The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 15, 1904, Image 8

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    Xmas will soon be here.
Will not a gun, rifle, carving set, velocipede, rocking-horse, express wagon,
pair of skates, set of knives and forks, air rifle, etc., make a good present?
For Sal© try" F. O. REED.
THURSDAY, DEC. 15, 1904.
Iioaal Daws.
Phone the news to us.
District court Dec. 20th.
It pays to trade at Cooper’s
See D. C. Grow for Best Flour.
We want a load of cobs, cobs, cobs.
Overcoats 32.50 to 335. See Lorentz.
Mrs. Stewart Conner is reported very
Heating and Cook Stores at P. O.
M. OJ Slater went to Elyria agun
A fine line of Xmas Candies at Oden
dahl Bros.’
Sheridan lump and nut coal for sale
at Taylor’s Elevator.
Box goods in Chocolates, Bon Bons,
etc., at Odendahl Bros.'
Copper. Galvanized or Tin Wash
Boilers at P. O. Reed’s.
- Souvenir Spoons, a fine line, at Fred
rick’s, the New Jeweler.
Elloitt Antirust Tinware, guaranteed
not to rust, at P. O. Reed’s.
Trade at C C. Cooper's, the pi «ce to
get good goods at right prices.
District court will convene here the
20th. No jury will be called.
Overcoats at any price at Johnson,
Lorentz & Co’s. They are dandies.
Every housekeeper wants best flour
in the market. D. C. Grow keeps it.
You ought to see the new line of tine
cut-glass at Fredrick's, the Jeweler.
W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu
neral Director. Ready day or night.
For Sale.—A registered Poland China
boar, aged one year last March.
, Thos. Burton.
Theodore Pilger is assisting in
the Cooper store during the holiday
Aztec lump, Nigger Head lump, also
nut coal always on hand at the Taylor
The Unity Club will meet with Mrs.
George Leininger this coming Friday
Bargains in Chinaware, Toilet Sets,
Handkerchief and Glove boxes at Oden
dahl Bros.’
The dance in the new Draper building
last Friday night was reported a very
pleasant affair.
Do you need a fountain pen? See
Fredrick, the New Jeweler. Every
pen guaranteed.
We have the promise of three loads
of cobs. We have seen nothing but the
promises as yet.
Christmas is coming. See Fredrick,
the Jeweler, for what you want. If he
has not got it, he will get it for you
For Sale-Pure-bred Poland China
pigs and high-grade Shorthorn bulls.
See Lawrence Smith for particulars.
Have you any poultry to sell? If so,
see C. C. Cooper. He pavs the highest
market price for all kinds of poultry.
W. K. Mellor and wife returned
home from their extended trip to Chi
cago and the east, last Friday evening.
The Ravenna Creamety Company
guarantees 26 cents for butter fat de
livered at the Creamery for the first
half of December.
Deputy Slater returned from Elyria,
last Thursday evening, where he is or
ganizing a ne\* branch of the M. B. A.,
and reports good success.
Anyone can get good corn fed beef
by the quarter at Reynold’s Meat Mar
ket. Front quarters, 5c per pound, and
hind quarters at 6c per pound.
E. G. Taylor gave a party to his Sun
day school class, and a few chosen
young friends, last Friday evening,
and a splendid social time resulted.
Fred Odendahl and Fred Jens have
made arrangements to give a grand
masquerade ball at the opera house on
the night of December 30th, Friday
night. Don’t forget the date.
F. S. Treat, secretary of the Iowa
‘ B »ard of Control, orders The North
western to visit him the coming year
Mr.Treat has land interests in Sherman
county, and wants the news from here.
For Sale.—A few Thoroughbred Po
land China and Duroc Jersey male pigs
at farmers’ prices. Ages, six months to
one y**ar. Apply to H. B. Musser. on
the old Carsten fruelsen place 48tf
Judging by last week’s Times-Inde
pendent, some farmer has palmed of
unwell hen fruit on the unsophisticated
editor. Any granger man, woman,
child or hen that would play s» shabby
a trick on a guileless and innocent prin
ter, is no gentleman, so there.
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseas s. such hs Rheu
mati m, Stomach disorders, Tumois,
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney dbease-i,etc.
The doctors use. besides medcineand
surgery, the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity anu massage.
See Cooper’s store window.
Steve Gray returned home last nijflit.
Choice Buck wheat Flour for sale by
D. S. Grow.
Clint Outhous * lus our thanks. He
knows why.
.1. C. Fletcher of Boelus was in the
city Tuesday.
Guarantee and O. K Wash Machines
at 1*. O. Heed’s.
Cigars in Xmas packages, 12 in a box,
at Odendahl Bros.’
Who will bring us a loud of cobs
right away quick?
If you want a u -oful present, go to
Hover’s Furniture Store.
Get prices on Toys, Sled*, and Doll
Cabs at Odekdahl Bros.’
Wm. McCombs left Wednesday for a
three weeks’ visit In Illinois.
Northern Milling Co.’s mill stuffs on
sale by D. C. Grow. Try them.
James Lee was up from St. Paul a
few days since, vi iting his parents.
Call and see Cooper about his Pre
mium Chinaware. This is no lottery.
Go and see those fine fur coats at
Johnson, Lorentz & Co’s. Si2toS3o.
Horse Blankets, Lap Robes, Husking
Miits, etc., at the Draper Saddlery Co's.
Fredrick, the New Jeweler, has pur
chased the Odendahl stock of Jewelery
J. A. II. Hansel recently lost t*o or
three head of cattle by the cornstalk
S. F. Reynolds, the popular meat man
is sporting a tiue new tri-coiored deliv
ery wagon.
Fancy New York Apples, Oranges,!
Spanish Grapes, Pears and Lemons at
Odendahl Bros.’
Mrs. Moon, mother of Mrs. S, S. Ho
ver, returned from her protracted visit
to Illinois yesterday.
For tine watch and jewdery repairing
go to tredricK, the Now Jeweler He
guarantees all work.
C. F. Beuch-msen at Ashton orders ;
The Northwestern to visit him the
corning year. Thanks.
Watches from $1 up, guaranteed to
keep good time for one year, at Fred
rick’s, the new Jeweler
Reports come of loss of stock from
blackleg and cornstalk disease in the
southwest part of the county.
Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.,
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
Place your orders for storm sash early
and avoid the delay in the busy sea
son. Leinikgek Lumber Co.
W. D. Hover & Co take this oppor
tunity of informing their patrons that
their holiday line ot Itockers are here.
For Sale.—Poland China pigs. Call
on or address Thos. Burton, six miles
southwest of Loup City, on Cob Creek
The ladies of the M. E. Church will i
hold their annual fair and bazar *t the I
opera house on Dec. 17th. Don’t forget j
the date.
Father Tracy leaves for his home at i
Ghent, S. Y , tomorrow after a ph as- i
an. visit of several weeks with his
sons here.
Miss Ella Foster returned last Thurs
day evening from a fortnight’s visit
with her grandparents and numerous
friends at Ord.
An alarm of fire, list Saturday,
proved to be a prairie fire on the hills
just north of town, which was put out
without lois or damage.
Lawrence Smith has for pale a num
ber of male Poland China pigs and high
bred Shorthorn bulls Also a registered
Shorthorn bull for sale or exchange
See him for particulars.
County Supervisor-elect Henning
Claussen was down from Washington
township, Tuesday, on business. It is
the first time Henning has found time
out of corn picking since election.
For Sale.—Eight pedigreed Shorthorn
ball qalves and one 4-year-cid legis
teied Shorthorn bull.
Truelsen & Johansen,
47 Half mile east of Loup City.
T. H. Eisner is now doing his own
cooking now to see how he liks it. Last
Friday, bis good wife and son Henry
left lor a visit with “Art at Omaha.
They will be a sent till T. H gets good
and weary of baching.
Have you paid your account at P O.
Reed’s? If not please call and settle,
as I want all my accounts, whether
large or small. p*id by Jan 1,1905.
P. O. Reed.
Wouldn’t you bate to give a friend
a cheap looking picture of yourself
mad** bv an inferior artist, aud receive
in return a beautiful picture of your
friend, that Draper had made? Would
n’t your trien 1 size you up as a cheap
The next number of the lecture
course, given by our Methodist people,
will be the Peterson Sisters Concert Co,
next Wedn-sdty evening, Dec. 21.
This will be an excel! ent musical enter
tainment by acknowledged artists in
t e line. D< n’t fail to make your ar
rangements to hear tatm.
John L'zaplewski, Sr., had two colts
killed by the B & M. Tuesday.
Lawrence Smith has just finished the
grading around his new c;«rn.
Hon. Pete Youngers and wife of Ge
neva were guests ot VV. H Mellor over
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Long went to
Omaha Tuesday. They will retuin Fri
day evening.
It is reported Wm. Hancock, south ol
town, lost his residence by tire last
night. No particulars
Am ng our new readers we record
the name of that prince of picture mak
ers, Edgar Draper. Thanks
Mrs H. S. Wold, wife ol the Baptist
clergyman, was quite ill Tuesday, but
at present is much improved.
H. D. Criss of Greeley county, spent
hist Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Simpson Criss of this city.
The Peterson Sisters Concert Co.,
next Wednesday evening, Dec. 2lst.
Don’t forget the date, and don’t miss
he iring them
I)r. Jones reports the arrival of a
baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Hoadlv, the arrival dating from last
Friday mornimg.
Mrs. It. S. Arthur and Mrs. O. W.
Conhiser w'ent to Idaho Springs, Colo..
Tuesday, to visit Mrs. Pedler and
daughter. Miss Sadie.
J. B. Draper has sold his intrest in
the new brick building to his brother,
D. S Draper, as predicted by the
Nokthwestesn a week or so since.
E. A. Swanson and Louis Wolf had
their addreesses changed from Sweet
water to LitchtMd. where they will
receive their Northwestern hereafter.
Married, tt 12 o’clock, noon, Dec. 12,
1904, at the St. Elmo, by County Judge
Angier, Mr. John Matejka of Buffalo
county and Miss Anna Abram of Sher
man connty.
Be sure and attend the services at the
Baptist church next Snnday morning
and evening, as you will hear some
thrng that will not only interest you.
but will do you good. All are invited.
I)o not fail to hear the reading at the
Methodist church by John W. Long,
next Sunday evening, entitled, “The
Man WhoSpoiled the Music ” Mr,Long
will be assisted by the full chorus choir
with appropriate music.
The M. E. Sundiy school will give a
Cantata on Christmas night, we under
stand. It is also stated there will be
no Christmas tree and no presents,
save tn ats for each scholar. We will
give full information next week
Rev Wold of the Baptist church will
preach next Sunday on . the following
subjects: Morning. ‘ They That Wait
Upon the laird;” evening, “What’s the
Difference.’’ You are heartily welcome
to these services
We were promised a report of the
visit of Deputy State Superintendent
McBrien to our county schools for this
week’s paper, from the pen of County
Superintendent Hendrickson, but it
failing to materialize, we have no re
port of Mr. McBrien’s yist.
The cantata to be given by the M. E.
Sunday school, Christinas night, is be
ing rehearsed under the direction of
Mrs.George Leininger, which assures
ns that the entertainment will he par
excellence. Great preparations are be
ing made for that event by our our
Methodist friends.
Uncle Snyder wa* in to see us today,
looking for sympathy. He is getting
fearful tired of baching, but sees no im
mediate let up, as acard from his better
nin dec n-tw eatic ths at Bath, Ills., says
she is headed eastward for Chicago and
a longer stay. We gave him a hunk of
sympathy big as a cartwheel.
The children of the Baptist Sunday
school are getting ready for the usual
enteramment. Christmas Eve. They
have a nice program and will try to
make it interesting for all who may at
tend. Santa Claus is now on the way
and will be sure to be here on time. A
cordial invitation is given to all to be
The stork an1 Dr. Mary A. Hen
drickson called at James Rentfrow’s,
last Saturday night. The stork depart
ed in the early dawn, leaving an 8
pound baby girl with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Baade, as a *ouvenir of his visit,
but the doctor remained later to ad
minister restoratives to the overjoyed
The fair held last Saturday by the La
dies’ Aid Society of the Baptist church
proved a success in ev- ry wav. In spite
of the disagreeable weather, there was
a fine turnout and everything went off
with a vim and enthunasm that was
good to see. The society took in about
•115. Hearty thanks are due to all
who came and hjlp^d to make the fair
a success.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T*. Starr last
Thursday entertained Messrs, and Mes
dames Long. Mc.thew, Mason and John
son and the Messrs. McKinney of Wash
ington township, who lately became
residents there, purchasing a quarter
section of land of W. R. Mellon It was
a rare musical treat, as one of the lat
ter gentlemen was an operatic singer
before the public for several years.
Our people were pained to learn, hist
Friday morning, that Dr. Kearn* had
been compelled to nnderg» the ampu
tation of his ngt leg, as a result of the
rheumatic ailment of which he has
been an intense si fferer, but wi so
patiei t, for these many years. Dr. Gro
than of St. Paul was called and with
the assis'ance of I)r Main of this city,
the operation was successfully per
formed and we are happy to inform the
many friends of Dr. Kearns, and their
name is Legion, that the good doctor
sustained the shock adm'rably, and th
latest news received of hi* condition is
most favorable, and every indication
points to an early and rapid recovery.
We sincerely trust this is the beginning
of a brighter physical era for the doc
tor and that the great boon of robust
health and its consequent happiness
may yet be his to the fullest extent.
Our good farmer friend, H. Iiinsink,
was in town Saturday last, nursing a
sprained shoulder. The cause, Friend
Iiinsink was loth to give, but a little
bird says a pet pig and the gentleman
met on a com non level going in op
posite directions, and the pig main
tained the right-of way. Friend Ilin
sink did sav that the hail played h(ai)l
with hi* corn crop the past season,
causing him to invest monies in that
cereal to carry him through till next
year. It seems he was right in the
path of a heavy hail storm the past
season which laid his corn crop low,
and this is the third time the summer
ice fiend has played him the dirtv trick.
Art Gilbert last week purchased the
St. Elmo Livery Barn of Leach &
Pierce and is stocking it up with a
number of new rigs and several band
some driving teams. Art says he be
lieves the best is not too good for Loup
City and the traveling public, and pro ,
poses having as handsome toumouts as
may be found in the west He invites
your patronage through The North
western, and we can assure the pub
lie that Mr. Gilbert is a hustler and an
active, progressive young man and will
treat vou right.
On Thursday, Dec 8th. 1904, at 5 p. m.
at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc
Laughlin, in Loup City, Neb., their
daughter, Miss Alice McLaughlin, was
united in marriage to Mr. Victor E.
Johnson of Aurora. Neb , Rev. W. I.
Cowell, of the M. E. church, officiating.
The wedding was a quiet affair, none
but the parents of the happy couple and
a few intimate friends being present.
We tender congratulations to the new
family and wish them a lovely and
prosperous voyage through life.
A number of friends and neighbors
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hiram Cramer, on Monday evening
last, to celebrate their third wedding
anniversary. It was a complete sur
prise to the couple, hut the visitors
found them equel to the occasion and
rhey soon had coffee and a splendid
lunch prepared All enjoyed the even
ing, and as the p rty were about to dis
band, Mr. Cramtr aud his good wife
were made a present of a handsome
pickle cruet.
Latest reports frem Little Albert
Gue, who was so badly injured last
week by the kick of a hors^, are to the
effect that he is getting along finely,
andunl-ss new connlicati ns set in,
his recovery is only a matter of a short
time. well enug i so that Mes
dames Reed of York and May of Cen
tral City, the bo_\’s aunt and grand
mother, were able to return to their
homes yesterday.
We received a pleas mt call last Sat
urday from Deputy State Superintend
ent McBrien, who was here in the in
terest of the schools, lie is the same
pleasant, genial gentleman that he was
before the last election elevated him to
the state superintendency. lie is the
kind of a man you can’t spoil by plac
ing him to the fore from in official life.
Mosquitoes Render People Along the
Great River Miserable.
It Is not a pleasure to live in the
wild regions along the banks of the
River Amazon. The Indians of that
region all suffer martyrdom from the
mosquitoes. Nobody in even the
worst mosquito regions of the United
States can imagine what the mosqui
toes of the Amazon region are like.
They actually drive the Indians, har
dened as they are, from their villages
at times. The people drag their ,
women and children into woods and
uplands on such occasions, fleeing in
headlong terror, and they do not ven
ture back to their homes until day
Smudges and other similar means
for fighting the pest are of no use in
the Amazon country when the mosqui
toes sally forth for a “night out.”
They appear then in such hordes that
the masses force themselves through
smoke and even fire.
• 9 m " ■ —
The First Cultivated Rose.
It la said that the first cultivated
rose was planted in Belgium in the
year 1522. The damask rose was
taken to England from France in 1573,
the moss rose about 1724 and the
China rose fifty years later.
Moscow Imports. \
The principal articles imported into
Moscow are mechanical and agricul
tural machinery, hardware and cut- t
lery, cotton, raw copper, cash regis
ters, typewriters, o®ce furniture, bl- \
cycles, eto.
Editing a newspaper is a nice thing.
If we publish jokes people say we are
rattle-brained; if we don’t we are fos
sils. If we publish original matter,
they say we don’t give them enough se
lections; if we give them selections
they s«v we are too lazy to wri.te. If
we don't go to church we are heathens,
and if w« do go we are hypocrites. If
we remain in the office wo ought to be
out looking for ne ws items; if we go out
we are not attending to our business.
If we we ir old cloihes they laugh at us;
if we wear go >d clothes they say we
•lave a pull. Now what are we to doV
Justus likHy as not some one will sity
we stole this from an exchange So we
did. We stole it fr >m some paper that
stole it from some other paper.
Looking for Men
That are losing cattle with cornstalk
disease, and those who are not losing cat
tie. I want to si op your loss and protect
those who haven’t lost any by using
Muir’s National Cornstdk Remedy, a
sure preventive. Your neighbors are
using it and being convinced every day.
Do not lose any more cattle. Call on
or address, B. L. GOODELL,
Sole Agent, Loup City, Neb.
On Sale at Chase’s Drug Store. 5-4t
Landseekers, half rates Dec. 20, Jan
3 and 17 to Olahoma, Texas and South-,
Low one wav settlers’ rates< Dec. 20
to southeast, i#eyond Ohio river.
Christmas and Ne«’ Year greatly re
puced rates between Rockies and Chi
cago, Peoria and St. Louis.
Live Stock convention. Denver; one
fare plus $2. round trip, Jan. 7 to 9.
Omaha and return, 86.15 Tickets on
sale Dee 26 to28 inclusively; good re
turning Jan. 2. 1905.
Denver, Col., and return, 816.80
Tickets on sale Jan. 7 to 9 inclusive,
good returning Jan 31, 1905.
Round trip tickets, via U P., Nov. 1
to April 30, Denver, $23.70; Colorado
Springs, $27.70; Pueblo, 829.95.
Low one way settler rates to Ala
bama. Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Tennessee. Virginia.
Tickets on sate Dec 20th, only.
Holiday rates, one fare plus 50c for
round trip. Sale days, Dec. 24-5-6-31,
lan 1-2. good returning to and includ
ing Jan. 4.
Notice to Bidders.
I, Geo. II. Gibson. County Clerk of Sherman
county, Nebraska, estimate that the following
books, blanks and stationery will be required
for the use of the county officers for the com
ing year:
LOT ONE.—Three gross lean pencils, best
grade: one gross penholders: twelve quarts
Arnold's writing fluid: twelve gross steel pens
five hundred blotters; twenty-four gross as
sorted rubber bands; two dozen sponge-top
mucilage: two reams Crane’s Japanese linen
legal cap: two reams Columbia legal cap; one
gross indelible election pencils: three dozen
election ink cones: eight-quire record books
(four plain and four printed forms> patent flex,
ible back, flap opening, best linen paper: 3.000
triplicate tax receipts, blocked; 3.200 tax re
ceipts in triplicate, bound and perforated. 200
in book for county treasurer, to fold for use
with carbon paper: thirteen sets of poll books
and envelopes: six chattel mortgage flies. 200
in the tile; one gross, one inch by ten inches.
Globe Congress tie envelopes.
LOT TWO.—1.C00 1-8 sheet blanks; 5.000 1-4
sheet blanks; 3.000 1-2 sheet blanks; 1,000full
sheet blanks: all blanks to be good heavy pa
per; 3.000 note heads; 6.000 letterheads; note
and letter heads to be of good heavy paper:
4.000 6V4-inch xxx envelopes; 2,000 10.inch xxx
LOT THREE.—Court dockets, one case to
page, indexed, with rules of court, list of jur
ors, court officers and resident attorneys, on
flat cap paper, in lots of forty; 6.000 election
Sealed bids for each or any of the above
three lots of supplies must be filed with the
county clerk at his office in Loup City, Nebras
ka. on or before the first day of January. 1906.
Sealed bids will also be received and must
be filed in the county clerk’s office on or be
fore January 1st. 1906. for the following: Pub.
iishing delinquent tax list: publishing county
treasurer's financial statement: publishing
road and bridge notioes, and other notices re
quired by the county.
The county board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this 1st day
of December, 1904. Gko. II. Gibson,
(sbai. ) County Clerk.
Last pub- Dec. 29.
Estray Notice.
Taken up ,»s an estray on my farm,
section 32, township 16, rir.gel4, Sher
m n cou ity, Ntbras <a, on the 14th day
9f November, 1904, the following st'KJk,
to-wit: One bright red steer. Owner
will claim said stock, pay all costs and
:ake same away, or said estray will be
mid avoiding to law.
Obed C. Warren.
Subscribed and sw orn to before me
;his 1st day of December, 1904.
Last pub. Jan. 5.
SI. Eli Bari
i. L. GILBERT, Prop. !
Fine Livery Turnouts ■
Having recently purchased this
veil known stable and added to it
n many ways, I am better prepared
han ever to serve you right.
Clive Us a
Fafon Ofgaps
for the
The Macey Sectional Bookcase
is mechanically correct and artistically perfect. The very
best and latest structural features are combined with that
high standard of quality, artistic nicety of finish, design
and scrupulous attention to details, for which all Macey
goods are justly famed. Catalog for the asking.
Full line on exhibition at
W. D. Hover & Co.’s
Cold -Weather1S Copiipg
And you will want something to
keep you warm. We’ve got it.
FUR COATS, from $12 to $35
OVERCOATS, from $2.50 to $20
Caps, Mitts, Sweaters, Felt Boots, Underwear. In
fact everything in Gents’ Furnishings.
Also received another line of
Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets
Get our Prices and look our stock over.
Are You In Need?
Wagon, Buggy, Harness,
Wind Mill, Corn Shelter,
Feed Grinder, Gasoline Engine, Etc.,
T. M. Reed
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St*. Louis,
and all points
ast and south.
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco,
and all points
No. 52 Passenger.10J5S a. m.
No. 60 Freight.J0.53a.rn.
No. 51 Passenger. 6:15 p. m.
No. 59 Freight.6:15 p. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
told and baggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada.
nFor information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to K. L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. Francis, Gen'I Passenger
Agent. Omaha, iiebraska.
Legal Notice.
Notice to Whom It May Concern, and
Lot No. 15. Block 6, Original Village j
of Ashton, Nebraska:
You are hereby notified that on the
18th day of April, 19*»3, I purchased at
private tax sale of S. N. Sweetland,
bounty Treasurer of Sherman county,
Nebraska, lot fifteen (15), in bio k six
6). Village of Ashton, Sherman county,
Nebraska, for the taxes for the years
893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899,
900, 1931, 1902 and 1903, which was as
essedin the name of A P. Culley.and
hat the time of redemption of said
eal estate from said tax sale will ex
iire on the 18th day of April. 1905.
H. Smelser, Owner.
Last pub. Pec. 22.
Those wishing to purchase fruit
arms or irrigated farms in Colorado
fill do well to call on Gunnersoti &
limmerman. 4 tf j
Do you read The Northwestern? i
f not, why not? l^ess than 2c per week t
Vhrs® Daily Vraiqs to
Caliibi ilia.
No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:25a m
No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed)
12;0f> p. m.
No. 37 arrives dally except Sunday (paa-yS
enge») 7:50 p. m.
No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:55 p m.
First class servic- and close connections
east, west and south. Tickets sold to al!
points aud baggage checked through to
destination. Information will be color
fully furnished on application to
Frank Hiskk, Agent
Round Front Barn, |
J. H. MINER. Props. > t
Loup City, - Nebr. 1
(Opposite Noithwestern Office)
Fine it Livery Rig8, easeful drivers,
leadquarters irr tanners’ teams. • om
aerciai men’s tra le given eepecia' at- jfcl
ention. Your patronage solicited.