The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 27, 1904, Image 7

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    Nebraska Day at World’s Fair.
October 26th has been selected as
Nebraska Day. The Wabash is the
line all Nebraskans will use. as it
lands all passengers at the World’s
Fair Stations, main entrance World’s
Fair grounds, thus saving extra car
fare, time and much annoyance.
A very low rate has been made
from all stations. For Nebraska Day
badge, World’s Fair guide and all in
formation call at Wabash City office,
1601 Farnam St., or address
G. A. P. D. Wab. R. R..
Omaha, Neb.
P. S.—All agents can sell you
through and route you via Wabash.
Water on Battleship.
Bight thousand gallons of fresh wa
ter are used in a large battleship
daily. About two-thirds of this is taken
up by boilers, and the remainder is
used for drinking, washing, etc.
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and
who is reasonably satisfied with the
old. we would suggest that a trial of
Defiance Cold Water Starch be made
at once. Not alone because It Is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any other brand, but because
each 10c package contains 16 ozs.,
•while all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs. It is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other. Quality and quantity must
The Mote and the Beam.
You may be able to see your faults
as others see them, but you will de
rive much less satisfaction from talk
ing about them.
Lewis’ “ Single Binder ” straight 5c cigar.
No other brand of cigars is so popular with
the smoker. He has learned to rely upon
its uniform high quality. Lewis’ factory,
Peoria. 111.
A Record in Trees.
The largest tree in the world Is to
be seen at Maseali, near the foot of
Mount Etna, and is called “The Chest
nut Tree of a Hundred Horses.” Its
name rose from the report that Queen
Jane of Aragon, with her principal no
bility, took refuge from a violent
6torm under its branches. The trunk
la 204 feet in circumference.
Japanese Never Conquered.
Speaking of the Japanese, Voltaire
said it was the only nation that had
never been conquered. In the thir
teenth century the Japs repulsed 107,
000 Mongolians in a naval warfare.
They fought with success in Korea
and China, and Dr. Bertillon says that
they are invincible on account of their
all-powerful Jiu-Jutsu.
Difference in Farming Methods.
The average gross returns per acre
from cultivated land in this country
is only $10.50 per acre, and from land
devoted to the growing of cereals but
$8.08 per acre. In Greet Britain the
Intensive system of farming has
brought the average gross returns up
to within the neighborhood of $30 per
Husband of Little Importance.
Among some of the ancient Mexi
can tribes the husband left his people
and dwelt with his wife’s family,
where he seems to have been consid
ered of minor importance.
When the Back Aches and Bladder
Troubles Set In, Get at the Cause.
Don’t make the mistake ot believing
backache and bladder ills to be local
ailments. Get at the cause and cure
the kidneys. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills,
which nave cured
Capt. S. D. Hun
ter, of Engine No.
U 14, Pittsburg, Pa.,
rt Fire Department,
> and residing at
2729 Wylie Ave.,
i says:
“It was three
years ago that I
used Doan’s Kid
ney Pills for an attack or kidney trou
ble that was mostly backache, and
they fixed me up fine. There is nc
mistake about that, and if I should
ever be troubled again, I would get
them first thing, as I know what they
For sale by all dealers. Price 5C
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo.
N. Y.
Another Drunkenness Cure.
Drunkenness has been added to th«
already imposing list of maladies
which oculists pretend to cure by the
relief of eyestrain.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell
and completely derange the whole system when
entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never he used eicept on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they
will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly de
rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F..I. Cheney 4 Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mer
, cury. and U taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall’s Catarrh Bure be sure you get the
genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo,
Ohio, by F J. Cheney * Co. Testimonials free,
bold by Hrugglsts. J’rfce. T5c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Take Census With Beads.
The recent census of the natives in
the Transvaal was taken with beads.
Each headman was furnished with a
number of beads of different colors,
and twine on which to string them. A
big black bead represented an adult
married native, a big yellow bead a
grown single man, a big blue bead a
married woman, and a white bead a
singe woman over fifteen years old.
A small yellow bead stood for a boy
and a small white bead for a girl.
Brahmin’s Proverbs Popular.
The old English proverb writers
used Pilpay's proverbs very largely—
in fact, were it not for th old Brah
min there would be many fewer Eng
lish proverbs than there are. The pro
verbs have been translated into every
European language and into many
Asiatic tongues—Persian. Malay. Mon
golian. Afghan; they are the proverbs
of the world.
Log Cabin Philosophy.
Spite o fall de bright sunshine in
dis worl’, some mens will go roun’
huntin' fer happiness wid a candle.—
Frank Stanton in Atlanta Constitu
Homes in Various Countries.
Italy and Spain have fewer houses
in proportion to their population than
any other country in the world. The
Argentine republic and Uruguay have
the most.
By C. W. Post to Publishers at Banquet at Battle Creek.
The sunshine that makes a business
plant grow is advertising.
Growing a business nowadays is
something like growing an apple-tree.
You may select good seed, plant it in
good soil, water and work with it, but
the tree will not produce fruit until
another and most powerful, energiz
ing and life-giving element is brought
to bear. You must have sunshine and
lots of it. Can you expect to ripen
apples in the dark? Can you expect
to grow a profitable business plant
nowadays without the sunshine of pub
lic favor produced by advertising?
This Postum plant is a good illus
tration of that law. It seems but a
short time ago when I put a few men
at work in the carriage house of the
barn you have seen to-day, where we
began making Postum coffee.
The seed then planted, less than 9
years ago, was a new kind of apple
seed and it was not altogether certain
how the people would like the apples.
We did our work thoroughly and
plenty of it. We knew we had a good
Pure Food Factories that Make Postum and Crape-Nuts.
apple tree of fine quality but how to
develop our work and turn the apple
tree into a productive and profitable
tree was another question.
It needed sunshine and the kind of
sunshine that is spread by the news
papers and magazines. It is an abso
lute certainty that without the pub
licity thus given—in other words, the
sunshine—the business never would
have developed.
, You have seen to-day factory build
ings—thirteen or fourteen in number
—covering many acres of ground, em
ploying handreds of workpeople, pro
ducing food and drink in an aggregate
of four millto® packages per month,
which goes to every civilized eountry
on the globe, and yet the entire enter
prise la less than t years old. We
have found it necessary, Inasmuch as
the tree has grown and the apples ma
tured by hard work and sunshine, to
continue the work and the eunshlne
day in and day out, month in and
month out, the sunshine appropriation
amounting to approximately a million
dollars a year for advertising, for ex
perience teaches that if you mature
the tree under strong sunshine, and
bring it up to a thrifty and healthful
state where it produces profitable ap
ples, you can not withdraw that sun
shine else the tree will gradually die.
Finny Prey First Put to Sleep With
“Devil’s Shoestring.”
On the 1st of July the Indians will
have near Sonora a big fish killing,
which is considered great sport by
them. Already a supply of “devil’s
shoestring” is being gathered for this
purpose. This is the root of a certain
bush, and owing to the fact that these
roots go so deep, in so many direc
tions, it is considered quite a task to
get sufficient for use at a fish shoot.
On this particular occasion it is
said that 2,500 bundles of “devil's
shoestring” will be used. The Indians
select a portion or hole of water in
the river, and some of them will beat
up this root and throw it in the water.
This is repeated by another party of
Indians a considerable distance from
the first party, and the water be
comes impregnated with the juice,
and the effect on whatever fish may
be in this particular place is marvel
ous. They become sick and float
on the surface of the water, and then
the shooting begins. The Indians
shoot them with bows and arrows and
spear them. After a sufficient quan
tity of fish have been gathered in,
they repair to the hills and banks.
The cleaning is done by the squaws,
and after they are cooked the feast
begins. While the fish are sickened
and stunned by the juices from the
root, the meat is not affected.—Kan
sas City Journal.
They Were First Used in Normandy
Before the Conquest.
Neither Hebrews, Egyptians, Assyri
ans, Babylonians, Persians nor Greeks
had surname* and in the earliest ;
period of their history the same may
be said of the Romans, says the Wav- j
erly Magazine. In course of time, !
however, every Roman citizen had
three names—the praenomen, or per
sonal name; the nomen. or name of
the gens or clan, and the cognomen,
or family name, as Publius Corelius
Scipio. Conquerors were occasionally
complimented by the addition of a
fourth name, or agnomen, commemor
ative of their conquest, as Publius
Cornelius Scipio Africanu.s.
It is impossible to state with any
degree of certainty when the modern
system of personal nomenclature be
came general. It has been stated that
the practice of surnames began in
Normandy and extended to England
after the Norman conquest, but a
document in the Cottonian manuscript
quoted in Turner’s “History of the
Anglo-Saxons” contains reference to
Hwita Hatte, a keeper of bees in
Hathfelda; to Tate Hatte. his daugh
ter. mother of Wulsige the shooter,
and Lulle Hatte, sister of Wulsige.
The date of these records of the
Hattes is not to be ascertained, but
they were certainly written before the
year 1066. So far as antiquarians have
been able to discover Hatte is the
first surname whose existence can be
traced in England. It is not improb
able that the founder of the Hatte
family was so called because of some
unusual or noticeable headgear that
he was in the habit of wearing.
Ballad of Indolence.
Some people, like the bee, we find
Will Toil all day with patient skill;
Or. with the industrious ant in mind,
Will labor up the steepest hill.
Some endlessly will grind a mill
Or run a factory or steamer:
Others a fallow field will till—
I'd rather be an idle dreamer.
Some may be of a studious mind.
And all night long, till morning chill.
At ponderous, musty tomes they'll grind
T'ntil from overwork they're ill;
They'll analyze a fish's gill.
Or learn the habits of the lemur,
Or trace the platypus' bill—
I'd rather be an idle dreamer.
Some think that in their souls enshrined
Fair genius sits, with throb and thrill.
O'er myriad pages closely lined.
All feverishly they push a quill.
I'd rather hear the woodbird's trill
Or watch a lazy, floating streamer:
Of all fair things, had I my will,
I'd rather be an idle dreamer.
(L.’ Envoi.)
Satan. I fear no mischief still.
I fold my hands without a tremor;
I've no ambitions to fulfill.
I'd rather be an idle dreamer.
Mistake of Word, Not Spirit.
That Mme. Schumann-Heink is not
always able to express herself in Eng
lish as she can in song is illustrated
by the following little story that is
circulated at her expense: It seems
that among her ffiends she has the
reputation for remarkable tact and
adaptability. Not long ago, in conver
sation with an intensely patriotic
American, the talk quite naturally
turned upon the cubject of the Ameri
can flag.
“0£,” said the singer, turning her
rapturous gaze full upon her compan
ion, “I do lov? your flag. Why. in my
home in Germany we do hiss it on our
house every Fourth of July;” and it
was not until later that she learned
from an obliging friend that the word
"hiss” was not the same as “hoist” in
Of Interest to Peach Growers.
A bulletin is in course of prepara
tion at the Department of Agriculture,
it ts said, describing a method of ex
un-mmating a peach tree parasite
known as “lilil® pe«,rh.'’ The reason
this pest was s? named is because a
tree bearing large fruit when attacked
by these imrasi-er ts affected by the
iirease commonly Vinw» among peach
growers of western Maryland as the
“go back,” and thereafter produces a
small and bitter peach, instead of the
former large and luscious product.
The Agricultural Department experts
have been experimenting with this
matter for ten years, it is stated.
Mr. Morton B. T.raite, chief of the di
vision of orchard fruits, reports that
the parasite can be exterminated by
catting out of the orchard every tree
affected by the “little peach.”
Railroad Building in Africa.
At the half-yearly meeting of the
Rhodesia railways it was stated that
321 miles of line had been opened
for traffic. The trunk lines south of
Zambesi were thus finished, and the
Gweto, Selukwe and Matoppo
branches had also been completed.
The total railway system open for
traffic was now 1,309 miles. - The
: bridge over the Victoria falls was be
ing erected, the construction of the
extension north of the river had be
gun and the permanent way material
was being carried across by a cable
way concurrently with the building of
the bridge.—London Engineer.
Pretty Girl Suflered Frets Nervousness and,
Pelvic Catarrh—Found Quick Relief
in a Few Days.
Miss Sadie Robinson, 4 Rand street,
Malden, Mass., writes:
‘'Peruna was recommended to me
about a year ago aw a.i excellent remedy
for the troubles peculiar to our sex, and
as I found that all that was said of this
medicine was true, I am pleased to en
dorse it.
‘ ‘/ began to use It about seven months
ago for weakness and nervousness,
caused from overwork and sleepless
ness, and found that In a few days I
began to grow strong, my appetite In
creased and I began to Bleep better,
consequently my nervousness passed
away and the weakness In the pelvic
organs soon disappeared and / have
been well and strong ever since. ”
Address Dr. S. It. Hartman, President
of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
O.. for free medical advice. All corres
pondence strictly confidential.
Mustang Liniment
is a positive cure for Piles.
The Wabash is the Only Line Landing
You at the World's Fair.
Rround trip rates from Omaha are
as follows: $8.50 sold daily except
Friday and Saturday, good 7 days.
$13.80 sold daily, good 15 days. The
Wabash is the only line that land's
passengers at the main entrance of the
World s Fair grounds. Also the only
line that can check your baggage to
the World's Fair station. Think what
a saving of time, annoyance and ex
tra car fare.
All agents can sell you through
ticket and route you over the Wabash.
Very low many points South.
Southeast. For beautiful World’s Fair
folder anu all information call at 1601
Farnam St. or address Harry E.
Moores. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. Wab.
R. R., Omaha. Neb.
Nature's Order.
Men love at first and most warmly;
women love last and longest. This is
natural enough, for Nature makes wo
men to be won, and men to win.
Every housekeeper snould know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz.—one full
pound—while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in %-pound pack
ages, and the price is the same, 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance.
He- knows that Defiance 8tarch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures “16 ozs.” Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron
sticking. Defiance never sticks.
Long Lives.
A contemporary has discovered that
no person who ever deliberately set
out to live 100 years accomplished the
feat. What of it? A great many men
and women who have deliberately set
out to live honorable and useful lives
have liven ten centuries in point ef
usefulness to the world.—Minneapolis
Independence Is Expensive.
The people of Jersey, Channel Isl
ands, refused to carry out the provis
ions of the new British militia law, so
the British government withdrew the
regiment always hitherto stationed on
the island. The islanders are out at
least $350,000 a year thereby, and are
inclined to regret their independent
Liquefies Illuminating Gas.
A German chemist named Blau has
succeeded in liquefying illuminating
gas. In that form it gives a good
light, which is useful in country
houses, railway trains, etc. It costs
more tnan ordinary coal gas, but less
than electric light.
“I followed the
trail from Texas
On the Trait
griff) a Fish Brand ^“shbrXnd
Slicker, used for
an overcoat when
cold, a wind coat
when windy, a tain coat when it rained,
and for a cover at night if we got to bed,
and I will say that I have gotten more
comfort out of your slicker than any other
one article that I ever owned."
. (The aaa» sad sddrwi of the
writer of tkb VBSoUcitcd let.
tw asy be had on afpOottm.)
Wat Weather Garments for Riding.
•Walking, Working, or
sostos, r.s.*.
CO., Limited
Select Wife’s Toilets.
It Is a common thing in Paris for a
man to accompany his wife to the
dressmaker’s. The young wife who
has known no gayer attire than the
coming-out gown of the jesire fille
needs careful advice as to her toilets,
and her husbanu, if he be a certain
type of man of tne world, knows how
to give it.
Try me just once and I am sure to
come again. Defiance Starch.
Hunting in Japan. '
The Japanese, always keen sports,
men, used to take most of their game
with goshawks and sparrow hawks.
The only dogs tney used were span
iels, which flushed the game. But now
they are taking to dogs, and many
good animals are being imported from
Mrs. Winslows Roothlnir Syrop.
For children teeth Ins, softens the (films, reduces In
flsmiusum, silays pain, cores wind cbilo. liScahottie.
Significance in Colors.
Colors have three significations
when used in decorations, one relat
ing to things, one relative to time, one
of direction. In the first relation red
means triumph or success; blue
means failure; black signifies death;
white stands for happiness or peace.
Many who formerly smoked 10c cigars
now smoke Lewis’ “single Binder” straight
5c. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, I1L
Pay for Abusing “Hello” Girls.
An angry man who called a tele
i phone girl a “sheepshead” over the
wire in Nuremburg, Germany, has
been fined $6.25. A Viennese who call
ed the woman operator a “Chinese”
in similar circumstances has suffer
ed to the extent of $8.
“I Went Home to Die from Gravel Tronble.
Doctor* failed. Dr. David Kennedy 's l avorile Kemedy
cured me." Airy. C. W. Brown, Petersburg, N. A.
Antidotes for Microbes.
A French bacteriologist declares
that lemonade, cider, seltzer and sim
ilar drinks will kill typhoid germs,
while alcohol at 25 per cent destroys
microbes, an dat 2 per cent prevents
their development.
Murine Eye Remedy cures sore eyes,
makes weak eyes strong. All druggists, 50c.
“If I wrote on till I told you every
thing. Mavourneen,”—so ran the clos
! ing paragraph in a certain impassion
ed young Irishman’s love letter—"I’d
still be having a volume to tell you,
darling.”—New Orleans Picayune.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is !th infallible
medicine for coughs and colds.—N. W. Saucer
Ocean Grove, X. J.. Feb. IT, 1900.
First Uce of Bayonet.
The bayonet was first used by the
French in 1671. It was first made in
Bayonne, France, and was considered
a very deadly weapon. The British
army qulckft- copied it, and other na
tions promptly followed suit.
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Defiance Starch, you
may be sure he is afraid to keep it un
til his stock of 12 oz. packages are
sold. Defiance Starch is not only bet
ter than any other Cold Water Starch,
but contains 16 oz. to the package and
sells for same money as 12 oz. brands.
What a man can do depends a good
deal upon how much faith some good
woman has in him.—The Chum.
Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by
a new process, in a few weeks, with
out loss of time or inconvenience.
Rectal diseases cured without the
knife. j3end for circular. O. S. Wood,
M. D., 521 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha.
A wise girl always pretends to be
a little more daffy than the young man
she is planning to face the parson
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA,
a safe and sure remedy for infants and children,
and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
la Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought.
Ohio has second place in the value
of mining products, of which the prod
uct of coal mines forms nearly one
Allen’s Foot-Ease, Wonderful Remedy.
“Have tried ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE, and
find it to be a certain cure, and gives com
fort to one suffering with sore, tender and
swollen feet. I will recommend ALLEN'S
FOOT-EASE to my friends, as it ia
certainly a wonderful remedy.—Mrs. N.
H. Guilford, New Orleans, La.”
A mother's prayers, silent and gen
tle, can never miss the road to the
throne of all bounty.—Beecher.
V Two severe cases of Ovarian Trouble®
and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs.
Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell
how they were saved by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound*
“ Dear Mrs. Ptxkham : — I am so pleased with the results obtained
irom Lydia L. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound that I feel it a duty
and a privilege to write you about it. 9
I suffered for more than five years with ovarian troubles, can*,
mg an unpleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a fainhm^f
would come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise
seemed to correct. \our \ egetable Compound found the weak spoC
however, within a few weeks—and saved me from an operation —
all my troubles hadMisappeared, and I found myself once more healthy
and well. \\ ords fail to describe the real, true, grateful feeling is
m my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don't
daily with medicines you know nothing about, but take Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will be •
different woman in a short time.” — Mrs. Laura Ennoxs, Walker
ville, Ont. ’
Another Case of Ovarian Trouble
Cured Without an Operation. <*4
“Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: — For several yeus I
was troubled with ovarian trouble and a painful
and inflamed condition, w hich kept me in bed part
of the time. I did so dread a surgical operation.
“I tried different remedies hoping to get better,
but nothing seemed to bring relief until a friend
who had been cured of ovarian trouble, throi^li
the use of your compound, induced me to try it I
took it faithfully for three months, and at the end
of that time was glad to find that I was a wed
woman. Health is nature’s best gift to woman,
and if you lose it and can have it restored
through Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Cbm
A. \ P01111^ I feel that ad suffering women should
V*‘' know of this.” — Mrs. Laura Belle CoLa
\ max, Commercial Hotel, Nashville, Term.
It IS well to rememember such letters as above when some druggist tries
to get yea to buy something which he says is “ just as good ” That is impo»»
sible, as no other medicine has such a record of cures as Lydia E. Pink*
ham’s Vegetable Compound; accept no other and you will be glad.
Don’t hesitate to write to 3Irs. Pinkham if there is anythin*
about your siekness you do not understand. She will treat jam
with kindness and her advice is free. No woman ever regretted,
writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn,
FORFEIT it y® cannot forthwith produce the original letters oed tlnntamsf
shore testimonial*, wiuch will prove their absolute srenuinenes”
Lydia K. Fink ham Medicine Co., Lyu, Una
Magnificent Crops for 1904.
Western Canada's
Wheat Crop this
Year Will be 60,
000.000 Bushels,
and Wheat at Pres
ent is Worth SI.00 a
The Oat and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abundantly.
Splendid prices for all kinds of (Train, cattle
' and other farm produce for the growing of
| which the climate is unsurpassed.
About I.tO.OOO Americans have settled in West
ern Canada during the past three years.
Thousands of fi%e homesteads of 180 acres
each still available in the best agricultural dis
It has been said mat the United States will
be forced to import wheat within a very f w
years. Secure a farm in Canada and become
one of those who will produce it.
Apply for information to Superintendent of
Immigration. Ottawa. Canada, or to authorized
Canadian Government Agent—W. V. Bennett,
801 New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb.
g Save 3 on Drugs
write for our 100-page catalogue,
showing 10.000 articles at cut prices.
Cor. 16th and Dodge. Omaha. Neb.
St. Jacobs Oil
The old monk cure, strong, straight, sure, tackles
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
The muscles flex, the kinks untwist,
the soreness dies out. Price 25c. and 50c.
In sheets of PURE ANILINE BLUE. No bottles. No paddles. No waste. Gives the samo
amount of blueing water each wash-day. Ask your grocer for it or send 10c for a book of 25 leaves.
Ths Handy Blueing Book Co., 87 E. Lake St„ Chicago, III,
m m AR
wiM send “* 7°" name and address. Mining Maps Free.
Put your tin
ge r on oar
trade mark. Tell your
dealer you want the bent
starch your money can buy.
Insist on having the best.
It is 16 ounces for to cents.
No premiums, but one
pound, of the very best
starch made. We put al
our money in the starch.
It needs no cooking.
It is absolutely pur&
It gives satisfaction #r
money back.
Strawberry and
Vegetable Dealers
The Passenger Department of the IUtaa
Central Railroad Company hare reeeaUy laaw
» publication known as Circular No. U, la «Hi
Is described the
best territory in this confer
ror the growing of early strawberries aadeacty’
vegetables. Every dealer in sue'
ithould address a postal tard to the i_
J. F. MERRY, Asst. Geu’l Pass’r.
When Answering Adverti
Kindly Mention This Paper.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than an; other dye.
Ask dealer or we will send post paid at 10c a package. Write
dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton ocually well and is guaranteed to one
for free booklet-How to Oye. Bleach and M« Colors. JJOXJUol Lji
uot'.VI™ f Thompson's Eyo Wstsf
CURES catarrh cf the stomach.
Fortune* In little 7a rd- (
en». Easily grown ,
everywhere. Sell* in
American market a!
©7 to Si 2 per lb.; coat* to grow le*» than *1. Blsr
demands root* and seed for -ale; booklet free- write
‘•-day. 02AM GOfSEirO CO., Dept B, Ba
W. N. U.. Omaha.
No. 43—1304
Some thoughtful man might say that
if what you manufacture has merit,
once you get a trade established peo
ple will continue to purchase, even if
the advertising is stopped, but to act
on that conclusion would be a fatal
mistake, for there are always bright
men on the lookout to steal your ap
ples, and if you give them the chance
they will come in and take the fruit,
sure. Right here let us drive a nail,
not a shingle nail but a forty penny
spike. Your article must have merit,
far and away beyond the ordinary un
aavertised thing. It should be the
very best that human intelligence and
ingenuity can produce. Then you have
a foundation to build upon that will
not slip out from under when the
building grows heavy. There are per
sons ignorant enough to believe that
a poor article can be advertised into
a success. It cannot and any one who
tries the experiment will pay heavily
for his experience. Critical!} examine
any well known and advertised article
that has beer years on the market and
it will be found to possess exceptional
In ancient days newspaper publish
ers considered an advertisement an
evil but a necvssary evil, and that it
should be hidden away as carefully
as possible, so that no one would dis
cover that the paper was trying to
make a little money by inserting pub
lic announcements, a paper run that
way to day would fail,
j The most successful exponents of
the new plan of doing business with
ink and paper are using every possi
ble means to make the announcements
attractive and sought after by the
It is safe to say that thousands of
women read the newspaper—not the
telegraphic page, but the pages con
taining announcements of bargains in
stockings, skirts, hats, gloves, pianos,
furniture, food for the table, etc.
You have been Invited to visit Bat
tle Creek for the purpose of viewing
one of the most unique advertising
buildings in the world, also to loon
over a large business built up. sus
tained, nourished and kept active by
sunshine, and, at the same time, have
an opportunity to see one of the most
thrifty, active and prosperous toivni
of its size in the world, built up larg9
ly by the same kind of suhshine.