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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1904)
I will be pleased To have yon call, if wanting anything in Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, Fencing, etc. Yours, P. O. REED. THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY, DEC. 29, 1904. Ltoaal Daws. It pays to trade at Cooper’s. See D. C. Grow for Best Flour. Loup City should have electric lights. He Ring and Cook Stoves at P. 0. Reel’s. A fine line of Xmas Candies at Oden dahl Bros.’ Mrs. Troy Hale is recovering from a severe illness Sheridan lump and nut coal for sal6 at Taylor’s Elevator. Box goods in Chocolates, Bon Bons, etc., at Odendahl Bros.’ Copper. Galvanized or Tin Wash Boilers at P. O. Reed’s. Souvenir Spoons, a fine line, at Fred rick’s, the New Jeweler. Elloitt Antirust Tinware, guaran’eed not to rust, at P. O. Reed's. Trade atC C. Cooper’s, the pl «ce to get good goods at right prices. Robt. Mathew will return to his Umversty studies next Tuesday. Overcoats at any price at Johnson^ Lor^ntz & Co’s. They are dandies. Every housekeeper wants best flour in the m »rket. D. C. Grow keeps it You ought to see the new line of tin cut-glass at Fredrick’s, the Jeweler. W. D. Hover, Etnbalmer and Fu neral Director. Ready day or night. Will Hawk has our thanks for anoth er year’s subscription to this great and good. For Sale.—A registered Poland China boar, aged one year last March. 5tf Tn os. Burton. Aztec lump, Nigger Head lump, also nut coal always on hand at the Taylor Elevator. Bargains in Chinaware, Toilet Sets, Handkerchief and Glove boxes atOden dahl Bros.’ The big burglar safe for the new bank arrived last week and has been put in place. Do vonj " fountain, pert?- See ^XjFredrie^-^iia” New Jeweler. Every pen guaranteed. Walter Smith did the shelving in the new Draper building, and in most art tistic manner. Have you any poultry to sell? If so, see C. O. Cooper. He pavs the highest market price tor all kinds of poultry. Special subjects at the Methodist church New Year’s Day: Morning “The Onward March;” evening, “Ne* Year’s Resolutions.” Everybody invit ed. Chris Johanson has started a new dray lme in this city. That mattes three first class drav and transfer lines besides ihe Benschoter delivery and his extra hoss. Mamed at the county judge’s office, and by that handsome official, on Wednesday of th’s week, Mr. John Pat terson and Miss Nellie Hockett. all of ^ Sherman county. * C It was a I.oub City girl that with an abhorrence of swearing under any cir cumstance, tfhat said, “Please pass the d. chicken. Skebdidn’t mean the chick en was d—d, but merely deyiled. For Sale.—A few Thoroughbred Po land China and Duroc Jersey male pigs at farmers’ prices. Ages, six months to one yr«*r. Apply to H. B. Musser. on the old Oarsten Truelsen place 48tf Subjects discussed at the Baptist church next Sunday wi'l be as follows: Morn'ng,‘ The Redempt on of Time;’’ evening, “Repentance and Fa:th.” A hearty iov:tation is extended to all to attend these serv;ses. H. S Wold, pastor. Wouldn’t you hate to give a friend a cheap looking picture of yourself mad** bv an inferior artist, and receive in return a beautiful picture of your friend, that Draper had made? Would n’t your friend size you up as a cheap guy? Dr, Long has been enjoying a siege of la grippe, extending over several days. However the enjoyment did not extend to the fact that he was kept home frojn professional trips to Colum bus, Central City at?4 Ord, which la grippe caused him to cancel. He is all agaio, and ready for his feed Dr* Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, are prepared to treat all forms of chroni&diseas* s. such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois, Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides me iicineand surgery, the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tricity and massage. A blizzard of imm n e rroportions visited this section and in fact all of Nebraska, Sunday night, and contin uing till Wednesday morning. Not much sntw tell but the ea lv part of the storm was accorai an < d by a severs mini, later dying down some what and geti n{ c» respon lingly colder. The th<r torn ter aot about ted degrees below at the coldest. See Cooper’s store window. The river is very high. Overcoats $2.50 to #35. See Lorentz Choice Buckwheat Flour for sale by D. S. Grow. Gu irantee and O. K Wash Machines at P. O. Reed’s. John O’Brien will return to his job of firing Friday. Cigars in Xmas packages, 12 in a box, at Odendahl Bros.’ Masquerade dance tomorrow night at the opera house. If you want a u*eful present, go to Hover’s Furniture Store. Get prices on Toys, Sled*, and Doll Cabs at Odendahl Bros.’ Northern Milling Co.’s mill stuffs on sale by D. C. Grow. Try them. Miss Ll'zie Blyder of Saline county is a guest of Mrs W. H. Creery. Call and see Cooper about his Pre mium Chinaware. This is no lottery. Go and see those fine fur coats at Johnson, Lorentz & Co’s. $12 to#35. Horse Blankets, LaD Robes, Husking Milts, etc., at the Draper Saddlery CoV. Fredrick, the New Jeweler, has pur chased the Odendahl stock of Jewelery. Fancy New York Apples, Oranges Spanish Grapes, Pears and Lemons at Odendahl Bros.’ Beitha and Floyd Miner of Ravenna are here visiting their uncle, Mr. Harry Miner, this west. For fine watch and jewlery repairing go to t redricK, the Now Jeweler He gu rantees all work. County Suyerint ndent Hendrickson helped the editor enjoy Christmas a dollar s worth. Thanks. Watches from -SI up, guaranteed to keep good time for one year, at Fred rick’s, the new Jeweler Art Eisner returned from Omaha Saturday u:ght. We understrnd Art will uot return to Omaha. The editor’s wife is a la grippe victim and the editor has established quite a reputation as a cook and nurse. Place your orders for storua sash early and avoid the deiay in the busy sea son. Lkiningek Lumber Co. Mrs. S. S Hoyer has a calla lily in Full bloom this week at her residence. It is a beauty and charms the beholder W. D. Hover & Co. take this oppor tunity of informing their patrons that their holiday line ot Rockers are here. .40 For Sale.—Poland China pigs. Call on or address Thos. Burton, six miles southwest of Loup City, on Cob Creek Jiiu Bayne was iucky enough to have his lost pocketbook restored to him last week, but J.B. Dr«per is still mourning bis 1< st-SlO bill. Tho e wishing to purchase fruit farms or irrigated farms in Colorado wi’l do well to call on Gunnerson & Z-ramerman. 4 tf Mr. and Mrs. A. Sutton were down from Ord, spending Christmas with their daughte s, the Mesdam**s Waite and Chase, and fami'ies. Draper biotbeia are moving into their new brick bu !d:ng, and have bought nn e:;tensve new siock for it, which they are receiving dai!y. For Sale.—Eight pedigreed Shorthorn ball calves and one 4-year-cid tegis tered Shorthorn bull. Truelsen & Johansen, 47 Half mile east of Loup City. Married at the Methodist barsonage, Saturday, December 24tb, Mr. Ray Emry to Miss E'la Connor. The groom is a son of R. A. Emry. The bride is one of our popular school teachers. Dick O’B'ien was not used up as badly as stated last week, but severe enough to make him badly bruised and unfit for work for a number of days. However he was able to return to b's work this week. Dr. Long was called to Mitchell, Scott’s Bluffs county, on the Wyoming line, Tnesday, by the dangerous illness of an old time patient, the doctor being summoned by telegraph. He expects to return this evenmg. r. j. liovce. a nromer-in-iaw or Al bert Johnson, who was formerly an art ist on The NortewesyEnn, but re cently connected with the Biaver C'ty Tribune, arrived here last week to eat turkey with Albert Cb“istmas. Mrs. lohnson'8 good fattier and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Bovce of Arcadia, were also guests of tlHr daughter over Christ mas. We received a pleasant call, Satur day, from Mr S. Foss, who lives on the Baker place. Mr. Foss has rented the A L Zimmerman place, some six miles west of Loup City, f«r the com ing year. He was formerly from Hamilton county, and is a rock-rooted ■ republican, ahd of course wanted The) NoRTHWEStern to visit him regularly His brother, W. W, Foss, who is heavy land owner in Hamilton county, has purchased the west half of the old Slo cum place, and will move thereon in the spring, bis reason for changing location is that range for cattle is too scarce and the cost of keeping them too high there. We welcome the Foss brothers to this county, both politically and as active eitisen*. A COMMERCIAL CLUB IS ORGANIZED. Loup City, Nebr.. Deo. 27th, 1904. On Tuetd iy afternoon aj two o’clock thirty five of the business men of Loup City met In the room known as “Socleiy Hall” to discuss the “Good Road” ques tion and to devise ways nod means of preventing the county board of «i p<r vieor9 from vacating old established roads leading Into this village and to en courage the establishment and building of passable roads. Ou motion John W. Long was elected chairman and E. A. Brown secretary of Said meeting. Hon. R. J. Nightingale being called upon explained thn situation in the Leatherman Houser road case tried be tore the district court <»t its session in this village last week, saying that the fudge had stated that from the decision of the county board there is no appeal. Mr. Nightingale spoke briefly on the road quesiion iu genera'. Hon. H. M. Mathew followed Mr Nightingale and also spoke of the condi tions of the roads lea ing to Loup City; calling attention to the necessity of con certed action on the part of our citizens to see that passable loads are established in this county, along lines where the least expense and work will make the best highway. He told how the bust ness men of Litchfield bad, In years gone bv, purchased a right-of-way through private land In order to draw trade to to that place. Also to* E. G. Taylor has purchased the rlghi-of-way across farms and through private pastures, building gates, etc., to induce the farm ers in the Needham and Carpenter neighborhood to haul their grain to S» h*upp Siding rather than Loup City He also told how the business men of Nirb Loup told the tarm< rs In the northern psit of this county not to wor ry about the vacation of the Howe road, as they would give them a good road to North Loup. Moved by H. M. Mathew tlist a com mittee be elected for the purpose of appearing before the county board, in the interest of the citiz-ns of Loup City in the matter of the location and vaca tion of roads. Seconded by Vf. D. Hover On speaking upon the motion W. R. Mellor recommended the organization of a commercial club for the purpose of looking alter all matters of interest to the welfare of Loup City. Judge J. A. Angler, in speaking on the motion tpo'ie of the Importance of the said committee watching closely the location of rords as well as the vacation. W. D. Hover tb«n spoke upon the necessity of organizing a commercial club. R. P. Starr followed Hover in a short • alk favoring a commercial club. The motion made by H M. Mathew was withdrawn. Motion made by W. R. Mellor and seconded by R P. Starr that this meet ing proceed to organize a commercial club. Carried. On motion the present organiza tion with John W. Long president and E. A Brown secretary, was made a permanent organization and known as the Loup City Commercial Club. On motion R. S. Hayhurst was elected treasurer. On motion the president appointed W. R Mellor, R. J. Nightingale and W. F. Mason a committee to draft a constitution and by-laws. Moved by E. S. Hayhurst that If At torneys Mathew, Wall and Nightingale think It adviseable to carry the Leatherman Houser road case to the supreme court, that this body sign the surety for costa boui. Seconded and carried. On motion of H. M. Mathew the fol 1 lowing named persons were appointed a committee to-look after t'e location a^d vacation of roads in Sherman county or any other matter that may interest thisorganizotion, viz: H. M. Mathew, E. A. Draper aod A. E Chase. On motion the following committee was appointed and instructed to draft a bill either amending the present stat ute on roads or a substitute therefore: R. P. Starr, R J. Nigh'ingale, VV. R. Mellor, J. W. Burleigh and IS. M Mathew. Oo motion the committee on constitu tion and by-laws ia instructed to report in one week. On motion Club adjourned to meet | in Society Hall at two o’clock p. m. Tuesday, January 3rd. REMOVED. The Draper Saddlery Company this week removed into their new end com modious brick building, and have add* ed an extensive line of all kinds of leather goods. Call and see us Draper Saddlery Co, 1 he blizzard is succeeded by splendid weather. Bro. Brown will move into his new •ifflce next week. Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb., specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. Contractor Gibson is laid up for re* pairs. While working on the Wiggle Creek bridge, last. Thursday, in doing some trestle work, he got his left leg twisted badly, placing him in the hos pital corps, from which he will not es cape for a week or two a though yester day, for the first time, he was able to be out of the house. That’s hard luck. VISIT TO PACIFIC COAST (Continued from first page.) That simple statement doesn’t mean much to you, but go with us, if you will, and see if you do not enjoy it. Here we go, out through the pas tures. We are learning to climb fences, and there are several to scale this morning. It is well to know how to get over a difficulty that you can’t get under. Then, as we leave the clearing, we strike into a trail which leads down a long, steep hill to the road, which we fol low about a mile and then off we go over another dim tiail to the river, and the sport begins. We wander up the river a mile or so, over rocks sometimes reaching to the water’s edge, sometimes around impassable boulders, at one time between one and the river, with barely footing, by clinging to the sides, to prevent slipping in'o the clear depths of the crystal river. As (be noon hour approached, we reluctantly retraced our steps homewaid. The Nebraska girl had been wish ing for an opportunity to learn to climb, so the guide conveniently lost(?) the trail and gave us all the moun'ameering we really cared for at least f<»r one morning. The next day we **ent two miles up the river to see Temple Rock. This is a mass of rock, supposed by many to have been erected b> the mound builders. Oo one side it is made up of small stones, fitted per fectly together. On the other side, the stones are larger, smooth and regular and are terraced. The rock is about 60 feet long, 40 feet wide and 50 feet in height. The rock is formed of a different variety of stones than those found along the river. There are masses of rocks on every side, probably broken off and fallen away by weathering dur ing the centuries since that prehis toric race built up the solid struc ture. And for what purpose? Was it an ever-enduring monument to some honored chieftain? Was it used in same strange religious cere monial? May it not have been an altar on which gruesome sacrifices were offered to their cruel gods? What possibilities! The stones tell no tales, and as we with some diffi culty ascended to its top and sat there enjoying a delightful sun batb, many were the speculations as to its origin and use, indulged in by the Happy Four. But a few steps away, just down a steep banks, is one ot those beautiful little brook lets, a charming place where we ate our lonch. After dinner we explored an ex cavation made within the last decade, in the vain hope of wrest ing from Temple Rock the secret of its being. At last the descend ing sun sent us homeward, stopping at an old abandoned placer mine to gather lovely Santiam lilhes and look around. The miners’ rude cabins still stand and we can see the excavations where not so many years ago they sought the precious dust. When we came to the river, the Nebraska girl could not be sat isfied without crossing the foot bridge which the miners had used. It is made by stretching two wire cables across the stream a little over two feet apart, putting cross wires about two feet apart, and then lay ing ten or twelve inch boards on the cr 88 wires about four inches apart. We were a little late for supper and were tired, but felt it payed. The Nebraska Gian, District Court. District court last week bad an extremely light docket, and Judge Hostetler, with his usual energy and business precision pushed matters through rapidly. The case of Howe vs. county board was dissolved by consent of parties. Bly vs. C. B. & Q., damage case was dismissed by agreement The case of State vs. Watke was nolle prosequed. State vs. Kosmicki was dismissed by con sent of parties The divorce case of Kochinowski was dismist-ed after taking up two days of time, there being no cause for action, and the judge took occasion to preach a good wholesome sermon to parties inter ested which if heeded will be very valuable to the said parties. Perry vs. Perry, divorce, granted, as also was the Koch vs. Knch divorce. In the Leatherman v«. Hover road case, injunction to prevent overseer from closing up road which had been or dered vacated by county board, the injunction was dissolved. I Stalk Remedy a Success. i J. R. Muir. Omaha, Nebr — Dear .Sir: I am using your stalk remedy with the usual good results. Three years’’ suc cess in condemned fields has proven ite v.<lue here. II. £. Chrisman, New Helena, Nebraska. can’t get along without it. J. R. Muir, Omaha, Nebr—Dear Sir I can’t get along without vour Stalk Remedy Please ship me one 40-pound pail «t once. A. D. Johnson. Merna, Nebraska. 11. L. Goodell agent for Sherman Co. Looking for Men That are losing cattle with cornstalk disease, and those «v ho are not losing cat tie. I want to stop your loss and protect those who haven’t lost any by using Muir’s National Cornstdk Remedy, a sure preventive. Your neighbors are using it and being convinced every day Do not lose any more c ttle. Call on or address, 13. 1,. GOODELL, Sole Agent, Loup City, Neb. On Sale at P. 0. Reed’s Hardware 5-4t Burlington Excursion Rates Landse* k^rs, half rates Dec. 20, Jan 3 and 17 to Olahoina, Texas and South-, Wt-St. Live Stock convention, Denver; one fare plus S2, round trip, Jan. 7 to 9. LOW RATES Yia UNION PACIFIC. Denver, Col., and return, $16.80 Tickets on sale Jan. 7 to 9 inclusive, (rood returning Jan 31, 1905. Round trip tickets, via U P., Nov. 1 to April 30, Denver, $23.70; Colorado Springs, $27.70; Pueblo,$29.95. Notice to Bidders. I, Geo. H. Gibson, County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, estimate that the following books, blanks and stationery will be required for the use of the county officers for the com ing year: LOT ONE.—Three gross lead pencils, best grade: one gross penholders: twelve quarts Arnold's writing fluid: twelve gross steel pens five hundred blotters: twenty-four gross as sorted rubber bands; two dozen sponge-top mucilage; two reams Crane's Japanese linen legal cap; two reams Columbia legal cap; one gross indelible election pencils; three dozen election ink cones; eight-quire record books (tour plain and four printed forms/ patent flex, ible back, flap opening, best linen paper; 3,000 triplicate tax receipts, blocked; 3,200 tax re ceipts in triplicate, bound and perforated, 200 in book for county treasurer, to fold for use with carbon paper; thirteen sets of poll books and envelopes: six chattel mortgage flies, 200 in the file; one gross, one inch by ten inches, Globe Congress tie envelopes. LOT TWO.—1,000 1-8 sheet blanks; 5.0WM-4 sheet blanks; 3.000 1-2 sheet blanks; 1,000full sheet blanks; all blanks to be good heavy pa per; 3.000 note heads: 6,000 letterheads; note and tetter heads to be of good heavy paper; 4.000 6^-inch xxx envelopes; 2.000 10.inch xxx envelopes. LOT THREE.—Court dockets, one case to page, indexed, with rules of court, list of jur ors, court officers and resident attorneys, on flat cap paper, in lots of forty; 6,000 election ballots. Sealed bids for each or any of the above three lots of supplies must be filed with the county clerk at his office in Loup City. Nebras ka. on or before the first day of January, 1905. Sealed bids will also be received and must be tiled in the county clerk's office on or be fore January 1st. 1905, for the following: Pub. lishing delinquent tax list: publishing county treasurer's financial statement; publishing road and bridge notices, and oth»*r notices re quired by the county. The county board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 1st day of December, 1904. Gxo. II. Gibson, (sbal. ) County Clerk. Last pub. Dec. 29. Legal Notice. In tbe District Court of Sherman Coun ty, Nebraska: Ida Brothwell, as guard ian of Emily Irean Brothwe'l and Bertha Clara Broth well,daugh ters and sole heirs at law of Charles II.Broth well, deceased, minors, h Plaintiff, vs. Ida Brothwell. Emilv Irean Broiiwed. and Bertha Clara Brothwell, Defendants , Order to ShowCause. In the matter of the estate of Charles II. Br< thwell, deceased: On this 22nd day of December. 1904, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Ida Brothwell, as guardian of Emily Irean Brothwell at d Bertha Clara Brothwell, daughters and sole heirs at law of Charles H. Brothwell, deceased, minors, praying for license to sell the following describe! real estate situate in Sherman county, Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the north -ast quarter of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southeast quarter of section fourteen, in township four teen north of range fourteen west, sub ject to one certain mortgage thereon in favor of Frank II. Movers, for the sum of $500 and interest; also, one certain other mortgage to Andrew J, Wilson for the sum of $200 with .interest for the support and education of said mi nor children. It is therefore ordered that all per sons inttres'el in said estate appear Ire fore the Honorable Bruno O. Hostet ler. Judge of th • District Court of Sher man county, N brt'ki. at the court house in Kearney, Nebraska, on the 11th dav of February, 1905, at 10 o’c'oek a, in., to show cause why license shoul 1 not ire grunted to said guardian to s 11 -Hi 1 above de-c ihed real estate f >r the support and e location of said minor chil inn, and the txpenses and costs of this *ale. It is further ordered by the court that this notice be punlished for three consecutive weeks in The Loup City Northwestern, a newspaper pub lished and of general circulation in the county of Sherman Dated this 22nd day of December, 1904. Bruno O. Hostetler, Judge of the District Court of tbe 12th Judicial District for Sherman County, Nebraska. Last pub. Jau. 12. HEPE YOU PAVE IT! ROOK CASES AND pafon Orgaps ARE A JtLac&i/ * •j’Sn >SectioneJ[ BooK' case 1_\ The Bookcase for the - Home The Macey Sectional Bookcase is mechanically correct and artistically perfect. The very best and latest structural features are combined with that high standard of quality, artistic nicety of finish, design and scrupulous attention to details, for which all Macey goods are justly famed. Catalog for the asking. _ Full line on exhibition at W. D. Hover & Co.’s Gold Weather is Cojnipg And you will want something to keep you warm. We’ve got it. FUR COATS, from $18 to $35 OVERCOATS, from $2.50 to $20 Caps, Mitts, Sweaters, Felt Boots, Underwear. In fact everything in Gents’ Furnishings. Also received another line of Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets Get our Prices and look our stock over. johnsoiv-lobentz eo. Are You In Need? OF A Wagon, Buggy, Harness, Wind Mill, Corn Sheller, Feed Grinder, Gasoline Engine, Etc.. T. M. Reed 3ino[j uoiouijing TIME TABLE. LOUP CITY NKBR. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Lonis, and all points ast and south. Denver, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City, Portland, San Franotsco, and all points West. TBAIN8 LEAVE AS POLLOWSi GOING BAST No 52 Passenger....10153 a. m. No. 60 Freight.10.53 a m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 6:15 p. m. No. 59 Freight.6:16 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars j (neats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and the United baggage ed State e checked to any point in tatesor Canada. _For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to K. L. Arthur Agent. Or J. Francis, Gen’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Auction Sale. I wlJl offer at public sale at tli*' farm of Pete Janssen, 3 miles northeast of Rockville. Nebr , on Tuesday Jan a. 1903.commencing at 10 a. m.,ihe fol lowing property to-wit: Thirty seven head of cattle, consisting of 10 milch cows, coming fresh soon. It two and three j ear old steers, 6 heifers coming two years old, and ten spring calves; 15 shoats; one span of horses; one mule; farm machinery and household goods too numerous to mention. Terms of sale, all sums of 910 and under cash; on all sums over 9l0,ten months’time will be given by purchaser giving bankable note drawing ten per cent interest; live per cent off Tor ca»h on all sums over 910. Free lunch at noon Should a big snow storm occur, sale will be post poned until Jan. 5th. Hans. H. Broderskn, Owner. Jake Albers, J. S. Pedler, Auctioneer. Clerk. Do jou read The Norti.western? If not, why not? Ltss than 2c per week U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhrss Daily Vraiqs to Caliloi ilia* TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS:— No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 7:sJ6 a m No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:1R p. m. No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed) !2;0f> p. m. No. 37arrives daily except Sunday (pass enger) 7;80 p, m. No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 5:65 p m. First class serviC' and close connections east, west and south. Tickets sold to all points aud baggage checked through to destination. Information will be chter fully furnished on application to Frank Hisek, Agent Round Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Noit‘>w« stern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, osierul driveis. Headquarters ier farmer*’ tea.. D. 1 om* mer ial men’s tra le given evpecia at teitton. Your patronage j*olLiieJ,