The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 03, 1904, Image 3
1 s^BvJi^HKl i MARY gEVEREUX ♦VTFH ILLUSTRATIONS BY DON C- WILSON CCoppygAt, 1902, ty l rtfk, firorm. or*/C&rpyy) - Cty JPrgfib fiaanv&J S -I .~ - itl' tti~, i ^i. f i ; - ~ f ■ ;. j ;•.,- * £ CHAPTER 111. The gray was flushing with rose tints from the coming eun when a loud knocking upon the entrance door aroused the soldier on guard in the hall. ..... “Open the door!” a voice shouted peremptorily. “Tatro! Pierre! A thousand devils.’ You fools inside there, open the door, I say!” The disturbance brought Greloire from his improvised couch at the rear of the hall; and climbing the ladder, he pushed hie head through the bro ken window for a sight of who might be outside. “Who are .you?” demanded the young mac standing before the door, his voice indicating surprise as he looked -at -the face of the soldier above him. : Zr. “That 1s what T should like to have you tell me .of yourself, m’sieur,” an swered Greloire, in his usual dry man ner, his not, over friendly eyes noting the details of the attire worn .by the aristocratically clad visitor. “Dameh” now exclaimed the latter, evidently more angry than before. “What business can it be of yours? Who are you. that dare cavil over opening to me the door of my father's house?" ■* U'i “He is but one; and there are two of us to handle such a cocksparrow as I could easily overcome alone, with o*e hand," said Greloire scornfully, as the bars fell, and Etienne entered, somewhat paler than usual, and his hair and raiment disheveled frpm an all-night's concealment in one of the outbuildings of the chateau. * Wishing to. see the baroq, in order to press his demand for more funds, the young man had, unannounced, come down from Paris, and chanced to arrive the evening before, during the wildest part of the melee. He was by this time accustomed to _ _it.____ with kindly’ assurance. He thpn joined Jean, and the two went below, where breakfast awaited them. The two dead soldiers were buried i early in the afternoon; but the stars were coming out when the door of the great vault was closed, and the late baron left to sleep with his an j cestors. ! Etienne, silent and repelling, stood i by, vouchsafing little notice of anyone about him. Jean had taken care to | keep away from his half-brother; and the latter replied with scant cour tesy to the lieutenant’s salutation, when they met for the first time^ as the baron’s body was borne from the house. Margot was not of those who had stood about the tomb. Etienne’s tem porary absence from the house being assured, she bad improved the oppor ! tuntty to open the secret panel and ve ! move the metal hoi and bags of . coin, S which she hid away amongst her own belongings. She proposed, with Jean and Pierre, to seek a new home in TouLon, where a large number of Roy alists, together with ^others who had suffered persecution from the Revolu tionists, had found refuge. Presently she saw Etienne enter : the drawing room, where Jean had I remained, having refused to leave the lieutenant, who was now seated at a table, examining some papers found upon the dead Fauchel; and consider ing this an opportune time to make | known her plans, she had turned i toward the door, w hen Etienne's ! voice, full of its old-timje arrogance, | came to her. I “Jean, leave the room instantly, and go to your bed!” Margot paused in the doorway and saw Jean's head raised with a bel ligerent poise. “I w ill not go for you, Etienne, when you order me in such a rude fashion,” he said, his voice shaking with rage. “And springing upon Etienne, drove the rusted blade into his side.” such outbreaks; and suspecting quick-. ly the position of affairs, had-dost no time in -finding a biding -place in a grove, cot far from the house. At the tidings ef his father’s death, a new expression came to Etienne’s face, softening its coldness; but this quickly changed when, in reply to his query as to who was in command o£ the escort, Greloire answered, “-Lieu tenant Bonaparte:” An oath tbat made both soldiers stare burst from the young man’s lips. “I will go to my apartments,” he added, with a return of ail his haughti nessj “and do both of you see to it that I am not disturbed by your offi cer.” With this he stalked through the hall, and up the stairway, shuddering as he passed the blood-stains upon the floor. Etienne's steps on the upper stairs and along the oaken-fioored hall brought Tatro to the door of the room where lay the two wounded soldiers, one of whom was evidently dying, while the other was sleeping quietly. “Ah, Monsieur Etienne, is it you, sir?” Then, correcting himself with “Pardon—Monsieur le Baron,” he burst forth ftp a qua-ppring voice, “It., is Barely a s&d retufo for yoa,? r Somewhat softened by tneold man s words, and now realizing more fuTTV" the horror's of the night before, Eti enne replied in an unusually kind fashion. But when he ended by or dering that a repast be brought to his rooms, Tatro’s fane- showed a sur prise he dared not voice; tor he won dered that his new master could think of sustenance for himself, so soon af ter coming upon the scene of his re cent loss-. I :i. Margot had slept little during the night, but ,-lay thinking of „what changes were likely to come, now that the b&ron was dead. - An intuition warned her to secure the money and valuables which -the baron had in trusted to her- care; to take them from their ppesent hiding place, and have them at band, tn case some additional disaster shonld come. And, too, bear ing in m|pd her master’s command ZMDj&toSSbSki ncfcr feadneewe to pass, her perplexed. brain bad at length evolved a plan which speme'd both wise and feasible. But .before attempting to put ft into execution, a curious impulse urged ter to take the young officer into her confidence. Looking up into the ?oid, cleanmit fape before her, she asked, "You will not leave here today, Mon sieur?” / " ./ .. . "Perhaps; I cannot decide until later,” .. 'j'."..1 / ‘ "Before yon gO, monsieur, r would take it u,’ a great favor Should you .let me aak Of you some advice as to a matter concerning him you seem to lovp.” yknd she glanced at Jean., who wai standing in the floorwtyi *lth his The totted*, if ihe fell any surprise, _allowed none, for he answered"’ her j Uttering a vile oath, Etienne strode ; forward, and rseizing him by the eol : ter, dragged-^the boy from the chair and began striking him. “Monsieur Etienne, do not you do | that!” cried Margot, rushing toward : him. “Ah, mon Dieu! How can you i have the heart, and at such a time I as this?” ) Jean was struggling in a wild fury, using feet and hands to defend him self, which he did in a way that brought to the lieutenant’s mind the scene cl two years before, in the Tuil I eries garden. “Hold, Monsieur le Baron,” ne said, distinctly and caimly. “1 have the right to tell you that you cannot thus assert your authority in my presence,” Etienne, as once before, released Jean, ami turned to face the speaker, to whom the boy now rushed, cling ing to him with a storm of passionate scbs. coming partly from anger, and partly from a bruised heart. Margot had drawn nearer to his side; and, as Jean’s sobs ceased, the three confronted Etienne, who now burst into a loud, derisive laugh. “What can a bastard* and the friends and champions of a bastard, expect better" he -demanded, | speaking deliberately^ bis pale face ^ [distorted by malice. | Margot started TtfdTgiia'irrty. an : angry flame springing itto her eyes; ! and the lieutenant said in a low tone, ; whose very calmness was a menace, | “It is scarcely the act of a gentleman to insiilt the defenseless and the dead.” "Insult!” cried Etienne, now letting loose all the vials of his hatred and malignity. - “Peste! How can fee be other than I call him, when his mother | was no wife?” . “ Tis false!” declared Margot, for getting everything like habitual re spects ■ .. “It is not,” Etienne retorted; “and won are a liar when you say other wise.” . Jean, with paling face, his hurting eyes fastened upon Ma brother, seemed stunned. nr “It Etienne repeated less the late trnrrmnr utlririuit .... ago, to,, I regret to say, a madhouse* at Paris. Bui mad, or sann/ she^-Was . the baronne; and that other wofoan,’ the mother of yodr yo*ng wb&p there; i was no wife of my ^fathePi as you ipvist how admit. The; church. woufc newer recognize her as bis wife/he - being a true Catholic, and no ;priesi. performing the marriage ceremQnj/' between him and that cursed Hugue not ■ 4 1.. , r 4 . _ ^ J Etienne uttered an epithet too Wile] for repetition—an epithet that stung ] to madness the listening boy, who/ with , a cry of rage, such as might ‘ , aome from a new Cain wakenen to ,ltfV snatched a dagafdt fr6m ^ bffefc] The slight form reeled and fc3, a crumpled heap, upon the floor, while Margot, with a shriek that brought the soldier flying from his post in the hall, Jell upon her knees, and . tried, with her apron, to stanch the flowing blood. Jean had turned to flee; but an iron grip on his shoulder held him, and looking up, he fell to trembling and shivering, as he met the stern eyes of his friend, looking as he had never before seen them. “Where would you go?” inquired a low voice, whose measured calm matched the look of the eyes. The boy stood silent. The lieutenant, still holding him fast, moved to where Margot and the soldier were kneeling beside Etienne, j and Jean met the wild-eyed regard of the wounded man. from whose white lips now poured a flood of profanity, mingled with threats of vengeance | against the boy, whom he ordered to j leave the apartment. The lieutenant turned away with a ; scornful laugh, half-suppressed, but j which Jean heard; and. taking heart, j the lad t looked beseechingly upward, , as if asking pardon for his mad act. “Come away—come away, my De J Soto." whispered the officer; and j bending he kissed the tear-wet cheek. 1 ’“He has a venomous nature, truly, and ' one cannot be greatly blamed for ; treating a dog aa he deserves.” Then, gathering up the papers at which he had been looking, be thrust them into his pocket, and motioned Jean to follow him from the room. Here Margot joined them, on her i way to summon Tatro, that he might assist the soldier in getting Etienne to his own apartments- • Early next morning the household [ was astir—all save Etienne, who, al though his wound proved to be blit : slight, kept to his. bed, with Tatro in | attendance; and before noon all but these two had left the chateau and t set out upon their various routes— Margot with Jean and Perry, for Tou lon, in company with the soldier Gre- j loire, sent by the lieutenant to escort ■ them. At a fork in the highway, where their ipads parted, Jean turned in his i saddle to look after the slender fig- j ure riding away at the bead of his men. Turning his head, as if he felt the boy’s longing eyes, the lieutenant smiled and waved his hand. Then, putting spurs to his horse, he rode j swiftly from sight, followed by his sol diers. After a last backward look toward the vacant space that had held the ; one he loved best on earth, Jean started his horse onward, to overtake the lumbering vehicle, driven by Pierre, and containing Margot and all the travelers’ belongings. (To be continued.) — He Obeyed His Orders. John was the new English butler in the employ of a Philadelphia family. When John first came he was told by the mistress of the house that she was always at home to her sister, who was a frequent visitor to the house. The sister in question was pointed out to John on her next visit, and 1 the mistress was satisfied in her mind that John would obey orders. Every time the sister called John would admit the welcome guest with reverent respect. It was her custom to ask him before entering if his mis tress was in, and it always happened that she was, so John would nod and profoundly bow her in. But one day it happened that his j mistress was out when the Sister ' ; called. When John went to the door she, as usual, asked if her sister was -in. to which John nodded in the affirmative and bowed her in. John’s business at that moment took him out in the yard, and he left her in the parlor. Divesting herself of her wraps, the visitor began to look to? her sister, but seeing no signs of her downstairs concluded that she was on one of the upper floors, and w'ent upstairs. Of course, she failed to find her, and, thinking that the butler might be mistaken, went downstairs to inquire of him again. She found him out in the yard, and railing to him, asked If 1 he thought his mistress had gone out, as she could not find her in the house. John, after meditating a moment, replied: "Yes, mum, she h’is h’out.” “Out!” exclaimed the sister; "why, I thought you said she was at home?" • "Yes, mum,” came the Bolemn re ply, "but she-tol’ me that she was al ways at ’ome to you!”—Lippincottls Magazine. .£?!*: cSliV f 7 The California Harvester. When dawn is red over the Califor nia wheat fields, says Everybody’s Magazine, a leviathan comes lumber ipg down the road, shooting out heavy clouds of smoke, and -falls to attoek ing the grain. This machine. heavy as a church and complicated as a watch, is a mechanical marvel. Be fore. goes a lumbering engine with a Heavy stack, and a firebox that vom its out dense fiames from a hot pe troleum fire. Behind, it Is all levers Hnd Mg pillars and: curious devices qf steel. It works with the complex accuracy of a human being. The sickle buzzes,'and the heads-from a 30-foot swath tfatt smoothly on a can vas bed. - You catch glimpses of them rjishing here and there through the complex mechanism, and presently a laborer, who has bee% very biisy with s|r»me sacks, jerks down a lever E i! Out tumble four fat bags ol y l At the other end. a man with \d ' shovel works lifce^'mad, clearing away d pile of- ehaff%nd short, crum pled ' s*raw.r : This an that the ig ljorant obttervef ~**ees< dutyengi neer eah'tefl ydd he# the gvltfip/which idbd Ib -pfUnd aTmv a ttittube before, if now ready for mill—a month’s work .ip five minute*. --- .b^oL te- c-ivv V j -Big Stalks of Corn, j George. Coqk took tw§, sjalks of corn jU£e; world’s, fair tbit, measured V •■fleet In /length.It wdurff’ have r& xjuired a ten-root' sfeplad'der fe’r'a man tp have beeu nhie4b pkli'the‘ears of (tarn from the' Stalks when standing straight up.—Byron (O. T.) Repub Scan. •*:x «cv- ■ • '■ ■ ' - akHi *>J»-r*——f»: nH J.:--. J -.'■■■ *i N«tv #tyl« fiatar,<;• ,• 1 A hoadoff ftnWon. state* |fc»trtte45ew wtaji** oolt^ wtlBb* "em*. . aence”—the peculiar, shade of ’worn by cardinals. mese paragrapns are irom tne Forethought Note Books of the Ar cade Index Library. For twenty years I have been a be liever in local news, or tha. kind of lo cal news which mentions some per son, place or thing in a way to inter est and benefit the readers of the local publication. Local news deals with the present and future, while lo cal history deals with the past. Local history is next to local news in value, but some editors do not like local his tory. Editorial dislike for local his tory is generally due to the way it has been presented. By boiling the historical articles down and mixing with good news copy both are im proved and accepted, by the editor. Better local news letters might be secured by editors, and with less ef» fort, could local writers understand the personal and neighborhood value in readable paragraphs in the local newspaper. Personally it is next to going away to school or on a vacation trip to interview, observe and write something worth reading and every man, woman and child sees, hears, reads and thinks of something every week worth securing for a news let ter. There was a time when it would have assisted me in my local news work to have had sample paragraphs like the following, because frequently we do not see or think because we do not know how and a sample teaches more than rules or directions: A little gold band ring on the third finger of ten-year-old Victor Mador may’s right hand became caught on a nail rn a fence and the finger was al most severed. A surgeon amputated the finger. v Down at Appleton the other day they had a debate in one of the schools. The question was, “Re solved, that a boy is less expensive than a girl and more useful to his parents.” The affirmative won. How’s that for corruption of morals? Love cf children is nothing; the ques tion to-day is, how much are they worth? HIS MIND IN COURTROOM. Judge’s Petition to Heaven Mixed with Legal Phraseology. Friends of Judge Alfred Coit of the Probate court at New London, Conn., have cost him many dinners lately by a joke of which his sixteen-year-old daughter, Gertrude, was the promul gator. The judge, accompanied by his daughter, can be seen bathing every morning. Both are experts, and often swim out far from sight. A few mornings ago they had got about fifty yards from shore when the judge, who by the way is a very religious man, exclaimed in agony: “Daughter, I’ve got a cramp. Save yourself and swim to shore!” And he lifted his eyes upward as if in prayer. But his daughter dived down back of him and extracted from the giant member of his pedal extremity a large cow crab. Both then swam to shore. That night on the veranda of Judge Colt’s home he was relating the ex perience. “Dad,” said his daughter Gertrude affectionately, “do you know what you said in your prayer at that time?” “CeTtainlv,” replied the judge. “I quoted ‘Thy will be done.’ “ ‘No,’ said his daughter, ‘you didn’t. You said ‘Thy will be filed.’”—New York Times. Gruesome Advertising. New York has always had quite as many curiosities in the way of adver tising as any other large city, but a firm of undertakers who are doing up the outside of a building on a main thoroughfare for their occupancy have something that is probably not to be equaled in the world. It is a brick building of good size which they have had painted black, the intersection of the bricks outlined with white, and to ( add to this funeral appearance they , have painted across the front in large letters, also in black and white, the word “Undertakers.” This structure IS on Sixth avenue, and stands out in gruesome fashion from the other busi ness buildings which surround it.— New York Times. ,f . Hja Proposal. He wa6 an ingenious^man and she was an unsuspecting damsel. “Bet ua.” he said, “pretend that you are Canada and I am the . United States.” “Oh, I don’t like these geographi cal games,” she replied. “They re quire so much thinking.” “But this doesn’t require any at all.”, he insisted. . - - . ^ “How do you play it?” she asked. “Why, I simply annex you,” he an swered. . . “It's not such a bad game,” she ad mitted after awhile. Military Critic Is Degraded. A German military court of honor has deprived Col. Gadke, the military critic erf the Berliner Tageblatt, of the right to wear uniform and to use his military title, on account of an article pajUiatfng regicide on the occasion of the assassination ©f King Alexander of Servian Gol. Gadke.who is now in . tbs far East, has been out of favor In military circles for a long time, ow ing to his free criticisms of German army method8.: _i \> \v ■■ ' f w.." t' i-il Dangerous-Cass*. — “What be*sMne;>’tif the* brilliant yout-5 lawyer?"-.r I 0 *• “Bhvlell by the wayside. Too many BagCf i **_ . “But J didn’t Jthink a lawyer could have too many cases?*, j *?<*—champagne I : X.' T: ( ' $■»/*_ '■ a j f~ t”-, *•. £*. -. *. Prosperous Benevolent Society, i The, Portuguese fa*. California *ay« a heoaTolsnt, .and, .social ;organwatioa ^vPirfaio ife&ko, 4,0Q0: merober^^OM,^. tfc^hregainr^. J. H. Sears, who lives in Lincoln, Neb., has a hive of bees in his bed room. Since the bees began to make their home in his room he has taken more than forty-five pounds of honey from the hive. The swarm was cap tured a year ago, and Mr. Sears had no yard, so he decided to keep the bees in the house. He leaves a window slightly open so as to allow the bees to go in and out. and a modern hive is provided for them. The bees seem to know’ that Mr. Sears is their friend and do not attack him. A tramp stole a bar of soap from Richard Carr's residence and tried to make off with it. but was overtaken and collared by the owner of the soap and brought before Mayor Shiek. As , the eulprit pleaded that he absolute - ly needed the soap, the mayor gave him an hour to get out of town and Mr. Carr gave him the soap. He stop j ped near the stone quarry to take a bath. Claude Monan, who has been work ing at the Kellogg farm, became in toxicated recently, and about 6 o'clock in the evening went to the L. S. and M. S. Ry. depot and in the gents’ closet took off all his clothes except his underclothing. Hanging his doffed garments on a hook, he went to the ticket office and asked 1 Agent John Phibbs where his room was. as he wanted to go to bed. Mr. Phibbs -saw his condition and tele phoned to the marshal. Monan heard him cal! for the marshal and struck out in his scant clothing and bare footed. Marshal Craig arrived and looked in every direction, but was unable to locate him. Later it was learned that he had gone home and to bed. His clothes were still hang ing in the depot this noon and what there was left of a bottle of whisky in one of the pockets. He probably was surprised when he woke up this morn ing. <* • • If you are a correspondent of any newspaper I would suggest that you start and keep going a scrap boob on good sample local news items. TYPES OF MACHINE GUNS. HotchRiss Uses Larger Ammunition Than the Gatling Device. The first machine gun of any note was the Gatling. The original Gatling hail ten barrels placed in a circle, with a breech mechanism so arranged that by turning a crank these barrels were successively fired, the cartridges be- ! ing placed in a small hopper situated j on the top of the gun. The Hotchkiss was a similar gun, i having a similar arrangement of bar-! rels, but a totally different form of mechanism. The Hotchkiss system, however, was used for a larger type of ammunition than the Gatling. The Frencfa mitrailleuse had thirty barrels. They were all loaded at the same time end all fired simultaneously. The re coil was so great that It had to be mounted in the same manner as a field piece, on a heavy carriage, requiring six horses. The apparatus was clum sy, difficult to operate and had a com paratively slow rate of fire. The Nordenfeldt gun consists of a series of barrels arranged side by side, like organ pipes. The Nordenfeldt gun generally has five barrels, and the me chanism is worked by a lever, the cart ridges falling down from a hopper on the top of the arm into position, where the mechanism thrusts them into the i barrel, fires them and extracts the, empty case. This gun is of great sim plicity, and for a time went into ex tensive use. i ______ The Balm of the Forest. Here in the tangnrrrous silence, where sunlight, with shade interlaces. Let my soul steep. And from the well-springs or beautv, whirh time neither mars nor ef faces, Let me drink deep! Far from the riotous throbbing of busv humanity bustling, y Here is a balm; Only a marvelous bird-song or music o{ glad loaves low rustling. Breaks the sweet calm. Oh! to be friends with the lichens the • low creeping vines, and the mosses There cWs© to lie; Gazing aloft at each pine-plume that airfly, playfully tosses ’Neath the blue sky. 0h! to be near Vo the beautv. and in finite grandeur of all thinks Simple and free; Held by the "magic that ages have wrought In tire great, and the small things. For you and me. —Katharine G. Terry In Lipplnoott’a. Rides Bike Backward. Albert Hunter, a trick cyclist of England, is able to accomplish great feats riding his wheel backward. Not long ago he made a run of four miles in twenty-two minutes riding hind wheel foremost. Although there were several steep hills on the way. Hunter never once dismounted nor was he as sisted in any way. He passed three carriages, a motor car and several Wheelmen. — — 8FW ■'! '» *.. vpj: • 1 - Would Change Name of Town. The people of ■ Parachute, Col!, are tired of the name of their town and have petitioned the postoflice depart ment at1 Washington to 1 have it changed, They believe Grand Talley would sotfnd better and convey more meaning tbttn Parachute, And the powers that be at the national capital, as well as the railroads tapping this bustling town, take the same view. ■ irT **'i st, +* «..-*• 4 ‘ . ..' tfvfng Urges Simplicity. I Sir Henry Irving does" not approve df the oveflavish 'mountlpg occasion ally witnessed- tnaSlftfkdspearean pro ductions.-' He acknowledges that Ve should toe grateful tbr any productions, hut nrges-tia la “beware overlaying the poet’s work?; with too realistic a 1 nothing to,the imagination,- which can but make the < judiewts, grieve,’T rs ; - «■“’! 'iLirif .e i OWest Postal Employe. i Jokm H-j-Strapsbpj* of LotoeviUs. i J?*4m tha;^<tof>t>»totai.; earptoya la ' ttMrtWda Jfc -Neaa werk to 1943 J at Louisville an4,*to tjtof« keen pp* « motad. t . i,.; «,»-.•. rs * . _.• .* ;•{;;;. . *.» - *? X . **#&]*;: r'-TOsi t.j v*'t« *fr j.MdS , • rtf: rj* Japanese Mcrnfng Gowns. The Japanese materials—silks, pon gees, printed stuffs and transparencies j —have given us some wonderful gowns. Many of these are built in the kimona style familiar because of the many cheap kimonas that are sold in the shops, but otherwise they bear no resemblance to the cheap variety, as they are handsome and very expenisve. One can buy Japanese silk and make it in kimona shape. Then one can em broider it down each side of the front in great sprays of flowers, carrying the same trimming around the hem, wide and variegated. ' The more elaborate the embroidery the more oriental the gown will ap pear. All must he done by hand and the embroidery must be big, brilliant and very decorative. Girl’s Dress with Handkerchief Bertha. Simple frocks made with shaped berthas are exceedingly becoming to little girls and are as fashionable as they are attractive. This one shows the. long-waisted effect that is so pope lar, ana is maue ui gendarme blue sashmere, com 1 bined with a yoke af lace and bertha ind cuffs of the naterial, embroid sred in eyelet style, but the design is squally well suited to all simple and thildish materials. » and, when liKea, the birtha can be made from embroid ered edging, mitred at the points. The dress consists of the body lining, which is faced to form the yoke, the full vcaist and the skirt. The waist is gathered at both upper and lower edges and arranged over the lining and the two are joined to the skirt, the seam being concealed by the sash. The sleeves are in bishop style, with straight cuffs, and the bertha is ar ranged over the waist, outlining the shallow yoke. The quantity of material required for the medium size (6 years) is 4% yards 27 inches wide, 3% yards 44 inches wide or 2$i yards 52 inches wide, with one-half yard of lace for yoke and cutfs. Vests and Waistcoats. Many are the hints and suggestions of the directoire modes—those lines and leanings that are so fashionable for street and formal wear Vests and w'aistcoats of almost every type are to be seen, from the incrediably short one that ends at the bust and fastens over in double-breasted style for its short length on down to the severely fitted type of the masculine garment. The broad revers of this style, too, are often seen, and the fitted lines that complete the mode, the hip seam and tig pocket flaps have their due share gf representation. Then there are the designs that are tharacteristic of this class of garment and of no other. Surplice effects are cleverly managed, revers of velvet in terlined with a feather-weight princess haircloth that makes them retain their shape without crushing or curling (this is a secret culled from a Parisian ate lier of the modej, and braiding in the most simple of the most intricate de signs are used with these. The vest is quite a feature with these sufplice ef fects, and many are the Changes rung upon it. Combination in Trimmings. A favorite combination for trimming cloth suits seems to be velvet of a contrasting shade, appllqued with fine black silk braid and edged with bul lion. A tailored suit of fancy blue broadcloth has turned-back collar and cuffs to match In cardinal velvet, fin ished with an Inch-wide braid of gold bullion. From the bullion ran small straps of black silk braid, stitched on the red velvet and finished with small black silk buttons. Kilted Skirt with Round Yoke. Skirts that are plaited below a smooth-fitting yoke are among (he smartest of all smart things for the ooming season and will be worn for all fltredt costumes. This one ts pe culiarly chic and attractive and is so arranged as to give ^ — a plain effect at the t front, which ia ml- || wayB desirable. As Illustrated it is made of cheviot In it mixed shades of" brown and tan, trimmed with hand some brown braid, but is suited to ell u^2hsP^* seasonable materials. As a matter of course the trimming can be varied to suit the individual taste, but little pitraps coming from beneath each plait are eminently stylish and attractive. The skirt is cut in seven gores and Is laid in backward, turning plaits which meet at 4h§ centre back, where the closing is made. , The yoke is cir cular and is stitched to the skirt with corticelli silk, the trimming straps con cealing. the seam at sides and back. As illustrated, it is made ip instep length,, which is the prevailing one for the incoming season, but can be made still shorter whenever desired. | The quantity. ,<jf, material -required for the medium size is 8V5 yards 27 nches wi^e,'5i4 yards 44 inches wide » 5 yards 52 Inches wide. I y t 1‘* :.i HomeWatfe Trimming for Dresses. I This is ccmAocfietf- with fine cord lomewhat thicker than tbe coarsest Tflishet thread.#creel of cotton thread, md gu ordinary noodle. Begin by taking a round .or oblong center by soiling the thread.aad sewing it firmly ound by tou»4 until m disc of tha de ilred sine is made; this mar be sur- : ounded by ioqpe alao sew* to place, ’lalthhg oord a iso-into a flat grim and Lform your pg#«r*L:* ibwlty gaHocc y be made by three 0/ these flat circles with loops aX round, placed side by side and attached to an oval formed of the plaited braid; then place twenty-four of the flat circles, without any edge, side ry side above the bra’fl, and add another row of braid on the' outside; fourteen Btars on the Outride like the three in the center and a con tinuous row of these make a pretty* galloon. The work requires to bp neatly done to hide the stitches, and If is quite inexpensive. Machine Stitching Favored. For the dressier gowns this f*li much machine stitching is used It is an excellent imitation of haher-work/' and when used in a shade lighter or darker than the frock gives it a charm ing decorative note. The dainty chemisette or dicky is a noticeable style tendency of the mo ment. Very many of the waists, whether for street or indoor wear are * cut with a V neck and worn with a lace or embroidered chemisette. Thfs fyings the rever into fashion again, t*nd there are revers of all sorts' and dizes. ■ There are smart, mannish re vers of velvet, and also double and triple revers graduating in size as well as draped revers. which often show a touch of shirring. When the revers and cuffs of a bodice are' of velvet, it is quite the fashion tti have the hat worn with the frock of velvet matching thajn in color. Style* to Hat*. Our present styles and models fn mfllinerv will be by no means accept^sl as the final word for tlie entire sea son. New shapes and tWrPnifngs are being and wH! rontlntre to lie intro dueed tbronghont the winter, and evpp new dolors. The hat to match ’ tht gown has had the greatest vogije fflir’ ing the early fall, and gives promise ov lasting popularity. The all-black hat. however, has Ihr virtue ot general utility, and I* belm particularly exploited tftthih tifo 1as> few weeks. The crowns vary Slight!} in size and shape, and the trftrtfirajr sometimes encircles it and sometime is massed to the front and a lit fie tf * the left side. It has been tatitnalccA that tire English walking hat wft i again find favor in the new beater.* and felts. They are g6od with jfiah' tailor-made gowns, although tarbaih and toques have rather carried th* day thu* far. - i-V Coat With Vest. The vest effect makes a promineri ' feature of the season and is apparent in ali the latest : 4 ! coats and jackets. ^ j This very attrae* ' tive model iB | adapted both to the suit and the general wrap and 4 to the entire m range of season able m a t e r i a Is. V but, as illustrated, 2 is made of black 4m velvet and the waistcoat of heavy | wuiue oujw ana me m ■iMatwxh little turn-over collar finished wu j. embroidery'. The combination of ma terials is singularly effective but ti}& vest is equally cojrect when .made from cloth, vesting or any contras ting material that may be preferred.' The coat consists of the fronts' ■ backs, and under-arm gores, the ye^t being separate and arranged under the fronts on the indicated iiqes. tktt sleeves are large and full at the shoulders, narrower at the wrists iirid are finished witn roll-over flare etTffr. The quantity of material required for the medium sire is 4 yards' ?1 inches w ide, 2 yards 44 inches wltfrf or 1% yards 52 inches wide, with ? yard 21 or 27 or % yards 44 ihehes wide for vest. Combinations in Stock*. Peculiar combinations are shown in the new stocks. A high stock of pique is edged with a stole ia mfcila ture of point de venise, and unfit11* this is run a shirred ruffle of net edged with lace. The stock close# in the front with a stiff little bow, exactly like the one which the tailored gtrl wears with her linen edllar. Some stocks are so deep that they fall below the shoulder line lfke a bertha. For this, net and silk ruffles alternate."or lace and ribbon pleatings rise one above the Other, the finish biting a bow with long loops and ends. * ■ ‘ * . t ■ ■ ; i „ -i . Escal loped Potatoes. Pare, slice thin, pack into a pud ding yilsh, cover with ^tightly saltell hot water, turn a plate or dish over the top and cook fifteen mlmites after they begin to simmer. Then draw off the water, put a good lump of butter upon the hot potatoes and let It melt and sink into them. Have! ready' some boiling milk, well seasoned With salt, pepper, onion juice and minced pars- ‘ lev; pour over the potatoes, bake cov ered for fifteen minutes, then brown. Waterproof Hat for Women. An inventive Austrian has designed a waterproof hat for Women thht Is a' wonder in its way. He has prepared celluloid hi a special manner, permit ting of its being Woven into imitations of the most delicate straw and model ed into the most natural ftowertr. These hats are being worn to a ebtrtfld-1''0 arable extent 4n this city amt are im pervious to the heaviest downpour of ■wS »" n •• c v 5 -■» n* Rough Felt Hats. “ Some rough felt hats have brims of* Mick, while the wide punched-iTor crwtted crown is of some other cakir^1* for instance, grass-green, deep S?* son or creamy white. ';These are gen-w erally trimmed with Mack fO>b0'n 51 gathered around the crown, bows p/ gf« cock's tajt pl^g* couteaux to match the crown ^ 1 If the tougha wove Ml wires led frn-fr1* Jails woald be filled with beefsteaks.