Iioaal Dews. Table Cutlery at P. O. Reed’s See D. C. Grow for Best Flour. Base balls and bats at P O. Reed’s. Mason’s Fruit Jars at P. O. Reed's See Bayne & Jones for Ice Cream in bulk. Summer drinks of all kind’s at the Model. See the great Belgian horse at the St. Elmo barn. New Soda Fountain in operation at the Model. Buy the O. K. Washing Machine at P. O. Reed’s. A good 3-year-old work horse for sale bv Dr Norton. All straw hats at cost at Johnson. Lorentz & Co's. Seethe new time card of; the TT. P. in another colfimn. Do you want a Cream Separator? T M. Reed sells them. Mrs.T. S. Nightingale is visiting her daugnter at Sargent. Don’t forget that sore shoulder. Nor ton's gall will cure it. V Banker Cully returned fiom Omaha the first of the week. Do you need a Sweep or Stacker? T. M. Reed sells them. D. M. Gue orders this paper to visit his home herafter. Thanks. E Munn was up from Hazard town ship on business, last Friday. Northern Milling Co.'s mill stuffs on sale by D. C. Grow. Try them. D. C. Leach weot up into the Rose bud country the first of the week. Mrs. Charley Frenqfr returned from her visit to Dwight last Thursday. Don’t forget the Pioneer Meat Mar ket for the best and juiciest steaks. Every hosekeeper wants best Hour in the market. D. C. Grow keeps it Jim Conger is up in Rosebud Agency this week, looking up a homestead. Reynolds has some of the finest veal this week we ever tasted. Try it. II. Smelser and W. II. Marvel were up from A.shton on business, Monday. If you are looking for hot weather suits, go to Johnson, Lorentz & Co's. J.B.Gietzner of Columbus on Monday added his name to our list of readers. W. D. Hover, Kmbalmer and Fu neral Director. Ready day or night. Boelus defeated Loup City, Tuesday, on the home grounds by a score of 7 to 3 The Draper Saddlerly Company have just received a fine line o£ Fly Nets and Dusters. Miss Ollive Burtch of Belleview.this state, is visiting her sister Mrs. W. D. Hover. Binding twine now on hand at T. M. Reed’s. Place your order for amount you may need. Mrs. M. P. Shelta, from Ifemingsford Neb., is here visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Cliasr. Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb., specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. See notice of the famous Kansas Seed [ Wheat for sale, in another column. Get your orders in early. New phones were on Tuesday of this week placed in the residences of A. B. Outhouse and Frank Lorcheck. There will be a dance at Jenner’s Park each Saturday night hereafter, until farther notice, weather permitting. Come and enjoy yourselves. S. E. Fowler of Kearney is here this week with his fine horse. lie expects to leave again Monday. We acknowl edge a pleasant call, last Tuesday. Boone, the Photographer, w’ill soon visit our farmer friends and take pho tographs of their homes, and any and ! all views desired. Hold your orders. It’s seldom we eat bologna, and when we do, we must know who prepared it. We tickled our ribs with a hunk made by Reynolds this w’eek. It was fine. • Word was received last evening from Arcadia that Mrs, Pearl Scott, youngest daughter of John Wall, was dangerous ly ill. Her bady died Wednesday morn ing. For Sale.—One Iloltman & Taylor Threshing Machine and 12-horse power steam engine. Thresher been in use about one year. Price, 81300. Iuauire of Jos. Damboski,Loup City, Neb. 31 Mrs W. M. Smelser of Rockville will have a clearing sale of Millinery, for one week only, beginning July 18, and ending July 23. Ladies’, Misses' $nd children’s untrimmed hats, 10c to 25c; trimmed, 25c to 82.00; baby capes, 15c to3oc. All trimmings at equally low prices. Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat aB forms of ch ronic diseases, such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumors, Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine ar.d --**-.the x-ray, hot air baths, elec Ind massage. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF S. N. SWEETLAND, Treasui-er of Sherman County, Nebraska, from January 1st, 1904, to July 1st, 1904. UOLLKCTIONS BY YEARS balance on hand July, 1st, 1901. Collections of. 1879, . 1885, . 1887, . . 1888, . 1889. . 1890, . 1891. . 1892, . 1893, . 1894, . 189ft, . 1896. . 18»7, . 1898, . 1899. . 1900, . 1901, . 1908, . 1903. Interest on deposits. School Lands,. Miscellaneous collections. State Apportionment.. 133,470 18 8ft 10 40 68 60 9 35 28 75 206 43 21 10 44 47 76 77 27 98 68 05 31 23 17 69 56 67 56 08 88 93 613 12 1.935 16 36 670 72 160 31 8.386 00 2.279 06 3,158 12 Total. * 87,486 02 NAMES OF FUNDS. Bal. on I hand Jan I 1904 Col. from all sources. Trans ferred to Trans ferred from Disburse ments. State Funds. County General. County Int. Uond. County Road . County Bridge. County Poor Farm. Soldiers Relief. Dist. School. Dist. School Judgment Dist. School Bond. Township Funds. Township Bonds. Township Judgment Special Thistle. Loup City Village.. . Loup City Vil. Bond Loup City Vil. Judgt, Litchtield Village... Ashton Village. Rockville Village_ Institute fund. Fines and Licenses. Printers fund. School orders . 2,720 (X) | 3.902 90 8,583 90 S0& 99 074 0* 207 81 9.031 48 285 18 1,897 5 3,213 44 199 34: 275 35 1.202 23 358 87 150 09 30 55 66 93 8 44 13 21 12.949 28i 5 907 81; 6.156 01 289 02 2.881 98 245 00 l 43 13,087 74 42 23 174 00 76 00 29 70 1,100 00 1,000 00 737 35 5,738 15' 2,630 951 1,210 22 16 70 755 03 557 30 5 98 5 42 112 0ft 20 80 174 85| 161 84 100 00 174 85 101 84 Com mis sions. Bal. on hand July 1, 1904. 14,665 03 $ 5.870 18 2 522 75 547 58 3.116 37 13.614 12, 237 57 6.615 09 2 198 50 1,100 00, 1,93500 140 00 25 00 30 70 231 151$ 574 571 06, ia> 3oi 7 37 224 00 103 00 47 37 05 29 58 21 82 23 21 4 41 82 1 16 783 10 2.205 90 12.217 76 107 43 1,440 29 245 00 209 18 8,999 80 285 18 2 .389 97 3,111 90 703 04 103 35 10 05 155 12 894 41 35 70 35 17 3 48 82 51 76 00 70 77 174 00 Total.* 33 470 18 * 54.015 84 $ 1.436 69 * 1.436 69 $ 51,007 89 ft 1,352 30 $ 34,525 83 Amount of Money tn Depositories and in Office: Items in Office: — Cash..$ SI 36 School orders held for investment of school bond fund 174 00 School orders held for investment Co. Int. bond fund 2.562 71 Township orders held for investment Co. Int. bond fund_ 440 40 County Bridge War. held for Invest, of Co. Int. Bd. fund .. 1,600 64 Deposited in banks: The First National Bank of Loup City. 18,775 82 Bank of Ashton. 4,000 Litchfield State Bank. «,33t Nebraska Fiscal Agency. New York. 600 Total. * 34.525 SI 8 8 8 The State of Nebraska | County of Sherman, | s* s’ I, S. N. Sweetland, treasurer of said county do solemly swear tbat the foregoing statement is correct as I verily believe. S. N. Sweetland, Treasurer. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 2nd day of July, 1904. G. H. Gibson, Clerk. (seal) Approved July 11th, 1904. D. C. Grow, Chm. Sherman Co. Board. MissRae Harris of Wisconsin is a! guest of Mrs U. L. Arthur. Miss Leslie McCain from Marquette is visiting her sister, M*ss Belle McCain of the St. Elmo. Art Eisner lias done some tine letter-; ingon on the big window's of his father’s place of business. Mrs. Clara Hawk expects to leave within a fortnight foj an extended visit with friends in Iowa and Missouri. Thanks to W. O. Brown for another year’s subscription to the paper repre senting his glorious political views. We trust the unsightly weeds run ning riot over Loup City may receive' their quietus before the date of the car nival. Our good mother returns thanks to Mr. Frank Brewer for a magnificent bouquet of roses. Nothing too good for our mother. H. F. Hobart was in from Litchfield, Sunday morning, and reported much damage west of town to crops by Sat urday night's storm. County Judge An^ier on Tuesday is* sued license to and married Henry Jens of Logan township to Miss Bessie Ket tle of Ashton township. The wedding occuned at noon. A foot race of 100 yards, Tuesday evening, by a Boelus man and a farmer living near Loup City, proved to be a walk-away for the former. The wagers were 2 to 1 in favor of the home product before the start. Robert Mathew and Chris. Johansen, with their hounds, went wolf hunting last Thursday, and the boys bagged two each, having an exciting chase through out. Rob's big stag hound got one to its creoit alone, after a merry race and most vicious encounter Last Saturday night's heavy rain caused a washout on the U. P. road, about live miles east of Loup City, some sixtv-five feet in length and in some portions to a depth of five feet. A track gang worked Sunday and most of Monday repainng «he same, no trains being able to run till late Monday even ing. We received a pleasant call, Friday, from Prof. F. M Watenpaugh of Grand Isl ind college, was here in the Interest of his school. The Grand Island college has a good and growing reputation for good work, we are glad to note, and it will pay those interested in educational matters to investigate, before deciding where to send their childien to school. The two St. Paul papers did not see the Loup City-St. Paul game of the Fourth with the same goggles. The Phonograph claimed the umpire was overbalanced in favor of the former club, while the Republican failed to see but that the game was umpired in an entirely impartial manner, and that the kicks registered by the St. Paul boys was entirely uncalled for and unjust or words to that eflect. We are rather of the opinion, from what woint about one hundred (ux*) rods southeast of railroad cross ing, on section hne between sections nineteen (19> and twenty (20), and run ning thence across to the south side of railroad track, thence in a south and southwesterly direction about eighty (80) rods on the east side of the existing fence between the plowed land and pasture and terminating at the nearest point of junction with the present road, which runs near the creek bank, has reported in favor thereof, and all objec tions thereto, or claims for damage, must be tiled in (he office of the county clerk ot Sherman county, Nebraska, on or before the 20th day ot September, 1904, or such road will be established without reference thereto Dated this 18th day of July, 11*04. Geo. H. Gibson, County Clerk. Last pub. Aug. 4. Do you read The Northwestern? If not, why not? l^ess than 2c per week U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhrss Daily Trains to Calil'oi nia. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS: — No. 90 leaves dally except Sunday .pa — auger). 7:23a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesdav and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:30 p. m. No. 8“ arrives dally except Sunday (mixed) 12:0.) p. 111. No N5 arrives daily except Sunday (pe enger) 7s33 p. ui. No. 80 (passenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays d Saturdays, arrives at 6:S<’> p m. Firs! class service and close connect!. ns east, west and south. Tickets sold to t ’ points and baggage checked through ti destination. Information will b« cht. tolly furnished on application to Frank Hiskh, 4g«ni, r W . NOTICE Tv) LAND OWNERS, l o all whom it. may concern:— The commissioner appointed to view a road commencing at Road No. 09. -»t the southwest corner of section 9, tow n ship 10. range 151, and running them e south on section line between sections 10 and 17, 20 and 21. 28 and 29, to the southwest corner of section 28, then e cast one mile, and terminating at the southeast corner of section 28, all in Sherman county, Nebraska, has repoit ed in favor thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damage must be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Sherman county, Nebraska, on or before noon of the 31st day of Angus', liHH, or said road will be established without reference thereto Dated this 1st day of July. 1904. Geo. H. Gibson, County Clerk, Last pub. July 21. To the Farmer. I am preparing a medicine for shoal, aer galls that will cure the worst of them and work the horse every day. Come and see. 1 also have a prepara tion that will cure barbed wire cuts and yon need not wash the sore once. Will leave no scars to amount t«» any thing, if used as directed. Dr. A. II. Norton. Loop City. I 'I