VOLUME XXI. i LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA,*’ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1904. NUMBER 41 2i Professional Cards ^ U J. NIGHTINGALE Attcraej ud CoutseMLav LOUR 6ITY, NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP mx NEBRSSKJL •n. h. •m;,w Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county J. H. LONG PHYSICIAN aM SURGEON Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION | S. A. ALLEN. OEJVTIST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. OFFICE —One door east of St. Elmo Hotel. My equippment is modern and _iy prices will be as low as can be ex pected for «rood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open evenings. > In a dental operation the main consider ation is the result* The pain is greatly modified by modern equippment. St. Elmo Hotel A. ERAZIM, Propr. LOUP CITY, - NEBRASKA Farmers’ Table a Specialty Farmers of Sherman county are * specially invited to make the St. Elmo their headquarters when at the county seat. WESLEY McCOMBS Livery f Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teams are all good drivers and we are able to give you the best ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to all who wisn our services. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED INSURE YOUR PROPERTY I am handling first-class in surance, and can give you the best of security against FIRE, LIGHTNING, i WIND STORMS and TORNADOES in the St. Paul Fire Marine, Continental, Springfield, or National Ins. Co.’s Will also insure against HAIL in the St Paul Fire Marine. Losses ;»aid in full. Office with T. S. Night i ingale, Loup City, Neb. F. E. Brewer eo^GEp’s City Dray and Transfer line J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty ot moving household good. Ice delivered in any part of town. Tonr patronage solicited. LOUP CITY, - - . NEBRASKA. P. Hoogenboezem Fainter aid Paaertapr CONTRACTOR. Loup City, - Neb. Sign Work and Graining a Spe cialty. Wall Paper and Mouldings. PHOTOGRAPHER j LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views, Stock pictures etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. All work stricly guaranteed. W. L. MARCY, LOUP 6ITY, NEB Office, West Side of Square. Youi Dental work solicited, THE NORTHWESTERN | TERMS:—11.00 PER TEAR. IT PAID IH ADVANC1 Entered at the Loup City Postoffice tor tran t mission through the mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - 4- - Rll Residence ’Phone, - - HI2 J. W. BURLEIGH, Ed. and Pub. The Mason City Star has again changed hands, F. A. Amsberry dis posing of the plant to W. A. Anderson. We wish the new man success The Star is one of our brightest country ex changes. Rainbow chasing has not yet gone entirely out of date. We met a gen tleman of the populist faith the oth er day who actually thought or claimed to think the fusion candi date for governor would defeat Mickey? Fact. A vote for Aaron Wall for sena tor and H. Smelser for representative means for the election of an IT. S. senator who will help Roosevelt to carry forward the splendid adminis tration he has made and will make in the future. A vote against them means a vote for Bryan or some other democrat who wifi obstruct Roosevelt methods and assist Par ker and the trusts and combines. Which is best? What is the matter? The popu lists of the Big Sixth, who held their congressional convention at Kearney last week, could only mus ter six delegates, five from Buffalo and one from Dawson, an adjoin ing county. Out of some 36 coun ties only two represented. A. A. Worsley, from way up in Boyd county, who is already fusion candi date for state land commissioner, fusion senatorial nominee in his dis trict, and the recipient of one or two other nominations, we have forgot ten, was also giyen the congression al nomination by the six present, on the theory, we suppose, that to him that hath shall be given, or words to that effect. But who the deuce is Worsley, anyhow? It is a common remark made in conversation in our hearing by dem ocrats and populists alike, to the ef fect that they would rather see Roosevelt elected than Parker. And yet some of these same men propose to vote for Watson, while others will refrain from voting at all, thus lending silent aid to Parker, whom they all admit is the candidate of Wall street, the trusts and the great corporate influences, and expect him to be elected, while Roosevelt they also admit is free from and will oppose those influences. Are they consistent? Are they doing the best for their own intetests? Not even the wildest dreams can give visions of Watson’s election. The fight is strictly between Roosevelt and Parker, the former ever in their interest, the latter dominated by the very powers they distrust. How ean they hesitate in whom to place their own political trust, even on their own admissions? We are sorry to see the trend of the Times-Independent, in this cam paign but just started, in its unwar rantable attacks on our worthy coun ty attorney, J. S. Pedler. From the very best information we can ob tain, Uncle Joe has made a good and efficient officer, and the T.-I.’s resplendent(?) efforts on glittering generalities in simple-sounding simil itudes are childish in the extreme. The animus of the writer covers the attack as with a cloak, and is of the flimsiest character. The editor should stop such infantile prattle and give some adult and spe cific charges, if he has any, against County Attorney Pedler. One can not chase wishy-washy phantoms. As a matter of fact Uncle Joe has made a good, clean, capable official. He has worked m the interests of peace,harmony,good government and economy in county affairs, and bis record is unassailable. Inuendo and petty generalities art only pitiable weapons to be used when facts and sound arguments are not to be had. We want a load or two of cobs, and we want them bad. Who will bring us in one or two loads? Uncle Joe Answers Attacks. Loup City, Neb., Aug. 30.—To the Taxpayers of Sherman county: I have been requested by a number of the citizens of the county (who believe in fair treatment), to answer the charges made against me in the Times-Independent of last week, entitled “Similitudes,” and in so do irg will first plead guilty to that part of the charge ia which I am ac cused of endeavoring to save the taxpayers money, and further an swering say that I have no knowl edge as to the facts in the case of the mother weaping over the fact of some drunken wrretch shooting her boy, and no such case having been reported to me I am at a loss what to answer, and for want of knowl edge as to the full, true name of “Similitudes,” or as to which of the “Similitudes” wrote the (uncalled for) article, I am also at a loss to knowr wrho to answer, but for the purposes of this article will allude to the person or persons by the name of “Simililudes,” and write by way of explanation, rather than answer, as it is a difficult task to answer something you know nothing about. The article reads somewhat like a piece of fiction, re-arranged into po litical abuse, and through the kind ness of the Times editor published at the request of the real “Simili tudes,” which seems to have been somewhat of an overdose for the ed itor, as would appear by his editorial against personal abuse. Many thanks, Ed. Small favors thankfully received and larger ones in propor tion. Just have one of the “Simili tudes” sign next time. I have resided in Sherman county for a quarter of a century and the people should certainly know me by this time, and for reasons too nu merous to mention would ask to be excused from engaging in any news paper controversies, or indulging in any dirty, filthy, mud-slinging, per sonal abuse of m* opponent, who is a refined, educated gentleman. In my opinion, such things only en gender strife in the community and wound the feelings of friends, which was forcibly impressed upon my mind, upon my attention being called to the article “Similitudes,” the day alter mailing the paper cen taining it to roy family in Colorado. As to the Cook case, and the shooting of the boys in Bristol town ship, I can only say that I wouldn’t know the boyB should I see them. They have the reputation of being good boys, and I know they come of good families and were brought up in a good community. I met the young man from Buffalo connty for the first time in my life on the 24tb of this month, and found him to be a bright, intelligent, gentlemanly young man. I know of no settlement having been made in the matter. I have at all times been willing to prosecute; in fact had a complaint ready to be signed and sworn to by Harry J. Jungles, (the young man reported to have been dead and buried), who, believing in fair treatment and knowing that I had never refused to prosecute, as reported, was kind enough to give me a letter, with per mission to publish same, which let ter is published below nnd explains itself: Loup City, Xeb., Aug. 24,190s.—This is to certify that .T S. Pedler has never refused to prosecute in the matter of the case of shooting in the south part of the county, and in fact had a complaint made, when I made the fact known te Mr. Pedler that I would necessarily have to go to Chicago, and that it might be impossible for me to be in attend ance when the matter came to trial in the district court, and as 1 am going there to stay 1 would nut want to recog nize myself to appear in the district court and come all the wav from Chi cago for that purpose. I may conclude to prosecute at some later date. Harry J Jungles Wishing to be excused from fur ther answerirfg “Similitudes,” or any other fictitious writer, either now or in the future, and hoping this explanation will be satisfactory to all fair minded people, and that one of the “Similitudes” will have the courage to sign the next article, I am yours, truly, * J. S. Pedler, Coanty Attorney. TOO BUSY To write a new adv. this week, but am con stantly receiving new Groceries Dry Goods and Gepefal JVIefchapdiee Of /Ml Descriptiops Don’t forget that we carry all Millinery and Millinery Goods in season, with a first class trimmer to attend to lady customers. We want your trade. We ask you for it. A. E. Chase \V^v\f^.vV£ivV4 vva vMa v'(£ vvrx.'vV/'NvA w/; vV6KV£ v'^vV^vV^'vvrr. vAfXKvr^ v\f/i vvfx. v\r/i vVf/i v\f/i wr/: wa A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK op Loup city. General Banking Business Transacted. PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000.00. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. DRAPER SADDLERY COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS SADDLES and BRIDLES BLANKKTS, ROBES, WHIPS, FLY NETS, BRUSHES, CUBBY COMBS. Repairing Neatly Executed. All Work Warranted. HAND MADE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Barpins in Buies and Spring Wagons LOUP CITY ... NEBRASKA The weather Calls for Cooling drinks and the Htlil Ittnl IS Just Ik Ftm li CD 1 FREE! FREE!! Ill Free? PHOTO BUTTONS, and MEDADLLIONS And Even ENLARGED PICTURES Investigate? Come and see what a Medallion is and how you can get one At DRAPER’S STUDIO. NUMB. SMI MID IMS BOUGHT AT THE B. & Mo Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loop City anil Ashton. Will Boy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see oar coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR. John Solmes •^DEALER IN» HARDWARE Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. . PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR BlftDWG TWIfJE NOW SEE T. M. REED Ji Q FARM MACHINERY, WAGONS, BUG GIES, WINDMILLS, PUMPS, HAY RAKES, STACKERS, SWEEPS. Lom/p City, liTebraska •^J. I. DEPEW®* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker] _ My shop la the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Ulver I hareafona horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma chinery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and torn ont a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. The Northwestern $1 per Yr«