The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 24, 1904, Image 3

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    Hi A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. H
Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how
she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain
ful and irregular periods by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkhamfs Vegetable Compound#
“ Dear Mrs. Pixkiiam : — Gratitude compels me to acknowledge the
peat merit of \our \ ege table Compound. I have suffered for four*years
With irregular and pamml menstruation, also dizziness, pains in the back
i!i° nnhr ^1U >S’ anJ^ ^tful s^eeP- 1 dreaded the time to come which
would only mean suffering to me.
Ith 5 al11 wanlei and cure if possible. Lydia E. Pink
K ld brouSbt me health and happiness in a
1 fee hke another Person now. My aches and pains
plealant and easy^ SeemS nCW and sweefc to me>and everything Leems
?roUght ™.e health, and was worth more than months
™d^the doctor s care, which really did not benefit me at all. I am sat
isfied there is no medicine so good for sick women as your Vegetable
£>-£°Ur^ and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical
help. — Mas. B. A. Blanchard, 422 Broad St, Nashville, Tenn.
When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstrua
leucorrhaea, displacement or ulceration ofPthe womb, that
bearing-<..own feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or
flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous nrost rat ion. nr »» )»ut
with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, las
situde, excitability, irritability, nervousness,
sleeplessness, melancholy, “all-gone” and
“want-to-be-left-alone” feelings, blues and
hopelessness, they should remember there is one
tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pink ham’s
V egetable Compound at once removes such
troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for
you need the best.
A Severe Case of Womb Trouble Cured
in Philadelphia.
“Dear Mrs. Pixkham: — I have been
b—^ cured of severe female troubles by
the use of Lydia E. Pinkbam's
I] P Vegetable Compound. I was
/ nearly ready to give up, but seeing
your advertisement I purchased one bottle
_ - .1 . T , oi your medicine, and it did me so much
rood that I purchased another, and the result was so satisfactory that I
bought six more bottles, and am now feeling like a new woman. I shall
never be without it. I hope that my testimonial will convince women
that your Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine in the world
for falling of the womb or any other female complaints.”—Mbs. May
Cody, 2660 Birch St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Remember, every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs.
the**® is anything about her symptoms she does not
Hef a<tdress is Lynn, Mass., her advice is free and
Cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for *♦.
The Wabash is the Only Line Landing
You at the World’s Fair.
Rround trip rates from Omaha are
»s follows: $8.50 sold daily except
Friday and Saturday, good 7 days.
$13.80 sold daily, good 15 days. The
Wabash is the only line that land’s
passengers at the main entrance of the
World's Fair grounds. Also the only
line that can check your baggage to
:he World's Fair station. Think what
*, saving of time, annoyance and ex
tra car fare.
All agent3 can sell you through
ticket and route you over the Wabash.
Very low rates to many points South,
Southeast. For beautiful World’s Fair
folder anu all information call at 1601
Farnam St. or address Harry E.
Moores. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. Wab.
R. R., Omaha. Neb.
But few men would strive to achieve
fame if it wasn’t for the sake of pleas
ing some woman.
Don’t you know that Defiance Starch
besides being absolutely superior to
any other, it put up 16 ounces in pack
ages and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds?
A crusty tongue seldom has a
chance to get rusty.
If you don’t get the biggest and best
It's your own fault. Defiance Starch
is for sale everywhere and there is
positively nothing to equal it in qual
ity or quantity.
Opposition cures apathy.
A Marvel of Relief
St Jacobs Oil
Safe and cure for
It Is the specific virtue of penetration In this
remedy that carries it right to the pain spot
and effects a prompt cure.
W. N. U.f Omaha. No. 47—1904
JYRUP cures coughs end colds.
Every nousekeeper snould Know
tliat if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz.—one full
pound—while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in %-pound pack
ages, and the price is the same, 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it Is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures “16 ozs.’* Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron
sticking. Defiance never sticks.
The man who is always talking
about himself as a poor worm of the
dust is not likely to have a great deal
of power to lift the world.—Chicago
Mother Cray’s Sweet Dowders for Children,
Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse
in the Children's Home in New York, cure
Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, move and regulate ttie
Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 tes
timonials. At ail Druggists, 25c. Sample
FREE. Address A. S.Olmsted, LeKoy.N. Y.
Many a man thinks he is getting a
corner lot in glory when he puts a
dime in the collection that he couldn’t
pass on the street car.—Chicago Tri
I am sure Piso’s Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago.-Mas. Thos. Robbins
Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900.
Nature may make some fools, but
all the fops make themselves.
Lewis’ “Single Binder” straight 5c
cigar. The highest price 5c cigar to the
dealer and the highest quality for the
smoker. Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, I1L
All men are good—good for some
thing or good for nothing.
Mr*. J, H. Giles, Kverett. Pa
•ear. with kidney and (Travel treble ('uSSbvT?
Bavkl keunedy a Favorite Heinody, Rondout, Ji. Y.'ll.ool
A man’s failure to accumulate a for
tune is seldom due to his liberality.
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of
all other brands. Others say they can
not sell any other starch.
Men are like chickens—they always
want to get on the highest roost.
Kabo Corsets Get Grand Prize.
St. Louis, Oct. 16.—It has been an
nounced that Kabo Corsets, made by
the Kabo Corset Co., Chicago, have
been given the Grand Prize and high
est award by the board of judges at
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Manufacturing sorrow is one of the
worst oi sins.
To What Ex'ert the Sexes Are Able
to Understand One Another.
Edward B^nuett has some witty re
flections ip his "The Passing Hour”
notes in th»* English Illustrated Maga
zine. He says:
“Solomon, the wisest of men,” de
clared woman to be an enigma. He
appears to have studied the sex in
batches and to have struck an aver
age. He had scarcely time to study
the individual. “But many an honest
Darby who possessed a heart has un
* derstood more than one Joan. If it
is possible tq lay down a general prin
ciple in such a matter. I should say
that where men have failed to under
stand women it was owing to want ol
heart, and that where women have
i not understood men it was due to
want of. intelligence.”
As a matter of fact, it is only in
rare niomerrts of self abasement and
devotion to another that anybody
cares to admit he or she is under
stood. “‘You don't understand me
one little bit' is often the last despair
ing cry of a woman’s injured pride
-o the man who is revealing to her
I the fact that ne knows everything,
j 'ven that this cry is a patent insir
i cerity.”
The man who laments that a worn
-n cannot see how strong is his devo
i tion, that she perverts and twists all
I his assurances into something quite
; foreign to their original meaning, will
i ulmit some day that she understood
i him only too well, that his was a na
' ture which required opposition to stir
it into activity, and what was mis
taken in the business was that he
j himself was so easily comprehended
When a man says that the motives
)f a certain woman are unintelli
gible to him the explanation often is
that she has wounded his pride by
showing too plainly that she under
stands him and acts accordingly, ‘in
other words, her Intelligence prompts
her to act differently from *vhat is
expected of the average woman ir.
similar circumstances, and this exhi
bition cl intelligence is labeled by the
man as incomprehensible. It is h?s
nasty pride which is at fault all the
time. And this applies just as much
in the case of a woman as in that of
a man. Men and women have beer
deliberately throwing dust in one an
other’s eyes for centuries, and the
wonderful thing is that they under
stand each other so well.”
Woman Made Financier Pay for Her
While Jay Gould was superintend
ing the building of the old Rutland &
Washington railroad, between Rut
land. Vt, and Eagle Bridge, N. Y., in
the late summer of 1852, it became
necessary to cross a large farm in the
town of Castleton, belonging to Mrs.
Ann Dineen. so a strip of her property
was obtained. A fine patch of water
1 melons on the place was too strong a
| temptation for the one hundred or
i more men in the construction gang,
| and in a day or two the patch was
i melonless.
Mrs. Dineen complained to Gould,
but he disclaimed any responsibility
for the acts of the workmen and re
! fused to recompense her for her loss.
A day or two later Mr. Gould and
rrne or two of his engineers were ob
j laining relief from the effects of the
hot weather by taking a swim in the
' Castleton river, when suddenly Mrs.
Dineed appeared on the bank. Gath
; ering up all the clothes of the bathers,
the woman made a motion as though
I to throw them into the water and
i si outed:
Will yez nay me for thim water
n illions now, Mr. Gould?”
The promoter’s trousers contained a
timepiece worth a large sum and oth
er valuables which immersion would
not have benefited, so he agreed to set
tie for the stolen fruit if she would go
to his office the next day. The promise
was satisfactory, and Mrs. Dineen re
treated in triumph.
“English” in England.
“Phonetic laziness” in the mattei
of place names is notorious in the
north of England, writes a correspond
ent of the London Chronicle. Lanca
shire has a curt way of dealing with
troublesome names. “After all,’
writes a correspondent, “there is an
excuse for saying ‘Oost’n’ instead of
Ulverstone in these days of stress and
hustle, and life is too short to say
‘Little Urswiek’ when you can make
yourself understood more easily by
‘Lilosik.’ In Cumberland I once asked
the way to Aspatria. The native did
not understand for some time, when
it suddenly dawned upon him that I
meant ‘Spethry.’ Difficulties of pro
nunciation, however, present them
selves to the Londoner much nearer
home than CumDorland. In Essex, for
instance, I once asked a laborer if he
could give me some rough idea as
co how far St. Osyth was from any
known outpost of civilization. H*
was a most intelligent fellow, for he
scratched his head only four minutes
when he exclaimed: ‘Oh, you mean
Toosy!’ I supposed I did.”—New
York Tribune.
Aunty Not in Leading Role.
Denman Thompson is beloved by
the young members of his company,,
especially the little tots that figure in
the scenes of “The Old Homestead.”
Daring a recent New York engage
ment he wanted to compliment a little
fairy on her work and said:
“You’ve done so well I'd like to give
you a big kiss."
“Oh, Mister Thompson,” answered
the fairy, horrified, “you mustn’t,
really. Aunty doesn’t believe in kiss
“Never mind, dear,” replied Mr.
Thompson, “I’m not kissing aunty."
And the little fairy got the smack.
—New York Times.
Telegraph Across Sahara.
The French government has decided
to erect an electric telegraph line
across the Great Sahara, from South
Algeria to the west coast. It is to be
laid from In-Salah, via Tidekalt and
Tageneut, to Timbuctoo, a distance of
about 620 miles. The work is to be
completed in about twelve months.—
London Engineer.
Mrs. G. W. Fooks, of Salisbury, Md.,
Vife of G. W. Fooks, Sheriff of Wico
mico County,
says: "I suf
fered with kid
ney complaint
for eight years.
It came on me
gradually. I
felt tired and
weak, was
short of breath
and was trou
b 1 e d with
bloating after
eating, and my
limbs were badly swollen. One doctor
told me it would finally turn to
3risht's disease. I was laid up at
one time for three weeks. I had not
taken Doan's Kid ley Pills more than
three days when the distressing ach
ing across my back disappeared, and
I was soon entirely cured.”
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,N.Y.
English Was Good Enough.
An English tourist was being driv
en on a jaunting car through the Don
egal highlands, and after a time the
results of his observation came to the
surface in the following query:
“Driver! 1 notice that when you speak
to your friends whom you meet on the
road you invariably do so In Irish,
but when you address your horse you
do so in English. How is this?” To
which came the retort: “Musha now
1 thin. Isn't English good enough for
him.”—The Spectator.
TVhen nope had Almost Settled Into Utter
Despair Relief Came from aa
Unexpected Source,
Mrs. Emma Ileidebreder, of No. 1323
Joy street, Burlington, Iowa,whose hus
band isau employecof the Rand Lumber
Co., tells a story of pitiable suffering:
“ For about five years,” she says, “ I
hadahost of physical ills that kept me an
ipvalid and puzzled the doctors. Some
of them thought I was going into con
sumption. At times I was so weak that
I could not comb my hair or even wash
my face. Then excruciating pains ran
suddenly up my thigh and I had to be
carried to bed screaming in my agony.
I could no longer do my work and the
Train upon my husband’s purse was
very heavy. I craved food but what I
ate only gave me discomfort. My liver
was torpid, and often I had to be carried
to the door for air to save me from suf
‘‘The worst was the pain which seemed
as if my thigh were being pushed out of
my body. The best doctors could do was
to deaden it by narcotics. Once they
thought I could not live for more than
two days. In #ne of my worst attacks,
a friend said : ‘ Why don't you try Dr.
Williams’ Pink Pills? They are the
only thing that ever helped my rheuma
“ I took his advice. After using one
box I felt better, and I continued to use
the pills for three or four mouths with
steady improvement until I was well.
For four years I have been able to do all
my household work, and no longer have
to take medicine for any serious trouble.
I gave one box of Dr. Williams’ Pink
Pills to a man on cratches because of
rheumatism and advised my market
woman to buy a box when she was com
plaining of the same trouble. I heard that
he was soon able to throw his crutches
away, and the told me she had got rid of
the rheumatism by the usq of one box
and could not thauk mo too much.”
Testimony multiplies as to the mag
nificent curative powers of Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills lor Pale People in cases of
rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous head
ache, palpitation of the heart and all
forms of weakness in either male or
female. They are sold by all druggists
throughout the world.
The day wasted on others is not
wasted on one s self.—Dickens.
Horses, Mules, Harness; One and
Two-Horse Baggage Wagons; Lan
daus, Berlins, Hansom and Four-Wheel
Cabs, Victorias, Ten-Seated Passenger
Coaches, at reasonable prices for
cash. This is surplus equipment pur
chased on account of the World’s Fair.
Address D. Jambson, Superintendent
Passenger and Baggage Department.
St. Louis Transfer Company, Broad
way and Spruce street, St. Louis, Mo.
The man who starts out to look for
trouble doesn’t have to go far until he
has it thrust upon him.
$100 Reward, $100.
The reader# of this paper will be pleased to team
thai there Is at least one dreaded disease that science
ha# been able to cure la all Its stages, and that la
Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh Cure 1# the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, require# a conatltu
tlonal treatment. If all's Catarrh Cure 1# taken In
ternally. acting directly upon the blood and inucoua of the aystem, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
■trenirth by building up the constitution and aeMsl
Ing nature In doing It# work. The proprietor# have
•o much faith In Ita curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any rase that It falls M
ciure. Send for list of testimonials,
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall’* Family Pint, for constipation.
Better Late Than Never.
After kissing a pretty girl for the
first time a young man always re
frets the opportunities he has wasted
Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by
t new process, in a few’ weeks, with
out loss of time or inconvenience.
Rectal diseases cured without the
knife. Send for circular. O. S. Wood,
M. D., 521 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
Many would rather be in sin than
out of stvle.
Storekeepers report that the extra
quantity, together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
A young man seldom burns his can
dle at both ends if he has to pay cash
lor the candle.
Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup.
rse children teething, soften# tbs guns, rednsss Ip
Isaimstion,siisyspsin,curu#windcotw. 25c s bouts.
The bunko man’s Income is a tax
on credulity.
Korean Good Eurden Bearer.
The Korean coolie is as lazy as the
Chinese is industrious. He can squat
all day on his heels and smoke his
pipe between intervals of sleep, and
ask but little more of Heaven than his
daily “pap,” as his dish of rice is
called, and an industrious wife at
home. But, as burden bearer, he rivals
the Chinese. With a sort of forked
stick with pegs fitted to his back he
carries 40U pounds easily.
Ivy in the House.
A small country hostelry near Bos
ton, in Lincolnshire, (Eng.) can show
a curious sight. The exterior of the
house is covered with ivy. This has
fofind it sway through the bricks and
invaded th.e interior of the taproom.
The proprietress has now trained the
ivy so that it has spread all round
the room, and the unusual sight can
be witnessed of ivy growing inside a
Protect Babies From Evil Spirits.
The babies in West Africa are con
sidered to be free from the attentions
of evil spirits for the first seven days
, of their lives. On the seventh day.
however, a large family feast is held,
during which care must be taken to
throw plenty of the good things out
j side the house in order to propitiate
j the evil powers.
Value of the Spruce Tree.
Were it not for the fact that the
finest of wood pulp can bo made from
! spruce logs, white paper would cost
j so much that newspapers and maga
; zines and books would be much high
er in price, and their circulation cor
respondingly restricted. Even the
mails would be lighter by far but for
the spruce tree.
A Pea! Miser.
A man in Missouri who swallowed
a 3-cent piece hack in the days when
silver coins of that denomination were
sometimes seen lias just coughed it
up. We all of us have had experi
ence with individuals who required a
very long time to cough up very small
amounts.—Boston Transcript.
Railways Own Staircases
In London the stairways and eleva
tors used for access or egress trom
the stations of the underground rail
roads do not occupy any part of the
streets. The railway companies had to
buy space in a block where they
wanted a station.
Wedding Sweets in Holland.
In place of wedding cake in Holland
wedding sweets are given—“bruid
zuikers” they are called. They are
handed round by children and are
served in flower-tiimmed baskets.
Sanitary Certificates.
The public health department of the
city of London issues certificates to
restaurants and bakeries which have
been inspected and found in good san
itary condition.
Progress in Cabul.
The progressive policy of the ameer
includes the appointment of women
doctors at Cabul and the use of elec
tric power in his gun factory.
Football to Harden Soldiers.
All the soldiers in the army of Ar
gentina are forced to play football. It
is said to train them to bear the hard
ships of battle.
Write MCKINF. F.YE KEMKDY Co.. Chlorpo. ff
your eye* »re »ore or Inflamed, ami pet ocullar'a
advice am! freeeample Ml’KI.N'E. It cures all eye-ilia
Faith creates the future.
Tinums HIE KKI
millE no HIT till IT
To Prove what Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy#
Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of this paper May
Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more
sickness and suffering Ilian any other disease, therefore, when
through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble is permitted Uv
continue, fatal results are sure to follow.
Your other organs may need attention-but your kidneys most,
because they do most and need attention first.
If you are sick or “feel badly,” begin taking Dr. Kilmer’s
Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver ami bladder remedy, because
as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all th«
other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone.
The mild and immediate effect of
Swamp-Root the great kidney and
bladder remedy is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root will set your whole system
right, and the l»est proof of this is a trial.
5:? Cottage Sr., Melrose, Mass.
Dear Sir: Ja.v. llth. iwm.
“Kver since I was in the Army. I had more or
less kidney trouble, and within the past year it
became so severe and complicated that I
suffered everything and was much alarmed my
strength and power was fast leaving me. I saw
an advertisement of Swamp-Hoot and wrote
asking for advice. I began the use of the
medicine and noted a decided improvement
after taking Swamp-Hoot only a short time.
X continued its use and am thankful to say
that I am entirely cured and strong. In order
to be very sure altout this. I had a doctor exam
ine some of my water to-day and he pronounced
it all right and in splendid condition.
I know that your Swamp-Hoot is purely vege
table and does not contain any harrnful drugs.
Thanking you for my complete recovery and
recommending Swamp-Hoot to an sufferers
I am,” Very trulv yours,
Swamp-Root is not recommended for
everything but it promptly cures kidney,
liver and bladder troubles, the symp*
toms of which are—obliged to pass your
water frequently night and day, smart
ing or irritation in passing, briekdust
or sediment in the urine, headache,
backache, lame back, dizziness, poor
digestion, sleeplessness, nervousness,
heart disturbance due to bad kidney
trouble, skin eruptions from bad bloody
neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, bloat
ing, irritability, wornout feeling, lack
of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow com
plexion. or Bright's disease.
If your water, when allowed to re
main undisturbed in a glass or bottla
for twenty-four hours, forms a sediment
or settling or has a cloudy appearance,it
is evidence that your kidneys and blad
der need immediate attention.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and
is for sale at drugstores the world over
in bottles of two sizes and two prices—
fifty cents and one dollar. Remember
the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing
hamton, N. Y., on everi- bottle.
EDITORIAL NOTE.—la order to
prove the wonderful merits of Swamp
Root you may have a sample bottle and
a book of valuable information, both
sent absolutely free by mail. The book
contains many of the thousands upon
thousands of testimonial letters re
ceived from men and women cured.
The value and success of Swamp- Root
are so well known that our readers are
advised to send for a sample bottle. In
sending1 your address to Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Binghamton. N. Y.. be sure to say
you read this generous offer in this
paper. The genuineness of this offer la
Please write or HU in this coupon with four
name and address and Dr. Kilmer & Co., will
send you a Free Sample Bottle of Swamp-Root
tba Great Kidney Remedy.
St. and No.... ...
City or Town.«... ......
State.......................................... h.
Mention :hU paper.
Autos to Feed Raiiways.
Automobile trains are to be run on
wagon roads in German East Africa
as feeders to the railway lines.
II II in :MI. ■ !">■"■♦•1 -4»|| .'‘l.'limiulHitlllviTiPHit' mllllll
AVfegetable Preparationfor As
similating the Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuP
nessandRest.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
frmpkin Seed'
jdx.Smna *
RocKtiU So!It -
Attitr inrti *
flmtntmi -
Aperfecl Remedy for Const! pa
lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
In sheets of PURE ANILIKE BLUE. No bottles. No paddles. No waste. Gives the same
mount of blueing water each wash-day. Ask your grocer lor it or send 10c for a t-ooK of ad leaves.
The Handy Blueing Book Co., 87 E. Lake St., Chicago, III,
We would teach the lady
who boys.
Lesson number on»*
Starch is an extraction
of wheat used to stif*
fen clothes when
laundered. Host
starches in time
will rot the
goods they
are used to
_ contain
Defiance Starch
is absolutely pure.
It gives new life te
linen. It gives satisfies
tion or money back. It
tells 16 ounces for 10 eents
at all grocers. It is th%
very best.
tuMUAcnnco it
Keep the luxuriant, healthy head of
which nature gave you. If your hair is falling
out you eua stop it—use rndoma. It gives new
life to sickly hair. It's guaranteed—Ask yotw
barber. Scud us your name for free treatment
m Save 2 on Drugs
mw write for nor 100-page catalogued
J ?.h.0.£‘"K 10 1100 artlo!es at cut price*.
Cor. 16th and Dodge. Omaha. Neb.
Mustang Liniment
is a positive care for Piles.
and will send you prospectus
ciirrceenn „-and full particulars of NINE
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ARBUCKLE-OOODE COMMISSION CO., 325 Olive Street, St Lode, M*
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