The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 02, 1905, Image 1
VOLUME XXII. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2. IK 05. NUMBER 12 k Professional Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attmaj ud tolcr-it-law LOUR PITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT. P. S rARR Attorney-at-Law. loup crn\ NEBMSKO. •W. //. ,Ui:.ID Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract Books in coant v A. S. MAIN, Physician ?nd Surgeon Office at Telephone Residence <'o:inection LOUP C TY, - - NEBR. J. H. LONG PHYSICIAN uH SURGEON Office Opposite St Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION W. L. MAUCY. LOUP GIT'Y, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Square. GO^GEP’S City Dray aifl Transfer line J. W. & A. T. Coxgbr, Props. All kinds of hauling will l>e given prompt a>tention nnd will aasp r -pe«M»uy of ■loving boBMitoU good. Ice delivered in any part of town. Your pat ronagesolicited. LOUP CITY. - NEBRASKA P. Hoogenboezem Painter aid Paperliaier CONTRACTOR. Loup City, - Neb. Sign Work and Graining a Spe cialty. Wall Paper and Mouldings. Open Day and Night Meals AJJ_ Hours Game, Oysters and Fish in Season. •W.J.|Vlulick, Loup City, Nebr. A. L. GILBERT, Prop. Fine Livery Turnouts IN CONNECTION. Having recently purchased this well known stable and added *o il in many ways, I am bet’er prepared than ever to serve you right. Give Us a Trial THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—$1.00 PER TEAR, ir PAID IS ADVASC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. Office’Phone, - - • Rll Residence ’Phone, - - H22 J. w. BURLEIGH. Kd. and Pnh. Will Speaker House Refuse It! The present legislature seem- to be having strenuous times to keen employes from robbing tt*e state by getting on the pay roll for a few days mo’e than ac'ually put in, and they must report each morning at a designated place in order to get the said day credited to them. Econo my seems to be the watchword with these wise men, and if its a good thing with employes, it must be a good thing for the solons themselves. In fact The Northwestern is im i pelled to assist in this matter of saving to the state by suggesting where a ittle leakage of #360 can be saved to the treasury. The con s itutiou provides that members of the legislature shall receive naught but per diem and mileage, and yet j at each session a member of each house is elected to preside over that august body for which they draw from the treasury $3 per day, or f 180 each. Father Rouse, as new ly elected sp- 'ker of the house, bas made economy his watchword. Will he show his faith bv his works, and practice the economy he preaches by refusing the f 180? We have faith to believe he will. Best Town and Comity in State (' C Sheldon went to Loup City to day near which place he will i^k after his fa; ms. The Sheldons own over four thousand acres of 1 nd in Sherman county, which lies in four separate i ranches, and they have great faith in the increase of value of their property. In the past eiglreen months land has double 1 in value, carpenters are rushed with orders beyond what they can accomplish, and building brick is almost at a premium. Over two miles of brick walks have been laid in Loup City this summer and a number of brick build ings have been erected. There are a number of Platte county men interest ed m lands in Sherman county, among them the Sheldons. Becher. Hoeken berger& Chambers. J F. Belford. M. Savage, Albert and Fred Stenger and H. B. Musser. Clarence Sheldon will be in Sterna m county this week over seeing the building of houses on one of his ranches.—Columbus Daily Journal Auction Sale. l'h- undersigned will sell at public auction on the old Foster Reynold’s farm on section 4. in Webster township, two miles north and three miles west of Loup City, on Monday, Feb. 13, com mencing at 10 a. m , three head of colts, tinny head of cattle, twenty-seven head of hogs, a larg** 1* t of farm machi nery, 100 bu-hels of seed oats, house hold goods, etc. Free lunch at noon Terms of sale.—All suras over $10 a credit of 10 months «ill be given by pur chaser giving bankable note drawing 10 per cent interest. All sums of $10 and under cash, without discount. Five per cent off for cash on all sums over $10 CARL DIETZ, Owner. J. T. Hale, \V. F. Mason, Auction* er. Clerk, i -- Auction Sale. On farm one-half mile North of Schaupp Siding. 6 miles East of Loup City, on Thursday, February 9th, »1905, at 10 o’clock a. m. 5 head of horses. 22 head of cattle, 24 shoats ■ weighing from 75 to 125 pounds each, j 15 tons of hay, cream separator, and | farm machinery. Free lunch at noon Terms of sale:—All sums of $10 ' and under cash: on sums over $10 ten 1 months time will be given, purchaser giving bankable note drawing 10 per cent interest from date of sale: five per cent off for cash on sums over $10 Catherine I’lumbeck, Owner. Jacob Albers, Auctioneer. J. S. Pedler, Clerk. Auction Sale. j On farm 8 miles Northeast of Loup J City, 3 and one-half miles North of Schaupp Siding, on Tuesday, February 7, 19i»5. at ten o’clock a. m. 13 head of horses. 72 head of cattle, 30 shoats weighing from 75 to 125 pounds each, 25 tons of hay, cream separator and full line of farm machinery. Free lunch at noon. Terms of Sale:—All sums of $10.00 and under cash; on sums over $10 ten months time will be given purchaser giving bankable note drawing 10 per cent interest from date of sale; five per cent off for cash on sums over $1C J uebgen Jens a Sons Owners. Jacob Albers, Auctioneer. J. S. Pkdlkk. Clerk. Keep History Perpendicular. Belerring *o the article in our last is su . enti led "Keep History Per e i ii - J ular," vrc are led t > believe there may j I have been inace rac es in s.ld article j whether through misunderstanding or misleading information we are unable to say. Th‘- article in question was called forth l>y one in the Times Inde pendent of the preceding week on the | same subject, which appeared some what prejudicial ou the one side, hence we sought out the leanings the other w ay. While chat.i g in the office of H. M. Mathew, the other day. the mat-' | ter coining up, that gentleman showed us documentary evidence differing quite ■ materially fr m some of the statements we made, and in ord*-r to “keep history j perpendicular^ so far as our under standing goes, and with a steadfast pur pose to t'eat all persons and ail matters fairly, we give lat r statements. In our article we stated the Burlington railroad stared a case in the Federal Court to enjoin the collection of ihe in terest on the irrigation bonds. The incuru iu w tv, it srruis, iiiBieau, starred against Loup City township by the National Life Insurance company, of Montpelier, Vermont, to coll* ct the unount due on certain bonds which had b-en issued by the township for the purpose ot constructing an irrigation ditch, nd that the railroad was not a party, according to the papers in the case, shown us b\ Mr. Mathew, includ ing the contr ct under the seal of Loup t ity township, dated April 15. 1001. em ploying attorneys to defend the action, which was signed by Geo. W. Hunttr, i township clerk. We had no desire to do anv injustice to Mr. Mathew, who has always treated us in a friendly and I gentlemanly manner We simply <e sired, after seeing the article in the Times Independent, to get at the facts in the case, and solicit -d from the other : side of the case statements and w.dch we gave as recorded last week Here after, when controversies anse.andwe go atter the facts, we shall give our au thority, as we have herein. We tnve for sa’e near >terling. Ills., 187 acres. 120 acres and 80 acre tracts. We also h ive another tr*ct of about 2500 acres of bottom 1 nd and upland in Mercer county, Ills. For uarticul r , | call on Gunners< n & Zimme man. 8 j .- ^.. = Lesal Notice. In the District Court in and for i-her man County, Nebraska* To Non-Resident Defendants: To Carrie P. Brownlee, Howeil N. Brownlee, Charles M. Brownlee, Junior. Phillip P. j Brownlee.8chuyler P. Brownlee, Charles M. Brownlee as guard ian of said Howell N. Brownlee,Charles M. i Brownlee. Junior, Phillip P. Brownlee, Schuyler P. Brownlee, | minors under the age of 21 years andCliarles M. Brownlee. j i ou w'ii iaKe nouce umi on me <hsi day of January, A. D. 1905, Carrie P. Brownlee, as administratrix, with the will annexed, of the estate of Thomas J. Howell, deceased, tiled her petition in tne District Court of Sherman coun tv. Nebraska, against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to confirm the follow ing stated sales of real estate situated in Shemran county, Nebraska, upon which the said last will ami testament of the said Thomas J. Howell, deceased, operates, which were made and entered into in writing by Matilda C. Howell, the duly qualified, appointed and acting executrix of said esute, who has since departed this life, and the plaintiff here in is her dulv appointed, qualified and acting successor, as the administratrix j of the estate of Thomas J. Howell, de ceased, with the win annexed: First: The sale of the undivided one h*lf (^) interest in section thirtv-one (31) in township fourteen (14) north, range fourteen )14) west of the 6th T. M.. to Linm V. Graves and Charles W. Kibler, for th** sum of Three Thous One Hundred Do lars (-53100.00.) Second: The sale of the undivided one half (xai interest in the northeast quarter (ne^4) of section thirty-three; (33) in township fourteen (14) norrh, range fourteen (14) west of the 6th P. j M to Samuel C. Fletcher, for the sum 1 of Five Hundred Dollars (#500.00.) Third: The sale of the northwest: quarter (nw)4) of section thirty-two! (32) in township fourteen (14) north, range fourteen (14) west of ihe 6th P. j M to n-nrv A. Wilkinson, for the rum of Seven Hundred Dollars (5700.00 ) Fourth: Tne sale of the southeast quarter (se^) of section thirty-t»o (32) in rowmship fourteen (14) north, rang** fourteen (14) west ot the 6th P. M. to Samuel C Fletcher, for the sum of j Nine Hundred Dollars (5900 00 ) F fth: The sale of th~ southwest I quarter (sw1^) of se-‘ion thir v-two (32) in township fourteen (14) north, range fourteen (14) west of the 6th P. vi . to Samuel C. FI-teller, for the sum of One Thousand Doll *rs ($1000.00.) Plaintiff prays for a confirmation of ih*- several sales of the above described r-al e-tate, and that ihepl intiff. as ad ministratrix, «ith the will *nn**xed.of the estate (Of Thomas J. Howell, de ceased. la* empowered and directed to execute and deliver to the respective purchasers <>f said respective parcels of land deeds of conveyance thereto in pnrsnance of the terms of said written contracts, and in the fulfillment of the same, so made by her predecessor, and for such other, further different and general relief as may be awarded at the discretion of s»id court You are required to appear and an swersaid petition on or before the 13th day of March, A D 1906, or the allega tions of said petition will be taken as true and judgment entered accord inglv. 9 Dated this 3lsr dav of Jannarv, 1905. , Robert P. Stark. Attorney for the Plaint®. Cast pub. Feb. 23. :o: Regular Price. Cut Price. Duck Coats.*2.50 $2.00 Duck Coats. 2.00 1.65 Duck Coats. 1.75 140 Duck Coats. 1.50 Work Shirts.70 Work Shirts.60 Dress Shirts.75 Dress Shirts.60 Fascinators.85 Fascinators.60 1.15 . 55 .45 .55 .45 .60 .45 -:0: •Watch this adv. for Bargaips. -:0: Good Goods at Right Prices Whoever fleajd of flafdwafe ip a flaniess Shop? o-o-o It is nothing uncommon to see harness in a hardware store but to see hardware in a harness shop is something new. However, we wish to say to the people of Loup City and vi cinity that we have added a full and complete line of Shelf Hardware, including Tinware, Graniteware, also a new line of Turquois ware and Cutlery, which we would be glad to have you call and examine, when in need of anything in that line. We are also increasing our Harness stock, so we can accom modate the public in anything in the Harness line. We are also putting in the finest line of Saddles ever shown in Loup City. Our line of Blankets and Robes are complete, which we are offering at a 10 per cent discount in order to close them out. We will also give s»>me very low prices on what Bug gies we have left, in order to close them out before getting in our spring shipment. Call and examine our stock, whether in need of anything or not, then when you do want to buy you will know where you can get the best goods for the least money. Soliciting a share of your patronge, we are Yours for Business, Dp,APEP BPOS. A. P. CUI.LEY, President. W. F MASON, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOUP eif-y. General Banking Business Transacted. PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK, §25,000.00. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. Loup City, Nebraska, —for— LUMBER Of ali kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Storm Sash. Give me a trial on your draying and transfer business, and I will guarantee satisfaction. S. N. CRISS, Propr. LTe-w Oit-y IDra,y Line Chris. Johansen, Prop. Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed to All. Yoar Patronage Solicited. Reed FOR jBuggies, Wagons, | f arm implements, wind mills AND WELL WORK, Loup City, - Nebraska. A section of Sherman county wild land, all good soil, three miles from a shipping station. Price, $5,500. Ask W. R. MELLOR. mm I MIL MID MS BOUGHT AT THE B. & M. Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asbtoo. Will Bay HOPS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR. John Solmes ^DEALER IN» HARDWARE FUR1TITT7RE Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammaoition. Carry a fall line of guaranteed Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. Loup City, - Nebraska W .T. CHASE —THE— Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Drugs, Paipts, Oils, CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA i j. r si** « I. DEPEWS6* Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker! My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Plntte Hirer I bare a four bora** engine and a complete lias of the latest improved, ma cbinery. also a force ot experienced men who know bow to operate it and torn ont a job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CD3T0MERS.