every housekeeper wants best flour
in the market. D. C. Grow keeps it
Henry J»ns and wife are rejoicing
over a baby boy, w ho arrived last Mon
While Mr C. T. McKinnie was hand
ling tneir house cat, » few days since,
the feline viciously attacked him, biting
and bad y lacerating two of the fingers
on his left hand before he cou d choke
it off He has a badly injured hand.
We have for sale near Sterling, Ills.,
187 acres. 12'» acres and 80 acre tracts.
We also have another tr»ct of about
2')00 acres uf bottom land and upland in
Mercer county. Ills F<*r particulars,
c-11 on Gunnerson & Zimmerman 8
Toe official paper of the Loyal Mystic
L gion this week comes to us with i>s
frontispiece adorned with a fine picture
of Oliv r Dubry and family, whom they
ant pleased to designate as the most
successful deputy of that order in the
As will be noticed, Johnson, Lorentz
& < o; are offering some rare bargains
in their big ad. on the local page Gus.
Lorentz lias some immense bargains in
the overcoat line, and it will pay you
well to invest in one now for next
Among the nick this week we not*" R.
J. Nightingale, Geo. Leininger, suffer
ing a relapse, W D. Hoover and wife,
S. S. Hoover and wife, Ed Draper, son
of E. A. Dreper, Sheriff Williams, Mrs,
J. T. Hale, Lee Adamson, Vance Hoi
| comb, Mrs. C. C Cooper and M II
We return th inks to the following
named friends who have added their
names to our list or have renewed their
subscriptions since last report: W R.
Mellor. for himself and Maria C.Pyke,
of Omaha. J. B. Draper, W. Zimmer
man, R. H. Ililf of Los Angeles. W. C.
Wharton. Jake Alber«, Ray McFadd^n.
Geo. H. Gibson. McKinnie Bros,. Capt.
Winkleman and A. L. Baillie.
The young son of A. P. DeLyster died
last Sund y afternoon of indamniation
of the liow’els. What makes the matter
more distressing, is the fact that the!
father is absent on a visit to Holland,
and knows nothing of the illness and
death of his son. He is expected home
any day and an attempt will be made ;
to keep the remains at least a w eek, in
the hope that he may return in the j
Mrs. Clint Outhou e is s liously ill.
Lawyer Sterr has h ul » phone pla< ed
in Ms new office.
Mi s Johanna Ohm.m ret urn i d home
f on Oia ia Tuesd iv.
C unty Clerk Gibson w< ntto Lincoln
on a bu i ess tri - Tun. day.
Unity club me ts with Mrs. It. L
Arthur t> morrow dternoon
A new invoice of guns an 1 mmuni
j tion just received at P. (). Reed’s.
| E, VV. and Louie Perkins of Plan ,
I III., are guests of Siewart Conger.
Ce» You tla ■!, west of town, is
convalescing from a serious illness.
I Troy H le shipped several car loads
of mules to St Louis, last Saturday.
For Sale.—Team, harness and wagon
on time. See J. \V. or A. T Conger.
Dr. Starr of Tulsa, I.T., arrived Tuei
day on a visit to his brother, It. P. Starr,
i Geo, Rowe of Lees Park was vsiting
at the home of Albert Johnson la. t
Claude True of Lees P rk was visit
ing h s aunt. M.s O. Bensehoter, last
Mrs. B. M. Gastcyer went to Chicago
Wednpsdav. vu U. P . on a goods buy
ing «xpedition.
Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Bland, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glass* s.
The Meister*ingers appeared to please
the audience verv well, but we have o
cal tiilent that is far better
Lincoln’s birthday will be celebrated
at the Methodist church Sunday next.
Sdijec’s: “The problem ot the South;’
evening, “Abraham Lincoln.”
Victor Johnson, the T ilor. is doing
lots of work these days. His new pat
terns for suits are the nobbiest thing
out. You should see them.
Peter Ogle, living at An tin. last Fri
day had hi* foot caught in the h rse
power of acorn shelBr severely w rench
ing that member, but not suflt ring -ny
dislocation. I)r. Long attended flie
sufferer, and no serious trouble will r*
The Nebraska Farmer of Jan rOth.
published in full as its principal article,
the inaugural address of President w.
R Mellor of the State Agricu1 rural So
ciety. The address is welt worth read
ing, and we * nlv regret ihe lack of
space w hicu prevents out reproducing
it in full.
Bring in tour Ip rses, cattle, hogs,
machinery, household goods, diamonds,
gold or silver I will s 11 them for you
every Saturday at 2 p. m., as long as
you bring in the articles to sell
Jacob Albebs,
The oldest gray beard auctionee in the
Balsora Items
The Balsora ('lass of 1905 will cive a
box social and entertainme t at tiie
school house Feb 10, 1905. to raise
money for the expenses oi gradu ting.
The boxes will be s lid for fifty cents.
Married at the home of P. C Parks
inW .shington township on Feb. 1.1905.
at 11 oclock a. m Fr eman.N. Chap
man and Miss Della Swavze, both of
Washington township, Justice of the
Peace Henning claussen officiating We
wish the young and happy couple along
and prosperous journey through life.
Miss Rhoda whitman is making an
extended visit at her home.
K. of P. Entertainment.
One of he ii' e-d ent rtain u-nts it
has ever be n our go i fortnn to at-*
tend was given b> the Kn ghts of l’yth
i is of this e ty .it the opera house last
Thursday even ug. The opera house
was comfortably tilled hy Sir Knights,
their 'adie.s an 1 invited guests, and was
a veritable song ef pleasure from first
to la t Elaborate prepar tions had
been made hy this grand order for a
feast, for a lion of wit 1 d oratory, of
music and of the dia na, all of which
excel ded the h gh ex lectati Ii- ol all
At 6:30 in the evening, the beauty mid
chivalry of Loup City began to arrive
en masse and soon the hah wa< a scene
of social activity. Tables, groaning un
der their gr< at loads of the ch -icest eui
bles, fruits and dainties of all kinds, jr -
pared by ihe delt fingers and loving
hearts ot the wives, daughters and irts of the gall .nt Sir Knights,
nearly tide I the spacious hall, capo h
of seating o. e hundred and forty at the
banqueting I oar I, wereoceupied nearly
the second time, to which all did ample
justice. At tiie cl<s* of the oanque.
came a flow of wit and oratory, contin
ually punctured with applause by the
delighted guests, that past master in
[ tlie art, lion. K J. N ightinga.e, acting
i as toastmaster, and t<» say be did well
| is putting it t mely—the difficult place
c-in id not have t* e> in more cotnp tent
! hands Hon. H. M Mathew gave the
1 welcome address, for which he was pre
eminently well fitted and was at his
very best, his s -Hies of wit and humor
provoking continual apulau e. It was
a source of regr.-l that Judge Wail,who
had the | rinc pal toast < f the evening,
“the Ueautiesol Knighthood,” was un
able to be present, and was the only
source of regret for the evening the
otner toasts were, however, given in
such a happy vein as to make up great
ly for the loss. W. K. Metlor left his
hearers in doubt as to what he knew
about some ">ecr*t8.” Robt. iJ. Starr
delved into “The Romantic,” with the
! confidt nee of an expert on that deli
cious. dreamy experience, wmle John
\V Long gave *‘Th Ladies’ some of
the pulsa ions of hissusceptib e heart—
yeais ago, v hen it was young and ten
der. Following the banqueting and
toasts, and while preparations were be
ing made for llie comedv to r>e present
ed later, Mr. Ii. i\ VlcKinnie, whom we
s<-me time since mentioned as having
been in operatic work in the past, fa
vored the audience with several m* st
excellent baritone solos, being accom
panied by Mrs. Starr in pan and at oth
er times plajing his own accompani
ment, ti-e anplause following • ach song
only stilled when he consented to favor
witti another solo. Asa musician, Mr.
McKinnie is ,<n artist par excellence.
Following came a most laughable little
comedy, full of perplexing situations,
characterized by Mesdaine* R. P. Starr
and VV. lVdler, Miss Cora Leiningerand
the Messrs. Lawrence Smith and Stew
art Conger, each of whom did their
work as to the manor born, and kept up
the ripple of amusement throughout.
All in all the Sir Knights, their ladies
and alt who participated in getting m>
and carrying forward the entertain
ment are to be heartily congratulated
on its unqualified success.
It’s cloaks this week!
Do you need one?
A fur free of charge
Reg. Price. Cut Price. |
Ladies’ Long Coat, size 36, brown mixture.... .$12.oo $ 8.5o
Ladies’ Long Coat, size 34, brown mixture. 13.5o lo .00
Ladies’ Long Coat, size 34. brown broadcloath_ .... 15.oo 12.oo
Ladies’ Long Coat, size 32, satin lined cheviot... .$18.00 $14.50
Ladies Long Coat, size 38, black montenac. . 18 .oo 14.50
Ladies’ Long Cloak, size 32, fancy grey mix_ . 17.oo 13.50
Keg. P nee. Cut Price, a
Ladies Loner Coat, size 36, Oil**#* 010 Cm
black zibelinc, - 0 I 1.00 OlJ.DO
Ladies Short Coat, size 32, Q nn C Cn
brown mixture, UiUU D,UU
Ladies Short Coat, size 34, 7 Ra
broadcloth, UiUU 1130
Ladies Short Coat, size 36, #) 0 Cn
black broadcloth, Z«UU 0*30
Ladies Short Coat, size 38, 0 «n fl Cn
black broadcloth, - - - ZaUU Ua3U
Lakies Short Coat, size40, I 0 nfl Q C|)
black montcnac, - - IZ.UU 0a3U
In addition to the above, we have a pretty fair assortment of Children’s Coats
on which we are making corresponding reductions, in this way: With every child’s
coat at a price of $6 or more we will give you
Your Choice of Our Children’s Furs Free of Charge.
As we have only about a dozen of these furs left, it might be well to come early
so as to nave an opportunity to make a wise selection, Yours, sincerely,
. M. Gasteyer,
Auction Sale.
The und *rsigne 1 will sell af public auc
tion on wliat is known as theo'd Norm.
Tlnmps n place, 5 miles southeast of
Loup < itv, Nebr; on sec. 34-15-14, on
t riday. Feb 21, 1905, commencing at 10
a. m., the following property, 20 head of
horses, 45 head of cattle, 45 head of hogs
a cream separator, farm machinery, a
cook stove, and some household goods,
Free lunch *;t noon. Having sold my
farm, I assure the public this is a bona
lide s::le and things will be sold for
wha‘ tit y will bring.
Te ms of Sale:—,\li sums over 810 a
credit of ti n months will be g ven b
purchasergivinx bankable not1 draw
ing 10percent interest Ir m date of
Side. Al: sums under-8to cash without
disco <• t. Five per cent off for cash «u
all sums over §10.
R \V. McCombs. Owner.
J.T lla’e. C W. Fletcher,
Auctioneer. Clerk.
Auction Sale.
The undcisiciied will s-ll at public
auction on the tarm 4 miles north and 2
miles cast of Loup City, and 3>2 miles
north and 3 miles v est of Nchaupp Sul
insr. on Thursday, Feb. 23,1905, ( n c is»
of big storm sale to be postioned to
Feb. 27.) commencing at 10 a. m., n n
head of horses, 49 head of cattle. 2o
head of slioats. dozen chickens, farm
machinery, ten tons of hay. household
goods, etc. Free lunch at noon.
Terms of $ le:—All .urns yvei 810 a
credit, ot ten months will be given by
purchaser giving bankable note draw
ing to per cent l* teiest from date > 1
s;ile. All sums under -810 cash without
discount. Five percent off for cash on
al sums over 8Io.
w m. Stkankman, Owner.
.Jake Albeks. vv. F. Mason,
Auctioneer. Clerk
Sealed bids, with plans and specifica
tions will be received at the office ol
the county clerk of Sherman County
Nehiaska, at Loup City, in said county,
on or before no**n ot the s* venth day ol
March 1905, for the building of all the
bridges tha' mav be required to be con
structed by »-aid county during the term
if one ye r from the letting of the con
tract; for the cons'ruction of said
bridges, such bids to be by the lineal
foot a>>d contract to lie let for the build
ing of such bridges as may be required
at a specified sum p* r lineal foot; plans
specifi-atioi.s and bids to be m de on
wood bridges,on low water bridges and
on high water bridges Rians for low
water bridges to be prepared to suit
quick and heavy currents, to be into 24
feet long, and the high water bridges
to lie spans 24 to 40 feet long. «ith suit
able approaches. AH bridges to be set
<>n good huiguak piling and span tim
1 hers to be full length of span Bids
also to he tiled for replacing spans in
Loup river bridges in said county, that
may r» quire replacing during the rerm
ot oney**ar The county board reserves
'he right to reject any or all bids.
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, Jan
uary 31st. 1905
Geo. H. Gibson,
[ska i. j County Clerk.
Last pub. Feb. 2;?.*
In District Court of Gherman County
Sumner R. Clarke, j
riaintiti. |
vs. ;
Lucy R. Speed, et al, !
Defendants. J
To the Public: On the 20th day of
December, I9i»4. the Hon. B. O Hostet
ler. -Indue of the District «’ourt in and
tor the county of Sherman and state ot
Nebraska, did issue an order directing
th-* undersigned referees to sell the fol
lowing described real estate to-wit:
The east half of section twenty seven
(27). township sixteen (16). range thir
teen (13) west of the 6th I* M. in Sher
man countv. Nebraska, at public sale to
the highest bidder for cash. You will
therefore take notice that on the 28th
day of February, 1905, at the hour of 2
o’clock p. m., we will oflvr the said
lands for sale, at the south door of the
court house in Loup City. in said
county of Sherman.
L A. Williams,
E. G. Taylor,
II. M. Mathew. Attorney.
Last pub.Feb. 23.
Estimate of Expenses
For 1905, as ordered by the County
On Roads. .81,000
On Bridges.4,000
On Books, Blanks, Stationery, etc. 500
On Incidentals. 800
On Election Expenses. 1,000
On County Repair*... 700
On Office Rents and Salaries. 5,000
On Court, including Att’v’s Fees.. 3,000
On Bounties on Wild Animals_ 350
On Illegal Taxes. 300
On Countv Printing. . 400
On Insanity Cases. 700
On It. It. Bo»ds and Bond Interest 3,000
On Funding and Refunding. 1,500
On Bridge Bd, Re-fdg, Bd. skg. fdg 3,500
On Tenchers’ Institute Fund. 25
On Bridge Bnd. Re fdg Bond Int 2.000
Geo. II. Gibson,
County Clerk.
Last pub. Feb. 9th.
Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
Portland.Ore., lime 1 to Oct. 15, 1900.
For this the following rates have been
made, going and returning direct to
Portland, Tacoma. Seattle, Bellingham
Victoria and Vancouver and return—
846 45. Dates of sale: May 28-25; June
13-15,27 29; July 6-8, 11-14,25-27; Aug.
1517, 29-31; Seot. 12-la, 26 28. Fina'
return limit 90 days from date of sale
but not later than Nov 30. This date
i* made to cover various meetings on die
coast Tickets w ill admit ot stopovers
west of Denver and Cheyenne, both go
ing and returning.
Burlington February Bulletin.
Cheap one w ay rates to California,
Puget Sound and Northwest country.
M*r 1 to May 15.
Very cheap round trip rates to South
and Southwest, Feb. 21, Mar 7. 21; a'so
cheap one way rates to same country
on same dates. Also low horaeseekers'
excursion rates, same dates, to easte>n
<’olorado, Big Horn Basin and Nor h
Platte valley, where there is an excel
lent chance of getting in on the ground
fioor ahead of the crowd and pick up a
bargain in irrigated lands.
Cheap rates east, to Washington D. C.
for the inauguration. Send for print
ed matter and write for information.
Deserilie your trip and let me advise
you the least cost L. W. Wakeley. G 1
P. A., Omaha, Neb. noarii t
OVERCOATS, • formerly $16.00, now $12.00
OVERCOATS, - formerly 12.00, now 9.00
OVERCOATS, - formerly 10.00, now 8.00
BOYS’ OYERCOATS, - formerly 6.00, now 4.50
LADIES’ JACKETS, - formerly 8.00. now 4.50
CHILDREN’S COATS - formerly 5.00, now 3.00
COLLARETTES, - formerly 2.75, now 1.00
MUFFS, - - - formerly 2.50 now 1.50
Remember tbe Place,
johnson-lore^tz CO. 1
A Large shipment of
Which we are selling at
A Good Cloth Water Color Shade.cents
A Factory Oil Shade at.. cents
And an assortment of Cottage Window Shades, in Hie hand
made Oil Opaques from.$1 50 up
We have an Iron Bed at. 70
A good CottoD-top Mattress at.$2 75
And a very good Spring at.
Our prices are right and our
goods the best. Patronize the
Furniture Store that carries the
one line and a Complete Stock.
Buggies, Wagons,
Loup City, - Nebraska.