The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 22, 1904, Image 8
P. 0. REED.: THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1904. Iiooal Dews. Phone the news to us. See D. C. Grow for Best Flour. W. D. Hover & Co. have all kinds of oil cloth. See T M. Reed for Windmills and well work. Judge Wall went to Omaha on busi ness Monday. A One line of cutlery just received at P. O. Reed’s. Jim Bayne has rented the John Daddow cottage. Every housekeeper wants best flour in the market. D. C. Grow keeps it, W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu neral Director. Ready day or night. Mrs, A. T. Conger and children have returned from their delightful Iowa visit. * Photos half price at Boone’s and a medallion picture free with each half dozen. Mrs. A. L, Throckmorton and chil dren were over from Greeley county visiting friends last week. The City Bakery handles Cass Broth ers’ (Aurora) bread, received fresh every day. Give us a trial. Herman Jung. Quite a number of Loup City people attended the Carnival at Ravenna last week. Guess twenty-five would not exceed the number. Notice is hereby given that I will not allow hunting on my farm this fall, as last fall people did not respect crops or gardens, but drove any direction thro' with teams. H. Dolling. Robert Mathew returned to his studies at the State University last Friday. Robert stands well up in his classes, and we predict he will go thro’ the University and graduate with high honors. Lon Zink is using a pair of crutches since his return from Lincoln where he took his nephew last week. It seems that the boy became alarmed while enroute over supposed enemies after him, and Lon received a severely sprained knee in trying to quiet him. Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu matism, Stomach .disorders, Tumors, Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine and surgery, the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tricity and massage. J. M Bay, Optician, was here the 15th at the St. Elmo Hotel. He is a graduate of the Jackson Optical College Jackson, Michigan. Will visit this city every month. Carefully exam ines eyes and fitting lenses. Changes whenever needed. Those needing his care should call and him. The chil dren should be sent to him, If eyes are defective. W. H. Kennedy the jolliest old bach elor in the west, or anywhere else in this wide, wide world, for that matter, returned to Loup City last Thursday evening, after a summer’s absence in Ohio and other states. We are sorry to learn, however, that he will be with us only for a short time, as he has bought a farm at his old haunts, near Columbus, McKinley state, and expects to return there to live. That’s a mean Irish trick the colonel has played in so doing. Work on the Hansen & Fletcher and Draper Brothers brick block has begun in earnest The bank part will be 23x100 feet, two stories high, the low er story for the bank proper, and the upper for offices. Draper Brothers will have 27 feet frontage on Main street by 100 feet back. They had in tended also building two stories, the Odd Fellows taking the upper story, but their constitution being prohibitive unless owning the location whereon the building may be situated, they could not receive a dispensation, hence the Messrs. Draper will make their build ing only one story for the present. A letter from Henry Eisner dated at Dubois, Wyo, Sept. 10 says: “We are now withiu 20 miles off onr hunting grounds. This town is within 100 miles of Thermopolis. I hope when I come back I can say I have killed an elk. I tell you crossing the Bad Lands is something terrible, and all I care for is to go fc»2k over that road once more This will be the last letter till I start borne again. The mountains are heavily covered with snow. My health is good and I feel a hundred times stronger.” Under date of Sept. 18th, he writes further: “We are camping on the north fork of Wind River. The finest fishing you ever saw. Trout three times a day. We have joined a party of half-blood Indians, win are out with fifteen pack ponies after their winter meat. They are a nice lot of fellow* and will give us our choice of elk heads the meat being all they want We are going after elks on the 15th We hunt off our horses. Wearesureof elks and antelopes also. Antelope up here run 300inabunch.nj Hay Staker rope at P. O. Reed’s. Buggies and Wagons. T. M. Reed sells them. Try Ludlow Coal, for sale by Lenin ger Lumber Co. Northern Milling Co.’s mill stuffs on sale by D. C. Grow. Try them. Miss Lucy Grow is learning the art preservative in the Times office. Banker Culley has rented the Zim merman cottage lately occupied by | Carsten Truelsen. Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb., specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. Mrs. W. M. Sraelserof Rockville in vites you to call and see her complete new’ line of winter millinery. 44-3 For Sale-Pure-bred Poland China pigs and high-grade Shorthorn bulls. See Lawrence Smith for particulars. Don t forget that Boone the Photog raper will make photos at half price for the next few weeks,-and a medallion picture goes free with each half dozen. Miss Edna Williams writes from Dannebrog. where she is teaching the coming year, to send the Northwest ern that she may learn the news from home. Wanted.—Agents (merchants, farm ers or professional men to sell pianos. No experience necesary. Big induce ments offered. Write tor particulars. G. A. CraHcer Co., Lincoln, Neb. The editor's wife returns thanks to several Loup citv ladies for delightful rides in their carriages and surreys, the latest being Mrs. H. M, Mathew and Mrs. C. C. Cooper, in there fine tournouts. An old man, named Hans Rasmussen, aged 68 years, committed suicide by hanging himself at his home in Danne* brog, Monday morning of this week. Despondency over continued ill health was supposed to be the cause. Please take notice that all members of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic are requested to be pres ent at their hall Saturday, Sept 24th, as there is business of importance to be transacted. Meet at 2:30 sharp. Our new’real estate man II. M. Smith, has secured office accommodations with Judge Wall. He is a hustler and judging from his energetic way of do ing things he is going to make a success in the real estate business. Logan Hillegas, employed at the Round Front barn, got too near the rear anatomy of a bronco, Sundav, and the force of the contact rendered him hors(e) du combat. The broncs seem to have it in for Happy Hooligan, A. W. Throckmorton writes to change the address of his paper from Ericson to the new postofflce, Home stead, in Greeley county. A W. closes his request with “Rah for the G. O. P. (God’s Own People) and for Joe Ped ler.” That’s what we are doing. Next Sunday the Methodists dedicate their new church building at Wiggle Creek, and quite a number of our peo p'e expect to attend the ceremoni s Services will be held at 11 a. m. and at 2:30 p. m. Morning services will be followed by baptismal service and re ception of members. Dedicatory ad dress m the afternoon by Elder Crane iollowedby dedtcaiion of church. All invited and take lunches along. Next Sunday is Rev. Madely’slast Sunday here before conference, and may be the closing of the last year of his labors among u<*. will be too bad, as he has proven one of the brainiest preachers we ever heard, as well as one of the best orators. If we were one of the head-push of the Meth odist church,we would have h:s return, if we had to interview the bishop with a shotgun as a persuader, and double the salary, for he h well worth it, and then some. Dr. S. A. Allen our popular dentist, expects to leave for Chicago the last of the week, to perfect himself in his chosen profession in the dental depart ment of the Northwestern University. He will continue his studies until spring, when he will return and resume his profession. Dr. Allen is one of the rising young dentists in the state and belieyes in up-to-date methods In the practice of his profession, and has had splendid success during his stay among us We are glad to announce the doctor’s intention of returning here in the spring. We wish him suc cess in his studies. There is one traveling ra«n who will cancel future visits to Loup City at least for a season. He might have been innocent and guileless, but that will never save him for “butting in.’ The tragic tale unfolds in all its hideous ness as follows. He was standing in a Model restaurant in our city, when a prominent Belle, accompanied by a Growiug young man entered and en gaged the urbane front-row proprietor in a conversation relating to a long felt want—it supper time. As they left the food dispensatory, the t. m. inquired if the couple were husband and wife, with a woe-begune-widower look in his pale pink eyes. “I should say not,” was the response. “Of course not,” returned the p. p. eyed t. m, “I should Jmve known better; any one could see she was the kid’s mother.” [Slow curtain. Guns and Ammunition at P. O. Reed’s Mrs. J. W. Lee of St. Paul is visiting in the city. O. K.Wasli Machine’s at P. O. Reed’s. They are O. K. Judge Munn was up from Hazard on business, yesterday. Rock Springs and Laveta Coal for sale by Leninger Lumber Co. Clint Outhouse left for St. Louis last Saturday to visit the exposition. Dont forget Reynold’s Pioneer Mar ket for the best and juciest meat*. Bids for grading the streets are be ing advertised by the village board. W. D. Hover & Co. are closing out some stock food and remedies at cost. S. S. Hover left last Thursday to join his wife, who is visiting in Illinois. Do you read The Northwestern? If not, w hy not? Less than 2c per week Mrs. T. S. Nightingale and daughter Florence returned from a visit to Iowa last wreek. For Si»le.—Forty head of Poland China pigs, of both sexes. A. O. Huff Arcadia, Neb. Jake Biemond has accepted a posi tion with S F. Reynolds in the Pioneer Meat Market Yes, the children must have shoes. Swanson & Smith have good, honest values in footwear, We want a load or two of cobs, and we want them bad. Who will bring us in one or two loads? W. S. Waite is assisting tne surveyor in his work these days. Wilber is one of the best ytility men we ever met. For Sale.—Poland China pigs. Call on or address Thos. Burton, six miles southwest of Loup City, on Cob Creek Mrs. Clint Outhouse is visiting friends in Illinois. She will return by the way of St. Louis and visit the ex position . Nowr the sand burrs are bad. Take a look at the high-topped shoes for men and boys at Swanson & Smith’s Cash Shoe Store. Vandals are reported to have been destroying the new cement walks be ing put down. W. H. Morris had his walk b*dly damaged by them. Itae Northwestern acknowledges pleasant calls, during the Baptist asso ciation meeting, from [Reverends D. S. Hulbert of Taylor, and T, S. Smith state evangelist, with headquarters at Bridgeport, Several loads of Loup City people pic nicked at the river, Sunday. One of the pleasant pastimes, we learn, was wading in the river, which may account for the rarifled atmosphere about the city Monday. While taking a boat ride on the river; Sunday, two Loup Cityites were dis cussing the fact of a boat always over turning to the right, when suddenly the theory and occupants were upset to the left and le#t in seme four feet of thor oughly leavened and not altogether lovely Loup river mud and moisture. The solution solved the question-and the discussion whs not resumed It was c Starr performance. While driving at a brisk trot, Sun day afternoon, with Lawyers Mathew and Starr in tiie buggy, Mr. Mathew's fine buggy team became disengaged from the vehicle by the tugs getting loosed, the tongue dropping and break ing, overturning the buggy, throwing both occupants violently to the ground, Mr. Starr underneath, with Mr. Ma thew on top. While Mr. Mathew es caped uninjured, Mr. Starr was quite severely bruised about the hips, neces sitating the use of crutches. However, the meteoric descendency of that par ticular Starr is not permanent. No damage was done the team which was soon caught. Later, we learn that with the exception that the tugs did not be come unhitched until after the tongue fell and broke, that Starr fell on Ma thew and the buggy on Starr, and a few other little inaccuracies, the first report is substantially correct, but we couldn’t tear the item to pieces for such minor corrections. We have, however, killed the reporter. Does advertising pay has been much discussed in our city of late, pro and con; tbe con by at least two married men. A few days since, this office turned out some circulars of an adver tising naturfe for a mercantile firm, which, together with a necessary arti cle for a lady's toilet, were enclosed in bulky envelopes, and addressed to the sex for whom were most appropriate. These enyelnpes when taken from the postoffice developed so much latent cu riosity among the assembled male bi peds that shredded envelopes were soon numerous about them and disclosed the contents to their view, which mental calculation not being able to evolve how one could cover two resolved into a game of giveaway and "jefflng” until two of tbe aforesaid were left without either a right or left to be mated and the wrath of their mates to be appeased later, proving games of chance are of ten two-edged swords, cutting both ways It was another Starr perform ance, in which John’s son also partici pated. Bat we draw tbe curtain. Choicest hams at Reynold’s. Rev Kennedy is on the sick lisl. J. O. Bayne, brother of our Jim, was up from Aurora this week. Mrs. W. O. Brown and son left for Illnois on Tuesday to visit relatives and friends. W. D. French and wife ana Fritz Johansen and wife are taking in the exposition at St. Louis. Hemple Jones has returned from Ravenna where he went aftei taking in the Broken Bow races. Resolutions adopted by the Baptist association received too late for this week. Will be published next. Reynold’s Market is the best place In this section of the country for good, wholesome meats—beef, pork, mutton, veal—everything of the best. County Attorney Pedler went out to Colorado last week to visit his wife and daughter, who are sojourning there on account of the latter’s health. Wanted.—A man to work on my stock farm near Loup City. German pre ferred. Steady employment to right man. Lawrexce Smith. The Sherman county Sunday school convention will meet at Litchfield, about the 18th of October next. Promi nent workers will be in attendance. The Baptists are holding revival ser vices, commencing this week Monday evening, and much interest Is manifest Mrs Adair, a lady evangelist is in charge. W. F. Mason and wife and Miss Edna Minshul returned home Monday evening. Mr Mason has been absent for two months and says it good to be home again. Dr. W. L. Marcy left this morning for a ten days’ visit to Chicago and Sterling, 111., thence to St. Louis to at tend the exposition. He is accom panied by his little son, Charley. A bevy of high school girls stated to us last Saturday evening that they liked their new principal ever so well. They say he is very strict, but very kind. Two good qualities in the school room. Dave Depew returned irom Arcadia Monday. He brought into this office samples of apples from the Peter’s farm, 12 miles northwest of Loup City that beat anything we have seen so far ihis year. Th*y are something hard to excel, II. M. Hughes of Elm township was in the city last Friday, interviewing Dr. Marcy over a capricious molar anrd meeting his friends. He is a strong Roosevelt man and a reader of the Northwestern for the future and is all right. N. B. Thompson baought to this of fice, yesterday, samples of so-called Egyptian corn, the ears being 18 Inches in length, the kernels of dark blue col lor and double the size of ordinary corn. Mr. Thompson says they make the fin est of stock food. Surveyor Wulf is doing good work here of late fixing up the proper grades of the streets, and finding out where correct lines are generally. However correct he may be, it works a hardship on those whose buildings are not on ex act lines. The dirt from the excavation for the new bank block is being hauled out on ihe streets to lielpbringthem up to what they should be. W. It. Mellor and wife returned from their visit to Iowa and St. Louis, Monday evening. Mr. Mellor teels especially good over the splendid out come of the State Fair. He has re ceived word from the secretary that the late exposition was a record break er, having more paid admissions than any year preceding, even the great rec ord of 1892. The receipt* are 914.662 20. The Mellor administration has proven a great success. For Sale Cheap, one Ashurst Grain Drill; also, one Hoosier Junior Corn-stalk Drill, almost new. L. A. Williams. Cattle Sale. I will offer for sale on Saturday. Oct 1st, 1904, forty head of cattle, at Jacob Alber’s stock yards in Loup City. A. Clark. - ♦ t » Union Pacific Rates. One way rates. $25 to San Francis co, Los Angeles, etc. To Everett, Vic toria, Vancouver, Whatcom, etc. To Portland, Seattle, Astoria, Tacoma. To Asnland. ltoseburg, Salem and branch lines in Oregon. $22.50 to Spokane We na'chiejand intermediate points. $20 to Butte, Helena and intermediate main point lines, and $20 to Ogden Salt Lake and intermedia's main line points. These are every day rates from Missou ri river terminals, Sept. 15th to Oct. 15. For fuller information call on or address F. H. Hiser. Poet’s Pet Goose. Lord Byron at one time was deep ly attached to a pet goose. He had bought the bird to fatten up for his New Tear’s dinner. In the meantime the poet and the bird became so mu tually attached that he could not kill It. Instead, he bought another for his dinner and had the pet goose swung la a cage under his carriage when he traveled. Baptist Association Meeting. The Grand Island Association of Baptist churches met with the Loup City church Sept. 13, 14 and 15, closing too late to be reported last week. About thirty delegates and visit ors were in attendance, among them some of the prominent ministers of the state. On Tuesday,evening,at the open-' ing of the session, the Baptist house of worship was filled to listen to Rev. C. J. Pope and President Geo. Sutherland of Grand Inland. Rev. Pope gave way to Mrs. C. J. Adair, a very forceful speaker, well known to Loup City people. She gave a telling interpretation of the parable of the unjust steward. Dr. Sutherland in his address showed why Christian education is necessary. lie declared that Grand Island college is the best place to se cure an education in the state. As proof, he cited the winning of the Oxford Cecil Rhode’s scholarship of $4,500 by a Grand Island student. The unexcelled instructors of this college make it possible and proba ble that the grand prize will be won bv this school !for many years to come. Among the many good things of Wednesday’s session were fine ad dresses by Rev. L. C. II. Biggs, Sunday school missionary, and Rev. A. E. Carson, a foreign missionary, temporarily pastor at Kearney. In the afternoon an address on foreign missions was given by Mrs. Sophia Titterington, telling of the heroic endeavor of her father, a missionary stationed on the Beahn apootra, a thousand miles from the mouth of the river, which was her birthplace. She was followed by Mrs. Carson, who will soon return to Burma!). She showed by her touching and feeling address that her heart is among the savage people of her mission station even now. In the evening, Rev. C. VV. Brin stad, state missionary, gave on ad dress on “Evangelism in Nebraska.” Among «»ther good things he showed what a New Testament church in Nebraska means—an independent body of Christians in any locality who are implicitly following the New Testament standard, with full time services, and one which would, if every other church in the world were blotted out, reproduce the de nomination. He was followed by a rousing evangelistic sermon by Rev. A E. Carson. The closing session Thursday forenoon was.very interesting. Rev C. J. Pope delivered his postponed annual sermon; Judge Angier gave an address on the teacher’s prepara tion for Sunday school work, and Mrs. Titterington on the relation of junior work to the Sunday school, followed by an open discussion of Christian giving, from which all present concluded that it was easier to supply the money demands of the church of Christ than to supply the money demands of the lusts of the world and the pride of life. Tnose present, in departing for their homes, declared this to have been the best association they ever attended. LOW RATES Via Union PACIFIC Grand Lodge I. (). O, I*Lincoln. Oct. 17, 18, return Oct. 23. One fare plus 50c. Chicago and return direct, 822.65 one way, yia St. Louis, 825.95. See U. P, agent. St. Louis and return. Special excur sions Sept. 1, 3. 4, 6, 8, 11, 13. 15, 20, 22, 27 and 29, Loup City to St. Louis and re turn at low rate. Limit seven days. 29 Ak Sar-Ben festivities,'Omaha, Sept. 28 to Oct. 8. Iloupd trip tickets one fare plus 50c. Tickets sale Oct 3 to 71 inclusive, good returning Oct. 10. Omaha horse show, Sept. 26 to Oct. l. One and one-third fire round trip. On sale Sept. 26 to 30. .—- -T t * - Burlington Excuraion Rates World’s Fair stopovers at St. Louis on through tickets. St. Louis and return, all kinds of re duced rates daily. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo Salt Lake; Black Hills—practically half rates all summer. Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, lake resorts and steamer toors, very fa vorable rates. $13.25 to St. Louis and return. On sale Tuesdays and Thursdays during August and September. Se R. L. Arthur for particulars. One fare plus $2 for round trip to Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. On sale Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27 and Oct. 11. Limited 30 days. Good for stop over at St Louis Exposition. Write L. W. Wakelv, G. P. A., 6maha, for particulars. Aak Burlington agent for particulars. We have Dining Chairs with embossed bacfcs for A good bed tfl U and one spring tor A J for - - Cotton the Felt IVlil finest thing that ever happened. ft *7 (1 fl Wre have an Upholstered Rocker for Last month was another Record Breaker for Picture Frames .... \l 0. OVER & COMPANY Tils Space lir fins Dili Get the boy ready for school Fir 50 BAYS $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 and $5.00 Overcoats at same price. Caps at 25c, 35c and 50c JOPFJSOP-LOPEPTZ CO. pi Q pa FARM MACHINERY, WAGONS, BUG GIES, WINDMILLS, PUMPS, HAY RAKES, STACKERS, SWEEPS. XjOxxtd City, !N"et>ra,s3s:a, Everybody or most everybody, knows the Round Oak Stove. We can give you plenty of testimonials as to its superiority. In its new, up-to-date dress it is the handsomest stove on the market, and in tight fitting, fine workmanship and “busi ness” it excels all others. Do not mistake other stoves for the genuine. Look for the name on the leg, “ROUND OAK. ” It is the stove you have always heard about. We will be pleased to explain it fully. Respt. yours,