The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 06, 1904, Image 2
loop City Northwestern J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher. LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. "Jack Frost," complains the Boston Herald, “is flirting with us.” Slap him on the wrist. Perhaps the New Yorker who lived on grass would point to that as proof of his horse sense. The tremendous apple crop of this year might arrange a pair advantage ously with the wheat crop. In what better way could a Newr port heiress get her jewels before th^ public than by being robbed of them? Prof. Benbow successfully steered his air ship for 500 yards at St. Louis. But it’s a thousand miles to Wash ington. It would suit Lipton if the rules of the game could be so amended that he could have his British yacht built in America. An eminent sculptor declares the human foot is growing smaller, but it is understood he never worked with Chicago models. The Brooklyn man who lived on grass for six months seems to have succeeded in reducing a meat diei to its first principles. If Sir Thomas Lipton is going to race with an American-built boat manned by an American crew the cup is indeed in danger. Kans, the educated horse, proves to ‘be a fraud. Still he probably has brains enough to know what to think of his recent admirers. It will take thirty yards of ma terial, the dressmakers say, to make an autumn dress—but they won’t bother Dr. Mary Walker. An Ohio man has been arrested for killing a book agent. Possibly, how ever, the sheriff was new to his busi ness and didn’t know any better. In order doubtless to dispel local prejudice against the practice, Bos ton papers announce that a woman 103 years old “takes a daily bath.” What a helpless creature is man! A convention of dressmakers says that big sleeves are to be in style once more and he cannot prevent it. Close on the heels of Mr. Hill's promised retirement comes John L. Sullivans equally conclusive an nouncement that he is “done with booze.” The folly of the woman who mar ries a man in order to reform him is exceeded only by the folly of the man who marries a woman in order to re form her. J. Pierpont Morgan has acquired a reputation as a dog fancier. H* gave $10,000 the other day for four beauti ful collies. His money now is going to the dogs. Experts in education aver that the wonderful Berlin horse, Hans, shows real power of mental concentration. Hans must be related to some mules we have known. Maybe the reason why the Japanese soldiers get 45 cents a month pay, in stead of half a dollar, is that the Jap anese war department doesn’t do any thing by halves. WTestern civilization is permeating China. In another generation it will not be considered a disgrace for a Chinese woman of high rank to stand on a broad footing. Speaking about discipline, an edu cational expert urges the school teacher not to let bad boys know they annoy her. Just smile joyously when the bent pin strikes home. London Is getting giddy. The daughter of the lord mayor has been jilted by an Egyptian official and somebody exploded a bunch of fire crackers in Westminster Abbey. John D. Rockefeller has given $100, 000 to the Young Women's Christian Association of Cleveland. The mem bers must resemble the biblical vir gins who also had oil in their lamps. Five American automobiles are sold abroad for every one that is im ported to this country. Which seems to indicate that the automobile, be sides having come to stay, has come to go. Two Buffalo women fought with crow-bars for the possession of a clothesline. The loser is about to make business for the undertaker and the winner is being sought by a vaud eville manager. An Alabama spellbinder got married between trains while on his way to deliver a speech in New York. It would have been better advertising if he had had the ceremony on the plat form right after his speech. It’s noble in those Menominee (Mich.) girls who will wear on their silk stockings mottoes in praise of the town. But, name of Venus! What of the classical proportions of ankles so constructed as to afford advertising spaces?—New York World. The palace of peace, for which An drew Carnegie has provided funds, is ;o be erected at Scheveningen. Any one who has ever tried to pronounce that famous name to the satisfaction of a listening Hollander will recog nize the need of a palace of peace In the neighborhood. The secretary of the Panama canal commission says that the work of digging the canal will cot $145,000, 000 and will be completed in eight ye&rs. Paste this up somewhere, and read it again in 1912 WTIII THE WORLD’S L^BEST WRITERS' SWIMMING THE BEST EXERCISE. A series of experiments, conducted by Dr. Philip B. Hawk, demonstrator of physiological chemistry at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, has proved that swimming is the most beneficial exercise, reports the World’s Worn.. He visited the dressing-rooms at the athletic field and, immediately before each athlete left for his exercise, drew blood from him by means of the regularly prepared sterile needle. Then, when the athlete returned to the dressing-room, after running, jumping, pole vaulting or engaging in water polo, the needle would again be brought into play and a second sample of blood drawn. Analysis of the blood, to discover how far each exercise increased the number of red corpuscles, showed that water polo and other forms of swimming result ed in the largest increase. The swim ming exercises were thus shown to be the most beneficial, for the greater the number of red corpuscles, the richer the blood. Swimming result ed in an average increase of 21 per cent, as against 17 per cent for the next best exercise—short-distance running. NO INTERVENTION LIKELY. A late dispatch from Paris stated that there is a strong and growing of ficial feeling there that France, Great Britain and the United States should endeavor to avert the danger of Japan’s victory being so great that she may become the dominating pow er in the far east. It is quite likely that, French sympathy being with Russia, there is such a feeling as re ported, but it will have no influence either in England or the United States, the people of both these coun tries having no disposition or desire to interpose any obstacle to Japan’s success. Neither is there any appre hension in the English speaking coun tiies as to Japan becoming the domi nating power in the far east.—Omaha Bee. IS THE SUN COOLING OFF? The question is being asked in many quarters, Is the sun's heat fail ing? and the matter is being discuss ed by the leading scientists of Eu rope. That the sun is slowly cooling of? has come to be an accepted theory, but how gradually is the difficult question to find out. The earth is slowly cooling off, too. but we have no instruments correctly to measure that fact. And yet we know that a permanent change of only a few' points in the thermometer would soon affect all life, animal and vege table. The dependence of this globe upon the sun is well understood and the gun is constantly presenting new mysteries to be solved. And yet there is probably no cause for alarm. The sun has served past generations so well that they have worshiped it and humanity will flour ish in its kindly beams for many cen turies to come.—Boston Globe. RIGHTS OF HUSBAND AND WIFE. Without inviting discussion of this thorny question, I may say that my own opinion is—supposing anybody wants it—that a husband's rights are what he can get. My view of a wife's rights is the same. Whether it is wise for either party to get all that he (or she) can is a question of ex pediency, to be decided according to circumstances and individual inclina tion. The governing principle of the situation is that when two people ride the Bame horse one must ride behind. The question, therefore, whenever a conflict arises, is whether the front seat is worth fighting about, and, if so, how long and how hard.—London Truth. FAVORS FROM DESPOTISM. When we think of the power to do good which rests with a despot like the emperor of Russia and reflect that under a government of the people re forms are often slow and tedious and attended by much confusion and strife we may be tempted to extol the ad vantages of despotism over democ racy. We compare the freedom of the serfs of Russia by a stroke of the pen with the long and bloody war that resulted from slavery in this country. The fallacy of such reflections, how ever, lies in the assumption that des potism will continue to produce phi lanthropists. The truth is that the despot who succeeds the present des pot on the throne of Russia may, by inclination or the force of reactionary sentiment among the ruling classes, overthrow all the benevolence of his predecessor.—Boston Globe. HOW TO WALK. There is no virtue in a dawdling saunter. The slow and languid drag ging one foot after the other, which some people call walking, would tire an athlete; it utterly exhausts a weak person, and that is the reason why many delicate persons think they can not walk. To derive any benefit from the exercise it is necessary to walk with a light, elastic step, which swings the weight of the body so easily from one leg to the other that its weight is not felt, and which produces a healthy glow, showing that the sluggish blood is stirred to action in the most remote veins. WAITING INSTEAD OF GOING FOR THINGS. The art in life is to sit still and to let things come toward you, not to go after them or even to think that they are in flight. How often I have chased some divine shadow through a whole day till evening, when, going home tired, 1 have found the visitor Just turning away from my closed door.—Arthur Symons, in Saturday » Review, THE MARRYING AGE. The dictum of Gov. Warfield that girls should not marry until they are twenty-six has naturally caused con siderable discussion among those most interested—the girls themselves, their parents, and the young men who do not want to wait for a bride until she is verging on old-maiden hood. The first question of interest is a matter of fact: Are our girls gener ally marrying at too early an age? Some light is thrown on this matter by City Registrar McGlenan of Bos ton in the Globe of that city. He shows that in the year 1902 out ol 6.172 brides, only 120, or a little more than 2 per cent, were less than eight een. While more than half the total number were under twenty-five, “yet 4,ISO, more than two-thirds of the whole number of brides, were mar ried between the ages of twenty and twenty-nine.” These figures, the Registrar thinks, “do not indicate that all girls are marrying at an abnormally earl} age.” Other writers on the subject testify that marriage is entered intc by both sexes at later age than in former generations in this country There are many reasons for this. The growing independence of women, the more extensive fields for their em ployment, the importance given to education, operate to defer marriage, as the increased cost of the wedded state deters many young men until they can “afford it.”—New York World. DEATH AND THE FEAR OF IT. George Meredith is reported tc have said in a recent interview tfcal doctors and parsons are doing harm by increasing the fear of death ano making the English less manly. "Nt one," he added, “should considei death or think of it as worse than go ing from one room to another.” Fot his own part, he says, he "hopes he shall die with a good laugh.” There is no objection to joyous ness, even on the solemn occasion oi passing from this form of existence tc one of which we know nothing excepl by faith. All the same, a frivolous laugh seems to be an affection of cour age rather than genuine heroism Death is no joke for those who go oi for those who are left behind. One may say with the trust of Emerson: “The God who has led me so gracious ly all through this life I can trusl wherever he leads me.”—Syracuse Telegram. ON UNCONSCIOUS COURTESY. In the "Joy of Living" papers ap pearing in the Delineator Lilne Ham ilton French, in the September num her, writes on unconscious expressioi in childhood, and speaking of the ne cessity of implanting precepts o courtesy and hospitality while the child is young, gives this apt am amusing illustration: "There is an ole story told of a lady of rank who mar ried her footman. She managed tc train him into the semblance of t gentleman, and his appearance in the drawing-room was not bad. He be haved well, and writh propriety—ex cept when he heard a bell ring! TheD he started. To jump when bells were rung had been a second nature with him as a footman. It is always the training in early and impressionable years that makes the second nature of the mature. The full-grown man or woman can, of course, begin a self training, as this lady of rank began e training of her husband. The task is more difficult. Even the cells of the brain get into ways of respond ing to certain impressions, and al though a thought held to will trans form the very nature of man, there ought to be no need of a transforma tion in our manners. They should be formed in the early, pliant, receptive days of childhood.’’ INCENTIVES TO WAR. Every formal treaty or arbitration will aid wonderfully in molding public sentiment against war and smoothing the way to other similar treaties. The example of the great militant coun tries will have a persuasive influence upon the small nations which are now taxing their slender resources to main tain armies and navies to be anni hilated in the first encounter with a stronger power. Land hunger, em pire-building, absorption of weak coun tries by the powerful, the combative savage, fighting instinct surviving civ ilization, traditional racial hate, mili tary glory, it must be admitted, give a tremendous impetus to war. These incentives to grave international con flicts cannot be removed at once. It must be a gradual process.—Philadel phia Press. THE GREAT MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. It has required two decades to shift the center of population from Ohio to Indiana, the center of farm values from eastern Indiana to western Illi nois, the center of the farm income to the western banks of the Missis sippi, and the center of farming area from eastern Illinois to central Mis souri. Two centers have already crossed the Mississippi and two more decades will be sufficient to advance another across the Father of Waters. —Des Moines Register-Reader. SCARS LEFT BY WAR. International practice has modified some of the cruelties of war, but the sorest cruelty is that wrar exists and that it leaves its scars not only upon those who are forced into the conflict, but the actualities of war visit afflic tions on conquered and conquerors alike.—Brooklyn Eagle. Every great man Is always being helped by everybody, for his gift is to get good out of all things and all persons.—Ruskln. Fence Posts Became Trees “People talk of the wonderful growth of the tropical jungle,” said a traveler last week, “but they rarely think of the wonderful vitality and swift growth of our own domestic -rees in this country. “There is the poplar, for instance. Rip branches from a tree, thrust them into the ground without any care whatever, and inside of three months svery one of those branches will have sent out a mass of roots and be de veloping fast into a tree. “i have just passed through a thicket of poplars in New York state where trees of about fifteen feet in Height stood so close together that a man could barely push his way be tween them. They were all flourish ing, healthy young trees, with thick trunks. “To my surprise. I learned from my guide that this whole little grove had sprung up from branches stuck into tne ground after a windstorm had torn them from other trees along the road. “A still more wonderful tree is the catalpa, known to most boys on ac count of its long bean, which some of them use for smoking after it is | dry. The catalpa has such a remark able vitality that even a tree that has been cut down and sawed into lengths again and again, has been known to strike root and sprout, and finally grow up into good trees. “I saw a fence in the Middle West that consisted of a straight row of beautiful catalpas, each at them nearly twenty feet high. The row was so mathematically straight that I wondered how the trees had grown so, especially as the row vas nearly half a mile long. So I role over to (hem and discovered that barb wire was stretched from tree w tree, evi dently as a division fenoo. Later I met the owner of the land, and he explained to me how tba trees had come to grow' in so perfect a line. “ ‘About ten years ago,’ he said, ‘I wanted to raise a barb wire fence along the line of my property, to pre vent my cattle from straying. I went into the woods and we chopped down a lot of small catalpas, about sapling size. We chopped the roots off, leaving a pointed end at the base, and sawed the crowns off clean, thus making stakes about eight feet long. These we drove into the ground in the row that you saw, and attached our barb wire to them. Inside of six months every stake had begun to sprout, and since then the fence stakes have growrn into trees.” lale of Bonanza Days In the old days of excitement, when mining stocks were on the jump and men became millionaires over one day’s dabbling, an incident occurred at the country residence of James C. Flood in Menlo, when a fairly well to-do resident found himself without a home in the short period of one week. The man's name was Hank, and, be ing a first-class gardener, he readily found employment about the resi dences of the wealthy owners of man sions. In this way he was employed at the Flood residence. Hank was loitering about the garden one Satur day evening as the proprietor, in com pany with a visitor, was looking over the stock. Mr. Flood, who had just stepped out of the hog corral, casually remarked to his friend that he would be willing to make a bet that “Con would go up to 300 before Christmas.’’ Hank con structed “con’’ to mean Consolidated Virginia, and, taking the tip which he thought would make him a millionaire, he disposed of his holdings of 250 acres of fine land, his stock, and, in brief, everything he had on earth ex cept his wife and four bright little Hanks. The proceeds he invested in Consolidated Virginia stock, which was then selling at $75 a share. Christmas came, but instead of •‘Con’" going up to $300 it fell to $25. The man was a pauper. In lamenting his loss he incidentally mentioned to a friend of Flood’s how he lost his all. Flood, who was generous to a fault, sent for Hank and had him repeat his story. When he learned of his chance remark about “Con going to 300 be fore Christmas” he fairly shook with laughter and explained what it meant. It was in reference to the gift of a young sow. made a present to him by “Con” O’ConnGr, who, in the fun of the thing, had called the pig “Con.” The bet alluded to the sow’s increas ing in weight to 300 pounds before Christmas and not to Con. Virginia. Having enjoyed the joke and after joshing Hank the noble-hearted Flood bought back the ranch for Hank and recompensed him for all his losses. The originality of the joke and the knowledge of the penalty paid by an eavesdropper was Flood's reward.— San Francisco Call. Rank Was - _ f Value When the late Prof. Sommerville of the University of Pennsylvania, (he learned collector of gems, charms and mascots, had set his mind on some curio heard of in one of his meetings with orientals, nothing could bar the way, says the Booklov er's Magazine. Were it in the center of the desert of Sahara or on the topmost pinnacle of the Hamala.van mountains, he would go after it and keep up the search until the treasure was found, purchased and placed on exhibition at the university museum. American gold was Prof. Sommer ville’s magnet, wherever he went. He then describes its effects on one of his expeditions. “On one occasion we desired to visit the famous Dilwarra temples in India, and for that purpose engaged two jinrikshas and a number of na tives to draw them, about twelve in all. The temples, as you know, are set in a magnificent grove of mango trees on a mountain top and surround ed by great hills. W'ith a fair meas ure of tact and money I hoped to secure from the people of the vicin ity some of their odd talismans and rings. I said to the chief rigisha man: ‘Now, Lala, what will you dc for me if I double jour pa>*? I want to make this journey in half time and if you accomplish it you shall be doubly paid.’ “He went to his helpers at once and informed them that I was a prince. We started out under the contract. He ran ahead of the con voy, raising both hands in the air and crying to the astounded people: ‘Here comes a prince. Down with j'ou. Here comes a prince.’ “And during the entire twelve miles ride I was treated to the tin American experience of seeing the people cover their faces and drop ab jectly to the ground in obeisance and salutation, only daring to look at me through their parted fingers. But my amusement at thus being treated as a prince was nothing to the grati fication I experienced in securing from this people—who did not dare to refuse so august a personage as I—some of the most interesting in scribed talismans that I have in my collection.” Pine Stumps Yield Oils A new proof of the fact that what Is wasted one time becomes a valu able material under other circum stances, is given in the success of pine tar plants that have been started up near the head of Lake Superior. That the industry is no experiment and of no doubtful value is shown by the fact that the Weyerhaeuser syndicate, the largest lumbering concern in the world, has taken if up, has just bought out the plants already established and is installing more. All the region about the head of Lake Superior is, or was, covered with pine timber, and when this was cut the stumps remained on the ground. Pine stumps do not rot as do those of harcfwoods and the presence of these stumps was a serious obstacle to the spread of farming in the region. Now comes the pine tar company and offers to clear a farm of all its | old stumps or to pay the owner $3 for every cord of them that he will pull himself. For farmers, throughout thousands of acres, this is an esti mable boon and it will open hundreds of thousands more acres as fast as the stumps are got out. The company has invented, or ap plied existing processes of destructive distillation of wood to the pine stumps and is securing a combined product of great value. There is a large amount of turpentine in these dry stumps, also a high grade of lubri cating oil, tar and, finally, excellent coarcoal. The discovery that lubri cating oil was to be secured from stumps by carrying the distilled prod uct to its last analysis, is quite new, and no machines for producing this have yet teen installed, but they are to be put in at once in th# company’s first plant, a few miles south of Du luth. The Wood of Silence In the Wood of Silence everything gues wrong. Very deep the shade is, and hushed with joyous song; The heart sings on the highway and in the field of sheaves. Who could lift a song to such a roof of leaves? In the upland valley the lovers danced and sang. Down beside the river still their laugh ter rang. Then they crossed the cornfield, passed the white barred gate. And knew th» Wood of Silence where the shadows wait. Once within its darkness came the sud den change. Each, quick glancing sideways, found the ther other strange. They forgot the wind there and the sun above; In the Wood of Silence comes the end of love. Ou* upon the roadway with the Wood behind Still they felt its magic hold their spir its blind; Though they strove wMth laughter *o mask each hidden thought. Nothing could unravel the spell the shad ows wrought. Not the failing sunset nor the falling light. As the hill they mounted, brought so deep a night. Darkness all about them, darkness in the heart, / Hand in hand they journeyed, all a world apart. Nevermore together to stand as they had stood Watching for the dryads in the Enchant ed Wood; Or to tread the winding road and hear the lark above: In the Wood of Silence came the end of love. —E. C., in The Dondon Athenaeum. ✓wwvwvwwwwwwwwww Jap Physicians Up to Date. Dr. Emil Casales, writing from a Ko rean field hospital, reports that the Japanese army surgeons have given up the practice of bleeding their pa tients, A Russian physician, who had been picked from a batch of prisoners, was not only permitted, but in>tted, to make himself useful. His saddle colored colleagues carried courtesy to the length of jiving him the casting vote in several professional contra versies, but drew the line at his faith in leeches. A neighboring horse pond wriggled with the little rascals, and the Russian proposed to collect them for clinical purposes. Being request ed to sanction the plan of his guest, the Japanese chief surgeon was too polite to express his dissent in the form of an outright veto, but con tented himself with the remark that he would give orders to have the shores cleaned, as it might help to make the pend more attractive to bathers. “The Cup of Cold Water” Fine words have been written; kind things said of men and women throughout the world, for ages past, yet none that strike home nearer than those which so often fall from the pen of Richard L. Metcalfe, the tal ented editor of the Omaha World Herald, who, by the way, is a Mis souri product and grew up to man hood among the sycamores and elms of the “Imperial” state. Under the title of “The Cup of Cold Water,” Mr. Metcalfe has touched a chord that finds response wherever flows the milk of human kindness, and wher ever little children clasp hands and are happy. In a recent issue of the Sunday World Herald he prints the following from his pen, a portion of which refers to a former Omaha Meth odist preacher. This preacher was the much-beloved Pastor McQuoid, who one time lived in Kansas, where his widow now resides, but who was sailed home from his pastorate in Omaha, a year or so ago: “New York newspapers recently told of a young man who, after several years of faithful service to his employ er, absconded with a considerable sum of money. That was the young man’s first misstep, and the employer caused :o be inserted in the newspapers an idvertisement calling upon the young nan to return and promising that he would not be prosecuted, but would oe helped out of his dmiculties. The young man read the advertisement, re :urned to his home, made a clean oreast of his error, was forgiven by ;he man whom he had wronged, rein stated in his position and given every possible encouragement to recover nis .ost ground. It developed that the young man was in financial distress. 1 ind in a moment of desperation had | ased his employer’s money. This in cident occurred two years ago, and since then this young man has, at .east to the satisfaction of his employ er, justified the magnanimity which .hat employer showed. “It wul not. of course, do for it to iecome a matter of general under standing that a man may embezzle md be forgiven; and yet, there have seen, unquestionably, many cases in .vhich the methods used by this New i'ork employer could have been used .vitli advantage by other employers. ' The doctrine, T am not my broth ?r’s keeper,’ is not the doctrine for ihoughtiul men. The man who per sistently cultivates the notion that le is concerned solely in his own wel fare and that he owes no duty to his fellows lias not even begun to learn .hat life is worth living. “On a tablet in the First Methodist ihurch in the city of Omaha is en graved, to the memory ef a fine Meth Jdist preacher, the best and highest iribute that could be paid to a human Deing. It is said of tras man; Tie was a helper 01 men.' Incidentally, it nay be said that those who happen ;o have had the pleasure of this Meth jdist preacher’s acquaintance well snow that the tribute is entirely de served, and that the man to whose memory that tribute is paid proved limself a helper of men whenever he came in contact with a human being who seeded aid. “T-*e claim that half the world does aot know how the other half lives is justified. A very large number of people are free from serious trouble, and many of these are entirely ig norant of the burdens borne frequent ly by their own immediate neighbors. It is indeed strange that so much of the trouble, the sorrow and the grief that exists in this busy world is con cealed from the view of many men. But the man who is willing to lend a sympathetic ear andl extend a helping hand very soon comes in touch with his troubled fellows, and very soon learns of the sorrow and grief, con cerning which less sympathetic men remain in ignorance. While it is not an easy task to comply with the in junction, ’Bear ye one another’s bur dens,’ the man who does his best to obey that rule obtains from life a great deal more than the one who ut terly ignores that rule. ‘The drying up of a single tear has more of honest fame than shedding seas of gore;’ and the world is full of tears; some of them are coursing down furrowed cheeks; some of them fill eyes that are rapidly growing dim; many of them are unshed and invisible. But if every tear may not be dried, if ev ery sob may not be checked, if every wounded heart may not be healed, a word of sympathy and kindness will do much to assuage the grief which finds expression in the tear and the sob. “Kindness, like mercy ‘is twice blest; it blesseth him that gives and him that takes,’ and is, indeed, ‘an at tribute of God himself.’ The One whose every act showed love and sym pathy and kindness for men said: ‘And whosoever shall give to drink unto these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple. Watch Children’s Eyes. Children in schools should be care fully watched in order to guard against trouble with the eyes, as shortsightedness is becoming yearly a more common defect. They should not be allowed to hold the books nearer the eyes than fourteen inches, and must not stoop over their work. Love. Love makes our darkest days In golden sur.s go down! So let us clothe our hearts with love And crown us with Love's crown. —Ger*!d Massey. Gum Made of Cassava Starch. Cassava starch, mere popularly known as tapioca, is the chief element of the gum on the back of all postage stamps. Man Cheaper Than Horse. In the farming districts of Rnssia it costs 40 cents to hire a horse for one day and 35 cents to hire a man. Loss of British Seamen. Of 10,000 British seamen. sixty-alx are lost at sea every year. i verily I say to you he shall in no wise lose his reword.’ There is in thiy world to-day an opportunity for every human being to give the cup of cold water; and there is no waiting for the reward to be bestowed. The moment the cup is extended, that moment the reward is obtained. “A man bowed with grief because oi the death of his beloved wife is given the warm handclasp that needs no words to explain what it means. That’s the cup of cold water. “A woman, broken-hearted, yet, wo manlike, strong even in the presence of the greatest sorrow’, is the benefi ciary of those little neighborly serv ices which, while they have no lan guage, speak volumes In sympathy and love. That's the cup of cold wa ter. “A merchant, staggering under a 1 verse conditions, honest, although un fortunate, and striving to save the remnants of his business, is given a little extra patronage by appreciative customers and a little unusual encour agement by merciful creditors. That s the cup of cold water. “A man struggling against the pow er of an overwhelming appetite and sinking sometimes even to the gutter, is urged to try again and save him self from social oblivion. That's the cup of cold water. “The sisters of the Good Sh'\ herd, devoting their lives to the r scue of fallen women. That’s the cup of cold water. “T£e good sisters at St. Joseph’s, the faitinul women at tne Wise Memo rial, the tender nurses at the Clark n and the Methodist hosp. ,.s—all de voting their energies toward alleviat ing pain—none of them with prop- r recompense in the way of money, many of them without any 1 recompense whatever. That’s the cap of cold water. lne noble work done by the sister* £t the St. James orphanm caring for tde little ones who but for those sisters would be homeless. That's the cup of cold water. “The man who, thrown from a posl j ticn threugn no fault of his own, tin is • assistance in obtaining means of a livelihood through the intercession of some busy yet sympathetic neighbor. That’s the cup of cold water. “The little garments that are sent to cover the nakedness of some child of the poor. That's the cup of cold water. "The contribution to the empty lar der of the destitute, the supply of medicine to the poor and sick. That's the cup of cold water. “The visits to the sick and injur 1. That's the cup of cold water. “The word of cheer to the stupid or thoughtless lad who finds the greatest problem of life to be the mastery of his simple studies. That's the cup of cold water. “The mending of the broken toy provides comfort to the little lad and the repairing of the tattered doll ch cks the sobs cf the little girl; and that’s the cup of cold water. “In tnis day some of us may be too proud to remember, and certainly many of u* are too dignified to repeat that little jingle so familiar to our childhood days; ‘Little drops of wa ter, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land; little deeds of kindness, little words of love, help to make earth happy like the heaven above.’ Yet. would not the world be considerably better if that simple little verse were placed over every desk in every counting room in the land, so that he who runs may read and he who reads may profit for himself and give profit to his fellows? “Some one has said; ‘The best por tion of a good man’s life is the little, nameless, unremembered acts of kind ness and of love.’ Every tear that falls in sympathy with another’s woe, every handclasp that is meant to as suage another’s grief, every word that is given to provide encouragement to one who stumbles and falters on the way, every smile and every cheer and every sigh that is the product of our loving kindness contributes to the progress of the world, to the advan tage of humanity and to the upbuild I ing of our own precious se’ves. “A man will obtain the ,est in life when he strives for that condition where thoughtlessness gives way to thoughtfulness, where love of one’s self is well balanced with love for one’s fellows, where men are not too dignified to mingle their tears with the tears of a grief-stricken neighbor, where the word of comfort is ever ready for the benefit of ‘these little ones,’ for the relief of the despairing and ~ie help of the disconsolate. Then, whatever creeds and doctrines may say, the bearer of the cup of cold wa ter, writing finis’ to his life’s work, may, without fear and without trem bling, face the great unknown with: ‘Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.’" Proverbs. “Proverbs give us the best lessons tn the art of expression. See what vast truths and principles in forming such simple and common facts! It reminds one of suns and stars en graved on button and knife handles. Proverbs come from the character and are alive and vascular. There is blood and marrow in them. They give us pocket editions of the most voluminous truths.”—John Burroughs. First Mention of Gold. Gold is first mentioned in the Blbl* In Gen. 2. v. ii. What Is th* Answer? Maybe love is blind, as the old saw says, but it has been generally ob served that the pretty girl, as a rule, is the one that gets married first. Barbers Cannot Talk. A European hairdresser, appreciat ing the extent of the evil of talkative barbers, advertises that all his assist ants are deaf and dumb. Keeps Eg j3 Frecli. Silicate of soda keeps ter aaar.y months.