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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1904)
Grand Island Woven Wire Fencing, with barbed borders, Bundle Forks, Grain Scoops, Hay Rack Clamp Sets, Wash Machines, Boilers, Wingers, etc., at P. O. REED’S. THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1904. Lioaal Daws. Phone the news to us. See D. C. Grow for Best Flour. Old papers for sale at this office. See T. M. Reed for Windmills and well work. Harvy O’Bryan is driving dray for Conger Brothers. The O. K, Wash Machine is O- K. For sale by P. O. Reed. Miss Nina Reynolds returned to Den ver last Saturday noon. Mrs F M. Henry returned frem a visit to Burwell, Monday Northern Milling Co.’s mill stuffs on sale by D. C. Grow. Try them. Prof. Smith of St. Paul was in Loup City, Saturday, between trains. Mrs. Dr. Main left for Kansas City, Kansas, Tuesday, to visit with a sister. W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu neral Director. Ready day or night. Say, doesn’t the streets and vacant ots look much nicer as the weeds dis f appear. Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb., specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. Sam Galloway went to Lincoln, last Saturday, where he is employed as gate keeper during the State Fair. Wright Reynolds, Chris Johansen and Jim Depew, left for Lincoln, last Saturday, to attend the State Fair.. For Sale.—Poland China pigs. Call on or address Thos. Burton, six miles southwest of Loup City, on Cob Creek Miss Bertha Jenrick of Lincoln arrived last Thursday to visit awhile with her sister, Mrs Peter Thode, and see her new niece. There will be a dance at Jenner’s Park each Saturday night hereafter, until further notice, weather permitting. Come and enjoy yourselves. Burt Chase, Wilber Waite, Editor Brown and William Rettenmayer are preparing to put cement walks In front of their residences. v-'Wi. x uuug auuuuipHmeu uy ms danghter, Miss Henry Young, left for Tennessee, last Thursday morning, where he will visit with a sister. A pleasant party of people gathered at the St. Elmo last Thusday evening and celebrated the anniversary of Landlord Erazim’s occupation of that first-class hostelry. Misses Katie and Pearl Parshall, who have been visiting their brother, Mr. J. II. Parshall, of the Loup City Mills, returned to their home at Butte, this state, last Saturday. We understand that A. P. Culley has decided to rebuild bis bank corner with a fine brick block, As soon as Mr. Culley perfects his plans, we will give all desired information regarding the same Mrs. R. L. Aurther left for, Whiting, Kansas, last Thursday morning, to visit relatives and friends. She hastened her departure several days, on receiving news of the serious illness of a niece of Mr. Arthur. John W. Long left last Saturday for a few days’ visit in Iowa and to attend the State Fair at Lincoln. Ilis aged mother accompanied him to Iowa where she will remain for some time with a son. Wilber Waite, who has been up in Valley county for a couple of weeks getting out bis wheat crop, returned last Friday accompanied by his family where they have been, also, keeping Wilber straight. Last week Wednesday, Mrs. Frank Pilanowski appeared befbre Judge An gier and swore out a warrant against her husband for alleged threats of great bodily harm. The couple had a great deal of trouble in the past. Some time since, Capt. Winklemann receive some seed of a Filipino bean from a son in the Philippine Islands. These he planted and the other dav showed ns a stalk of fully developed * bean which he had planted. He hardly thought the bean would grow here but a trial shows it does nicely in our soil. Loup City is on the eve of a bigger building boom than ever. Heretofore this has mostly bee^, confined to resi dences, of which tnere have been a large number erected the past few months, but now the era of business building is about to begin, with two ' good brick bank blocks, and we shall expect much good work along these linens the months pass. Mr. Fletcher, the new banker, in forms us that he win commence the erection of his new bank building as soon as the architect has report! d ac ceptable plans. The Draper Saddlery Company, we understand, will also build jointly, with Mr. Fletcher, and whether the company will build one or two stories depend on whether the Odd Fellows decide on taking the upper story for a lodge room. Builders’ Hardware at P. o Reed’s. Buggies and Wagoos. T. M. Reed sjIIs them. Judge Wall returned from Denver last Friday noon. Rock Springs and Laveta Coal for sale by Leninger Lumber Co. The Unity Club meets with Mrs. Pilger at 2 o!clock tomorrow. Every housekeeper wants best flour in the m irket. D. C. Grow keeps it, Mrs. Eva Sutton and Miss Bradden ot Vailey county, were in town trading last Friday. Two sports at Ord were fined $90 for taking in a few prairie chickens some days since. Jerusalem! New ’phones have been placed in the editor’s residence and Omaha Elevator Co.’s cffice the past few days. Miss M»e Brewer, sister of Mesdames Tracy and Jones, arrived from Eagle Grove, Iowa, Tuesday evening, for a short visit. The ladies of the Baptist aid society have contracted with C. II. Conklin to place cement walks around the cnurch and parsonage lots. W. R. Mellor is making arangements to have his house re-papered and re painted inside. P. Iloogenboozem will artistically do the work. Live joy Mercer of Ashton was in town Monday making arrangements for bi«boyto attend school here for the coming year, he having advanced be yond the grades taught there. Mr. C. L. Lund, of Columbus who has been here under treatment for in flammatory rheumatism by I)r. Long Is so greatly improvtd that he will be able to return home the last of this week. L. F. Larsen, local nanager of the telephone company at Ord was here Tuesday renewing the batteries of the Loup City central and attending to other matters connected with telephone work, We see by a telegram from Washing ton, D.C, that the comptroller of the currency has authorized A. P. Culley. M. II. Mead C. W Conhiser, It. J Nightingale and A E. Smith of Loup City to organize a n itional bank at Greeley Center, Neb., with a capitaliza tion of *25,060 Three wagou loads af jolly picnickers spent last Sunday on the river south of town, and if we were to tell half what we heard about it we never would re absolution by the crowd, which was composed of men. woman, and children tl»e bravest, prettiest and best in town. No, we won't tell. 8. A Main who has been visiting his brother, Dr. Main, for some time past, left Tuesday morning for his home at Dale, Spencer county, Indiana. He will visit the St. Louis exposition en route. There are strong indications that 8 A. may return and make his home among us later. The following pilgrim* left here Monday by the B. & M. for the State Fair: Herman and Chris Johansen, j E. A. and J. B. Draper, W. T. and A. E. Chase, W. T. Gibson. Marshall Rit chie, Walt McNulty, E. A. Browai and his daughter, Mis3 Flora Brown, Earn est MeFadden. Romie Conger, F. 8. Robbins, C. Christiansen, 8. N. Sweet lan.1, Sara Daddow, and Mrs. R. B. Bur rows . The Loup City public schools com mence next Monday. Prof. Huffman arrived last Thursday to be in readiness of the opening day and get all prelim inaries attended to. His two boys are with him, but his wife will not be here till next week He has secured rooms at Dr. Mary’s until Prof. Nicoson gets into his new home, possibly a couple of weeks, when he will move into the cot tage vacated by Prof. Nicoson. The publishers of “I Wait Alone for You” the most popular, sympathic bal lad of the dav. by the late W. Wesley W« 11s, have sent us a copy of his song, “My Mercedes” which has been pub lished and which he composed a few weeks before his death. We precict for it a latger sale than “ I Wait Alone For Yon.” It is simple, beautiful, easy to play, melodious and a perfect adap tation of exquisite words to a beautiful melody. The publishers, J. W. Jenkins’ 8ons of Kansas City, Mo., are making a special price of 25 cents per copy, To our readeis who have not already got ten ‘‘I Wait Alone For You,” they will send both for fifty cents. Mr David We»ver of Newton, Kan sas, was up here Monday looking aft-r his interests. He owns a number of lots in Loup City and says he has no desire to sell the same, since he he finds his land has an upward trend. Mr. Weaver made his first visit to Loup City twenty-six years ago, driving some fifty miles overland to get here There were at that time but few houses in Loud City and the day after he got here the first dry goods store commen ced business. He then purchased a number of lots and has sold off a num ber of these, from which he has real ized enough to keep up the taxes, pay the first purchase price, and made a handsome sum ont of them over and above all. tie orders the Northwest ern to keep him posted on Sherman county affairs in the future. XXXX Antirust Tinware at P. O Heed’s If you havn’t been fishing of late, you are notin it. Try Ludlow Coal, for sale by Lenin ger Lumber Co. □A good saking rain visited this sec tion last night. H. B. Musser has named his big stock farm “Sans Soucie.” Dave Depew is under the weather of late with lung trouble. Miss Edna Daddow was visiting rela tives in St. Paul, last week. Hon. H. Srnelser was up from Ash ton on business, Tuesday evening. Dr. Main left this morning ior a month’s visit to Kansas City and other points. Miss Minnie Bechthold returned the first of the week from a visit to Grand Island. Mrs. W. R. Mellor left last Saturday for Lincoln, to be followed by her east ern visit. Misses Elva Zimmerman and Edna Wescott left for the State Fair yester day morning. M. D. L. Howard left for Herndon, Kas.. yesterday, to take a position in a flouring mill there. Little Miss Marie Pilger entertained a number of her little frienbs at her home, last Friday afternoon. Burwell Tribune: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Grady visited relatives in Loup City last week, returning Monday. A letter from County Clerk Gibson, who is now in Pennsylvania, states he will be home about the 12th inst. Dr. Long takes a trip up to Hot Springs, Scott’s Bluffs and other points, Hext Tuesday, to be absent a w-eek. Encouraging news comes to the effect that Miss Sadie Pedier is improving nicely in the bracing air of Colorado. Miss Flora and Master Herman Ohl sen have issued invitations to a party at their home, to take place this even ing, The Loup City plant of the Ravenna Creamery made two cars of butter in July. August is expected to far ex ceed that. kj* iuiu wiic ui amulet were visiting here over Sunday the guests of his brother, S. N. Bayne, returning home Tuesday. Grandma Mead, accompanied by her little grandson, liobbley, left this morn ing for Yankton, S. D.. where they ex pect to remain. Thera was a surprise party on Floyd Gibson last evening. Some forty of our young people were present and a most enjoyable social time was the result. Mrs. J. O. Leininger and children, who have been visiting the lady’s cousins, the Leininger brothers, re turned home to Arcadia la«t evening. Misses Jennie Swanson ahd Olga Winquist of Omaha, relatives of B. J. Swanson, who have been visiting here the past two weeks, retnrned home Tuesday morning. Mr. G. F. Hall, father of Mrs. Gas teyer, arrived from Hopewell, NewMex ico, Tuesday evening. Mr. Hall was formerly a resident of Loup City, going to New Mexico some five or six years ago. Joe Reiman and sister, Miss Mary Reiman, left for Golden, Colorado, this noon. Miss Reiman goes for her health, being a sufferer from lung trouD'e, while Joe goes with the possible inten tion of finding a locotion in thst coun try. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. (Smith Road.) To whom it may concern: The com missioner appointed to view and re port upon a road commencing at the northeast corner of section six (Ghtown* ship sixteen (16, range thirteen (13), and running thence south 'on section line between sections five and six, seven and eight, nineteen and twenty, eight een and seventeen, twenty-nine and thirty, thirty one and thirty-two, six miles, and terminating at the township line between Oak Creek and Ashton, all in Sherman county, Nebraska, has reported in favor thereof, and all objec tions thereto, or claims for damage, must be filed in the office of the county clerk ot Sherman county, Nebraska, on or before the 18th day ot October, 1904, or said road will be established without reference thereto Dated this 10th day of August, 1904. Geo. H. Gibson, County Clerk. Last pub. Sept. 1. U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhrss Daily ^Fraiqs to California* TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS:— No. 80 leaves dally except Sunday (paaa eager). 7:25a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:80 p. m. No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed) 12:05 p. m. No. 85 arrive* dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7:85 p, m. No. 89 (passenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 0:06 p. m. First class servloe and close connection* east, wost and south. Tickets sold to all points aud baggage checked through to destination. Information will he cheer fully furnished on application to Frank IIisrb, Agent. A fall crop of young peoples parties is being harvested. S. F. Reynolds and family drove to Ashton iast Sunday. Fred Odendahl is building an addi tion to his house, 10x20. F. M. Henrv and J. N. Bayne had business in Ashton, Tuesday. George Truelson and Milford Tracv left for the State Fair Tuesday. Mrs. R. 1*. Starr and Master Howard went to the State Fair Tuesday. Mrs. E. G. Tavlor returned from a visit to Farwell, Tuesday evening. Misses Libbie and Tony Erazim re turned from their visit last Saturday. John Tompson of Oak Creek was a passenger for the State Fair Tuseday. E. G. Taylor was over to Greeley the first of the week looking after his intrests there. New ’phones were this week placed in the residences of Wm. McCombs and A. M. Bennett. # Miss Lillie Conhiser returned from Arcadia, last week, where she has been on an extended visit. J. B. O’Bryan returned from his trip to the mountains, last week, looking much better for his trip. Miss Mae Dowzark of Grand Island arrived Monday evening on a visit to the family of M. C. Mulick. Misses Nettie Conger and Edca Will iams returned from their visit to the St. Louis exposition Monday. Mrs. A. E. Ilouser, a sister of the Messrs. Leimnger, arrived from Aurora Tuesday evening for a week’s visit. Schaupp Siding. (l’oo late for last week.) F. Sohneideret w'as in town on busi ness. Will Wharton is helping to unload lumber. John Johnson is building an addition to his house. E. G. Taylor has good business in coal and lumber. Theo Ojendyk and Will Dunkerweie up from Ashton Sunday. C. V. Svobada is up here from Ash ton looking after Ins crops. F. Topolski had a smash-up. Sunday, w’hich tore the top off his buggy. (Received this week.) Fred Dunker was home over Sunday, John Luck is hauling lumber for a new granary. Mike Price is hauling his winter wheat to market. School will commence next Monday. Miss Anna Myers will teach. What is the matter with the game warden? It seems chickens have no protection. It is pretty dry aiound here and the farmers have stopped plowing for win ter wheat till it rains. Will Cording and family visited a lew days since with Lewis Bechthold. He is going west for his health and his famiiy will follow' when he gets a loca tion. :-1" ..—l;— PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL 'AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to, and convention for the revision of, the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set rortb, in full, is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the gen eral election to be held Tuesday. November 8, A. D. 1904. (Senate File No. 114.) A Bill for a Joint Resolution recommending to the electors of the state to vote at the next election of members of the Legislature for or against a convention to revise, amend and L-hange the Constitution of the Sate of Ne braska in accordanoe with Section 2, Article 15. of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. Be it Resolved bt the Legislature or rHE State or Nebraska; 1. That it is deemed necessary to call a con vention to revise, amend and change the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska. 2. That the electors are recommended to vote at the next election of members of the Legislature for or against a convention to re vise, amend nnd change the Constitution of tiie State of Nebraska. 3. That at such next election of members of the Legislature on the ballot of each elector voting at such election, shall he printed or written in such manner that the elector can in dicate his preference under the law the words; "FOR calling a convention to revise, amend and ohange the Constitution of the State of Ne braska,” and "AGAINST calling a convention to revise, amend and change the Constitution of the State of Nebraska’’; and if a majority voting, at said election shall vote for a conven tion, the Legislature shall, at Its next session, provide by law for calling the same. I, Geo. W. Marsh, Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Consti tution of the State of Nebraska, and provid ing for a Convention for the revision of said Constitution of the State of Nebraska, Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled bill passed by the Twenty-eighth session of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, as it ap pears from said original bill, on file in my office, and that said proposed amendment and revision of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska is submitted to tbe qualified voters of the State of Nebraska, for their adoption or rejection, at the general election to be held on Tuesday, tbe 8th day of November, A. D. 1904. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 5th day of July, In the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Huudred and Four, of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Twenty Ninth and of this State the Thirty Eighth. (Orkat Seal.) Geo. w. Marsh, Secretary of State. Notice. To John Maiefski, W. II. Chapman, Geo. Brammer and Andrew Garstka, Supervisors of Sherman county, Ne braska. Dear Sirs: You are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of Augusr, 1904, there was filed in this office a petition signed by three members of the County Board of Supervisors, asking that a special meeting of the County Board of Sherman county, Nebraska, be called to meet at the court house in said county on the 13th day of September, 1904, at the hour of one o’clock p. m. for the purpose of reconsidering the matter of the Deinlnger road, and the allowance of damages in connection therewith. Wherefore, you are hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Sherman county. Nebraska, on said day for the purpose of reconsidering the matter of the Deininger road and the allowance of damages in connection therewith. Given under my hand and the seal of said county this 23d day of August, 1904. Geo. II. Gibson, [seal.] County Clerk. By W. J. Fisiier, Deputy. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. State ot Nebraska,) Sherman County, To W. Pickett, first real name un known, Susan M. Pickett, Albert Hen ley, Mr*. Henley, wife of Albert Hen ley, first name unknown, John G, Hal ter, non-resident defendants, and the west half of the northwest quarter of -section three in township sixteen north of range fifteen w est of 6th p. m., in Sherman county, Nebraska, defend ant: You will take notice that on the 24th day of August, 1904, Ida D. Bock, plaintiff, filed her petition in the Dis trict Court of Sherman county, Nebras ka, against i ou and against said land, impleaded with Eugenie Hale, Johnson T. Hale and Horatio Smelser, the ob ject and prayer of which are to fore close a tax lien upon the following de scribed land, situate in Sherman coun ty, Nebraska, to-wit: The west half of the northwest quarter of section three in township sixteen north of range fif teen west of 6tli p. m. Said tax lien is based upon the sale of said land by the county treasurer of said county to E. E. Ditto, for the taxes for the years 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898 and 1899, amounting to the sum of S41 70, and for which said Treasurer issued to her tax s »le certificate No. 349, dated April 9th, 1901, and under which said E. E. Ditto paid tn* subsequent taxes for the years 1900,1901.1902 and 1903. Said tax sale certificate was thereafter sold, as signed, endorsed and delivered to plain tiff, and there is now due the plaintiff thereon the sum of eighty-five dollars, and interest at ten per cent per annum, and plaintiff prays for a decree that de fendants be required to pay the amount due on said tax lien, or that said prem ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due by the court, and the costs of action, including an attorney's fee of ten per cent of the amount of said tax lien. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the third day of Octo ber, 1904 Dated this 24th (lav of August, 1904. Ida D. Bock, Plaintiff. Bv It. J.Nightingale, her attorney. (Last. pub. 8ept. 15.) Notice To Non-Resident Defendant. In the District Court in and for Sher man County, Nebraska: To John 11. Perry: You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of August, 1904, Jennie E. Perry filed a petition against you in the District Court of Sherman county, State of Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of habitual drunken ness. You are required to answer said pe- | titlon on or before the 3rd day ot Octo ber, A. D., 1904. Jennie E. Perry, Plaintiff. By Robert P.Starr, her attorney. Last pub. Sept. 15. A J_1_ * .4.__ _ Aummiouatui s iiuuuC' In the District Court of Sherman Coun ty, Nebraska: James E. Phil brick,") Administrator, with | the will annexed, of | the estate of George I Bickford, deceased, | Plaintiff, Order to show j cause. vs. Ilorac.' Bickford, et al, Defendant. And now, on this 9th day of August, 1904. this caueecame on for hearing on the petition of James E. Philbrick, Ad ministrator of the estate of George Bickford, deceased, with the will an- 1 nexed. praying for a license to sell the 1 following described real estate situate in Sherman county and state of Ne < braska, to-wit: Lots nine (9), ten (10), 1 eleven (11) and twelve /12), in block four (4), in J. Wood Smitn’s addition to 5 the town (now village) of Loop City, or 5 so much thereof as will bring the sum 1 of 81,392 28, for the pavment of debts allowed against said estate, and the ( costs of administration, there not being 1 sidlicient personal property to pay the 1 said debts and expenses It is therefore i order* d that all persons interested in 1 said estate appear before me at the* 1 court room at Loup City, in the county J of Sherman and State of Nebraska, on I the 12th day of October. 1904, at 10 '< o’clock a. m., »o show cause why a li cense should not 1 e granted to said ad- 1 ministrator to sell so much oi the above 1 described real estate of said deceased as 1 shall be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. I It is further ordered by the court j that this notice shall be published for t four successive weeks in The Loup ( City Northwestern, a newspaper -j printed and published and of general g circulation in Sherman county, Nebras- t ka. Bruno.0. Hostetler, Judge of 12th Judicial District. ^ (Last pub. Sept 1.) I We believe We are framing more Pictures Than any town ot its size in the state. There must be A reason for it, Come and see. Come and see our 820 three piece suit. It is well worth the money. $2.85 We have an Iron Ked for $2.85 UOur Couches are of the (tl H fl P best construction and \ M 7 h we have them 89.25 up. $ U • li U Those fine cotton felt mattresses are still going. There is nothing finer at twice the money. This Slice hr Bus Bill Get the boy ready for school The Boys Suits Jlnll 17 f| a A that we will offer .... $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 and $5.00 Overcoats at same price. Caps at 25c, 36c and 50c JOflNSOI'j-LOpElMTZ CO. *zs W .T. CHASE 1 —THE Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Drugs, Paipts, Oils, CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC .LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA^ LOW KATES Via Union PACIFIC Grand Lodge I. O. O, b., Lincoln. )ct. 17, 18, return Oct. 23. One fare )lus50c. Chicago and return direct, $22.(55 >ne way, via St Louis, $25.95. See U. ?, agent. St. Louis and return. Special excur ions Sept. 1, 3. 4, 6, 8, 11, IS. 15, 20, 22, t7 and 29, Loup City to St. Louis and re urn at low r^te. Limit seven days. 29 One way rates. $25 to San Fiandt !0, Los Angeles, etc. To Everett. Vic oria. Vancouver, Whatcom, e c. To ’ortland, Seattle. Astoria, Tacoma To Isnland. ltoseburg, Salem and branch ines in Oregon. $22.50 to Spokane We iatchie!and intermediate points. $20 to iutte, Helena and intermediate main oint lines, and $20 to Ogden Salt Lake ind intermediats main line points. '1 6 ;e ! r ■ every day rates from Missou i river terminals, Sept. 15th to Oct. 16. ror fuller information call on or address r. H. iliser. Dre. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand sland, Neb., are prepared to treat all orms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu uatUm, Stomach disorders, Tumors, dancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. ?he doctors use. besides medicineand urgery, the x-ray, hot air baths, elec ricity and massage. Do you read Tiie Northwestern? f not, why not? Less than 2c per week ! Burlington Excursion Rates World’s Fair stopovers at St. Louis on through tickets. St. Louis and return, all kinds of re duct d rates daily. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo Salt Lake; Black Hills—practically half rates all summer. Michigan, Minnesot< and Wisconsin, lake resorts and steamer tours, very fa vorable rates. To San Francisco and Los Angeles and back, from this date up 10 Septem ber 10th, only #46.45. 1 he only chain e in 1004 to get this low rate. Special excursion to Black Hills. To not .Springs and return. $|0; to Dead wood and leuurn, #15. Date of sale, Sept. 12, return limited,Sept. 20. $13.25 to St. Louis and return. On sale Tuesdays and Thursdays during August and September. Se R. L. Arthur for particulars. One fare plus $2 for round trip to Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. On sale Sept. 6, 13,20, 27 and Oct. 11. Limited 30 days. Good for stop over at St. Louis Exposition. Write L. W. Wakelv, G. P. A., Omaha, for particulars. Ask Burlington agent for particulars.