The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 12, 1905, Image 8

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    I will be pleased
To have yon call, if wanting anything in Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, Fencing, etc.
Yours, P. O. REED.
THURSDAY, JANY. 12, 1905.
lioaal Daws.
Don’t forget Cording’s sale.
17 below Wednesday night.
See D. C. Grow for Best Flour.
Roy Slayter is on the sick list.
Heating arid Cook Sto * es at P. O.
Our city schools commenced again
Choice Buckwheat Flour f >r sale by
D. S. Grow.
Mrs K. Plumbeck has been very sick
the past week.
Sheridan Jump and nut coal for sale
at Taylor’s Elevator.
Mrs John Cowling of Cleora is re
pjrted seriou-ly ill.
Copper. Galvanized or Tin Wash
Boilers at P, O. Reed’s.
Albert Johnson made a business
trip to Arcadia last Friday.
OverCDat* at any price at Johnson
Lorentz Co’s. They are dandies.
F.very housekeeper wants best flour
in the m irket. D. C. Grow keeps it.
Acre lots for sale in Ashton and Loup
City. For particulars see Aug. Jaeschka
J. W. Snyder of Kearney was here
last week visiting his uncle, B.T Snyde
W. D. Hover, Kmbalmer and Fu
neral Director. Ready day or night.
Do you read The Northwestern?
If not, why not? Less than 2c per week
Miss Clara Po!ski <f Ashton visited
her many little frieuds in this city last
SimCriss gives notice that he will haul
coal from and after this date at 23 cents
per ton.
C. E. Wilson of Rockville gave us a
pleasant call last Saturday while here
oa business.
Aztec lump, Nigger Head lump, also
nut coal always on hand at the Taylor
Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.,
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
Place your orders forstorm sash early
and avoid the deiay in the busy sea
son. Leiningek Lumber Co.
John Nordstrom is a new cash reader
of this paper, through the courtesy of
our good friend, Henning Claussen.
For Sale.—Poland China pigs. Call
on or address Thos. Burton, six miles
southwest of Loup City, on Cob Creek
Phone the news.
Phone the news to us.
Overcoats 82.50 to #35. See Lorentz
Will Mulick returned home Thursday
Guarantee and O. K. Wash Machines
at P. O. Reed’s.
Mrs. A. B. Outhouse was a grippe suf
ferer last week.
Elloitt Antirust Tinware, guaranteed
not to rust, at P. O. Reed’s.
Northern Milling Co.’s mill stuffs on
sale by D. C. Grow. Try them.
Go and sefe those fine fur coats at
Johnson, Lorentz & Co’s. 8l2 to 835.
Deputy Slavter is busy this week or
ganizing a lodge of his order at Elyria.
For Sale.—A registered Poland China
boar, aged one year last March.
5tt Thos. Burton.
1. F. Reynolds of Hazard postoffice is
a new reader of this news factory,
thanks to E. Mum)■
Elbanks Hale and Bud O'Brien re
turned Monday from Battle Creek after
a two weeks’ visit.
That’s light. Sell your egss for loc
and lHc, when Bert Chase pays 20c. He
pays 22c a dozen now.
Contractor Gibson has just finished
rellooring the bridg** over Dead Horse
in the south part of town.
That 26c bargain at Beit Chase's next
Saturday is 0 pounds Jap. rice—not
brok« n rice, but r*-gul*r 10c rice.
T. L. Filler returned home from St.
Louis last week, where he had been
managing a hotel during the exposition.
For Sale .—Eight pedigreed Shorthorn
ball calves and one 4-year-cld kegis
tered Shorthorn bull,
Truelsen & Johansen.
47 Half mile east of Loup City.
Died, in this city, Tuesday afternoon
of this week, at 4 o’clock,W. T. Draper,
father of tire Draper boys, aged 76 years,
l month and 10 days. Extended obitu
ary notice next week.
We have for sa !e near Stewing, Ills.
187 acres, 120 acres and 80 acre tracts.
We also have another tract of about
2500 acres of bottom land and upland in
Mercer county. Ills. For Darticulars,
, csll on (lunnerson A Zimmerman. 8
The following New Year callers since
last issue will please accept thanks,
•las. Rentfrow, S. N. Sweetland, C. M.
Snyder, T. L, Pilger, Peter Hansen, W
H. Rittenmeyer, II. S. Conger. Frank
"Rarg tins at Cooper’s Every Day ” is
' the way that enterprising merchant
puts it in his live adv. this week and
backs it up by giving a few. This he
will do each week through our columns.
; It pays to trade with Cooper.
Don’t forgetJCording’s sale.
Hanker Culley's children are on the
sick list.
Much sickness now prevails among
the people.
££Misses Winnie and Orpha Outhouse
visited in Ashton Friday and S tturday
of last week.
Newton Pilger arrived from the w’est
last w»ek for a visit with his parents
and many friends.
Mr and Mrs. C. P. McLaughlin of
Loup City have been in Aurora the past
two weeks visi'ing relatives.—Aurora
Services at the German church in this
city Sunday, Jan. 22, at 10:30 a. m. All
memoeis urged to be present and the
public cordially invited.
Mrs. W. D. Boyce, returned to
her home at Arcadia, last Friday,
after a pleasant visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Albert Johnson.
(ius Lorentz came down from Loup
City Wednesday to look alter business
matters and to visit a dav or two with
relatives and friends —Aurora Sun
Miss Ella Foster has lost a gold pin
with initials ‘,C. E. K.’’ on back, some
where between her home and Dr. Main’s
residence. Will finder kindly return
F. B. Jeffers and better half of Sar
gent and tw'o interesting li*tie twin
girls 4 years old, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. H. Gibson over Sunday
The weather man. E. S. Hay burst, re
ported the thermometer resting on its
laurels at 17 degrees below zero last
night, with eight inches of snow on the
Adam Houser of Loup City, brother
of our flour and feed man, stopped off
, here yesterday for a few days’ visit.
He is going east to visit relttives.^—Au
rora Republican.
The new bank opened up for business
last week Tuesday. Although the bank
furniture has not arrived as yet and
matters h*ve a rather barren appear
j ance, yet the bus’nesg is going along
uicely and smoothly.
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island. Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases such as Rheu
matiem. Stomach disorders, Tumois,
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery, the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
School began again Monday, after a
two weeks’ vacation. Several pupils
are taking a continued vacation on ac
count of the grip, but several new faces
were noticed in the several rooms. Ma
I bel and Florence Depew will n*>t attend
this term on account of ill-health They
are bright iittle girls and will be great
v missed by teaches and playmates *
It is reported a fine babv daughter
was horn to Rev. and Mrs. F. D. Ken
nedy at St. Paul, eith**r on Sunday or
Monday of this week. The reverend is
supposed to be too happy to phone the
news to us, hence we get it by the wire
The members of the Unity Club don’t
intend to be ontdone by the Commercial
Club and are rehearsing for a play to
be given at the opera house on Friday
evening of this week, the proceeds to go
towards paying for a drinking fountain
for this city. Costumes of ve olden time.
He sure to attend.
Draper Bros, have an announcement
this paper it will pay you to read. This
enterprising firm are here to do busi
ness and have now one of the finest
harness and hardware stores in this
country, or will when they get all their
big invoice of new goods in. (loin and
see them in their new quarters.
On tfle local page will be found Mrs.
11. M. Gastever’a big advertisement
This lady already has «n immense
trade but proposes this year to greatly
increase the volume of business by ju
dicious advertising through the columns
of The Northwestern. She offers
some rare bargains this week and will
do so on other goods from week to
week. Just keep an eye on her bargain
list each week. She will save you money
A. (). Lowrey of the Litchfield Moni
tor and Miss Anna Van. the youngest
daughter of George Van. a retired and
well-to-do farmer of LitchfiAd, * ere to
be married yesterday at the home of
the lady’s parents in Litc-hfi Id. The
happy couple take a short hone, moon
trip to Beatrice, when they return and
sett'e down to sedate married life in
Litchfield. Albert was here Tuesday
with his prospective brother in-law, W.
A. Cornford, of the same city, to get
Judge Angier’s official consent. We
wish the young people all that comes to
a happy marital life.
A literary was organized last Thurs
day evening at the school house In dis
trict No 57, taught by Miss Sarah Lof
holm, and will be held each Friday even
ing. Question for debate tomorrow
evening. “Resolved that consolidation
of district schools in each township into
one graded school would be beneficial
to the best interests of the education of
the youth of our land.” Affirmative,
J. Q Pray, Nelson Fisher, Carl New
man; negative, J. N. Fisher. Earl Ma
son, Earl Pray. All cordially invited.
Next Sunday evening the Baptist peo
n’e will begin a series of special meet
ings. If you do not happen to have
timeenouph to come, just take some.
There will be no cheap sensationalism
to endure. We have the truth to preach,
not as you and I imagine it ought to be,
but as laid down by our Master, and. by
the wav, did ever anybody find anything
equal to it? Come bn, th**n, young and
old, rich and poor, high and low, it mat
ters not who. We invite everybody in
general and vou in particular, and we
pledge ourselves to do you all the good
we can. H. IS. Wold, Pastor.
flow is the tipie to buy:
A fctone Martin Fur, 48 inches long, formerly for *0,Q
A Sable Fur, 66 inches long, - - formerly 8,0Q, for 70°.
A Grey Fox Fur, 54 inches long, formerly if!, for 40°.
Muffs to match at a corresponding discount.
A Child's Collarette and Muff, Angora, - - formerly !!f!, for !lf°.
A Child s Collarette and Muff, Grey Moleskin, formerly 3-7,\ for 80°.
A Child's Collarette and Muff, Brown Fur, - formerly if0, for if0.
A Child's Collarette and Muff, Brown Fur, - formerly if?, for if0.
•afeioj t
} \ V
for fufthey Ipforpiatiop epquife at Gasteyer’s.
The infant daughter of Ilenrv and
Vernie Baade died Monday, Jan. 2d.
It w,*s h frail little dower. and its hold
on life from the lirst was but slight.
The distracted parents request us to ex
press their thanks to the many kind
friends who aided them in their sor
rowful experience.
Last spring the Loup City Township
Board purchased the lumber in the old
dome east of town for which said board
paid $200. With this lumber two new
bridges have been built and two re
paired, th<* new lumber for which would
have cost the township over $160, and
the township It ts soid lumber to th»
amount of $149.85 and there is still a
1 rge amount of lumber left.
Wanted, for cash, farm land. An
swer full information at once, and
price. ' J. Riorum.
Care of Carl de la Motte, Litchtield,
Neb., Route No. 2. 9-2w
Notice is hereby given that W. W.
Brooks and the undersigned are not
partners and never have been, and lie
will not be held liable for any indebted
ness contracted by the said W. W.Brooks.
Dated this Othday ot January, 1905.
9-3w Wm. Ckiss.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Sherman Coun
ty, Nebraska;
Janies E. Philbnck,]
Administrator,with |
the will annexed, of |
the estate of George |
Bickford, deceased,|
Plaintiff, !
Horace Bickford. Lu-1
cy C.Shei burne.Eli- j
za D.Learned, Char- j
lotte M. Downing, y Notice of Sale. I
Charh s D. Bickford, |
Lillie M. Bickford, |
Ida Place. Char-1
lotte I). Wordley. |
C irrie 1) Davison. J
Edwin U. Sanders, !
Arthur C Sanders, j
Walrer U. Sanders, |
Orrin B Sanders, i
Defendants. J
In the Matter of the Estate of George j
Bickford, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that inpursu-l
ance of an order of Honorable Bruno I
O. Hostetler. Judge of the District Court
of Sherman County, made on the goth
day of December. 1904, for the sale of
the real estate hereinafter described,
there will be sold at the south door ot
the court house in Loup City, Sherman
county, Nebraska, on the first day of
February, 1905, at one o'clock in the
afternoon, at public vendue, to the
highest bidder lor cash, the following
described real estate situate in Sherman
county, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
Lots nine (9). ten (10). eleven (11), and
twelve (12), in block four (4), in J.Wood
Smith's addition to the town, now vil
lage of Loup City. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Dated this 10th dav of January, 1905.
James E Philbrick,
Administrator of the Estate of George
Bickford, deceased.
Last pub. Jan. 20.
ty, Nebraska:
Ida Brothwell, as guard
ian of Emily lrean
Brothwell and Bertha
Clara Brothwell,daugh
ters and sole heirs at
law of Charles H.Broth
| well, deceased, minors. ;•
Order to
Ida Brothwell. Emilv
lrean Bro'hwell, and |
Bertha Clara Brothwell, |
In the matter of the estate of Charles
H. Brothwell, deceased:
Ou this 22nd day of December. 1904,
this cause came on for hearing upon the
petition of Ida Brothwell, as guardian
of Emily lrean Brothwell and Bertha
Clara Brothwell, daughters and sole
heirs at law of Charles H. Brothwell,
deceased, minors, praying for license to
sell the following described real estate i
situate in Sherman county, Nebraska,
to-wit* The southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter and the northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter and
the south half of the southeast quarter
of section fourteen, in township four
teen north of range fourteen west, sub
ject to one certain mortgage thereon in
favor of Frank II. Meyers, for the sum
of $500 and interest; also, one certain
other mortgage to Andrew* J, Wilson
for the sum of $200 with interest for
the support and education of said mi
nor children.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear be
fore the Honorable Bruno O. Hostet
ler. Judge of the District Court of Sher
man county. Nebraska at the court
houso in Kearney, Nebraska, on the
Uth dav of February, 1905, at 10
o’clock a, m., to show cause why license
should not be granted to said guardian
to sell said above described real estate
for the support and education of said
minor children, and the expenses and
costs of this sale.
It is further ordered by the court
that this notice be punlished for three
consecutive weeks in The Loup City
Northwestern, a newspaper pub
lished and of general circulation in the
county of Sherman
Dated this 22nd dav of December,
1904. Bruno O. Hostetler.
Judge of tfce District Court of the 12th
Judicial District for Sherman County,
Last pub. Jan. 12.
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Nojthwc stern Office)
Finest Livory Rigs, caieful drivers, i
Headquarters ior farmers’ teaiuD. rom- j
mercial men’s trade given especial at* ,
teotion, Your patronage solicit# 3, I
• 1
Faron Gfgaps
for the -
The Macey Sectional Bookcase
is mechanically correct and artistically perfect. The very
best and latest structural features are combined with that
high standard of quality, artistic nicety of finish, design
and scrupulous attention to details, for which all Macey
goods are justly famed. Catalog for the asking.
Full line on exhibition at
W. D. Hover & Co.'s
Cold Weather is Gofnipg
And you will want something to
keep you warm. We’ve got it.
FUR COATS, from $12 to $35
OVERCOATS, from $2.50 to $20
Caps, Mitts, Sweaters, Felt Foots, Underwear. In
fact everything in Gents’ Furnishings.
Also received another line of
Ladies’ and Children's Jackets
Get our Prices and look our stock over.
■ ■ - — — —— -—
Are You In Need ?
Wagon, Buggy, Harness,
Wind Mill, Corn Shelter,
Feed Grinder, Gasoline Engine, Etc..
SEE T. M. Reed
Whoever Heafd of Pafdwaje
ip a Jdarpess Shop?
It is nothing uncommon to see harness in a hardware store
but to see hardware in a harness shop is something new.
However, we wish to say to the people of Loup City and vi
cinity that we have added a full and complete line of Shelf
Hardware, including Tinware, Granite ware, also a new line of
Turquois ware and Cutlery, which we would be glad to have
you call and examine, when in need of anything in that line.
We are also increasing our Harness stock, so we can accom
modate the public in anything in the Harness line. We are
also putting in the finest line of Saddles ever shown in Loup
City. Our line of Blankets and Robes are complete, which
we are offering at a 10 per cent discount in order to close them
out. We will also give some very low prices on what Bug
gies we have left, in order to close them out before getting in,
our spring shipment. Call and examine our stock, whether in
need of anything or not, then when you do want to buy you
will know where you can get the best goods for the least
money. Soliciting a share of your patronge, we are
Yours for Business,
Dp/VpEp Bp0S.
_*o * —
Give me a trial on your draying
and transfer business, and I will
guarantee satisfaction.
S. N. CRISS, Propr.l
Chris. Johansen, Prop.
Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed s<.
All. Yonr Patronage Solicited.