The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 22, 1904, Image 1
I VOLUME XXI._LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA,* THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1904. NUMBER 45 Professional Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE Atlontj aid Cnnelcr>aUaw LOUP CITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT. P. S TARR Attorney-at-Law, LOOP CITY, NEBR8SKB. .ff, H. JflEJtD Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county d. H. LONG PHYSICIiN am SURGEON Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION St. Elmo Hotel A. ERAZIM, Propr. LOUP CITY, - NEBRASKA Farmers’ Table a Specialty Farmers of Sherman county are specially invited to make the St. Elmo their headquarters when at the county seat. WESLEY McCOMBS Livery f Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teams are all good drivers and we are able to give you the best ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to all wbo wisn our services. TOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED COI'JGEp’S City Dray ml Traisfer Die J. W. it A. T. Congee, Props. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty ol moving household good. Ice delivered in any part of town. Yonr patronage solicited. LOCP CITY. - - - NEBRASKA. P. Hoogenboezem Pair* ml Partmiar CONTRACTOR Loup City, - Neb. Sign Work and Graining a Spe cialty. Wall Paper and Mouldings. Boone, PHOTOGRAPHER, * LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views, stock pictures etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. All work stricly guaranteed. W. L. MARCY, L0UPJ3ITY, NEB Office, West Side of Square, Your Dental work solicited, U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhrs® Daily ^Fraiys to California. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOW?*— No »dally except Sunday (nass euger). 7:25a.m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. T ,nd No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) i:3o p.m. rand *«• 87“rtvea daily except Sunday (mixed) No. 85arrives dally except Sunday (nass. enger) 7:35 p. m. No. 89 (nassenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 8:56 p m. First class service and close connections east, west and south. Tickets sold to al! points and baggage checked through to destination. Information will be cheer fully famished on application to Frabk Hiser, Agent. TIME TABLE, LOUP CITY NEBR. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha. Helena, Chicago, Bntte. St. Joseph, salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, 81. Louis, San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TBAIN8 LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST Ho. 58 Passenger.mem a. m no. 50 Freight.10.Ms. mi GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 5:80 p. m. No. 59 Freight.0:15 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair oars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked to any point in tbe United States or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to K. L. AJkTBCB Agent. Or J. Fnancis. Gen'l Passenger THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—11.00 PER TEAR. IP PAID IK ADVAHCI Entered at the Loup City Postofflce (or trans mission through the mails as second claw matter. Office Thone, - - • Rll Residence Thone, - - H12 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. % PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to, and convention for the revision of, the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth, in full, is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the gen eral election to be held Tuesday. November 8. A. D. 1904. (Senate File No. 114.) A Bill for a Joint Resolution recommending to the electors of the state to vote at the next election of members of the Legislature for or against a convention to revise, amend and change the Constitution of the Sate of Ne braska in accordance with Section 2, Article 15. of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. be it Resolved bt the Legislature or the State or Nebraska: 1. That it is deemed necessary to call a con vention to revise, amend and change the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska. 2. That the electors are recommended/to vote at the next election of members of the Legislature for or against a convention to re vise. amend nnd change the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. 3. That at such next election of members of the Legislature on the ballot of each elector voting at such election, shall be printed or written in such manner that the elector can in dicate his preference under the law the words: “FOR calling a convention to revise, amend and change the Constitution of the State of Ne braska,'’and “AGAINST calling a convention to revise, amend and change the Constitution of the State of Nebraska1’; and if a majority voting, at said election shall vote for a conven tion, the Legislature shall, at its next session, provide by law for calling the same. I, Geo. W. Marsh. Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Consti tution of the State of Nebraska, and provid ing for a Convention for the revision of said Constitution of the State of Nebraska, is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled bill passed by the Twenty-eighth session of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, as it ap pears from said original bill, on file in my office, and that said proposed amendment and revision of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska is submitted to the qualified voters of the State of Nebraska, for their adoption or rejection, at the general election to be held on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, A. D. 1904. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 5th day of July, in the year of onr Lord One Thousand Nine Huudred and Four, of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Twenty Ninth and of this State the Thirty Eighth. (Gbiai SkAL.) Gko. W. Marsh. Secretary of State. Congressman Bnkett, 28th. Congressman Burkett will speak here next Wednesday, Sept. 28th, on the political issues of the day. Mr. Bur kett is a fine speaker, and being Repub lican candidate for United States sen ator and one of the brightest members of the Nebraska delegation in congress will make bis coming one of the most important events of the campaign to Sherman county voters. Come out and hear our next U. S. Senator from Nebraska. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Schaupp Siding. The Keystone office is completed. Fred Werner is laid up with rheu matism. P. Lewandowski is building a barn 28x40. Peter Gracek is hauling rye to the elevator. Ella Schneideret is visiting at Schaupp Siding. Lovey Mercer is threshing his grain this week. John Johnson is here from Lara mie, Wyo, visiting relatives and friends. Peter Claussen was here and took a load of brick home for a founda tion under his house. Fred Dunker and Frank Topol ski have received a car load of sand from Loup City to use on their new house. The B. & M. officials were here last week making arrangements for grounds whereon to build a depot and stockyards. Balsora Items. ^Inior Fagen had the misfortune to lose a valuable gold watch Mon day afternoon. Gehard Nelson, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, is re ported sick with typhoid fever. Miss Hilda Nordstrom left Mon day for Eldorado, Clay county, to be with a sister who is quite ill. _ « The Swedish Baptists had no ser vice Sunday evening, owing to the indisposition of their pastor, Rev. Sandh. This is the season of the year when the music of the threshing machine is heard in the land. Grain is yielding fairly well, in spite of the storm, which injured it consid erably. BURNED TO DEATH. A telephone message wa9 received by Mrs. Samuel Daddow, last Thursday, announcing the sad ending of the earth ly career of Mrs. D. A- Geil of St. Paul, a sister of Alfred L. Balimao, who mar ried Miss Pearle Daddow, of this place. About five o’clock Wednesday after noon, of last week, Mrs. Geil was burned to death. She was at home alone, wishing to use some camphor and beiug unable to re move the glass stopper she sat the bottle on the gasoline htovo to heat it when picking the bottle up it exploded throw ing the contents oyer her clothing, the vaper igniting from the burning jet of the stove, she was in a moment envelop ed in dames. She ran to the folding bed and tried to secure a quilt to wrap herself in to smother the fire but she could not get the bed down, she saw if see stayed in the house it would be burned, ran out on the lawn where she threw herself down and by rolling over and tearing her burning clothing from her made a brave fight for her life but to no avail. Her screams brought help but to late, when they carried her into tbe bouse every particle of clothing except about bei loins was burned, her limbs being charred to her body, in fact there was not a spot on her except her face that was not burned. All that loving parents and friends | could do was done to make her las' i hours easy. By the use of powerful opiates she was rendered free from jiain and she was perfectly conscious to the end. With a fortitude that was the wonder of all she accepted her fate and gave a concise description of the ac cident together with details of how she wished herj|chfldrea taken care of. Sh“ died at 2 o’clock Thursday morning Her husband had gone, just the day before to Excelsior Springs, Missouri to take treatment for rheumatism and it was sometime before he could be reach ed by wire Carry Josephine Baliman was born on herj father’s farm five miles south and west of St.Paul. January 12. 1873, died at her home September 15, 1904 Aged 31 years S^montbs and 3 days She waa married to D. A. Geil iao vember 8,1898, two children have been born to them, I.ela aged 5 and Marion agad 3 Mrs. Samuel Daddow and sister, Mrs. S. N. Sweetlaod. went to jjt. Paul Frt day morning and attended the funeral which took place Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. SUPERVISORS MEET. Loup City, Neb., Sept., 13, ’04. County Board of Supervisors met in special session as per cali of chairman, for the purpose of re-ar ranging the boundries of the Dein inger-Howe road amicably between the interested parties, present D. C Grow chairman, W. O. Brown, John Maiefski, W. H. Chapman, George Brammer, Peter Thode and Aodrew Garstka supervisors, and G. H. Gibson clerk, and the following busi ness was bad and done, to wit: After hearing proposition of the Howe interests the road committee was instructed to proceed to the site of the road and set stakes in section 15, designating the true course of that part of the road running thro( section 15, and report to the county board on Sept. 14, after which the board adjourned to Loop, m., Sept,, 14. 1 p. m., Sept. 14. County Board met as per adjourn ment of Sept. 13, present D. C. Grow chairman, and all members and G. H. Gibson clerk, and road committee reported as follows: Tbe road known as the Deinioger road shall be laid out as follows: After it crosses the north section line of section 15, township lfi, range 14, and runs to a point 55 rods south from tbe northwest corner of said section 15, the place of commence ment of variation from former plat ting, snch point being marked by an iron pin, and running southeast fol lowing the draw 116 reds to a point marked by a piece of gass pipe, then leaving tbe draw and running south east along the ridge 96 rods to an iron pin driven in the ground, thence running straight south to tbe south section line of section 15, township 16, range 14, and intersecting with Road No. 34, on said sooth sect'on line. . Tbe above report of the road com mittee was, by vote, adopted and changes ordered made on plat ard road recorded and damages as previously allowed on said road were confirmed, it being understood and agreed, by all parlies, that tbe sail pending in the district coart of said Sherman county, and known as tbe injunction case against said road will be dismissed. Board adjourned ainie die. Gxo H. Gibson, Clerk. SHOE SALE $1.00 Shoes at $ .75 1.50 Shoes at 1.10 2.00 Shoes at 1.40 2.50 Shoes at 1.85 3.00 Shoes at 2.25 And everything else at same rate till my en tire stock of shoes is CLOSED OUT! as I have decided to QUIT HANDLING SHOES COME EARLY Before your size is all stone. A. E. Chase Lonp City, Neb, A. P. CULLEY, President. W. P. MASON, Cashier. FIRST MtToIjIL I op Loup Cjpy. General Banking Business Transacted. PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000.00. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. DRAPER SADDLERY COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS SADDLES and BRIDLES BLANKKTS, ROBBS, WHIPS, PL f NETS, BROSHES, CURRY COMBS. Repairing Neatly Executed. All Work Warranted. HAND MADE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Bargains in Buggies and Spring Wagons LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA The weather Calls for Cooling drinks and the IS % -v _ , .. . # . Yaou ay know EDGAR DRAPER Ha bane das feller what make all time f Goot Pictures mm, «dm md mu BOUGHT AT THE4 B. & M. Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP 8IDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale al Loop City aM AsMoi. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FAB WELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain _E. G- TAYLOR. John Solmes ^DEALER IN* HARDWARE Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR BtflDIftG TWINE flOW Call and See W .T. CHASE —THE—' Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Drugs, Paipts, Oils, a CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC. JB LOUP CITY. NEBRASKAcJBWB I. DEPEW®^ I Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker! I i J*"9 J® th® l«*eat and beat equipped north of the Platte River I fr?®® «Pg*ne and a complete line of the latest improved, ma I S£££.who kaow how “ »'"“*««*”a I MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT I ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. I The florthwestefp$l pepYf.