The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 06, 1904, Image 8

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    • uopoauuof) enoqdapj,
lioaal Dsws.
J. M. Bay, Optician,
Will be in your city at Wharton
House on the 14th of October.
Those needing their eyes tested and
fitted, come and have them attended
to while I am here.
J. M. BAY, Optician.
Phone the news to us
See D. C. Grow for Best Flour.
T. II. Eisner went to Omaha yester
W. D. Hover & Co. have all kinds of
oil cloth.
N. II. Scott went 4o Council Bluffs
Mrs. Cooper visited in St. Paul last
See T. M. Reed for Windmills and
well work.
A new cement tvalk in front of the
D. M. Gue gave this office a pleasant
call yesterday.
C. W. Conhiser and wife went to
Omaha Mondny.
Brick work on the new brick blocK is
rapidly progressing.
FOR SALE.—All kinds of Ammuni
tion at P. O. Reed’s.
Mrs. E. G..Taylor was a passenger
for Omaha Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Outhouse returned
from the east last Saturday.
FOR SALE.—Corn buskers’ mits,
gloves, hooks, etc., at P. 0. Reed’s.
Messrs. Truelsen, Gulley and Starr
changed their residences this week.
Every housekeeper wants best flour
in the market. D. C. Grow keeps it.
Dr. Kearns has our thanks for a nice
lot of delicious peaches, home-grown.
W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu
neral Director. Ready day or night.
We agknowledge pleasant calls this
week from Judge Kinkaid and Hon. Mr.
Photos half price at Boone’s and a
medallion picture free with each half
Chicken season began last Saturday,
and the prairies are dotted with hunt
ers and dogs
Mason and Lorentz made a recent
trip to Arcadia with their auto in 45
minutes; fourteen miles.
T. M. Reed returned last Saturday
from a three weeks’ business and pleas
ure trip to Goodland and other Indiana
The Unity club meets with Mrs. J.
A. Angier, Friday, Oct. 8, at 2:30 p. m.
All members especially requested to be
This is a notice that no hunting will
be allowed oh our premises. Violators
will be prosecuted. L. N. Smith,
46-2 Wm. McCombs.
Notice/—Hereafter Kentucky Boy will
be found in Loup City only on Satur
days for service. John Thompson.
W. D. Hover went to Omaha Monday
to take a course of lectures on embalm
ing and to order a new lot of furniture
He will return Saturday.
Notice.—No hunting or trespassing
will be tolerated in my large pasture
north ot Loup City. Trespassers will
be prosecuted. 46-2 Geo. Dinsdale
Tickets for the sale at Conhiser’s for
Ten Night's in a Bar Room, Every
body should go to this show as it teach
es a great moral lesson. It is guaran
teed first class.
For Sale .—Eight pedigreed Shorthorn
bull calves and one 4-year-cld regis
tered Shorthorn bull.
Truelsen & Johansen,
47 Half mile east of Loup City.
The Baptist ladies will hold a side
walk bazaar this coming Satnrday af
ternoon, between Chase and Reynolds’
business houses, to finish paying for the
new cement walk around their church.
Political enemies of Sheriff Williams
and County Attorney Pedler are trying
to make capital out of the Jaeschke in
cident. Better go slow. It will prove
a boomerang. We may give the true
inwardness of it next week.
Dra. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumors,
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
tsurgery, the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
We received a pleasant call, Monday,
tfrom P. G. Paige, one of the bright
young Republicans of east Sherman. He
?s>»id his good father, E. G. Paige, would
be home from Colorado in time to vote,
J)ut also said he thought his father in
tended later to make his home in Colo
rado. He also ordered the piper sent
out there, besides advancing his own
subscription a couple if year*.
Mrs. Geo. Lee is visiting in St Paul
M. C. Mu lick went to Omaha rues
John Zoilinger was at David City la=t
Mrs. .Judge Wall returned home Sat
Buggies and Wagons. T. M. Reed
sells them.
Dr. Main and wife returned home last
i W. R. Mellor was down to Lincoln
last Friday.
Albeit Fiebig is a new’ reader of this
paper. Thanks.
Editor Gear of the Lincoln Journal
died last Friday.
Judge Wall had business at Lincoln
the tlrst of the week
FOR SALE.—Grand Island Woven
Wire Fencing at P. O. Reed’s
Mrs. Troy IJale was a delegate to the
D. of H. at Lincoln Monday.
; C. II. Rudge of Lincoln was a guest
of W. R. Mellor over Sunday.
Bert Wicker of Grand Island w’as a
guest of M C. Mulick Monday.
Northern Milling Co.’s mill stuffs on
sale by D. C. Grow. Try them.
We are short on locals this w’eek. Lav
the blame to the delinquent tax list
FOR SALE.—Hardware, Tinware,
Graniteware, etc., at P. O. Reed’s.
W. D. Hover & Co. are closing out
some stock food and remedies at cost.
Yes, the children must have shoes
| Swanson & Smith have good, honest
values in footwear.
Senator Hoar and Postmaster General
Henry C. Payne are noted deaths with
j in the past few days
Mesdames P. Hoogenboozetn and A.
I P- DeLyster went to Omaha, T uesday,
1 for a few’ days’ visit.
N. L. Talbott remembered this office,
'Tuesday with a couple of Uncle Sam’s
cartwheels. Thanks.
Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.,
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
Miss Ella Foster, one of our brightest
Loup City girls, is a new cash reader of
the Northwestern, Thanks.
Place your orders for st«rm sash early
and avoid the deiav in the busy sea
son. Leixinger Lumber Co.
At the request of the Loup City bar,
the term of district court set for Oct.’
11 has been adjourned without day.
For Sale-Pure-bred Poland China
pigs and high-grade Shorthorn bulls.
! See Lawrence Smith for particulars.
The first of the Lyceum Bureau en
tertainments occurs Oct. 22 Frank Mc
Clure Chaffee will be the entertainer
For Sale.—Poland China pigs. Cali
on or address Thos. Burton, six miles
southwest of Loup City, on Cob Creek
The Model Restaurant closed its
doors Tuesday, on invitation of an Au
rora firm, Sheriff Williams taking pos
M. E. G. Cooper, brother of (\ C.
Cooper, who has been visiting here lor
some time, returne dto bis Iowa home
Now the sand burrs are bad. Take
a look at the high-topped shoes lor men
and boys at Swanson & Smith’s Cash
Shoe Store.
The old play, “Ten Nights in a Bar
Room,” at the Opera House, Oct. 7th.
“Like the sun—none the less beautiful
because of its age.’’
Mrs. G. A. Leininger went to Grand
Island this morning w here she is taking
piano music at the G. I. college. She
plays at a recital this evening.
Last week’s Article on the Methodist
church dedication at Wiggle Creek
should have been credited to the Times,
through the courtesy of Bro. Brown.
A meeting is called for Saturday af
ternoon of all those who voted for Lin
coln and Fremont, to perfect an organ
ization. See Judge Hunter for particu
Wanted.—A man to work on my stock
farm near Loup City. German pre
ferred. Steady employment to right
Lawrence Smith.
Don t forget that Boone the Photog
raper will make photos at half price for
the next few weeks, and a medallion
picture goes free with each half dozen,
Chas. Snyder brought to this office on
Saturday last a sample apple from his
orchard tliat has been brought to thi«
office so far this year. Home-grown ap
ples compare favorably with those
grown elsewhere.
This week we commence the interest
ing serial story,“Delinquent Tax List,”
which will continue for three weeks.
The author, County Treasurer Sweet
land, will hold a reception to those in
terested on the tirst Tuesday in Novem
A. L. Zimmerman last week pur
chased of his brother, G. W. Zimmer
man. his farm consisting of 320 acres,
the consideration being $8,000 He also
purchased his brother’s house and 23
lots in Loup City, the consideration be
ing $2,200. He also bought most of h5s
brother’s chattle property.
Shooting Tournament Score.
Following is the score of the shooting
at the tournament held in this city last
week Tuesday and Wednesday.
Name Shot Broke Name Shot Broke
309 Bray.350
301 Lindeman.350
314 F. Sack...310
244 O’Bryan.. 195
141 Waddlngtonl75
120 Schroeder 175
107 Latshaw... 35
11 Lay.15
Campbell.39 Waddington-45
Bray.43 Slevers.43
Lindemao.40 J. Sack.43
F. Sack .43 Mulick .36
O’Bryan.39 Grow.35
Reed....31 Shirley.40
I.ay .33 Martin.37
Campbell 350
J. Sack...350
Mulick.. .310
Martin.. .175
Shirley.. 15
Sunday School Convention.
Program of the ninth annual conven
tion of the Sherman County Sunday
School Association to be held in the
Presbyterian church at Litchfield, Neb.
October 17ib and 18th. 1904:
2:00—Devotional, led by Mrs Hollister
2:30—Discussion, “What am 1 hear for”
lad by J. A. Angier.
3:00—Discussion, “Should the Qurrterly
be used in the school,” led by Rev.
Miss Scott, Litchfield.
3:30—Report of officers, uppuntment of
committees, enrollment of dele
7:30—Song services conducted by Miss
Laura Gray.
8:C0—Report of committee on nomina
tions and election of officers.
8:30—Report of state conventior by Miss
IIa> hurst of Loup City.
9.30—Bible study followed by bible
salute—M. E. pastor, Loup City
10.00—Beports from schools.
10:30—Discussion, “Our adult church
members, why are they not in the
Sunday School," led by John
11:00— Primary and Cradle Roll Work—
Mrs. C. J. Tracy.
2:00— Prayer service led by Mrs. Hover
2:15—Address, primary standard—Miss
Mamie Haines, Lincoln.
3:00—Round Table, “Sunday School
management” Prof. Steidley,
4:00—Childrens’ meeting, Miss Haines
7.00—S 'Og service led by A. 9. Miller
7:15—Address "‘Teaching Problem,’’ Prof
Steidley, Lincoln.
8:00—Echoes from Jerusalem cruise
(with costume)—Miss Haines.
Superintendents of various Sunday
Schools of the county will send the
names of their delegates to ‘Mrs. A. S.
Miller of Litchfield, chairman of the
eutertinment committee, not later than
j October 15th.
Atumn the Great Excursion
To Sf. Louis: You will regret It for
years If you fail to see tie St. Louis
Exposition Special iow coach excursion
rates made daily each week from Sun
day to Thursday, inclusive; seven days
limit; slightly higher rates for tickets
good in sleeping cars with longer limits.
Very low one way rates to the far west
and Pacific coast. For instance, $26 45
to California and Puget Sound; $28 95
to Spokane territory ;$21 45 to Salt Lake,
Helena and Bntte territory. This low
rates westbound, syhexj added to your
return rate eastbound, makes a very low
round trip rate.
llomeseekers excursions the lirst and
third Tuesdays of each month to North
west and Southwest.
To Chicago and backs Dally Jow
rate either direct or via St. Louis in
either direction, with stopovers at St.
Louis, Kansas City or Omaha.
Home Visitors excursions: Visit the
old home back east, Oct. 11, halfrates
plus $2.00to Indiana, and to many points
in Ohio and Kentucky.
Nebraska day at the St. Louis Expos
ition, Tuesday, Oct. 25. All good Neb
raskans should be there and help exploit
the prosperity of our grand common
wealth.—R. L, Arthur, Agent.
Lewis & Poore will present a grand re
vlval of T. 8. Arthur’s temperance gem
— ‘Ten Nights in a Bar-Room.” A new
big, grand revival that excels any ever
attempted before. All special scenery,
elaborately constructed and painted by
the best cenic artists In America, solo
band and orchestra. Free street parade
at quon every day. The Revelers Quar
tette is a repetoire of choice songs and
choruses. An }de*l production of this
universally admired temperance drama,
endorsed bv the pres*, clergy, public and
the Christian people or all creeds and
sexes. A life lesson for tbs younr,
Opera house one nigh».-Oct. 7.
Ji. L. Christiansen went to Omaha
World’s Fair stopovers at 8t. Louis
on through tickets.
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
Salt Lake; Black Hills—practically half
rates all summer.
Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin,
lake resorts and st&amer tours, very fa
vorable rates.
Ask Burlington agent for particulars.
The following proposed amendment to, and
convention for the revision of, the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set
forth, in full, is submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the gen
eral election to be held Tuesday, November 8,
A. D. 1904.
(Sknatk File No. 114.)
A Bill for a Joint Resolution recommending
to the electors of the state to vote at the next
election of members of the Legislature for or
against a convention to revise, amend and
change the Constitution of the Sate of Ne
braska in accordance with Section 2. Article 15.
of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska.
Be it Resolved bt tuk Legislature of
the State of Nebraska;
1. That it Is deemed necessary to call a con
vention to revise, amend and change the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska.
2. That the electors are recommended to
vote at the next election of members of the
Legislature for or against a convention to re
vise, amend and change the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska.
3. That at such next election of members
of the Legislature on the ballot of each elector
voting at such election, shall be printed or
written in such manner that the elector can in
dicate his preference under the law the words:
"FORcalling a convention to revise; amend
and change the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, " and “AGAINST calling a convention
to revise, amend and change the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska’'; and if a majority
voting, at said election shall vote for a conven
tion, the Legislature shall, at its next session,
provide by law for calling the same.
I, Geo. W. Marsh, Secretary of State of the
State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the
foregoing proposed amendment to the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska, and provid
ing for a Convention for the revision of said
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, is
a true and correct copy of the original enrolled
bill passed by the Twenty-eighth session of the
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, as it ap
pears from said original bill, on file in my
office, and that said proposed amendment and
revision of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is submitted to the qualitled voters of
the State of Nebraska, for their adoption or
rejection, at the general election to be held on
Tuesday, the 8th day of November, A. D. 19(M.
In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my
hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of
Done at Lincoln this 5th day of July, in the
year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Huudred
and Four, of the Independence of the United
States the One Hundred and Twenty Ninth and
of this State the Thirty Eighth.
(Great Seal.) Geo. W. Marsh.
Secretary of State.
Anton Erazim, formerly well known
fanner in this tow nship, now of Loup
Citylwasover last week taking in the
Carnival. Mr Erazim has been very
successful in a business way &t Loup
City, and now is owner and manager
of the finest. Elmo hotel property
For Sale
Cheap,one Ashnrst Grain Drill; also,
one Hoosier Junior Corn-stalk Drill,
almost new. L. A. Williams.
Grand Lodge I. (). O, b., Lincoln.
Oct. 17, 18, return Oct. 23. One fare
plus 50c.
Chicago and return direct, $22.65
one way, via St Louis, 825.96. See U.
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, Omaha, Sept.
28 to Oct. 8. Bound trip tickets one
fare plus 50c. Tickets sale Oct 3 to 7
inclusive, good returning Oct. 10.
813 25 to St. Louis and return. Tick
ets on sale every day during September,
October and November, except Fridays
and Saturdays, good returning seven
days from date of sale.
One way rates. 825 to San Francis
co, Los Angeles, etc. To Everett, Vic
toria. Vancouver, Whatcom, etc. To
Portland, Seattle. Astoria, Tacoma. To
Asnland. Koseburg, Salem and branch
lines in Oregon. 822.50 to Spokane W e
natchiejand intermediate points. 820 to
Butte, Helena and intermediate main
point lines, and $20 to Ogden Salt Lake
and inteimediats main line points.
These are every day rates from Missou
ri river terminals, Sept. 15th to Oct. 15.
For fuller information call on or address
F. II. Hiser.
%esa H«im
OGTOBER 7, 1904.
Lewis and
- Poore’s
Big Scenic Production of
A superb revival of T. S.
Arthur's Famous Temper
ance Gem.
solo band.
Augmntsi Orchestra M Day,
Come and see this great moral
temperauce drama.
Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Seats on sale at
Professional Cards
Attorney and Couselcr-aUav
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
.»/, n. •irii.i n
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, • Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Office Opposite St. Elmo
St Elmo Hotel
A. ERAZIM, Propr.
Farmers’ Table a Specialty
Farmers of Sherman county are
specially invited to make the St.
Elmo their headquarters when at
the county seat.
Livery i Feed Stable
Loup City, Nebraska,
Our teams are all good drivers
and we are able to give you the best
ot turnouts. Our prices are reason
able and we can give satisfaction to
all who wisn our services.
City Dray aid Transfer line
J. W. *fc A. T. Conger, Props.
All kinda of hauling will be given prompt
attention And will make a specialty ot
moving household good. Ice delivered in
any part of town. Your patronage solicited.
P. Hoogenboezem
Loup City, - Neb.
Sign Work ami Graining a Spe
cialty. Wall Paper and Mouldings.
Photographs, Farm views. Stock pictures
etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri
river. All work stricly guaranteed.
Office, West Side of Square. Your
Dental woik solicited.
Schaupp Siding
Fred Rien was in town witb a,
load of hogs.
Graccek brothers were in town a
few days since after coal for their
Misses Minnie Bechthold and An
na Schneideret visited here last
Lewis Bly and Jno. Topolski have
gone to Aurora to take a course in
business college.
Oscar Bechthold is down from
Loup City doing carpenter work.
John Johnson has gene west to
work at his trade as engineer.
I. Sandburg has rented Ids farm
and will go west to look for a loca
Divide News.
Messrs. Conhiser and Patton and
their ladies were visitors at H. Rein
sink’s Sunday.
Mr. Savage, from near Ravenna,
was up to E. Slocumb’s after their
cattle Sunday.
Geo. Zimmerman has gold his
farm apd intends moving to jColoia
do in the spring,
Mr. Unsiuker ai>4 family from
south of Litchfield wer guests of S.
Trosses Sunday.
Johnny Squiers’ team ran away
Sunday. Nobody hurt but the hay
rake was smashed to pieces.
Say, Joe, at would have looked
better to have both wheels alike.
We have Dining Chairs
with embossed backs for
A good bed
spring lor
and one
for - -
thing that ever happened.
We have an
Upholstered Rocker
Last month was another
Record Breaker for
Picture Frames
Get the boy ready for school
Fit 5
The Boys Suits jl,
that we will
offer ....
$2.50 $3.50 $4.50 and $5.00
Overcoats at same price.
Caps at 25c, 35c and 50c
JOjirisorJ.LopENTz eo.
P1 O JEt
XjOUltd Oity IDsTebraska
or most everybody, knows
the Round Oak t
Stove. We can give you >
plenty of testimonials as to
its superiority. In its new,
^ up-to-date dress it is the
M handsomest stove on the
J market, and in tight fitting,
fine workmanship and “busi
ness” it excels all others. Do
not mistake other stoves for
the genuine. Look for the
name on the leg, “ROUND
OAK.” It is the stove you
have always heard about,
We will be pleased to explain 1
it fully. Respt. yours