Loup City Northwestern - -- - — - ■ -u . 1 , '■■■'. —— VOLUME XXI. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1904 NUMBER 30 Professional Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attoney and Connselcr-at-Law - LOUP ei-TY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup Citv, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS. Jfl. U. .I/E./H Bonded Abstracter Locp City, - Nebraska. Oulv set of Abstract book9in county J. H. LONG Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION S. A. ALLEN. DEJVTIST, LOUP CITY. - - NEB. OFFICE.—One door east of St. Elmo Hotel. My eqnippment is modern and my prices will We as low as can be ex pected for good work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open evenings. In a dental operation the main consider ation is the result. The pain is greatly modified by modern eqnippment. Dr. a. R. NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFF1CE.—At my new residence second door east oi opera house LOCP CITY. : - - NEBRASKA. St. Elmo Hotel A. ERAZIM, Propr. LOUP CITY, - NEBRASKA Farmers’ Table a Specialty Farmers of Sherman bounty are specially invited to make the St Elmo their headquarters when at the county seat. Wesley McComDs Wesley Peiler McCOMBS % PEDLER Livery f Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teams are all good drivers and we are able to give you the best ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to ’ all who wisn our services. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED INSURE YOUR PROPERTY 1 am handling first-class in surance, and can give you the best of security against FIRE, LIGHTNING, WIND STORMS and TORNADOES in the St. Paul Fire Marine, Continental, Springfield, or National Ins. Co. ’s Will also insure against HAIL in the St Paul Fire Marine. Losses paid in full. Office with T. S, Night ingale, Loup City, Neb. F. E. Brewer , CONGER'S City Dray aid Transfer line J. W. it A. T. Conger, Props. All kinds of hanling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. Ice delivered in any part of town. Yoar patronage solicited, LOUP CITY, - - - NEBRASKA. P. Hoogenboezem Painter ail Panerttaap CONTRACTOB. Loup City, - Neb. Sign Work and Graining a Spe cialty. Wall Paper and Mouldings. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views, stock picturei etc. Fiuest instrument west of the Mlssour river. All work stricly guaranteed. The Northwestern . •""' 1 * *kt PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY iT THE COUNTY SKAT. TERMS:—*1.00 PER TEAR. IP PAID IN ADVANCI Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for tran f mission through the mails as second class matter* J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. JUDGE WALL FOR SENATOR Kearney Hub: In the republican senatorial convention Tuesday after noon tbe committee on resolutions reported the following, which were unanimously adopted: We the re publicans of the Sixteenth senator ial district in convention assembled, point with pride to the record and achievements of the present nation al administration, and pledge our selves anew to the carrying forward of *its principles at every opportu nity. We likewise commend the present administration of the state of Nebraska and take a pride in say iug that it has been wise, safe, and.economical and just. We call attention to tbe revenue law enacted by the republican legislature as a step towards the more equal distri bution of the “burdens of taxation,” favoring any amendment tending to make it still more just and effective and with provision for a township board of equalization, with right of appeal to the county board. We commend our senators and repre sentatives in tbe legislature for their successful efforts in the interest of education in Western Nebraska anu particularly in securing astablish ment aud location of the Western normal school. After the adoption of the resolutions, Hon Aaron Wall of Sherman county, was renominat ed for senator by acclamation. Sen ator Wall spoke briefly in accepting the nomination, heartily thanking the convention for its manifesta tion of approval of his course in the past and confidence in his future ac tions. C. H. Gregg of Buffalo county, and Dr. S. A. Main, of ISner man county, were named as sena torial committeemen, the former as chairman. They weie given power to fill anv vacancies. a/ Betting in New York City is two to one on Roo9evelt. A gentleman who travels exten ively over the west, says Missouri will give Roosevelt 40,000 majority. Now that all political parties have had their national conventions, we may expect the campaign to begin in earnest. Here’s a prediction: A vote of the democrats of this state alone would carry Nebraska for Roosevelt. Believe it? If Nominee Parker looks like all the published pictures of him, he must be a sort of composite num ber. Anyway, be will be a back number after election. The Chicago Chronicle is the first great democratic daily to bolt tbe Parker ticket. It does not like the wishy-washy action of that party on their platform. The paper will sup port Roosevelt. Bryan says he will support Par ker, but every w ord he utters gives good reason for his followers not doing likewise. Bryan’s vote may go to Parker but his influence will be the other way. As .Judge Parker was allowed to write the democratic plank on the subject of money, why didn’t they let his ruomrg mate, Millionaire Banker and Railroad President Da vis, wrrite the plank on trusts and combines? Senator Davis, toe democratic vice presidential candidate, is Steph en B. Elkins’ father-in-law, but El kins doesn’t propose to let the old gian carry West Virginia, if he is bis wife’s relation. Stephen is in 3 a tight bn*. Maybe there will be no fusion in Nebraska this year, as claimed by the populist head push, but why did the democrats and populists fix theii state conventions for the same place 1 and date—Lincoln, Aug. 10? Fun ny coincident, ain’t it? Couldn't Have Been an Editor.] It is astonishing how quickly young America catches on these j days, and astonishing things happen. | The following aptly illustrated both 1 propositions. The night before the | Fourth there was quite a crowd in Loup City and the hotel accommo- j dations were taxed to their limit, j and it was necessarv for a rotund, jolly traveling man from Ravenna, who was doing that country, to stay j all nignt in the city. He wa§ as signed to a room containing two beds, and, retiring, soon fell into a j tranquil slumber known only to those with a clear conscience. Awakening about daylight, lie look ed across to the other bed and saw that it was occupied by a young lady. Like the real nice mao he is he turned Over wish his face toward the wall and again went to sleep. About an hour later he again awoke and discovered that the lady had arose and was making her toilet, | and again he summoned sleep and found it. The writer had an intro duction to this man the next day and listened in open-mouthed won der at the recital of this story, after whi ' ' “ , | FRESH BREED END BUBS FROE TBE \ ■ CELEBRSTED CESS BROS BEKERY OF EURORE. ! . Also Flos ad Cites for sue here.. 7 • ; Two Doors West of Post Office. BAYNE & JONES, Loup City, Nebraska. W. IL MELLOR LOOP CITY,^NEBRASKA. Buys, Sells and Renter RE. 1 ESTATE - RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS AND LINCOLN LAND CO. TOWN LOTS. “5515155 BOUGHT AT THE B. & Mo Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale al Loae City aifl AsMon. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAOPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal aDd get prices on grain. __E. G- TAYLOR. John Solmes , ^DEALER IN* HARDWARE PTJRlTITTrRE Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, • Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed . Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR BINDING TWINE NOW Call and. See . W ,T. CHASE Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Drugs, Paipts, Oils, CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC. _LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA ————————————— -—-— SEE T. M. REED jp Q FARM MACHINERY, WAGONS, BUG GIES, WINDMILLS, PUMPS, HAY RAKES, STACKERS, SWEEPS. XiOn-p Pity, nSTe-brstsisa, I. DEPEW^^^^I Blacksmith s Wagon Maker! I I u—fj1-00 .lB >toa lArgrest and best equipped north of the Platte Elver I ho,r** en*lD« * complete line of the latest improved, ma I X5«« HSfJKn «. ISTlSifSJpSS.w bo k“w *“ow “ opet*‘“ ** ““ I MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT I ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. I The Jiofthwestefp pefYr