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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1905)
Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXII. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, liid.j. NUMBER 9 \ Professional Cards K J NIGHTINGALE tjrjj id SniKlff'U'Uv ! LOU ¥ GIT-Y, NE3-1 A A BOX WALL La-wye r Practices in all Courts I>oup Citv. \eb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS. .?/. //. .Tf /vV# n Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books io county A. S. MAIN, Physician and Sure eon .Office at Telephone Residence. Connection LOUP C TY, - - NEBR. J. H. LONG PHYSICIAN M SURGEON Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION W. L. MAUCyT DENTIST, LOUP GITY, NEB Office, West Side ot Square. Vour Dental woik solicited, COjNGEP’S Gil? Ony art Transfer lint J. VV. &, A. T. Coxger, Props. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make & specialty of moving household -tr<«*d. Ice delivered in any part of town Yonr patronage solicited, LOUP CITY. - - NEBRASKA. P. Hoogenboezem CONTRACTOR. Loup City, - Neb. Sign Work and Graining a Spe cialty. Wall Paper and Mouldings. Open Day and Night Meals AH Hours daie, Oysters aai Fisl in Season. Constantly on hand. *W. J.Mulick, Loup City, Nebr. SI Elf Bam A. L. GILBERT. Prop. , Fine Livery Turnouts IN CONNECTION. Having recently purchased this well known stable and added to it in many ways, T n better prepared than ever to ser> a right Crive Us a Trial THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS —»1 00 PKK TEAR. IF FAID » AUTAUCI Entered At the Loup City Poctoflee for trunk mtsstoe through the mails me second ntsas matter. Ofla.ce’Phone, - - • Rll Residence Theme, - - HI 2 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. Odd Fellow Doings. Th* Odd Fellows celebrated the visit of Deputy Grand Master F. B. Jeffers of Sargent. Neb., to their meeting last Saturday night to the queen's taste, eating, drinking and making merry among the large attendance who had gathered on the occasion of the semi • annual installation and the initiation of three candidates After instructing Messrs Frank Otlewski. Will Engle and A. W. Wilson in the mystery of the initiatory degn-e, a feast was en* joyed, spread by Herman Jung, an en thusiastic Odd Fellow, followed by the work of installation, and a rousing, entbusi »stic and stirring speech by that prince of Odd Fellows, Bro Jeffers,who claims that Odd Fellowship, from his experience, is au inspiration from the Guardian Angel, and needs to be known only to be loved Excelsior lodge, Loup Citv, now numbers 115 members and bids fair to reach 150 by .ian 1st. 1906. Thev own a desirable site for a hill in our city and have a bank account of $850. Supervisors Proceedings. Loup City. Xeb.. Jan. 4, 1905. County Board met as per the statute provided, for settlement with the county treasurer; present: D. C. Grow chairman. John Maifeski. An drew Garstka. W. O. Brown. George Brammer. Peter Thode and W. H. Chapman, supervisors, and Geo. H. Gibson clerk. Vouchers were pro duced, examined and cancelled and found to be correct as per statement published in this issue. Loup City, Neb., 1-5, 1905. Count}’ Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment^ November 16th, 1904. present: D. C. Grow, cliairman: John Maiefski, Peter Thode, Geo. H. Brammer. W. O. Brown, Andrew Garstka and W. H. Chapman super visors and Geo. H. Gibson, clerk, and the following business was had and done, to-wit: Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Minutes of meeting of June 17th. 1904. wherein the Houser road vaca tion and the Mizner road establish ment petitions were allowed, were amended to show the action in full of county board, the vote of adop tion having been erroneously ommit ted. See supervisors record for full proceedings. Jt appearing to the board that the appraisers on the Hans Johnson road had inadvertantly missed appraising the land taken by said road on the east side of the southeast quarter of section 2, 16-15, it was by motion ordered that the same be allowed at the same amount that the other land was allowed at $5 per acre. The personal property of Carl Anderson having been erroneously assessed in the village, it was ordered that the same be changed to Loup City township. Board then took up the matter of the Spotanski road petition and after examining all papers the same was allowed and damagas ordered paid as per the recommendation of the ap praisers. The Smith road was by motion ordered recorded and platted. Report of bridge committee was heard. County Treasurer was instructed, by motion, to take up, at his discre tion, county bonds as fast as money is on hand. Official bonds approved as follows: Milo Gilbert, road overseer Dist. 10. B. F. Nelson, 6 G W McFadden Mike Szvdzik W E Weller H Bly J Kwiatkowski C Lindall J Jewell Mike Palu “ “ 12 ii u 9 “ “ 9 “ “ 14 “ “ 16 “ “ 37 a u >j *i t< i Henry Miler F I) Estabrook Dan Bushhousen “ 25 44 44 “ 23 “ 30 A Garstka “ “ “ 17 H V Cappellen “ “ “ 28 J Goc constable Ashton township C G Sorensen, constable Rockville tp. H R Lindall constable Washington tp The following township treas: J Vandrala, Bristol Frank Pruss, Oak Creek Sam Chilson, Clay W D Hover, Loup City G H Whitman, Washington W C Dieterich, Rockville F X Badura, Ashton Justice of the Peace; H Claussen, Washington J Matthewson, Clay E Munn, Hazard G L Zeigles, Bristol Thos Clancy, Scott Aug Beushausen, Ashton FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF S. N. SWEETLAND, Treasurer of Sherman Couatv. Nebraska, from Julv ist, 1904. to January 1st 190.-,. COLLfcCTlOSS BT TEARS: balance on band July 1st. 1901 _ . Collection* of. 1861. “ ••.i m. ** “ 1807. ** “.1*3. “ “ i&e. *• ** 1890. '* •* IflQl • - • * •••••• • • • - m m “.1(82. ... “ . 1888. ..... “. 1084. “ 4* 18K. “ “ 1896 ... - . l!*T. - *•. It*. “ ". 1088 ... •* **. 1900 .. . ** **. 1901. ... - . 1902, ... •* “. . 1B08. • •* IBM. Interest on deposits. School Lands. Miscellaneous collections. i State Apportionment.. •34 .535 >a 10 of> » at 15 93 37 91 86 81 43 52 96 30 73 99 60 17 84 84 61 70 51 30 49 6* 30 4© 53«7 84 43 TOTS 125 47 13*59 50 33.178 US 417 01 10.091 74 239 39 2.000 30 Total $ 94.114 07 I IBu. on CuLtna band all July! ISO* >omvi >. Trans ferred to Tn'.v 1 Disburse Eient* Com mit!* MOO'. Bal. cm ; bat ' Jar 1 Vjt *: State Funds. County General... Countv Int. Bond Countv Road . County Bridge Count} Poo* Farm Soldier* Relief_ Dist. School. Dial. School Judgment Dist. School Bond.. - Township Fund*. Township Bond* Township Judgment Special Thistle. Loup City Village.. Loup City YIL Bond Loup City Vil. Joriin. Litchfield Village . Ashton Village. Rockville Village . . Institute fund. Fines and Licenses. Printers fund.. School orders. Total. >3 10# 2.J55 96 1221: :* m 43 !.!*» 20 :4b «» aw -* s.sot* m 2K5 is tjmK 3.111 yu 703 F»4 163 35 16 t« 156 12 m ti 15 :7 5 ««3 S{ S «IS36 351 f*» 2.;<ss is 26 J4 575 76 35 76 35 17 3 4* *2.51 7« no 70 77 174 00 .56 * 75 UM 2.708 914 *«* 7* 1,316 ~ 7tC33 10 *3 1 75 3S« 96 47 ns so 30 00 H2 50 #34.525 *3 f .59 5S9 04 * *32 S3 S 3 352 37 3 «62 9; 3-:r or 2 514 . lt.sei SB l.tfl! *4 3*43 36 2.130 35 300 Of 14JO 80 1-44 15 5 4' 115 43 100«0 im ;» $ 350 1*' U1 125 69 5 61 105 12 -54 07 Is 2* 15 56 32 11 05 m3 77 1 93 2 37 tS t ik. :« 4 157 17 S ■* It 17 I 1 «*i vj 51.5 «• as# g 11-VC S 3S5 P 1.913 27 4 P> (t; 1.223 1>‘ 754* U 23 20 25lfc 33* 5* 10 62 57 4' 67 $9 »S 02 53 21 106 lO 110 42 174 00 f 40.2*7 22 * 899 2s * 52.92s 37 Amount of Money In Deponltorle* nod in Office: Items In Office — Cash —.f To T4 School orders held for investment of school bond fund_ 174 00 School orders held for investment Co. Int. bond fund . 3.560 «« Township orders held for investment Co. Int. bond fund_ 355 40 County Bridge War. held for Invest, of Co. Int Bd fund .. 1.660 04 Deposited in banks: The First National Bank of Loup City. 36,36* 04 Bank of Ashton. 4.00600 Litchfield State Bank. 6.436 90 Nebraska Fiscal Agency. New York. 3tC 39 Total f 53,92* :57 The State of Nebraska ) County of Sherman, | 8* s' I, S. X. Sweetland, treasurer of said county do solemly swear that the foregoing statement is correct as I "verily believe. S. X. Sweetland, Treasurer, Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 4th day of Jany., 1905. G. 14. Gibson, Clerk. (seal) Approved Janv. 4th, 1905. D. C. Grow, Chm. Sherman Co. Board. C F Smith, Harrison S C Estabrook, Elm C H Wineteer. Rockville Township clerks: A J Johnson, Loup City R Reinertson, Hazard John Whelty. Washington H H Thompson. Scott C E Achenback, Harrison Jos Daddow. Clay B Swanek, Ashton J S Pedler, county attorney. Depository bond of Litchfield state bank was approved. County Judge reports supervisors bonds approved as follows, Ferd Schroll Dist. No. 1 Henning Claussen. Dist. No. 2 W O Brown, Dist. No. 3 W H Chapman, Dist. No. 7 R M Hiddleson, Dist. No. 5 Lease for rental of rooms for county superintendent and sheriff for 1905 was made and approved. H L Bell being erroneously assess ed on his horses in two townships, it was ordered by vote that the tax in Harrison township be stricken from the tax list. Board adjourned for dinner. Jan. 5, 1 p. m. Board met as per adjournment for dinner, present D C Grow chairman and ail members and G H Gibson clerk, and the following business was had and done, to-wit: Bonds were approved as follows: B A McDowell road overseer Dist. 38 Geo Deininger, “ “ “ 3 Eddy Holmes, clerk Rockville twp. O A Clark, clerk Elm township. J N Fisher, clerk Logan township. Paul Klaussen, by affidavit, stated that a number of head of cattle own ed by him were assessed in Rockville and Loup City townships both, and by motion clerk was instructed to look the matter up and if so found to strike the same from the tax list of Loup City township. Also tax of J. H. Whitman was ordered stricken from the tax list of Elm township, if said property is found to have been assessed in Harrison township also. By motion J A Angier was author ized to purchase a typewriter for his office. Board then took up the matter of the Hockett road petition, and after examining all papers same was allow ed as per report of special commis sioner conditionally, that Harrison township pay to Wilhelm Kohls dam ages to the amonnt of 810. as allowed by the appraisers. County Clerk is instructed to place property of J W Burleigh on tax list, it having been missed by the assessor for 1904. By motion estimates of expenses were ordered as per schedule of 1904. and the same was adopted as that for 1905. Board adjourned sine die. Geo. H. Gibson, Clerk. (List of claims allowed will be pub lished next week.—Editor. ) Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on farm three miles south of Loup City, on Tuesday, January 17th. 1905, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. In case of storm sale will be one week later. The following property, to-wit Eleven head of horses; 41 head of cat tle, 17 head of calves; 20 head of shoats; hay and millet; farm machin ery and household goods. Free lunch at noon. Terms of sale—All sums of 910 and under cash, cm sums over 910 ten months time will be given, purchaser giving bankable note draw-1 ing ten per cent interest; 5 per cent off for cash on sums over 910. Mbs. S. C. Cording, Owner. Jacob Albers, Auctioneer J, S. Pedler, Clerk: ! i 3 Duck Coats Duck Coats Duck Coats Duck Coat> Work Shirts Work Shirts Dress Shirts Dress Shirts Fasciuators.. Fascinators.. -:o: •Watch this adv. for Bargaips. -:0: Good Goods at Right Prices Regular Price. .*2.50 . 2.00 . 1.75 1.50 .70 .00 .75 .60 .85 .GO Cut Price. *2.00 1.05 1 4o ' U5? .55 .45 .55 .45 .60 .45 A. P. COXLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. FIRST lilToiil BANK of uoup euy. General Banking Businoss Transacted, PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK, §25,000.00. correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, Mew York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. Call on tlie j. r. Li Loup City, flebyaska, -FOR LUMBER Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Storm Sash. Edsrar Draper, Specializing in Portraiture, .! Loup City, Nebraska I have a good, gently rolling, 160-acre farm, about all under cultivation, with some cheap im provements, within three miles of a shipping station, for £2500. This is a fine bargain. W. R. MELLOR. 6M3H, 11 Mi MID MU BOUGHT AT THE & M. Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loup City and AsMon. Will Boy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR. John Solmes ^DEALER IN** HARDWARE FTTRUIT-CTRE Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. Loup City, ■ Nebraska W .T. CHASE —THE— Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Dpigs, Paipts, Oils, CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA •*3SJ. I. DEPEW©* Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker! My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma chtuery, also a foree ot experienced men who know how to operate it and turn oat a job with neatness and dispatch. MV PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMER8.