Don’t ye’re forget it! We’re going to have a big time at the Carnival- Be sure and come. I will be pleased to have you call on me while here. P. O. REED. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1904. Iioaal Dsws. See D. C. Grow for Best Flour. Old papers for sale at this office. E. G. Taylor's new’ residence is up to the plasterers. Try Ludlow Coal, for sale by Lenin ger Lumber Co. All straw hats at cost at Johnson, Lorentz & Co’s. Fred Winklemann was over to Litch field last Thursday. Do you need a Sweep or Stacker? T. M. Reed sells them. Mrs. S. D. jdulbert returned from her visit to Fillmore last week. Lovers of base ball will see three tine games during the Carnival. C. E. Rossiter, from Iowa, is visiting his sister, Mrs Dr. Odendahl. Don’t forget the Pioneer Meat Mar ket for the best and juiciest steaks. Every housekeeper wants best Hour in the market. D. C. Grow keeps it Don’t forget Jenner’s'Park for danc ing each evening during the Carnival W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu neral Director. Ready day or night. Troy Hale’s big barn, ihe biggest in this part of the country,is now finished. We are out a day ahead this week, so we can take in the whole Of the Carni val! Editor Stonecypher of Dannebrog was an over-Sunday visitor m Loup City. Mrs. Whitmore, sister of Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman, is visiting the latter the past two weeks. All merchants close their places of, business during Carnival from 1:30 to 5 p. m, each afternoon. Dr. Sumner Davis.Grand Island, Neb specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. Mrs. Blanche Christy, sister of Mrs Edgar ‘Draper, returned to her home at Central City, last week. J. M. Young, who has been an invalid for so long, was taken to Lincoln for treatment, last Thursday. There will be a dance at .Tenner's Tark each Saturday night hereafter, until further notice, weather permitting. Come and enjoy yourselves. The steam merry-go-round was the first concession to appear for the Car nival. and it located next door to The Northwestern for the moral influ ence surrounding it. Mr. Pilger will make a present of 85 besides paying the minister's fee, to any, couple that will be married on the stage at Pilger’s Opera House either night after the show, Aug. 4, 5 and 6. Bert Chase is somewhat of a genius an many things, and Ids arrangement of a show window in his grocery store is no exception. It compares favorably with any city work of its kind. For Sale.—One Iloltman & Taylor Threshing Machine and 12-liorse power steam engine. Thresher been in use about one year. Price, 81300. Iuauire of Jos. Damboski,Loup City, Neb. 3t State Game Warden Carter has writ ten Sheriff Williams to keep watch out for illegal hunting these days, so it will be well for stubble duck sportsmen to keep au eye out for the sheriff, as well as other game. The Loup City dlegations to Bone steel have all returned. Last Friday and Saturday arrived the last of the ab sent ones in the persons of Jim Bow man, Joe Rynan, “Skip” Thrasher and family, Aaron Collings, Din Muiick Charley liowe, and others. There will be a first class company of dramatic and vaudeville people at I’ilger’s Opera House on Aug. 4, 5 and *5. This company is overwhelmed with praise and popularity in every town - * they show. Reserved seats on safe at A C. W. Conhiser’s. * Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumors, Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine and surgery, the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tricity and massage. If Will Hover seems a little tallei than usual, or Uncle Neal stretches a little nearer the clouds, or Grandpa Hover is unusually jolly this week lay it to the fact that there is a new boj sit Will’s home,who arrived, Sunday just an time for the Carnival. Pyrotechnic* uire nothing to the illumination of Pap* Will’s face now days. Prof. R. W. Hufman of Universitj Place, Neb., has been secured as princi pal of our schools far the coming year Prof. Hufman comes to us highly rec ommended as a teacher, and we be speak for him the hearty co-opera tion of our people in his work here Pro I. Hufman is a homeopathic phyoi cian as well. The professor was in a.oup City over laat Sunday, to close all preliminaries preparatory u> taking charge of the schools, returning to Uni versity Place Mend his summer vacation in our midst. Loup City’s popular butcher, 8. F. Reynolds, he of the Pioneer Meat Mar ket, Is in fine shape to supply our peo ple with the lln<*t. juclest meats for the Carnival triple, having made extra ef forts to have a big supply of every thing that can be wanted in the meat line for these days. You can count on Friend Reynolds never to lie behind hand on anything. - — - • - Are fpp Celnii to the feinte Fair? Najto yopr urrangepsectsto attend the Nebraska £t*t# y^r at Lincoln, August 29th to rti p'euiher {Id, As a state fair you will (iod it up-to date in all particulsrs snd In every de partment. Every class full and over flowing with exhibits. (In agricultural products you can see the lategt Jp varieties and the finest specimens. In livestock all the prepde will be represented and the opportunity to sen the choicest and must valuable in dividual animals. In the fine art and textile departments the “old fWogs" fiagfi b^ff strlck/ep out and the “new fancies" provided for. There will be acres of exhibits in farm implem0Bt>. machinery, buggies, etc., sod it will be the one opportunity of the year for toteodiDg purchasers to see, compare and then intelligently order or purchase, The speed program is the beet pro? vlded for in the state, abd as an extra Inducement to lovers of the “fast horses" Dan Patch, the swiftest pacer in the world, will go against time on Tuesday, August 30th. As an outing a trip to the state fair ia both pleasant, profitable and not expen* s)ve. A one-fare rate on all railroads. -, HYMENEAL. Czaplewski-Synak. On Tuesday morning of this week oc curred the nuptials ot our popular Pol ish merchant, John J. Czaplewski, and Miss Anastazia Bynak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.'Bynak. The wedding took place in the Catholic church in this city, before a large assemblage of friends of the contracting parties. The ceremony was according to the Catholie rites and in the Polish language, ot which we are not a very proficient scholar,hence will not attempt to put in English the sacred bans. Father Rad* ka, the Polish priest of Ashton united the happy couple in the beautiful cere monial of his faith, the bride being at tended by Misses Mary Czaplewski and Mary Easton, while Messrs. Joe Czap lewski and John Bynak performed like service for the groom. The bride was tastefully attired in pale blue silk, with white shirred ribbon®, and the groom w«s dressed in conventional black. Fol lowing the ceremony, the guests re paired to the home of the bride’s par ents, where a feast of good things had been prepared and the day and night were passed in banqueting and dancing. The groom is a well known and poi nter groceryRian of this city, while the bride is an equally well known and pot? ular Polish girl, and for a long time has been a clerk in the store of her husband. The North western wishes the couple a long and happy life. During the Carni val the IVlodel Restau rant will be open day and night. Meals at all hours and at regu lar prices. ! Schaupp Siding. Harvest is about done around here. Stacking grain seems all the go now. Lewanduski began Threshing Mon day. We are in need of a blacksmith shop hete. Lovd lily is working on the new store. Ernest Rowe is shingling the Ely store. We are in need of a good watermelon patch. Lew Bechthold is buying hogs for E. G. Taylor. E G. Taylor is building a barn for his manager. Isaac Sandburg is talking of buying a threshinb machine this fall. □ There is a petition out for a postoffice at Schaupp Sidjng. Did you see it? William Wharton was working at Schaupp Siding this week, unloading stone. Miss Louisa Cording and Alva Engle Sunduved with Mr. and Mrs. Hech thold. Schaupp Siding's first dance was a success. 'J'hefp were atyout 400 people present. H- Snaels*T of Ashton was here fig uring on a bill of lumber to build a barn and granary, IlOW RATES Via Union PACIFIC Central Nebraska Assemdlv, Fullerton, One fare plug 50c. Aug 4 lft, reiurning Aur. 17, State Fair, Lincoln. Aug. 28 to Sept. 2. Tickets on sale same dates. Good to Aug. 8d Grand Lodge I. O. O, b.. Lincoln. Oct. 17, 18, return Oct. 23. One fare plus ft()c. Chicago and return di rect, 822.65 one way. via St Louis, 825.05. See U. I*, agent G. A. It. at Boston, Mas., via the IT 1\ Date ot sale Aug. 11,12 and 13, re. turning Aug. 20. By depositing tick ets with joint agent, limit may be ex tended to Sept. 30, at cost of 30c. Horne Visitors’ Excursions to Indiana and Ohio, via the Union Pacific. One fa.te, plus 82, for round trip. Dates oT sale, Aug. 6,13, 20 and 27, Oct. 11,1904. Final limit 3o days from date of sale. I jioelus. Neb., and return, Aug. 18-19, good retur^ng Aug. 20. One and one third farje. Very low rate for coach excursions tp St. Louis and return, pates of eale. Aug. 2,4, 9. lj, 18,18, 23, 25, 30. Sept J. 13. !5, 20, 22,27 and 29 only. The Union Pacific in connection with Mwa Wabash line now runs through Electric flighted to St- Loujs and return- Passengers ape landed at mgin entrance of exposition at a con venient hour in the morning, thus sav ing time and expense on arrival at St. Louie, and avoiding the great crowds at the big Union station. Many hours quicker than any other route. No change of cars. Illustrated guide to the Fair free on application to F. H. Hiser, agent. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. (Hurt Kotd.) To Whom It May Concern: The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the northeast corner of section thirty-two (32) and the northwest corner of sec tion thirty-three (33), township fifteen (15), range thirteen (13), and running south on section line, and also between sections four (4) and five (5). township fourteen (14), range thirteen (13), to the Loup City and St. Paul road; then com-1 mencing at the southeast corner of said section thiity-two (32) and southwest corner of section thirty-three (33), and running thence one half mile west on section line to quarter stake of said sec tion tbirty-two (32), township fifteen (15), r.inge thirteen (13), thence north on said half section line of section tldr ; ty-two (32) and terminating at the point ' on said half section line where the St. Paul and Loup City road crosses the halt section line of said section thirty two (32), township fifteen (15), range thirteen (13) has reported in favor there of and ad claims for damage or objec tions thereto must be filed in the office of the county clerk of Sherman county, Nebraska, on or before the 24th day of September, 19C4, or said road will be al lowed without reference thereto. Dated this 21st day of July, 1004. Geo. 11. Gibson, County Clerk. [Last pub. August 11] NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. Capellen Road No. 2. To whom it may concern: The com missioner appointed to view and lo cate a road commencing at the south east corner of block seventeen (17) in 5 the townsite of Hazard, ana running ; southeast along the north side of the B. & M. to a point about one hundred (100) rods southeast of railroad cross ing, on section line between sections nineteen (l9> and twenty (20), and run-! ning thence across to the south side of i railroad track, thence in a south ami southwesterly direction about eighty (SO) rods on the east side of the existing j fence between the plowed land and i pasture and terminating at the nearest ! point of junction with the present road, which runs near the creek bank, has reported in favor thereof, and all objeo j tlons thereto, or claims for damage, must be tiled in the office of the county clerk ot Sherman county, Nebraska, on or before the 20tli day ot September, 19