The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 01, 1904, Image 7

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Host of the A Ilmen tr Peculiar to tin
Female Sex are Dae to Catarrh of
Pelvic Orrans.
99 Eleventh Street, {
Milwaukee, Wis. f
••A short time ago / found my con
dition very serious, I had headaches,
pains In the back, and frequent dizzy
spells which grew worse every month.
I tried two remedies before Peruna,
and was discouraged when / took the
first dose, but my courage soon
returned, la less than two months
my health was restored.”—Mrs. M.
Brick ner.
The reason of so many failures to
cure cases similar to the above is the
fact that diseases
peculiar to the
female sex are
not commonly
recognized as being1 caused by catarrh.
Catarrh of one organ is exactly the
same as catarrh of any other organ.
What will cure catarrh of the head will
also cure catarrh of the pelvic organs.
Peruna cures these cases simply be
cause it cures the catarrh.
If you have catarrh write at once to
T)r. Hartman, givinga full statement of
your case, and he will be pleased to
give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.
Sometimes you can’t tell, from what
she has on. whether it’s a shirt waist
or a girl is going to bed.
If you don't get the biggest and best
It's your own fault. Defiance Starch
Is for sale everywhere and there is
positively nothing to equal it in qual
ity or quantity.
If a man has a worthless dog and
a frivolous wife he can at least pois
on the dog.
Lewis’ “ Single Binder ’’ straight 5c cigar.
Made of ripe, mellow tobacco, so rich in
quality that many who formerly smoked
10c cigiws now smoke Lewis’ “Single
Binder.” Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111.
What I* Home?
Home is not a name, nor a form, nor
a routine. It is a spirit, a presence, a
principle. Material and method will
not and cannot make it, says a writer
in the Cooking School. It must get
Its light and sweetness from those
who inhabit it, from flowers and sun
shine, from the sympathetic natures
which, in their exercise of sympathy,
can lay aside the tyranny of the broom
and the awful duty of endless scrub
Irrigation in Kansas.
Great state, Kansas! There is
neither a mountain nor a marsh in all
her length and breadth of 82,000
sauare miles. One-third of her area is
almost a barren steppe, owing to lack
of rain. Irrigation will make the dry
prairies a veritable “garden of the
west.” raise the Kansas corn crop to
300,000,000 bushels and increase her
live stock valuation to $180,000,000.—
New York Press.
Earrings Indicate Nativity.
The earringB worn by fftlian organ
frrinding women indicate the part of
Italy the wearers come from. The
longer the earrings the farther south
the original homes of the wojnen. In
the far north the ornaments fire Q-uite
Ehort. __
Instead of Wedding Cake.
In place of wedding cake in Hol
land wedding sweets are given—
“bruidzuikers” they are called. They
are handed round by children and are
served in flower-trimmed baskets.
Needs Only a Little Thinking.
The food of childhood often decides
whether one is to grow up well nour
ished and healthy or weak and sick
ly from improper food.
It's just as easy to be one as the
other provided we get a proper start.
A wise physician like the Denver
Doctor who knew about food, can ac
complish wonders provided the pa
tient is willing to help and will eat
only proper food.
Speaking of this case the Mother
said her little four year old boy was
suffering from a peculiar derangement
of the stomach, liver and kidneys and
his feet became so swollen he couldn’t
take a step. “We called a Doctor who
said at once we must be very careful
as to his diet as improper food was
the only cause ef his sickness. Sugar
especially, he forbid.
“So the Dr. made up a diet and the
principal food he prescribed was
Grape-Nuts and the boy, who was very
fond of sweet things took the Grape
Nuts readily without adding any
sugar. (Dr. explained that the sweet
In Grape-Nuts is not at all Mke cane
or beet sugar but is the natural sweet
of the grains.)
“We saw big improvement inside a
few days and now Grape-Nuts are al
most his only food and he is once
more a healthy, happy, rosy-cheeked
youngster with every prospect to
grew up into a strong healthy man.”
Name give* by Poetum Co., Battle
Creek, Midh.
The sweet of Grape-Nuts is the Na
ture-sweet known as Post Sugar, net
digested in the liver like ordinary
sugar, but pre-digeeted. Feed the
youngsters a bandful of Grape-Nuts
when Nature demands sweet and
projnpts them to call for sugar.
There's a reason.
fiet the little book “The Road to
JWeMrHle” in eacfcjgkg.
We shall do so much in the years to
But what have we done to-day?
We shall give out gold in a princely
But what did we give to-day?
We shall lift the heart and dry the tear.
We shall plant a hope in the place of
We shall speak with words of love and
But what have we done to-day?
We shall be so kind in the after while.
But what have we been to-day?
We shall bring to each lonely life a
But what have we brought to-day?
We shall give to truth a grander birth.
And to steadfast faith a deeper worth.
We shall feed the hungering souls of
But whom have we fed t«*-day?
, —Nixon Waterman.
Has Its Troubles.
The most disconsolate fellow that
walks the beach is the hermit crab
whose shell has beoome too snug for
comfort. If it were his own. as the
clam's, it would grow with his growth,
and always be a perfect fit; but to
the hermit there comes often a “mov
ing day,” when a new house must be
sought. Discouraging work it is, too.
Most of the doors at which he knocks
are slammed in his face. A tweak
from a larger pineer than his own
will often satisfy him that the shell
he considers “distinctly possible,” and
hopefully ventures to explore, is
already occupied by a near but coldly
unsympathetic relative.
Finding to empty shell of suitable
size, the hermit may be driven to ask
a brother hermit to vacate in his
favor. The proposition is spurned in
dignantly, and a fight ensues. The bat
tle is the stronger. Often the at
tacking party has considerable trou
ble in cleaning out the shell, having
to pick his adversary out in bits. A
periwinkle or a whelk may be attack
ed in a like manner by a hermit who
:z hard pressed and has taken a fancy
to that particular shell. If the house
holder be feeble, the conquest is easy.
If lusty, he holds the fort.
A Water Treadmill.
The men who work in the great
logging camps in the West and North
west, where miler and miles of great
l^gs are floated down the rivers to
sawmills below, have a peculiar
sport. They grow so at home on slip
pery, shifting logs rolling and tossing
about in the swift current that they
can leap from one to another and ride
on them like circus performers while
directing their course around a bend
or bad place in the river. These
“loggers” make a specialty of stand
ing on a log and making it roll, first
forward, then baofcward, by leaning
one way or the other, and standing on
the log nearest the direction they
wish it to roll. They can even make
the log roll through the water like
a wheel or hoop rolling over the
i ground.
Sometime when you are “in swim
ming" or bathing find a good sized
i log, put it in the water, and try to
stand on it. You will be surprised to
find hew difficult it is to do this, and
the first time you try it the log will
probably roll over at once and dump
you in the water. But you will very
soon get the knack of it, and then
j you will find that by standing with
your feet on one of the sloping sides
! of the log you can make it turn in that
j direction, and by moving your feet
just as fast as the log moves you can
not only keep your upright position,
hut can make the log move through
the water. Try it.
Origin of Names of Dogs.
i There are not many boys or girls,
or grown folks, either, for that mat
j ter, who know how the breed names
of dogs first came into common use.
For instance, the spaniel is so-called
because the first types of this beauts
' ful and intelligent animal arrived in
England from Spain and were called
; Spanish dogs.
The beautiful Blenheim spanie! is
ramed after Blenheim palace, where
this dog first was made fashionable
in the time of the great Marlborough.
The King Charles, as 'Bight be guess
ed, ewes its name to the merry mon
| arch.
The skye terrier was originally bred
; in the iBle of Skye, and the Scotch
! terrier, of course, in Scotland.
Many other dogs show the original
, p.ace of their breeding or develop
ment by their names, such as the
Great Dane, the Newfoundland, Sibe
rian bloodhound, and so on.
The mastiff means “house-dog,” no
doubt because of his great strength
: and size and ability to guard the
I home.
i Poodle means “waddle,” although
I these pretty little pets of to-day don't
seem to partake of any ancestral
! -
A Wingless Bird.
Far away on the other side of the
world, in New Zealand, there is a
most curious species of bird, which
i has neither wings nor^a tail. What
i do you think of that? There are very
few of these strange creatures left,
even on ttoeir native island, but tfceir
cousins, the Ki-wis, are still numerous
m Australia. The ki-wi gets its name
from its peculiar cry, which sounds
like “W-vrl, Ki-wi.”
The learned name of this bird Is
apteryx. It has feathers that resem
i le coarse hairs, and has a long bill,
by which it secures its food easily.
It lives on insects and worms, which
it catches on the ground in its night
ly rambles, for this bird only goes !
abroad at night and hides during the
day. In size it is about as large as a
goose, the feathers on its head being ;
sh®rt, but those on the body increas- '
ing in length. Altogether, it is a
eueer-looking creature, and as it has
ro little means of defending itself, it 1
falls an easy prey to larger and
stronger beasts.
Scissors and a pin only needed. This !
prattling parrot if cut out and fasten- I
id together with a pin will make a j
very attractive toy. If you push the
pin firmly into a cork or tbe end cf a
stick and paste the pieces on an old
visiting card before the pieces are cut
cut, this pindertoy will last longer.
A Cat's Revenge.
A gentleman ■who was very fond of
fishing, and who usually caught a good
lot of fish, frequently promised. his
next door neighbor to give him part
of his catch, but never fulfilled the
promise. Tbe cat of the next door
neighbor evidently overheard the
promise and thought the fisherman
ought to be made to keep his word,
tor one day when the people of b<?th
houses had gone out for a little while
she sneaked into the fisherman's
house, took two fine large trout he
had just caught and laid them on the
kitchen table of her own mistress.
This lady returning and finding them
there, supposed that her neighbor had
a: last kept his promise, so she pro
ceeded to clean and cook tbe fish for
the next meal, thanking him, when
su: next saw him for his generosity.
The fisherman is now trying to find
seme secret method of killing the cat.
Butterflies of the Sea.
If you visit any of tbe seaside towns
south of Cape Cod perhaps you will
he so fortunate as to see a flock
cf sea butterflies flitting through the
blue water on some fair day. You
certainly will pick up some of their
empty houses on the beach.
These shade from pure white,
'hrough buff, lemon, orange and coffee
color to dark brown. You can make
many pretty souvenirs with them.
These “butterflies” are not butter
flies at all. however, but are molluscs,
Deing nothing more nor less than
The “butterflies” live among the
eel grass, and by rapidly opening and
shutting the two halves of their shells
and thus squirting out the water, they
can dart swiftly through the sea.
The shells are prettily fringed and
each “butterfly” has thirty silvery
blue eyes, but with all of ihese he can
scarcely see as much as we can with
our two.
Ways 6f Eating in China.
American boys and girls would find
Eome difficulty in eating in China.
Each guest is supplied with a bowl
and chopsticks, and there are bowls
placed in the middle of tbe table con
taining food. Every one helps with
1 is own chopsticks, and it is good
manners to pick out the most attact
ive lookiqg morsels and plant them in
your neighbor's bowl. It is rather sus
prising to a stranger to find his bow!
being filled in this way.
Chopsticks are about as thick as a
pencil, and both are held in one nan&.
The Chinese contrive to pick up their
meat, hold it to their mouths, and nib
ble at it. But the unskilful will prob
ably have the humiliation cf dropping
it into their laps or on to the floor.
The Slow-Going Clam.
Of all the absurd forms of locomo !
tion practiced by the creatures of the 1
deep, the most preposterous is that
of the mussel. Squids will startle you
by darting backward, crabs hustle off
sideways at a lively gait; but nothing
rave the dull brain of “some kind of
clam critter,-’ pondering over the
transportation problem in those re
mote epochs when time was no object,
could have evolved so stow and cum
bersome a method. You may often
tee mussels climb up the piles of a
wharf toward the high water mark.
Notice the black threads attached to
the clam. They do the business. The
mussel shoots out a spray of gelatin
ous stuff in the direction he wants to !
go, and this hardens into those black |
threads. He lets go the old ones and
climbs up by the new. You can trace
Lis progress up the pile by the j
bunches of old threads which be i
leaves behind at intervals. It has
rever been figured out whether he
could go a mile is less than a yeai
hut it would be safe to back the mus
:el in the animals’ “slow race."—
Country Life in America.
How Old Is He?
How old is a boy on his twelfth
birthday? Twelve years old, of
course, you will answer; but put on
your thinking cap, and see if you
don’t find that answer wrong. We
know that it is the usual way of ex
pressing it. as. for example, when we
say that a man becomes of age on
bis twenty-first birthday, but it is just |
as well to be right about these things,
and. as a matter of fact, a* man be- !
comes of age on his twenty-second
A boy, therefore, is not twelve, but ;
eleven years old on bis Twelfth birth
day. ft is simply a matter of count- 1
:ng. His first birthday is the day he
is born; Lis second birthday is the j
day be is one year old, and so on.
until, on his twelfth birthday te is ;
eleven years old. the age keeping one
year behind the number of the birth
It would be different if we used
the word “anniversary” instead of i
birthday,” for the first anniversary ol
ihe boy's birth comes one year after
that event, the second anniversary j
two years after, and so forth.
Guessing Colors.
If mother bas asked you not to get
dirty after you are dressed for a drive,
and you do not know just what to do
to amuse yourself, get some one to
play the following little game with
you. It is very simple, but will help j
the time to pass pleasantly:
“I see a color you don’t see,” says
‘‘What color may it be?” asks the
"It may be pink (cr some color in
the rooml,” says the first inquirer.
Then begins the questioning. Is it j
the paper? The ribbon on your hair? j
The pink in the doll’s dress? And so
on until happily the guesses mentions
♦he exact article of pink that has been I
chosen. The successful guesser then j
takes her turn at saying "I see a color
that you don’t see.”
Timothy Flower Pot.
Cork securely the hole in the bot
tom of a common clay flower pot and
i soak well in water. When the pot has
; absorbed all the moisture tliat it can
i take, roll it thoroughly in timothy
seed, fill it with water and place
among the other house plants. In a j
few days the seeds will sprout, and
’.n two or three weeks the pot will be
covered with verdure of the most
delicate green. The pot must be
always full of water. This supplies
the moisture necessary to the growth
of the seed.
When Jumbo Gave a Sneeze.
With mere men, a sneeze is an
cvery-day affair, but not so with “my
lord the elephant,” for it is very rarely
indeed that an elephant sneezes, and
when he does all the Oriental races
consider it a very good omen, and feel
cure that seme special good fortune is | happen.
The famous Jumbo's sneeze is said
to have been like the bursting of a
boiler, and it created quite a panic
among the crowds of sightseers—peo
ple running in all directions, many not
knowing what had happened, but im
agining some tremendous disaster had
It is very easy to see by looking at
the picture just how this boat is made,
tut it is not so easy to tell what it
whl do. We will assume that the
Fhaft works easily, without friction,
ana that a good strong wind blows
steadily. Now, what will the boat
do/ Will it go forward, backward, ©r
stand still?
It is not answered as easily as yon
may at first think. Who can tell what
it will do?
Of course, the very easiest way to
find out is to make a boat and try it.
The only part that might give you
any trouble is the propeller, or screw,
and you can make one pretty easily.
Get a piece ef tin and cat out a circle,
or a round piece about six inches in
diameter. Now draw a pencil line
; across tbe circle, and another line
across the tin at right angles to the
fret, so that the circle will be divided
into four equal parts. Get a heavy
pair of scissors and cut along each
of these lines to within half an inch
of whe oenter. You may easily bend
back the pieces of tin so formed until
they have the position shown in the
picture. This screw can be nailed to
the end of the shaft, or by punching
a hole in the center ef the tin you may
run the shaft through it and fasten it
by copper wire.
No mattei what the boat will do,
when made it will be well worth the
trouble, far tf it should stand still and
retuse to go ahead even in a strong
wmd, then you will have something
which w81 fool every one of youi
ir lends and raise many a laugh at
their expense.
Re»rt&u-i i idl that recently,
while playing golf, he had a particu
larly silent and stupid looking cad
die, who followed close at his heels
without saying a word. But since si
lence sometimes speakers louder than
words, the actor was nervous, and
after a particularly had drive he ex- j
claimed: “Did you ever see a worse
player on these links?” The caddie
said nothing. A gtill worse drive
from the next called forth the same
query, fallowed by the same silence.
Finally, “I say, did you ever see a
worse player?” The caddie stared si
lently for a few moments. “I heard
what ye said richt enough,” he at
last slowly replied; ‘I’m just think
ing.” _
Baron Alphonse Rothschild, the
most patriotic of Frenchmen, issued
a notice during the Franco-Frussian
war that he would present a nanc
some sum of money to any Jew'ish
soldier in the French army who
might capture a German flag. Such
a capture was made and in due course
the soldier came up for the promised
reward. After he had received it
Baron Alphonse invited the ooldier
into his private room and asked him
to relate in detail the glorious epi
sode. “Well, Mgr. le Baron, it was
this way.” said the hero; “the Ger
man soldier who carried the flag was
also one of us, so we did it on the
joint account.”
Last spring Governor Odell met an
old friend of his up in Newburg, his
home town, and immediately asked
how he was getting along on the air
ship he had been working on for
years. The inventor had became dis
gusted with his mechanical progress,
and when the governor asked if the
machine was a complete success he
replied: “Well, not quite yet. I
have two things to accomplish ?»efore
I can say it is.” “What are they?”
asked the governor. “I have to find
out how to get my machine up In the
air and how' to keep it there.*
As there is a law against burying
in the city of Albany, the bishop had
to have a special act of the legisla
ture to be buried in the cathedral.
He was successful in having the act
pass the lawmakers, but his friends
were astounded and worried when
they read its text. It btsgan with the
usual verbiage. The ending was
something like this: “We do grant
that Bishop Doane be buried within
the precincts of the city of Albany.
This act to take effect immediately.”
In a littie bayou an old darkey’s
flat-bottomed canoe was shelved on a
mud bank. The mud was too deep
for him to get out and push, and he
j got madder and madder. In his exas
1 peration he saw a woman stooping
down at the landing some yards above
to fill her pail from the stream. “Get
out o’ dat!” be called angrily; 'ef you
, takes a drop outen dis yere bayou
till I gits affoat agin I’ll mek ye pay
! fer It ef I hev ter wade asho’ ter do
i it* ”
rL' _
Onions for Insomnia.
Onions are recommended, as a good
thing for insomnia. A favorite dish
in England is one of the oig Bweet
Spanish onions cooked in milk. Cel
ery may also be used in the same way.
stewed in milk. It is good for the
nerves, and consequently for sleep
lessness. __
Women who can t get a vote perhaps
may be satisfied with getting a voter.
Hah This Man’s Sufferings Would
Have Killed Many a Person, But
Doan's Cured Him.
A. C. Sprague,
stock dealer, of
Normal, 111.,
writes: “For
two whole
j-ears I was do
ing nothing but
buying medi
’ cines to cure
my kidneys. I
do not think
that any man
ever suffered as
1 did and lived. The pain in my back
was so bad that 1 could not sleep at
night. 1 could not ride a horse, and
sometimes was unable even to ride
in a car. My condition was critical
when I sent for Doan’s Kidney Pills.
! I used three boxes and they cured me.
Now I can go anywhere and do as
much as anybody. I sleep well and
feel no discomfort at all.”
A TRIAL TREE—Address Foster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale
; by all dealers. Price 50c.
A man’s idea of personal liberty is
I his ability to butt into the affairs of
his neighbors.
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as
a cough cure.—J. W. OBbiik. 322 Third Ave.
31., Minneapolis, Mina.. Jan. 6,1900.
A man may often thank his lucky
stars that he can’t take the woman
who is pr<*ented to him.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing ffynp,
For children teethtne, softens the gnrns, reduces W
fleauastloa, alleys pstn, euros wind coUv. Me • home.
Storekeeper* report that the extra
quantity, together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
brand. _
Women divine that they are loved
long before it is told them.—Mari
Many Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray’s Sweet Powders forChildrea,
ased by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint,
Feverishness.Headache.Stomach Troubles,
Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At
all Druggists’. 25c. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Women never weep more bitterly
than when they weep for spite.—
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOTMA,
e safe and sore remedy for infants and children,
and see that it
la Use For Over 30 Tears.
The Kind Tea Have Always Bought
. Every experience we undergo,
■Whether seemingly good of 'ill, is of
benefit to us hater on.
Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late General
Roger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every woman
to know of the wonders accomplished by
Lydia E* Pinkham's Vegetable Compound*
“ Dear Mrs. Pixkham : —I cannot till yon with pen and ink what good
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound did lor me, suffering- from
the ills peculiar to the sex. extreme lassitude and that all gone feeling. I
would rise from my bed in the morning feeling more tired than when I went
to bed. but before I had used two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkkam's Vege
table Compound, I began to feel the buoyancy of my younger days return
ing, became regular, could do more work and not feel tired than I had ever
been able to do before, so I continued to use it until I was restored to perfect
health. It is indeed a boon to sick women and I heartily recommend iL
Yours very truly, Mbs. Kosa Adams, 819 12th St., Louisville, Ky.”
ahj women « ure iruuuica wim ir
regular or painful menstruation, weak
ness, lcucorrhoea, displacement or ulcer
ation of the womb, that bearing-down
feeling, inflammation cf the ovaries, back
ache, general debility, and nervous pros
tration, should know there is one tried
and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound. No other medicine
for women has received such wide-spread
and unqualified indorsement. >'o other
medicine has such a record of female cures.
“Dear Mp.s. Pinkeam : — I am very pleased
to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound for womb and ovarian difficul
ties from which 1 have been a sufferer for years. It
was the onlj- medicine which was at all beneficial,
aijd within a week after I started to use it, there
was a great change in my feelings and looks. I
used it for a little over three months, and at the
end of that time I suffered no pain at the menstrual
period, nor was I troubled with those distressing
pains which compelled me to go to bed, and 1 have
not had a headache since. This is nearly a year
ago. 1 always keep a bottle an hand, and take a
f&w doses every week, for I find that it tones up the system and keeps w
feeling strong, and I never have that tired out feeling any more.
“ I certainly think that every woman ought to try this grand medicine,
for it would prove its worth. Yours very truly, Miss Elbue Dasfobth, 203
De Soto St., Memphis, Tenn.”
Don’t hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham. She will understand
?rour case perfectly, and will treat you with kindness. Her advice
s free, and the address is Lynn, Mass. No woman ever regretted
having written her, and she has helped thousands.
FORFEIT it we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures <4
above tfistiuionlalti which will prove their absolute genuineness.
Lydia £. Ftnkhaa Med. Co., Lynn, !
In sheets of PURE ANILINE BLUE. No butties. No paddles. No waste. Gi^estbesiuna
amount of blueing water each wash-day. Ask your grocer for it or send 10c for a book of 25 leave*.
The Kandy Biuaing Book Co., B7 E. Lako St., Chicago, Ili,
It is discouraging to an honest man
to agree to accept a bribe, and then
be buncoed out of it.
Don’t you know that Defiance Starch
besides being absolutely superior to
any other. It put up 16 ounces In pack
ages and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds?
The financial editor is not necessar
ily pedantic, but he is apt to indulge
in quotations.
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im
possible to sell them any other cold
water'starch. It can be used cold or
After a man has -been married a
few years his bump of hope becomes
a dent.
"follow tub ruM
Baggage checked «• WorkTa
Fair grousda.
Stopovers allowed. All Agents can
route you via the WABASH. For beau
tiful World s Fair folder and all infor
mation address
Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept., Omaha. Neb.
“.S1'.';!'™'Thompson's Eye Water
W. N. U., Omaha. No. 35—1904
The girl with naturally curly hah
Is the only one who gets full enjojr
ment out of an ocean dip.
The Mnrlne Eye Heiuedy Co.. Chicago. »end Bon
Eye B»ok tree. Write them about your eye*
Never say a horse was pulled. Yoa
may have been dragged along
Knows how important R fe
to um agood starch. Defence
Starch is the best starch
made. It doesnt stieft to
the bon. It gives a Bcauti
Id soft gbssy stiflness to the
clothes. It wifl not blister
or cracK the goods. * It sells
for less, goes farther, does
more. Ask the lady who
irons. Defiance Starch* at all
grocers. 16 oz. for 10 cents.
Montana, Send 50c. for map aadiUiforniacjna to
*. f. iBSHlEY, Kea! Estate Agency, BiUuip. Hit.
#SRCS catarrh ef the stomach.