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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
I BETROTHAL OF GERMAN CROWN I PRINCE FORMALLY ANNOUNCED “All mankind loves a lover,” and for that reason the German Crown Prince Frederick William is now one of the most interesting young men in Vie world. His betrothal to the Duch tss Cecile of Mecklenburg-Schwerin t>M been announced by the German Emperor, and the wedding will prob ably take place early in the new year. “The Crown Prince proposed to the Jhichess while taking a cup of tea at )er home. He had been visiting near her home and had been seen automo biling with her, and that set the gos sips talking. It has been said that it is a love match. Whether or not it is one, it is ' ertain that there are strong reasons education has been one that will fit her for the station in life she is to occupy. She is fond of riding and driving, and speaks English and French perfectly and Russian well. For a youngster the Crown Prince has quite a lot to shoulder in the way of names and titles. His full name is Frederick William Victor August Ern est. He holds many military commis sions. He is a Knight of the Black Eagle, of the Annunizata, of the Or der of St. Hubert, of the Order of the Seraphim, of the Spanish Golden Fleece, and of the Garter. He was born in the Marble Palace near Potsdam on May 6, 1882, and is consequently in his twenty-third year. I—J X W&fESS CET/LM or /^A2LZ?VmE&z3C%2Z>PKAr for the marriage, outside of the views of the two young people. The match is a pleasing one to the Emperor be cause it will unite the royal families of Denmark, Great Britain and Ger many, and through other marriages those of the Netherlands and Russia. The Emperor has long desired to bring these families into closer relations. The present Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin, Frederic Francis IV., suc ceeded to the dukedom in April, 1897, but being a minor his uncle acted as guardian until 1901. He married last June the Princess Alexandra, second daughter of the Duke of Cumberland. The sister of the Duchess Cecile, also named Alexandra, married Prince Christian of Denmark. Prince Chris tian is the eldest son of Denmark’s Crown Prince, and the Duchess will eventually be Queen of Denmark if ahe lives. Prince Carl, a brother of Trince Christian, married Princess ffoud of Wales. The mother of the Grand Duke and lie Duchess Cecile was Anastasie, a daughter of the Grand Duke Michael 3f Russia. It will be seen that by the marriage af the Crown Prince and the Duchess Cecile of Mecklenburg-flchwerin the royal houses of Germany, Denmark and Great Britain will be closely ai ded. The Duchess is also a niece by giarriage of the Prince Consort of Hol land, so that the Netherlands court is also brought into the alliance. The Duchess Cecile Augustine Ma rie was born on Sept. 20, 1886, and is just a few days short of being 18. She has been brought up very simply and so far little has been seen of her. She is a tall, slight girl, and has fight hair and brown eyes. She is not Emperor William II. what might be called pretty, but has a bright face and a vivid complexion, anil is of sprightly demeanor. For many years she has lived out side of Macklenburg-Schwerin. Her He is a slightly built young man, somewhat taller than his father. He is as fond as his father of outdoor sports, and he has shown that he pos sesses artistic tastes, which he doubt less inherits from his grandmother, the Empress Frederick. The home life of the Prince was managed on by no means a luxurious scale. As soon as he was able to be gin his studies he was obliged to study constantly. He rose punctually at 6 a. m., summer and winter. At 7:30 he breakfasted with the Empress and his brothers, and this meal consisted of tea and bread and butter. Lessons began at 8 o’clock. The course of study was a severe one, and foreign languages, especially French, were ground into him. At 9:30 a sec ond breakfast was served and then more lessons, a military drill and ex ercises followed until 1 o’clock, when luncheon was served. After luncheon there was a short time spent in recreation and then more study. This time science and music, until 6 o’clock, when supper was served. After supper there was allowed one hour for recreation and at 7:30 the young Prince went to bed. The Crown Prince Is extremely fond of music and he learned early to play the piano. Then each day he had to take riding lessons. As soon as he was able to sit on a horse he had a pony of his own, which he learned to mount and ride barebacked. It was in 1902 that he attracted much attention through his Infatua tion for Miss Gladys Deacon. He met her in England and her beauty so at tracted him that he fell deeply in love with her and was ready to give up his prospects as heir to the throne in or der to make her his wife. He gave her a ring which was an heirloom. When the Emperor heard of it he sent a messenger to Miss Dea con, demanding its return, saying that the ring was not the property of the Prince, bat was a gift of the Empress Frederick to the German nation. Miss Deacon, backed by the Duchess of Marlborough, indignantly refused to part with the ring. The ring, though, was finally re turned. Meantime, the Crown Prince was closely confined to his room, and his uncle, Prince Henry of Prussia was sent to represent Emperor Wil liam at the coronation of King Ed l ward in his stead. Will Be Quiet Wedding. Invitations have been issued to a wedding which will be unique. The parties are Miss Emma Blanche War den of Harrisburg, Pa., and James W. Ladd of Bingham Center, Potter coun ty. Both are deaf-mutes. The at . tendants, who are also mutes, will be mim Belle Wink of Reading, Miss Helen Nichols of New' Bloomfield, William Jones of Steelton and Frank Anhursh of Reading. Rev. Franklin C. S. Mileau of Williamsport, who will perform the ceremony, is also a mute. Well Versed In Things Oriental. Durham White Stevans, the unas piring American who is to be the mflfltnm of Japanese control and in fluence in Corea, has seen twenty three years’ service under the govern ment of Japan, and has been decorated peveral times by the mikado. He flnt went to Tokio Jn 1873 as sec retary of the American legation. He Is now spoken of as the coming ruler of the hermit nation, a title which he disclaims, tor he insists that ha will be merely an adviser. Senator Platt at a Singer. An original copy of “The Freeman’s Glee Book,” owned by Senator T c Platt and used by him as member of the Fremont Glee club in 1856 has been loaned by the senator to ihose having charge of the arrangements for the semi-centennial celebration of the birth ot the Republican „ ° Saratoga, and the singing of the old so"** 1e made a feature of the celebration. Senator Platt waa ,ulte f ',niis youDger d*« and often led the singing at Fremont meetings. Long Distance in Rowboat. H. W. Mew and W. B. Andrew re cenGy rowed from Sandown on the English coast, to Cherbourg, France, a distance of about sixty-four miles in twenty-nine hours. Their boat was a stout deckless craft, fifteen feet long. As provisions they carried a gallon of water, three pounds raw rump steak, cold tea and cold coffee six bottles each, thirty-six hard-boiled eggs, six cans of biscuits, three loaves of bread, a small quanGty of brandy and a bottle ot pSh. v | AS THE WORLDS § REVOLVES § PHYSICIAN TO SHAH OF PERSIA. Dr. W. L. Smith of Worcester, Mass., ' Has Unique Honor. Dr. William Lord Smith of Worces ter, Mass., graduate of Harvard, sports man and hunter of big game, is head ed for home, loaded down with decora tions from the grateful MuzafTer-ed Din, shah of Persia, whom he cured of a malarial disease which had bat fled native and foreign physicians. Dr. Smith has also now the title of physician in ordinary to the throne of Persia, but it is not certain that he will return to the land of the shah and fill the position. Dr. Smith is ending a two-years’ tour of the world. Early in the summer he arrived in Persia and, as the plague was raging there, was quarantined. But just then the shah was taken ill at Teheran and Dr. Smith was summoned. A journey of 210 miles to the palace on camel back across the desert followed. After the shah was cured he and his doctor went hunting together and this ce mented their friendship. — - ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■ — CHIEF OF POSTAL CLERKS. Arthur Donoghue of Chicago, Chosen for the Position. Arthur Donoghue, the newly elected president of the National Association of Postal Clerkb, has been lor four teen years connected with the regis try department of the Chicago cen tral office. Mr. Donoghue graduateu /ler/fi’p amxmr from high school in 1887. Ten years later he took his degree from the Chi cago College of Law. He nail never held office in the local organization oi postal clerks and the action of the convention at St. Louis was a pleas ant surprise to his fellow clerks in the Chicago office. Marveled at Time’s Changes. When Henry James, the novelist, returned to the United States, after an absence of twenty years, he was overwhelmed by the changes wrought in New York during that time. As he stepped out upon that part of the pier which affords something of a view of Manhattan he stood silent several moments, deaf to the question of his friends, and gazed at the outline of his native city in true Rip Van Win kle wonderment. At the same time Mrs. Mary King Waddington, widow of the famous French diplomat, arriv ed in New York after an absence of thirty-nine years. As one after an other of the huge shapes that scrape the clouds over the city came into view she turned to her son and ex claimed: “Ugh, how hideous!” Mme. Waddington also is a native Ameri can, the granddaughter of Rufus King of New York. Joke on Edmund Rostand. Edmund Rostand was the other day the hero of a little episode which might furnish him with the material for a scene in a future play. During a visit to a friend in the country M. Rostand was requested to accompany him to a maire, in order to register the friend’s new-born infant. The adjunct of the maire, a conscientious little man, booked the infant and then turned to M. Rostand as the first witness. “Your name, sir?” “Edmond Rostand.” “Your vocation?” “Man of letters and mem ber of the French academy.” “Very well,” replied the official, “you have to sign your name. Can you write? If not, you may make a cross.” Czar’s Numerous Relatives. The list of the czar’s relatives In cludes a brother, an uncle, four cou sins of the first degree, ten of the sec ond, thirteen of the third and a great uncle. All of these except the thir teen cousins of the third degree must be addressed as “imperial highness.” These thirty-three male relatives of the czar are a great financial burden to the empire, as each of 'them re ceives an annual income of $460,000. They moreover own in the aggregate 5,COO square miles of land and 325 palaces, employing an army of 20,000 servants. Anti-Cigarette Law Not Popular. The agitation over the decline of the English physique, to which atten tion was so forcibly called during the Boer war, has led to a crusade against juvenile smoking and an “anti-cigar ette bill” is now before the house of commons, though it is not believed that there is any probability of its passing. The objection is made that the fine of $2.50 which is imposed upon every boy or girl under 16 who is convicted of smoking must be paid by the parent and that the offense is one that parents cannot prevent Millionaires Without Change. Pierpont Morgan, James Stillman, William Rockefeller, James J. Hill and Chauncey M. Depew attended the same board meeting in New York recently. While the meeting was in session a messenger arrived with a note and a package for Senator Depew, the charges being $1.40. All live of the millionaires were called upon to con tribute, but the amount could not be made up. Mr. Hill’s stenographer Anally paid the boy, who possibly de parted with a new idea of what it is to be a millionaire. ™i WEEKLY PANORAMA STRANGERS WERE NOT WANTED Too Much Commercialism in Churches of New York. The charge that strangers are not made to feel at home in some of the big churches in New York is well founded, according to the observation made by a Pennsylvanian who has lived there for ten years. “A few years ago I rented a pew in one of the big churches in Fifth avenue and kept it for a year. My family was not numerically large enough to fill the pew, and I notified the usher that I could usually accommodate from two to three strangers. I learned indirect ly that the sexton, who had the rent ing of the pews, objected to too much liberty on my part. He said that if every pewholder in the church made the same sort of offer he could not come up to the expectation of the gov erning board of the church, which ex pected him to rent every pew. The logic of this was that if strangers de sired to attend that particular church very often they would be expected to pay for their sittings. To put it a lit tle plainer, strangers were not wel come, although a sign in the vestibule said they were.” STATUE OF GEN. MEAGHER. On Completion Will Be Placed in Capitol Grounds at Helena, Mont. The illustration depicts a statue of Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher which the Thomas Francis Meagher Asso ciation of Montana purposes to erect in the capjtol grounds at Helena. Many well-known persons nave con tributed to the work, but a large sum is still needed. The president of the association is James H. Lynch of Butte. Gen. Meagher will be remem bered as the chief of the Irish brigade in the civil war, and he also was famous as an orator. EXPENSES OF WEALTHY WOMEN. New York Leaders of Fashion Spend Much Money on Dress. Mrs. Safford Barstow, the New York woman who spends her entire time simply designing on paper new crea tions in the garb of American woman hood, was asked if the statement made in the dressmakers’ convention that some women spend as much as $25, 000 on their clothes in a year was an exaggeration. “That is merely a fair average,” she said. “Far from being distorted, the figure named is very conservative. Mrs. John Jacob Astor, 1 tV.nk, is admitted to be the best dressed woman in New York. I am certain that she spends all of $50,000 a year on her dresses. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt is a close second. Her dressmaking bill certainly runs over $40,000, while Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish and Mrs. Joseph Widener, for instance, are in a big class that easily part their husbands from upward of $35,000 each year for the benefit of the dress makers, shoemakers, glovers, etc.” Single Men Beet Soldiers. It is well known that Lord Kitchen er prefers single men in the army. He was twitted once on being a woman hater. He answered smilingly that he was just the reverse. Then he be came serious and said that experi ence had taught him that single men, as a rule, make better soldiers than married men. The latter, he declared, are bound to keep in mind the welfare of their wives and children, and on this account are apt to draw back from dangers that would not cause them an instant’s hesitation If they had only themselves to think of. Therefore, a wife, though she may be very ambitious for her husband’s suc cess, impairs his efficiency as a sol dier in action. _ * *, Dutch Statesman in America. Herr Dudok De Wit, minister of sports in the government of Holland, has reached California on a tour of the world. Minister De Wit, who is 63 years old but looks much younger, is an expert horseman, golf player and oarsman. He is also very fond of horse-racing, and in the course of his official career has acted as judge or timekeeper at some of the most notable tracks in Europe. He has visited every foreign country of note and now will spend about two months in tne United States. Pertinent Question. Although trains have been run in the New York underground rapid transit road, the great engineering work is not yet by any means finished. John B. McDonald, the builder, was ap proached, a few days ago by Tom Dunn, the Tammany leader, who asked: “When are you going to start up that tunnel game of yours, John?” “Some time in September,” answered the contractor, carelessly. Dunn looked as though he wanted to say a whole lot of things, but he contented himself by Inquiring: "What year?" | NEBRASKA STATE NEWS~ THE NEWS IN NEBRASKA. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.Mickey celebrated their golden wedding at Nebraska City. W. W. Aldrich is railroad f^ent at Sidney, vice W. D. Clifton, transferred to Kearney. William Bermingham is under arrest at Nebraska City charged with robbing a school house. Frank Ave^, under arrest at Albion on charge of committing a crime in Montana, made his escape from offi cers. The fall term of the Fremont public schools opened with a total attendance of 1,629. The number of students in the high school is 155. A quarrel between a number of men and women two miles north of Deca tur resulted in the killing of David Monelt, a half-blood Indian. James Sparks, an Omaha convict at the state penitentiary, 1b one of two prisoners who is about to be trans ferred as insane, to the asylum. The executive board of the York college voted to build a gymnasium, which will be erected near the north west corner of the large and beautiful campus. At Nebraska City William Benning bam, alias William Jones, plead guilty to the charge of burglary and was sen :enced to sixteen months in the peni tentiary. Thirteen-year-old Ernest, the son of W. A. Kahre, living in Benson, Doug 'as county, was fatally burned by Barnes resulting from an explosion of gasoline. Announcement was made of the ac ceptance by Prof. George E. Howard of the University of Chicago, of the chair of institutional history In the University of Nebraska. Emil Schultz, a Cuming county young man and a member of the hos pital corps now doing duty in the Philippines, has just returned home from the islands on a furlough. Company C met at Beatrice and de cided to put a strong football team in the field this year. Glen Odell, at pres ent manager of the Beatrice ball team, was engaged to manage the new eleven. The Lexington schools opened with an enrollment of 515, one hundred and seventy-six of these in the high school. There are twentytwo boys in the high school and they are organizing a raili :Ia company. John Wiese, residing twelve miles southwest of Grand Island, lost several stacks of wheat, of rye and of oats by Ire, the same communicating to the stacks shortly after the threshers had started the work of threshing. Rev. F. N. Snauberg, for the past twelve years pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church of Oakland, has band ad in his resignation to his congrega tion and has accepted the position of a traveling representative of the Dea aones3 institution of the Augustana synod. When Charles Rowe of Cheyenne aountv was working at the bottom of i well seventy-five feet deep a brick "Vas dislodged from the wall at the top by a swinging bucket, and fell, striking Rowe on the head. Rowe was brought to the top with skull crushed and the doctors say he cannot live. The corner stone of the Sheridan :ounty court house was laid by the ?rand lodge of Masons of Nebraska. More than 3,000 per sons witnessed the service. Masons from all over the west ern part of the state were present and ioined in a parade, assisted by the Irand Army corps. Modern Woodmen, Highlanders, Ladies’ Relief corps, -ivic floats and the public generally. \fter the ceremonies the people were nvited to an extended feast which had oeen prepared. Four head of cattle, dx head of hogs and six head of sheep lad been roasted; coffee and bread were in abundance. Deputy Labor Commissioner Bert Bush has completed his inspection of :he packing houses, which he began jome time ago, to see if the child labor aw was being violated. An order was issued by the management of each eor ooratkm to the superintendent to re fuse to employ any child of school age. Pearl Olson, the little girl assaulted oy Howard Bailey, at Fremont, i i -apidly recovering. The physicia- i consider her case a remarkable ocr The day after the affair they did n- t think she had any chance of living ar 1 twice informed the family that he. leath was only a question of hour . The vitality she has displayed is re markable. At Columbus Captain Wagner of Company K, Nebraska national guard, las been missing property belonging to the company for some time and be -ieves he has at last caught the :hieves, but refuses to furnish their lames until he hears from General Culver, to whom the matter has been •eferred. Leggins, shirts, shoes, etc., to the value of about $50, have been missed. The report of Chief Oil Inspector !or the month of August, filed with the governor, shows the gross collections ‘o have been $1 818. The expenses were $902.29. Mayor Shultz of Beatrice, issued an crder to the chief of police to the effect that he must enforce the ordin ances relating to minors visiting bil liard halls and those remaining on the street in violation of the curfew ordi nance. He also insists that the ordin ances with reference to the sale of cigars, cigarettes or tobacco to minors must be rigidly enforced. Adjutant General Culver received word that the general government had sent him its part of the money due the national guard for the recent en campment. The amount will be in the neighborhood of $16,000. The Nemaha county tax case, which was decided in favor of the taxpayers and against the 5 per cent raise in the assessed valuation of the county by the state board of equalization, has been appealed from the court of Judge Kelllgar at Auburn to the supreme court of the state by the attorney gen eral. BORROWS ON OTHER’S STOCK. Respected York County Farmer Charged with Swindling Bank. YORK—John V. Evarts, a pioneer farmer living north of Waco, this county, is in the county Jail. He was captured in Kansas City, where he was arrested and charged with mort gaging cattle, horses and wheat to the amount of $700, giving a mortgage on property that the City National bank of this place claims does not belong to him. Mr. Evarts is well known in Waco and vicinity, where he has been farming for many years, and the com munity is much surprised to learn that he mortgaged property which he did not own. For several years he has been renting land of his relatives and once or twice left the farm and engaged in business. The way he se cured the money of the City National bank was from time to time previous to this he borrowed money in small amounts, giving security, and each time the note was due he came in and promptly arranged for payment. In this pray he won the confidence of the bank, and when he mortgaged a large amount of stock and wheat the bank had reason to believe that it was all right. He gave this mort gage in February last and in March he disapeared. Shortly after his dis appearance the bank investigated and found that he did not own the prop erty which he mortgaged. They then gave the matter to Sheriff Brott. NEW POINT IN TAX CASE. County Clerk Will Decline to Appeal to Supreme Court. AUBURN—A new difficulty con fronts the attorney general in the Ne maha county tax case, brought by, Hon. Church Howe to restrain the ex tending of the 5 per cent increase on the tax rolls. Charles R. Hacker, county clerk, and Deputy Clerk James M. Wright propose to take a stroke off their own bat. While the state’s attorney appeared as attorney for the defense he failed to have the state board of equalization and assessment intervene in the caie, and Die clerk and his deputy do not intend to be tied up in making the tax list by an ap peal if they can help it. Under the law they must make and deliver to the county treasurer the tax list by the first of November and an appeal to the supreme court would prevent this. The clerk and his deputy have written a letter to the attorney gen eral informing him that they do not intend to appeal the case, but are sat isfied with the decision of the district court, and will go to work on the tax list. Under the circumstances how the attorney general can review the case in the supreme court is a query. _____ Jewelry Stolen in Sleeper. LINCOLN—Mrs. Mark Woods of this city was robbed of $700 worth of jewelry while en route home with her husband from a trip east. Mrs. Woods had placed the jewels in a chamois bag, w'hich she pinned to her gown before retiring to her berth for the night. In the morning the jewels were missing. Mr. Woods thinks the robbers were after a roll of bills which he had displayed during the early evening while paying the con ductor and porter for accommodations on the sleeper. He intends to bring suit against the company. -- “Con” Man Arrested. LINCOLN—William Call, an un known. was arrested by the Burling ton depot detectives while attempting to work a confidence game on passen gers of a westbound train. He had checks for large amounts, which he asserted he had not time to get cash ed, and was requesting small loans with the checks as security when taken in. To Build Irrigation Ditch. Andrew A. Carlson and Neils Ras mussen of Crawford, Dawes county want to go into partnership and con struct an irrigation ditch near Craw ford, and have written the state board of irrigation for permission to con solidate their ditches. They expect to spend $6,000 and irrigate 3,000 acres of land. Burned to Death. INDIANOLA—Fire consumed the barn and a lot of hay belonging to Jacob Korb. southwest of here. Three of his sons were sleeping in the hay mow. Two escaped by jumping from the haymow window. The charred remains of the third were found in the ashes of the ruins. Corn Out of Danger. GRAND ISLAND—A goodly per centage of the corn in this section is now so far advanced that, farmers say, a light frost would only be help ful in that it would hasten the time when the farmer could begin to pick it Former Omaha Man Insane. BEATRICE—J. T. Sullivan, former ly employed through this territory as a salesman for Allen Bros., wholesale grocers of Omaha, but who has been out of employment for the last few months, living with his brother, N. H. Sullivan, a resident of this city, was taken before the insanity board of commissioners on the charge of in sanity. The hearing was postponed, and it is the intention of the family to take the unfortunate man to Mis souri, where he has relatives living, with the hope that he may recover. Statue to Be Ready in March. NEBRASKA CITY—The Arbor Day Memorial association has been noti fied by Sculptor Rudolph Evans, whc is in Paris, that the bronze statue ol the late J. Sterling Morton, which it to be erected in Morton park, wil be ready by March 1. The stone work for the statue Is completed ant will be put in place early in the spring and an effort will be made to have the monument ready to be unveiled Arbor day, April 22, 1905. The mon ument will be placed in the center ol Morton park. An Up-to-Date Woman. Here lies a poor woman who always was busy; She lived under pressure that rendered her dizzy. She belonged to ten clubs and real Browning by sight; Shone at luncheons and teas, and would vote if she might. She served on a school board with cour age and zeal; She golfed and she kodaked, and rodo on a wheel. She read Tolstoi and Ibsen, knew mi crobes by name. Approved of Delsarte, and loved to shoot game. Her children went in tor the top educa tion; Her husband went seaward for nervous prostration. One day on her tablets she had one h free; The 8hock was so great that she died instantly. —London Daily Mail. M»st Wonderful Trees. The baobab tree Is considered one of the most wonderful of the vegetable kingdom. It appears that nothing can kill this tree, hence it reaches an as tonishing age as well as enormous size. The natives make a strong cord from the fibers of the bark, hence the trees are continually barked, but with out damage, as they soon put forh new bark. It appears impervious to fire and even the ax is resisted, as it continues to grow in length att3r .t is lying on the ground. , It would not be justice to California to ignore the sequoia, which is a na tive of our own dear hearth. Lntil the recent discovery of the Australian eucalyptus, which is as large, the sequoia was regarded as the most gi gantic of vegetable products, a not uncommon diameter being thirty to thirty-six feet, while its height is esti mated at from 275 to 450 feet. Curious Calendars. Ancient time-keeping has received new light from two remarkable stones lately unearthed by the German ex plorers on the site of the old Ionic port of Mlletug. These stones are the remains of calendars, of which one is shown to date from 109 A. D. The year was divided into twelve zodiacal signs, and against each month the mo tion of the remaining signs was giv j en, with a note predicting the weath er. On the left side were thirty holes, a wooden peg being moved forward one hole each day, thus giving the astronomical date. This new find has made clear the meaning of parapeg ma, or peg calendar, a name by which other stones have been rather myste riously known. Everything Aged. Henry L. Sheldon, of Middlebury, Vt., celebrated his 83 birthday anni versary by a ride through the village. Mr. Sheldon was accompanied by Rev. S. W. Bidwell, aged 95 years, and Loyal L. Wright, aged 93 years. The trio rode in a carriage that was used by Commodore McDonough during his residence in Vergennes, and was also used by President Monroe while so journing in the ancient city. The men carried a flag that was in use at the battle of Plattsburg. They wore an cient hats, from Mr. Sheldon’s art mu seum, and were greeted with much enthusiasm. Maine Farmer’s Queer Purchase. A Woolwich farmer made a curious investment. He purchased in Massa chusetts a second-hand hearse and had it shipped to his farm across the river, where he stored it in a shed with the intention of converting the body of the hearse into a potato bin and the running gear into some farm vehicle. The neighborhood boys, however, objected to the near presence of this wagon of death and one night hauled it from its resting place out into a field and made of it a picturesque bon fire, much to the agricultural specu lator’s displeasure. Would Not Be a Mouser. Owing to the enormous increase in the number of field mice on the estate of the chairman of the local school board at Negouitz, in Bavaria, that gentleman gave the school children “mouse holidays” to enable them tc catch the rodents. On the teacher remonstrating, he was told that if he were "a decent sort of fellow” he would help the children to trap mice. After waiting soma days he had the children’s parents fined for not sending them to school, with the result that he was himself promptly dismissed from his post. Joy Turned Him Insane. Having Just received a lawyer s let ter announcing that an aunt had died leaving him $10,000, a man of seventy, living in great want in one of the poorest sections of Paris, rushed out on to the landing and called to hia neighbors to tell them of his goood fortund. Suddenly he exclaimed wild ly, “Now I must go and thank my kind aunt”; and before he could be held back Jumped out of the fifth flooi window into the street, where he was instantly killed. Fishermen Relented. A Knox county, Me., fisherman ; found a man pulling his lobster traps. The man was invited to go ashore and settle the matter a la marquis of Queensberry, but preferred to take his chances with the law, and was brought to Rockland. Later when it developed that the offender was unable to pay either fine or costs the fisherman who had caused the arrest reached into his own pocket and promptly squared tee bill. Chinamen Want to Learn. Hundreds of application# for a Chi nese translation of the “Encyclopaedia Britannica” have been receivod by the representatives of the Christian liter ature society for China at Shanghai. Must Be Seeking Record. A San Francisco woman has applied for her fifth divorce, and it is said will, as soon as she is free, remarry the first husband, from whom she has already been thrice divorced. Remarkable Mushrooms. A remarkable growth of mushrooms measuring 43 inches one way and 37 the other has been found in Dr. Brown’s lane at Barre, Vt.