The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 28, 1904, Image 5

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■[packing plants preparing
|. Teamsters as Well as Butchers Will
Make Another Effort to Bring About
Adjustment. They Also Having
Voted in Favor of a Strike.
CHICAGO—Determined on a fight
to a finish to enforce the demands ol
the striking butchers, a sympathetic
strike of all the union workmen em
ployed in the meat packing industry
throughout the country, with the ex
ception of the teamsters, will be de
clared Monday morning at 7 o’clock.
Instead of joining in the sympathet
ic strike, the teamsters will make an
other effort to bring about an adjust
ment of the controversy by arbitra
tion. This decision was reached late
Sunday night at a meeting of the joint
council of the teamsters’ unions
throughout Chicago, who met to give
their endorsement this afternoon to
quit work with the other men. The
decision of the stock yards teamsters
was almost unanimous in favor of
striking, but as it is necessary, accord
ing to the rulek, for the joint council
to sanction any strike movement, all
the union teamsters in the employ of
the packers will remain at work dur
ing the struggle or until the joint
council gives their permission to a
strike should their efforts to settle the
matter by conciliation today prove fu
tile. The committee appointed at last
night’s meeting was notified to get
into communication Monday morning
early with the packers.
Whether the teamsters’ efforts for
peace wuil prove successful none of
the packers’ representatives who were
communicated with Sunday will say.
The decision to make another effort
was reached at such a late "hour last
night that it was impossible for the
packers to get together to decide
what answer will be given to the in
termediary committee.
The reason given by the teamsters'
council for their action is that they
never before have been consulted in
the present trouble, and that therefore
before they would sanction a strike
of the stock yards teamsters they
wished to make an official investiga
tion of the trouble before asking the
international officers to order the men
on strike.
->u uuui'.TfL' es \\ t. e utiu ouiiuav
either by the packers or the labor
leaders, or jointly, in an effort to
reach an adjustment of the controver
sy. Both sides rested, apparently
waiting for developments.
Whether or not the packers would
make any concessions to the demands
of the labor leaders in order to pre
vent a general walkout of the stock
yards would not be discussed by any
of the packing house representatives.
But for the preparations going on at
the different plants during the day it
was plainly evident that the packers
intended to fight for their independ
ence. All the labor leaders claimed
they would await Monday before doing
any further, and the packers would
have to make the propositions for the
peace negotiations, as the unions had
no intention at the present time of
doing so.
Engagement in Progress Between
Forces of Keller and Kuroki.
LIAO YANG—A general engage
ment, it is reported here, began Mon
day morning to the east between the
forces of Lieutenant General Count
Keller and General Kuroki. It is re
ported also that an engagement began
simultaneously at Ta Tche Kiao, from
which the Japanese for some days had
been only six miles distant.
The Associated Press correspondent
lately traversed the Feng Wang
Cheng road, which was in the height
of militar y activity and offensive
with the odor of dead animals.
The Red Cross hospital at Ta Tche
Kiao was removed to Mukden in an
ticipation of the fighting. Consequent
ly there was a large call for Red
Cross trains to proceed to Ta Tche
The activity of the Japanese in the
northeast caused a wide dispersion of
troops and the consequent improve
ment of the center of the strength a
little further north.
A Cossacck report of an expedition
to the Japanese camp show's that the
Japanese troops are suffering from
dysentery, which is now at its worst
Carries Sixty Thousand.
CHICAGO—The movement west
ward on account of the opening of the
Rosebud Indian reservation in South
Dakota exceeded ail expectations.
The Chicago & Northwestern alone
took 60,000 people to Bonestee], Fair
fax and i ankton. The unprecedented
movement was largely due to the fact
that a long overland journey was not
necessary to reach the land.
Cruisers Near Yin Kow.
LIAO YANG—Saturday eight Japan
ese cruisers, accompanied by trans
ports with troops, were seen approach
1ng in Kow. South of Ta Tche Kiac
the Japanese are busily moving for
ward. The Russians are expecting i
big advance from the south. Genera
Kuropatkin inspected troops arriving
from Russia. The Russian companies
on the left flank are constantly en
gaged in skimishes with the Japan
ese forces, who have suffered heavily
The Russians thus far have destroyed
four guns.
Solid Shot* for the Ardova.
PORT SAID—Advices received hers
say that the Russian volunteer fleei
steamer Smolensk fired three blanl
shots across the bows of the Brit
ish steamer Ardova, the cargo o
which consists of coal and explo
sives, and the vessel, not stopping
the Smolensk Bent two loaded shots
at her, one of them passing over hei
amidships and the other going ove
her stern. The Ardova was tbei
seized and her crew transferred t<
the Smolensk. The vessel will lx
brought to Suez.
Objects to Seizure of Mails by the
' 1
BERLIN.—The German government
has taken a prompt and firm stand in
regard to the seizure of the mails of
the North German Lloyd steamer
Prinz Heinrich, which arrived at Aden
July 16 from Hamburg and Southamp
ton for Yokohama, by the Russian vol
unteer fleet steamer Smolensk, July
15, having entered a protest against
the carrying ofT of the mails, and ask
ing for a disavowal of the Smolensk’s
action and the return of the captured
mail sacks. The German government,
the foreign office says, recognizes the
right to search mails when on board
the vessel itself, but claims the Smo
lensk had no right to take off mails
in bulk from the vessel. The further
argument is advanced that the right
of search can only be exercised by a
warship, whereas the Smolensk tra
versed the Dardanelles only recently
flying the Russian commercial flag,
not assuming the character of a war
ship. 1 he Gorman government has
not taken a positive stand on this last
\ordict. but leaves the question for
future discussion and settk'ment. No
j ansv. er has yet been received from
; Rtissia.
^The recent publication by tjie Russ
of St. Petersburg of a statement that
j Gieat Britain is about to transfer Wei
I Had v\ei to Germany in exchange for
a free band in the Yang Tse valley is
scouted at tie foreign office, where it
is classed as a revival of an old story
and as having no foundation.
Diplomatic circles believe Russia
v.i’’ speedily disavow ihe seizure,
since a refusal to do so will certainly
raise the sta us of the Smolensk. Dis
cussions of the incident among the
j foreign diplomats show there is a be
lief that the raisirg of the question
will be extremely awkward for Rus
sia, since the Smolensk passed the
Dardanelles as a merchantman and
assumed the role of a warship in the
Red sea. In determining its status
only two alternatives are permissible
—it is either a warrior or a pirate—
and Russia having every reason to
prevent Germany from pressing for a
decision on this point, will, it is be
lieved. gracefully disavow the rash act
of the Smolensk.
The newspapers strike a sharper
note in discussing the seizure of mails
; from the Prinz Heinrich, and raise a
unanimous demand for a speedy apol
| Stands Pat on the Matter of Stopped
ST. PETERSBURG—In addition to
the claims for the ships stopped by
i the Smolensk and St. Petersburg, it is
' not improbable that claims may also
be presented for ships detained at
Port Arthur at the opening of the war
andd for those held tip in the Red sea
1 by Admiral Wirenius’ squadron be
j fore the latter returned to the Baltic.
The passage of the Dardanelles by
the Smolensk and the St. Petersburg
and their conversion into cruisers be
ing an accomplished fact, Great Brit
ain does not expect to make a point
of thei’- cases, except to justify rais
ing the question of the status of the
veflunteer fleet vessels still in the
Black sea. Moreover, it is considered
possible Japan may have already ap
pealed to her ally, as one of the signa
tories of the treaty of Paris, on the
grounds that to allow mere Russian
ships to go out of the Dardanelles for
conversion into warships without a
protest would constitute a violation
of neutrality.
The report that the British Medi
terranean squadron is going to Alex
andria is not believed to have special
significance in this case. Neither
France nor Germany is excited over
the question, but if presented by Great
Britain it would compel the other sig
natory powers to* declare their atti
The Russian authorities apparently
are tranquil on the subject of the ves
sels of the volunteer fleet passing
through the Dardanelles. They main
tain that they are perfectly within
their right, as there is absolutely noth
ing in the treaty of Paris to prevent
their passage as merchantment and
their subsequent conversion into
cruisers. There is no question of a
false declaration having been made at
Constantinople. It was pointed out
before the war that vessels of the vol
unteer fleet, carrying arms, munitions
and -soldiers, passed without the
shadow of a question being raised. ,
The war office has no further details
of the Russian repulse at Motien
A iuoo AAir-ix, w IUUU, It la
admitted, will probably bo consider
ably in excess of General Kuropatkin’s
figures, given out last night, is great
ly deplored. But evidently the en
gagement at least served the purpose
of demonstrating that General Kuro
ki’s army has been heavily reinforced
north, and the general staff is now in
clined to believe that the Japanese
commander may have decided that a
frontal attack from the south is inad
visable and is concentrating his forces
for a direct attack on Liao Yang.
Skirmishes Near Kai Chau.
General Sakhaoff in a dispatch to the
general staff, dated July 23, reports
skirimshes in the vicinity of Kai
Shanon July 22. Lieutenant General
, Count Keller’s reconnoissances on the
I same showed that the Japanese had
j °„nly weak detachments at the Siao
Kao and Wafankau passes. There
was no change in the situation on the
high road to Mnkden, according to
the report, but strong Jajanese col
umns were advancing along the Fai
Rivals of Car Bar Bandits.
« CHICAGO—Emulators of the ex
ploits of the car barn bandits, four
youths arrested here, confessed to
killing one man in a saloon holdup
; and robbing a score of others at dif
ferent times. The murder was that
, of John Lane, stage carpenter of the
Illionis theater, who was shot in an
■ attempt to hold up Gustav Riegel's
• saloon July 4. The proporietor was
i also shot. The prisoners are Peter
, Dulfer, James and William Parmby
i and David Kelly. All declare they
are less than 20 years old.
Strikers Assert that Discrimination is
Shown When Application is Made
for Work—Packers Pick Out Cer
tain Employes and Let Others Go.
CHICAGO—The stock yards strike,
which was renewed Friday morning
in Chicago and all the other points
where the hog packing companies
have branches, because the strikers
were dissatisfied with the manner in
which the employers proposed to re
; instate their former employes pend
ing a settlement by arbitration, will
continue for another day at least.
A joint conference between repre
sentatives of both sides to the con
Mayor Harrison Would Open the Dem
ocratic Campaign in Chicago.
ESOPCS, N. Y.—Esopus took on a
new atmosphere Tuesday with the ar
rival of the first train bringing New
York newspapers. The conference of
New York democrats held last night
at the Hoffman house was the subject
of the keenest interest, even to the
villages, who hitherto have been con
tent in the knowledge of Judge Par
ker’s nomination, without bothering
about any of the details or gossip con
nected with his campaign. The judge
himself showed an interest beyond his
usual calm, and at breakfast read the
newspaper accounts of the conference
with close attention, but, as usual,
without any comment which could
reach newspaper men.
A report is current that there will be
an effort to get the judge to begin his
active campaign in the middle west
with a speech at Chicago soon after
the notification ceremonies. It is un
derstood that Mayor Carter H. Harri
Ships Sighted in Jap Waters and Bom
bardment May Be Expected—Jap
anese Torpedo Boats Retire Under
Heavy Fire From Forts.
TOKIO.—A fisherman reports that
the Vladivostok squadron was off My*
ako yesterday, going in a southeaster
ly direction at a speed of 10 knots.
If this course and speed is maintained
the squadron will be off Yokohoma
late today. The eastern coast of
.Japan is shrouded in fog. Shipping
has been suspended, awaiting the lo
cation of the Russian fleet.
CHEE FOO.—Copies of the Novo
Krai, a newspaper published at Port
Arthur, including the issue of July 11,
v'jj' i k
The Picture shows a method of attacking a fort if high angle fire fails to reduce it. The irregular
trenches leading to the parallels are dug so that they cannot be swept by the enemy's fire. The men dig the
trenches under the protection of their own artillery. The parallels are for the protection of the storming
parties as they approach nearer and nearer the walls.
f rnvorcr oml rfir\rn«nntn*!t»nrt tv ^ _ i ! __ ; ___:__a. _ i ___< _ . i. -t i , • .. <
lied trades in an attempt ts b-ing
about a peaceable*adjustment of this
second strike was unsuccessful, and
the meeting was adjourned with the
understanding that another conference
would be held Saturday morning at
8 o'clock.
At the conference, which lasted
five hours, a committee consisting of
five representatives of the packers ana
five representatives of the butchers’
union, was appointed to go over the
| whole situation, but the committee
was unable to reach a working ba
sis with which both sides would be
satisfied. Whether the difficulty can
be satisfactorily settled tat Saturday's
meeting is problematical.
After adjournment a publication
committee announced that the peace
negotiations had failed, but still has
hopes that an agreement could be
reached in the near future. No
written statement of what occurred
in the meeting was given, as has
been customary at the former confer
ences and the committee declined to
give any further information, except
that another meeting would be held
In the following statement given
out by President Donnelly of the
butchers’ union, the reason why the
strikers refused to return to work is
“The packers signed an agreement
that there would be no discrimination
in the re-hiring of the men. This
was accepted by the officers of the
organization in good faith. On the
return of the men this morning they
were lined up like cattle. The fore
men and superintendents woufci walk
through the line and pick out a man
and say: ‘You come up.’ The next
man would be pushed out of line and
told that he could not be acrive. It
was always the active unicM men
whom they could not use. We un
derstood the agreement perfectly and
the strike was only called after the
packers had violated the same. This
has been their system in the past and
that was our main reason for itslsting
on the time limit in the agreement,
but in spite of this the packers’ in
tentions wrere to hire only such men
as were favorites. They also hired
men in some of the departments who
had not been employed prior to the
Mast Give Indemnity Bond.
PORTLAND. Ore.—According to ad
vices received at the local offices of
the Portland & Asiatic Steamship
company from New York, the steam
ship Aragonia, which is owneff by the
Hamburg-American company, will be
allowed to carry a cargo of flour from
here to Japan, providing the Portland
& Asiatic company first file an indem
nity bond to protect the owners in
case the steamship is seized by the
Russians. The amount of the bond
was not made public, but is believed
to be $275,000.
Are Suing for Millions.
BUTTE, Mont.—Two more suits
were begun in the district court by
the Boston & Montana company to re
cover damages to the amount of many
millions of dollars on account of the
alleged looting of large quantities of
valuable ore from the adjoining mines
through the Minnie Healy workings,
tin the two suits judgments are asked
|to the amount of $7,400,000, making a
(total, with the big suit that was be
fgun on Thursday, of $21,150,000 for
lore alleged to have been unlawfully
♦extracted from mines.
wwu V/l V 11I\ Uwv JO CllJ.kiV.MtO 1J VS l Ulii,' lu
! have the first gun of the campaign
fired in Chicago, but to have Judge
Parker and William J. Bryan on the
platform together upon that occasion.
Of course, nothing definite on that
subject can be learned here, for Judge
I Parker absolutely refused to discuss
his plans previous to his notification.
So far as the notification is concern
| ed, it will be held at Rosement. Judge
Parker intends to remain here
j throughout the campaign, save per
haps for two or three absences to
make speeches in large cities such as
Chicago, Philadelphia and New York
and possibly Boston.
Secretary Hay Will Be Given Grand
Cross of Legion of Honor.
PARIS—The most important an
nouncement of the forthcoming list of
decorations following the French na
tional holiday will be that of President
! I-oubet conferring the grand cross of
the Legion of Honor upon Secretary
The grand cross is the higest grade
and is given only to personages the
government desires to signally honor.
An official said it was evidence of
Foreign Minister Delcasse's high re
gard for Mr. Hay’s conduct of foreign
affairs during the last five years. This
has constantly strengthened Franco
American relations, the latest being
American recognition of French para
mount authority in Morocco under the
Franco-British arrangement.
Mr*. Maybrick is Free.
TRURO, Cornwall, Eng—Mrs. Flor
ence Maybrick is free. She left her*
at 11:43 a.m. Wednesday on her way
to France.
Mrs. Maybrick's imprisonment was
not terminated with the clang ol
doors, the last sound which remains
in the ears of so many of her fellow
prisoners who had preceded her to
liberty from Aylesbury prison, where
she spent more than fourteen years of
her life. It closed before the arched
doorway of the white convent of the
Sisterhood of the Epiphany in this lit
tle town, with the black-robed sisters
softly uttering their blessings and
good withes for her future.
Jews Are Helpinq the Russians.
kin. in an interview with the Asso
ciated Press correspondent, asserted
that there were 15.000 .Tews fighting
in the Russian army in Manchuria.
The rabbi called attention to the fact
that when Jews fall in battle their
burial is different from that which oc
curs when death results in other
ways. The Talmudic law requires
that those who fall in battle shall be
buried in their blood. Therefore, the
bodies of such are not placed in
shoruds, but are interred in clothes.
Conference at Oyster Bay.
OYSTER BAY—After a conference
with President Roosevelt which last
ed far into the night and was re
sumed early Tuesday Former Secre
tary of War Elihu Root left Sagamore
Hill for New York, having important
business which made necessary his
return to New York. Beyond the
fact that the president and Mr. Root
considered the speech which the
former is to deliver on the 27th Inst
in response to the notification of his
nomination little could be learned
about the conference.
iravucu licit: atlclUUUIl. AlTUru*
ing to this paper the Japanese fleet,
composed of six cruisers, five gun
boats and twenty torpedo boats, was
seen early in the morning of July 10
to the southeast.
At 9 o'clock in the morning part of
| the Russian fleet moved to the en
trance of the inner harbor. The Jap
i anese torpedo boats then approached
and at 10:30 they were fired upon by
the gunboat Kiliak and the cruiser
Diana. The Japanese vessels retired.
At 5 o'clock in the afternoon several
torpedo boats again approached Port
Arthur. The cruiser Novik, with an
escort of torpedo boats, advanced
and the enemy retired the second I
During the night of the 10th six
teen Japanese torpedo boats formed
for attack. They were, however, dis- |
covered by the searchlights and re
tired under a heavy fire from the
forts. At a later hour that same
night a single torpedo boat made for
the entrance of the harbor at full
speed, but also retired under fire. The
whitehead torpedoes which had failed
to reach the cruisers at which they
had been discharged by the Japanese
were found at the entrance of the har
bor. \
On July 11 the Japanese fire from
the sea stopped and the Japanese as
cended Kinsan heights, from the sum
mit of which rapid fire guns were
used against the Russians. During
the evening of the 11th the Russian
batteries sent many shells from three
posititons against* the Japanese on
these heights. Later the Russian re
serve, accompanied by bands of mu
sic. began to move toward Ludsigdao.
The fire on the heights was very ef
News was received from Ta Tohe
Kiao yesterday that the Japanese had
broken through the Russian left flank
between Lieutenant General Count
Keller’s position and that of General
Rennenkampff. and that they were
marching on Mukden. The rumors to
this effect are persistent, but there
is no official confirmation of them.
Samhia Is Not Captured.
HAMBURG.—The Ham burg-Ameri
can line steamer Sambia passed Perim
at the southern entrance of the Red
sea. thus disproving the report of its
capture by a vessel of the Russian
volunteer fleet.
Doings of the Maccabees.
DETROIT, Mich.—The special com
mittee appointed to consider the reso
lutions submitted by the 224 Macca
bees’ tents who objected to i*e pro
posed readjustment of rates, and
asked for a more liberal representa
tion in the supreme tent, submitted
its report on Friday. The report rec
ommends that consideration »e given
those protests that were worded re
spectfully, and that the board of trus
tees take up the matter of punishing
those tents that submitted protests
couched in disrespectful language.
Report Fighting at Kaitou.
LONDON.—A dispatch to the Cen
tral News from Tokio says there is
reason to believe that a severe fight,
lasting 'all day, occurred July 19 at
Kaitou, north of Mo Tie* pass. An
other dispatch to the Central News
from Tokio says that a telegram from
the front announces that the engage
ment north of Mo Tien pass was pre
cipitated by the Russians, who at
tacked the Japanese positions at Sio
biayen, westward of Kaitou. After se
vere fighting the Russians were re
--!1L _-_—^3
A big crop of hay is being secured
in Lincoln county.
The Street fair put on at West
Point proved to be a great success.
Richard Dobson, of Clay county,
who served three terms in the Ne
braska legislature, died last week.
The Lincoln labor unions are mak
ing elaborate plans for the celebration
of Labor day in September. They ex
pect at attendance of about 4,000.
The school census of Otoe county
which has just been completed shows
that there are 3,578 boys and 3.609
girls of school age between the ages t
of 5 and 21.
At the special election for the pur
pose of voting bonds for $15,000 for j
a sewerage system for the city of
Wahoo the proposition carried by a
vote of 253 for and 104 against.
According to the completed returns
of the assessor the average value of
farm lands in Otoe county is $59.94.
and the total value of both personal
and real of the county is $35,003,927.
Ebert Laughlin, a section hand em
ployed at Paxton, while returning
from Ogalalla, where he had been as
sisting in clearing some wrecked cars
from the line, was injured by falling
from a moving train. He will re
Hans Peters, aged 63, a member of
a party of ten people from Gretna,
bound home from Bonesteel. died in
Norfolk from injuries received at the
junction Northwestern depot in Nor
folk when the special pulled in from
Eighty-five dollars per acre was the
price paid last week for 160 acres of
fine farm land in Grand Prairie town
ship, Platte county. The land is six
miles from Columbus and two years
ago it sold for $63 per acre and eight
years ago for $35.
Dr. E. C. Munk of Newman Grove
and Dr. J. G. Walker of Lindsay,
charged with alleged statutory assault
on the person of Nellie Thompson of
man iiruve, were dismissed oy
Tustice Ricnardson after the exami
nation of numerous witnesses.
Harry Kimmel of Blair, a guest at
the National hotel in Nebraska city,
lost a $25<> diamond ring in the wash
room of the hotel. Mr. Kimmel re- I
moved the ring while washing his
hands and left the room without tak- !
ing the diamond. A few minutes
later he discovered his loss.
A tramp was brought into Wahoo
from Touhy on the Union Pacific,
where he had his right arm crushed
under the train. He was taken to the
county jail, where County Physician
Smith, assisted by I>rs. Bush and
Tornholm, amputated the man's arm •
just above the wrist.
John Hoyt, of Sarpy county, while
on his way to Bonesteel, met with a
painful accident. He was eating his
lunch, when a small chicken bone j
lodged in his throat. He immediately !
returned to PapiBion, but the doctor *
was unable to remove the bone. The
sufferer then went to Omaha to get !
The school census of Otoe county
just completed shows there are 7,209
children of school age in Otoe county.
This includes ail the children between
the ages of 5 and 21 years old. There
are 3.57S hoys and 3,631 girls. The
census indicates there are twenty-one
more chilrren this year of school age
than there were last year.
Great interest is already manifest
ed in the Nebraska state fair. The
most spectacular feature of the fair
will be the appearance of Dan Patch,
who, on August 30. will pace one mile
against time. The management of
the fair will have to pay $1,500 for
this privilege, and, in addition. 20
cents from every ticket sold above
the number when Cresceus appeared
last year; admission gops to M. W.
Savage, the owner of Dan Patch.
Mrs. Robert Heckathorn. an old
resident of Gage county, has been
pronounced insane and ordered to the
nooeri uoison, a young man living
a few miles southwest of Mumboldt,
came in to receive medical atention
made necessary by an explosion of
some powder, a quantity of which the
young man ran across while burning
up some hens’ nests. The box had
been used about the house and it is
supposed the powder was stowed
away in it and forgotten.
A voucher for $2.37 back pay due
from the Civil war was received by
Adjutant General Culver from the
war department. The money, which
had never been solicited, was accom
panied by a 'statement to the effect
that settlement was made to enable
the government to close up its ac
counts with the soldiers of the Civil
war and to correct clerical errors
made by the paymasters when the
soldiers were mustered out of service.
The voucher was for $1.72 due Mr.
Culver for pay as a private from Sep
tember 21 to 24 inclusive, 1861, and
for 53 cents due for service on Oc
tober 14, 1864; also 12 cents for cloth
ing allowance for the same date.
Farmers of Sarpy county are com
plaining of rust in the wheat.
Thirty-seven years ago on the 19th
of July Lincoln was selected as the
capital city of Nebraska. David Bna
ler was at that, time governor of Ne
braska, T. P. Kennard was secretary
of state, and John Gillespie was state
auditor. These three formed a pros
pecting party empowered to fix upon
a definite site for the Capital City.
By a vote of two to one, Mr. Gillespie,
voting in favor of Ashland, the place
where Lincoln now is, was chosen for
the location of the capital.
A heary rainstorm visited the sec
tion about Auburn. The government
gauge showed a precipitation of two
George Caster has appealed to the
supreme court an action for damages
coming up from Valley county and
instigated by John F. Scheumenan.
The quarrel is over three head of cat
tle belonging to Caster and which
strayed from his pasture into a field
belonging to Scheumenan. Scheume
nan took up the cattle and refused
to give them back to Caster until dam
ages had been settled.
Work Will Commence With Many
Counties Yet to Report.
LINCOLN.—Owing to the delay of
county officials in getting their as
sessment reports the state board of
equalization will go to work with
many counties still missing. The
sessions will have to be of the stren
uous order if the law is complied with
for the reason that the statutes re
quire the report of the board to be
certified out to the counties by the.
first Monday in August, which this
year is August 1. This leaves less
than two weeks for the board to com
plete its work, and the task will he
a hard one.
Numerous reports have begun to
come in from various counties to the
effect that a mighty roar is going to
come in because property has been
assessed too high, and other reports
are to the effect that the railroads
are going out of their way to com
pel the board to raise the farmers
out of all proportion to what they
have been raised over last year.
Whether the farmer will leave his
wheat field and come in to plead his
case has not been announced, but con
stant rumor has it that the railroads
are loaded to the brim with figures
and probable threats that they intend
to unload for the edification of the
board that the people of the state
may still be taxed out of all propor
tion to the railraods.
For some reason it seems to be the
general opinion that the board will
use the valuation placed on railroad
property as a basis upon which to fix
ihe valuation of the different counties,
but no member of the board will ad
mit that such is the case. The board
doesn't seem to lenow how it will pro
ceed, though it is probable that the
first thing on the program will be to
listen to protests. From Douglas coun
ty comes the report that the rail
roads are very anxious that the peo
ple there be put on the defensive, and
it is common talk that they will try
to show the board- that it is a shame
the way Douglas county is beating
the state out of taxes. This because
citizens of Douglas county are large
ly responsible for the late increase iq
the value of railroads.
Elaborate Festivities Enjoyed at Ar
bor Lodge.
most elaborate dinners that has ever
been served in this city was given
at Arbor lodge in honor of Paul Mof
ton. the new secretary of the navy,
by his aunt. Miss Emma Morton, and
his brother. Joy Morton. The dinner
was strictly private as far as their
friends here were concerned, all of
the guests being guests from outside
of the city and the personal friends
of the new secretary. The tables
were spread in the monster dining
room of the new home at Arbor lodge,
which was completed this spring by
Mr. Joy Morton, to whom the father
entailed the property. The tables
were handsomely decorated with flow
ers. as were the rooms. Hidden be
hind a bower of flowers an orchestra
furnished the music. In the center
of the table was a great battleship
built of flowers and flying the flag of
the new secretary.
There wras no toast master, but a
number of impromptu speeches and
toasts were given. The members of
the party were in a jolly mood. All
were the personal friends of the new
secretary and therefore they made
public nothing of the little talks that
were made.
Receives Threatening Letter.
GRAND ISLAND.—A. Parkhurst, a
retail meat man. received a letter or
dering him to place $500 in a box
at flbe rear of his store or the writer
would blow his head off. He received
the letter two hours after the time
which be was to have placed the mon
ey there and found his head still on
Hoidredge Will Hold a Jubilee.
HOLDREDGE.—The business men
of Hoidredge are arranging for a
grand harvest jubilee here this fall,
the primary object of which is to
show up the resources of the county
in the way of agriculture, stock rais
ing. fruit growing, creamery products,
> '»■
Big Stallion Dies.
ST. PAUL.—Tama Jim. the biggest
and best horse in Frank lams’ import
ing stables, died very suddenly. He
is said to have been the largest stal
lion in America, weighing more than
2,000 pounds, and had taken many
prizes at state fairs and expositions
all over the country.
Boy Killed by Accident.
LEWISTON.—The 10-year-old son
of Mrs. George Hiller, who lives near
here, was shot and killed by the acci
dental discharge of a shotgun. The
boy had gone to the field with his two
brothers to see them start the binder.
He was seated on the machine hold
ing the gun with one hand over the
muzzle, when in some manner the gun
slipped off its resting place and was
discharged. The contents tore
through his hand and struck him in
the face near the chin, passed upward
and found lodgment in the brain.
Good Prospects for Fair.
LINCOLN.—Indications thus early
are brought for a glorious state fair
this year. Already more applications
have been made for pens in the swine
exhibit than ever before and applica
tions in other departments of the fair
are just as numerous. The Implement
men have been coming in pretty regu
larly this past week and all of this
space will soon be taken. Fraternal
societies expect to make a splendid
showing this year and the day set
apart for their special benefit will
be a hummer.
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